Chapter Two Summery From The Past To The Present 100 Years of Technology

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• A number of retrospective publications have documented the
history of computer assistant language learning CALL
• The basic media used in language instructions (such as photos text
video etc.) have remained constant overtime although the
technologies that delivered them have not.
• Technologies of distant past seemed quaint to us now, but the issues
and the caveats voiced regarding technology and language
learning still apply.

Phonograph disk (Charles Clark 1918)

advantages and limitations of using phonograph disks as an ancillary to
French language teaching.
1. one high quality recordings of native speaker
2. involvement of enthusiastic teachers.
3. adhering to an effective method (which is reading the text with the
4. Curbing expectation of technology: (restricting the use of
recordings to build pronunciation skills).
disadvantages (key issues)
1. quality of the material.
2. Teachers’ engagement and training.
3. Suitability of technology to a specific instructional goal.
4. Sound pedagogical principles.

Technology in ELT 2022 Mariam Ben Hassona
Early 20th century progressive eclecticism
• In the first half of the 20th century, audio and visual materials were
delivered to accompany written text.
• The use of technology was driven by language teaching methods of
the time.

1. The grammar translation method

The traditional approach used to teach Latin Greek, played a dominant
role in modern language instruction during the 20th century and
technology had no role in supporting it.

2. Berlitz method, natural method, direct method

These methods emphasized the ability to speak and advocated extensive
oral practice, while deemphasizing the teaching of grammar.

These methods embraced audiovisual technologies that brought the

language as spoken by native speakers to the classroom.

Technology of the early 2oth century:

I. Audio format and phonograph

For practice in pronunciation and intonation as well as listening

II. Radio
Was a conduit for distant learning.

III. photographs and slides joined by films

media to bring culture and language to the classroom.

Technology in ELT 2022 Mariam Ben Hassona
Mid-century, repetition as mother of learning
Skinner’s behaviorist learning theory and the audio-lingual
method (AML)
Both emphasized repetitions, promoting a surge in language laboratories,
which provided students access to native speaker voices and drills to
internalize sentence patterns and promote automaticity.

Mainframe computers
CALL developers recognized that benefits of using computers to practice
the forms of language, particularly grammar and vocabulary

• Self pacing and self selection of exercises.

• Immediate performance feedback.
• Assessment of mastery, based on communitive performance.
• Liberating teachers from correcting, freeing up class time for
communitive activities.

The 1960s through the early 1980s: interactivity and

During this. Plethora of new methods end second language acquisition
theories that emphasized communication through interaction gained
attention of language educators

On the technology front, the face of computing changed radically with

the introduction of microcomputers. Film audiotape and videotape
continued as the principal instructional technologies for language.

Language specific peripheral devices also appeared including

computer-controlled audiocassettes. These peripheral allowed language
software developers to integrate interactive audio and video in a
controlled way for listening comprehension exercises.

Microcomputers and their tools hastened the demise of mainframe


Technology in ELT 2022 Mariam Ben Hassona
The 1980s compelling new context
in an attempt to break out of the drills-and-practice this mold that typified
CALL in the 1980s some developers experimented with games and
simulations this was the beginning of intelligent CALL (ICALL).
Games constituted the antithesis of drills-and-practice, offering instead a
fun context for communitive language use.
Given the pedagogical emphasis on commutative skills, interest in
exploiting authentic media increased dramatically. The response for this
demand was immediate by publishers and nonprofit distributors reducing
feature films, documentaries, drama and comedy show etc.

Technologies of the 1980s:

I. data driven language learning on microcomputers
early microcomputers conducting programs were used by teachers to
provide authentic language of samples of specific words and forms in
their context. in addition to that it represented and active learning
environments for students

II. Corpora (collection of student-produced language)

corpora was used to analyze learning interlanguage development to
identify common student lexical and grammar problems that could be
addressed by instructor follow stop.

III. Satellite technology

Satellite technology for language learning started in the 1980s by
broadcasting authentic foreign language television news.

IV. Interactive video disc

Was one among most promising technologies which featured rapid
precise playback of video clips. video disc never flourished, so the format
was relatively short, replaced by CDs and DVDs in the 1990s.

V. Computerized adaptive testing (CAT)

The major benefits of CAT were (1) decreased testing time (2) decreased
students' frustration (3) increased test security.
Disadvantages; calibrating and determining the reliability and validity of
test items.

Technology in ELT 2022 Mariam Ben Hassona
The 1990s towards new competencies
Language methods of the time were very much anchored in
communicative competence with emphasis on effective and appropriate
use of the target language and meaningful engagement with culture.

Standards for language learning

• In us:
Standards for foreign language learning were published preparing for the
21st century which reflected current trends in the language profession
and focused on building proficiency in five spheres; communications,
cultures, connections, comparisons and communities.
• In Europe:
European framework focused on building successful communication and
intercultural skills as well as the social political dimension of language
learning. The media and CALL resonated the standards.

Technologies of 1990s:
You generation networkable computers
networking microcomputers, to both local and remote services, became
the norm during this. Microcomputers Became a work station supporting
not only localized activities but also centralized Internet services, such as
email and word Wide web.

The web
the web expanded quickly across the globe to host a vast digital
multilingual repository off authentic Media_ text, images, video, and
audio. this unified multimedia environment could deliver in depth learning
through presentation of content of different types linked together in a
meaningful way. Search engines served as research tools for students to
find, analyze and synthesize information from foreign sites, Constructing
their own knowledge about their target language culture.

Games software
Games software attracted moderate attention during this time. number of
commercial single player games were used to ancillaries to language

Technology in ELT 2022 Mariam Ben Hassona
• Advantage: Although not targeted for ESL learners, it was useful
because of the extensive reading necessary to play the game and
the practice in using alphabetically arranged reference work.
• Disadvantage: Their ratio of time spent using the language to time
spent playing the game was very poor.

Early 21st century the social turn

With the turn of the 21st century came a social turn called in CALL and the web.
Sociocultural Theoretical influences became more apparent in language
instruction, with the view of the learner as a social being, cognitive and linguistic
development occurs through social instruction mediated by language.
Educational models have largely shifted away from exclusively teacher-
centered classrooms toward student- oriented, active and collaborative
learning environment, with the student as creator of digital text and no longer
tide exclusively to desktop computer workstations. language students routinely
use wireless mobile devices –laptops, tablets and smartphones- to access
lessons, to engage in development projects, and interact with other learners.

Cultura is one of the longest running and successful telecollaborative projects,
cultura is based on a model of a web based intercultural exchange that enable
students from different countries to co-construct a deep understanding of each
other's cultural attitudes, beliefs and values. it's aims to build students
intercultural awareness and Intercultural communication systems.

hyper language courses

are courses that's implement face to face meeting with online components,
and online courses, where every aspect of the course is conducted online. Due
to economic and particular issues in higher education, hyper language courses,
which meet fewer times per week face to face have been launched as means
to save money. Fewer people can be responsible for more students and the
computer offers an effective way to deliver the tutorial and practice aspect of
the curriculum, making it possible to use in-class time exclusively for
commutative activities

Technology in ELT 2022 Mariam Ben Hassona

 Quaint: strange
 Caveat: warning
 Retrospect: Review of past courses/ look back
 Ancillary: restrain / control
 Deemphasize: reduce the importance of
 Serge: rise and fall/ to move like a wave
 Plethora: increase
 Peripheral: Input-output device
 Demise: end
 Antithesis: The opposite of
 Exploit: take advantage of
 Resonated: reduce electrical resonance
 Repository: storage unit
 Pivotal: essential.

Technology in ELT 2022 Mariam Ben Hassona

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