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DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8 - Administrator's Guide

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DataFlux Data Management

Server 2.8: Administrator’s


SAS® Documentation
September 12, 2019
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2019. DataFlux® Data Management Server 2.8: Administrator’s
Guide. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
DataFlux® Data Management Server 2.8: Administrator’s Guide
Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA

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September 2019
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What's New in DataFlux Data Management Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Chapter 1 • Introducing the DataFlux Data Management Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Introduction to the DataFlux Data Management Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How It Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introducing the User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introducing the Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter 2 • Configuring the DataFlux Data Management Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Post-Installation Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Update Security Files after Exporting Users and Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
About Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Configure Additional Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Set Directory Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Configure DataFlux Data Management Server to Run Studio Jobs and Services . . . . . 17
Profile Job Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Chapter 3 • Managing Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Security Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
About Security Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
About Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
About Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Configure a SAS Metadata Server for Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Configure Mid-Tier Options for Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Manage Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Control Access by IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Configure Enhanced Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Encrypt Passwords for DSNs and SSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Troubleshoot Security Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Chapter 4 • Administering the DataFlux Data Management Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Start or Stop the Server on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Start or Stop the Server on UNIX or Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Troubleshoot Server Start or Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Administer DataFlux Data Management Server Log Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Administer Data Service Log Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Administer Log Files for Batch and Profile Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Enable the SOAP Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Change Log Events and Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Troubleshoot ActiveX Error to Display Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Chapter 5 • Managing Data Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Overview of Data Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Configure the Data Access Component (DAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Display Data Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Create a Server Job That Uses a Driver and a Data Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Use the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Use dfdbconf and dfdbview for UNIX and Linux ODBC Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
iv Contents

Create a Domain-Enabled ODBC Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Create a Custom Data Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Create a SAS Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Edit a Data Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Delete a Data Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Manage ODBC Credentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Troubleshoot ODBC Data Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
About the APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Overview of Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Configure the SOAP and WLP Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Configure the Server to Pre-load Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Browse Available Services and WSDLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Apply SOAP Commands and WSDL Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Define Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Terminate Real-Time Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Manage the DFWSVC Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Manage the DFWFPROC Process Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Manage DFWFPROC Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Run Jobs with the dmpexec Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Configure Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Collect Job Status Information with the SAS Job Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
About the Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Troubleshoot Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Load Balance Service Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Customize the Server’s WSDL File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Customize the WSDL File for Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Customize the WSDL File for C# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Configuration Options Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Appendix 1 • Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Recommended Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

What's New in DataFlux Data

Management Server


The September 2019 update for DataFlux Data Management Server 2.8 includes changes
to the profile data that you can generate. New databases are supported.

General Enhancements

• To enhance testing, you can now generate profile data for each node that runs in a
server job. See “Profile Job Nodes”.
• To configure multiple server instances on a single host, separate SAS Home paths are
required. See “Set Directory Permissions”.
• The supported databases for data storage have been updated. For more information,
see DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User’s Guide.
vi What's New in DataFlux Data Management Server


The DataFlux Data Management Server software includes features that improve
usability for the disabled. The usability features are related to accessibility standards for
electronic information technology that were adopted by the United States (U.S.)
Government under Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
If you have questions or concerns about the accessibility of DataFlux products, please
send an email to techsupport@sas.com.
viii Accessibility

Chapter 1

Introducing the DataFlux Data

Management Server

Introduction to the DataFlux Data Management Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How It Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introducing the User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
About the Navigation Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
About the Information Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Introducing the Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Introduction to the DataFlux Data Management


The DataFlux Data Management Server provides consistent, accurate, and reliable
access to data across a network by integrating real-time data quality, data integration,
and data governance routines. With DataFlux Data Management Server, you can
replicate your business rules for acceptable data across applications and systems,
enabling you to build a single, unified view of your enterprise. The server implements
business rules that you create in DataFlux Data Management Studio, in both batch and
real-time environments. DataFlux Data Management Server enables pervasive data
quality, data integration, process orchestration, and master data management (MDM)
throughout your enterprise.
The Data Management Server provides a service-oriented architecture (SOA) application
server that enables you to execute batch or profile jobs on a server-based platform, in
Windows, Linux, or UNIX. By processing batch and profile jobs where the data resides,
you avoid network bottlenecks and take advantage of performance features available
with higher-performance computers.
In addition, the Data Management Server executes real-time data services and real-time
process services. These services can be invoked by any web service application, such as
SAP, Siebel, Tibco, or Oracle. You can convert your existing batch jobs to real-time
services, to reuse the business logic that you developed for data migration or to load a
data warehouse. You can apply your real-time services at the point of data entry to
ensure consistent, accurate, and reliable data across your enterprise.
2 Chapter 1 • Introducing the DataFlux Data Management Server

The following diagram shows how DataFlux Data Management Server connects to other
servers and clients:

RDBMS Fixed/
Delimited Files
Message Queues

Wire drivers,
native text SOAP over

Data Management Server

Local Quality Knowledge Base

Available Access Control
Reference files (postal, geocode, custom)


Data Management Visual Process SAS Servers: Network QKBs,

Studio Orchestration Metadata Server Business Rules
Web Client
Authentication Server
Federation Server
Web Studio Server
Visual Process Orchestration Server

Security on the Data Management Server is implemented through external authentication

and internal authorization. External security services are provided by the SAS Metadata
Server. To authenticate, the SAS Metadata Server sends credentials to a native
authentication provider.
Users and groups are defined and stored on the SAS Metadata Server. To authorize
access to jobs, services, and commands, the DataFlux Data Management Server queries
the SAS Metadata Server for a user’s group memberships. To grant permissions, the
memberships are applied to locally maintained access control entries and security
configuration options. Enhanced security, featuring HTTPS and FIPS 140-2 compliance
for the SOAP interface, is provided when you enable the DataFlux Secure software, as
described in the DataFlux Secure Administrator’s Guide.
Introducing the User Interface 3

The Data Management Server is provided as part of an increasing number of enterprise

solutions, including SAS MDM and SAS Visual Process Orchestration.

How It Works
The DataFlux Data Management Server is responsible not only for sending and
receiving SOAP requests, but also for monitoring the progress of all registered data
management services. Job status information is available in DataFlux Data Management
Studio, and, when configured, in the Job Monitor add-in the SAS Environment Manager
On the Data Management Server, SOAP and WLP (web application logic) servers listen
on separate ports. When the server receives a job run request, the server authenticates,
authorizes, and sends the request to a threaded process. The process runs and executes
the real-time data service, real-time process service, batch job, or profile job. When the
job is complete, the server sends data to the client and the process is assigned to the next
job run request.
You can preload processes, spawn new processes, and enqueue job run requests as
needed to customize server performance for the dynamics of your enterprise. The use of
separate processes for job run requests enables robust error recovery and effective
distribution of processing across multiple CPUs.
The Data Management Server handles the following processes:
• Client queries the server to return the names of available services. If the server
receives a list services request, the server simply queries the services directory and
returns the name of each found file.
• Return requested input/output fields for a specified service.
• Pass data and macros to a service, run the service, and receive output data and
macros in return. When the server receives a service request, it identifies an idle
service, sends data to the idle service, and listens for additional requests. If an idle
service is not available, the server will load a new service into memory and pass the
data or macros to the new service. The server monitors the service progress; as soon
as the service returns output, the server sends the output back to the client
application. If the service fails for any reason, the server will terminate the service
process and return an error message to the calling application. After a service
completes a request, both changed and unchanged data and macros will be reset to
their default values.

Introducing the User Interface

The user interface for DataFlux Data Management Server is provided by DataFlux Data
Management Studio. To display the interface, open the Administration riser bar and
click the DataFlux Data Management Servers riser bar. DataFlux Data Management
Studio then displays a tree view of your Data Management Servers in the left-hand
navigation pane. The right-hand information pane displays a list of server names.
4 Chapter 1 • Introducing the DataFlux Data Management Server

About the Navigation Pane

The left-hand navigation pane provides a toolbar that contains the following icons:
Action Menu
Used to create, edit, and delete a DataFlux Data Management Server. Here you can
change the server's credentials and unload idle processes (that are not real-time data
services processes).
Used to register a new DataFlux Data Management Server, so that you can connect
to it.
Enables you to import items from a repository.
Enables you to export the selected object to a repository.
Enables you to export the selected object to a repository.
Enables you to expand all folders for the selected server.
In the tree view, you can expand a server to display information about the jobs and
services that are available on that server. Right-click to connect.

About the Information Pane

The right-hand information pane provides a toolbar that contains the following icons:
Enables you to register a new DataFlux Data Management Server.
Enables you to import items from a repository.
Enables you to export the selected object to a repository.
Enables you to edit the selected object. If this option is not available, you cannot edit
the object.

Introducing the Directories

The following table lists the directories that are created when you install DataFlux Data
Management Server.

Directory Description

\bin Contains the executable files for this platform.

Introducing the Directories 5

Directory Description

\data Contains files that include data information that is specific to

this installation.

\data\install Contains a collection of files pertinent to installation such as

templates and scripts.

\doc Contains the documentation that is installed with the server.

\etc Contains the configuration and license files.

\lib Contains the library files for this platform.

\etc\dftkdsn Contains the non-ODBC data connection configurations.

\etc\dsn Contains the saved credential files for each data source name

\etc\license By default, the location where the license files reside. The path
to the license file is located in the etc\app.cfg file.

\etc\macros Contains the .cfg files, which specify the macro key and value
pairs. All files in this directory are loaded in alphabetical order.

\etc\repositories Contains the sample repository configuration file, server.rcf. The

repository configuration file defines the location of the
repository file that is used by the server to run profile jobs.

\etc\security Contains files that specify server commands and permissions for
specific users and groups.

\share Contains message files that are needed by the software. If the
files are removed, the software will fail to run. The directory
also contains a sample copy of the WSDL file, which is used by
the DataFlux Data Management Server.

\var Contains the log files from the running of the DataFlux Data
Management Server as well as job-specific logs.

\var\repositories Contains the sample repository file, server.rps.

6 Chapter 1 • Introducing the DataFlux Data Management Server

Chapter 2

Configuring the DataFlux Data

Management Server

Post-Installation Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
First-Time Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Upgrade Server Software Using Manual Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Upgrade Server Software without Manual Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Update Security Files after Exporting Users and Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Run the Dftool Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Summary of Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Specify Default Credentials for Dftool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
About Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Configure Additional Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Address Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Configure the Quality Knowledge Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Configure DataPacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Set Directory Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Configure DataFlux Data Management Server to Run Studio Jobs and Services . 17
Profile Job Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Post-Installation Tasks

Complete the following tasks after you install or upgrade DataFlux Data Management
Server software. After you complete these tasks, the server will be fully operational.
If you are installing your first instance of DataFlux Data Management Server, refer to the
next topic “First-Time Install”.
If you are upgrading DataFlux Data Management Server, then your post-installation
tasks differ depending on the type of the upgrade. If your upgrade requires manual
migration, then see “Upgrade Server Software without Manual Migration”.
If your upgrade replaced the previous version of the server software, then migration is
not required. See “Upgrade Server Software without Manual Migration” on page 8.
8 Chapter 2 • Configuring the DataFlux Data Management Server

First-Time Install
Complete the following tasks when you install your first DataFlux Data Management
• Create and implement a security policy.
• As needed, configure the security features that are supported by DataFlux Secure.
DataFlux Secure enables SSL, advanced encryption, and FIPS compliance, as
described in DataFlux Secure: Administrator’s Guide, at http://support.sas.com/
• Configure a repository using DataFlux Data Management Studio, as described in
DataFlux Data Management Studio User’s Guide, at http://support.sas.com/
• Set directory permissions.
• Configure the server to run DataFlux Data Management Studio jobs and services.
• Configure additional software such as Address Update and the Quality Knowledge

Upgrade Server Software Using Manual Migration

The manual migration of server files is required if you upgraded your server software
without automatically replacing the previous server instance. Complete the following
tasks to manually migrate server files:
• Migrate files from an existing server, as described in DataFlux Migration Guide. The
guide is available at http://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/dfdmstudio/
• As needed, configure the security features that are supported by DataFlux Secure.
DataFlux Secure enables SSL, advanced encryption, and FIPS compliance, as
described in DataFlux Secure Administrator’s Guide, at http://support.sas.com/
• Run the dftool utility to update DataFlux Data Management Server security files, as
described in “Update Security Files after Exporting Users and Groups” on page 9.

Upgrade Server Software without Manual Migration

Complete the following tasks if your upgrade process automatically replaced the
previous instance of the server software
• As needed, configure the security features that are supported by DataFlux Secure.
DataFlux Secure enables SSL, advanced encryption, and FIPS compliance, as
described in DataFlux Secure Administrator’s Guide, at http://support.sas.com/
• As needed, run the dftool utility to complete the migration of users and groups from
DataFlux Authentication Server to SAS Metadata Server. The dftool utility updates
DataFlux Data Management Server security files to support this migration,as
described in “Update Security Files after Exporting Users and Groups” on page 9.
You can also run the dftool utility if it failed to run during installation, or to confirm
the successful update of all users and groups.
Update Security Files after Exporting Users and Groups 9

Update Security Files after Exporting Users and


Use the dftool utility to update local security files after you export users and groups from
DataFlux Authentication Server to SAS Metadata Server. In the security files, the dftool
utility replaces DataFlux Authentication Server IDs with SAS Metadata Server IDs. The
update process ensures that the security files are synchronized with the SAS Metadata
The dftool utility displays and logs all IDs that were replaced, and also displays and logs
any DataFlux Authentication Server IDs that remain. IDs are replaced only if matching
users or groups are found on the SAS Metadata Server.
Replacing or removing all DataFlux Authentication Server IDs ensures appropriate
access to server resources.
After running dftool, a restart is required for DataFlux Data Management Server.

The prerequisites for running the dftool utility are as follows:
• As needed, install, update, configure, and start your SAS Metadata Server.
• On DataFlux Authentication Server, make sure that all users and groups were
successfully exported to SAS Metadata Server, as described in DataFlux
Authentication Server: Administrator’s Guide, at http://support.sas.com/
• Obtain login credentials that are recognized by SAS Metadata Server. The
credentials must meet the following requirements:
• On SAS Metadata Server, the credentials must be granted the Read Metadata
• On DataFlux Data Management Server, the credentials must have Read, Write,
and Delete permissions for the following directories:


You can enter credentials on the command line when you run dftool, or you can
enter default credentials into a configuration file, as described in “Specify
Default Credentials for Dftool” on page 11.
• If DataFlux Data Management Server runs in the UNIX operating environment, then
set the environment variable TKERSA2_LIB_PATH as follows:
release-number/dmserver/lib/tkts export TKERSA2_LIB_PATH

Note: Your instance of the path shown above might contain an incorrect name for
the release-number directory. This occurs when the server software upgrade
process replaces the previous version of the software in the directory of the
previous release. If you are uncertain about the current release of your software,
10 Chapter 2 • Configuring the DataFlux Data Management Server

check the dates on the files in the directory. You can change the name of the
release-number directory without causing errors.
• Configure the DataFlux Data Management Server to authenticate using SAS
Metadata Server. Specifically, in the file dmserver-install-path\etc
\app.cfg, the value of configuration option BASE/AUTH_SERVER_LOC needs
to be the fully qualified network name of SAS Metadata Server. If you have a
clustered SAS Metadata Server, then the network name needs to identify the cluster
configuration file.
• To generate a log file for dftool, the following configuration file must be present on
the server host: dmserver-install-path\etc\dftool.log.xml. If
DataFlux Data Management Server was recently upgraded, then the configuration
file is installed with the name dftool.log.xml.new. This filename has to be
changed before a log file can be generated by the dftool utility. The .new extension
must be removed from the filename.

Run the Dftool Utility

Follow these steps to run the dftool utility:
1. Meet the prerequisites in the preceding topic.
2. Open a shell window on the host of DataFlux Data Management Server. Change to
the following directory and enter the following command:
dmserver-install-path\bin> dftool dismigrtsec

Note: In certain Windows operating environments, you are required to open an

Administrator: Command Prompt window. One way to open this window is to
enter the following text in Search programs and files:
command prompt - Administrator

3. The dftool utility displays a prompt to enter alternate credentials for connecting to
SAS Metadata Server. Select Enter to bypass the entry of alternative credentials.
4. The dftool utility displays its activities and exits. For further information about dftool
processing, including the copying and renaming of security files, see “Summary of
Execution” on page 11.
5. Examine the shell text or the log files to ensure that all IDs from DataFlux
Authentication Server were replaced. Two log files are generated each time you run
dftool: dftool.log and dftool_security.log. The log files are located in the directory
dmserver-install-path\var. Dftool.log is the platform debug log file.
Dftool_security.log is a summary log file that lists only the DataFlux Authentication
Server IDs that were not matched and replaced by SAS Metadata Server IDs.
If no unmatched IDs from DataFlux Authentication Server remain, then the summary
log file will be empty. If unmatched IDs are found, then the summary log file
contains an entry in the following format for each affected security file:
unknown old ID: 'FF4ADD49C7599BA479FB9C13C742E8C0'
unknown old ID: 'FF4ADD49C7599BA479FB9C13C742E8C1'
Processed file: 'C:\Program Files\DataFlux\DMServer\2.7\bin\etc\security\users'

If the log files indicate that unmatched IDs remain, then consider running PROC
ASExport again on your DataFlux Authentication Servers, as described in DataFlux
Authentication Server 4.1 Administrator’s Guide, 2nd Edition. After the export, run
dftool again on DataFlux Data Management Server.
Update Security Files after Exporting Users and Groups 11

If no unmatched DataFlux Authentication Server IDs are found (summary log file
empty), then the cause might be one or more following:
• All IDs were previously replaced.
• Your credentials for running dftool do not have appropriate permission to read or
display users and groups from the SAS Metadata Server.
• PROC ASExport did not run or did not run correctly. Examine the log files to see
the users and groups that were exported to SAS Metadata Server.
If PROC ASExport indicates that all users and groups have been exported,
unmatched IDs can still exist on DataFlux Data Management Server. To resolve this
condition, verify that the unmatched users and groups are not present on your SAS
Metadata Server or DataFlux Authentication Servers. Next, delete those users or
groups from the security settings on your DataFlux Data Management Server, using
the administrative interface in DataFlux Data Management Studio.
6. Restart DataFlux Data Management Server so that the server can read the new
security files into memory.

Summary of Execution
The dftool utility runs as follows:
1. Open app.cfg to determine the network name of SAS Metadata Server, as specified
by the option BASE/AUTH_SERVER_LOC. Also look for alternative credentials in
2. Request from SAS Metadata Server the users and groups that were migrated from
DataFlux Authentication Server. If no users or groups are returned, dftool exits.
3. Search the DataFlux Data Management Server security files for user and group IDs
that were generated by DataFlux Authentication Server. If one is found, and if the
associated user or group has a match on SAS Metadata Server, then copy and rename
the security file. In the original security file, replace the old ID with the ID from SAS
Metadata Server. Rename the file with a numeric suffix such as .001 or .012. The
suffix indicates the number of times that the original security file has been replaced
by previous runs of the dftool utility.
If an ID from DataFlux Authentication Server is found, and if a matching user and
group is not found, then log the unmatched ID for that security file.

Specify Default Credentials for Dftool

Follow these steps to define default credentials that will be used by the dftool utility to
connect to SAS Metadata Server. Default credentials are helpful if you are not running
dftool with credentials that provide read metadata access on SAS Metadata Server.
1. Edit the file dmserver_install_path\etc\app.cfg.
2. Add or update the following configuration options:

Note: To encrypt a new password, use PROC PWENCODE, as described in Base

SAS Procedures Guide.
3. Save and close the configuration file.
12 Chapter 2 • Configuring the DataFlux Data Management Server

4. Run dftool again to pick up the changes in the configuration file.

About Configuration
The configuration of the DataFlux Data Management Server is specified in the server
definition on the SAS Metadata Server, and in the following configuration files:
• dmserver.cfg
• app.cfg
• batch.cfg
• macros.cfg
• service.cfg
The configuration files are stored in the server’s etc directory.
It is important to note that all of the configuration options in these local files override (or
replace) any other option value that might be set elsewhere. The precedence of local
option values is of primary importance with regard to the files dmserver.cfg and app.cfg.
The app.cfg file contains values that pertain to the execution of jobs and services. Jobs
and services are developed and tested in DataFlux Data Management Studio, and then
uploaded to the server for execution. Both DataFlux Data Management Studio and
DataFlux Data Management Server maintain their own instances of app.cfg. It is
important to maintain the same app.cfg file on the DataFlux Data Management Server
and on all instances of DataFlux Data Management Studio that supply jobs to that server.
When you maintain a consistent app.cfg file, you help ensure that jobs and services run
on the server in the same way that they were developed and tested.
The dmserver.cfg file contains options that are also specified in the server definition on
the SAS Metadata Server. The server definition includes configuration settings for host
name, port, SSL, and security. The values in dmserver.cfg override any different values
that are provided by the SAS Metadata Server. For this reason, it is important that the
values in the server definition are the same as those in dmserver.cfg.
The configuration files (batch.cfg, macros.cfg, and service.cfg) are used to configure
connections from network clients, as described elsewhere in this document. The values
in these files might be expected by clients, but these files do not override values that
were set elsewhere.

Configure Additional Software

You can add data cleansing, data quality, and address verification applications to your
Data Management Server so that job nodes can access the applications on the local host.
These applications are available on the SAS support site, in the downloads and hot fixes
section. See http://support.sas.com/demosdownloads.
You can customize applications such as dfIntelliserver, Quality Knowledge Bases
(QKB), Accelerators, and DataPacks to meet the needs of your service-oriented
Configure Additional Software 13

For information about installing dfIntelliserver, QKBs, and Accelerators, see the relevant
software installation documentation. For information about installing and configuring
the DataPacks for address verification, including USPS, Canada Post, and Geocode, see
the DataFlux Data Management Studio Installation and Configuration Guide.

Address Update

About Address Update

The DataFlux Address Update add-on enables you to use the United States Postal
Service (USPS) NCOALink ® system to identify and update address information in
customer records. For businesses and organizations with very large North America-
based customer information databases, this essential feature maintains accurate and up-
to-date address information for location-based marketing and direct mail marketing.
Address update jobs can be imported from DataFlux Data Management Studio to a
DataFlux Data Management Server, where the jobs are executed. One approach is to run
test jobs and small jobs on the DataFlux Data Management Studio client workstation,
and to upload larger jobs to the DataFlux Data Management Server. Using this approach,
both DataFlux Data Management Studio and DataFlux Data Management Server must
be identically configured to execute address update jobs and reports.
To deploy Address Update on the DataFlux Data Management Server, refer to the
DataFlux Data Management Studio Help topic Using the Address Update Add-On with
DataFlux Data Management Server.

Install Address Update

Follow these steps to install Address Update:
1. Before you install Address Update on your DataFlux Data Management Server,
install, configure, and test Address Update on an instance of DataFlux Data
Management Studio. When your configuration is established on DataFlux Data
Management Studio, you can replicate that configuration on your DataFlux Data
Management Server.
2. Install on the Data Management Server the same Quality Knowledge Base that is
used on DataFlux Data Management Studio. Replicate all customizations.
3. Download and run the Address Update installer on the host of the DataFlux Data
Management Server.
4. Install NCOALINK Data from the United States Postal Service (USPS).
5. Install USPS test data (CASS, DPV, and LACS)..

Configure DataFlux Data Management Server for Address Update

Follow these steps to configure Address Update:
1. If necessary, stop the DataFlux Data Management Server.
2. Open the configuration file install-path/etc/macros/ncoa.cfg.
3. Set the value of the option NCOA/DVDPATH to the installation path of the USPS
NCOALink data.
4. Set the value of the option NCOA/QKBPATH to be the installation path of the
Quality Knowledge Base.
5. Set the value of the option NCOA/USPSPATH to be the installation path of the
USPS Address verification data.
14 Chapter 2 • Configuring the DataFlux Data Management Server

6. Review the default value of the option NCOA/DFAV_CACHE_SIZE. This option

specifies the size of the cache that is used for address verification. The range of valid
values is 0–100, and 0 is the default. Increasing the value increases the amount of
memory used and increases the performance of address verification.
7. Review the default value of the option NCOA/DFAV_PRELOAD. This option
specifies the states and categories of addresses that you preload, to enhance the
performance of address verification. Valid values for this option are defined as
No preload. This is the default value.
Preload all states.
Preload military addresses only.
Preload the 48 contiguous states.
Preload Texas and Florida, or any list of two-digit state names.
8. Save and close the configuration file ncoa.cfg.
9. Open the configuration file install-path/etc/app.cfg.
10. Update the values of the following options according to the app.cfg file in Data
Management Studio:
• NCOA/REPOSDSN specifies the DSN connection for the address update
• NCOA/REPOSPREFIX specifies the table prefix for the tables in this repository,
if a prefix has been specified.
• NCOA/REPOSTYPE specifies the type of repository. Valid values for this option
are defined as follows:
No type specified. The DataFlux Data Access Component attempts to
determine the repository type from the connection string.
Specifies the repository type ODBC DSN.
Specifies the repository type Custom DSN.

Configure Jobs to Use Address Update

After you configure DataFlux Data Management Server to use Address Update,
configure Data Management Server jobs to use Address Update. The following steps are
described in detail in the DataFlux Data Management Studio Help topic entitled Online
Help, Using the Address Update Add-On with DataFlux Data Management Server:
1. Create a separate Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF) for the DataFlux Data
Management Server if Data Management Studio and DataFlux Data Management
Server are running on different operating systems.
2. Enable jobs on Data Management Server to access an address update repository.
Configure Additional Software 15

3. Configure a DSN on the DataFlux Data Management Server that is identical to the
DSN defined in the NCOA/REPOSDSN option in the app.cfg file. Users need to
save credentials for this DSN.
4. Import your Address Update Lookup jobs from DataFlux Data Management Studio
to the Batch Jobs folder on the DataFlux Data Management Server.

At this point, you are ready to run your Address Update Lookup jobs.

Configure the Quality Knowledge Base

If you add a QKB to your DataFlux Data Management Server, make sure that it is the
same QKB that you installed on DataFlux Data Management Studio.
To specify the location of the QKB, open the configuration file install-path/etc/
app.cfg. For the QKB variable, remove the comment character and replace PATH with
the full path to the QKB.
# qkb/path = PATH
# Location of the active Quality Knowledge Base.
# example: qkb/path = C:\QKB

Configure DataPacks
If you download DataPacks, open install-path/etc/app.cfg, remove comment
characters, and update variable values as follows.
# verify/usps = PATH
# Location of US address verification data.
# example: verify/usps = C:\USPSData

# verify/geo = PATH
# Location of Geocode/Phone data.
# example: verify/geo = C:\GeoPhoneData

SERP (Canadian Data)

# verify/canada = PATH
# Location of Canadian address verification data.
# example: verify/canada = C:\CanadaPostData

World Address Verification requires you to enter an unlock code in addition to the
path. The unlock code is supplied with the DataPack.
# verifyworld/db = PATH
# Location of World address verification data.
# example: verifyworld/db = C:\Platon
# verifyworld/unlk = UNLOCK_CODE
# Unlock code provided by DataFlux for unlocking the World address
# verification functionality.
16 Chapter 2 • Configuring the DataFlux Data Management Server

# example: verifyworld/unlk = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Set Directory Permissions

The following tables outline the recommended permissions for users of DataFlux Data
Management Server.
The default installation path under Windows is SASHome\product-instance-
The default installation path under UNIX is SASHome/product-instance-name.
In this document, the default installation path is indicated by the term install-path.

Table 2.1 Directory Permissions for Windows

Directories Users Default Permissions

install-path\DMServer Administrator, Installer Full Control

Process user Read and Execute, List

Folder Contents

install-path\DMServer\var Installer Full Control

Process user Read, Write, List Folder


The user who backs up the Read, List Folder Contents

DataFlux Data Management
Server, Backup

Table 2.2 Directory Permissions for UNIX and Linux

Directories Users Default Permissions

install-path/dmserver Installer Read, Write, Execute

Process user Read, Execute

install-path / Installer Read, Write, Execute

Process user Read, Write, Execute

The user who backs up the Read, Execute

DataFlux Data Management
Server; Backup
Profile Job Nodes 17

Note: TMPDIR might have to be set in the event that the system's default temp directory
(/TMP) runs out of space while running jobs or services. If this occurs, set the
TMPDIR environment variable to read/write for the run-time user.
Note: It is possible to deploy more than one instance of DataFlux Data Management
Server on a single host. This type of deployment requires separate SAS Home paths
for each server instance. The separate SAS Home paths enable unique configuration
files for each server instance. For assistance, contact SAS Technical Support.

Configure DataFlux Data Management Server to

Run Studio Jobs and Services
You create and test jobs and real-time services in DataFlux Data Management Studio.
You then upload those jobs and services to a DataFlux Data Management Server.
To run a new job or service, the configuration of the DataFlux Data Management Server
needs to replicate the configuration of the DataFlux Data Management Studio client.
Certain job nodes require specific option settings. Other nodes require additional
configuration on the server, such as the creation of a repository.
Because jobs are created and configured in DataFlux Data Management Studio, the
documentation for how to configure both the client and server is provided in the
DataFlux Data Management Studio: User's Guide and in the DataFlux Data
Management Studio: Installation and Configuration Guide. The configuration
information refers to the Studio client, but the configuration process also needs to be
applied to the DataFlux Data Management Server.
To run a particular job on the Data Management Server, you might need to complete the
following tasks:
• Configure a repository.
• Configure the Java plug-in.
• Set configuration options in the Data Management Server app.cfg file. A listing of
app.cfg options is provided in the DataFlux Data Management Studio: User's Guide.
• Set configuration options in the DataFlux Data Management Server configuration
file dmserver.cfg. For information about these configuration options, see
“Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg”.
In addition to transferring the Studio configuration to the DataFlux Data Management
Server, you also need to consider the application of access controls to specify the users
who will be permitted to run jobs and real-time services.

Profile Job Nodes

Use one or both of the following configuration options to log the run time of the nodes in
your jobs:
18 Chapter 2 • Configuring the DataFlux Data Management Server

Configuration Option Description

STEPENG/PROFILEBYNODE Specify TRUE to log the run time of

individual nodes in your jobs. Specify
FALSE to prevent data capture.

STEPENG/PROFILEBYTYPE Specify TRUE to log the run time of the

node types in your jobs. Specify FALSE to
prevent data capture.

Insert the preceding options in the following configuration files:

• To profile nodes in batch jobs only, use install-path/etc/dfwfproc.cfg.
• To profile nodes in real-time service jobs only, use install-path/etc/
• To profile nodes in jobs run from DataFlux Data Management Studio, use
• To profile nodes in all three of the preceding cases, use install-path/etc/
To create a log file to capture node profile data, edit the applicable log file: install-
path/etc/batch.log.xml, service.log.xml, or platform.log.xml. Add a
new appender to the log file based on the following example:
<appender class="RollingFileAppender" name="ProfFile">
<param name="Append" value="false"/>
<param name="ImmediateFlush" value="true"/>
<rollingPolicy class="TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<param name="fileNamePattern"
<param name="ConversionPattern" value=%m/>

<logger name="DF.RTProfiler.log">
<level value="Trace"/>
<appender-ref ref="ProfFile"/>

In the preceding example, the log file shows one comma-delimited line of profile data
for each node or node type in each job. The log file can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
Example log entries for PROFILEBYTYPE:

The log entries for PROFILEBYTYPE contain the following columns:

Profile Job Nodes 19

• Column 1 identifies the type of the action that generated the time value in column 4.
Values can be NX (cumulative time to process rows), PR (time to prepare), or PX
(time to pre-execute).
• Column 2 identifies the type of the node in the job.
• Column 3 records the duration of the action in milliseconds.
• Column 4 records the number of execution loops through the node.
Example log entries for PROFILEBYNODE:

The log entries for PROFILEBYNODE contain the following columns:

• Column 1 identifies the type of the action.
• Column 2 states the job’s file name.
• Column 3 identifies the node, using the IID attribute of the step tag in the job’s XML
• Column 4 records the duration of the action.
• Column 5 records the number of execution loops.
Note: In the Windows operating environment, set the following environment variable to
ensure the accuracy of the node execution times: BASE/
HIGH_PRECISION_TIMER=1. Also note that this setting decreases performance if
the job runs on multiple threads, because all threads execute on CPU core 1.
20 Chapter 2 • Configuring the DataFlux Data Management Server

Chapter 3

Managing Security

Security Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
About Security Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
About Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
About Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Group and User Authorization Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Group Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Authorization Checks Using Access Control Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Configure a SAS Metadata Server for Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Configure Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Manage Server Configuration Options That Are Set from Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Configure Server Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Additional Configuration after Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Configure Mid-Tier Options for Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Manage Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Configure Default Access Control Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Set Permissions Using a Job List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Remove Users and Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Reference for Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Control Access by IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Configure Enhanced Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Enable SOAP with SSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
About OpenSSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Encrypt Passwords for DSNs and SSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Encrypt in Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Encrypt in UNIX and Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Troubleshoot Security Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
401 Unauthorized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
403 Forbidden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
22 Chapter 3 • Managing Security

Security Overview
Security for the DataFlux Data Management Server is implemented as follows:
• Authentication takes place in the operating environment, as managed by the SAS
Metadata Server.
• Authorization is managed and implemented entirely on the DataFlux Data
Management Server. Permissions (access control lists) are managed in the server’s
administrative interface in DataFlux Data Management Studio, or in configuration
files. Any job, service, command, or data can be assigned an access control list by an
• Access to all server resources can be explicitly allowed or denied by IP address. This
permission overrides the access control lists.
• Access to all server resources can be explicitly allowed or denied to specified users
or groups. This permission overrides the access control lists.
• By enabling the DataFlux Secure software, client SOAP connections can be
protected with OpenSSL.
• The encryption algorithm for connections to the SAS Metadata Server and the SAS
Federation Server are determined by those servers. By default, the encryption
algorithm is 56-bit SAS Proprietary. By enabling the DataFlux Secure software, the
encryption algorithm can be upgraded to the American Encryption Standard (AES,
up to 256-bit.) In turn, AES can be configured to be compliant with the Federal
Information Processing Standard 140-2. To learn about the implementation of
encryption between SAS servers, see Encryption in SAS 9.4. To enable and configure
the DataFlux Secure software, see the DataFlux Secure: Administrator’s Guide.
The DataFlux Data Management Server can run in unsecured mode, without
authentication or authorization. In this mode, jobs cannot request authentication, and the
DataFlux Data Management Server cannot connect to a SAS Federation Server.
When security is not enabled, you cannot run jobs that request authentication, and you
cannot run jobs that access a SAS Federation Server.
All data sources (DSNs) needed by jobs and services must be defined on the Data
Management Server.

About Security Policy

To properly secure a DataFlux Data Management Server, you need to implement and
maintain a security policy. The security policy identifies the users, groups, tasks, jobs,
and data that will use the server, and assigns permissions accordingly. The security
policy also defines the level of security that is appropriate for a DataFlux Data
Management Server. The level of security defines the implementation of security
features on the server, such as encryption, SSL, and FIPS compliance.
The security policy can be expected to change over time.
If policy changes require changes to server configuration files, the server must be
restarted so that it can read and implement those changes.
About Authorization 23

About Authentication
When it is enabled, the authentication process begins when the DataFlux Data
Management Server receives a connection request from a client. The DataFlux Data
Management Server passes the supplied user credentials to a SAS Metadata Server. The
other server then submits the credentials to an authentication provider in the specified
network domain. The result of the authentication attempt is then returned to the
DataFlux Data Management Server. Successful authentication enables the DataFlux Data
Management Server to begin the authorization process.
Authentication is enabled on the DataFlux Data Management Server with the
configuration option DMSERVER/SECURE, in the configuration file dmserver.cfg.

About Authorization

The authorization process applies access controls to authenticated users. After a user
successfully authenticates, the DataFlux Data Management Server queries the SAS
Metadata Server for the group membership information of the authenticated user. The
DataFlux Data Management Server applies user and group membership information to
its locally defined authorizations to allow or deny access to jobs, services, and
The authorization types that are available on the DataFlux Data Management Server
consist of access control entries, access control by IP address, and access control by
ALLOW and DENY groups.

Group and User Authorization Checks

The DataFlux Data Management Server checks a user’s authorizations in the following
1. membership in the administrators group
2. membership in a default DENY group, if it is configured for use
3. membership in a default ALLOW group, if it is configured for use
4. command permissions and access control entries

If a user is a member of the administrators group, the DENY group, or the ALLOW
group, then access is granted or denied and no further authorization takes place.
Members of the administrators group and the ALLOW group are granted access to all
DataFlux Data Management Server commands and objects.
After group memberships are compared against the access controls entries the DataFlux
Data Management Server determines whether the following command permissions are
set for the user:
• If, for a given command or object, the user has deny set, then the user is denied
access. Access control entries are not checked.
24 Chapter 3 • Managing Security

• If the user has inherit set, authorization checks proceed to group permissions.
• If the user has allow set, and if the request does not apply to a specific object, then
the user is granted access. If the request does apply to a specific object, then the
server checks the object's access control entries.

Group Permissions
Group permissions are handled in accordance with the group's membership hierarchy.
For example, a user can be a member of groups G1 and G2. Group G1 is a member of
group G3. So, G1 and G2 are one step away from the user, and G3 is two steps away
from the user. The authorization process looks at permissions on all group sets in an
increasing order of steps from the user. If a command permission can be determined
from the groups that are one step from the user, then the DataFlux Data Management
Server will not look further.
When the server looks at a set of groups that are the same distance from the user, if any
group has the DENY permission, then the user is denied access. Otherwise, if any group
has the ALLOW permission, then the authorization process checks the access control
entriess. If there are no access control entries, then the user receives access. If
permissions are not set for any group, or the permission is set to INHERIT, then the
authorization checks move to the set of groups one step farther from the user.
If access rights cannot be determined after going through the groups to which the user is
a member, then the next group whose permissions are checked is the USERS group. All
users that have definitions on the SAS Metadata Server belong to the USERS group.
Administrators can set command permissions for the USERS group and use that group in
access control entries in the same manner as any other group.
If access rights have not been determined, based on command permissions, the last step
in the authorization process is to check whether permissions are set for the PUBLIC
group. The PUBLIC group includes all users who are not registered on the SAS
Metadata Server. If the permission is ALLOW, then the authorization process checks the
access control entries. Otherwise, the user is granted access. If the permission is DENY,
INHERIT, or is not set, then the user is denied access.
If neither the user, nor the user’s groups, the USERS group, or the PUBLIC group have
permission set, then the DataFlux Data Management Server denies access without
checking the access control entries. This means that the DataFlux Data Management
Server requires a specific command permission before the Data Management Server will
look at the access control entries of an individual object.

Authorization Checks Using Access Control Entries

Authorization checks of access control entries (ACEs) begin by determining if the user is
the owner of the object. If the user is the owner, then the user is granted access to the
object. If the object is owned by a group, the user must be a direct or indirect member of
that group to be granted access to the object.
Next, the authorization check searches the ACEs. If ALLOW or DENY permissions are
not found for the requesting user, then the ACEs are checked for groups of which the
user is a member.
If the ACEs do not grant the user access to the corresponding job or service, the user is
denied access.
Configure a SAS Metadata Server for Security 25

Configure a SAS Metadata Server for Security

The DataFlux Data Management Server uses a SAS Metadata Server to authenticate
users and manage users and groups. The DataFlux Data Management Server does not
use the SAS Metadata Server for authorization. Instead, permissions are maintained

Configure Authentication
Installing a DataFlux Data Management Server sets a value for the configuration option
BASE/AUTH_SERVER_LOC in the file install-path/etc/app.cfg. The
AUTH_SERVER_LOC option identifies the SAS Metadata Server as the authentication
If your site uses a single host for the SAS Metadata Server, then the
AUTH_SERVER_LOC entry resembles the following example:

The option value is a URL that identifies the host and port number of the SAS Metadata
Server. 8561 is the default port number.
If your SAS Metadata Server is installed as a cluster of multiple hosts, then the option
points to the metadata cluster profile. The pathname used by the option is the physical
location that is recognized by the operating environment. The file must be accessible
from the current process.
The following example illustrates a typical value:

The example includes the default name and location of the metadata cluster profile.

Manage Server Configuration Options That Are Set from Metadata

The values of the following configuration options are downloaded from the SAS
Metadata Server when you start the DataFlux Data Management Server: DMSERVER/
The Data Management Server uses the value of DMSERVER/NAME to query its own
metadata definition on the SAS Metadata Server. If the name is valid, and if the metadata
definition can be accessed, then the DataFlux Data Management Server sets the local
values from the supplied metadata.
To access the metadata definition, the process owner of the DataFlux Data Management
Server must have a user definition on the SAS Metadata Server. Another method of
enabling access is to specify Read access to the metadata definition for the PUBLIC
If the metadata definition cannot be accessed by the specified name, or if the name is
valid and if access is denied, then the DataFlux Data Management Server does not start.
If the server starts, and if the preceding options are specified in the Data Management
Server’s dmserver.cfg file, then the local values supersede the metadata values. For this
26 Chapter 3 • Managing Security

reason, the preceding options should be commented-out in dmserver.cfg. This happens

by default when you install the DataFlux Data Management Server.
To change the metadata definition of the DataFlux Data Management Server, open SAS
Management Console, enter administrative credentials, right-click the Data Management
Server instance, and select Properties. After you save your changes, restart the DataFlux
Data Management Server to download the latest configuration option values.

Configure Server Restart

Because the Data Management Server cannot start unless the SAS Metadata Server is
fully operational, you might want to configure a server dependency to prevent failures at
invocation. To configure a server dependency, see “Troubleshoot Server Start or

Additional Configuration after Installation

After you install DataFlux Data Management Server, you create new user and group
definitions (as needed) on the SAS Metadata Server. To create users and groups on the
SAS Metadata Server, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.
You can also implement other access controls on the DataFlux Data Management Server.
You can restrict server access by IP address, and you can create default access control
entries with ALLOW and DENY permissions for users and groups, as described in
“Manage Permissions”. When no default access control lists are defined, the members of
the PUBLIC and USERS groups receive DENY permission.

Configure Mid-Tier Options for Security

The DataFlux Data Management Server uses the following mid-tier configuration
options when it connects with a SAS Metadata Server and with the Visual Process
Orchestration software. The default values of these options, which are set at install time,
are sufficient in most cases. You can set these options in the file install-path/etc/
Note: The server’s app.cfg file needs to be maintained in parallel with the app.cfg files
used by the instances of DataFlux Data Management Studio that contribute jobs to
the server.

Configuration Option Description

BASE/APP_CONTAINER_DOMAIN Specifies the authentication domain that is expected

by mid-tier application container services. If this
option is not specified, then the value of DefaultAuth
is used by default. DefaultAuth specifies a default
authentication domain at install time.

BASE/APP_CONTAINER_LOC Specifies the path to the mid-tier application container

services. In most cases this option is not required. If it
is required, then the value is typically an HTTP
Manage Permissions 27

Configuration Option Description

BASE/AUTH_DEFAULT_DOMAIN Specifies the name of the resolved identity domain.

When a supplied user ID is associated with multiple
logins in metadata, the authentication domain for the
submitted credentials in the following sequence:
1. Use the value of BASE/
matches the authentication domain of one of the
user’s logins, or
2. Use the value of DefaultAuth, if the value
matches the authentication domain of one of the
user’s logins, or
3. Use the domain of the first login that matches the
submitted login.

Manage Permissions

When security is enabled, each DataFlux Data Management Server maintains
permissions that determine, in part, a user’s access to the jobs, services, data sets, and
commands on that server. The permissions are maintained for each object in access
control entries (ACEs.) Authorization can also be determined by IP address and by
default access control entries.

Configure Default Access Control Entries

When a new object is added to the repository of the DataFlux Data Management Server,
the server associates default access control entries (ACEs) with that new object. The
default ACEs allow or deny access to the object by named users and groups. The default
ACEs are determined by the following configuration options:
Consider these implementation details before you develop lists of users and groups for
the four configuration options:
• When you add or change the default ACE configuration, the changes apply only to
subsequent additions to the repository.
• The group allow and deny options can include the default groups PUBLIC and
• Command permissions that are not object-based, such as List/Post, are not affected
by the default ACE configuration.
28 Chapter 3 • Managing Security

• Any conflict of ALLOW and DENY permissions generate error messages and
prevent all users from connecting to the DataFlux Data Management Server.
• Any user or group name in the four configuration options that is not recognized by
the SAS Metadata Server generates an error message and prevents all users from
connecting to the server.
Follow these steps to configure your default access control entries:
1. Develop a plan for your default ACE configuration that includes exact syntax for the
users and groups that you plan to assign ALLOW or DENY access.
2. Stop the DataFlux Data Management Server, as described in Stop on page 35.
3. Open the configuration file install-path/etc/dmserver.cfg.
4. For each of the configuration options in your plan, apply the planned list of users or
groups as the values of the options. The lists are all formatted with a delimiter of the
form “ | ” or space|space, as shown in the following example.
DMSERVER/SECURE/DEFAULT_ACE_USERS_ALLOW = Jones, Susan | Jim Albrecht | darusso

5. Save and close the configuration file, and then restart the DataFlux Data
Management Server.

Set Permissions Using a Job List

When a user posts a job or service to the server, that user becomes the owner of that
object. The owner of an object can always execute and delete an object, regardless of
user or group authorizations. When a user creates an object by copying the file,
ownership is set to the administrators group. An administrator can change ownership to
another user or group at any time.
Follow these steps to grant permissions directly from a job list in DataFlux Data
Management Server for batch jobs and real-time services:
Note: Profile jobs do not have associated object-level access control, so you cannot set
permissions for profile jobs.
1. Open Data Management Studio and click the DataFlux Data Management Servers
riser bar.
2. In the left navigation pane, select the DataFlux Data Management Server that you
want to work with and connect to that server.
3. Click the + sign next to your server to expand the list of job folders.
4. Click the + to expand the category of jobs or services that you want to work with:
Batch Jobs, Real-Time Data, or Process Services..
5. Select a job or service from list in the left navigation pane, and then click the
Permissions tab in the right information pane.
6. Under Participants, click Add to open the Add Users and Groups dialog box.
Note: If the Permissions tab does not appear, you might be viewing a profile job
that does not have object-level access control.
7. Select a user, or multiple users, and click Add. The user is added to the participant
list for the job and granted permissions.
Note: On the Permissions tab, you can also change ownership of a job or service by
clicking to the right of the Owner field.
Manage Permissions 29

Remove Users and Groups

Follow these steps to remove a user or group object from the Users and Groups list on
the DataFlux Data Management Server:
Note: The definition of the user or group is retained on the SAS Metadata Server.
1. Connect to the DataFlux Data Management Server and open the Security tab.
2. Select the user or group that you want to remove and click delete.
3. Click Yes at the confirmation dialog box.

When the object is removed, its associated permissions are deleted.

Reference for Permissions

Permissions on the DataFlux Data Management Server are defined as follows.

Permission Description

Execute data service When this option is enabled, the user can view and execute real-
time data services. This includes run, preload, and unload a data

Execute process service When this option is enabled, the user can view and execute real-
time process services. This includes run, preload, and unload a
process service.

Execute Batch Job When enabled, the user can run a batch job, get a batch job file
and get a batch job nodes' status.

Execute Profile Job When enabled, the user can get and run a profile job.

Post Data Service When enabled, the user can upload real-time data services to the

Post Process Service When enabled, the user can upload real-time process services to
the server.

Post Batch Job When enabled, the user can upload a batch job to the server.

Post Profile Job When enabled, the user can upload a profile job to the server.

Delete Data Service When enabled, the user can delete a real-time data service.*

Delete process service When enabled, the user can delete a real-time process service.*

Delete batch job When enabled, the user can delete a batch job.*

Delete profile job When enabled, the user can delete a profile job.*

List data service When enabled, the user can list real-time data services.
30 Chapter 3 • Managing Security

Permission Description

List process service When enabled, the user can list real-time process services.

List batch job When enabled, the user can list batch jobs.

List profile job When enabled, the user can list profile jobs.

* In addition to enabling this permission, the user must also be the owner of the object,
or an administrator, when performing these delete functions.

Control Access by IP Address

Specify the following configuration options to control access to the DataFlux Data
Management Server by IP address. The options are specified in install-path/etc/

Option Syntax Description and Example

DMSERVER/IPACC/ALL_REQUESTS = allow IP- Allows or denies the ability to connect

list-or-range |deny IP-list-or-range |allow all |allow to the DataFlux Data Management
none |deny all |deny none Server. If this option is not specified,
then the default value is allow all. For

DMSERVER/IPACC/POST_DELETE =allow IP- Allows or denies the ability to post and

list-or-range |deny IP-list-or-range |allow all |allow delete jobs. If this option is not
none |deny all |deny none specified, then the default is allow all.

DMSERVER/IPACC/NOSECURITY =allow IP-list- Allows or denies the ability to bypass

or-range |deny IP-list-or-range |allow all |allow all security checks on the DataFlux
none |deny all |deny none Data Management Server. If this option
is not specified, then the default value
is allow none (no IP will bypass
security checks). For example:

A list of IP addresses is formatted using blank spaces.

A range of IP addresses formatted with a hyphen character ('-') between the low and high
ends of the range.
If any option value contains all or none, then any specified IP addresses are ignored
for that option.
Configure Enhanced Security 31

Configure Enhanced Security

The DataFlux Secure software is installed by default in a disabled state when you install
your DataFlux Data Management Server. The DataFlux Secure software provides
increased security through the Advanced Encryption Standard and through the use of the
Secure Sockets Layer to protect HTTP client connections. The gSOAP client
connections can be further upgraded to provide compliance with specification 140-2 of
the Federal Information Processing Standard. These security enhancements, and their
configuration on the DataFlux Data Management Server, are addressed in detail in the
DataFlux Secure: Administrator’s Guide.
All of the clients and servers that connect to the DataFlux Data Management Server need
to be configured for the same security features.

Enable SOAP with SSL

Edit the following settings as they apply to your environment. Configure these settings
in the install-path/etc/dmserver.cfg.
Stop the DataFlux Data Management Server before you make any changes to
the configuration file.

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL This option should remain disabled by comment

characters, as is the case by default. This option
should not be set in dmserver.cfg because the value is
set at server start, based on the server’s metadata
definition on the SAS Metadata Server. If you set the
option locally, then the local value overrides the value
in metadata.

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/KEY_FILE Specifies the path to the key file that is required when
the SOAP server must authenticate to clients.

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/ Specifies the password for DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/

KEY_PASSWD KEY_FILE. If the key file is not password protected,
then comment-out this option. The value of this option
must be encrypted. To encrypt passwords, see
“Encrypt Passwords for DSNs and SSL”.

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/ Specifies the file that stores your trusted certificates.


DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/ Specifies the path to the directory where you store

CA_CERT_PATH your trusted certificates.
32 Chapter 3 • Managing Security

About OpenSSL
On Windows hosts, the DataFlux Secure software requires you to install the OpenSSL
libraries from a third-party supplier. On UNIX and Linux hosts, OpenSSL is installed
and configured by default.
The OpenSSL libraries must be available in the execution path for the DataFlux Secure
software. On Windows, when you install OpenSSL, the installer creates libraries in the
appropriate Windows system directory by default. Use OpenSSL version 1.0.x.
DataFlux Data Management Studio is a 32-bit Windows application. Therefore, it
requires the 32-bit OpenSSL for Windows libraries. DataFlux Data Management Server
can be installed on either 32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows. On 64–bit Windows hosts,
the DataFlux Data Management Server requires 64-bit OpenSSL.

Encrypt Passwords for DSNs and SSL

To improve security, encrypt the passwords of your DSNs and your SSL key file.

Encrypt in Windows
To encrypt passwords in the Windows operating environment, run install-path
\bin\EncryptPassword.exe. Enter the password, confirm your initial entry, and
receive the encrypted password.

Encrypt in UNIX and Linux

To encrypt passwords in the UNIX and Linux operating environments, enter the
command dmsadmin crypt.

Troubleshoot Security Errors

Interpret and resolve the following security errors.

401 Unauthorized
This HTTP error can indicate that the user entered incorrect credentials. The error can
also indicate that a user account has not been created on the SAS Metadata Server.
Troubleshoot Security Errors 33

403 Forbidden
This HTTP error indicates that the user is not authorized to use a particular command on
the DataFlux Data Management Server command. For more information, see “Manage
34 Chapter 3 • Managing Security

Chapter 4

Administering the DataFlux

Data Management Server

Start or Stop the Server on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Start or Stop the Server on UNIX or Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Troubleshoot Server Start or Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Server Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Port In Use by Another Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Administer DataFlux Data Management Server Log Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Administer Data Service Log Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Administer Log Files for Batch and Profile Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Enable the SOAP Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Change Log Events and Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Troubleshoot ActiveX Error to Display Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Start or Stop the Server on Windows

In the Windows operating environment, to start and stop the DataFlux Data Management
Server, use the Microsoft Management Console or follow these steps:
1. Select Start ð Control Panel.
2. Double-click Administrative Tools ð Computer Management.
3. Expand the Services and Applications folder.
4. Click Services.
5. Click DataFlux Data Management Server.
6. Click either Stop the service or Restart the service.

Note: You can also access the service by selecting Start ð All Programs ð DataFlux .
If the DataFlux Data Management Server fails to start or restart, see “Troubleshoot
Server Start or Restart” on page 36.
36 Chapter 4 • Administering the DataFlux Data Management Server

Start or Stop the Server on UNIX or Linux

In the UNIX or Linux operating environments, use the following command to stop or
start the DataFlux Data Management Server:
install-path/bin/dmsadmin your-command

Here is a typical example:

server-name/bin/dmsadmin start

The dmsadmin utility accepts the following options:

Command Description

start Starts the server. For example:

./bin/dmsadmin start

stop Stops the server.

status Checks whether the server is running.

crypt Encrypts a password for use in configuration files.

help Displays Help information.

version Displays version information.

If DataFlux Data Management Server fails to start or restart, see “Troubleshoot Server
Start or Restart” on page 36.

Troubleshoot Server Start or Restart

Server Dependency
If your DataFlux Data Management Server fails to start or restart, you might need to
resolve a server dependency. The SAS Metadata Server needs to be fully operational
before the DataFlux Data Management Server can start. This server dependency exists
because the DataFlux Data Management Server needs to retrieve several configuration
option values from the SAS Metadata Server at start-up.
The server dependency occurs predominantly in single-machine installs, when all
services start at one time.
You can resolve the server dependency as you see fit, or you can run the following
command on the host of the DataFlux Data Management Server:
sc config "DMServer-service-name"
depends= "SASMetadata-service-name"
Administer DataFlux Data Management Server Log Files 37

The service names are specified in the properties of the service. Do not use the displayed
server names.
Use quotation marks as shown, use no blank space after depends, and use a blank
space after =, as shown in the following example:
sc config "dfx-DMServer-server1"
depends= "SAS [Config-Lev1] SASMeta - Metadata Server"

Port In Use by Another Application

If the DataFlux Data Management Server does not start, and if the server log file lists the
failure dfwlpListenAttr_connattr(wlp), then a port might be in use by another
application. By default, SOAP requests are handled on port 21036. WLP requests are
handled on port 21037. If either of the default ports are being used by another
application, then assign that process to an unused port.
If the server log does not indicate the source of the problem, then follow these steps if
your server installed on Windows:
1. Open the Windows Event Viewer.
2. Select the Application event type.
3. Click the Source column, to sort the events based on the type of source.
4. Search the Source column for DataFluxDMS. Typically, two such events are logged
for each time period. One message specifies the name of the log file, as shown in the
following example:
WARNING: Messages have been logged to
the file named 'C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application

If your server is installed on UNIX or Linux, then errors will be written to the stdout
location of the shell from which the DataFlux Data Management Server was started.

Administer DataFlux Data Management Server

Log Files
All of the service requests that are received by the DataFlux Data Management Server
are assigned a unique request identification (RID). As the DataFlux Data Management
Server processes a request, all log entries for that request begin with the associated RID.
Log events that relate to security use a different format.
By default, a new server log subdirectory is generated for each server request. The
default path to the log files is:

The default subdirectory name is defined as shown in this example:


20110804 is the date, 14.26 is the time, pid5072 is the process ID, and 034C24 is a
unique DataFlux Data Management Server request ID.
Use the following configuration options in dmserver.cfg to change the default logging
38 Chapter 4 • Administering the DataFlux Data Management Server

Configuration Option Usage

DMSERVER/WORK_ROOT_PATH = path The path to the directory where the server

creates its working files and subdirectories.
To change the destination directory, enter a
new path. The default installation path is
shown above.

DMSERVER/NO_WORK_SUBDIRS = Yes | Controls whether each server run creates a

No new log subdirectory. The default is No,
which specifies that all log and work files
are created in subdirectories. To disable
creation of the subdirectories change this
value to Yes.

To change the storage location or logging level for dmserver.log, open the file
install-path\etc\dmserver.log.xml. To change the location of the log,
change the option BASE/LOGCONFIG_PATH. To change the logging level, see
“Change Log Events and Thresholds”.
Setting the DataFlux Data Management Server log to the TRACE level creates a
memory leak. Collecting server log entries at the TRACE level removes from use
approximately 4 megabytes of memory for each 1000 HTTP service requests. To
prevent memory errors, limit the duration of your TRACE sessions accordingly.
Memory leaks do not occur at other levels of logging.
To change the encoding of your server log, set the configuration option BASE/
JOB_LOG_ENCODING in the file install-path/etc/app.cfg. By default, the
log is written in the encoding of the locale of the process that executes the job. For
English-speaking organizations, the encoding can be LATIN-1 or UTF-8. If a log line
contains characters that cannot be represented in the encoding, then the log line is not
written to the log file.

Administer Data Service Log Files

When enabled, a unique data service log file records log events for each server request
that runs a real-time data service (as processed by DFWSVC.) The name of each data
service log file is added to the DataFlux Data Management Server log file dmserver.log.
The server log also contains debugging information for the job run of the real-time data
service. If a new service process is used, then the server log includes the PID of the
corresponding process.
Note: To maximize performance, data service logging is disabled by default. To enable
data service logging for testing purposes, follow the steps provided later in this
Each new data service log file is stored by default in the following directory:

The name of the log subdirectory specifies the date, time, process ID, and server request
The name of the data service log file is illustrated in the following example:
Administer Log Files for Batch and Profile Jobs 39

In the preceding example, is a time stamp, 2778 is the server request
ID, and datasvc is the log file type. The remainder of the name specifies the name of
the real-time service.
Data service logging is configured by default by the following file:

Follow these steps to enable logging for real-time services:

1. Open service.log.xml and locate the root tag.
2. Change the OFF value in <level value="OFF"/> to DEBUG or TRACE, depending
on the level of information that you want to gather. TRACE provides the greatest
level of information.
3. Restart the DataFlux Data Management Server.
4. At the conclusion of testing, repeat this procedure to disable logging.

If you require additional information to conclude your testing process, contact your
SAS technical support representative.
To change the name and location of the data service log configuration file
service.log.xml, open the following file:

In service.cfg, change value of the option BASE/LOGCONFIG_PATH, and then restart

the DataFlux Data Management Server.
To change the encoding of the job logs for your real-time data services, set the
configuration option BASE/JOB_LOG_ENCODING in the file install-path/etc/
app.cfg. By default, the log is written in the encoding of the locale of the process that
executes the job. For English-speaking organizations, the encoding can be LATIN-1 or
UTF-8. If a log line contains characters that cannot be represented in the encoding, then
the log line is not written to the log file.

Administer Log Files for Batch and Profile Jobs

A unique log file is generated by default each time you run a batch job or a profile job.
Each such job is processed by a unique instance of the DFWFPROC process. By default,
the name of each batch job log file is added as an entry in the DataFlux Data
Management Server log file dmserver.log. Job status, based on the content of the job
logs, is displayed in the Monitor folder in DataFlux Data Management Studio.
You can use the SAS Job Monitor in the SAS Environment Manager to collect statistics
during and after job runs as described in “Collect Job Status Information with the SAS
Job Monitor”.
Each new job log file for a batch or profile job is stored by default in the following

The default directory is specified by the configuration option DMSERVER/

To separate the batch and profile job logs from the other files that are generated during
job runs, you can specify a non-default storage location. Specify that path as the value of
40 Chapter 4 • Administering the DataFlux Data Management Server

the configuration option DMSERVER/JOB_LOGS_DIR, in the configuration file

To locate batch and profile job logs, locate the name of the log subdirectory that
specifies the date, time, process ID, and server request ID.
The name of the batch or profile log file is illustrated in the following example:

In the preceding example, is a time stamp, 3727 is the server request
ID, and wfjob is the log file type. The remainder of the name specifies the name of the
Batch and profile job logs are configured by default by the following file:

To change the default name and default location of the batch and profile job log
configuration file, edit the value of the option BASE/LOGCONFIG_PATH. To change
log events and thresholds, see “Change Log Events and Thresholds”. Restart the server
to apply your changes.
To change the encoding of your batch and profile logs, set the configuration option
BASE/JOB_LOG_ENCODING in the file install-path/etc/app.cfg. By
default, the log is written in the encoding of the locale of the process that executes the
job. For English-speaking organizations, the encoding can be LATIN-1 or UTF-8. If a
log line contains characters that cannot be represented in the encoding, then the log line
is not written to the log file.

Enable the SOAP Log

Follow these steps to enable the logging of the SOAP packets that are transmitted and
received by the DataFlux Data Management Server.
Note: Enable the SOAP log only temporarily, and only for the purpose of debugging.
When debugging is complete, be sure to disable the SOAP log.
1. Stop the DataFlux Data Management Server, as described in Chapter 4,
“Administering the DataFlux Data Management Server,” on page 35 .
2. Create a backup copy of the file install-path\etc\dmserver.log.xml.
An improperly edited dmserver.log.xml file can prevent the start of the
DataFlux Data Management Server.

3. Open the file install-path\etc\dmserver.log.xml.

4. To remove the comment tags from the configuration information that enables the
SOAP log, see the comments in the dmserver.log.xml file. The configuration
information also indicates the structure of the SOAP log filename.
5. Save and close the file dmserver.log.xml.
6. Restart the DataFlux Data Management Server.

Contact your SAS Technical Support Representative if you need to route SOAP log
entries to the main server log file.
Troubleshoot ActiveX Error to Display Help 41

Change Log Events and Thresholds

Loggers and appenders determine the content in DataFlux Data Management Server log
files. The loggers and appenders are defined in each log configuration file, such as
Appenders specify the log output destination. Loggers specify log event types and
thresholds. If a logger lists a given log event, then those events are recorded in the log
file. The threshold value determines the amount of information that is captured in the log
file for each event. The available threshold levels are ranked as shown in the following

The default threshold level captures most of the events that you will need to diagnose
server problems. However, should there be a need to increase logging events and
threshold levels, contact your SAS technical support representative for assistance.
Altering threshold levels above INFO when the server is operational in a production
environment is discouraged since this can result in a reduction in server performance.
When you change a log configuration file, you are required to restart the DataFlux Data
Management Server.
To learn more about logging, see the SAS Logging: Configuration and Programming
Reference and the SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM):

Troubleshoot ActiveX Error to Display Help

Internet Explorer versions 6 and later can be configured to block the download and
execution of ActiveX controls. ActiveX is required to display the online Help for
DataFlux Data Management Studio. Follow these steps to enable the download and
execution of ActiveX controls:
1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools ð Internet Options.
2. In Internet Options, click the Security tab.
3. Select Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer, and Allow active
content to run in files on My Computer.
42 Chapter 4 • Administering the DataFlux Data Management Server

Chapter 5

Managing Data Connections

Overview of Data Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Configure the Data Access Component (DAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Display Data Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Create a Server Job That Uses a Driver and a Data Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Use the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Use dfdbconf and dfdbview for UNIX and Linux ODBC Connections . . . . . . . . . . 46
Create a Domain-Enabled ODBC Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Create a Custom Data Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Create a SAS Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Edit a Data Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Delete a Data Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Manage ODBC Credentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Troubleshoot ODBC Data Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
SQL Server ODBC Driver Error in Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Teradata and Informix ODBC Drivers Fail to Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
About the APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Overview of Data Connections

The Data Management Server connects to data sources on databases through ODBC or
through jobs that connect to the Federation Server. For more information about accessing
data on or through a Federation Server, refer to the DataFlux Data Management Studio:
User’s Guide and to the DataFlux Federation Server: Administrator’s Guide.
To add a data source using ODBC, use the ODBC Data Source Administrator provided
with Windows, or use the dfdbconf command in UNIX and Linux.
You can configure the following data connections (also known as DSNs or data sources)
for the jobs that you run on the DataFlux Data Management Server:
• Domain-Enabled ODBC Connection - Enables you to create a connection that
links a SAS MetaData Server domain to an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). User
credentials from the SAS Metadata Server are automatically applied when the user
44 Chapter 5 • Managing Data Connections

accesses the domain-enabled connection. This approach ensures that the appropriate
credentials for that domain are applied to the access request.
• Custom Connection - Enables you to create a custom connection string for non-
ODBC connection types. These custom strings enable you to establish native
connections from a SAS Federation Server to third-party databases, or to draw data
from more than one type of data input.
• SAS Data Set Connection - Enables you to create SAS data set connections.
In Windows, DSNs are stored in install-path\etc\dftkdsn.
In UNIX and Linux, DSNs are stored in install-path/etc/odbc.ini.
You can store ODBC credentials for data sources that require login credentials with the
ODBC Credential Manager. With stored ODBC credentials, you can make connections
to data sources without being prompted for login credentials. When a job is run, the
saved user credentials are retrieved and used. The credentials are not stored within the
job. The job references the connection by DSN only. In UNIX and Linux, credentials are
stored in the directory /$HOME/.dfpower/dsn.
When you develop jobs and services in DataFlux Data Management Studio, use the
Data Connections riser to set up and store login credentials for any Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) data source. The DataFlux Data Management Server can use these
data sources directly if DataFlux Data Management Studio is installed on the same host
as DataFlux Data Management Server.
Stored credentials do not have to be entered each time the job is run, and that
information can be used by any DataFlux application. If you do not use stored
credentials, then your job must authenticate through the SAS Metadata Server.
Use global variables within jobs and services to accept or retrieve data. Using global
variables increases the flexibility and portability of DataFlux Data Management Studio
jobs and services between data sources.
If you want to use ODB drivers other than those that are supplied, note that the DataFlux
Data Management Server is compatible with most ODBC-compliant data sources. Also
note that SAS provides limited support for drivers that are not supplied by SAS.
If you develop jobs that access a SAS Federation Server, then you can use JDBC drivers
and other drivers that are written for native access to popular databases. To learn more
about developing jobs that use Federation Server drivers, refer to the DataFlux Data
Management Studio: User’s Guide and to the SAS Federation Server: Administrator’s

Configure the Data Access Component (DAC)

The Data Access Component (DAC) allows the DataFlux Data Management Server to
communicate with databases and manipulate data. The DAC uses Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) and Threaded Kernel Table Services (TKTS).
ODBC database source names (DSNs) are not managed by the DAC. In the Windows
operating environment, ODBC DSNs are managed by the Microsoft ODBC
Administrator. In the UNIX and Linux operating environments, ODBC DSNs are created
with the dfdbconf tool and tested with the dbdfview tool. TKTS DSNs are managed by
the DAC. TKTS DSNs are stored in the DSN directory.
Create a Server Job That Uses a Driver and a Data Source 45

The DAC is configured with the following two options in the DataFlux Data
Management Server’s app.cfg file. If necessary, the options can be moved to the
macro.cfg file.

Setting Default Value

DAC/DSN install-path \etc\dftkdsn\

DAC/SAVEDCONNSYSTEM install-path\etc\dsn\

For more information about the app.cfg file, see the DataFlux Data Management Studio:
Installation and Configuration Guide.
For a complete list of Data Access Component options, see the DataFlux Data
Management Studio Online Help.

Display Data Connections

Follow these steps to display the data connections that have been created for the
DataFlux Data Management Server:
1. Open DataFlux Data Management Studio and click the Administration riser.
2. Connect to the Data Management Server.
3. Click the Data Connections tab to display data connections.

Create a Server Job That Uses a Driver and a Data

Follow these steps to develop a job that runs on a DataFlux Data Management Server
and accesses a database:
1. Install the DataFlux ODBC drivers (unless they were installed initially) on both the
DataFlux Data Management Studio client and on the DataFlux Data Management
Server. Use the regular installers as needed. DataFlux provides a number of wire-
protocol drivers that enable you to connect to specific databases without using a
client-side library.
2. Create a DSN on the database server.
3. Configure an ODBC client-side connection on the DataFlux Data Management
Studio host using the ODBC Connections window in Studio, as described in the
Data Management Studio User's Guide.
4. Create and test the job in DataFlux Data Management Studio. The nodes in the job
will access the ODBC connection.
5. Upload the job from DataFlux Data Management Studio to DataFlux Data
Management Server.
6. Either copy the ODBC connection file onto the server or create the connection on the
server. To create a server connection in Windows, use the ODBC Data Source
46 Chapter 5 • Managing Data Connections

Administrator. If your server is running in UNIX or Linux, use the dbdfconf tool
that is provided with the DataFlux Data Management Server.
If DataFlux Data Management Studio and DataFlux Data Management Server are
installed and running on the same (Windows) host, then you will need to set up the
ODBC DSN two times. Set up one DSN through ODBC Connections in Studio. For
the DataFlux Data Management Server, set up the DSN again using the ODBC Data
Source Administrator.

Use the Windows ODBC Data Source

In the Windows operating environment, use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source
Administrator to manage database drivers and data sources on DataFlux Data
Management Server. To add required stored credentials to Windows DSNs, use the
DataFlux Data Management Server’s administrative interface in SAS Data Management
Studio, as described in the following steps:
Note: To learn about DSN options, open the Help for the ODBC Data Source
Follow these steps to configure a driver to connect to a database:
1. Click Start and point to Settings.
2. Click Control Panel.
3. Double-click Data Sources (ODBC) to open the ODBC Data Source
Administrator dialog box.
4. Select the System DSN tab and click Add.
5. Select the appropriate driver from the list and click Finish.
6. Enter your information in the Driver Setup dialog box and click OK when finished.
7. To add required stored credentials to the DSN, open SAS Data Management Studio,
select the Administration riser, and expand DataFlux Data Management Server.

Use dfdbconf and dfdbview for UNIX and Linux

ODBC Connections
Follow these steps to create ODBC connections with required stored credentials in the
UNIX and Linux ODBC operating environments:
1. Execute the following command:

2. Select a driver from the list of available drivers.

3. Set the appropriate parameters for the driver. The new data source is added to the
default odbc.ini file, which is stored at install-path/etc.
Create a Domain-Enabled ODBC Connection 47

Note: If you specify an alternate path in the environment variable ODBCINI, then
the server ignores the default file and the new data source.
Note: You can also use dfdbconf to delete the data sources.
4. Add stored credentials to the data source by executing the following command:
install-path/bin/dfdbview -s data-source-name

5. Test the new data source by executing the following command:

install-path/bin/dfdbview data-source-name

6. If the connection succeeds, use the prompt to enter SQL commands to test the
connection. If the connection fails, resolve the errors described in the error messages.

Create a Domain-Enabled ODBC Connection

Domain-enabled ODBC connections use a domain and credentials that are supplied by a
SAS Metadata Server. You can create domain-enabled ODBC connections for use with
jobs that run on the DataFlux Data Management Studio host, or that run on a DataFlux
Data Management Server host.
If you create a domain-enabled ODBC connection for use with Studio, and if you want
to move that connection to a DataFlux Data Management Server, then you copy
the .dtfk file from the client to the DataFlux Data Management Server. The destination
directory is install-path\etc\dftkdsn.
To execute jobs, the DSN in the domain-enabled ODBC connection must be defined in a
location that is accessible to the DataFlux Data Management Server. Otherwise, the
reference to the DSN in the domain-enabled ODBC connection will not resolve.
To create a new domain-enabled ODBC connection for use on the DataFlux Data
Management Studio host, see the Data Management Studio User's Guide.
To create a new domain-enabled ODBC connection for use on the DataFlux Data
Management Server host, follow these steps:
1. Open a DataFlux Data Management Server using the riser bar in DataFlux Data
Management Studio and log on if prompted.
2. Click the Data Connections tab and click New.
3. Select Domain Enabled ODBC Connection from the drop-down menu.
4. In the Name field, enter a name for the connection, preferably referring to the
domain that was created on the SAS Metadata Server.
5. Enter some information about the domain and connection in the Description field.
6. Select the DSN.
7. In the Domain name field, enter the actual domain name as it was created in the
SAS Metadata Server.
8. Click OK.

The new connection places a .dftk file in the install-path\etc\dftkdsn.

48 Chapter 5 • Managing Data Connections

Create a Custom Data Connection

Custom connections enable you to access data sources that are not otherwise supported
in the Data Connections interface of DataFlux Data Management Server. Examples of
custom connections are those that connect to SAP or SQLite.
Follow these steps to create a custom connection:
1. In DataFlux Data Management Studio, click the Data riser, and then expand Data
Connections .
2. Click New Data Connection, and then select Custom Connection.
3. Enter the name, description, and the full connection string.
4. Click Test Connection.
5. Click OK to save the new connection.

Create a SAS Connection

Follow these steps to create a connection to a SAS data set:
1. Click the Data Connections tab and click New.
2. Select SAS Data Set Connection from the drop-down menu.
3. Enter a name and description for the new connection into the appropriate fields.
4. Enter the path to the directory that contains the SAS data set that you want to
connect to.
5. Verify that the appropriate option is specified in the Access field. The Default value
assigns read-write access. The Read-Only value assigns Read-Only access. The
Temp value specifies that the data set is to be treated as a scratch file, which is stored
only in memory, not on disk.
6. Verify that the appropriate option is specified in the Compression field. If you
compress data, you might experience a slowdown in performance. The No value
specifies that the observations are uncompressed. Use the Yes or Character value to
compress character data. Use the Binary value to compress binary data.
7. Verify that the appropriate option is specified in the Table Locking field. The Share
value specifies that other users or processes can read data from the table but prevents
other users from updating. The Exclusive value locks tables exclusively, which
prevents other users from accessing that table until you close it.
8. Verify that the appropriate option is specified in the Encoding field. The default
value is SAS System encoding. You might select an encoding that is different than
the default if you are processing a file with a different encoding.
Note: You can select an encoding from the drop-down menu. If you enter the first
few letters of the desired encoding, the closest match will be added to this field.
9. The Connection String field displays the connection string for the SAS data set.
Check the connection string to see whether the appropriate options encoding has
Manage ODBC Credentials 49

been selected for this connection. You can test the connection by clicking Test
10. Click OK to save the new connection.

Edit a Data Connection

Follow these steps to edit a data connection:
1. In DataFlux Data Management Studio, click the DataFlux Data Management
Servers riser to access a list of DataFlux Data Management Servers.
2. Select the name of the server for which you want to manage connections. If you are
prompted to do so, enter your user ID and password, and then click Log On.
3. In the information pane, click the Data Connections tab that presents a list of
current connections.
4. Select a data connection and click Edit. The connection type will determine which
fields and options are available for you to edit.
5. In the dialog box that opens, make the desired changes and click OK.

Delete a Data Connection

Follow these steps to delete a data connection:
1. In DataFlux Data Management Studio, click the Data Management Servers riser to
access a list of your DataFlux Data Management Servers.
2. Click the name of the server for which you want to manage connections. If you are
prompted to do so, enter your user ID and password, and then click Log On.
3. In the information pane, under the Data Connections tab, select the name of the data
connection that you want to delete and click Delete.
4. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the data connection by clicking Yes.

Manage ODBC Credentials

ODBC credentials enable connections to data source. The credentials contain connection
information, so they do not need to be stored inside the job, or entered when job is run.
This allows for better protection and management of security, increased confidentiality,
and a more versatile way to handle access to data sources that require authentication.
To manage ODBC credentials, complete the following steps:
1. In DataFlux Data Management Studio, click the DataFlux Data Management
Servers riser bar.
50 Chapter 5 • Managing Data Connections

2. Select the name of the DataFlux Data Management Server for which you want to
manage connections. If you are prompted to do so, enter your user ID and password,
and then click Log On.
3. In the information pane, select the Data Connections tab and click the Manage
ODBC Credentials icon.
4. To create ODBC credentials in the Manage ODBC Credentials dialog box, click New
ODBC Credentials. Enter the ODBC DSN, user name, and password. Review your
entries, and then click OK.
5. To edit ODBC credentials, select a name from the list and click the Edit ODBC
Credentials icon. In the ODBC Credentials dialog box, change the user name or
password that will be used to access the ODBC DSN. Click OK to close the dialog
box. Note that the Edit ODBC Credentials icon is available only when credentials
have been saved for an ODBC DSN.
6. To delete ODBC credentials, select a name and click Delete ODBC Credentials.
You can use Ctrl + left click to select more than one name. Click OK to close the
Manage ODBC Credentials dialog box when you are finished. Use caution when
deleting an ODBC credential. When a name is deleted from the list, clicking Cancel
will not reverse the deletion.

Troubleshoot ODBC Data Connections

If your ODBC connections show any of the following symptoms, refer to the following

SQL Server ODBC Driver Error in Windows

If you have an ODBC DSN that uses the Windows SQL Server driver, replace that DSN
with one that uses the DataFlux 32 or 64-bit SQL Server Wire Protocol driver. Using the
Windows SQL Server driver can cause problems with your repository.
Note: Use the 32 or 64-bit driver depending on the operating environment of the
DataFlux Data Management Server. Access the drivers by selecting Control Panel
ð ODBC Data Sources. The DataFlux drivers are listed in the Drivers tab.

Teradata and Informix ODBC Drivers Fail to Load

In the Solaris x86 operating environment, DataDirect does not currently provide
Teradata or Informix drivers.
In Linux operating environments, the directory that contains the Teradata client libraries
needs to be in your LD_LIBRARY PATH. The exact path will vary depending on the
version of your Teradata client.
About the APIs 51

About the APIs

The DataFlux Data Management Server provides application programming interfaces for
batch jobs, data services, and process services. These APIs are installed on the server
host by default. You can use the APIs in your client programs to open connections to the
server and to execute jobs and services.
For further information about the APIs, refer to the DataFlux Data Management Server
documentation page.
52 Chapter 5 • Managing Data Connections

Chapter 6

Managing Jobs, Services, and

the Repository

Overview of Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Types of Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Usage Notes for Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Configure the SOAP and WLP Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Configure the Server to Pre-load Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Pre-load All Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Pre-load One or More Specific Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Configure Complex Pre-loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Browse Available Services and WSDLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Apply SOAP Commands and WSDL Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
SOAP Commands Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Response from the GenerateWSDL Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Reference for WSDL Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Debug Real-Time Services Using SOAP Fault Elements and Log Files . . . . . . . . . 66
Define Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Declare Input and Output Variables for Data Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Update Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Terminate Real-Time Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Set a Job ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Terminate the Real-Time Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Manage the DFWSVC Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Unload DFWSVC Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Reference for DFWSVC Configuration Options in dmserver.cfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Reference for DFWSVC Configuration Options in service.cfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Manage the DFWFPROC Process Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Unload Idle DFWFPROC Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Reference for DFWFPROC Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Manage DFWFPROC Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Limit the Number of Jobs and Queue Job Run Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Reference for DFWFPROC Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
54 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Run Jobs with the dmpexec Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
dmpexec Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Configure Authentication for dmpexec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Configure a Log File for dmpexec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Configure Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Grant Job Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
QKB Memory Usage for Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Configure Bulk Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Configure Storage for Temporary Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Support for Remote-Access Clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Resolve Out-of-Memory Errors When Using Sun JVM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Collect Job Status Information with the SAS Job Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
About the Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Troubleshoot Jobs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Troubleshoot SOAP Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Server Processes (DFWSVC or DFWFPROC) Fail to Start, or
Out of Memory Error in Windows When Launching Server Processes . . . . . . . . 80
Required OpenSSL Libraries Were Not Found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
The Repository Is Newer Than This Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Creating a New WSDL in DataFlux Web Studio Generates a Not-Licensed Error . 81
SQL Lookup Job Fails on a UNIX or Linux System Using the Driver for BASE . . 82
When Opening a Job Log: SOAP-ENV:Client:UNKNOWN Error (or Time-out) . 82
Error Occurs in an Address Verification Job on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
DQ Engine Cannot Process New Quality Knowledge Base Definitions . . . . . . . . . 82
Job with Custom Scheme Fails to Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Load Balance Service Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Customize the Server’s WSDL File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Customize the WSDL File for Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Customize the WSDL File for C# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Overview of Jobs and Services

Types of Jobs and Services

The types of jobs and services that you can store and run on a DataFlux Data
Management Server include real-time data services, real-time process services, batch
jobs, and profile jobs.
Real-Time Services Data Services
Real-time data services are designed to quickly respond to a request from a client
application. Real-time data services can process a small amount of data input from a
client, or it can retrieve and deliver a small amount of data from a database. Real-
time data services are executed by the DFWSFC process, as defined in “Manage the
DFWSVC Process”.
Overview of Jobs and Services 55

Real-Time Process Services

Real-time process services accept input parameters only from clients, to trigger
events or change a display. Real-time process services are executed the DFWFPROC
process, which runs a WorkFlow Engine (WFE), as defined in “Manage the
DFWFPROC Process Services”.
About Real-Time Data Services and Real-Time Process Services
If a real-time data service or real-time process service fails to terminate normally,
then the service is terminated when the client connection times-out.
To maximize performance, logging is not enabled for real-time services. To activate
logging for debugging purposes, see “Administer Data Service Log Files”.
Real-time services are stored in install-path\ var\data_services |

Batch Jobs
Batch jobs are designed to be run at specified times to collect data and generate
reports. Batch jobs are not intended to provide real-time responses to client requests.
All batch jobs are logged in dmserver.log. For more information, see “Administer
Log Files for Batch and Profile Jobs”.
Batch jobs are stored in install-path\ var\batch_jobs.
Batch jobs, like real-time process services, are run by the DFWFPROC process. You
can pass input parameters into batch jobs, but not any actual data.
Profile Jobs
Profile jobs are designed to analyze the quality of specified data sets. Profile jobs are
handled as repository objects. They are required to reside in the Data Management
Repository. When you run a profile job, the server finds the job in the repository and
then starts a new instance of the DFWFPROC process. The requested profile is then
run by ProfileExec.djf, which resides in the same directory as the repository. For
more information about the Data Management Repository, see “About the
Repository” on page 80.
Unlike batch jobs, you cannot grant unique user permissions for profile jobs since
they do not have associated object-level access control. To learn more about
permissions, see “Manage Permissions”.
When you install a new version of the DataFlux Data Management Server, you are
required to import all of your profile jobs into a new Data Management Repository.
For more information about importing profile jobs, see “Post-Installation Tasks”.

Usage Notes for Jobs and Services

In the Windows operating environment, it is possible to save a DataFlux Data
Management Server job to a directory, and then not be able to see that job in that
directory. To resolve this issue, save your jobs in a location that does not use mapped
drives. A Windows service is not able to access mapped drives, even if the service is
started under a user account that maps those drives.
DataFlux Data Management Server cannot run a remote job or service whose location is
specified with a mapped drive letter, such as Z:\path\remote_job.ddf. The server
runs as a service under a SYSTEM account and no mapped drives are available to such
an account. Use a UNC path to specify the location of a remote job or service, such as \
56 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

The following restrictions apply to the name of a job that will be deployed to DataFlux
Data Management Server. You should follow these restrictions for all jobs. A job name
can contain any alpha-numeric characters, white spaces, and any characters from the
following list:

The maximum length of job names is 8,192 bytes. DataFlux Data Management Server
will not upload, list, or run a job name with characters other than those cited above.
In UNIX or Linux, to run a shell command in a job, use the execute() function, as shown
in the following examples. To run the command directly:
execute("/bin/chmod", "777", "file.txt")

To run a command through a shell:

execute("/bin/sh", "-c", "chmod 777 file.txt")

The preceding examples return the host authorizations for a text file.

Configure the SOAP and WLP Servers

The DataFlux Data Management Server manages client connections using multiple
threads. By default, a SOAP server communicates with clients. To enhance performance,
you can enable a second server that listens for client connections at a separate port. The
two servers run as separate threads in a single process. Both servers spawn new threads
to connect to clients, using a shared thread pool. The two servers are defined as follows.
The SOAP server uses a SOAP interface, as defined in the DataFlux Web Service
Definition Language (WSDL) file. For more information about the WSDL file, see
“Customize the Server’s WSDL File”.
The Wire-Level Protocol (WLP) server uses a proprietary WLP client library. WLP
offers a significant performance increase over SOAP, especially for real-time data
services that require significant amounts of data transfer. The WLP server is disabled by
default. When it is enabled, the WLP server is used with the SAS programs that include
the procedure DMSRVDATASVC, and all functions. In SAS programs, WLP is enabled
by setting the system option DQOPTIONS=(DQSRVPROTOCOL=WIRELINE). WLP
is used primarily in the z/OS operating environment, where it is a required replacement
for SOAP.
The DataFlux Data Management Server processes a single SOAP request per client
connection. After the server returns a response, the connection is closed. This is true
even if the client attempts to make a persistent connection by including Connection:
Keep-Alive (for HTTP 1.0) or by omitting Connection: close (for HTTP 1.1). The
connection parameters are specified in the HTTP header of the SOAP request.
To manage the configuration of the SOAP and the WLP servers, set the following
configuration options.
Configure the SOAP and WLP Servers 57

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/LISTEN_HOST Specifies the host name or IP address to which

the SOAP server must bind. A machine running
DataFlux Data Management Server might be
available on the network under different host
names or IP addresses. Different machines on
the network might have access to this machine
via one host name or IP address, but not via
others. By binding to a particular host name or
IP address, the server hears only requests
addressed specifically to that host name or IP
address. A pair of host names and IP addresses
can be used interchangeably. For example, if this
option is set to localhost, local clients sending
requests to will still be heard.
However, requests to public IP address or the
host name of the machine (or requests coming
from external clients to the machine) will not be
heard. By default, this option is left blank. That
means the DataFlux Data Management Server is
not bound to any specific host name or the IP
address of the machine and receives all requests
that are coming to the machine, on the correct
Note: The default value of this option is
specified by the SAS Metadata Server during the
invocation of the DataFlux Data Management
Server. You can override the default by
specifying a value in dmserver.cfg. This is
necessary when you want the DataFlux Data
Management Server to listen for connection
requests from any host. In that case, the value of
the option is blank, ending with an = symbol
after the option name.

DMSERVER/SOAP/LISTEN_PORT The DataFlux Data Management Server uses the

DMSERVER/NAME option to retrieve from
metadata the values of three configuration
options, including LISTEN_PORT. If the SAS
Metadata Server does not return a value for
LISTEN_PORT, then the DataFlux Data
Management Server does not start. If a value is
returned, and if dmserver.cfg also contains a
value for LISTEN_PORT, then the local value
overrides the metadata value. For this reason, it
is recommended that you not set
LISTEN_PORT in dmserver.cfg. For further
information, see DMSERVER/NAME and
58 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/WLP Enables or disables the WLP server. When the

value is YES, the WLP server is started and uses
its own listen port. When the value is NO, the
WLP server is bypassed during start-up of Data
Management Server. This means that
WLP clients cannot connect to the DataFlux
Data Management Server, but SOAP clients can.
The DataFlux Data Management Server log
receives entries for the status of WLP server.
Note: When this option is active, data between
the SAS Data Quality Server and the DataFlux
Data Management Server is not encrypted.

DMSERVER/WLP/LISTEN_PORT Specifies the port on which the WLP server

listens for connections from WLP clients. If you
are running multiple instances of the server on
the same machine, each instance must have a
unique port configured for it. The default port is

DMSERVER/WLP/LISTEN_HOST Specifies the host name or IP address to which

the WLP server must bind. By default, this
option is left blank. For more information, see

Note: If you are using the SSL security protocol, SOAP client communication must be
enabled and the WLP server must be disabled. For more information, see “Configure
Enhanced Security” on page 31.

Configure the Server to Pre-load Services

The following sections describe how to use pre-load configuration settings when you
start your DataFlux Data Management Server. This is helpful if you typically use the
same services each time you run DataFlux Data Management Server.
Use the following options to configure pre-load:
• DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/PRELOAD = count:name-of-servicecount:name-
of-service ...
The value count specifies the number of pre-load instances. The value name-of-
service indicates the name of the service element. This can include the directory
where the service is located.
By default, the DataFlux Data Management Server pre-loads all configured services
before accepting SOAP requests. When the value is yes, the DataFlux Data
Management Server starts a separate thread to pre-load all configured services at run
Configure the Server to Pre-load Services 59

time, while accepting SOAP requests at the same time. If DataFlux Data
Management Server is stopped while the pre-load thread is still running, that thread
will be terminated.

Pre-load All Services

The configuration option DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/PRELOAD_ALL = count
causes the DataFlux Data Management Server to find and pre-load a specified number of
all services. This includes services found in subdirectories. The number of instances of
each service (count) must be an integer greater than 0, or the directive is ignored.
For example, DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/PRELOAD_ALL = 2 causes DataFlux
Data Management Server to preload two instances of each service that is available,
including those found in subdirectories.

Pre-load One or More Specific Services

The configuration option DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/PRELOAD =count:name-of-
service designates the specific services, as well as the count for each service, that the
DataFlux Data Management Server is to pre-load at start-up. Use additional count and
service elements for each service. Separate each count and service element by one or
more blank spaces. The service element itself cannot include blank spaces. Also, all
elements must be listed on a single line. Using this format, you can configure a directive
that starts a number of services, each with a different count.
The following example loads two counts of the abc service and one count of the xyz
service. The xyz service is located in the subdir2 subdirectory:
DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/PRELOAD = 2:abc.ddf 1:subdir1\xyz.ddf

Configure Complex Pre-loads

By combining options, you can configure more complex pre-loads. The two options add
the counts arithmetically to determine how many services are actually loaded. Internally,
the DataFlux Data Management Server builds a list of all of the services that it needs to
pre-load and, for each service, sets the total count.
The following two example options illustrate the logic of how this works:
DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/PRELOAD = 2:svc1.ddf -1:subdir1\svc2.ddf -2:svc3.ddf

The first option instructs the DataFlux Data Management Server to pre-load a total of
two instances of all existing services. The second options modify the first as follows:
• Two additional counts of svc1.ddf are added, for a total of four instances. The counts
are added together, and the total is the number of instances that DataFlux Data
Management Server tries to preload.
• The svc2.ddf file, which is found in the subdir1 subdirectory, has a -1 count. This
produces a total count of one for svc2.ddf.
• For the svc3.ddf file, there is a combined total count of zero, so this service is not
loaded at all. The count value must be greater than zero for a service to be pre-
Some important points to remember:
60 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

• DataFlux Data Management Server attempts to pre-load a single instance of all

requested services before trying to pre-load more instances, if more than one instance
is specified.
• The service element can include the path to the service, relative to the root of the
services directory. For example, 1:subdir1\svc2.ddf specifies one instance of
service svc2.ddf, which is located in the subdir1 subdirectory.
• The count value can be a negative value. This is meaningful only when both
configuration options are used together.
• Pre-loading stops when the DataFlux Data Management Server has attempted to pre-
load all required instances (successfully or not), or if the limit on the number of
services has been reached. Depending on whether a SOAP or WLP server is used,
the limit can be specified by using one of the following configuration options:
MAX_NUM . These configurations will default to 10 if a number is not specified.

Browse Available Services and WSDLs

You can use a web browser to display lists of available data services and process
services. You can also display definitions of available data services and process services.
The definition files are formatted in the Web Service Definition Language.
You can configure your DataFlux Data Management Server to generate WSDL service
definitions dynamically, in response to GET WSDL requests.
To use a web browser to display a list of available data services, enter an address in the
following format:

As shown in this example:


To use a web browser to display a list of available process services, enter an address in
the following format:

As shown in this example:


To use a web browser to display the WSDL of a data service, enter an address in the
following format:

The path is the directory path in install-path/share/web/data-services.

The following example displays the WSDL of the data service named RAM.DDF:

To use a web browser to display the WSDL of a process service, enter an address in the
following format:

The path is the directory path in install-path/share/web/data-services.

Apply SOAP Commands and WSDL Options 61

The following example displays the WSDL of a process service named RAM.DDF:

If a WSDL does not already exist for a data service or a process service, then one of the
two things will happen. If the DataFlux Data Management Server is configured to
generate a WSDL in response to GET WSDL requests, then the server generates a
WSDL for display in the browser. Otherwise, the browser displays an error.
To generate WSDLs in response to GET WSDL requests, set the following option in
dmserver.cfg: DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/GEN_ON_GET = yes.

Apply SOAP Commands and WSDL Options

The DataFlux Data Management Server supports a number of SOAP commands that
enable clients to run jobs and services and administer the server. These Simple Object
Access Protocol (SOAP) commands cause the server to return simple types (integers and
strings) or types that are structures built from simple types and other structures. All
requests that are sent to the server must be encoded in UTF-8 format. All responses from
the server are also encoded in UTF-8 format. Definitions of all requests, responses, and
complex types are found in the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file, in
Note: WSDL 2.0 is not supported.

SOAP Commands Reference

The following table describes the SOAP commands that appear in the WSDL file:

Command Description Command Type

GenerateWSDL Generates a WSDL for a real-time

data service or a real-time process
service, or for an entire directory
including all associated subdirectories.
You can pass service names or a single
directory name but both cannot be
used together in the command. Using
a service and directory name together
will result in an error. The DataFlux
Data Management Server can generate
multiple WSDLs within a request and
will not stop if an error occurs. To
review the responses that result from
the use of this command, see
“Response from the GenerateWSDL
62 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Command Description Command Type

GetServerVersion Returns the server version and the Single version

versions of the installed reference command
data, the repository, and some of the
libraries. Also returns date and time

ArchitectServiceParam Returns the input and output fields of Data services

a real-time data service. command

ArchitectService Runs a real-time data service. The Data services

timeout integer element specifies the command
number of seconds to allow a real-
time data service to run before it is
stopped by the server. If the timeout
element is omitted from the request, or
if the value is 0, then the real-time
data service will not be stopped by
Note: The actual duration of a real-
time data service can vary depending
on the rounding-up of fractional
timeout values. For example, a timeout
value of 1.5 is rounded up to an actual
duration of 2 seconds.

ArchitectServicePreload Starts the requested number of Data services

processes, and loads into those command
processes the specified real-time data
services. For information about
preloading services, see “Configure
the Server to Pre-load Services”.

ArchitectServiceUnload Terminates the process that is running Data services

the specified real-time data or process command
service. For further information,

LoadedObjectList Returns a list of running real-time data Data services

service processes, along with the name command
of the loaded service job for each

MaxNumJobs Sets the maximum number of Data services

concurrent processes that can run real- command
time data services. This is a run time
setting only and has no effect on the
value of the configuration option in
the dmserver.cfg file. To learn about
configuration options, see
“Configuration Options Reference for

WorkFlowJobParams Returns the inputs and outputs of Process services

either a real-time process service or a command
batch job.
Apply SOAP Commands and WSDL Options 63

Command Description Command Type

WorkFlowService Runs a real-time process service. Process services


UnloadProcesses Kills all idle dfwfproc processes and Process services

subsequent busy dfwfproc processes command
once they become idle. The
DFWFPROC processes run real-time
process services and batch jobs.
This command is run by DataFlux
Data Management Studio when you
select Unload Idle Processes for a
given instance of DataFlux Data
Management Server.

RunArchitectJob Runs a batch job. Batch and profile jobs


RunProfileJob Runs a profile job. Batch and profile jobs


TerminateJob Terminates a running batch job or Batch and profile jobs

profile job. The client can still retrieve commands
the status, log, and statistics file (if
one exists) after the job has been

JobStatus Returns status information for one or Batch and profile jobs
more batch jobs or profile jobs. commands
Applies to jobs that are running or that
have already finished.

JobLog Returns the log file and statistics file Batch and profile jobs
(if one exists) for a batch job or profile commands
job. Applies only to already finished

DeleteJobLog Deletes the job log, statistics file (if Batch and profile jobs
one exists), and all history for a given commands
job run. Applies only to already
finished jobs.

ObjectList Retrieves a list of available objects of Object files

a specified type (data services, process commands
services, batch jobs, or profile jobs).

PostObject Uploads an object of a specified type. Object files

If an object of that type with the same commands
name and path already exists, an error
is returned.

ObjFile Downloads an object of a specified Object files

type. commands
64 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Command Description Command Type

DeleteObject Deletes an existing object of a Object files

specified type. commands

ListAccounts Returns a list of user and group IDs Security commands

with explicitly configured server
commands permissions (which are

SetPermissions Sets server command permissions for Security commands

a user or group ID.

DeleteAccount Deletes server command permissions Security commands

for a user or group ID.

SetACL Sets an access control list (ACL) for Security commands

an object (data service, process
service, or batch job).

GetACL Retrieves an ACL for an object. Security commands

Response from the GenerateWSDL Command

When a client requests the GenerateWSDL command, the response contains two lists:
1. A list of the job names for which WSDLs were generated successfully.
2. A list of job names for which WSDLs could not be generated. Each entry in this list
includes a detailed error message as to the cause of the problem.

Generating a WSDL is similar to obtaining properties for a service, so the error

messages in the job list are similar. Typical messages include the following:
• job file not found
• access denied
• job format is invalid
• failed to connect to DB
The two job lists are sent only when the request is completed, with or without errors.
The amount of time that is required to generate a WSDL is determined by the nature of
the job and its dependencies.

Reference for WSDL Configuration Options

The following table describes the configuration options in dmserver.cfg that relate to
Apply SOAP Commands and WSDL Options 65

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL Specify a value of YES to load existing WSDLs when

you start the DataFlux Data Management Server.
Specifying YES also enables the server to recognize other
WSDL configuration options and respond to client
requests for WSDL-based jobs and services. The default
value NO specifies that no existing WSDLs are loaded at
start-up, no new WSDLs are generated, client requests to
run WSDL-based jobs and services are ignored, and other
WSDL configuration options are ignored.

DMSERVER/SOAP/ Allows or denies the server the ability to generate run-

WSDL/GEN time WSDLs. Valid option values are NO, SINGLE, or
The default value NO specifies that the only WSDLs that
can be used to respond to client requests are those that are
loaded when you start the DataFlux Data Management
Server. Errors are generated in response to requests to the
GenerateWSDL command or the PostObject command.
The value SINGLE enables the generation of a single
WSDL for each instance of GenerateWSDL or
The value MULTIPLE enables the generation of multiple
WSDLs, for SOAP commands that apply to multiple job
files or directories of jobs.
Note that WSDL generation can be a time-consuming and
resource-intensive process. Also note that erroneous
requests to generate multiple WSDLs can cause a severe
degradation in server performance.

DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/ Allows or denies WSDL generation as part of an HTTP

GEN_ON_GET getWSDL request.
The default value NO indicates that an error is returned if
the WSDL does not exist, or if the mod.time stamp in the
WSDL differs from the mod.time stamp in the service job
file. The different mod.time values indicate that the
WSDL has been updated on the server, but not on the
The value YES indicates that the server does not return
an error message if the WSDL does not exist or if the
mod.time stamps differ. Instead, the server attempts to
generate the latest WSDL. If successful, the server
returns the new WSDL to the client.
This option is valid only when the value of DMSERVER/
value of DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/GEN is NO, then
the GEN_ON_GET option is ignored and WSDLs are not
generated on HTTP getWSDL requests.
66 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/ When the server receives an HTTP RunSVC request, this

RUN_IGNORE_MTIME option determines whether the client needs to be rebuilt
in order to match an updated WSDL. A rebuild is
indicated when the mod.time stamp in the WSDL differs
from the mod.time stamp in the service job file.
The default value NO specifies not to ignore differences
in mod.time values. When the server detects a difference
in mod.time values, the server returns to the client the
error message Job Has Changed. The client responds by
requesting that the server regenerate the WSDL and send
the WSDL to the client. The client then rebuilds as
directed by the new WSDL.
A value of YES indicates that the server will not compare
mod.time values. The server passes the RunSVC request
directly to the service process for execution. This
behavior applies to service requests that are based on
generic WSDL

Debug Real-Time Services Using SOAP Fault Elements and Log

When the server encounters an error during the processing of that request, the
SOAP response from the server will contain a faultcode tag and a faultstring tag. The
faultcode tag categorizes the error. The faultcode tag provides a human-readable
description of the error.
The DataFlux Data Management Server generates the following fault codes:

Error Description

VersionMismatch Pertains to the SOAP Envelope element, which is the root element
for all SOAP messages. Indicates that the recipient of a message
did not recognize the namespace name of the Envelope element.

MustUnderstand Indicates that the recipient of an element child of the Header

element had a soap:mustUnderstand attribute that was not
understood by the recipient.

SOAP-ENV:Client Indicates that the SOAP message did not contain all of the
information that is required by the recipient. This could mean that
something was missing from inside the Body element. Equally, an
expected extension inside the Header element could have been
missing. In either case, the sender should not resend the message
without correcting the problem.

SOAP-ENV:Server Indicates that the recipient of the message was unable to process
the message because of a server problem. The message contents
are not at fault. Instead, a resource was unavailable or process
logic failed.
Define Macros 67

Other fault elements are delivered in the SOAP response, such as the tags faultactor or
detail. These elements do not specify a reason for the fault or indicate the data element
that triggered the error. These tags are generic in nature and are usually returned for any
and all SOAP requests. Because the DataFlux Data Management Server logs information
related to processing errors, these optional SOAP elements are not used for error
messaging. It is necessary to look at a log file to obtain details for problem
determination. Depending on the nature of the problem, the error might be exposed in a
server log or specific service process log. To learn more about logs, see “Administer
DataFlux Data Management Server Log Files” and see “Administer Data Service Log
Also note that the nil tags are unused for SOAP fault messaging. It is best not to refer to
these elements for problem determination.

Define Macros

The macros.cfg configuration file defines macro values for substitution into batch jobs,
and overrides predefined values. This file is located in install-path/etc. Each line
in the file represents a macro value in the form key = value, where the key is the
macro name and the value is its value. The following example of a macro defines a
Windows path:
INPUT_FILE_PATH = C:\files\inputfile.txt

On a UNIX system:
INPUT_FILE_PATH = /home/dfuser/files/inputfile.txt

The example macro is useful when you are porting jobs from one machine to another,
because the paths to an input file in different operating environments often differ. By
using a macro to define the input filename, you do not need to change the path to the file
after you port the job to UNIX. You add the macro to install-path/etc/
macros.cfg in both the Windows and UNIX, and set the path appropriately in each.
The etc directory contains the macros.cfg file and a macros subdirectory. The macros
subdirectory can contain multiple .cfg files. If one or more of the .cfg files exist in that
subdirectory, then they will be read in alphabetical order before the macros.cfg file is
read. The last value read becomes the value that is applied.
If your jobs use system and user-created macros, you must create a combined macro file
to be able to use the macros in DataFlux Data Management Server. For more information
about macros, see the online Help for DataFlux Data Management Studio.

Declare Input and Output Variables for Data Services

Prior to Release 2.2, the macros that were passed into real-time data services were the
only ones that could be returned. Also, any macro variable was allowed to be passed to
the service, even if it was not being used by the service.
In Release 2.2 and thereafter, input and output variables for real-time data services
behave similarly to variables of real-time process services and batch jobs. Specifically,
only input variables that are declared in a real-time data service job can be passed in, and
only final values for declared output variables will be returned. If a variable that was not
declared as input is passed into a data service, then an error is returned. To revert to
68 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

behavior prior to Release 2.2, set the following configuration option in the
service.cfg file:

Update Macros

About Updates
For each job process, the DataFlux Data Management Server reads configured macros at
the beginning of execution. When a macro changes, you can update the macro on the
server without having to restart the server, using one of the following procedures.

Update Macros for Process Services, Batch Jobs, and Profile Jobs
For real-time process services, batch jobs, and profile jobs, all of which are executed by
separate instances of the DFWFPROC process:
1. In the Data Management Servers tree in Studio, select a server by name.
2. Right-click on the server name and select Unload idle processes from the drop-
down menu.

Unloading idle processes also updates macros for all subsequent instances of the
DFWFPROC process.

Update Macros for Real-Time Data Services

For real-time data services, all of which are executed by separate instances of the
DFWSVC process:
1. In the Data Management Servers tree in Studio, expand a server by name.
2. Select the Real-Time Data Services folder under.
3. In the right pane click the Loaded Processes tab.
4. Select all of the processes under Process ID, and then click one of two buttons
depending on the status of the job: Unload Process When Idle, or Unload Process:

Terminate Real-Time Services

You (or your client) can submit macros or input variables in SOAP commands to
terminate real-time data services and real-time process services. You submit a job run
identifier when you request the service. Later, to kill the service, you include the ID in
the unload command.

Set a Job ID
When you submit a job run request with ArchitectService or WorkFlowService, you set a
job ID, which you can then use to terminate the real-time service. Submit the following
key/value pair in a macro (in the varValue element) or as an input variable (in the inputs
Manage the DFWSVC Process 69


You ensure that the value is unique, as necessary, and not NULL. If the value is not
unique, then the DataFlux Data Management Server will search the active real-time
services terminate the first real-time service with a matching identifier.
Setting a job run identifier provides the job run request with the following two new
values can be data or process.
the value is a job run identifier.

Terminate the Real-Time Service

To terminate a real-time data or process service that has job run identifier, include
usrJobID and svcType (as needed) in the SOAP command ArchitectServiceUnload.

Manage the DFWSVC Process

One instance of the DFWSVC process runs one real-time data service. The DataFlux
Data Management Server tracks both idle and active processes. The server also
understands whether any service jobs are loaded and waiting to run. When a request for
a real-time data service is received from a client, the server first tries to finds an idle
DFWSVC process that has the same job loaded. If one does not exist, then the server
looks for a DFWSVC process that does not have any jobs loaded. Finally, if the server
does not find a process to reuse, a new process is started, if the configuration allows.
This depends on the DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/MAX_NUM limit. If a new
process would exceed that limit, the process is not started. If the queue is enabled in the
DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/QUEUE option, then the new process is placed in the
queue to wait for execution. If the queue is not enabled, an error message is returned.
When an active DFWSVC process is terminated, the DataFlux Data Management Server
records the event in the server log. If an idle DFWSVC process terminates, the server
logs the event and starts a new process when another request is received.
The maximum run time for data services is set by the configuration option DMSERVER/

Unload DFWSVC Processes

Follow these steps to unload one or more real-time data service processes:
1. Open DataFlux Data Management Studio and connect to the DataFlux Data
Management Server.
2. Select the Real-Time Data Services folder in the navigation pane.
3. Click the Loaded Processes tab.
4. Select one or more real-time data services.
70 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

5. Click either Unload Process When Idle or Unload Process. Unload Process
unloads the process immediately.

Reference for DFWSVC Configuration Options in dmserver.cfg

Use the following configuration options to manage your DFWSVC processes. These
options are specified in install-path/etc/dmserver.cfg.

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the number of seconds to allow

IDLE_TIMEOUT a DFWSVC process to remain idle before
it is terminated. The default setting is 0
indicating that there is no time-out.
Negative values are ignored.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/QUEUE Specifies whether to queue real-time data

service requests. The value YES indicates
that if all DFWSVC process are busy and
no new process are allowed to start, then
service requests are placed in a queue.
The requests are submitted to DFWSVC
processes as processes become available.
The default value NO returns an error to
the requesting client when the preceding
conditions apply.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/MAX_NUM Specifies the maximum number of real-

time data services that the SOAP server is
allowed to run simultaneously. The
default value is 10. If a new service
request would exceed the set limit, and if
the request queue is not enabled, then an
error message is sent to the requesting
client. This option applies to the SOAP
server, meaning that the service requests
are coming from a SOAP client. It does
not apply to the WLP server or requests
coming from a WLP client.

DMSERVER/WLP/DATA_SVC/MAX_NUM Specifies the maximum number of real-

time data services that the WLP server is
allowed to run simultaneously. The
default value is 10. If a new service
request exceeds this limit, an error
message is returned to the requesting
client. This option applies to the WLP
server, which processes service requests
from WLP clients. This option does not
apply to the SOAP server or requests
from SOAP clients.
Manage the DFWSVC Process 71

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the minimum number of

JOB_COUNT_MIN instances of a given real-time data service
that remain loaded. When the number of
jobs reaches the minimum limit, the
DataFlux Data Management Server halts
the unloading of instances of the
specified job. The value of this option is
of the form min-count:service-file-name.
The option value syntax can include one
or more blank-separated instances of
Note: A whitespace character (' ') is used
as a separator between potentially
multiple entries. Therefore, the pathname
of the services used in this option cannot
contain whitespace characters.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of

JOB_COUNT_MAX instances of a given real-time data service
job that can be loaded at the same time.
When this limit is reached, the DataFlux
Data Management Server will not load
any more instances of that service job.
The value of this option is of the form
The option value syntax can include one
or more blank-separated instances of
Note: A whitespace character (' ') is used
as a separator between potentially
multiple entries. Therefore, the pathname
of the services used in this option cannot
contain whitespace characters.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/MAX_ERRS Specifies the maximum number of

service errors that can occur in a
DFWSVC process before the process is
terminated. The default value is -1, which
indicates that there is no process
termination due to service errors.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of

MAX_REQUESTS service requests that a DFWSVC is
allowed to handle before it is terminated.
The default value is -1, which indicates
that processes are not terminated based
on the number of service requests
72 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the number of seconds to allow

MAX_RUNTIME a real-time data service to produce output
data or an error. If a data service does not
produce a response within the specified
number of seconds, the server terminates
the corresponding DFWSVC process.
The server then sends a SOAP fault
message to the client. The default value
for this option is 0 (zero), which indicates
that a real-time data service can run
indefinitely. Negative values are ignored.
Note that the actual time to terminate the
process can differ from the value of this
option because fractional values are
rounded up. An option value of 1.5 can
result in a physical duration of 2 seconds
before the service is terminated.

Reference for DFWSVC Configuration Options in service.cfg

Use the following configuration options to manage your DFWSVC processes. These
options are provided in the file install-path/etc/service.cfg. When you set
these configurations, consider that similar configuration options in the DataFlux Data
Management Server’s app.cfg configuration file are also applied. The options in app.cfg
are applied first, before the configuration options are applied from service.cfg.

Configuration Option Description

DATASVC/ The value YES causes DFWSVC to ignore all

IGNORE_DECLARED_VARS input and output variables that are declared in the
real-time data service. Use this value to run real-
time data services that were created prior to
DataFlux Data Management Server 2.2. All input
macros are passed into the data service and all
final macro values are returned to the client along
with the output data.
The default value NO causes DFWSVC to allow
in only the input variables that are declared on the
job. If any other input variables are passed in, the
real-time data service terminates and returns an
error to the client. Only the output variables
declared on the job will be returned along with the
output data from the service.

DATASVC/THREAD_STACK_SIZE This option sets the stack size, in bytes, for each
thread of DFWSVC in the UNIX and Linux
operating environments. The default value is
1MB. This option is ignored in the Windows
operating environment.
Manage the DFWFPROC Process Services 73

Configuration Option Description

DATASVC/ This option controls the maximum amount of

MAX_OUTPUT_BYTES data, in bytes, that the DFWSVC process is
allowed to return to the SOAP client. The default
value is 128MB (134217728 bytes). If the output
data exceeds the limit, the real-time data service is
terminated. The error message Output data size
limit exceeded is logged in the log files of
DFWSVC and DataFlux Data Management
Server. The SOAP client also receives the error
message. A value of 0 or less disables the
examination of the output data size.
Note: This option applies only when DFWSVC
is invoked by a SOAP client request. The option is
ignored when DFWSVC is invoked by a WLP
client request.

Manage the DFWFPROC Process Services

The DFWFPROC process runs real-time process services, batch jobs, and profile jobs.
Process services are handled independently of batch and profile jobs, by a pooler. The
DataFlux Data Management Server requests a new process from the pooler. The server
then sends the process the service name and input parameters so that the process can
load and run the service.
The default directories for process services, batch jobs, and profile jobs are located in

Unload Idle DFWFPROC Processes

You can unload idle DFWFPROC processes for real-time process services, batch jobs,
and profile jobs using the SOAP command UnloadProcesses, as described in “Apply
SOAP Commands and WSDL Options”. To unload processes manually, follow these
1. Open DataFlux Data Management Studio and open the Data Management Servers
2. Locate the action menu and select Unload Idle Loaded Processes.

Reference for DFWFPROC Configuration Options

Use the following configuration options to manage your DFWSVC processes. These
options are specified in install-path/etc/dmserver.cfg.
74 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/PROC_SVC/MAX_NUM Specifies the maximum number of real-time

process services that are allowed to run
simultaneously. The default value is 10. If a
new service request exceeds the limit, then
an error message is displayed and the new
service is not executed.

DMSERVER/JOBS_ROOT_PATH Specifies the location of the root directory

for the job and service subdirectories. The
default object root directory is install-
path\var. The subdirectories for jobs and
services are: data services, process
services, and batch jobs.

Manage DFWFPROC Jobs

The DFWFPROC process runs real-time process services, batch jobs, and profile jobs.
Batch and profile jobs are handled independently of process services.
For batch and profile jobs, the DataFlux Data Management Server starts a new
DFWFPROC process and assigns the job to that process. Log entries record job status:
start, running, finished successfully, or terminated due to error. This information is
displayed in the Monitor folder in DataFlux Data Management Studio.
You can also configure the DataFlux Data Management Server to collect job run
statistics for batch and profile jobs. The statistics are parsed from job run log files by the
SAS Job Monitor (in SAS Environment Manager.) The Job Monitor can examine log
entries that are collected during job runs. To learn more about using the SAS Job
Monitor, see “Collect Job Status Information with the SAS Job Monitor”.
The default directories for process services, batch jobs, and profile jobs are located in

Limit the Number of Jobs and Queue Job Run Requests

To manage server performance, you can use DMSERVER/JOBS_MAX_NUM to control
the number of jobs (batch and profile) that can run simultaneously. When the maximum
number of active jobs is reached, you can choose to refuse additional job run requests, or
to enqueue job run requests using DMSERVER/JOBS_QUEUE. Using the queue, the
server honors all job run requests in the order in which they were received, as the
number of active jobs drops below the specified limit. By default, the server accepts all
job requests and does not use a queue.
In DataFlux Data Management Studio, queued job run requests are displayed in the job’s
Run History tab. To display the Run History tab, you expand the DataFlux Data
Management Servers riser, expand the server’s entry in the tree list, and click the job. In
the Run History tab, the Status column displays Queued. When you right-click a
queued job in the Run History tab, the only action that does not generate an error
message is Stop. Stopping the job removes the job run request from the queue.
Run Jobs with the dmpexec Command 75

Similarly, when your SOAP clients submit SOAP commands for enqueued jobs, SOAP
Fault messages are returned for all commands except those that stop the job.

Reference for DFWFPROC Configuration Options

Use the following configuration options to manage your DFWSVC processes. These
options are specified in install-path/etc/dmserver.cfg.

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/JOBS_MAX_NUM Specifies the maximum number of batch

jobs and profile jobs that are allowed to run
simultaneously. The default value is 10. If a
new job request exceeds the limit, and if
DMSERVER/JOBS=YES, then the job run
request is placed in a queue. If
DMSERVER/JOBS=NO, then an error
message is displayed and the new job is not

DMSERVER/JOBS_QUEUE Allows or denies the server the ability to

queue batch job run requests when the
number of running jobs exceeds the value
option. A value of YES queues job run
requests and sends clients a success
response, as if the job had begun to run. As
running jobs finish or are canceled, queued
jobs run and the queue is cleared. This
option does not apply to profile jobs. The
default value is NO.

DMSERVER/JOBS_ROOT_PATH Specifies the location of the root directory

for the job and service subdirectories. The
default object root directory is install-
path\var. The subdirectories for jobs and
services are: data services, process
services, and batch jobs.

Run Jobs with the dmpexec Command

You can run execute jobs on the DataFlux Data Management Server with the command

dmpexec Options
The dmpexec command accepts the following options:
76 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Option Purpose

-c filename Reads a configuration file to set option values that are specific to
the job or command, including the authentication option. (See
the -a option.)

-j file Executes the job in the specified file.

-l path-filename Writes job run log messages to a file. Specify different log files
for each job run, The path value is absolute. It is not affected by
the values of any configuration option.

-i key=value Sets the input variable key to a value before running the job.

-o key=value Sets a server option to a value.

-b key=value Sets a job option to a value.

-a Authenticates the user who is executing dmpexec using the SAS

Metadata Server. This option is required for domain-enabled
connections. To successfully authenticate, you need to specify
options that specify the authenticating server, user name, and

Note: You can use the -i, -b, and -o options multiple times to set multiple values.

Configure Authentication for dmpexec

When you specify the ‑a option in the dmpexec command, the DataFlux Data
Management Server requires three server configuration options. The following
configuration options specify the location of the authenticating server, a user name that
is registered on the authenticating server, and the password that validates the user name:
BASE/AUTH_SERVER_LOC=network‑path:port defines how to connect to the
authenticating server.
BASE/AUTH_SERVER_USER=user‑name specifies the user name that will be
authenticated by the specified server.
BASE/AUTH_SERVER_PASS=password specifies the password that is associated with
the user name.
You can set default values for these options in the configuration file dmserver.cfg. You
can also specify these options in a configuration file that you create specifically for a
given job or command, using the -c option.

Configure a Log File for dmpexec

Follow these steps to generate a log file that applies specifically to your use of dmpexec:
1. In the directory install-path/etc, copy the file batch.cfg to create the new file
2. In the same directory, copy the file batch.log.xml to create the new file
Configure Jobs and Services 77

3. Edit dfwfproc.cfg to specify the location of dfwfproc.log.xml.

4. Open the new file dfwfproc.log.xml. In the file, replace this text:

With this text:


5. Save and close the new files.

Configure Jobs and Services

Jobs and services are configured using the following configuration files, all of which are
stored in install-path/etc :
Specifies options that determine how job nodes interface with the resources on the
Data Management Server. Options in app.cfg specify how job nodes send e-mail, use
a Quality Knowledge Base, and access address verification software. Most of these
options are commented-out by default. They are enabled only when your jobs need
to use a particular resource.
Real-time data services, real-time process services, batch jobs, and profile jobs are
all developed and tested in DataFlux Data Management Studio. When you upload
those jobs to DataFlux Data Management Server, the job execution environment has
to enable the same configuration options that were used to develop and test those
jobs. For this reason, the options that are enabled on the Data Management Server
should be similar to the options that are enabled in DataFlux Data Management
Studio. Option values differ primarily when they reference storage locations.
For more information about the app.cfg file, see DataFlux Data Management Studio
Installation and Configuration Guide.
Specifies options that apply to real-time data services and real-time process services.
This file currently supports one option, BASE/LOGCONFIG_PATH, which specifies
the path to the log file directory that is used by service jobs.
Specifies options that apply to batch jobs. This file provides an alternate value for the
Specifies options (none by default) and macros that apply to all jobs and real-time
services. For information about using macros, see “Define Macros”.
Options are set by order of precedence, starting in the job’s advanced properties. If an
option is not specified in the job, then the server checks for a value in macros.cfg,
followed by either service.cfg or batch.cfg. If no options are specified, then the default
value is retained.
78 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Grant Job Permissions

You can configure user permissions for batch jobs using the administrative interface in
DataFlux Data Management Studio. Profile jobs do not have security functions like
batch jobs, so they cannot be secured at the job level. You can still grant user
permissions for profile jobs at the user or group level.

QKB Memory Usage for Jobs and Services

DataFlux Quality Knowledge Base is loaded into memory in different ways to support
batch jobs, profile jobs, real-time data services, and real-time process services. For batch
and profile jobs, the definitions in the QKB are loaded into memory individually, as they
are needed by the job. The definitions remain in memory until the end of the job. This
default behavior can be changed by setting the configuration option QKB/
ON_DEMAND=NO in the configuration file app.cfg. Specifying NO loads the entire
QKB into memory each time you run a batch job or profile job.
Real-time data services and real-time process services always load the entire QKB into
memory for each new service. Similarly, existing services load the entire QKB into
memory for each new thread. The QKB remains in memory until the termination of the
service or the thread. The loading of the QKB into memory can affect the performance
of real-time services. The memory used by the QKB can be a factor in the preloading of
real-time services.

Configure Bulk Loading

Bulk loading enhances the performance of jobs that monitor business rules, when those
jobs include row-logging events. You can optimize performance for your implementation
by changing the number of rows in each bulk load. By default, the number of rows per
load is 1000. You can change the default value in the app.cfg option MONITOR/

Configure Storage for Temporary Jobs

The business rules monitor creates and executes temporary jobs. Those jobs are normally
kept in memory and are not stored on disk. When a directory is specified for temporary
jobs, the Monitor stores temporary jobs in that location and leaves them in place after the
job is complete. To specify a directory for temporary jobs, create the directory and set
the path of that directory as the value of the app.cfg option MONITOR/
DUMP_JOB_DIR. By default, this option is not set and the Monitor does not store
temporary jobs on disk.

Support for Remote-Access Clients

Remote-access clients are published applications (rather than streamed applications) that
are run out of software such as Citrix or Microsoft RemoteApps. Your client
applications, and DataFlux Data Management Studio, can be run as remote-access
Remote-access clients require additional support to ensure that the cancellation of jobs
results in the termination of all remote child processes. To effectively cancel remote
processes, set the following option in install-path/etc/app.cfg:
Collect Job Status Information with the SAS Job Monitor 79

If you do not set the MAINTAIN_GROUP option, then the cancellation of jobs can
allow child processes to persist on remote-access clients. These rogue processes can
become associated with a new group or job.
If you set the MAINTAIN_GROUP, and if remote child processes persist, then you
might have to restart the remote-access client to terminate the processes.

Resolve Out-of-Memory Errors When Using Sun JVM

You can encounter out-of-memory errors in jobs with a SOAP Request node or an HTTP
Request node, when you are using a Sun Java Virtual Machine (JVM). To resolve this
error, add the following option to the Java start command that is specified in the app.cfg
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled

Collect Job Status Information with the SAS Job

You can collect status information about your job runs using the SAS Job Monitor. The
SAS Job Monitor is supplied as part of the SAS Environment Manager software. The
SAS Job Monitor collects statistics from job run log files. Job run log files are generated
by the Monitor logger on the Data Management Server. The Monitor logger is active and
configured on the server by default.
By default, the Job Monitor collects statistics at the end of the job run. To collect
statistics at specified intervals during job runs, add the configuration option BASE/
MONITOR_FREQUENCY to the file install-path/etc/app.cfg. The default
value of this option is -1. To collect statistics during the job run, set an option value that
determines the time interval in milliseconds between the generation of log entries.
Experiment with different option values to achieve desired results.
To store job run logs in a separate directory, specify a directory path as the value of the
option DMSERVER/JOB_LOGS_DIR, in the file install-path/etc/
dmserver.cfg. By default, job run logs are stored in the same directory as all other
job logs and job files, as specified by the value of DMSERVER/WORK_ROOT_PATH.
The default directory can become large and difficult to navigate. If you specify
DMSERVER/JOB_LOGS_DIR, the value of that option will be set when you start the
server. At start time, the value of the option is recorded in the server log file.
If you need to change the encoding of your job logs, set the option BASE/
JOB_LOG_ENCODING in the DataFlux Data Management Server’s app.cfg file. The
BASE/JOB_LOG_ENCODING option specifies the encoding that is used in the job log.
By default, the log is written in the encoding associated with the locale of the process
that executes the job. For English-speaking organizations, this might be LATIN-1 or
UTF-8. If a log entry contains characters that cannot be represented in the specified
encoding, then the log entry is not written to the log file.
For additional information about the collection of job statistics, see the DataFlux Data
Management Studio Installation and Configuration Guide, the DataFlux Data
Management Studio User’s Guide, and the Help for the SAS Job Monitor.
80 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

About the Repository

A repository is a directory that stores a database file or database connection information.
You run jobs on the DataFlux Data Management Server to access the data in the
The DataFlux Data Management Server enables access to one and only one repository. If
a job attempts to access a repository other than the one that is currently enabled, then the
server sends an error messages to the server log file.
Because of the way that jobs are created, tested, and exported, the repository that is used
by the server needs to be configured to match the repository that is used by DataFlux
Data Management Studio. In fact, both the client and the server can share the same
Each repository is defined by a repository configuration file. The .rcf file provides
metadata definitions for Unified Database connection parameters. The Unified Database
connection consists of a connection string and a table prefix. The connection string can
identify a file in the repository, or a connection to a DBMS.
The .rcf file is located in the directory of the repository. The location of the directory is
specified by default or by the configuration option BASE/REPOS_SYS_PATH, which is
not set by default.
The default repository is install-path\etc\repositories. The default
repository configuration file in that directory is server.rcf. To enable a non-default
repository, set the option BASE/REPOS_SYS_PATH in install-path\etc
\dmserver.cfg, and then restart the DataFlux Data Management Server.
To learn more about creating and migrating a repository, see the topic Maintaining
Repositories in the DataFlux Data Management Studio User’s Guide.

Troubleshoot Jobs and Services

If your job or service experience any of the following symptoms, refer to the following

Troubleshoot SOAP Packets

To debug jobs and services, you can enable the logging of the SOAP packets that are
transmitted and received by the DataFlux Data Management Server. See “Enable the
SOAP Log” on page 40,

Server Processes (DFWSVC or DFWFPROC) Fail to Start, or Out of

Memory Error in Windows When Launching Server Processes
Windows displays the following error message:
The application failed to initialize
Troubleshoot Jobs and Services 81

properly (0xc0000142). Click OK to terminate the


The Data Management Server log file might also display one of the following messages:
Data Service error: failed to start
service process: 1 - Child failed to
contact server process. Failed to start
base services, rc=1 (Error loading
dependency library).

Process Service error: Failed to

getprocess, errorCode=2 (Process
'HOST:ADDR' exited unexpectedly.)

Batch Job error: failed to get process;

err: 0 - Process 'HOST:ADDR' exited unexpectedly.

It is possible for the Windows event log to not contain entries for DFWSVC and
DFWFPROC, even when the DataFlux Data Management Server logs contain one or
more entries. This symptom often indicates that the failure to start processes is caused by
Windows running too many internal processes. The DataFlux Data Management Server
cannot start new processes.
The log discrepancy occurs when Windows runs out of desktop heap. Specifically, the
desktop heap in the WIN32 subsystem becomes depleted. To free system resources, stop
as many non-essential applications and processes as permissible and try to run the jobs
again on the DataFlux Data Management Server. If the errors persist, you might need to
make a minor change in the Windows registry to increase the SharedSection parameter
of the SubSystems key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. For additional information, see
the following Microsoft Support articles:
• "Out of Memory" error message appears when you have a large number of programs
• User32.dll or Kernel32.dll fails to initialize
• Unexpected behavior occurs when you run many processes on a computer running
SQL Server

Required OpenSSL Libraries Were Not Found

This error message indicates that the libraries for OpenSSL were placed in a directory
other than /bin. Make sure that the libraries match the host operating environment (32-bit
or 64-bit.) Copy the libraries to the /bin directory and restart the server.

The Repository Is Newer Than This Client

This error message indicates that someone at your site has upgraded the repository on
the DataFlux Data Management Server. Install a new version of DataFlux Data
Management Studio to use the new repository.

Creating a New WSDL in DataFlux Web Studio Generates a Not-

Licensed Error
If you create a new WSDL for a service using DataFlux Web Studio, you can receive a
not licensed error in the DataFlux Web Studio log file. To resolve this error, open
82 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

DataFlux Data Management Studio, and then select Tools ð Data Management Studio
Options ð Data Management Server. Select the options Connect to Data
Management Server for SAS and Connect to Data Management Server Web

SQL Lookup Job Fails on a UNIX or Linux System Using the Driver
for BASE
The Driver for BASE does not allow data sets to be created that cannot be read by SAS.
If you have Driver for SAS files that contains letters that cannot be accessed in the
UNIX or Linux operating environments, then you will need to rename the file to all-
lowercase. Other files that contain mixed case or uppercase letters might also need to be
renamed using lowercase letters. Once the files are renamed, they can then be accessed
in jobs using any case. For example, the file might be named lookupsource. In jobs, you
can reference LOOKUPSOURCE, lookupsource, or LookUPSoUrCe, just to name a

When Opening a Job Log: SOAP-ENV:Client:UNKNOWN Error (or

This error occurs on some configurations of Microsoft Windows Server 2003, when the
log file exceeds 32KB. A workaround for this problem is to set the following
configuration value in the dmserver.cfg file:

This error and this resolution apply only when the host of your Data Management Server
is running Windows Server 2003.

Error Occurs in an Address Verification Job on Linux

The following error message content indicates that the job is attempting to use an
unsupported version of Address Doctor:
2011-11-10T10:52:11,303 INFO [00001789] -
Node DATAFLOW_0 started.2011-11-10T10:52:11,
390 ERROR [00001793] - Unknown locale name

To resolve this error, edit the job to use the latest Address Verification node, which uses
the latest version of the Address Doctor software.

DQ Engine Cannot Process New Quality Knowledge Base

This error occurs when the currently loaded QKB uses definitions that are newer than
those that are supported by the current version of the QKB. By default, the QKB
attempts to load the definitions and issues warnings before loading them. If the
definitions include instructions that the QKB cannot process, the instructions are ignored
and an error is displayed.
The QKB/ALLOW_INCOMPAT option can be used to specify whether to allow
incompatible QBK definitions to be processed by the QKB. The option is defined in the
app.cfg file; it enables you to choose to either stop processing or allow the
incompatibility and continue processing the definitions.
Customize the Server’s WSDL File 83

Job with Custom Scheme Fails to Run

A job with a custom scheme that fails to run will produce an error similar to the
0817_11:17:40.691 ERROR Node
DATAFLOW_0 error: 3: DQ Engine -
DQ load scheme 'frfra001.sch.bfd' failed:
DQ Engine - DQ error -400:
DQ Engine - Cannot open file "frfra001.sch"..

0817_11:17:40.694 INFO Job terminated due to

error in one or more nodes.

To resolve this error, ensure that the name of the scheme is entered correctly, as it is case
sensitive. Also ensure that the QKB you are using is an exact copy of the QKB used
when the job was created in DataFlux Data Management Studio.
To copy the QKB from Windows to UNIX or Linux, use FTP or Samba mappings. After
you copy the QKB, restart the DataFlux Data Management Server and run the job again.
In UNIX and Linux, change the scheme name (in the scheme directory of the QKB) as
needed to use all lowercase letters.

Load Balance Service Requests

It is possible for the performance of your real-time services to decline due to a high
volume of service requests. The decline in performance can be resolved by creating a
larger pool of available services. If pooling changes do not resolve the issue, then you
can balance the incoming service requests across multiple instances of DataFlux Data
Management Server.
To balance service requests across multiple servers, use a third-party load balancing
service. The load balancing service intercepts HTTP requests (SOAP over HTTP) and
then distributes those requests to the pool of DataFlux Data Management Servers.
Normally, load balancing services use a round-robin load balancing algorithm.

Customize the Server’s WSDL File

The DataFlux Data Management Server's client library is available in Java and C. You
can customize the file to suit your environment using the Web Service Definition
Language (WSDL) file. You can access the WSDL file at the following path or by
entering the following URL into a web browser:


In the WSDL file, the value of the SOAP:address location reflects the local server's
host name and port number. Using an XML editor, you can update the SOAP:address
location to reflect the host name and port number of any DataFlux Data Management
84 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

Server. One note of caution, please do not edit any other values in the arch.wsdl file. For
<service name="dfx-DMServer-instance-name">
<documentation>DataFlux Data Management Server</documentation>
<port name="DQISService" binding="tns:ArchitectService">
<SOAP:address location="http://yourserver.yourdomain.com:21036"/>

Customize the WSDL File for Java

To customize arch.wsdl for Java, use a mapping tool, such as wscompile, to generate
stubs and build classes that wrap the DataFlux Data Management Server interface. In the
examples below, using wscompile, the WSDL file is imported and the stubs are
generated using information from the WSDL file. To use a stub, it must be configured
with the service endpoint or server address.
// Imports
import arch.*;
ArchitectServicePortType_Stub stub;
// get the stub
stub =(ArchitectServicePortType_Stub)new
// optionally set to point to a different end point

// 1) Get Object List example
String[] res;

// 2) Post Object example
byte[] myData; ObjectDefinition obj = new ObjectDefinition();
// read the job file in from the h/d
myData = getBytesFromFile(new File(filename));
// post the job to the server
String res=stub.postObject(obj, myData);

// 3) Delete Object
Customize the WSDL File for Java 85

ObjectDefinition obj = new ObjectDefinition();

String res = stub.deleteObject(obj);

// 4) Get Data Service Params
GetArchitectServiceParamResponse resp;
FieldDefinition[] defs;
// Get Definitions for Either Input or Output
//Loop through Defs

// 5) Execute Data Service
FieldDefinition[] defs;
DataRow[] rows;
String[] row;
GetArchitectServiceResponse resp;
// Fill up the Field Definitions
defs=new FieldDefinition[1];
defs[0] = new FieldDefinition();
// Fill up Data matching the definition
rows = new DataRow[3];
row=new String[1];
row[0] ="Test Data";

rows[i] = new DataRow();


resp=stub.executeArchitectService("MYJOB.ddf", defs, rows, "");

// Get the Status, Output Fields and Data returned from the Execute Call
String res = resp.getStatus();
// Output Field Definitions
// Output Data

86 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

// 6) Run Batch Job

ArchitectVarValueType[] vals;
vals=new ArchitectVarValueType[1];
vals[0]=new ArchitectVarValueType();
// Returns JOBID
String res=stub.runArchitectJob("MYJOB.ddf", vals, "");

// 7) Get Job Status
JobStatusDefinition[] defs;
// if you wanted the status for a single job, you would
// pass the jobid returned from runArchitectJob or runProfileJob

ObjectDefinition obj;

// 8) Get Job Log
GetJobLogResponseType resp;
FileOutputStream fo;
// write it to a file
fo = new FileOutputStream (resp.getFileName());

// 9) Terminate Job
String res=stub.terminateJob(jobId);

// 10) Clear Log
String res=stub.deleteJobLog(jobId);

Customize the WSDL File for C#

To customize your arch.wsdl file for a C# environment, import a web reference into your
project. This builds the object that is required to interface with the DataFlux Data
Management Server.
Customize the WSDL File for C# 87

// Imports
// Add Web reference using the DataFlux supplied WSDL

DQISServer.DQISService mService= new DQISServer.DQISService();
mService.Url = "http://MYDISSERVER" + ":" + "PORT";

// 1) Get Object List example
string[] jobs;

// 2) Post Object example
DQISServer.ObjectDefinition def = new DQISServer.ObjectDefinition();
def.objectName = "VerifyAddress.ddf";
def.objectType = DQISServer.ObjectType.ARCHSERVICE;

// Grab Bytes from a job file

byte[] data = new byte[short.MaxValue];
FileStream fs = File.Open(@"c:\Develop\SoapUser\VerifyAddress.ddf",
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None);

DQISServer.SendPostObjectRequestType req= new

req.@object = def;
req.data = data;


// 3) Delete Object
DQISServer.SendDeleteObjectRequestType req = new
DQISServer.ObjectDefinition def = new DQISServer.ObjectDefinition();
def.objectName = "VerifyAddress.ddf";
def.objectType = DQISServer.ObjectType.ARCHSERVICE;

req.job = def;

// 4) Get Data Service Params
DQISServer.GetArchitectServiceParamResponseType resp;
DQISServer.SendArchitectServiceParamRequestType req;
88 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

req=new DQISServer.SendArchitectServiceParamRequestType();

string val;
int i;
DQISServer.FieldType field;
// loop through this data
val = resp.inFldDefs[0].fieldName;
i = resp.inFldDefs[0].fieldLength;
field = resp.inFldDefs[0].fieldType;

val = resp.outFldDefs[0].fieldName;
i = resp.outFldDefs[0].fieldLength;
field = resp.outFldDefs[0].fieldType;

// 5) Execute Data Service
DQISServer.SendArchitectServiceRequestType req = new
DQISServer.GetArchitectServiceResponseType resp;

DQISServer.GetArchitectServiceParamResponseType respParam;
DQISServer.SendArchitectServiceParamRequestType reqParam;
reqParam=new DQISServer.SendArchitectServiceParamRequestType();

DQISServer.FieldDefinition[] defs;
DQISServer.DataRow[] data_rows;
string[] row;

defs=new DQISServer.FieldDefinition[respParam.inFldDefs.Length];
for(int i=0; i < respParam.inFldDefs.Length; i++)
// Fill up the Field Definitions
defs[i] = new DQISServer.FieldDefinition();
defs[i].fieldName = respParam.inFldDefs[i].fieldName;
defs[i].fieldType = respParam.inFldDefs[i].fieldType;
defs[i].fieldLength = respParam.inFldDefs[i].fieldLength;
DataTable table = m_InputDataSet.Tables["Data"]; // externally provided data
// Fill up Data matching the definition
data_rows = new DQISServer.DataRow[Number of Rows];
for(int i=0;i < table.Rows.Count;i++)
System.Data.DataRow myRow = table.Rows[i];
row=new String[table.Columns.Count];
for(int c=0;c < table.Columns.Count;c++)
row[c] = myRow[c].ToString();
Customize the WSDL File for C# 89

// Loop and create rows of data to send to the service

data_rows[i] = new DQISServer.DataRow();
data_rows[i].value = new string[table.Columns.Count];
data_rows[i].value = row;
req.serviceName = "ServiceName";
req.fieldDefinitions = defs;
req.dataRows = data_rows;

// 6) Run Batch Job
DQISServer.SendRunArchitectJobRequest req = new
DQISServer.GetRunArchitectJobResponse resp;

DQISServer.ArchitectVarValueType[] varVal = new


varVal[0] = new DQISServer.ArchitectVarValueType();

varVal[0].varName = "TESTVAR";
varVal[0].varValue = "TESTVAL";

req.job = "JOB_NAME";
req.varValue = varVal;

resp = mService.RunArchitectJob(req);

string jobid = resp.jobId;

// 7) Get Job Status
DQISServer.SendJobStatusRequestType req = new
DQISServer.JobStatusDefinition[] resp;
req.jobId = "";

resp = mService.GetJobStatus(req);
DQISServer.ObjectDefinition def = resp[0].job;
string jobid = resp[0].jobid;
string jobstatus = resp[0].status;

// 8) Get Job Log
DQISServer.SendJobLogRequestType req = new DQISServer.SendJobLogRequestType();
DQISServer.GetJobLogResponseType resp;
req.jobId = "SOMEJOBID";

resp = mService.GetJobLog(req);
string fileName = resp.fileName;
byte []data = resp.data;
90 Chapter 6 • Managing Jobs, Services, and the Repository

// 9) Terminate Job
DQISServer.SendTerminateJobRequestType req = new
DQISServer.GetTerminateJobResponseType resp;
req.jobId = "SOMEJOBID";

resp = mService.TerminateJob(req);
string fileName = resp.status;

// 10) Clear Log
DQISServer.SendDeleteJobLogRequestType req = new
DQISServer.GetDeleteJobLogResponseType resp;
req.jobId = "SOMEJOBID";

resp = mService.DeleteJobLog(req);
string fileName = resp.status;

Chapter 7

Configuration Option

Configuration Options Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Configuration Options Overview

This chapter provides detailed information for the configuration options that are
maintained in the file install-path\etc\dmserver.cfg. Edit the configuration
file to change option values, and then restart the server to apply your changes.
This chapter documents only the subset of the options in dmserver.cfg that pertain
directly to the DataFlux Data Management Server. For information about options in
dmserver.cfg that are not documented in this chapter, refer to the Configuration Options
Reference in the DataFlux Data Management Studio Installation and Configuration
The DataFlux Data Management Server also uses configuration options that are provided
in the file install-path\etc\app.cfg. Reference material for the configuration
options in the app.cfg file is also provided in the DataFlux Data Management Studio
Installation and Configuration Guide.
Configuration options in dmserver.cfg and app.cfg are generally maintained in parallel
between a given DataFlux Data Management Server and the instances of Data
Management Studio that upload jobs to that server. Maintaining parallel configurations
helps ensure that jobs that are tested in DataFlux Data Management Studio will run after
they are uploaded to DataFlux Data Management Server.
92 Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference

Configuration Options Reference for


Configuration Option Description

BASE/AUTH_SERVER_PASS Specifies a default password that is submitted to the

SAS Metadata Server when you use issue the
command dmpexec ‑a. This option is overridden
when the dmpexec command provides a job-specific
value. For more information, see “Run Jobs with the
dmpexec Command”.

BASE/AUTH_SERVER_USER Specifies a default user name that is submitted to the

SAS Metadata Server when you use issue the
command dmpexec ‑a.

DMSERVER/CHILD/ Specifies the host name or IP address to which the

LISTEN_HOST DataFlux Data Management Server must bind for
DFWSVC child process connections. The default value
is localhost. For more information about binding
to a host name or IP address, see the option

DMSERVER/CHILD/ Specifies the port on which the DataFlux Data

LISTEN_PORT Management Server listens for connections from
DFWSVC child processes. This option defaults to a
dynamic available port. If this option is specified and
you are running multiple instances of the server on the
same machine, this port must be unique for the ports,
both specified and default. For more information about
the default ports, see DMSERVER/SOAP/

DMSERVER/IPACC/ Controls access to all SOAP requests based on the

ALL_REQUESTS client's IP address. By default, access is enabled for all
IP addresses. A non-default value allows or denies
access to specified IP addresses.

DMSERVER/IPACC/NOSECURITY Allows or denies to specified IP addresses the ability to

bypass all security checks on the DataFlux Data
Management Server. This option is disabled by default.

DMSERVER/IPACC/ Controls by IP address a client’s ability to submit

POST_DELETE SOAP post and delete requests. These controls restrict
uploads and deletions of objects, such as jobs and
services. This option is disabled by default.
Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg 93

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/ Defines a retention period, in seconds, for the history

JOBS_HISTORY_MAXAGE items that are generated by batch and profile job run
instances. After the completion of a job, and after the
expiration of the specified time period, the DataFlux
Data Management Server purges the job's history from
memory. The server also deletes any corresponding log
files and statistics files. If the DMSERVER/
JOBS_KEEP_HISTORY=NO, then a history record is
also deleted from history database.
The default value of the MAXAGE option is -1, which
specifies that history items are never purged.
Note that jobs can delete their own log and statistics
files by submitting the SOAP command DeleteJobLog.

DMSERVER/ A value of YES specifies that the histories of job run

JOBS_KEEP_HISTORY instances are retained across server restarts. The default
value is NO.

DMSERVER/JOB_LOGS_DIR Specifies the path and directory that is used to store the
log files that are generated for each run of a batch job
or a profile job. This option enables you to separate
your job run logs from other logs and other files that
are generated by job runs. Separating the job run logs
makes it easier to see the files that are used to collect
job run statistics. Statistics can be collected by the Job
Monitor plug-in for SAS Environment Manager.
The default value of this option is specified by
DMSERVER/WORK_ROOT_PATH, which specifies
the storage location for all job-related logs and files.

DMSERVER/JOBS_MAX_NUM Specifies the maximum number of batch and profile

jobs that the DataFlux Data Management Server runs
simultaneously. (Batch and profile jobs are counted
against the same pool). The default value is 10. If a
new job request exceeds the limit, and if DMSERVER/
JOBS=YES, then the job request is placed in a queue.
If DMSERVER/JOBS=NO, then an error message is
displayed and the new job is not executed.

DMSERVER/JOBS_NO_STATE Allows or denies batch and profile jobs the ability to

generate state files for their runs. The default value
NO, which means that jobs are allowed to generate
state files. A value of YES prevents the generation of
state files. If your job is denied the ability to generate a
state file, the server returns the SOAP Fault message
State Generation Not Allowed.
94 Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/JOBS_QUEUE Allows or denies the server the ability to queue batch

and profile job run requests when the number of
running jobs exceeds the value of the DMSERVER/
JOBS_MAX_NUM option. A value of YES queues job
run requests and sends clients a success response, as if
the job had begun to run. As running jobs finish or are
canceled, queued job run and the queue is cleared. This
option does not apply to profile jobs. The default value
is NO.

DMSERVER/JOBS_ROOT_PATH Specifies the location of the root directory for the jobs
and services subdirectories. The default root directory
is install-path\var. The subdirectories for jobs
and services are: data services, process services, and
batch jobs.

DMSERVER/LOG_CHUNK_SIZE Controls the size of each log file or statistics file chunk
that is sent to the client, in response to the getJobLog
request. For a log file, this option controls the number
of characters per chunk. For statistics files, this option
controls the number of bytes per chunk. The default
value is 512K.
Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg 95

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/NAME Specifies the name of the metadata definition of the

DataFlux Data Management Server that is stored on the
SAS Metadata Server. When the DataFlux Data
Management Server is started, it uses the name to
query the SAS Metadata Server for configuration
During invocation, the DataFlux Data Management
Server retrieves the following values from the SAS
Metadata Server:
If the SAS Metadata Server cannot locate a metadata
definition based on the name, then the DataFlux Data
Management Server does not start.
If any of the preceding options have values in the
DataFlux Data Management Server’s dmservre.cfg file,
then the local values override the values that are
supplied in metadata. For this reason, it is
recommended that you comment-out these options in
To access the named metadata definition on the SAS
Metadata Server, one of two conditions must be met.
You can ensure that the process owner of the DataFlux
Data Management Server has a user definition on the
SAS Metadata Server. Otherwise, the named metadata
definition needs to be available to the PUBLIC group.
This option is specified by default when the DataFlux
Data Management Server is installed as part of SAS
Visual Process Orchestration.

DMSERVER/ Specifies whether to create separate log subdirectories.

NO_WORK_SUBDIRS The default value is NO, which means that all log files
are created in subdirectories under the default
directory, server_logs, or an alternate directory
specified in the DMSERVER/WORK_ROOT_PATH
option. The value YES should be applied only in
special cases, as it creates numerous log files in a
single directory. This single directory makes it difficult
to determine which jobs and services log files belong to
which server run instance and corresponding log file.
Each run instance of each process (server,
DFWFPROC, and DFWSVC) gets its own unique log
file. Therefore, each new DataFlux Data Management
Server run instance has to have its own log file, while
pre-existing log files, if any, are renamed.
96 Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SECURE Enables or disables authorization and authentication on

the DataFlux Data Management Server. This option
also enables the use of extended encryption algorithms
for stored passwords and IOM (TCP/IP)
The default value NO specifies that SECURE
configuration options are ignored. The value YES
specifies that other configuration options are required
to properly secure the server, including BASE/
AUTH_SERVER_LOC in app.cfg.
The value of this option is retrieved from the SAS
Metadata Server when you start the DataFlux Data
Management Server. At start time, if the dmserver.cfg
file contains a value for this option, then the local value
overrides the metadata value. For this reason, it is
recommended that you not enable this option in
dmserver.cfg. For more information, see DMSERVER/
Enhanced Security”.

DMSERVER/SECURE/ For the groups that are listed in the value of this option,
DEFAULT_ACE_GROUPS_ALLO this option allows access by default to the server’s
W batch jobs and real-time services. This default is
overridden when a batch job or real-time service has
access control entries.
The groups in the list must be defined on the SAS
Metadata Server. The group names in the list are case-
sensitive. The users in the ALLOW groups cannot have
a conflicting permission in any of the other three
DEFAULT_ACE options. Name errors or permission
conflicts generate error messages and prevent all users
from connecting to the server.
In the list of groups, the delimiter is “ | ”, or space|
space, as shown in this example:
SalesAllRegion | Directors | Finance
For more information, see “Manage Permissions” on
page 27.
Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg 97

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SECURE/ For the groups that are listed in the value of this option,
DEFAULT_ACE_GROUPS_DENY this option denies access by default to the server’s
batch jobs and real-time services. This default is
overridden when a batch job or real-time service has
access control entries.
The groups in the list must be defined on the SAS
Metadata Server. The group names in the list are case-
sensitive. The users in the DENY groups cannot have a
conflicting permission in any of the other three
DEFAULT_ACE options. Name errors or permission
conflicts generate error messages and prevent all users
from connecting to the server.
In the list of groups, the delimiter is “ | ”, or space|
space, as shown in this example:
DEFAULT_ACE_GROUPS_DENY = Administrators |
Manufacturing | QualityControl
For more information, see “Manage Permissions” on
page 27.

DMSERVER/SECURE/ For the users that are listed in the value of this option,
DEFAULT_ACE_USERS_ALLOW this option allows access by default to the server’s
batch jobs and real-time services. This default is
overridden when a batch job or real-time service has
access control entries.
The users in the list must be defined on the SAS
Metadata Server. The user names in the list are case-
sensitive. The users in the list cannot have a conflicting
permission in any of the other three DEFAULT_ACE
In the list of users, the delimiter is “ | ”, or space|space,
as shown in this example:
don | RAM
For more information, see “Manage Permissions” on
page 27.
98 Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SECURE/ For the users that are listed in the value of this option,
DEFAULT_ACE_USERS_DENY this option denies access by default to the server’s
batch jobs and real-time services. This default is
overridden when a batch job or real-time service has
access control entries.
The users in the DENY list must be defined on the SAS
Metadata Server. The user names in the list are case-
sensitive. The users in the list cannot have a conflicting
permission in any of the other three DEFAULT_ACE
In the list of users, the delimiter is “ | ”, or space|space,
as shown in this example:
Data Admin01 | JJames
For more information, see “Manage Permissions” on
page 27.

DMSERVER/SECURE/ Specifies the name of the DataFlux Data Management

GRP_ADMIN Server administrator group. If this option is defined,
the group must be defined with the same name on the
SAS Metadata Server. An error message is generated at
server invocation when the following conditions exist:
• the group is not defined

DMSERVER/SECURE/ Specifies the name of a non-administrative group, to

GRP_ALLOW provide access to the DataFlux Data Management
Server for a few users and to exclude the rest. If this
option is not set, all users are allowed in accordance
with permissions and other configured options. The
group must be defined with the same name on the SAS
Metadata Server.

DMSERVER/SECURE/GRP_DENY Specifies the name of a non-administrative group, to

provide access to the DataFlux Data Management
Server for most users and to exclude a few users. If this
option is not set, all users are allowed in accordance
with permissions and other configured options. The
group must be defined with the same name on the SAS
Metadata Server.

DMSERVER/SOAP/ Specifies the maximum size of the connection request

CONNS_BACKLOG queue. The queue size limit enables the SOAP server to
refuse connection requests when it can no longer
process them within an acceptable period of time. The
default is 100.
Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg 99

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the number of seconds to allow a DFWSVC

IDLE_TIMEOUT process to remain idle before it is terminated. The
default setting is 0 indicating that there is no time-out.
Negative values are ignored.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of instances of a given

JOB_COUNT_MAX service job that can be loaded at any given time. When
this limit is reached, the DataFlux Data Management
Server will not load any more instances of that service
job. The option value syntax is
Note: A whitespace character (' ') is used as a separator
between potentially multiple entries. Therefore, the
pathname of the services used in this option cannot
contain whitespace characters.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the minimum number of instances of a given

JOB_COUNT_MIN service job that must remain loaded. When this limit is
reached, the DataFlux Data Management Server will
not unload any more instances of that service job. The
option value syntax is count:job_file_name.
Note: A whitespace character (' ') is used as a separator
between potentially multiple entries. Therefore, the
pathname of the services used in this option cannot
contain whitespace characters.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of service errors that

MAX_ERRS can occur in a DFWSVC process before it is forced to
terminate. The default is -1, which indicates that there
is no limit.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of real-time data

MAX_NUM services that the SOAP server is allowed to run
simultaneously. The default is 10. If a new service
request would exceed the limit, and if a queue is not
enabled, then an error message is displayed. This
option applies to the SOAP server, meaning that the
service requests are coming from SOAP clients. This
option does not apply to the WLP server or to requests
from WLP clients.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of service requests that

MAX_REQUESTS a given instance of the DFWSVC process is allowed to
handle before that instance of the DFWSVC process is
forced to terminate. The default is -1, meaning that no
limit is enforced.
100 Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a data

MAX_RUNTIME service is allowed to run a job and produce a response
(output data or an error). If a data service does not
produce a response within the time limit, then the
corresponding instance of the DFWSVC process is
terminated. The client receives a SOAP Fault message.
The default value is zero, which means that no time-out
occurs. Negative values are ignored. Note that the
time-out can vary by one or two seconds due to the
rounding up of counts less than a second.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the number of instances of specified services

PRELOAD that the DataFlux Data Management Server preloads
during start-up. The option value syntax consists of one
or more blank-separated instances of
count:name‑of‑service. This option can be
used with the option DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/
PRELOAD_ALL. For more information, see
“Configure the Server to Pre-load Services”.
Note: A whitespace character (' ') is used as a separator
between potentially multiple entries. Therefore, the
pathname of the services used in this option cannot
contain whitespace characters.
Note: Dynamically generated WSDLs can execute
preloaded data services.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies that the DataFlux Data Management Server

PRELOAD_ALL preload at server initialization a specified number of
instances of all real-time data services, including those
found in subdirectories. The value of the option must
be an integer greater than zero. Otherwise, the option is
ignored. This option can be used with DMSERVER/

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Allows or denies the DataFlux Data Management

PRELOAD_DURING_RUN Server the ability to start a separate thread to preload
services and accept SOAP requests immediately during
preload. By default, the value NO specifies that the
server preloads services before it accepts SOAP
requests. The value YES specifies that the server start a
separate thread to preload services and accept SOAP
request simultaneously. If the server stops while the
preload thread is running, that thread is terminated.

DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/ Allows or denies the DataFlux Data Management

QUEUE Server the ability to queue requests for real-time data
services. The default value NO indicates that service
request generate a SOAP Fault error when all instances
of the DFWSVC process are busy. The value YES
indicates that the DataFlux Data Management Server
queues service requests, and processes those requests
when instances of the DFWSVC process become
Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg 101

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/IGNORE_NS Allows or denies the DataFlux Data Management

Server the ability to ignore namespaces in SOAP
requests. The default value NO specifies that
NULL values in input data fields are passed to jobs as
empty strings. The value YES causes the server to
ignore namespaces in SOAP requests. This allows the
SOAP server to preserve NULL values when receiving
input data instead of converting the values to empty

DMSERVER/SOAP/LISTEN_HOST Specifies the host name or IP address to which the

SOAP server must bind. A machine running DataFlux
Data Management Server might be available on the
network under different hostnames or IP addresses, and
different machines on the network might have access to
this machine via one host name or IP address, but not
via others. By binding to a particular host name or IP
address, the server hears only requests addressed
specifically to that host name or IP address. A pair of
hostnames and IP addresses can be used
interchangeably. For example, if this option is set to
localhost, local clients sending requests to
will still be heard. However, requests to public IP
address or the host name of the machine (or requests
coming from external clients to the machine) will not
be heard. By default, this option is left blank. That
means the DataFlux Data Management Server is not
bound to any specific host name or the IP address of
the machine and will receive all requests that are
coming to the machine, on the correct port.
Note: The default value of this option is specified by
the SAS Metadata Server during the invocation of the
DataFlux Data Management Server. You can override
the default by specifying a value in dmserver.cfg. This
is necessary when you want the DataFlux Data
Management Server to listen for connection requests
from any host. In that case, the value of the option is
blank, ending with an = symbol after the option name.

DMSERVER/SOAP/LISTEN_PORT Specifies the port on which the SOAP server listens for
The default value for this option is specified by the
SAS Metadata Server during the invocation of the
DataFlux Data Management Server. If the SAS
Metadata Server does not return a value for
LISTEN_PORT, then the DataFlux Data Management
Server does not start. If a value is returned, and if
dmserver.cfg also contains a value for LISTEN_PORT,
then the local value overrides the metadata value. For
this reason, it is recommended that you not set
LISTEN_PORT in dmserver.cfg when using a SAS
Metadata Server. For more information, see
102 Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/PROC_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of real-time process

MAX_NUM services that the DataFlux Data Management Server
runs simultaneously. The default is ten. If a new service
request exceeds this limit, an error message is

DMSERVER/SOAP/ Specifies the time-out value for Read and Write

RDWR_TIMEOUT operations on a socket. Set a positive value to seconds,
a negative value to microseconds, and no time-out to 0.
If a non-0 value is set, a time-out occurs if no data can
be sent or received within the specified time limit. The
time-out count begins after the server initiates a send or
receive operation over the socket. When a time-out
occurs, a SOAP_EOF error is returned. The default
value is zero seconds.

DMSERVER/SOAP/ Specifies how real-time data service return null values

RETURN_NULLS in output fields. The default value NO specifies that
empty strings are returned. The value YES specifies
that NULLs are returned.

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL Enables or disables the use of SSL to protect SOAP

communication. Encryption for SSL is also enabled,
using algorithms that exceed the default
The default value of this option is NO. Specify a value
of YES to enables the following SSL configuration
The value of DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL option is
retrieved from the SAS Metadata Server when you start
the DataFlux Data Management Server. If the
dmserver.cfg file contains a value for this option, then
the local value overrides the metadata value. For this
reason, it is recommended that you not specify a value
for this option in dmserver.cfg.
For more information, see DMSERVER/NAME,
DMSERVER/SECUREand “Configure Enhanced

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/ Specifies the file where the Certificates Authority

CA_CERT_FILE stores trusted certificates. If this option is not needed,
then comment it out.

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/ Specifies the path to the directory where trusted

CA_CERT_PATH certificates are stored. If this option is not needed, then
comment it out.
Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg 103

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/FIPS Enables or disables compliance with the Federal

Information Processing Standard (FIPS). The FIPS
standard applies security standards to all SOAP
communications between clients and the DataFlux
Data Management Server.
The value YES causes OpenSSL to attempt to start in
FIPS mode. If FIPS mode cannot be established, then
the DataFlux Data Management Server will not start.
The default option value is NO. This option is
recognized only if DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL=YES.

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/ Specifies the path to the key file that is required when
KEY_FILE the SOAP server authenticates clients. If this option is
not used, then comment it out.

DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/ Specifies the password for DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/

KEY_PASSWD KEY_FILE. If the key file is not password protected,
then comment-out this option. The value of this option
must be encrypted in order for the option to be
recognized. To encrypt passwords, see “Encrypt
Passwords for DSNs and SSL”.

DMSERVER/SOAP/ Specify a value of YES to check every output string

VALIDATE_XML_CHARS from all real-time services to make sure only valid
XML characters are present. All control characters are
replaced with a question mark (?). Control characters
include integer values less than 32 (space), except 9
(tab), 10 (carriage return), and 13 (line feed). The
default value is NO, for no XML validation. Setting
this option will have a negative impact on performance
of real-time services. In most installations, this option
is not necessary.

DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL Allows or denies the DataFlux Data Management

Server the ability to load WSDLs when the server is
initialized. Specify a value of YES to load existing
WSDLs at start-up, recognize jobs that are started by
runSVC requests (if matching WSDLs exist,) and to
recognize other WSDL configuration options. The
default value NO specifies that WSDLs are not used,
runSVC requests are ignored, and other WSDL
configuration option are ignored.
104 Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/GEN Enables or disables the generation of run-time WSDLs.

The default value NO specifies that runSVC requests
for run-time WSDL jobs will generate a SOAP Fault.
Requests to upload jobs with run-time WSDLs are also
ignored. The only WSDL jobs that run are those that
have WSDLs that are preloaded at the invocation of the
DataFlux Data Management Server.
The value SINGLE enables the generation of a single
WSDL for each postJob request or genWSDL request
for a single file.
The value MULTIPLE enables generation of multiple
WSDLs for genWSDL requests that apply to multiple
job files or to entire directories of jobs. Note that
generating a WSDL can be a time-consuming and
resource-intensive process, which depends on the
parameters of the originating job. Also note that a
request to generate WSDLs for all jobs under the root
directory can cause a severe degradation in server
performance. Specify the value MULTIPLE with

DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/ Specifies how the DataFlux Data Management Server

GEN_ON_GET generates WSDLs for jobs that include run-time
WSDLs. The value NO specifies that an error message
is generated in response HTTP getWSDL requests
• a WSDL does not exist on the server, or
• the WSDL does exist on the server, but the
mod.time timestamp in the server WSDL differs
from the same value in the client WSDL.
The difference in mod.time values indicates that the
client WSDL differs from the corresponding server
The value YES indicates that the server responds to the
preceding conditions by generating a new WSDL and
sending the new WSDL to the client.
This option is valid only when the value of
Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg 105

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/ Allows or denies the server the ability to detect

RUN_IGNORE_MTIME differences between the mod.time timestamps in the
DataFlux Data Management Server WSDL and in the
WSDL of the client that submits a service request. The
default value NO indicates that the server responds to
mod.time differences by sending the client the
SOAP Fault message Job Has Changed. This message
indicates to the client that the client needs to request
the server to generate a new WSDL and send the new
WSDL to the client. The client can then update its
version of the WSDL.
The value YES specifies that the server does not
compare mod.time values. Service requests are
passed to a WLP process for execution. Note that this
is the behavior of service requests based on generic

DMSERVER/THREADS/ Specifies the maximum number of threads that can be

COUNT_MAX started by the DataFlux Data Management Server. The
default value is 1026 threads. If the setting is too low, it
is adjusted automatically. There is no setting for an
unlimited number of threads. For optimal performance,
configure the number of threads based on the expected
number of parallel clients and requests.

DMSERVER/THREADS/ Specifies the number of idle threads that can be kept

IDLE_MAX open by the DataFlux Data Management Server. The
default value of zero indicates that threads are
terminated when they become idle. If that thread is
needed again, it is restarted.

DMSERVER/THREADS/ Specifies the number of microseconds before a thread

IDLE_TIMEOUT is flagged as idle after the thread stops doing work. The
default of zero indicates that threads are initially
flagged as idle.

DMSERVER/WLP Enables or disables the execution of the WLP server.

The default value NO specifies that the WLP server is
bypassed at the invocation of the DataFlux Data
Management Server. WLP clients then cannot connect
to the DataFlux Data Management Server. (SOAP
clients can still connect to the server.)
The value YES specifies that the WLP server starts and
listens at its assigned port. The DataFlux Data
Management Server log file will contain status entries
for the WLP server.
Note: When this option is active, data between the
SAS Data Quality Server and the DataFlux Data
Management Server is not encrypted.
106 Chapter 7 • Configuration Option Reference

Configuration Option Description

DMSERVER/WLP/DATA_SVC/ Specifies the maximum number of real-time data

MAX_NUM services that the WLP server is allowed to run
simultaneously. The default is 10. If a new service
request exceeds this limit, an error message is sent to
the requesting WLP client. This option does not apply
to the SOAP server or requests coming from SOAP

DMSERVER/WLP/LISTEN_HOST Specifies a host name or IP address to which the WLP

server must bind. This specific binding prevents the
WLP server from responding to requests that are sent
to its port with a different host name or IP address. A
pair of host names and IP addresses can be used
interchangeably. For example, if the option value is
localhost, then local clients sending requests to will still be heard. However, requests that are
sent to a public IP address, to the host name of the
machine, or those that come from external clients will
not be heard. By default, this option is left blank, so
that the WLP server is not bound to a specific host
name or IP address. The WLP server responds to all
requests that apply to the DataFlux Data Management
Server host and to the port of the WLP server.

DMSERVER/WLP/LISTEN_PORT Specifies the port on which the WLP server listens for
requests from WLP clients. If you are running multiple
instances of the server on the same machine, then a
unique port must be configured for each instance. The
default port is 21037.

DMSERVER/WORK_ROOT_PATH Specifies the root directory under which the DataFlux

Data Management Server work and log subdirectories
are created. Each time the server starts, a new work
directory is created for that instance of the server. The
name of this directory contains the server start-up date
and time, as well as the corresponding process ID. The
default directory is install-path\var

Appendix 1

Legal Notices

Apache Portable Runtime License Disclosure

Copyright © 2008 DataFlux Corporation LLC, Cary, NC USA.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Apache/Xerces Copyright Disclosure

The Apache Software License, Version 3.1
Copyright © 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the
following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the
Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org)." Alternately, this
acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party
acknowledgments normally appear.
4. The names "Xerces" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to endorse
or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For
written permission, please contact apache@apache.org.
5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", nor may "Apache"
appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache Software
108 Appendix 1 • Legal Notices


This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of
the Apache Software Foundation and was originally based on software copyright (c)
1999, International Business Machines, Inc., http://www.ibm.com. For more information
on the Apache Software Foundation, please see http://www.apache.org.

Boost Software License Disclosure

Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17, 2003
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a
copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by this license (the
"Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, execute, and transmit the Software,
and to prepare derivative works of the Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, all subject to the following:
The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including the above
license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, must be included in all copies
of the Software, in whole or in part, and all derivative works of the Software, unless such
copies or derivative works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code
generated by a source language processor.

DataDirect Copyright Disclosure

Portions of this software are copyrighted by DataDirect Technologies Corp., 1991 -

Expat Copyright Disclosure

Part of the software embedded in this product is Expat software.
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
Legal Notices 109

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.

gSOAP Copyright Disclosure

Part of the software embedded in this product is gSOAP software.
Portions created by gSOAP are Copyright © 2001-2004 Robert A. van Engelen, Genivia
inc. All Rights Reserved.

IBM Copyright Disclosure

ICU License - ICU 1.8.1 and later [as used in DataFlux clients and servers.]
Copyright © 1995-2005 International Business Machines Corporation and others. All
Rights Reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this
permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright
notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
110 Appendix 1 • Legal Notices


Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in
advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software
without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.

Microsoft Copyright Disclosure

Microsoft®, Windows, NT, SQL Server, and Access, are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Oracle Copyright Disclosure

Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle
Corporation and/or its affiliates.

PCRE Copyright Disclosure

A modified version of the open source software PCRE library package, written by Philip
Hazel and copyrighted by the University of Cambridge, England, has been used by
DataFlux for regular expression support. More information on this library can be found
at: ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/.
Copyright © 1997-2005 University of Cambridge. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
• Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
• Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
• Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the name of Google Inc. nor
the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
Legal Notices 111

Red Hat Copyright Disclosure

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, and Red Hat Fedora™ are registered trademarks of Red
Hat, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

SAS Copyright Disclosure

Portions of this software and documentation are copyrighted by SAS® Institute Inc.,
Cary, NC, USA, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

SQLite Copyright Disclosure

The original author of SQLite has dedicated the code to the public domain. Anyone is
free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute the original SQLite code,
either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-
commercial, and by any means.

Sun Microsystems Copyright Disclosure

Java™ is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. or other countries.

Tele Atlas North American Copyright Disclosure (a subsidiary of

Portions copyright © 2006 Tele Atlas North American, Inc. All rights reserved. This
material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual
property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this
material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for an
unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.

USPS Copyright Disclosure

National ZIP®, ZIP+4®, Delivery Point Barcode Information, DPV, RDI, and
NCOALink®. © United States Postal Service 2005. ZIP Code® and ZIP+4® are
registered trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service.
DataFlux is a non-exclusive interface distributor of the United States Postal Service and
holds a non-exclusive license from the United States Postal Service to publish and sell
USPS CASS, DPV, and RDI information. This information is confidential and
proprietary to the United States Postal Service. The price of these products is neither
established, controlled, or approved by the United States Postal Service.

VMware® virtual environment provided those products faithfully replicate the native
hardware and provided the native hardware is one supported in the applicable DataFlux
product documentation. All DataFlux technical support is provided under the terms of a
written license agreement signed by the DataFlux customer.
The VMware virtual environment may affect certain functions in DataFlux products (for
example, sizing and recommendations), and it may not be possible to fix all problems.
112 Appendix 1 • Legal Notices

If DataFlux believes the virtualization layer is the root cause of an incident; the customer
will be directed to contact the appropriate VMware support provider to resolve the
VMware issue and DataFlux shall have no further obligation for the issue.

Recommended Reading

Here is the recommended reading list for this title:

• DataFlux Data Management Server: User’s Guide
• DataFlux Data Management Server: REST API Reference
• DataFlux Data Management Studio: User’s Guide
• DataFlux Data Management Studio: Installation and Configuration Guide
• DataFlux Migration Guide
• DataFlux Secure: Administrator’s Guide
• SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide
• SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide
• SAS Visual Process Orchestration Server: Administrator’s Guide
• SAS Federation Server: Administrator’s Guide
• DataFlux Authentication Server: Administrator’s Guide
• DataFlux Web Studio: User’s Guide
• DataFlux Web Studio: Installation and Configuration Guide
• SAS offers instructor-led training and self-paced e-learning courses to help you get
started with data management. For information about the courses available, see

For a complete list of SAS publications, go to sas.com/store/books. If you have

questions about which titles you need, please contact a SAS Representative:
SAS Books
SAS Campus Drive
Cary, NC 27513-2414
Phone: 1-800-727-0025
Fax: 1-919-677-4444
Email: sasbook@sas.com
Web address: sas.com/store/books
114 Recommended Reading


An access control entry (ACE) administers object and user privileges such as read,
write, and execute.

Access control lists (ACLs) administer object and user privileges.

An application programming interface (API) is a set of routines, data structures,
object classes and/or protocols provided by libraries and/or operating system services
in order to support the building of applications.

A data access component (DAC) allows software to communicate with databases and
manipulate data.

A process handled by DataFlux Data Management Server that runs process services,
batch jobs, and profile jobs

A DataFlux Data Management Server process that runs real-time services.

Delivery Point Validation (DPV) is a USPS database that checks the validity of
residential and commercial addresses.

A data source name (DSN) contains connection information, such as user name and
password, to connect through a database through an ODBC driver.

Locatable Address Conversion System (LACS) is used updated mailing addresses
when a street is renamed or the address is updated for 911, usually by changing a
rural route format to an urban/city format.

The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is an interface new to the Microsoft
Windows 2000 platform, which combines several administrative tools into one
configurable interface.
116 Glossary

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an open standard application programming
interface (API) for accessing databases.

The open-source implementation of SSL. See SSL.

Process ID; a number used to uniquely identify a process.

Quick Address Software (QAS) is used to verify and standardize US addresses at the
point of entry. Verification is based on the latest USPS address data file.

The Quality Knowledge Base (QKB) is a collection of files and configuration
settings that contain all DataFlux data management algorithms. The QKB is directly
editable using DataFlux DataFlux Data Management Studio.

Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) identifies addresses as residential or

The Software Evaluation and Recognition Program (SERP) is a program the
Canadian Post administers to certify address verification software.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) enables systems to communicate with the
master customer reference database to request or update information.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a web service protocol used to encode
requests and responses to be sent over a network. This XML-based protocol is
platform independent and can be used with a variety of Internet protocols.

Secure Sockets Layer; security protocol to enable websites to pass sensitive
information securely in an encrypted format.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) provides postal services in the United
States. The USPS offers address verification and standardization tools.

Web Services Definition Language: an XML-based language that provides a model
for describing web services.


A data connection
Accelerators 12 create custom 48
access control delete 49
by IP address 30 display 45
access control entries 23 domain-enabled ODBC 47
default 27 edit 49
additional software 12 manage ODBC credentials 49
configure 31 troubleshoot 50
APIs 51 data connections
app.cfg 77 create domain-enabled ODBC 47
authentication create using Windows 46
about 23 create with dfdbconf and dfdbview 46
SAS Metadata Server 25 overview, types of 43
authentication provider 25 data service
authorization log 38
about 23 data sources
by IP address 30 See data connections
default access control entries 27 default entries 23
groups 24 dfdbconf
manage permissions 27 create ODBC connections 46
dfIntelliServer 12
DFWFPROC process
B manage jobs 74
batch jobs 73 manage processes 73
batch service DFWSVC process
log 39 manage processes 69
batch.cfg 77 dmpexec
bulk loading 78 authentication for 75
enable log 75
job run command 75
C dmserver.cfg
clients, remote-access 78 server configuration 91
configuration DSN
about 12 create using Windows 46
post-install 26 create, UNIX/Linux 46
configuration options 92

D encryption
DAC configure 31
See data access component
data access component
configure 44
118 Index

G pooler 73
groups, remove 29 post-installation tasks 7
pre-load services 58
processes, unload idle 73
I profile job
install server 8 log 39
installation profile jobs 73
post-installation tasks 7

job monitor 3 See Quality Knowledge Base
jobs QKBs 12
configure 77 Quality Knowledge Base
monitor 79 memory use 78
permissions 78 Quality Knowledge Bases 12
QKB memory use 78
run with dmpexec 75
troubleshoot 80 R
types of 54 real-time servcies
usage notes 55 unload data services 69
using driver and data source 45 real-time services
jobs, temporary storage for 78 browse available 60
configure 77
data service 69
L preload 58
load-balance process services 73, 74
service requests 83 QKB memory use 78
log terminate 68
batch service, profile jobs 39 troubleshoot 80
data service 38 types of 54
events and thresholds 41 usage notes 55
server 37 repository
SOAP 40 about 80

macros SAS Job Monitor 79
define 67 SAS Metadata Server
macros.cfg 77 configure authentication 25
multi-thread 56 configure clustered 25
configure security 25
O troubleshoot 32
ODBC 46, 47 security
manage credentials 49 See also AES
troubleshoot 50 See also authentication
OpenSSL See also authorization
supported versions 32 See also SSL
AES, configure 31
by IP address 30
P configure mid-tier 26
permissions configure SAS metadata server 25
list of 29 encrypt password 32
manage 27 import users and groups 9
set using job list 28 overview 22
Index 119

policy 22 configure 31
SSL, configure 31
configure restart 26 T
configure to run jobs, services 17 thread pool, shared 56
directories 4 troubleshoot
directory permissions 16 help display 41
import users and groups 9 jobs and services 80
install 8 ODBC 50
log 37 security 32
overview 1 server start/stop 36
process types 3
start/stop Windows 35
start/stop, UNIX or Linux 36 U
troubleshoot start/stop 36 users, remove 29
upgrade 8
upgrade, manual migration 8
user interface, introduction 3 W
WSDL file, customize 83 Wire-Level Protocol (WLP) server
server configuration configure 56
dmserver.cfg 91 WLP server 3
service requests, load-balance 83 WSDL
service.cfg 77 customize for C# 86
SOAP customize for Java 84
commands 61 customize server file 83
log 40 options 61
SOAP server 3 WSDL options 64
configure 56 WSDLs, browse 60
120 Index

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