Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
The word resource means a source of supply. The natural resources include water, air, soil,
minerals, coal, forests, crops and wildlife are examples. All the resources are classified based
on quantity, quality, re-usability, men’s activity and availability.
Natural resources are naturally occurring substances that are considered valuable in their
relatively unmodified (natural) form. A natural resource’s value rests in the amount of the
material available and the demand for it. The term was introduced to a broad audience by E.F.
Schumacher in his 1970s book Small is Beautiful.
a) Renewable resource or inexhaustible resources
The renewable resources can maintain themselves or can be replaced if managed wisely. These
resources are constantly renewed in nature. The renewable resources are therefore not likely to
be lost due to excessive and unwise use.
b) Non-renewable resources or exhaustible resources
These resources once used are lost forever, as they are not restored. They include metallic
minerals and fossil fuels. At current rates of usage, all the industrial metals may lose for less
than a century and those of petroleum and natural gas may exhaust in 15-20 years.
Natural Resources and Associated Problems
Human population is growing day-by-day. Continuous increase in population caused an
increasing demand for natural resources. Due to urban expansion, electricity need and
industrialization, man started utilizing natural resources at a much larger scale. Non-renewable
resources are limited. They cannot be replaced easily. After some time, these resources may
come to an end. It is a matter of much concern and ensures a balance between population
growth and utilization of resources. This overutilization creates many problems. In some
regions there are problems of water logging due to over irrigation. In some areas, there is no
sufficient water for industry and agriculture. Thus, there is need for conservation of natural
resources. There are many problems associated with natural resources:
Case studies: