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Prof. Ravindra Kulkarni

Vice Chancellor
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Prin. Dr. Ajay Bhamare Prof. Prakash Mahanwar
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Director,
University of Mumbai IDOL, University of Mumbai

Programme Co-ordinator : Dr. Rajashri Pandit

Assistant Professor (Economics)
Head Faculty of Commerce & Management,
IDOL, University of Mumbai,
Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai.
Course Co-ordinator : Ms. Mitali Shirish Nimkar
and Editor Co-ordinator, MMS - Marketing,
IDOL, University of Mumbai,
Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai.
Course Writers : Dr. Manoj Brijlal Patel
Assistant Professor
R. C. Patel ET’s Institute of Management Research and
Development, Shirpur, Maharashtra
Mr. Sumit Shivaji Sagale
Assistant Professor
R. C. Patel ET’s Institute of Management Research and
Development, Shirpur, Maharashtra
Mr. Vijay Ramesh Garge
Assistant Professor
R. C. Patel ET’s Institute of Management Research and
Development, Shirpur, Maharashtra
Mr. Kaustubha Kishorkumar Sawant
Assistant Professor
R. C. Patel ET’s Institute of Management Research and
Development, Shirpur, Maharashtra

September 2023, Print - 1

Published by : Director,
Institute of Distance and Open Learning,
University of Mumbai,
Vidyanagari,Mumbai - 400 098.

DTP composed and Printed by: Mumbai University Press

Chapter No. Title Page No.

1. Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications.....................................1

2. Advertising and Types of Media......................................................................12

3. Advertising.......................................................................................................22

4. Reputation Management .................................................................................38

5. Promotional Campaign.....................................................................................48

6. Direct Marketing Methods...............................................................................61

7. Media Planning.................................................................................................74

8. Personal Selling................................................................................................85
Programme - Masters in Management Studies
Semester - IV

Semester : IV-Elective COMMUNICATIONS
Title of the Subject / course : Integrated Marketing Communications
Course Code : SYLLABUS
Credits : 4 Duration : 40

Learning objectives
To understand how key elements of IMC i.e. Advertising, Public Relations, Sales Promotion,
Direct Marketing are integrated.

Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects
in the current or Future

No. Content Activity* Learning Outcome
1 Lecture Understanding Basics of IMC
Definition of IMC, Key Features,
2 Lecture Understanding different
Advertising-Types of Media - TV,
Media for Advertising
Print, Radio, OOH, Internet
3 Advertising- Developing the Lecture / To understand the working of
Campaign, effect of Celebrity Industry Guest an Ad-Agency
endorsements. Lecture
Advertising Agency- Functions,
Types, Structure
4 Reputation Management-Issues Lecture / Case To learn how to manage
and challenges. study perceptions during crisis
5 Promotional campaigns : Sales Lecture / Case To learn the dynamics of
Promotion- Consumer Promotions, study various promotions
Trade Promotions etc. discussions /
6 Direct Marketing-Methods, Lecture / Case To understand direct
Advantages, Limitations study marketing tools and
discussions techniques.

7 Media Planning- Media and Lecture / Case To understand the various

Message, Media Planning Process, study issues of media planning.
Media Objectives, discussions
Media Scheduling, Media
Planning Implementation
No. Content Activity* Learning Outcome
8 Personal Selling- Principles, Lecture / Case To familiarize the different
Negotiation Skills. study aspects of direct selling in
Public relations, Internet discussions person and through internet
Marketing-Email Advertising,
Mobile Marketing, Search Engine
Advertising, Social Media
*Activity: Teaching-Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio-visual
films/aids, and management exercises with individual student, and or in team considering
appropriate cases or case-lets in the field of business domain wherever applicable

Recommended Book
Advertising and Promotion by George Belch, Michael Belch, Keyoor Purani, 9th
Edition, McGraw Hill
Integrated Marketing Communication in Advertising and Promotion by Terence
Shimp,8th Edition, Cengage Learning
3 Advertising and Promotion by Jaishree Jethwaney & Shruti Jain, 2nd Edition, Oxford

Internal 40%
Semester-end 60%
Unit Structure:
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Definition and Meaning of Integrated Marketing Communication
1.4 Evolution of IMC
1.5 Key Features of IMC
1.6 Types of IMC
1.7 Summary
1.8 Test Your Knowledge
1.9 Questions
1.10 Answers
1.11 References


• To understand the concept of Integrated Marketing Communications


• To understand the evolution of Integrated Marketing

Communications (IMC)

• To understand the key features of Integrated Marketing

Communications (IMC).

• To understand the types of Integrated Marketing Communications



IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) is not a new concept, having

first appeared in the 1980s. Since then, IMC has grown to become one of
the most powerful managerial systems, and its significance has expanded
all across the world. Initially, IMC was thought to be a simple managerial
effort, such as aligning and coordinating messages across four areas: sales
promotion, direct marketing communications (DM), public relations (PR),
and advertising. A company's primary purpose is to provide a coherent and 1
Integrated Marketing integrated whole that will coordinate and influence consumers'
communication and purchasing actions.
IMC is a strategic planning process that determines the most consistent
message and exposes it to the target audience using a synergy of marketing
communication tools and media. To put it simply, IMC is a strategic method
of using marketing communication instruments and media in such a way
that they complement and reinforce one another in order to decide the
appropriate message for the target audience.
This is an extremely significant topic since it is critical for a brand or
organization to have a positive and consistent image, which IMC may
provide. Organizations who apply it appropriately will have a consistent
brand image, differentiated messages, improved marketing precision, and
high-quality consistent service.



Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a management concept that

aims to make all components of marketing communication, such as
advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing, work
as a single force rather than separately. It guarantees that all marketing
communications and messages are precisely coordinated.
For example, the slogan "Daag Ache Hai" is used by the brand Surf Excel.
The advertisements appear in newspapers, magazines, and on billboards.
The brand also broadcasts the advertisements on radio, the internet, and so
The phrase is used consistently throughout the brand's communication.
IMC's success is dependent on consistency.

• Advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relations

are all examples of marketing communications.

• IMC manages all promotional and other marketing operations that

connect with a company's consumers and other stakeholders via
online and offline media.

• Coordination or integration is crucial here.

What is the significance of integration?

• Consistency, else confusion.

• Clarity, else confusion.

• Impact, because different tools have varied strengths; consequently,

IMC tools must be blended.

Advertising, Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations must Introduction to
Integrated Marketing
all be considered together for the following reasons: Communications

All communicate; all seek to persuade; persuasion is the goal; and should
never depart from a brand's perspective.
All of these communication tools perform better when used in tandem rather
than separately. Their whole is greater than the sum of their parts if they
communicate consistently with one voice all of the time, every time.
When it comes to the concept of IMC, there are numerous definitions. Even
while IMC has become an important aspect of many people's
communication strategies, differences in definitions can be confusing to the
reader, preventing IMC from being fully developed and understood.
According to The American Marketing Association :
"Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a planning process
designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect
for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and
consistent over time".
The American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), defines it
“A concept of marketing communication planning that recognizes the added
value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety
of communication disciplines, e.g. general advertising, direct response,
sales promotion and public relations – and combines these disciplines to
provide clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact.”
According to Kotler and Armstrong, Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC) is a concept in which a:
“Company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communication
channels—mass media advertising, personal selling, sales promotion,
public relations, direct marketing, packaging, and others—to deliver a clear,
consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its
According to different authors IMC is defined as follows:
According to Schultz definition(1991)- “The process of managing all
sources of information about a product/service to which a customer or
prospect is exposed and which, behaviorally, moves the customer toward a
sale and maintains customer loyalty”
Pickton & Broderick- “IMC is bringing together of all marketing
communications activities”
Kliatchko- “IMC is the concept and process of strategically managing
audience-focused, channel-centred and results-driven brand
communication programmes over time.”
Integrated Marketing Percy- “IMC is planning a systematic way in order to determine the most
effective and consistent message for appropriate target audiences.”
Floor & Van Raaij- “IMC is a process where all messages and methods are
geared to each other in such way that they complement and reinforce each
other, and that added value is the result”.


The concept of Integrated Marketing Communications was initially

introduced in 1989. Since then, the field of marketing communications has
transformed from being predominantly advertising-driven. Over the years,
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) has experienced notable
development in response to evolving consumer behaviors and
advancements in technology. In the beginning, marketing efforts
concentrated on traditional mass media outlets such as television, radio, and
print. However, as new media platforms emerged and media became more
fragmented, marketers recognized the necessity of integrating their
messages across multiple channels to successfully engage their desired
audience. This marked the inception of IMC's evolutionary journey.
As the marketing environment evolved, there was a trend away from mass
marketing and towards customized marketing. Data analytics and market
research advancements enabled marketers to segment their audiences and
adapt messaging accordingly. IMC was important in this move by
synchronizing messages across numerous targeted media, resulting in a
consistent brand experience.
The evolution of IMC took a significant leap forward with the advent of
digital marketing and the internet. Marketers began incorporating various
digital channels such as websites, email marketing, social media, and
mobile apps into their IMC strategies. This integration opened up new
possibilities for interactive and personalized communication, allowing for
enhanced customer engagement and the establishment of two-way
communication channels.
As the focus on building and nurturing customer relationships grew, IMC
shifted its attention towards Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Marketers started integrating customer data and insights into their IMC
strategies to personalize communication, deliver relevant messages, and
ensure consistent brand experiences throughout the customer journey. The
adoption of CRM systems and tools played a crucial role in facilitating this
customer-centric approach.
With the integration of offline and online channels becoming ingrained in
consumers' daily lives, IMC underwent a transformation to seamlessly
blend the two. Offline channels were linked with online platforms using
methods like QR codes, custom URLs, or social media integration. This
cohesive integration ensured consistent messaging across various touch-
points and enabled smooth transitions for consumers between offline and
online experiences.
The evolution of IMC was further fueled by the adoption of marketing Introduction to
Integrated Marketing
automation. Marketers capitalized on marketing automation platforms to Communications
automate and streamline communication across multiple channels, segment
audiences, and deliver targeted messages at a larger scale. This utilization
of marketing automation significantly enhanced the efficiency and
effectiveness of IMC campaigns.
In recent times, IMC has placed increased emphasis on creating a
comprehensive customer experience. This approach recognizes that
customers interact with a brand through diverse touch-points, both online
and offline. To deliver a unified and exceptional brand experience, IMC
now incorporates customer journey mapping, omni-channel marketing, and
a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences.
Overall, the evolution of IMC has been influenced by factors such as media
fragmentation, the rise of digital marketing, the focus on customer
relationships, the integration of offline and online channels, the adoption of
marketing automation, and the pursuit of a holistic customer experience.
These advancements continue to shape and refine the strategies and
approaches used in IMC today.



Here are some key features of Integrated Marketing Communications:

1. Consistency: IMC prioritizes consistent messaging across all
communication channels, including advertising, public relations,
sales promotion, direct marketing, and digital marketing. To create a
powerful and recognizable brand image, the brand message, values,
and identity should all be consistent
2. Multiple Channels: To effectively reach the target audience, IMC
employs a variety of communication methods. Traditional media such
as television, radio, print, and outdoor advertising can be included, as
well as digital channels like as websites, social media, email
marketing, mobile apps, and more. The goal is to guarantee that the
brand message reaches the target audience through the most relevant
and powerful channels.
3. Integration: IMC aims to integrate many marketing communication
elements so that they can operate together synergistically. To create a
coherent and cohesive brand experience, the various channels and
tools are coordinated and synchronized. Coordinating advertising
campaigns with social media promotions, integrating public relations
efforts with sales promotions, and providing consistent messaging
across several touch-points are all examples of integration.
4. Targeted Approach: The goal of IMC is to identify the target
audience and adjust the communication strategy to their preferences,
needs, and behaviors. IMC enables marketers to send relevant and
Integrated Marketing personalized messages over many channels, boosting the odds of
connecting with and engaging the intended audience by leveraging
market research and consumer insights.
5. Two-Way Communication: IMC promotes two-way
communication between the brand and its target audience. This
includes actively listening to consumer feedback, participating in
social media conversations, replying to enquiries and comments, and
allowing customers to contribute opinion and participate in brand
activities. This strategy increases engagement, relationships, and
client loyalty.
6. Measurable Results: To assess the efficacy of marketing
communication initiatives, IMC emphasizes the use of data and
analytics. Marketers can measure the impact of their integrated
campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize future plans
by tracking and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs)
including reach, engagement, conversions, and sales.
7. Long-Term Perspective: IMC views brand equity and customer
relationships in the long term. It recognizes that consistent and unified
communication throughout time is critical for developing brand trust,
loyalty, and advocacy. IMC tactics frequently include constructing a
brand narrative, storytelling, and a strong brand identity that resonates
with the target audience.
8. Use the relevant media channels: That is, carefully select the tools
that are most appropriate for the communication goal at hand and
relevant to the target audience of your brand. IMC practitioners must
be open to utilize all types of touch points, or contacts, as viable
message delivery channels. The main quality of this IMC element is
that it represents brand communicators' openness to employ any
communication channels that are acceptable for reaching the target
9. Achieve communication synergy: That is, speak in a single tone of
voice. The demand that a brand's various communication aspects all
try to deliver the same message and transmit that message consistently
across multiple message channels, or points of contact, is inherent in
the idea and practice of IMC. Message and media coordination is
crucial for developing a strong and cohesive brand image and driving
customers to action. The single-voice principle, in general, entails
selecting a specific positioning statement for a brand.
10. Influence target market’s behavior: Marketing communications
must do more than raise brand awareness or improve consumer
perceptions of the brand. In other words, the goal is to compel
individuals to act.
11. Build customer relationships: A relationship is an ongoing
connection that exists between a company and its customers.
Successful customer-brand connections result in recurrent purchases
and sometimes even brand loyalty. The use of frequency, loyalty, or Introduction to
Integrated Marketing
ambassador programmes is one technique to establish brand/customer Communications
relationships. Relationships are also nurtured by generating brand
experiences, such as unique events, that leave a favorable and lasting
12. Cost-effective: IMC helps in the most effective use of resources. The
strategic communication mix helps in reducing the duplication of
images, photos, and other media. Using a single agency for all
communications reduces agency fees, and even if numerous agencies
are used, time is saved when meetings bring all the agencies together
- for briefings, creative sessions, tactical or strategic planning. This
reduces effort and, as a result, stress levels, which is one of the many
advantages of IMC.
By coordinating and combining numerous communication channels and
platforms, Integrated Marketing Communications attempts to provide a
coherent and seamless brand experience. IMC maximizes the impact of
marketing initiatives and promotes overall brand positioning by maintaining
consistency, targeting the proper audience, promoting two-way
communication, and exploiting data.



Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) encompasses various types

of communication channels and tools that are strategically integrated to
deliver a consistent brand message. Here are some common types of IMC
1. Advertising: Advertising is the paid distribution of promotional
messages via various media channels such as television, radio, print
publications, outdoor billboards, online banners, and social media
adverts. To maintain continuity and promote the overall brand
message, IMC ensures that advertising messages are synchronized
with other communication channels.
2. Public Relations (PR): The primary goal of public relations efforts
is to manage and maintain a positive public image for a business or
organization. Media relations, press releases, events, sponsorships,
and community outreach are all part of this. To promote consistent
messaging and a united brand image, IMC blends PR activities with
other marketing communication channels.
3. Sales Promotion: Sales promotions are designed to increase
immediate sales or to entice clients to make a purchase. Discounts,
coupons, sweepstakes, giveaways, loyalty programmes, and point-of-
purchase displays are some examples. IMC makes certain that sales
promotion initiatives are consistent with the overall brand strategy
and messaging.
Integrated Marketing 4. Direct Marketing: Direct marketing entails engaging directly with
individual clients by personalized communications sent via mail,
email, or SMS. Direct mail campaigns, email marketing,
telemarketing, and database marketing are examples of such
activities. IMC integrates direct marketing efforts to ensure brand
consistency and alignment with other communication channels.
5. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing refers to marketing activities
carried out through online channels like as websites, search engine
marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), social media
marketing, content marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing,
and mobile marketing. IMC blends digital marketing efforts with
other offline channels to deliver a unified brand experience across all
6. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing focuses on
engaging with and reaching the target audience through social media
platforms. It covers tasks like developing and publishing content,
communicating with followers, operating social media advertising
campaigns, and utilizing user-generated material. IMC makes certain
that social media marketing initiatives are consistent with overall
brand strategy and messaging.
7. Content Marketing: To attract and engage a target audience, content
marketing entails generating and delivering valuable, relevant, and
consistent information. Blog posts, articles, videos, info-graphics,
podcasts, and whitepapers are all included. IMC integrates content
marketing activities to ensure that material is consistent with the
overall brand message and distributed through the relevant channels.
8. Sponsorships and Partnerships: Sponsorships and partnerships
entail a brand linking itself with an event, organization, or individual
in order to leverage their audience and increase brand visibility. IMC
incorporates sponsorships and partnerships to ensure that they are
aligned with other communication channels and connect with the
brand strategy and messaging.
9. Personal Selling: A sales professional and a potential customer
converse one-on-one during personal selling. Sales presentations,
demonstrations, and relationship development are all part of it. IMC
ensures that personal selling activities are consistent with the broader
brand strategy and messaging, and that they are connected with other
channels of communication.
10. Experiential Marketing: Experiential marketing focuses on
providing consumers with memorable and engaging brand
experiences. Events, activations, product demonstrations, and
immersive brand experiences are all part of it. IMC incorporates
experiential marketing activities to fit with brand strategy and
message, as well as to enhance the entire brand experience.

These are only a few examples of IMC components; the exact mix and focus Introduction to
Integrated Marketing
of these components will vary depending on the brand, target demographic, Communications
industry, and marketing objectives. The objective is to combine and
organize these components intelligently in order to produce a cohesive and
consistent brand message across multiple media.


Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a strategic approach that

combines various communication tools and channels to deliver a consistent
and unified message to target audiences. IMC aims to create a seamless and
synergistic brand experience across different media platforms. It involves
the integration of advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales
promotion, and digital marketing efforts to achieve marketing objectives.
The features of IMC include message consistency, audience-centric
communication, coordination of marketing activities, and the use of
multiple media channels. Over time, IMC has evolved from fragmented and
departed marketing approaches to a more holistic and integrated approach,
driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer behavior.
Types of IMC include print media, broadcast media, outdoor or out-of-
home media, and digital media. Each type offers unique advantages and
characteristics that can be leveraged to effectively reach and engage target
audiences in a comprehensive and cohesive manner.


1. Full form of IMC is______.

a) Integrated marketing Communication
b) Intelligence marketing communication
c) Integrated Mix communication
d) Interested Marketing communication
2. IMC is an element of ______.
a) Price b) Place c) Marketing d) Marketing Research
3. What is integrated marketing communications (IMC)?
a) The integration of advertising, personal selling, sales
promotion, and public relations, direct and online marketing
tools to achieve marketing objectives
b) Mixing advertising and sales promotions
c) Direct communication with a healthy mix of diverse customers
to study their purchasing habits

Integrated Marketing d) Close communications between production managers and
marketing managers
4. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of IMC?
a) The customer represents the starting point for all marketing
communications activities.
b) Brand managers and their agencies should be amenable to using
various marketing communication tools.
c) Multiple messages must speak with a single voice.
d) the ultimate goal is to influence brand awareness and enhance
consumer attitudes toward the brand
5. The ultimate goal of integrated marketing communications is
a) increase brand awareness
b) affect the behavior of the targeted audience
c) learn how to outsell the competition
d) lower production costs


1) a 2) c 3) a 4) d 5) b


Q.1 Write definition and meaning of Integrated Marketing

Communication (IMC)? Explain the key features of IMC.
Q.2 Explain the types of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).
Q.3 Write a short note of Evolution of IMC.


• Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Ang, S. H., Tan, C. T., & Leong, S. M.
(2018). Marketing management: an Asian perspective. Harlow:

• Saxena, R. (2005). Marketing management. Tata McGraw-Hill


• Karunakaran, K. (2008). Marketing management. Himalaya

Publishing House.

• Schultz, D. E. (1992). Integrated marketing communications. Journal

10 of Promotion Management, 1(1), 99-104.
• Percy, L. (2023). Strategic integrated marketing communications. Introduction to
Integrated Marketing
Taylor & Francis. Communications

• Juska, J. M. (2021). Integrated marketing communication: advertising

and promotion in a digital world. Routledge.

• Broderick, A., & Pickton, D. (2005). Integrated marketing

communications. Pearson Education UK.


Integrated Marketing
Unit Structure:
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Introduction
2.3 Definition and Meaning of Advertising
2.4 Objectives of Advertising
2.5 Importance of Advertising
2.6 Definition and Meaning of Media
2.7 Types of Media
2.8 Summary
2.9 Test Your Knowledge
2.10 Answers
2.11 Questions
2.12 References


• To study the concept of advertising.

• To understand the objectives of advertising.

• To understand the importance of advertising.

• To study the concept of media.

• To study the different types of media.


In today's environment, 'Advertisement' has an impact on all of us. Almost

every act is guided and determined by advertisements, from buying
groceries to children's study materials, finding a vacation spot to watching
a movie, choosing a restaurant for dinner to booking a banquet hall for
special events, and searching educational institutions to hunting for a
company to find jobs.


Advertisement (ad) is a simple and successful way to market products,

services, and ideas. It is a paid kind of non-personal communication in
which potential consumers can access corporate information.
Advertisement comes from the Latin word "Advertere," which means "to Advertising and
Types of Media
turn the minds of... towards..." To a large extent, advertising encourages and
supports the sale of items, services, and ideas. The most intriguing aspect
of a commercial is that it combines factual information with compelling
emotional appeal. As a result, no firm can thrive without adequate

• Advertising is "a set of actions aimed at presenting - oral or visual -

indirect (impersonal) message about a product, service or company
by any identified supporter (payer)".

• Advertising “is a communication technique that involves running a

complex persuasive process, for whose realizations are used a number
of specific tools, able to cause psychological pressure on the
concerned public”.

• The initiator of the advertising communication actions is the sponsor,

who in order to achieve communication objectives, wants to send an
impersonal message to a well-defined audience regarding the
enterprise, its products or services."

• Advertising is defined as "the paid and media intermediated attempt

to convince" or "a form of structured and impersonal communication,
composed from information, usually persuasive in nature, regarding
the products, in the broad sense, paid by an identifiable sponsor and
transmitted through various media".
Starting from descriptive analysis of advertising, we can highlight a number
of its features:
1. Advertising is primarily a type of impersonal communication, with
accompanying messaging sent by enormously large addressable
media (the mass media). According to several academics, the lack of
rapid input from receivers contributes to its impersonal aspect.
2. Advertising is inherently persuasive. Those that use advertising want
to persuade the public to buy a product, service, concept, etc.
3. A sponsor pays for advertising. According to some experts, this
characteristic is even a condition that clearly differentiates advertising 13
Integrated Marketing from other forms of commercial communication. Publicity, for
example, does not fit into any of the preceding criteria.
4. This type of marketing communication includes both tangible and
intangible objects (services, ideas).
These are not all of the advertising features, but they provide the basic
outline for differentiation from other elements of marketing


The fundamental idea behind advertisement is to increase the business by

selling goods/services. Besides, there are many other objectives of
advertisement, significant of them are −

• To promote newly launched products among the potential customers.

• To promote personal selling program.

• To create awareness among maximum people about your business in

a short period of time.

• To enter national or even international market and motivate new

group of customers.

• To enhance the goodwill and build credibility among the customers

by promising to provide better quality of products and services.


Advertising has become an essential marketing activity in the modern era

of large scale production and serve competition in the market. It performs
the following functions:
1. Promotion of Sales: It promotes the sale of goods and services by
informing and convincing consumers to purchase them. A good
advertising plan can help you gain new clients in both the national and
international markets.
2. Introduction of New Product: It facilitates the market introduction
of innovative items. Advertising allows a company to introduce itself
and its goods to the general audience. A new business cannot make
an impression on prospective clients without the assistance of
advertising. Advertising allows for rapid market exposure.

3. Creation of Good Public Image: It improves the advertiser's

reputation. Advertising allows a company to communicate its
accomplishments in order to meet the needs of its customers. This
boosts the firm's goodwill and reputation, which is required to
compete in the market.
4. Mass Production: Advertising makes large-scale production Advertising and
Types of Media
possible. Advertising supports the manufacture of goods on a huge
scale since the business firm understands that with the help of
advertising, it will be able to sell on a large scale. The economical
utilization of numerous production parameters minimizes the cost of
production per unit in mass production.

5. Research: Advertising encourages research and development.

Advertising has evolved into a highly competitive marketing activity.
Every company uses advertising to differentiate its product from the
alternatives on the market. This drives every organization to conduct
more and more research in order to discover new items and their new
applications. If a company does not invest in research and
development, it will be forced out of the market in the near future.

6. Education of People: Advertising informs consumers about new

products and their applications. People can broaden their knowledge
by hearing an advertisement message about the utility of a product.
Advertising has aided people in adopting new lifestyles and breaking
old habits. It has made significant contributions to the improvement
of the society's standard of living.

7. Support to Press: Advertising is a significant source of revenue for

publishers and periodicals. It allows them to boost the circulation of
their newspaper by offering it at a lesser cost. People profit as well
because they can obtain publications at a lower cost. Advertising is
another source of money for television networks. For example,
Doordarshan and Zed TV put advertisements before, during, and after
various programmes and make millions of rupees through
advertisements. Such revenue could be utilized to improve
programming quality and expand coverage.


The many channels and platforms through which marketers send their brand
messaging to the target audience are referred to as media in the context of
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). The media plays an
important part in IMC since it serves as a vehicle for communication as well
as a means of reaching and engaging with the target recipients of the
marketing message.
IMC media might include both traditional and digital platforms. Television,
radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards, and direct mail are
examples of traditional media. These channels have long been utilized for
mass communication and have a broad reach, allowing marketers to reach
a large number of people.

Integrated Marketing Digital media, on the other hand, refers to the online platforms and channels
that have grown in popularity as the internet and technology have grown.
Websites, search engines, social networking platforms, email, mobile apps,
online display advertising, and streaming platforms are all examples.
Digital media enables marketers to reach out to specific segments and
individuals based on their interests, demographics, and behaviours.
In IMC, media selection is an important decision that is influenced by
criteria such as target audience, marketing objectives, budget, message
complexity, and desired reach and frequency. Marketers must carefully
analyze the features and effectiveness of various media channels to ensure
that their brand message reaches the correct audience in the most effective
Furthermore, media planning and buying are critical components of IMC,
encompassing actions like as defining the best media mix, deciding the best
timing and frequency of commercials, negotiating media rates and
placements, and monitoring the performance of media campaigns.
The definition of media in IMC goes beyond the simple dissemination of
communications. It involves the strategic planning, selection, and use of
media channels in order to establish harmony and consistency in brand
communication across many touch-points. To provide a consistent and
cohesive brand experience, effective media management in IMC entails
combining media activities with other communication components like as
advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and direct marketing.
Ultimately, media in IMC acts as the conduit for delivering brand messages
to the target audience, making it a crucial element in the overall marketing
communication strategy.


Media can be classified into four categories.

• Print Media ( Newspapers, Magazines)

• Broadcast Media ( TV, Radio)
• Outdoor or Out of Home ( OOH) Media (Billboards, Transit
• Internet
Print Media:
Print media is a historic form of media in which information or content is
distributed through printed materials. It includes a wide range of printed
items such as newspapers, periodicals, brochures, flyers, newsletters,
catalogues, and other printed materials. Print media has long been a popular
and powerful tool for advertising and communication.
1. Newspaper: A newspaper is a daily periodical that contains news,
16 opinions, and feature articles on current events. The importance of
newspapers is evident from the fact that most educated individuals Advertising and
Types of Media
read newspapers these days. There are bi-weekly and weekly
newspapers in addition to daily newspapers. Newspapers reach
practically every location and are read by individuals of all ages. As
a result, newspapers can be employed as an effective advertising
An advertiser must evaluate the strength of circulation, the type of
readers it serves, the geographical region in which it is popular, and
the cost of space when choosing a newspaper for this reason.
Newspaper advertising offers numerous benefits. For starters, a
newspaper has a big readership, which means that a single
advertisement in a newspaper can reach a large number of people.
Second, because a newspaper is issued daily, ongoing advertising is
possible. An advertiser has the option of repeating his advertisement
daily or weekly.
Third, newspapers offer advertising flexibility in the sense that
campaigns can be started and discontinued swiftly. For this purpose,
one day's notice is adequate.
Newspaper advertising has its own set of constraints. To begin with,
the lifespan of a newspaper advertisement is extremely short.
Furthermore, people only spent a little portion of their day reading the
newspaper. As a result, adverts are likely to catch the reader's
attention only briefly.
Second, newspaper advertisements are only effective when the
individuals being communicated with are educated. Third, because
newspapers are produced in black and white, they cannot be utilized
for colored adverts. As a result, they may be unable to assist clients in
recognizing the product at the point of purchase.
2. Magazines: Magazines or periodicals serve as an excellent
advertising medium when there is a need for high-quality printing and
vibrant colors. By targeting specific audiences, magazine
advertisements help avoid unnecessary expenses on advertising.
Specialized magazines or journals are available, catering to specific
customer segments, making them an effective means of conveying
messages to the desired audience.
Magazine advertisements capture greater attention from readers, as
they are read carefully and at a leisurely pace. Furthermore, magazine
advertisements have a longer lifespan. Magazines tend to be
preserved for extended periods and are revisited multiple times. The
use of color in magazine advertisements helps create a favorable
impression of the advertised product and allows for the accurate
portrayal of the product's appearance, aiding customer identification
at the point of purchase.

Integrated Marketing However, magazine advertisements do have some drawbacks. They
require advanced preparation and submission, leaving limited
flexibility for last-minute changes. Magazine advertisements are
generally more expensive than newspaper advertisements due to their
smaller circulation. The limited reach of magazines is another
disadvantage of this form of advertising.
Broadcast Media:
Broadcast media is the electronic delivery of audio or video content to a
large audience. It entails the distribution of information, entertainment,
news, and advertisements via television and radio channels. Broadcast
media has long been a popular and important public communication and
advertising medium.
1. Television (TV): Television broadcasting encompasses the
transmission of audiovisual content to viewers via television networks
or cable/satellite providers. It presents a potent and influential
medium for advertisers to connect with a wide-ranging audience.
Television commercials provide an opportunity for captivating visual
narratives, product demonstrations, and the ability to evoke emotions.
The advantage of television advertising lies in its ability to merge
sight, sound, and motion, captivating viewers and leaving a lasting
impression of the brand.
2. Radio: Radio broadcasting serves as a means of delivering audio
content to listeners via radio stations. It offers a distinctive approach
to reach a wide audience, particularly during activities like
commuting when visual engagement may be restricted. Radio
advertisements have the ability to utilize sound, voice-overs, jingles,
and memorable phrases to establish brand recognition and foster an
emotional bond with listeners. Additionally, radio proves effective for
localized targeting since stations often cater to specific regions or
Outdoor or Out of Home (OOH) Media:
Outdoor or out-of-home (OOH) media refers to advertisements and
promotional messages placed in public places in order to reach a large
audience who are not at home. It entails displaying brand messages in
physical sites and structures such as billboards, transit advertisements, street
furniture, and other signage. Because of its planned placement and great
visibility, out-of-home (OOH) media provides distinct advantages in
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC).
1. Billboards: Billboards are enormous advertisements that are placed
along roadways, highways, or in densely populated regions. They
have a wide range of visibility and attract the attention of cars,
pedestrians, and commuters. Billboards provide plenty of space for
creative imagery, powerful messaging, and the ease of conveying
brand awareness or promoting special campaigns.
2. Transit Advertising: Transit advertising is the placement of Advertising and
Types of Media
advertisements on public transit vehicles, stations, or terminals. This
includes bus advertisements, tube advertisements, train platform
displays and airport signage. People are targeted by transit advertising
during their everyday commutes or travels, allowing firms to access a
captive audience and create exposure in congested urban locations.
Internet Media:
The Internet has transformed how we interact, access information, and do
business. The Internet, as a media in Integrated Marketing Communications
(IMC), has unequalled reach, engagement, and targeting capabilities.
1. Websites: Websites act as a focal point of communication and
information for brands. They allow businesses to present their
products, services, and brand identity in a comprehensive and
interactive manner. Websites enable businesses to reach and convert
potential customers online by providing interesting content,
multimedia components, and e-commerce capability.
2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Search engine marketing is the
practice of promoting websites using paid search adverts that display
on search engine results pages. Marketers can bid on keywords related
to their business in order to ensure that their website displays
prominently when users search for related phrases. SEM enables
targeted reach and instant visibility to users who are actively looking
for certain products or information.
3. Social Media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube have evolved into effective tools for
brand communication and customer involvement. They provide a
platform for content sharing, audience interaction, community
building, and targeted advertising initiatives. Targeting on social
media is possible based on demographics, interests, behaviours, and
user-generated data.
4. Email Marketing: Email marketing is the practise of sending
promotional messages, newsletters, or personalised material to
people's email addresses. It is a low-cost, focused method of
communication that lets organizations to nurture existing customer
connections, generate leads, and drive conversions. Personalization of
email marketing might be based on user preferences, purchase history,
or segmentation data.
5. Online Display Advertising: Banner ads, pop-up ads, video
commercials, and other graphical or interactive advertisements
displayed on websites, apps, or social media platforms are examples
of online display advertising. To reach specific populations,
advertisers might use advanced targeting options such as
demographic profiling, contextual targeting, or remarketing. Display
advertising benefits from aesthetic appeal, interactivity, and the
ability to track performance via analytics.
Integrated Marketing 6. Content Marketing: To attract and engage a target audience, content
marketing entails generating and delivering valuable, relevant, and
consistent information. It consists of blog entries, articles, videos,
infographics, and other types of content that provide users with
information, enjoyment, or solutions. Content marketing contributes
to the development of brand authority, credibility, and trust, as well
as boosting organic traffic and cultivating consumer loyalty.


Advertising is a crucial element of marketing that aims to promote products,

services, or brands to target audiences. It utilizes various types of media
channels to deliver messages effectively. Print media, such as newspapers,
magazines, brochures, and catalogs, offers tangibility, credibility, and
targeted reach. Broadcast media, including television and radio, provides a
wide reach, visual and audio impact, and mass appeal. Outdoor or out-of-
home (OOH) media, like billboards and transit advertising, offers high
visibility, contextual relevance, and continuous exposure. The Internet has
revolutionized advertising, providing global reach, targeted advertising,
interactivity, real-time analytics, and cost-effectiveness. Each type of media
brings its own advantages, allowing advertisers to create integrated
marketing communication strategies that effectively engage with their
target audiences.


1. What is advertising?
A. publicity B. sales promotion C. paid information D. all the above
2. Placement of advertisements inside or outside transportation vehicles
is known as
A. Arial advertising. B. Outdoor advertising C. Transit advertising
D. classifieds
3. _________ are large structures located in public places which display
advertisements to passing pedestrians and motorists.
A. posters B. billboards C. display D. classified
4. What are the elite qualities of advertising?
A. Consumers view advertised products as standard and legitimate.
B. Advertising is expressive, allowing the dramatization of products.
C. Advertising can be used to build up a long-term image for a
D. Can reach masses of geographically dispersed buyers at low cost
5. Newspaper Advertising Strengths Advertising and
Types of Media
A. Audience in appropriate mental frame.
B. Mass audience coverage.
C. Flexibility.
D. All the above


1) D 2) C 3) B 4) C 5) D


Q.1 What is advertising? Explain the features and objectives of

Q.2 Explain the importance of advertising.
Q.3 What is media? Explain the different types of media.


Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Ang, S. H., Tan, C. T., & Leong, S. M. (2018).
Marketing management: an Asian perspective. Harlow: Pearson.
Saxena, R. (2005). Marketing management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

Karunakaran, K. (2008). Marketing management. Himalaya Publishing


Percy, L. (2023). Strategic integrated marketing communications. Taylor &


Juska, J. M. (2021). Integrated marketing communication: advertising and

promotion in a digital world. Routledge.

Broderick, A., & Pickton, D. (2005). Integrated marketing communications.

Pearson Education UK.


Integrated Marketing
Unit Structure:
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Different Dimension of Advertising
3.3 Developing the Campaign
3.4 Effect of Celebrity Endorsements
3.5 Advertising Agency- Functions
3.6 Advertising Agency- Types
3.7 Advertising Agency- Structure
3.8 Summary
3.9 Question
3.10 Case let
3.11 Reference


1. To understand the concept of advertising

2. To know about the different dimensions of advertising.
3. To acquire knowledge about the advertising agency and its functions


Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a strategic approach that

combines various marketing communication tools and channels to create a
seamless and consistent brand message. It aims to deliver a unified message
to the target audience, ensuring that all marketing efforts work together
synergistically to enhance brand recognition, increase customer
engagement, and ultimately drive sales.
One crucial component of IMC is advertising, which plays a pivotal role in
promoting products, services, and brands to the target audience. Advertising
involves creating persuasive messages and delivering them through various
media channels, such as television, radio, print, digital platforms, and social

We will delve deeply into the realm of Advertising, a concept rooted in the Advertising
Latin term 'Adverto,' signifying the act of redirecting focus towards a
particular subject or objective.
Advertising embodies a compensated and impersonal mode of showcasing
and advocating concepts, products, or services, attributed to a discernible
sponsor. Every advertisement is accompanied by a specified medium and
message. The advertiser's objective is to disseminate their messages and
notions to potential customers, imparting information effectively. Through
this approach, the advertiser endeavors to enhance the recognition of
products or services, ultimately achieving the fundamental goal of this


Diverse Facets of Advertising Illustrated with Contemporary Instances

(a) Societal Dimension of Advertising
The social dimension of advertising serves as a platform to acquaint
the community with a plethora of available products, their technology,
applications, and how these innovations can enrich the society's well-
being. It goes beyond product promotion to educate against potential
life hazards. For instance, advertisements caution against health risks
such as smoking, reckless driving, and environmental pollution.
Campaigns against population growth and cancer awareness
contribute to societal welfare. However, ethical advertising should
shun deception, manipulation, and inappropriate content, ensuring
that consumers are not exploited through tactics like sex appeal. An
example of this dimension can be seen in anti-smoking campaigns
that highlight the health dangers.
(b) Economic Dimensions
Advertising operates on an economic plane with significant
investments, especially when utilizing high-cost mediums like
television. The choice of media and financial allocation must align. It
fuels employment opportunities in fields like copywriting and
marketing, where various elements such as message, media, money,
and measurement converge. Effective advertising enlightens
consumers about products and guides their decision-making process.
It bolsters consumption, propelling economic growth and serves as a
gateway for new products into the market. Larger demand driven by
advertising leads to economies of scale across production, marketing,
and distribution. Apple's advertising campaigns for new product
launches exemplify the economic dimensions of advertising.
(c) Psychological Aspects
Psychological advertising confronts moral and psychological
sensitivities. It emphasizes the need to avoid targeting alcohol-related 23
Integrated Marketing products at underage individuals or using offensive content. Ads
objectifying women, as seen in certain cosmetic and lingerie
commercials, evoke societal criticism. The controversial Calvin Klein
campaigns have been met with backlash due to perceived promotion
of sexual permissiveness. The psychological dimension
acknowledges that consumers often face cognitive dissonance before
and after purchases. Advertisers strive to alleviate such uncertainty
through reinforcing the consumer's choice, as observed in the
marketing strategies of luxury brands like Gucci.
(d) Communication Endeavor
Advertising functions as a communication conduit that captivates and
informs consumers. It employs various narratives, stories, data
representation, and creative elements to convey its message. Accurate
interpretation of the message by the audience is vital. Notably,
advertising is potent in shaping attitudes, altering beliefs, and
inducing attitudinal shifts. For example, Dove's "Real Beauty
Sketches" campaign altered societal perceptions of beauty by
highlighting personal insecurities.
(e) Triangle of Communication
The communication triangle illustrates the dynamic interaction within
advertising. Advertisers utilize resources to craft messages that are
disseminated through chosen media. However, audience reception
may be influenced by noise and external factors. This engagement
sparks audience responses, which in turn drive advertiser research and
strategy refinement. A contemporary instance is Google's utilization
of online ads tailored to users' search history, thereby showcasing the
interactive nature of the communication triangle.

Source: Consumer Behaviour and Advertising Management by Matin Khan, published by

New Age International (P) Ltd

In essence, advertising traverses multifaceted dimensions, extending

beyond mere promotion to shape societies, economies, psyches,
communication, and engagement dynamics. These dimensions collectively
exemplify the intricate role advertising plays in our modern world.

An advertising campaign is a well-orchestrated endeavor aimed at

achieving an organization's goals through a strategic sequence of
advertisements disseminated across diverse media channels. In India,
several companies have effectively employed advertising campaigns to
establish brand dominance and drive business growth. Let's delve into the
detailed steps of creating such a campaign:

• Analysing the market opportunity for advertising.

• Setting advertising objectives.

• Allocating a budget for the campaign.

• Choice of media.

• Creating of Ads and pretesting them before release.

• Post testing of Ads or measuring the Ad effectiveness

Step 1: Analysing the Market Opportunity for Advertising
In this initial phase, marketers thoroughly evaluate the market to identify
opportunities, challenges, target audience preferences, and competitive
landscapes. Understanding customer needs and market trends helps in
crafting an impactful campaign strategy.
Example: Amul's "The Taste of India" Campaign
Amul capitalized on India's diverse culinary culture and created a series of
advertisements showcasing its dairy products as an essential component of
Indian cuisines. By tapping into the emotional connection Indians have with
their food, Amul solidified its brand identity.
Step 2: Setting Advertising Objectives
Clear and achievable objectives provide direction for the campaign. These
objectives could include increasing brand awareness, boosting sales,
introducing new products, or altering consumer perceptions.
Example: Tanishq's "Remarriage" Campaign
Tanishq's campaign aimed to redefine societal perceptions around
remarriage in India. By highlighting the emotional aspects and resonating
with progressive values, the brand successfully portrayed its jewelry as a
symbol of celebration and acceptance.
Step 3: Allocating a Budget for the Campaign
An appropriate budget allocation considers factors like media costs, creative
production expenses, and expected outcomes. Balancing resources ensures
the campaign's effectiveness without overspending.
Integrated Marketing Example: Coca-Cola's Festive Campaigns
Coca-Cola has consistently invested in high-budget festive campaigns
during occasions like Diwali and Christmas. These campaigns combine
emotional storytelling with wide-reaching media placements to foster a
sense of celebration and togetherness.
Step 4: Choice of Media
Selecting the right mix of media channels to reach the target audience is
crucial. It involves evaluating traditional media (TV, print) and digital
platforms (social media, online ads) based on audience behavior and
Example: Swiggy's Hyper-Localized Social Media Campaigns
Swiggy, an Indian food delivery platform, employs hyper-localized
campaigns on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. These
campaigns use local trends, events, and references to connect with specific
city-based audiences.
Step 5: Creating Ads and Pre-Testing
Creating compelling advertisements that resonate with the target audience
is essential. Pretesting involves assessing the ads' effectiveness, message
clarity, and emotional impact before launching the campaign.
Example: Fevicol's Humorous and Memorable Campaigns
Fevicol, a popular adhesive brand, is known for its humorous and
memorable ads that showcase the strength of its product in a light-hearted
manner. These ads undergo pretesting to ensure the humor lands well with
the audience.
Step 6: Post testing or Measuring Ad Effectiveness
After the campaign launch, measuring its impact and effectiveness is
crucial. Metrics like brand recall, reach, engagement, and sales conversions
are analyzed to assess the campaign's success.
Example: Cadbury's "Kuch Meetha Ho Jaye" Campaign
Cadbury's iconic campaign focused on associating its chocolates with
moments of celebration and happiness. The brand measured success
through increased sales during festive seasons and enhanced brand recall.


Celebrity endorsements are a prevalent strategy in advertising, where well-

known personalities are leveraged to promote products or services. This
practice capitalizes on the influence and appeal of celebrities to establish a
connection between the brand and its target audience. In India, celebrity
endorsements have become a common sight across various sectors,
showcasing both the benefits and potential challenges of this marketing Advertising
Positive Impacts of Celebrity Endorsements:
1. Enhanced Brand Recognition: Celebrity endorsements can
significantly boost brand visibility and recognition, as the celebrity's
popularity draws attention to the product or service.
Example: Amitabh Bachchan for Cadbury Dairy Milk
Amitabh Bachchan's association with Cadbury Dairy Milk has not
only increased the brand's recall value but also added a touch of
nostalgia, making it a memorable campaign.
2. Credibility and Trust: Celebrities lend their credibility to the brand,
fostering trust among consumers. People often associate the
celebrity's positive qualities with the endorsed product.
Example: Virat Kohli for Audi
Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli's endorsement of Audi adds a sense
of prestige and performance to the brand, appealing to a luxury-
conscious audience.
3. Emotional Connection: Celebrities evoke emotions, and their
endorsement can create a strong emotional connection between the
audience and the product, making it more relatable and aspirational.
Example: Shah Rukh Khan for Nerolac
Shah Rukh Khan's association with Nerolac paints an emotional story,
demonstrating how a celebrity's persona can enhance the narrative of
the campaign.
Challenges of Celebrity Endorsements:
4. Risk of Controversies: Celebrities' personal behavior can negatively
impact the brand if they are involved in controversies, leading to
brand damage.
Example: Maggi with Madhuri Dixit
When concerns about Maggi's safety arose, the brand, endorsed by
Madhuri Dixit, faced backlash as consumers associated the
controversy with the celebrity.
5. Authenticity Concerns: If the celebrity's alignment with the product
is not authentic, the endorsement can come across as forced and
Example: Salman Khan and Mountain Dew

Integrated Marketing Salman Khan's persona as an action star didn't necessarily align with
the image of a refreshing beverage like Mountain Dew, which led to
questions about authenticity.
6. Overexposure: Overusing a celebrity in multiple endorsements can
dilute the impact and make the association less effective.
Example: Deepika Padukone's Multiple Endorsements
Deepika Padukone's numerous endorsements led to questions about
whether her association with a brand was genuine or just for financial


Advertising has become quite complicated and expensive these days. Many
companies seek help from advertising agencies to handle the work for them.
To make advertising successful, the advertising agency and the company
need to work together closely. They collaborate on things like which media
to use, what the ads should say, how much money to spend, and what goals
they want to achieve. The company should provide all the important
information to the ad agency, like details about the company, the market,
and the customers.
The agency becomes like a part of the company and both sides need to work
well together. The agency needs to be skilled and understand things like
how the product is different from others, how it's known, and how it's sold.
Nowadays, agencies know a lot about marketing and even help with things
like research to choose the best ways to promote the product. This close
relationship between the company and the agency benefits both of them in
the long run.
An advertising agency is a special group that's good at planning and creating
advertisements for companies. In India, there are many such agencies with
offices in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai. Companies use these
agencies because they have experts who are really good at what they do,
like artists, writers, and people who know about media and technology.
These agencies have lots of experience in solving problems for different
companies, so they can be trusted.
Choosing the right agency involves looking at things like whether they offer
all-around services or just specific ones. It's also important to see if the
agency works well with the company and if they have the right skills. The
agency's history of working with other companies, their creativity, and how
they solve problems are all important factors.
Other things the agency does include managing money, deciding where to
show the ads, doing research, and keeping everything organized. They help
the company by providing specialized services for promoting products.
Companies like Tanishq, which sells jewelry, have used agencies like Lowe
Lintas for their advertising campaigns. This shows how making smart Advertising
decisions about agencies can lead to successful advertising.
Functions of Advertising Agency
Advertising agencies serve as essential players in the realm of marketing,
taking on various roles and functions that contribute to the success of both
businesses and campaigns. Here, we explore the core functions of these
agencies and their impact on the marketing landscape:
1) Attracting Clients

One of the primary functions of advertising agencies is to attract

advertisers as clients. These clients are the lifeblood of the agencies,
providing the revenue necessary for their sustenance. Agencies entice
potential clients by offering a diverse range of swift and cost-effective
services. By delivering value and building strong relationships,
agencies foster customer loyalty and enduring partnerships.

2) Research Endeavors:

In-depth research is a vital role played by advertising agencies. They

meticulously gather essential information about the advertiser's
product, delving into features, qualities, limitations, market
competition, distribution methods, buyer preferences, and future
market trends. This comprehensive research informs strategic
decisions, ensuring campaigns are tailored to meet market demands.

3) Advertising Planning:

A cornerstone function is the development of advertising plans. After

conducting research on client products, competitors, target audiences,
and market dynamics, agencies create a detailed blueprint for
advertising campaigns. Once clients approve the plan, it is executed
to deliver optimal results aligned with client goals.

4) Budget Formulation:

Advertising agencies craft advertising budgets, a crucial aspect of

efficient campaign management. A well-defined budget ensures that
all advertising activities are carried out judiciously, maximizing
resource utilization. A sound budgeting approach safeguards against
wastage and instills client trust in the agency's financial stewardship.

5) Coordination Enhancement:

Effective coordination is a pivotal function carried out by advertising

agencies. They foster collaboration among all stakeholders involved
in marketing campaigns, including clients, media platforms, sales

Integrated Marketing teams, and distributors. Seamless coordination is pivotal for sustained
campaign success and minimizes conflicts that can hinder progress.

6) Media Selection Expertise:

The selection of appropriate media platforms constitutes a critical
function. Advertising agencies leverage their expertise to choose the
right media for effectively conveying content. This decision is
informed by the potential of each medium to deliver optimal results
at reasonable costs. Establishing and nurturing good relationships
with chosen media outlets are integral to the process.
7) Creative Endeavors:
Bringing advertising plans to life is a key function involving creative
execution. Expert teams comprising designers, copywriters, and
artists collaborate to craft compelling designs, layouts, and
illustrations for ads. Creative ideas enhance the appeal of
advertisements, making them more engaging and impactful,
ultimately driving product sales.
8) Non-Advertising Services:
Beyond traditional advertising, agencies extend a spectrum of non-
advertisement services to clients. These encompass diverse areas such
as product design, pricing strategy, discount determination, label and
packaging design, and trademarking. Such comprehensive support
aids in elevating overall product sales and market presence.


Advertising agencies come in various forms, each specializing in distinct

approaches to deliver impactful campaigns. Here's a breakdown of these
agency types, accompanied by Indian examples:
1. Full-Service Advertising Agencies:
These agencies offer a comprehensive range of promotional services,
handling all aspects of advertising from start to finish. They are
medium to large-sized entities capable of executing entire marketing
campaigns. Services provided include TV ads, content creation,
campaign management, radio commercials, social media
management, print advertising, search engine optimization, and
strategic planning. Ex.- Ogilvy & Mather (O&M) is one of India's
leading full-service advertising agencies. They've managed iconic
campaigns for brands like Cadbury, Fevicol, and Vodafone, offering
a holistic range of services.
2. Traditional Agencies:
These agencies rely on conventional methods for their marketing
efforts, using mediums like newspapers, radio, television, billboards,
and magazines. They are suitable for companies seeking local-level Advertising
advertising reach. Ex.- J. Walter Thompson JWT India has a rich
history of traditional advertising campaigns, having worked with
brands like Pepsi, Nestle, and Hero MotoCorp.
3. Social Media Agencies:

Specializing in social media platforms, these agencies focus solely on

utilizing tools like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter for
their campaigns. They create engaging content and optimize ads to
maximize results on these channels. Ex.- WAT Consult is a prominent
social media agency in India, renowned for its digital campaigns and
social media management for brands like Mahindra, Vero Moda, and

4. Creative Boutique:

Creative boutiques specialize in graphic design, crafting visual

elements such as logos, letterheads, business cards, billboards, and
print marketing materials. Ex.- Happy Creative Services has
established itself as a creative boutique in India, focusing on
delivering visually appealing campaigns for clients like Flipkart,
OYO, and Himalaya.

5. Media Buying Agency:

These agencies specialize in purchasing ad spaces and optimizing

placements for maximum impact. They handle media planning,
ensuring ads are showcased optimally within budget. Ex.- GroupM a
global media investment group, operates in India, offering media
buying services for brands like Amazon, Tata, and PepsiCo.


An advertising agency's structure is meticulously designed to facilitate

seamless collaboration and efficient execution of campaigns. Let's explore
the various departments within an agency, supported by examples from the
Indian advertising landscape:
1. Account Department:
The account department is the bridge between the agency and its
clients. It nurtures client relationships, assists in campaign planning,
and negotiates contracts. This department is responsible for
understanding client needs and ensuring their satisfaction throughout
the campaign. Ex.- McCann World group India a renowned agency,
emphasizes strong client relationships. Their account department
collaborates closely with clients like Coca-Cola, Mastercard, and
Paytm, tailoring campaigns to their unique requirements.
Integrated Marketing 2. Marketing Services Department:

This department gathers market insights through research and

surveys. It analyzes consumer attitudes and market competition to
inform effective ad and message design. It aids in selecting the most
suitable advertising mediums for campaigns. Ex.-DDB Mudra Group
excels in market research and insights. The agency's marketing
services department helps brands like Volkswagen, Samsung, and
Adani navigate market dynamics for impactful campaigns.

3. Creative Department:

The creative team shapes the visual and conceptual aspects of

advertisements. It includes graphic designers, art directors,
programmers, and more. This team transforms ideas into compelling
visuals using modern tools. Ex.-FCB Interface creative team has
produced engaging campaigns for brands like Amul, Tata Motors, and
Horlicks, showcasing their prowess in crafting memorable ad designs.

4. Media Planning Department:

This department focuses on selecting the optimal media mix for

campaigns. It assesses various media platforms based on cost-
effectiveness and reach to ensure maximum impact. Ex.- Mindshare
India part of GroupM, exemplifies media expertise. The media
planning department enhances campaigns for clients like Nestlé,
Ford, and Netflix through strategic media selection.

5. Internal Services Department:

This department ensures efficient collaboration among agency

departments. It's divided into sub-departments, such as the Traffic
department, overseeing workflow; the Human Resource department,
managing workforce matters; and the Finance department, handling
agency finances. Ex.- Wunderman Thompson India’s internal
services contribute to seamless operations. Their HR department
ensures a talented workforce supports campaigns for brands like
Godrej, Nike, and PepsiCo.

6. Client Services Department:

Found in larger agencies, this department goes beyond marketing ads.

It offers additional promotional services like public relations
campaigns, exhibitions, and product demand research to support
clients' business growth. Ex.- Leo Burnett India client services team
extends beyond advertising. Their work with brands like McDonald's,
HDFC Life, and Bajaj Allianz includes broader promotional strategies
beyond traditional ads.
3.8 SUMMARY Advertising

• An advertising campaign involves a meticulous process

encompassing market analysis, objective setting, budget allocation,
media selection, ad creation, pretesting, and post testing. Indian
companies like Amul, Tanishq, Coca-Cola, Swiggy, Fevicol, and
Cadbury have effectively executed campaigns that align with these
steps, showcasing the power of strategic advertising in driving brand
recognition, engagement, and business growth.

• While celebrity endorsements offer distinct advantages in terms of

visibility, credibility, and emotional connection, they also come with
potential pitfalls. The key is to carefully select celebrities whose
values and persona align with the brand's identity. Indian companies
like Cadbury Dairy Milk, Audi, Nerolac, and Maggi have
demonstrated both the positive impact and challenges of celebrity
endorsements. In the end, a well-thought-out strategy that considers
both the celebrity's appeal and authenticity is essential for a successful
celebrity-driven advertising campaign.

• Advertising agencies play multifaceted roles that span attracting

clients, conducting research, strategic planning, budget formulation,
coordination, media selection, creative execution, and diverse non-
advertising services. By fulfilling these functions, agencies contribute
significantly to the effectiveness and success of marketing campaigns,
fostering growth for both the clients they serve and their own

• In the diverse landscape of advertising agencies, each type brings

unique strengths and expertise to the table. Indian examples like
Ogilvy & Mather, J. Walter Thompson, WAT Consult, Happy
Creative Services, and GroupM showcase how these agencies
contribute to the success of well-known brands across different
segments of the advertising industry.

• In the Indian advertising landscape, agencies like McCann

Worldgroup India, DDB Mudra Group, FCB Interface, Mindshare
India, Wunderman Thompson India, and Leo Burnett India exemplify
these departments' roles in delivering impactful campaigns and
supporting diverse client needs.


3.9.1 Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) aim to
a) Fragmented brand message
b) Inconsistent marketing efforts
Integrated Marketing c) Unified brand message and synergy in marketing efforts
d) Limited customer engagement
2. What is the primary purpose of advertising in IMC?
a) To confuse the target audience
b) To complicate brand messaging
c) To promote products, services, and brands to the target audience
d) To reduce customer engagement
3. What does the term 'Adverto' mean in Latin?
a) Advertising
b) Redirection
c) Promotion
d) Persuasion
4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of advertising?
a) Compensated
b) Impersonal
c) Unidentifiable sponsor
d) Involves creating persuasive messages
5. What is the fundamental aim of advertising?
a) To confuse potential customers
b) To manipulate consumer decisions
c) To disseminate messages to potential customers and enhance
product recognition
d) To increase costs for advertisers
1- c, 2- c 3- b, 4- c, 5- c
3.9.2 Long Answer Questions
1) Discuss the various dimensions of advertising, going beyond its
conventional role of promoting products.
2) Discuss the functions of departments like Account, Marketing
Services, Creative, Media Planning, Internal Services, and Client
Services. Use examples to showcase how advertising agency
structures contribute to successful advertising campaigns and client
3) Analyze the diverse types of advertising agencies and their
specialized approaches. Discuss the roles and characteristics of full-
service advertising agencies, traditional agencies, social media Advertising
agencies, creative boutiques, and media buying agencies.
4) Examine the impact of celebrity endorsements on advertising
campaigns and brand perception. Provide case studies of successful
and unsuccessful celebrity endorsements to illustrate the importance
of aligning celebrity personas with brand values and the implications
of celebrity behavior on brand reputation.


Celebrity Endorsements Gone Awry: Navigating Challenges in Brand

Promotion Background:
ABC Corporation, a leading consumer electronics company, aimed to boost
its market share in the rapidly evolving smartphone industry. In an attempt
to appeal to a younger demographic and gain a competitive edge, the
company decided to launch a new smartphone model targeted at tech-savvy
millennials. To elevate their campaign, ABC Corporation decided to
collaborate with a popular young celebrity, Alloy Turn, who was known for
his charismatic presence and massive online following.
The Celebrity Endorsement:
Alloy Turn 's endorsement was envisioned as a means to enhance the new
smartphone's appeal and connect with the target audience. His influence
was expected to contribute significantly to the smartphone's success. The
company believed that Turn's association with the brand would create a
sense of authenticity and establish a relatable image for the product.
Challenges Faced:
Unfortunately, the celebrity endorsement campaign faced unforeseen
challenges that threatened its success:

• Misalignment of Brand Image: Despite his popularity, it became

evident that Alloy Turn's personal brand image did not align well with
ABC Corporation's product positioning. Turn's, known for his
carefree and rebellious demeanor, was at odds with the sophisticated
and professional image the company intended to convey. This
misalignment led to confusion among consumers about the
smartphone's intended market and purpose.

• Crisis of Authenticity: Turn's endorsement of the smartphone was met

with skepticism from both consumers and industry experts. His
previous involvement in controversies and public disagreements with
technology companies raised concerns about the authenticity of his
endorsement. This skepticism led to doubts about the sincerity of his
support for the product.

• Rapid Spread of Negative Publicity: With the rise of social media,

negative feedback spread quickly. Consumers took to various
Integrated Marketing platforms to express their doubts and disappointment with the
celebrity endorsement. Negative memes, sarcastic comments, and
parodies started to circulate, damaging the smartphone's brand
perception even further.

• Reputation Management: The backlash from the endorsement

prompted ABC Corporation to rethink its strategy. The company
faced the challenge of mitigating the negative impact on its reputation
while still maintaining its goal of attracting the millennial audience.

• Response and Resolution:

Recognizing the severity of the situation, ABC Corporation swiftly
addressed the challenges:

• Reevaluation and Refinement: The company initiated an internal

review of its marketing strategy and messaging. It worked with its
advertising agency to redefine the brand's identity and develop a
campaign that resonated better with the target audience.

• Celebrity Redefinition: While the initial endorsement proved

challenging, the company decided to utilize Turn's influence
differently. Instead of being the face of the brand, Turner's
involvement was refocused on interactive social media engagement
and limited appearances, allowing for authentic connections with

• Transparency and Communication: ABC Corporation took a

transparent approach, acknowledging the challenges and changes
made to the campaign. It communicated its commitment to addressing
customer concerns and delivering a product aligned with consumer
The challenges posed by the misaligned celebrity endorsement ultimately
prompted ABC Corporation to reevaluate its campaign strategy. While the
initial setbacks were significant, the company's quick response and strategic
adjustments allowed it to salvage the campaign's effectiveness. The episode
served as a valuable lesson about the importance of aligning celebrity
endorsements with brand values and understanding the potential risks
associated with such partnerships.


1. Consumer Behaviour and Advertising Management by Matin Khan,
published by New Age International (P) Ltd ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-

2. Advertising and Promotion: An integrated Marketing Advertising
Communications Perspective (Sixth Edition), George E. Belch &
Michael A. Belch, Publisher McGraw- Hill Companies
3. Integrating Marketing Communication, by Philip J. Kitchen and
Patrick De Pelsmacker, Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2004, ISBN 0-
203-33724-7 (Adobe eReader Format)
4. Integrating Marketing Communication, by Tony Yeshin, published
by The Chartered Institute of Marketing, ISBN 0 7506 1923 6

Integrated Marketing
Unit Structure:
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Reputation Management- Introduction, Meaning and Definition
4.2 Reputation Management-Issues and Challenges
4.3 Case Study
4.4 Summary
4.5 Question
4.6 Reference

1. To understand the concept of reputation management.
2. To know about the different issues and challenges in reputation
3. To deal the real life situation of reputation management through case



Reputation management within the realm of Integrated Marketing

Communication (IMC) is a strategic approach aimed at maintaining,
enhancing, and influencing the perception of an organization, brand, or
individual among its target audience. This approach involves aligning all
communication efforts, across various channels, to consistently convey a
positive and credible image. By integrating reputation management into
IMC, organizations can effectively shape public perceptions, build trust,
and establish a strong brand identity.


Reputation management in the context of IMC refers to the proactive

management of how an entity is viewed by its stakeholders through
coordinated and unified communication methods. Beyond simple crisis
management, it also includes ongoing initiatives that gradually change
people's perspectives and attitudes. Under IMC, reputation management
entails the collaborative coordination of marketing, public relations, social
media, branding, and other communication components to provide a
coherent story that supports a good reputation.
Definition Reputation Management

• According to John Doorley and Helio Fred Garcia: "Reputation

management is the systematic research, cultivation, and ongoing
management of the perceptions that stakeholders have of an

This definition emphasizes the comprehensive nature of reputation

management, involving a structured approach that encompasses research,
nurturing positive perceptions, and continuous management to influence
stakeholders' views.

• According to Michael Fertik and David C. Thompson: "Reputation

management is a process of actively using the engagement tools of
social media to strengthen your network and enhance the positive
content about you."

This definition highlights the role of social media as a key tool in reputation
management. It focuses on leveraging social media platforms to actively
engage with the audience, build a positive network, and promote favorable

• According to Daniel Diermeier: "Reputation management is the

orchestration of initiatives by which stakeholders' perceptions of an
organization are influenced."

This definition emphasizes the strategic nature of reputation management.

It suggests that reputation is not passive but can be actively shaped through
well-coordinated initiatives that target stakeholders' perceptions.

• According to Gini Dietrich: "Reputation management is the practice

of monitoring and influencing what is being said about your company,
products, and services, and addressing and mitigating risks."

This definition underscores the proactive approach to reputation

management. It involves vigilant monitoring of discussions related to the
organization and taking action to influence the narrative, respond to
concerns, and manage potential risks.

Collectively, these definitions illustrate that reputation management is a

multifaceted process that involves continuous monitoring, engagement, and
strategic initiatives to shape perceptions, particularly in the context of
integrated marketing communication. The integration of reputation
management within IMC ensures that an organization's messaging, actions,
and communication efforts are aligned to create a positive and cohesive
brand image across various channels and stakeholder interactions.

Integrated Marketing

• Online Presence and Social Media:

The rapid spread of information through social media platforms like
Twitter and Facebook can amplify reputational issues. For example,
negative news about a company's product can quickly go viral,
reaching a vast audience within hours. An instance could be when a
major airline faces severe backlash due to multiple passengers sharing
videos of their poor in-flight experiences, causing a PR crisis.

• Viral Nature of Content:

High internet penetration in India means that content, whether
positive or negative, can spread rapidly. A minor issue can escalate
into a major reputation crisis overnight, as seen when a well-known
food delivery app faces backlash due to a video of delivery personnel
mishandling food packages going viral.

• Misinformation and Fake News:

The prevalence of misinformation and fake news on social media can
significantly harm reputations. A false rumor about a brand's actions
or intentions can spread rapidly, damaging its credibility. For
instance, a pharmaceutical company might face negative publicity due
to false claims about the side effects of its products being circulated
on social media.

• Lack of Control:
Organizations often struggle to control the narrative, particularly in
an environment where negative reviews or complaints can quickly
gain traction online. A brand may find it challenging to manage a
situation where multiple customers share their negative experiences
with a product on various platforms.

• Speed of Response:
With widespread mobile phone usage, the speed of response to
reputation-threatening incidents is crucial. A slow or ineffective
response to a crisis can lead to further damage. For example, an e-
commerce platform receiving complaints about a data breach must
respond promptly to address concerns and prevent loss of trust.

• Crisis Management:
Companies in India need a robust crisis management plan. For
instance, a food contamination issue in a popular restaurant chain
could cause severe damage to its reputation. Quick and effective
communication, along with corrective actions, is essential to prevent Reputation Management
customer distrust and negative publicity.

• Differing Stakeholder Perceptions:

India's diversity in terms of regions, languages, and demographics can
lead to differing stakeholder perceptions. An advertising campaign
that resonates positively in one region might be offensive in another.
A brand promoting vegetarianism might face backlash in a region
where meat consumption is culturally significant.

• Competitor Actions:
Competitors might engage in smear campaigns to harm a rival's
reputation. For instance, a telecom company spreading false
information about another company's network reliability can lead to
customer skepticism and reputation damage.

• Privacy Concerns:
Collecting and using data for reputation management can raise
privacy concerns among Indian consumers. Mishandling data or
sharing personal information without consent can lead to negative
perceptions and potential legal actions.

• Cultural and Global Differences:

Organizations must navigate the intricacies of cultural diversity in
India. An international brand might inadvertently offend local
sentiments, leading to reputation issues. For example, a fashion brand
introducing a global advertising campaign without considering
cultural sensitivities might face backlash for cultural insensitivity.
These challenges and issues underline the complexities of reputation
management in India's diverse and dynamic market. Addressing them
requires a well-defined strategy that considers cultural nuances, the rapid
pace of social media, and the importance of quick and transparent


Case 1: Social Media Crisis for an Indian Retail Brand - "Trendify India"
"Trendify India" is a popular Indian retail brand specializing in fashion
accessories such as handbags, jewelry, and footwear. The brand has a strong
presence on various social media platforms and actively engages with its
target audience, primarily young adults.
A customer posts a video on Instagram showing a broken strap on a handbag
purchased from Trendify India. The video gains significant traction and 41
Integrated Marketing starts circulating on other platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook. People
begin using the hashtag #TrendifyFail to share their own negative
experiences with the brand's products, alleging poor quality and faulty
Trendify India faces the challenge of addressing the social media crisis
promptly to prevent further damage to their reputation, customer trust, and
overall sales during a crucial shopping season.
Reputation Management Strategy:
Trendify India implements an integrated reputation management strategy
aligned with their Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) plan:

• Rapid Acknowledgment:
Trendify India's social media team detects the trending hashtag and
swiftly responds to the initial Instagram post. They express regret for
the customer's experience and commit to resolving the issue.

• Detailed Investigation:
The brand initiates an internal investigation to identify the reasons for
the faulty handbag. They assure customers that the problem will be
addressed transparently.

• Centralized Communication:
Trendify India creates a dedicated section on their website to address
the crisis. They share the link across all their social media platforms
to ensure consistent messaging.

• Customer Engagement:
The brand actively engages with customers' comments, addressing
concerns and sharing progress updates on the investigation.

• Compensation and Amends:

Trendify India reaches out to customers who shared similar
experiences and offers them replacements or refunds. They publicly
state their commitment to customer satisfaction.

• Behind-the-Scenes Content:
The brand creates videos showcasing their quality control processes,
emphasizing their dedication to delivering high-quality products.

• Promotional Campaign with Assurance:

Trendify India launches a promotional campaign with the message
"Quality Assured." They offer discounts on selected products while
ensuring consistent messaging across various communication Reputation Management
Trendify India's strategic reputation management approach and IMC efforts
yield positive results:
1. The brand's prompt response and transparent communication are
appreciated by customers, leading to a shift in sentiment from
negative to neutral or positive.
2. The hashtag #TrendifyFail transforms into a space where customers
discuss how the brand acknowledged and addressed their concerns,
showcasing Trendify India's commitment to customer satisfaction.
3. The "Quality Assured" campaign gains momentum, with customers
sharing their positive experiences and highlighting the improvements
in product quality.
4. Over time, Trendify India successfully rebuilds its reputation as a
reliable and customer-centric brand that values feedback and actively
addresses issues.
Case 2: Pharma Company's CSR Initiative
Issue: A pharmaceutical company in India faces criticism for its
environmental impact due to waste generated by its manufacturing process.
This negative perception could harm its reputation and sales.
Challenge: The company needs to counter the negative image and
demonstrate its commitment to responsible business practices.
Reputation Management Strategy:

• CSR Campaign: The company launches a Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) initiative focusing on environmental
sustainability. This includes waste reduction, recycling efforts, and
reforestation programs.

• Integrated Messaging: The company integrates its CSR efforts into its
overall IMC strategy. It promotes its environmental initiatives
through advertisements, press releases, and social media campaigns.

• Stakeholder Engagement: The company collaborates with local

communities, NGOs, and environmental groups to showcase its
commitment to making a positive impact.

• Transparency: Regular updates are provided to the public regarding

progress on waste reduction and environmental goals.

• Employee Involvement: The company involves its employees in

volunteering for environmental projects, reinforcing the company's
dedication to the cause. 43
Integrated Marketing Outcome: By aligning its CSR initiative with its IMC strategy, the
pharmaceutical company successfully shifts the focus from its negative
environmental impact to its efforts to make a positive contribution. This
helps enhance its reputation, build trust, and demonstrate responsible
corporate citizenship.

• Reputation management within IMC involves proactive efforts to
manage stakeholders' perceptions through cohesive and unified
communication strategies. It goes beyond crisis response,
encompassing ongoing initiatives that gradually shape and influence

• Reputation management in India is a complex endeavor, influenced

by the rapid evolution of technology and the diverse cultural
landscape. Several challenges and issues shape the context of
reputation management in the country.
(Note: The above given case is entirely fictional and created for illustrative
purposes. Real-life situations may vary, and it's essential for brands to tailor
their reputation management strategies based on their unique circumstances
and market dynamics.)

Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the primary goal of reputation management within the realm
of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)?
A) Increasing sales.
B) Building a diverse product portfolio.
C) Maintaining, enhancing, and influencing perceptions.
D) Reducing operational costs.
2. Which of the following is NOT a component that reputation
management under IMC involves coordinating?
A) Marketing
B) Public relations
C) Social media
D) Inventory management
3. According to John Doorley and Helio Fred Garcia, what does
reputation management involve?
A) Randomly addressing stakeholder perceptions.
B) Proactively shaping stakeholder perceptions. Reputation Management

C) Ignoring stakeholders' views.

D) Focusing solely on crisis management.
4. Which definition of reputation management highlights the use of
social media to strengthen networks and enhance positive content?
A) John Doorley and Helio Fred Garcia's definition.
B) Michael Fertik and David C. Thompson's definition.
C) Daniel Diermeier's definition.
D) Gini Dietrich's definition.
5. According to Daniel Diermeier, how is reputation management best
A) Passive and unchangeable.
B) Isolated and reactive.
C) Actively shaping stakeholders' perceptions.
D) Limited to crisis management.
6. Which aspect does Gini Dietrich's definition of reputation
management emphasize?
A) Coordinating various communication efforts.
B) Building a diverse product portfolio.
C) Monitoring and addressing company risks.
D) Reducing operational costs.
7. What is one potential consequence of the rapid spread of negative
information through social media platforms?
A) Increased customer loyalty.
B) Improved brand awareness.
C) Amplified reputational issues.
D) Reduced online presence.
8. Why can a minor issue escalate into a major reputation crisis
A) Lack of internet penetration.
B) Limited use of social media.
Integrated Marketing C) Rapid spread of content.
D) Controlled narrative.
9. How can misinformation and fake news impact reputation
A) They enhance credibility.
B) They lead to increased trust.
C) They harm reputations and credibility.
D) They have no effect on perceptions.
10. What challenge does lack of control pose for reputation management?
A) Ensuring positive customer experiences.
B) Effectively managing social media platforms.
C) Gaining customer loyalty.
D) Controlling the narrative and addressing negative reviews.
11. Why is the speed of response crucial in reputation management?
A) To control stakeholder perceptions.
B) To build a diverse customer base.
C) To navigate cultural differences.
D) To prevent further damage during a crisis.
12. What might be a consequence of differing stakeholder perceptions in
a diverse country like India?
A) Enhanced brand consistency.
B) Improved crisis management.
C) Alignment of advertising campaigns.
D) Offensive advertising campaigns.
1- C, 2- D, 3- B, 4- B, 5- C, 6- C, 7- C, 8- C, 9- C, 10- D, 11- D, 12- D
Long Questions
1. What do you mean by Reputation Management? Explain its issues
and challenges with examples.
2. Case Study: Managing Reputation in Integrated Marketing
Problem: Reputation Management

A popular consumer electronics company, TechKnow, has been

experiencing a sudden drop in customer satisfaction scores and a surge in
negative online reviews. This decline in reputation has raised concerns
among the company's stakeholders and is affecting its sales. TechKnow's
integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategy needs to address these
reputation challenges to regain customer trust and loyalty.

• Doorley, J., & Garcia, H. F. (2011). Reputation management: The key
to successful public relations and corporate communication.

• Fertik, M., & Thompson, D. C. (2015). The reputation economy: How

to optimize your digital footprint in a world where your reputation is
your most valuable asset.

• Diermeier, D. (2011). Reputation rules: Strategies for building your

company's most valuable asset.

• Dietrich, G. (2014). Spin sucks: Communication and reputation

management in the digital age.


Integrated Marketing
Unit Structure:
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Sales Promotion
5.2 Managing Consumer Promotion
5.3 Managing Trade Promotion
5.4 Summary
5.5 Case Let
5.6 Question
5.6 Reference


1. To understand the concept of sales promotion.

2. To know about the tools and importance of sales promotion.
3. To acquire knowledge about how to manage consumer promotion and
trade promotion.


• Sales Promotion- Meaning

Every business owner aims to enhance the sales of the products they
deal with, and there are numerous strategies available to achieve this
goal. You might be familiar with approaches like "Karodpati Bano,"
"Win a Tour to Dubai," "Get 20% Extra in a One-Kilogram Pack," or
"Scratch the Card and Win a Prize." Additionally, you may have come
across incentives such as complimentary lunch boxes, pencil boxes,
pens, shampoo pouches, etc., offered alongside certain products.
Another strategy involves exchange offers, where you can trade in
your existing TV model for a discounted price on a new one. You
might also have noticed signs in local markets announcing "Winter
Sale," "Summer Sale," "Trade Fairs," and "Up to 50% to 60 %
Discount," all designed to attract customers to purchase specific
These marketing tactics are incentives provided by manufacturers or
dealers to stimulate increased sales of their merchandise. Such
incentives can take various forms, including free samples, gifts,
discount coupons, live demonstrations, shows, and contests.
Typically, these measures motivate customers to make more
purchases, thus driving up the overall sales of the product. This Promotional Campaign
approach to promoting sales is referred to as "Sales Promotion."
You're already familiar with advertising from previous lessons, which
is another effective tool for boosting product sales. In fact, advertising
serves as a means of communication to inform potential customers
about the various incentives available through sales promotions.
The term "Promotion" finds its origins in the Latin word
"Promovere," which signifies moving forward. Within the realm of
promotional mix, sales promotion stands as one of the three key
pillars, alongside personal selling and advertising. Acting as a pivotal
bridge, sales promotion serves as the connecting link between
personal selling and advertising. It holds a significant role as a
specialized function within the field of marketing.
Sales promotion encompasses short-term, non-recurring strategies
aimed at accelerating sales in different ways. These offers are not
available to customers throughout the year; rather, they are often
introduced during festivals, the end of seasons, year-end periods, and
other special occasions. In essence, sales promotion encompasses all
activities beyond advertising and personal selling that contribute to
increasing the sales of a specific product.

• According to Philip Kotler: "Sales promotion consists of a diverse

collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate
quicker or greater purchase of particular products or services by
consumers or the trade."
The above definition of sales promotion highlights that it involves a range
of incentive methods, often for a limited period. These methods are intended
to encourage consumers or businesses to buy specific products or services
more rapidly or in larger quantities. In essence, sales promotion employs
various tactics to create a sense of urgency or increased value, driving
immediate purchasing behavior.

• David Ogilvy defines sales promotion as: "Sales promotion includes

those marketing activities, other than personal selling, advertising,
and publicity, that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer
effectiveness, such as displays, shows, and expositions,
demonstrations, and various non-recurrent selling efforts not in the
ordinary routine."
The above definition of sales promotion encompasses all marketing
endeavors beyond personal selling, advertising, and publicity. It
encompasses activities that enhance consumer buying and dealer
performance, such as displays, exhibitions, demonstrations, and other
unique, non-repetitive sales efforts. In essence, sales promotion involves a
range of strategies aimed at motivating both customers and dealers, going
beyond routine marketing methods.
Integrated Marketing • According to American Marketing Association (AMA): "Sales
promotion encompasses the activities of direct inducement, offering
added value or incentive for the product to resellers, salespersons, or
consumers. Sales promotion includes all those activities which
encourage customers to purchase the products."

• Importance of Sales Promotion

In today's competitive business landscape, the survival of a business
relies on effective sales. Marketing efforts, like advertising and
personal selling, might fall short in driving sales. Therefore, sales
promotion becomes crucial to attract customers and boost product
sales. The significance of sales promotion can be understood from
both manufacturers' and consumers' perspectives.

• For Manufacturers
1) Increasing Profits: Sales promotion enhances sales in
competitive markets, leading to increased profits.
2) Product Introduction: It aids in introducing new products by
capturing potential customers' attention.
3) Quick Stock Disposal: It swiftly disposes of existing stocks
during product launches or changing consumer preferences.
4) Customer Retention: Sales promotion helps retain customers,
preventing them from switching to competitors' brands.

• For Consumers
1) Cost Benefits: Consumers enjoy reduced product prices through
sales promotions.
2) Financial Gains: Prizes and travel rewards provide financial
benefits to customers.
3) Informed Choices: Sales promotions offer comprehensive
information about product quality, features, and uses.
4) Confidence in Quality: Schemes like money-back offers instill
consumer confidence in product quality.
5) Improved Lifestyle: By trading in old items for newer ones,
consumers elevate their standard of living and social image.

• Tools of Sales Promotion

Sales promotion employs a variety of tools to incentivize consumers
and trade partners, stimulating immediate sales and enhancing brand
awareness. Let us know more about some of the commonly used tools
of sales promotion.
1. Coupons: Coupons are vouchers that offer discounts or special deals
to customers when purchasing a product. They encourage repeat
purchases and provide an extra incentive to buy. For instance,
companies like Domino's Pizza often distribute coupons offering Promotional Campaign
discounts on specific menu items to drive sales.
2. Discounts: Discounts involve reducing the regular price of a product
for a limited time. This creates a sense of urgency and entices
customers to make a purchase. Big Bazaar, a popular retail chain in
India, frequently offers "Big Bazaar Mahabachat Sale" where they
provide significant discounts on a wide range of products.
3. Free Samples: Distributing free samples allows consumers to try a
product before buying, increasing their confidence in its quality.
Brands like Dabur often distribute free samples of their new herbal
healthcare products to potential customers.
4. Contests and Sweepstakes: Organizing contests or sweepstakes
engages consumers in fun activities with the chance to win prizes.
Maggi, a brand under Nestlé, ran a "Maggi Millionaire Contest,"
where customers could win a million rupees by participating and
sending in unique codes from Maggi packs.
5. Buy One Get One (BOGO) Offers: BOGO offers provide an
additional product for free or at a reduced price when a customer
purchases one. This encourages larger purchases and provides value
for money. Many apparel brands in India offer BOGO deals during
festive seasons.
6. Loyalty Programs: Loyalty programs reward repeat customers with
points, discounts, or exclusive offers. Starbucks' "My Starbucks
Rewards" program in India grants customers points for every
purchase, leading to free drinks and discounts.
7. Gifts with Purchase: Offering free gifts or premiums with a purchase
encourages customers to buy a specific product. Garnier, a cosmetics
brand, often offers free tote bags or makeup pouches with the
purchase of specific beauty products.
8. Referral Programs: These programs incentivize customers to refer
friends or family to the brand. By doing so, they receive rewards or
discounts. Online food delivery platforms like Zomato offer referral
bonuses to users who invite new customers to use the app.
9. Cashback Offers: Cashback promotions provide customers with a
percentage of their purchase amount back in the form of cash or
vouchers. E-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart
frequently offer cashback on specific products or payment methods.
10. Seasonal Sales: Brands often hold special sales during festive seasons,
such as Diwali or Christmas, to capitalize on increased consumer
spending. Flipkart's "Big Billion Days" and Amazon's "Great Indian
Festival" are prominent examples of such sales.
11. Trade Promotions: Sales promotions targeted at trade partners, such
as retailers and wholesalers, help ensure product visibility and 51
Integrated Marketing availability. For instance, FMCG companies provide trade incentives
like extra discounts to retailers for purchasing larger quantities of their
These sales promotion tools are strategically employed by businesses
to attract customers, increase sales, and enhance brand loyalty. By
tailoring these tools to the preferences of the Indian consumer market,
brands can effectively drive short-term sales and long-term customer


Consumer promotions encompass a range of incentive strategies designed

to stimulate consumer-level product or service usage. You may recall
encountering various examples of these schemes, such as over-the-counter
giveaways, price reductions, quantity discounts, sampling, in-package
premiums, banded premiums, container-based rewards, self-liquidating
premiums, coupons, personality-linked rewards, refund offers, trading
stamps, contests, and lucky draws.
In addition to devising an inventive and imaginative scheme that aligns with
the predefined sales promotion objectives, it's crucial to recognize that the
effectiveness of the scheme is equally reliant on how well it is planned and
For the successful management of consumer promotions, sales promotion
managers should take into account the following key considerations. These
checkpoints, separately applicable to consumer schemes and consumer
contests, are outlined as follows:
A) Organizing Consumer Schemes

• Objectives of Consumer Schemes

• To enhance sales stability by mitigating fluctuations in

sales patterns.
• To expedite the movement of slow-selling products and
accelerate their turnover.
• To counteract seasonal sales declines and maintain
consistent consumer interest.
• To efficiently clear out inventory of older products,
creating space for new product introductions.
• To stimulate sales of specific pack sizes or within
designated markets.
• To respond effectively to competitive maneuvers and
maintain market presence.
• To foster goodwill and camaraderie by participating in
festive occasions and celebrations.
• To amplify product visibility at the point of sale, Promotional Campaign
capturing consumer attention.
• To incentivize trade partners to take a more active role in
promoting and selling the product.
• To facilitate the successful launch of new products,
generating initial momentum and consumer interest.

• Scheme Selection
The choice of a scheme should prioritize innovation and
uniqueness to achieve the designated objectives. For instance,
while a price-off scheme can effectively clear inventory at the
retail level, promoting a specific pack size benefits from
schemes like in-pack or banded premiums, which have
demonstrated positive outcomes. It's important to recognize that
a consumer scheme successful for one product might not work
for another. Also, the success in one market or in the past doesn't
guarantee similar outcomes elsewhere or in the future.
Additional points of emphasis include:

• Ensuring consumer promotion reaches end consumers,

considering challenges like trader practices and
transportation losses.
• Ensuring availability of premiums at retail points
throughout the scheme's duration, requiring accurate
forecasting and reliable sourcing.
• Handling issues of non-availability and varying quality of
premium items to uphold the brand's perceived quality.

• Scheme Execution
Given varying state tax structures, target market selection for
the scheme should encompass neighboring satellite markets to
prevent leakage. For schemes involving coupons, personality
premiums, and refund/rebate offers, assigning specific
personnel at field/regional offices is crucial to expedite
processing and minimize consumer doubts and delays.

• Promoting the Promotion

Effective promotion is vital to accomplish scheme objectives.
Apart from consumer-level action-generating media
campaigns, trade persuasion is essential. The trade partners
should understand the merits of the scheme and their role in it.
Additionally, the salesforce should be well-informed to manage
the scheme effectively and motivated to embrace it, ensuring
extra efforts are exerted at the marketplace.

• Follow-up
Integrated Marketing For optimal scheme performance, continuous monitoring is
essential after the scheme's commencement. Monitoring should
encompass brand and premium availability, visibility area,
store-wise daily brand movement, and competitor responses.
Timely adjustments such as reminder advertisements,
additional point-of-purchase materials, and salesforce
deployment might be necessary to prevent the scheme from
misfiring. Thus, a contingency plan for such situations should
be prepared.
B) Organizing Consumer Contest
Consumer contests involve inviting individuals to participate in
competitions based on their creative skills. Typically spanning a period of
five weeks or more, these contests aim to generate heightened awareness
and enthusiasm for the sponsor and/or their brand. While consumer contests
can fulfill several sales promotion objectives outlined earlier, there are
specific objectives for which they are particularly well-suited. These
objectives include:

• Reviving interest in stagnant or declining brands

• Increasing product usage and encouraging purchases of larger pack
• Introducing new products
• Educating consumers about unique aspects of the brand and its usage
• Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising through recall, slogan
completion, theme visualization, coupon response, etc.
• Building a mailing list for database marketing
• Generating public enthusiasm and goodwill
Several factors contribute to the success of a contest and demand careful
1) Type of Contest
Popular contest types include reason why, sentence completion, brand
name/slogan/essay writing, and contests involving special skills such
as sewing, knitting, and cookery. Regardless of the chosen type, the
contest should be engaging and easy to attract widespread
2) Prize Schedule
Consumer contests commonly offer a significant first prize, a few
second prizes, more third prizes, and multiple consolation and early
bird prizes. To reduce uncertainty for participants, it's advisable to
offer well-known brands as prizes. Adhering to the contest's closing
date is essential, and extensions, even based on public request, may

be viewed negatively. The gap between the closing date and result Promotional Campaign
announcement should be minimized and advertised.
3) Advertising and Promotion
Integrated advertising and promotion efforts targeting consumers,
trade partners, and the salesforce are crucial for contest success.
Media advertising complemented by retail-level displays and point-
of-purchase materials, along with active market touring by the
salesforce, boost public participation. Repetition of advertisements
and intensified reminder ads towards the contest's end are effective
strategies. Announcing early bird prize winners stimulates early and
increased participation.
4) Consumer Contest Rules
Clarity in contest rules is paramount for smooth conduct. Rules should
address aspects such as:

• Finality of judges' decisions

• Notification of winners and its method

• Treatment of submitted entries (return or sponsor's property)

• Originality requirement for entries, where applicable

Incorporating reputable judges, public figures, and clear rules contribute to
a well-organized contest. Judges' decisions are binding, and notifications
are clearly outlined. Entries' originality is emphasized, and rules ensure fair
and transparent conduct.


Trade promotions encompass incentive schemes offered to distributive

trade entities like wholesalers, distributors, and retailers, with the intention
of motivating increased support for the sponsored brand. Some examples of
trade promotion schemes include dealer loaders, merchandise deals,
allowances, discounts, coupons, shelf-space incentives, display contests,
sales contests, gifts, cooperative allowances, premiums, and provision of
point-of-purchase (P.O.P.) material.
Effectively managed trade promotions play a crucial role in boosting
customer traffic at retail points, elevating sales, enhancing profitability, and
fostering strong manufacturer-trade relationships.
While trade promotions aim to enhance cooperation and relationships
between manufacturers and the trade, conflicts have arisen due to unmet
expectations. For effective management of trade promotions, clarity in
understanding each party's roles and goals is vital. Manufacturers should
recognize the trade's economic objectives, and the trade should
acknowledge the cost constraints faced by manufacturers. Key
considerations for organized trade promotions include: 55
Integrated Marketing 1. Tailoring trade promotion schemes to suit different trade members'
2. Offering schemes and terms that discourage unhealthy trade practices.
3. Effectively communicating and convincing the trade about scheme
workings and expected results.
4. Ensuring consistent product supplies and gift availability during the
5. Securing prominent dealer agreements and shelf-space bookings well
in advance.
6. Offering reputable branded gifts that are relevant for household or
personal use.
7. Organizing dealer display and sales contests, similar to consumer
contests, with emphasis on selecting prominent dealers, providing
assistance for creative displays, and establishing judging criteria.
8. Ensuring P.O.P. material use through consistent supervision and
9. Encouraging retail dealers to support the company's product line
during the promotional period.
10. Considering Competition Act, 2002 which introduced sections related
to unfair trade practices.


• Sales promotion is derived from the Latin "Promovere," meaning to

move forward. It's a vital function in marketing, linking personal
selling and advertising. It involves short-term methods to increase
sales, often during festivals or special occasions.

• Tools of Sales Promotion : Sales promotion employs various tools to

incentivize consumers and trade partners. Some common tools

• Coupons: Vouchers offering discounts on purchases.

• Discounts: Temporary price reductions to create urgency.
• Free Samples: Distributing product samples for trial.
• Contests and Sweepstakes: Engaging consumers with chances
to win.
• Buy One Get One (BOGO) Offers: Providing an extra product
at a discount.
• Loyalty Programs: Rewarding repeat customers with discounts.
• Gifts with Purchase: Offering free items with a purchase.
• Referral Programs: Incentivizing customers to refer others.
• Cashback Offers: Providing cash or vouchers on purchases. Promotional Campaign

• Seasonal Sales: Special sales during festive seasons.

• Trade Promotions: Incentives for trade partners like retailers.

These tools are tailored to engage the Indian consumer market,
effectively driving sales and brand loyalty.

• Consumer promotions encompass a variety of incentive strategies

aimed at driving consumer-level product or service engagement.
These schemes include giveaways, discounts, sampling, premiums,
coupons, contests, and more. The success of these schemes depends
on effective planning and execution.

• Trade promotions encompass incentive schemes offered to

distributive trade entities like wholesalers, distributors, and retailers,
with the intention of motivating increased support for the sponsored
brand. Some examples of trade promotion schemes include dealer
loaders, merchandise deals, allowances, discounts, coupons, shelf-
space incentives, display contests, sales contests, gifts, cooperative
allowances, premiums, and provision of point-of-purchase (P.O.P.)



Company Overview: YZX Electronics is a well-established consumer

electronics brand that specializes in manufacturing and selling a wide range
of electronic products, including smartphones, laptops, televisions, and
home appliances. With a reputation for quality and innovation, YZX
Electronics has a substantial market presence but is facing increased
competition in the rapidly evolving electronics industry.
Challenge: As competition intensifies and consumer preferences shift
quickly, YZX Electronics recognizes the need to revitalize its sales strategy
to maintain market share and drive sales growth. The company's leadership
believes that an innovative sales promotion campaign can provide the
necessary boost to sales while reinforcing the brand's image of innovation
and value.

• Increase short-term sales of XYZ Electronics' products across

different categories.

• Enhance brand visibility and reinforce the image of innovation and


• Introduce a new product line to the market effectively.

• Build customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases.

Integrated Marketing Solution: YZX Electronics devises a comprehensive sales promotion
campaign named "TechFest: Embrace Innovation." The campaign is
designed to span over a period of six weeks and incorporates a mix of
consumer promotions and trade promotions. The campaign's components
1) Upgrade Bonanza for Smartphones: Customers who trade in their old
smartphones for a new XYZ Electronics smartphone receive an
instant discount on the purchase price. The campaign is promoted
through social media, online platforms, and in-store displays. The
"Upgrade Bonanza" incentivizes customers to upgrade to the latest
technology while offering cost savings.
2) Exchange Offer: For customers looking to upgrade their laptops, YZX
Electronics introduces a laptop exchange offer. Customers can
exchange their old laptops for a brand-new YZX Electronics laptop
model and receive a discount based on the age and condition of their
old device. This encourages customers to experience the brand's latest
technological advancements.
3) Buddle Offers/ Deals Customers purchasing a designated
combination of home appliances receive an exclusive bundle deal that
includes free accessories, extended warranties, and installation
services. This package deal motivates customers to choose multiple
products from YZX Electronics' appliance range.
4) Contest: To engage customers and amplify the brand's image of
innovation, XYZ Electronics organizes an online contest named
"Innovation Quest." Participants are encouraged to submit creative
ideas for new product features or improvements. Winners receive
exciting prizes, including the opportunity to attend XYZ Electronics'
product launch event.
5) Exclusive dealer Incentives: To motivate trade partners, YZX
Electronics offers attractive incentives for achieving sales targets
during the campaign period. Dealers who exceed their targets receive
additional discounts on bulk purchases, priority deliveries, and
exclusive training sessions.
Results: The "TechFest: Embrace Innovation" campaign generates
remarkable outcomes for XYZ Electronics:

• Sales Surge: The campaign results in a substantial increase in sales

across all product categories, surpassing the company's initial

• Enhanced Brand Image: The campaign successfully reinforces YZX

Electronics' brand image as an innovative and customer-centric
electronics brand.

• Successful Product Launch: The introduction of a new product line is Promotional Campaign
well-received by the market, gaining significant attention from both
existing and new customers.

• Customer Loyalty: The innovative contest and appealing promotions

foster stronger customer loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases.
Conclusion: By strategically combining consumer promotions, trade
incentives, and creative contests, YZX Electronics successfully
reinvigorated its sales strategy and achieved its objectives of increasing
sales, enhancing brand image, and introducing new products. The
"TechFest: Embrace Innovation" campaign not only boosted short-term
sales but also established a stronger foundation for sustained growth and
customer engagement in the competitive electronics industry.


Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the primary goal of sales promotion strategies?
A) Building brand awareness
B) Enhancing product quality
C) Maximizing customer retention
D) Increasing sales of products
2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a sales promotion
A) Television advertising
B) Discount coupons
C) Free samples
D) Buy One Get One (BOGO) offers
3. What term is used to describe the approach of exchanging an old
product for a new one at a discounted price?
A) Referral program
B) Buy One Get One (BOGO) offer
C) Trade promotion
D) Exchange offer
4. Sales promotion serves as a bridge between which two pillars of the
promotional mix?
A) Advertising and branding
B) Personal selling and publicity
C) Advertising and personal selling
D) Public relations and personal selling
Integrated Marketing 5. Which term originates from the Latin word "Promovere," signifying
moving forward?
A) Branding
B) Advertising
C) Promotion
D) Sales
6. What role does sales promotion play in introducing new products to
the market?
A) It encourages repeat purchases
B) It creates a sense of urgency
C) It motivates trade partners
D) It captures potential customers' attention
7. How does sales promotion benefit manufacturers in competitive
A) By introducing new products
B) By enhancing brand visibility
C) By increasing customer retention
D) By boosting profits through increased sales
1- D, 2- A, 3- D, 4- C, 5- C, 6- 7- D
Long Questions
1) Explore the various tools of sales promotion and their significance in
achieving marketing objectives.
2) Write a note on Managing Consumer Promotion
3) Write a note on Managing Trade Promotion


Karunakaran, D. K. (2008). Marketing Management. Himalaya Publishing

Namakumari, R. (2018). Marketing Management. Sage Publication Ltd.
Saxena, R. (2020). Marketing Management (Sixth ed.). McGraw Hill.


Unit Structure:
6.1 Objectives
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Definition and Meaning of Direct Meaning
6.4 Advantages of Direct Marketing
6.5 Limitations of Direct Marketing
6.6 Tools and Techniques of Direct Marketing
6.7 Test Your Knowledge
6.8 Answers
6.9 Questions
6.10 Summary
6.11 Caselet
6.12 References


• To study the concept of direct marketing.

• To understand the advantages and limitations of direct marketing.

• To study the tools and techniques of direct marketing.


Direct marketing is an advertising and marketing technique that is

distinguished by one or both of two features. First, based on demographic
and individualised consumer data, direct marketing targets potential
consumers with adverts suited to their interests. Second, rather than simply
increasing brand awareness, direct marketing urges the consumer to take a
specific action (such as filling out a form or calling a phone number). This
"call to action" sets direct marketing apart from ordinary advertising.
Catalogue and mail order, product advertising direct mail, political direct
mail, direct response cards, coupons, infomercials, telemarketing, and e-
mail marketing are all examples of direct marketing.
Many documents relating to the creation, execution, and assessment of
direct marketing can be found at the Hartman Centre and the Rubenstein
Library. These collections include books and serial publications, catalogue
and infomercial collections, and the archival records of advertising firms,
executives, and select advertisers. They include several instances of direct
Integrated Marketing mailings, catalogues, and advertisements, as well as evidence of how
advertisers considered, implemented, and assessed direct marketing tactics.
When the primary subject of a collection is direct marketing, this overview
gives an abstract of the collection as well as a link to the collection guide.
This overview includes a more thorough explanation of the relevant
materials and their location, as well as a link to the collection guide, for
collections in which direct marketing materials are only a tiny component.
A collection may contain only one or two significant papers in some
situations. They have been included in this overview because they give the
researcher with a variety of publications, speeches, and essays on direct
marketing, typically written by individual advertising firm executives.



To put it simply, Direct Marketing is nothing more than getting the message
out directly. The Direct Marketing Association (USA) describes it as "an
interactive marketing system that uses one or more advertising media to
effect a measurable response and/or transaction at any location."
We find some essential words in the preceding definition that distinguish
Direct Marketing (DM) from other marketing communications disciplines.
These key words are:
Interactive: One-on-one communication or engagement between a
marketer and a prospect/customer
One or more advertising media: a synergistic combination of media that
is often more effective than any single channel.
Measurable Response: It is feasible to accurately quantify response.
Transactions can take place anywhere: by phone, at a kiosk, via mail, or
in person. Direct Marketing, Direct Mail, Mail Order, Direct Response
Advertising: Many people associate Direct Marketing with a medium
(Direct Mail), a strategy (Direct Response Advertising), or a distribution
channel (Mail Order). In fact, DM is all of these things and much more.
According to Drayton Bird, Vice-Chairman and Creative Director of Ogilvy
& Mather Direct Worldwide, "it includes any activity whereby you reach
your customer or prospect directly and they respond to you directly."


Direct marketing has the following advantages:

• Direct marketing allows people to learn more about products: To

persuade consumers to examine the value proposition offered, a
targeted sales opportunity may be presented. You are providing them

with the information they need to make an informed decision in a Direct Marketing
convenient place, such as their office or home.

• Direct marketing provides the opportunity to respond to

inquiries: A prospect will do up to 90% of the individual research
required to be confident in a product. They'll look you up on the
internet, compare you to the competition, and look into your
reputation. When they contact you, you may use the direct marketing
materials you provided them to take care of the remaining 10%. This
gives you a far more effective technique to make a sale.

• With direct marketing, you may take a more personal approach:

In the business world, the significance of a handshake and a smile has
been shown time and again. It may not be the same as shaking
someone's hand, but if done correctly, the result may be similar when
you write a personalized message to them. A conversation between
two people is the most effective technique to begin a relationship.
Alternatively, you may call a friend. Alternatively, set up a meeting
to discuss how what you have can help a prospect address their

• Direct marketing is still cost effective: It is impossible to compare

how cost effective direct marketing can be when attempting to recruit
local clients. What is the cost of dialling a phone number?
Alternatively, how much does it cost to print a few pamphlets on your
printer and distribute them to individuals in your neighbourhood? If a
small business wants to increase its market share, it must explain how
it can satisfy expectations and aspirations for such a low cost.

• Direct marketing eliminates the problematic middle: Even if you

take all of the proper steps, your reputation may suffer owing to the
involvement of third parties. Direct marketing cuts out the middleman
by bringing you in direct contact with potential clients you may one
day service. This indicates that you have greater control over the
message that each member of your target audience hears as a result of
your marketing efforts.

• Because of direct marketing, you can complete it on your own

task: Direct marketing does not require a large team to get started. If
you have a computer and a printer, you may create marketing
materials to reach out to potential customers. Even though response
rates are typically low, the ROI from a direct marketing campaign can
be quite high, with little to no overhead and just minor expenses

• Targeting: Based on demographics and purchase trends, you can

send specific messaging to customers and potential customer groups.
Your campaigns will be more successful if they are more narrowly

• Personalization: Make a personal connection with your audience. A

phone conversation might help a customer create a relationship with 63
Integrated Marketing your firm. You can send direct mail or emails to specific individuals
and even add information such as previous orders.

• Low-cost: Techniques such as email marketing and leafleting are

frequently performed at a low cost. Direct marketing is often less
expensive than mass media advertising for SMEs.


Following are the limitations of Direct Marketing:

• Direct marketing can reach a large number of people who have

no interest: Many businesses send direct marketing opportunities to
those who are uninterested in what is being offered. When it comes to
emails, that is considered spam. While it's in the mailbox, it's referred
to as garbage. In terms of your budget, it is considered to be a waste
of money. People will delete, discard, or ignore your mails.

• Uninvited direct marketing occurs frequently: Because of how

intrusive this type of marketing used to be, registers were created to
allow customers to stop marketers from reaching them. This type of
promotion almost always annoys potential purchasers. When this
occurs, the buyer frequently has the sense that you are forcing them
into purchasing something they do not want. Even if you pique a
prospect's attention, there's a good chance you'll have ruined their
impression of the encounter if you don't establish a convincing value

• Direct marketing appears to be excessively disorganized at times:

This is especially true for some recent emails or direct mail efforts.
It's similar to reading a four-column blog. In reality, you must
determine where to begin your search. Because of the
misunderstanding that ensues, the prospect will abandon the
opportunity presented.

• A common issue with direct marketing is low response rates:

Direct marketing response rates typically range between one and three
percent. However, it is worth noting that the same conversion
percentages frequently apply to various internet marketing
campaigns. However, in this example, 3% of online conversions were
favourable, whereas 3% of direct conversions were unfavourable.
Yes, clients will not be interested if they are not interested, and you
will have squandered your time and money. In that scenario, low
response rates can be difficult to accept.

• Direct marketing takes a lot of time: If you're composing a

customized message to send to each person on a marketing list that
you're addressing, it will take time. Even if this is an excellent
strategy, you may find yourself sending hundreds of messages or
making thousands of phone calls. Even more work must be invested
once trust in employing these strategies has been established.
• Direct marketing has the capacity to quickly propagate negative Direct Marketing
vibes: Have you ever observed that business seems to like suffering?
People are more likely to report negative experiences since they are
unexpected. Even if you do everything perfectly, if a consumer
expects you to meet their expectations and you do, you will not
receive a positive review. When you fail to accomplish that "duty,"
you share the terrible experience. Then it spreads as a result of others
sharing their harrowing experiences. Most direct marketing tactics
disrupt people, heightening their dislike.

• It takes a lot of perseverance and patience to succeed in direct

marketing: The truth is that people will usually take advantage of a
great deal if they come across one, but they will only pay the full
amount for the product later on for a variety of reasons. Many
potential buyers will eventually determine that your supply was
insufficient. Even the most successful direct marketers feel like giving
up when this happens repeatedly. If you lack patience or find it
difficult to maintain consistency in your brand message, this may not
be the greatest marketing method to use.

• A warm market is usually required to begin direct marketing: For

many new businesses, this means marketing to their friends and
family. This includes any existing clients you may have. I hope these
individuals will serve as brand ambassadors for your company. The
truth is that constantly chatting to your core circle of pals can put you
in an embarrassing situation.



A marketer has several options at his or her disposal for contacting

prospective buyers via Direct Marketing. We will go over the primary
1) Direct mail - This is a message that is mailed to prospective buyers.
It could be an announcement, an offer, a reminder, a product (pre-
approved credit cards, for example), or anything else. It promotes the
company as well as its products and services. Marketers must
carefully select buyers and target their messages properly. When
emails are sent in bulk, most firms benefit from lower rates. When
customers visit a store, the organizations obtain their contact
For example, several merchants need purchasers to fill out a simple
form in order to obtain membership for a low rate. This method, the
organization obtains the buyer's contact information as well as his or
her preferences. Online shopping sites track visitors' site visits for
specific products. The visitor is then often issued a reminder message.
"You were interested in x product," for example. It is now available
at a reduced price."
Integrated Marketing 2) Telemarketing: Telemarketing is the process of selling products and
services to potential clients over the phone. The firm must rely on
well-researched customer data to operate a successful telemarketing
campaign. The customer's profile should correspond to the product
that the customer may purchase. This is an important tool because it
lowers the expense of personal selling and is deemed dependable for
following up on direct marketing initiatives. Telemarketing
representatives, for example, make follow-up calls after mailing a
catalogue or an offer by direct mail to remind and convince buyers to
purchase the product or service. Organizations must ensure that their
telemarketing staff are well-versed in both products and soft skills.
3) E-mail marketing: This is a low-cost direct marketing tool.
Newsletters and promotional offers to boost sales can be included.
Marketers can send the message at any time because the customer
chooses when to access the email. Most clients are irritated when they
receive a telemarketing contact at an inconvenient time. It is very
simple and affordable to change the email and send it to many
prospective buyers.
4) Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing entails marketers attempting
to reach out to prospective buyers via mobile phone messaging such
as SMS, MMS, push notifications, mobile APS, and so on. When a
mobile user opens a specific APP, he or she may receive various
notifications, advertisements, and so on advertising specific products.
The APPs (Applications) identify a person's location and display
relevant promotional messages. Organizations work hard to make this
instrument as effective and efficient as possible. If a user want to
investigate or purchase a certain product, he or she should encounter
as little difficulty as possible.
5) Internet marketing/online marketing: The Internet is now used for
everything from reading news to purchasing items, communication,
information, and building relationships. This provides marketers with
an excellent opportunity to reach out to the public directly and
individually. Search Engine Optimization is carried out on a wide
scale to ensure prominent listings in internet search results. Display
Ads such as pop-ups and pop-downs allow buyers to respond directly
to the message. Social media services such as Twitter, Facebook, and
others are an excellent way to directly reach buyers. Direct mail,
newspapers, and other media rarely allow marketers to communicate
with buyers. The internet, often known as e-marketing, provides
numerous chances to communicate directly with buyers.
6) Catalogue Marketing: Catalogue marketing entails sending
potential purchasers product information in the form of a catalogue.
These can take the shape of paper media, a CD, or an online link.
7) Direct response marketing: TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and
so on all include advertisements for things that may be ordered by
dialling a toll-free number. Almost all TV networks have these kind
of advertisements in which people from various walks of life discuss Direct Marketing
their experiences with the product and how a person may get the same
product exclusively by dialling a toll-free number or sending an email.
These commercials might last anywhere from 5 to 60 minutes. Some
merchants have their own specialised channel that transmits 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week. Consider Home Shopping Network. We hear
similar commercials on radio stations.


1. _______ is a form of marketing that attempts to send its messages

directly to consumers, without the use of intervening media.
A. advertising
B. direct marketing
C. public relations
D. ambush marketing
2. Direct Marketing plays a broader role, that of building _______with
the customer by communicating with them regularly.
A. short term
B. ocassionally
C. long term relationship
D. generally
3. Direct marketing is a form of marketing that attempts to send its
messages directly to consumers, _______ media.
A. without intervening
B. with mass media
C. with advertising media
D. with pr media
4. Direct marketing objectives do not include _____.
A. selling merchandise for a company
B. enhancing a company’s image
C. getting people to visit a store
D. getting people to inquire about a specific product or service
5. The goal of the direct marketer is to:
A. eliminate brand marketing
B. interact with the customer on a one-to-one basis
C. do everything inexpensively
D. use as few channels as possible to get the message out

Integrated Marketing

1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) B


Q1. What is direct marketing? Explain the advantages of direct marketing.

Q.2 Explain the limitations of direct marketing.
Q. 3 Explain the tools and techniques of direct marketing.


Direct marketing is a targeted advertising technique that involves directly

contacting potential customers rather than going through intermediaries
such as shops. It enables organizations to connect with specific individuals
or groups with the goal of developing relationships, generating leads, and
driving sales. Direct marketing has the advantage of being able to provide
personalized messages suited to particular recipients, boosting the
likelihood of engagement and response. It also allows for precision
targeting, letting businesses to concentrate their efforts on the most relevant
audience segments. Direct marketing produces measurable results since the
results are easily recorded and analyzed. It does, however, have restrictions.
Direct marketing can be obtrusive if not done correctly, which can lead to
bad customer perceptions. Furthermore, efficient targeting necessitates a
thorough and up-to-date database of client information. Despite these
constraints, direct marketing provides a variety of tools and approaches to
improve its efficacy. Direct mail campaigns, telemarketing, email
marketing, mobile marketing, and social media advertising are examples of
these. Furthermore, technology improvements have resulted in novel
technologies such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems,
marketing automation software, and data analytics tools, which aid in the
optimisation of direct marketing efforts, the streamlining of processes, and
the improvement of overall campaign performance.


Caselet 1:
A Case Study on XYZ Company
Direct marketing is a marketing strategy that involves reaching out to
potential customers directly, without intermediaries, to promote products or
services. This case study focuses on XYZ Company, a fictional e-commerce
company, to explore how they implemented direct marketing techniques to
drive customer engagement, increase sales, and enhance overall business
Background: Direct Marketing
XYZ Company is an online retailer that specializes in selling consumer
electronics. The company faced challenges in reaching its target audience
effectively and increasing its market share in a competitive industry. To
overcome these obstacles, XYZ Company decided to implement a
comprehensive direct marketing campaign.
The primary objectives of XYZ Company's direct marketing campaign were
as follows:

• Increase brand awareness among the target audience.

• Drive traffic to the company's website and boost online sales.

• Improve customer retention and loyalty.

• Gather customer data for personalized marketing efforts.

• Measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the direct marketing

Target Audience:
XYZ Company identified its target audience as tech-savvy individuals aged
18-35, residing in urban areas, and with a preference for online shopping.
They segmented the audience further based on their interests, spending
habits, and previous purchasing history.
Direct Marketing Strategies Implemented:
a. Email Marketing:
XYZ Company developed a customer database and launched a
targeted email marketing campaign. They sent personalized emails to
different segments of their audience, highlighting new product
launches, exclusive discounts, and personalized recommendations
based on customer preferences.
b. Direct Mail:
To further engage potential customers, XYZ Company used direct
mail campaigns. They sent product catalogs, promotional flyers, and
discount coupons to selected segments of their target audience. The
mailings were tailored to the recipients' interests and past purchase
c. Telemarketing:
XYZ Company implemented a telemarketing campaign, making
personalized calls to potential customers. The telemarketers informed
customers about ongoing promotions, answered product-related
Integrated Marketing queries, and encouraged them to visit the company's website or make
a purchase.
d. Social Media Advertising:
To reach a wider audience, XYZ Company utilized social media
advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They
created engaging and visually appealing ad campaigns, targeting
individuals who matched their customer profile. The ads showcased
products, highlighted unique features, and provided direct links to
Results and Impact:
XYZ Company's direct marketing campaign yielded significant results:
Increased website traffic: The campaign led to a 30% increase in website
visits within the first three months.
Higher sales conversion: Direct marketing efforts resulted in a 20% increase
in online sales.
Improved customer engagement: The personalized nature of the campaign
led to a 15% increase in customer engagement and interaction with the
company's brand.
Enhanced customer loyalty: Repeat purchases increased by 25%, indicating
improved customer loyalty and retention.
Data acquisition:
The campaign helped XYZ Company gather valuable customer data,
enabling them to refine their marketing strategies and provide personalized
Evaluation and Lessons Learned:
XYZ Company evaluated the direct marketing campaign through various
metrics, including website analytics, sales data, customer feedback, and
survey responses. The evaluation helped identify strengths and areas for
improvement. Lessons learned from the campaign included the importance
of targeted messaging, personalization, and ongoing customer data analysis
to optimize future direct marketing efforts.
Through a comprehensive direct marketing campaign, XYZ Company
successfully increased brand awareness, engaged customers, and drove
sales. The case study highlights the effectiveness of direct marketing
strategies in reaching and influencing the target audience. By leveraging
personalized communication channels and analyzing customer data, XYZ
Company achieved its marketing objectives and improved overall business
Caselet 2: Direct Marketing
Direct Marketing Methods for a Fitness Studio
This caselet explores the direct marketing methods employed by FitPlus, a
local fitness studio, to attract new customers, increase membership sign-
ups, and foster customer loyalty. FitPlus faced challenges in standing out in
a crowded fitness market and sought to leverage direct marketing strategies
to achieve its goals.
FitPlus is a newly established fitness studio located in a metropolitan area.
The studio offers a variety of fitness classes, personal training sessions, and
wellness programs. To compete with well-established gyms and attract a
steady stream of customers, FitPlus decided to implement direct marketing
Direct Marketing Methods:
Targeted Email Campaign:
FitPlus created a database of potential customers by collecting email
addresses through sign-up forms at the studio and online promotions. They
developed personalized email campaigns to engage and nurture leads. The
emails included information about upcoming classes, special offers, success
stories from current members, and exclusive discounts for signing up.
Direct Mail:
To reach potential customers beyond the digital realm, FitPlus utilized
direct mail campaigns. They partnered with local mailing services to send
brochures, flyers, and postcards to targeted households in nearby
neighborhoods. The mailings included attractive visuals, compelling offers,
and a call-to-action to visit the studio or sign up for a trial session.
Referral Program:
FitPlus implemented a referral program to incentivize existing members to
refer friends and family. Members were provided with personalized referral
codes and were rewarded with discounted membership fees or other
exclusive perks for each successful referral. The program encouraged word-
of-mouth marketing and leveraged existing customers as brand
SMS Marketing:
FitPlus implemented SMS marketing as a direct and immediate
communication channel. They collected phone numbers from customers
during registration and used text messages to send time-sensitive offers,
reminders about upcoming classes or events, and motivational messages.
Integrated Marketing The SMS marketing campaign aimed to keep FitPlus top-of-mind and
engage customers on a regular basis.
Personalized Phone Calls:
FitPlus assigned staff members to make personalized phone calls to
potential customers who had shown interest by visiting the studio or
participating in trial sessions. The staff members provided additional
information, answered questions, and offered exclusive discounts or
incentives to encourage sign-ups. These personalized phone calls helped
build a personal connection and addressed specific customer needs.
Results and Impact:
Increased Membership Sign-ups:
The direct marketing methods employed by FitPlus resulted in a significant
increase in membership sign-ups. The targeted email campaigns and direct
mailings contributed to a 40% growth in new members within the first three
months of implementation.
Higher Customer Retention:
The referral program and SMS marketing initiatives helped improve
customer retention rates. Existing members were more likely to refer others,
resulting in a 25% increase in referrals and a higher sense of community
within the fitness studio.
Improved Engagement and Attendance:
The personalized phone calls and SMS reminders increased customer
engagement and class attendance. FitPlus observed a 15% increase in class
participation and a decrease in no-show rates, leading to a more active and
committed member base.
Positive Brand Perception:
The direct marketing methods employed by FitPlus enhanced its brand
perception. The personalized approach and regular communication fostered
a sense of care and dedication, positioning FitPlus as a trustworthy and
customer-centric fitness studio.
Lessons Learned:
Targeted Messaging: Personalized and relevant messaging is crucial for
effective direct marketing campaigns. Understanding the customer's needs
and tailoring the communication accordingly increases the likelihood of
engagement and conversion.
Multi-channel Approach: Utilizing multiple direct marketing channels,
such as email, direct mail, SMS, and phone calls, allows for a broader reach
and ensures a higher chance of connecting with the target audience.

Incentivized Referral Programs: Encouraging existing customers to refer Direct Marketing
new customers through incentives creates a win-win situation and drives
word-of-mouth marketing.
Consistent Follow-up: Regular and timely follow-ups through SMS and
personalized phone calls help maintain customer interest and establish a
strong relationship.
FitPlus successfully implemented various direct marketing methods to
attract new customers, increase membership sign-ups, and foster customer
loyalty. By leveraging targeted email campaigns, direct mailings, referral
programs, SMS marketing, and personalized phone calls, FitPlus achieved
significant growth, improved engagement, and enhanced brand perception
in a competitive fitness market.


Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Ang, S. H., Tan, C. T., & Leong, S. M. (2018).
Marketing management: an Asian perspective. Harlow: Pearson.
Saxena, R. (2005). Marketing management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Karunakaran, K. (2008). Marketing management. Himalaya Publishing
Percy, L. (2023). Strategic integrated marketing communications. Taylor &
Juska, J. M. (2021). Integrated marketing communication: advertising and
promotion in a digital world. Routledge.
Broderick, A., & Pickton, D. (2005). Integrated marketing communications.
Pearson Education UK.


Integrated Marketing
Unit Structure:
7.1 Objectives
7.2 Introduction
7.3 Concept of Media and Message
7.4 Media Objectives
7.5 Definition and Meaning of Media Planning
7.6 Media Planning Process
7.7 Media Scheduling
7.8 Media Planning Implementation
7.9 Test Your Knowledge
7.10 Answers
7.11 Questions
7.12 Summary
7.13 Caselet
7.14 References


• To study the concept of advertising.

• To understand the objectives of advertising.

• To understand the importance of advertising.

• To study the concept of media.

• To study the different types of media.


The many channels and platforms through which marketers send their brand
messaging to the target audience are referred to as media in the context of
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). The media plays an
important part in IMC since it serves as a vehicle for communication as well
as a means of reaching and engaging with the target recipients of the
74 marketing message.
IMC media might include both traditional and digital platforms. Television, Media Planning
radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards, and direct mail are
examples of traditional media. These channels have long been utilized for
mass communication and have a broad reach, allowing marketers to reach
a large number of people.
Digital media, on the other hand, refers to the online platforms and channels
that have grown in popularity as the internet and technology have grown.
Websites, search engines, social networking platforms, email, mobile apps,
online display advertising, and streaming platforms are all examples.
Digital media enables marketers to reach out to specific segments and
individuals based on their interests, demographics, and behaviours.
In IMC, media selection is an important decision that is influenced by
criteria such as target audience, marketing objectives, budget, message
complexity, and desired reach and frequency. Marketers must carefully
analyze the features and effectiveness of various media channels to ensure
that their brand message reaches the correct audience in the most effective
Furthermore, media planning and buying are critical components of IMC,
encompassing actions like as defining the best media mix, deciding the best
timing and frequency of commercials, negotiating media rates and
placements, and monitoring the performance of media campaigns.
The definition of media in IMC goes beyond the simple dissemination of
communications. It entails the strategic planning, selection, and use of
media channels in order to establish harmony and consistency in brand
communication across many touch-points. To provide a consistent and
cohesive brand experience, effective media management in IMC entails
combining media activities with other communication components like as
advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and direct marketing.


The concept of media and message play an important role in communication

and advertising. The term "media" refers to the numerous channels or
platforms through which communications are sent in order to reach a certain
audience. Print, broadcast, and outdoor advertising are examples of classic
types of media, as are digital platforms such as websites, social media, and
mobile applications.
The message, on the other hand, is the content or information transmitted
by the selected media medium. It is the central part of communication that
conveys the intended message, promotes a product or service, or attempts
to affect the audience's perceptions, attitudes, or behaviours.
Effective communication requires the use of proper medium as well as the
creation of a compelling message. When deciding which media outlets will
effectively communicate their message, marketers must evaluate the
qualities of their target demographic, the aims of their campaign, and the
nature of the product or service being promoted. 75
Integrated Marketing Furthermore, the message should be tailored to the selected media outlet
and resonate with the target demographic. It should be clear, brief, relevant,
and convincing, with the goal of capturing the audience's attention,
generating interest, eliciting emotions, and eventually driving the intended
response or action.
The media and message idea emphasizes the significance of selecting the
appropriate media outlets and producing an impactful message that
effectively connects with the intended audience. Marketers can design
strong and engaging advertising campaigns that break through the noise and
reach their desired communication objectives by understanding the
relationships between media and message.


Media objectives might vary based on the specific circumstances and goals
of a single organization or campaign. However, some common media
purposes include:
1. Reach and Exposure: The goal of media is to reach a large audience
and maximize exposure for the message or material being transmitted.
This goal is to ensure that the message reaches as many individuals as
possible in order to raise awareness, boost brand presence, and
maximize interaction potential.
2. Targeted population: Media can be used to reach a certain
demographic or target population. This goal entails identifying media
channels and platforms that efficiently reach the target audience based
on criteria such as age, gender, location, interests, or behaviour. The
goal of targeted audience objectives is to send personalized
communications to a specified group in order to increase engagement
and response.
3. Communication and Information: Media is used to communicate
and disseminate information. Communication goals include
effectively conveying messages, sharing information, educating the
audience, and creating understanding or awareness about a product,
service, or issue. This goal emphasizes the clarity, correctness, and
relevancy of the information conveyed.
4. Persuasion and Influence: Media can be utilized to influence and
convince people's attitudes, beliefs, views, and behaviours. Influence
and persuasion objectives strive to affect or shape the audience's
perceptions, preferences, and decision-making processes. This goal is
frequently focused on developing a positive brand image, raising
interest, pushing certain behaviours, or increasing sales.
5. Engagement and Interaction: Media can help organizations and
their audiences engage and interact. Engagement objectives seek to
stimulate active participation, contact, and dialogue. This can be
accomplished through the use of social media, interactive marketing,
contests, polls, or other types of user-generated material, which Media Planning
fosters a feeling of community and helps to establish relationships.
6. Return on Investment (ROI): Media goals can also be linked to a
positive return on investment. This goal focuses on optimizing media
strategy and resource allocation to maximize the efficacy and
efficiency of media campaigns. It entails tracking and analyzing key
performance indicators (KPIs) such as reach, engagement, conversion
rates, and sales to ensure that media initiatives generate a positive
return on investment.
The goals and ambitions of a given organization or campaign may influence
media objectives. Organizations may coordinate their media strategies,
methods, and metrics by defining clear objectives. This ensures that they
effectively communicate with their target audience, achieve desired
outcomes, and ultimately contribute to overall business success.



Media planning is the process of deliberately selecting and utilizing

numerous media channels and platforms to successfully convey advertising
messages to a target audience. It entails selecting the most appropriate
media vehicles, calculating optimal media placement, and allocating
financial resources in such a way that the advertising campaign's reach and
impact are maximized.
The foundation of media planning is a detailed grasp of the target audience,
including demographics, media consumption habits, and preferences. This
audience study aids in evaluating which media outlets are most likely to
effectively reach and engage the desired audience.
Some philosophers' definitions of media planning are as follows:
According to Wells Burnett, "Media planning is a decision process
regarding the use of advertising time and space to assist in the achievement
of marketing objectives."
According to S.W. Dunn, "media planning is the process of determining
how to use media time and space to achieve advertising objectives."
The following 5 Ws are addressed in media planning:

Integrated Marketing


The media planning process consists of several significant steps:

1. Establishing Objectives: The first step in media planning is to define
the objectives and aims of the advertising campaign. This includes
determining the campaign's desired reach, frequency, message
exposure, and outcomes.
2. Audience Research: Conducting in-depth research and analysis to
get insights into the demographics, behaviour, media consumption
patterns, and preferences of the target audience. This study assists in
determining which media outlets the target audience is most likely to
3. Media Selection: Based on audience research, media planners choose
the most relevant media channels and platforms to successfully reach
the target audience. Traditional media such as television, radio, print,
and outdoor advertising can be included, as well as digital media
channels such as websites, social media, and mobile applications.
4. Media Mix: Creating a balanced and effective media mix by
allocating the advertising budget optimally across multiple media
channels. The media mix is intended to guarantee that the advertising
message reaches the target audience via many touchpoints and that
the campaign's impact is maximized.
5. Media Purchasing and Negotiation: After identifying the media
channels and placements, media planners negotiate with media
suppliers to acquire the best rates and placement chances for the
advertising campaign. Considerations include audience reach, cost, ad
placement, and available inventory.
6. Monitoring and Optimization: Media planners regularly evaluate
the performance of media placements, measure important indicators,
and make adjustments as needed during the campaign. This includes
adjusting the media strategy based on real-time data, audience
response, and campaign goals.

The purpose of media planning is to develop an effective and efficient Media Planning
media strategy that guarantees the right message reaches the right
audience at the right time and through the right media channels. To
obtain the intended advertising results, a careful analysis of audience
behaviour, media possibilities, budget considerations, and constant
monitoring and optimization are required.


Media scheduling refers to the strategic planning and coordination of

various media channels and their respective advertising or content
placements over a specific period. It involves determining the optimal
timing, frequency, and duration of media placements to reach the intended
target audience effectively. Media scheduling is an essential component of
a marketing or advertising campaign and aims to maximize the impact and
reach of a brand's message.
The process of media scheduling typically involves the following steps:
Define campaign objectives: Start by clearly outlining the goals and
objectives of the campaign. This could include increasing brand awareness,
driving website traffic, boosting sales, or reaching a specific target
Identify target audience: Conduct thorough research and analysis to
identify the target audience for the campaign. This includes understanding
their demographics, behavior patterns, media consumption habits, and
preferred channels.
Select media channels: Based on the target audience profile and campaign
objectives, choose the most appropriate media channels to reach and engage
with your target audience effectively. This could include television, radio,
print, outdoor billboards, online advertising (display ads, search engine
marketing, social media), or a combination of these channels.
Determine media budgets: Allocate appropriate budgets to each selected
media channel based on their effectiveness, reach, and cost. Consider
factors such as channel popularity, audience reach, and pricing models (e.g.,
cost per thousand impressions or cost per click).
Set scheduling parameters: Determine the timing and frequency of media
placements. This involves deciding when and how often advertisements or
content will appear on each selected channel. Consider factors such as the
target audience's media consumption habits, peak viewing or listening
times, and competitor activities.
Negotiate and book placements: Contact the media outlets or advertising
agencies to negotiate and secure the desired media placements. This
includes negotiating prices, confirming availability, and signing contracts
or insertion orders.

Integrated Marketing Monitor and optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of media
placements throughout the campaign. Track key metrics such as reach,
frequency, impressions, click-through rates, and conversions. Use the data
and insights gathered to optimize the scheduling strategy and make any
necessary adjustments or refinements.
Evaluate and analyze: After the campaign concludes, evaluate the overall
effectiveness and impact of the media scheduling strategy. Analyze the
results against the defined objectives and key performance indicators.
Identify successes and areas for improvement to inform future media
scheduling decisions.
It's worth noting that the specific approach to media scheduling may vary
depending on factors such as the nature of the campaign, budget constraints,
target audience preferences, and the availability of data and analytics tools.
Advanced technologies and data-driven insights play an increasingly
significant role in optimizing media scheduling decisions for better
campaign outcome


Media planning implementation entails carrying out and managing the

media plan created throughout the media planning process. It consists of the
following major steps:
Purchasing Media: Media buying is the practice of purchasing media
space or time from multiple media vendors or platforms after the media plan
has been finalized. This entails negotiating and achieving agreed-upon
pricing and terms for advertising placements.
Ad placement: Media planners collaborate with media vendors to ensure
that advertising are displayed in the desired places and time periods
throughout the various media channels. Considerations such as prime-time
slots, certain areas of a print newspaper, or strategic placements on websites
or social media platforms may be involved.
Creative Asset Production: Media planning implementation also entails
collaborating with the creative team or advertising agency to generate and
produce the actual ad creative or content. This may entail creating graphic
elements, writing copy, creating audio or video content, and ensuring that
the creative is in line with the media placement and objectives.
Campaign Monitoring: Once the media plan has been implemented, it is
critical to regularly monitor the campaign's performance. This entails
tracking critical metrics including reach, frequency, impressions, click-
through rates, conversions, and other pertinent success indicators.
Monitoring enables media planners to measure the success of media
placements and make adjustments as needed.
Adjustments and optimization: Based on campaign monitoring and
analysis, media planners may need to optimize or alter the media plan to
80 increase performance. To maximize outcomes, financial resources may be
reallocated to higher-performing media channels, targeting parameters Media Planning
refined, ad creative adjusted, or the media mix modified.
Reporting and Evaluation: The implementation of media planning
culminates in reporting and evaluating the overall efficacy of the media
campaign. Media planners assess the performance of a campaign in relation
to its objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs). This assessment
aids in the identification of successes, areas for improvement, and insights
for future media planning efforts.
Effective communication and coordination among many stakeholders,
including media vendors, creative teams, and internal teams, are critical
throughout the implementation phase. Collaboration guarantees that the
media plan is carried out smoothly and in accordance with the entire
marketing strategy.
Media planners may maximize the impact and reach of an advertising
campaign, achieve the targeted objectives, and contribute to the overall
success of marketing activities by successfully implementing the media


1. ______________, in advertising, is a series of decisions involving the

delivery of message to the targeted audience.
A. Market Analysis B. Media Objective C. Media Planning D.
Media Strategy
2. Every media plan begins with the ______________.
A. media objective B. market analysis C. media mix D. media
3. ______________ describes what you want the media plan to
A. Media Objective B. Media analysis C. Media mix D. Media
4. ___________ decisions are the decisions about timing, continuity and
size of ads.
A. Scheduling B. Reach C. Frequency D. Flexibility
5. _______ is the person at the advertising agency who develops and
executes your media plan.
A. Engineer B. Media Planner C. Doctor D. CEO


1) C 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) B
Integrated Marketing

Q.1 What is media planning? Explain the objectives of media planning.

Q.2 Explain the media planning process.
Q.3 What is media scheduling? What are the key steps and considerations
involved in implementing a media planning strategy effectively?


The act of carefully identifying and selecting the most effective media
channels to reach a target audience and achieve marketing objectives is
known as media planning. It entails performing research, analyzing market
trends, and comprehending customer behaviour in order to create a
comprehensive media strategy. In contrast, media scheduling is concerned
with determining the timing and frequency of media placements within the
selected channels in order to maximize reach and impact. It entails
developing a precise schedule outlining when and where advertisements
will be broadcasted or published. The execution and administration of the
media plan, including negotiating with media vendors, evaluating
performance, and making revisions as needed, is referred to as media
planning implementation. Companies may maximize their advertising
efforts and engage with their target audience in the most efficient and
impactful way possible by combining smart planning, clever scheduling,
and effective implementation.


Caselet 1: Print Media Planning and Implementation

A multinational consumer goods company is launching a new line of beauty
products targeted at young adults. They want to create brand awareness and
reach their target audience effectively through print media.
Media Planning:
The media planning team conducts thorough market research to identify the
most popular print publications among the target audience. They focus on
lifestyle magazines, fashion magazines, and newspapers with a significant
young adult readership.
Selection of Print Publications: After careful analysis, the team chooses
three popular magazines and two prominent newspapers that align with the
target audience's interests and demographics.

Ad Placement: The team negotiates with each publication for optimal ad Media Planning
placement. They select high-visibility positions such as inside front covers,
back covers, and full-page spreads to capture maximum attention.
Creative Design: The creative team develops visually appealing and
engaging advertisements that highlight the unique features and benefits of
the beauty products. They ensure the brand's messaging is consistent across
all print ads.
Ad Scheduling: The media planning team distributes the ads strategically
over a three-month period, considering peak readership periods and
seasonal trends. They aim to maintain a consistent presence to reinforce
brand awareness.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Throughout the campaign, the team monitors
the print publications' circulation and readership figures. They track the
response rate through dedicated URLs or promotional codes to measure the
campaign's effectiveness.
The print media campaign generates a substantial increase in brand
awareness and product interest among the target audience. The company
receives positive feedback from retailers and experiences a surge in product
sales following the campaign's launch.
Caselet 2: Digital Media Planning and Implementation
A startup tech company has developed a revolutionary mobile app targeting
busy professionals. They want to generate user acquisition and drive app
downloads through digital media channels.
Media Planning:
The media planning team researches the digital landscape to identify
platforms and channels that resonate with the target audience. They focus
on social media platforms, search engine marketing, and display
Social Media Advertising: The team creates engaging social media
campaigns on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. They
utilize precise targeting parameters to reach professionals based on their
demographics, interests, and job titles.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): The team conducts keyword research
to identify relevant search terms used by the target audience. They develop
compelling ad copies and optimize landing pages to drive traffic and
increase app downloads through search engine advertising.

Integrated Marketing Display Advertising: The team collaborates with relevant websites and
blogs that cater to the target audience. They create visually appealing
display ads that convey the app's value proposition and benefits. Ad
placements include banner ads, interstitial ads, and native ads.
Influencer Partnerships: The team identifies influencers within the tech
and professional space who can promote the app to their followers. They
establish partnerships to create sponsored content, reviews, or tutorials that
highlight the app's features and encourage downloads.
Performance Tracking: The team closely monitors key performance
indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and
cost per acquisition (CPA) to assess the campaign's effectiveness. They
make data-driven optimizations to maximize results.
The digital media campaign successfully generates significant user
acquisition and drives a high volume of app downloads. The startup receives
positive user feedback and experiences a steady increase in active users,
establishing a strong presence within the target market.


Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Ang, S. H., Tan, C. T., & Leong, S. M. (2018).
Marketing management: an Asian perspective. Harlow: Pearson.
Saxena, R. (2005). Marketing management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Karunakaran, K. (2008). Marketing management. Himalaya Publishing
Percy, L. (2023). Strategic integrated marketing communications. Taylor &
Juska, J. M. (2021). Integrated marketing communication: advertising and
promotion in a digital world. Routledge.
Broderick, A., & Pickton, D. (2005). Integrated marketing communications.
Pearson Education UK.


Unit Structure:
8.0 Objectives
8.1 Personal Selling - Introduction, Key Aspects, Definitions
8.2 Principles of Personal Selling, Negotiation Skills
8.3 Public Relations
8.4 Internet Marketing – Concept, Importance, Benefits
8.5 Types of Internet Marketing
8.6 Summary
8.7 Question
8.8 Reference


1. To understand the concept of personal selling and their key aspects

2. To know about the public relations
3. To acquire knowledge about internet marketing and its types



Personal selling is a promotional method used by companies to engage in

face-to-face communication with potential customers. It involves a
salesperson building a relationship with the customer, understanding their
needs, and persuading them to make a purchase. Personal selling is an
important component of the overall marketing strategy of many
organizations. Personal selling occurs in nearly each human interaction. It
is the most important component of promotion mix in attaining the goal of
all marketing efforts, to increase profitable sales by offering want
satisfaction to consumers over the long run. So, in the age of e-Commerce,
personal selling has its own unique importance in terms of customer
Personal selling also plays a significant role in internet marketing, allowing
businesses to connect with customers on a one-on-one level through digital
platforms. By leveraging technology and employing personalized
strategies, personal selling in internet marketing enables businesses to build
relationships, address customer needs, and drive sales.
Integrated Marketing Key Aspects of Personal Selling in Internet Marketing:
1. Building Relationships:

• Develop personalized and targeted approaches to connect with

potential customers online.

• Utilize social media platforms, online communities, and email

marketing to engage with individuals and build relationships.

• Focus on understanding customer preferences, needs, and pain

points to tailor your selling efforts accordingly.
2. Utilizing Data and Analytics:

• Leverage customer data and analytics to gain insights into

customer behavior and preferences.

• Use this information to personalize marketing messages and

offers, enhancing the personal selling experience.

• Measure and track key performance indicators to evaluate the

effectiveness of your personal selling efforts.
3. Effective Online Communication:

• Craft compelling and persuasive online messages to capture the

attention of potential customers.

• Utilize various online channels such as email, social media,

chat, and video conferencing to communicate with customers.

• Tailor your communication style and approach based on the

preferences and characteristics of each individual customer.
4. Virtual Demonstrations and Presentations:

• Conduct virtual demonstrations or presentations to showcase

products or services in an engaging and interactive manner.

• Utilize screen sharing, videos, and visual aids to provide a

comprehensive understanding of your offerings.

• Address customer questions and concerns in real-time, ensuring

a personalized and informative experience.
5. Online Consultations and Customization:

• Offer online consultations to understand customer needs and

provide tailored solutions.

• Provide personalized recommendations and advice based on

individual requirements.

• Utilize online tools and interactive platforms to showcase Personal Selling
customization options and create a sense of exclusivity.
6. Responsive Customer Support:

• Offer prompt and responsive customer support through various

online channels.

• Provide personalized assistance, guidance, and troubleshooting

to enhance the customer experience.

• Utilize live chat, chatbots, or online ticketing systems to ensure

timely and efficient resolution of customer queries.
7. Building Trust and Credibility:

• Establish trust and credibility through online testimonials, case

studies, and reviews.

• Utilize social proof and user-generated content to showcase the

positive experiences of satisfied customers.

• Respond to customer feedback and reviews promptly,

demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction.
Personal selling in internet marketing allows businesses to leverage the
power of technology and personalized strategies to connect with customers
on a deeper level. By focusing on building relationships, utilizing data and
analytics, effective online communication, virtual demonstrations,
customization, responsive customer support, and building trust and
credibility, businesses can maximize the impact of their personal selling
efforts in the realm of internet marketing. Embracing these aspects will help
businesses forge meaningful connections, drive sales, and foster customer
loyalty in the digital landscape.
Firms track consumers’ shopping behaviors in their online stores to provide
individually personalized banners through a method called retargeting.
Personalization can substantially enhance banner effectiveness, its impact
centers on its interplay with timing and placement factors. First,
personalization increases click-through especially at an early information
state of the purchase decision process. A high degree of content
personalization (DCP) is most effective when a consumer has just visited
the advertiser’s online store, but quickly lose effectiveness as time passes
since that last visit. Second, personalization increases click-through
irrespective of whether banners appear on motive corresponding or
dissimilar display websites. Personalization increases advertisement
effectiveness only on motive corresponding websites, but decreases it on
unrelated websites.
Personal selling is defined as, ‘the oral presentation in a conversation with
one or more prospective purchasers or the purpose of making sales.
Integrated Marketing Salesmanship is the art of successfully persuading customers to buy
products or services from which they can derive suitable benefits, thereby
increasing their total satisfaction.’ -G. Blake
Personal Selling in Internet Marketing refers to the process of utilizing
digital platforms and online channels to engage in one-on-one
communication with potential customers, build relationships, and drive
sales. It involves employing personalized strategies and techniques to
understand customer needs, address their concerns, and provide tailored
solutions through online interactions.
1. American Marketing Association (AMA): "Personal Selling in
Internet Marketing is the use of online channels and digital platforms
to engage in direct, personalized communication with potential
customers, with the aim of building relationships, understanding
customer needs, and influencing purchase decisions."
2. "Personal Selling in Internet Marketing is
the practice of using online platforms, such as websites, social media,
and email, to establish direct connections with potential customers,
engage in personalized conversations, and guide them through the
sales process in a virtual environment."
3. Business Dictionary: "Personal Selling in Internet Marketing is the
art of selling products or services online through individualized,
interactive communication with customers. It involves using digital
platforms to understand customer needs, present customized
solutions, and provide personalized assistance to drive sales and build
customer relationships."
In summary, personal selling in internet marketing encompasses the use of
digital platforms to engage in personalized communication, understand
customer needs, provide tailored solutions, and guide potential customers
through the sales process in order to achieve sales goals and foster long-
term customer relationships.


• Customer Focus: Salespeople should prioritize the customer's needs,

preferences, and interests. They must understand the customer's
perspective, actively listen, and tailor their approach to match the
customer's requirements.

• Building Rapport and Trust: Establishing rapport and building trust

is crucial in personal selling. Salespeople should create a positive first
impression, be genuine, and demonstrate credibility. Trust is essential
for developing long-term customer relationships.

• Effective Communication: Clear, concise, and persuasive

communication is key to personal selling. Salespeople should
articulate the product's value proposition, answer customer questions, Personal Selling
and address objections effectively. Active listening and empathy are
also important communication skills.

• Product Knowledge: Salespeople should have in-depth knowledge

about the product or service they are selling. They should understand
its features, benefits, and competitive advantages. Product knowledge
helps salespeople address customer inquiries, offer solutions, and
position the offering effectively.

• Problem Solving: Personal selling involves identifying and

addressing customer problems or needs. Salespeople should act as
problem solvers, providing tailored solutions that meet the customer's
specific requirements. Understanding the customer's pain points and
offering appropriate solutions is crucial.

• Persistence and Resilience: Personal selling often involves facing

rejection and overcoming obstacles. Salespeople should be persistent,
resilient, and maintain a positive attitude. They should view
objections and rejections as opportunities to learn, adapt, and improve
their sales approach.

• Ethical Conduct: Salespeople should adhere to ethical standards and

maintain integrity in their interactions with customers. They should
provide accurate information, avoid misleading tactics, and prioritize
the customer's best interests. Ethical conduct builds trust and
enhances the organization's reputation.

• Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Salespeople should

continuously update their knowledge, skills, and techniques. They
should stay updated with industry trends, competitor activities, and
customer preferences. Adapting to changing customer needs and
market dynamics is essential for success in personal selling.
(B) Negotiation Skills
Negotiation skills are crucial in personal selling, even in the context of
online marketing through the Internet. As businesses increasingly leverage
digital platforms for sales and customer interactions, mastering negotiation
skills in the online environment is essential for sales professionals to build
relationships, close deals, and maximize sales outcomes.
Key Aspects of Negotiation Skills in Online Marketing through the Internet:
1. Effective Written Communication:

• Develop strong written communication skills to convey your

messages persuasively and clearly.

• Craft compelling and concise emails, proposals, and other

written materials to engage potential customers.

Integrated Marketing • Pay attention to tone, grammar, and formatting to maintain
professionalism and make a positive impression.
2. Active Listening in Virtual Interactions:

• Practice active listening during online meetings, video calls, or

phone conversations.

• Pay close attention to verbal cues, tone of voice, and other non-
verbal signals to understand the customer's needs, concerns, and

• Ask clarifying questions to ensure a comprehensive

understanding of the customer's requirements.
3. Building Trust and Rapport Online:

• Establish trust and rapport with customers through online


• Leverage social media platforms, online communities, and

professional networks to connect and engage with potential

• Share valuable and relevant content through blog posts, social

media updates, or webinars to build credibility.
4. Adapting to Online Platforms and Tools:

• Familiarize yourself with online collaboration and

communication tools such as video conferencing platforms,
chat applications, and CRM systems.

• Utilize these tools effectively to facilitate negotiations, share

relevant information, and track progress.
5. Persuasive Presentation Skills:

• Develop the ability to deliver persuasive online presentations

using tools like slideshows or screen sharing.

• Tailor your presentations to resonate with the specific needs and

interests of the online audience.

• Incorporate visual aids, interactive elements, and compelling

storytelling techniques to engage and captivate the audience.
6. Problem-Solving and Creative Solutions:

• Apply problem-solving skills to identify customer pain points

and propose creative solutions using the online medium.

• Leverage online resources, case studies, and testimonials to

present evidence and support your proposed solutions.
• Encourage collaborative problem-solving and seek win-win Personal Selling
outcomes that benefit both parties.
7. Building Online Negotiation Etiquette:

• Familiarize yourself with online negotiation etiquette, including

prompt response times, clear and concise messaging, and
professional behavior.

• Demonstrate respect, patience, and professionalism during

online negotiations, fostering positive interactions and
In the era of online marketing through the Internet, mastering negotiation
skills is crucial for personal selling success. By developing effective written
communication, active listening, building trust online, adapting to digital
tools, delivering persuasive presentations, problem-solving creatively, and
following online negotiation etiquette, sales professionals can navigate the
digital landscape and achieve successful outcomes. Cultivating these skills
will help build strong customer relationships, close deals, and maximize
sales results in the online marketing arena.


Public Relations (PR) in Personal Selling of Internet Marketing refers to the

strategic management of a company's reputation, communication, and
relationships with various stakeholders in the digital landscape. It involves
using online channels and platforms to cultivate a positive image, build
credibility, and enhance customer perceptions, thereby supporting personal
selling efforts in internet marketing.
Key Aspects of PR in Personal Selling of Internet Marketing:
1. Online Reputation Management:

• Monitor and manage the company's online presence, including

social media platforms, review sites, and industry forums.
• Respond to customer feedback and reviews promptly and
professionally, addressing any concerns or issues raised.
• Share positive testimonials, case studies, and success stories to
build trust and credibility among potential customers.
2. Influencer Relations:

• Identify and collaborate with online influencers, bloggers, and

industry experts who can advocate for your brand and products.
• Engage in influencer marketing campaigns to leverage their
reach and credibility, amplifying your personal selling efforts.

• Foster authentic relationships with influencers to generate

positive word-of-mouth and enhance brand reputation. 91
Integrated Marketing 3. Content Marketing and Thought Leadership:
• Develop and share high-quality, informative content such as
blog posts, articles, whitepapers, and videos.

• Position company executives and experts as thought leaders by

offering valuable insights, industry expertise, and innovative

• Engage in guest blogging and media contributions to establish

the company as a trusted authority in its field.
4. Online PR Campaigns:

• Develop and execute targeted PR campaigns leveraging online

channels to promote product launches, special offers, or
company milestones.

• Utilize press releases, online news portals, and social media to

generate buzz and media coverage.

• Engage with online journalists and bloggers to secure favorable

coverage and increase brand visibility.
5. Social Media Engagement:

• Maintain an active and engaging presence on social media

platforms to interact with customers, address inquiries, and
share relevant content.

• Respond promptly to comments, messages, and mentions,

demonstrating a customer-centric approach and building
positive relationships.

• Leverage social media listening tools to monitor conversations

and sentiment around the brand, adapting strategies as needed.
6. Crisis Management:

• Develop a crisis communication plan to address potential

negative events or online backlash effectively.

• Respond promptly and transparently to address issues,

providing accurate information and resolving concerns.

• Utilize online channels to communicate updates, apologize

when necessary, and showcase efforts to rectify any problems.
7. Partnerships and Collaborations:

• Seek partnerships with relevant organizations, influencers, or

industry associations to enhance brand credibility and expand
• Engage in cross-promotion, co-marketing, or joint campaigns to Personal Selling
leverage each other's audiences and strengthen personal selling
By incorporating PR strategies into personal selling efforts in internet
marketing, companies can shape a positive brand image, foster credibility,
and build strong relationships with customers and stakeholders. Effective
PR initiatives can enhance the effectiveness of personal selling activities,
driving customer engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, sales success in the
digital landscape.


8.4.1 Concept : Internet marketing refers to marketing that occurs only

online. In other words, marketing efforts that businesses do solely over the
Internet. Internet marketing involves several methods to drive traffic to the
advertiser’s website. It also includes marketing efforts to drive traffic to
websites where consumers can purchase the advertiser’s products. Digital
marketing is similar, but also includes some non-Internet electronic
Marketing over the Internet is a rapidly growing business. It is growing fast
because more people use the Internet daily. It is also expanding rapidly
because more people are purchasing goods and services online, i.e., online
shopping is booming.
Definition : Internet marketing, involves promoting a brand and its
products or services to online audiences using the Internet and digital media.
Internet marketing, is a form of marketing that uses the internet and
technology to connect with potential customers.
Internet marketing is the promotion of a company and its products or
services through online tools that generate leads, drive traffic, and boost
Internet marketing relies on digital channels to distribute promotional
messages. Internet marketing is an umbrella term that covers a wide range
of marketing strategies and avenues. From emails, search engines, social
media posts, and blog articles, there is one common theme among all of
these tactics: They all focus on delivering content.
With Internet marketing, also called online marketing, you use a
combination of online strategies to help you build better relationships with
your audience and attract more interested leads.
Whether you are in marketing or a related role, you have probably heard of
online marketing. You might wonder if there is a difference between online
marketing, digital marketing, and internet marketing and what exactly it all
entails. Or you might want to know if it is right for your business and how
to get started.

Integrated Marketing If your business is just now looking into online marketing, you are in good
company — 60% of marketing leaders say their companies are only
beginning to visualize and build a digital marketing organization. These
marketers are all headed online because that is where the consumers are —
and the sales. US adults spend more than eight hours a day consuming
digital media, and nearly 30% of US retail sales happen online. That is a
huge share of the market you are missing out on every day that you do not
have an internet marketing strategy in place. Internet marketing is a great
opportunity for you to reach more people for your business.
The difference between internet marketing and digital marketing-
Although marketers often use these terms interchangeably, there are subtle
differences between internet marketing and digital marketing. Essentially,
digital marketing is a broad term for marketing strategies that leverage
digital channels to promote products or services, from TV ads and
billboards to social media platforms and pay-per-click campaigns. This
indicates that digital marketing isn’t limited to the internet.
In contrast, internet marketing refers to a set of marketing strategies that are
exclusively carried out via the internet. This makes it a subset of digital
marketing, but it is really a core factor, since most digital marketing
strategies fall within the boundaries of internet marketing.
Online marketing and ecommerce make it possible for the entire customer
journey to happen digitally. Potential customers can discover a brand,
engage with a brand, make a purchase, and finally advocate for that brand
— all online. Plus, digital media can be less costly to produce than print or
other mediums, and it can reach a much wider audience.
Traditional marketing channels include billboards, radio, print, and
television, while online marketing shows up in social media, websites,
emails, and other forms. The methods, strategies, and channels that fall
under the umbrella of online marketing are diverse, but they all seek to use
the internet to connect to larger and more targeted audiences.
8.4.2 Importance of Internet Marketing

• It drives a better return on investment (ROI): Internet marketing

strategies are more cost-effective than traditional marketing
strategies. These strategies have a better ROI because you target more
interested leads, making them more likely to convert.

• It allows you to reach more interested audiences: Online marketing

enables you to reach audiences interested in your products or services.
Using Internet marketing, you can reach these audiences interested in
your business, whether they’re local or international.

• It allows you to interact with audiences regardless of the time: With

automation and other techniques available with Internet marketing,
you can stay in contact with your audience 24/7, so you can be there

right when they’re ready to convert, no matter the time, no matter the Personal Selling
time zone.

• It can be tailored to any industry and any size business: No matter

what industry or size your business is, Internet marketing can adjust
perfectly to provide the results you want because your audience is
guaranteed to be online.

• It provides easy and convenient ways for audiences to convert: The

Internet makes it easy for your audience to convert. All it takes is the
push of a button to buy, sign-up, download, or contact.
Internet marketing is important because it expands a business’s reach and
allows them to connect with more leads interested in their business. The
importance of Internet marketing lies in that it best aligns with the way
consumers prefer to discover and purchase products and services.
7 ways to use Internet marketing
You know the meaning of Internet marketing, but how can you use Internet
marketing? A few ways:

• Build brand awareness

• Generate website traffic

• Attract qualified leads

• Nurture leads

• Convert leads (or drive sales)

• Reduce churn

• Improve customer satisfaction

Keep reading to learn how to use Internet marketing to grow your business.
4 steps to developing an Internet marketing strategy
Internet marketing allows you to communicate your brand’s message to
your audience, so when building your Internet marketing strategy, it is
essential to keep your audience and brand in mind.
These four steps to helps the organization to build Internet marketing
1. Identify your Internet marketing goals
The best Internet marketing plan is built around and continuously
works towards a set goal. Without something to work towards, your
Internet marketing strategies will fail to produce the results you want.

Integrated Marketing When building an Internet marketing strategy, identify what you want
to achieve with your online marketing. Possible goals you could
choose from are:

• Driving traffic to your site

• Boosting engagement

• Earning calls

• Encouraging downloads

• Gaining subscribers

• Netting sales

• Growing followers on social media and more

2. Define your audience
To create a proper Internet marketing strategy, you need to identify
your audience first. You want to identify who is interested in your
products or services.
Look at your typical customer. What attributes define them? You can
document information like:

• Demographics

• Socioeconomic status

• Interests

• Hobbies

• Occupation

• Buying habits and more

Without researching your audience, you run the risk of improperly targeting
your audience. You will drive less than satisfactory results with your
campaigns if you do not target the right people.
3. Identify the strategies you want to use in your Internet marketing
After you have identified your Internet marketing goal as well as your
audience, the next step is to determine which Internet marketing
strategies would work best for your business. You will want to use
strategies that enable you to reach your target audience. Where is your
audience likely to engage with your business? You will want to
consider what keywords they are searching or what social platforms
they use.

It is also important to consider your budget, too. You want to ensure Personal Selling
you are investing in strategies that fit within your budget, so you do
not overspend.
4. Monitor your strategies
For Internet marketing strategies to drive the best results, you need to
analyze the data from your campaigns. Online data tracking tools such
as Google Analytics can help you keep track of data from your
Internet marketing strategy in real-time. This platform is great for
SEO and PPC strategies. You can track:

• How many people visit your site

• How long they stay on your pages

• How many people click your ad

• How many conversions you receive

8.4.3 Internet / Online Marketing Benefits
In the same way that the internet has changed how we live, think, and
communicate, it has opened new possibilities and new benefits to marketers.
In addition to offering a wider reach, online marketing is:

• Cost-effective. Digital messaging can be cheaper and more efficient

to produce than print. It can duplicate faster, and it can be highly
targeted to reach only the most relevant audiences, which means it
usually offers a strong ROI.

• Fast. Your audience can act on your messaging right away, giving
you a quick turnaround on your investment.

• Trackable. It is easy to know whether your audience is clicking,

opening emails, sharing, or making purchases. If you know what isn’t
working, you don’t need to waste time and resources on it. If you
know what is working, you can lean into it.

• Targeted. Online marketing allows companies to target specific

audiences and customize their messages.

• Personal. Digital methods can be automated and responsive to online

consumer behavior, which means that an unlimited number of
individual customers get timely, relevant, and personalized

• Impressive. The content you share online is a chance to demonstrate

expertise and create brand recognition.

• Attractive. Many online marketing methods are inbound, which

means that by creating accessible and appealing content, you can draw

Integrated Marketing in the right customers rather than blasting and hoping it reaches those
who are looking for it.
Online marketing offers businesses the opportunity to connect with large
audiences, often efficiently and affordably, in real time.


There are many types of online marketing, and just as the internet continues
to change and evolve, the way businesses use it to market their products and
services will change along with it. You do not need to use every type, but
successful marketers will select at least a few that complement each other
and work best for their goals.
Common types of online marketing include:

• SEO (search engine optimization)

• Email marketing

• Social media marketing

• Influencer marketing

• Affiliate marketing

• Web design

• Paid advertising

• Display advertising

• Online events and webinars

• Conversion rate optimization

• Content marketing

• Influencer marketing
Internet marketing examples
Internet marketing uses several techniques and strategies to drive online
traffic, leads, and sales. Online marketing involves using these major
A. Email Marketing
Email marketing enables you to connect one-on-one with leads
interested in your products or services. There are several different
types of emails you can send, but some of the most popular ones are:

• Newsletters

98 • Customer service
• Follow up Personal Selling

• Loyalty/rewards

• Recommendations

• Promotions
You can also take advantage of the advanced targeting and personalization
options that come with email Internet marketing strategies. With emails,
you want to hit users with reminders and deals when they are most likely
ready to convert.
Use email personalization to send emails to your audience when:

• You publish new content they might like: You can show off your new
content and get your audience to interact with your brand. Show that
you have something in common with them.

• They look at your products and services: You can send promotions on
those products or services, or recommend similar ones they might be
interested in.

• They abandon a cart of products: You can remind them of items in

their cart to increase the chance that they will make a purchase.

• It’s their birthday or another special event: Discounts and coupons

sent on these days work great for getting your audience to convert.
When you personalize an email, be sure to include the subscriber’s name. It
makes them feel connected to you and that you care about them enough to
get to know them. Adding their name makes them more likely to engage
because they will know the email content is specific to their interests.
Once you have email addresses, segment your subscribers. This way, you
can create personalized messaging for each segment. Personalization goes
beyond “Hello [first name].” You should know each segment's pain points
so you can create campaigns and share content that resonates with them.
With segmentation, you can:

• Reach out to new subscribers

• Ask existing customers for reviews

• Get feedback from existing customers

• Reach out to inactive subscribers

• Follow up on abandoned carts and more

Regardless of who you are reaching out to, ensure you are sending
compelling, helpful content.
Integrated Marketing Email marketing campaigns help you stay in touch with your customer base,
introduce new products or services, provide discounts and promotions and
remind internet users about the brand's offerings. You can develop an email
list in a variety of ways, including asking customers for their email
addresses when they make purchases or displaying the ‘Join our email list'
buttons on your website. To persuade customers to sign up to be on a
mailing list, you can also offer a special discount or voucher.
Some benefits of email marketing are:
• Wide reach
• Cost-effectiveness
• Good return on investment
B. Mobile Marketing
Definition: Mobile marketing refers to the practice of promoting products
or services to target audiences through mobile devices such as smartphones
and tablets.
Growing significance: Mobile devices have become an integral part of
people's lives, offering a unique opportunity for personal selling through
targeted marketing efforts.
Advantages of mobile marketing:

• Wider reach: Mobile devices have extensive market penetration,

enabling businesses to reach a large and diverse audience.
• Personalization: Mobile marketing allows for customized and
personalized messaging, enhancing the effectiveness of personal
selling efforts.
• Immediate communication: Mobile devices offer real-time
communication, enabling businesses to interact with potential
customers promptly.
Strategies for Mobile Marketing in Personal Selling:
A. Building a mobile-friendly website:
• Responsive design: Ensure that your website is optimized for
mobile devices, providing a seamless user experience across
different screen sizes.
• Fast loading times: Optimize your website's loading speed to
prevent user frustration and abandonment.
• Mobile-friendly content: Create mobile-specific content that is
easy to read and navigate on small screens.
B. Utilizing mobile apps:
• App development: Consider developing a mobile app that aligns
with your personal selling goals, providing a platform for direct
100 customer engagement.
• App features: Include features such as product catalogs, Personal Selling
personalized recommendations, and in-app messaging to
enhance the personal selling experience.
Implementing SMS marketing:

• Permission-based campaigns: Obtain explicit consent from customers

before sending them promotional messages via SMS.

• Targeted messaging: Segment your audience based on demographics,

interests, and purchasing behavior to deliver personalized SMS
marketing campaigns.

• Call-to-action: Include clear calls-to-action in SMS messages, such as

links to product pages or exclusive discounts, to drive conversions.
Leveraging mobile advertising:

• Location-based targeting: Utilize geo-targeting to deliver relevant ads

to potential customers based on their geographic location.

• In-app advertising: Advertise on popular mobile apps that align with

your target audience, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement.

• Mobile search advertising: Optimize your mobile website for search

engines, leveraging mobile-specific SEO techniques to increase
organic traffic.
Best Practices for Mobile Marketing in Personal Selling:

• Optimize for mobile search: Ensure your website and content are
mobile-friendly and optimized for search engine rankings on mobile

• Provide valuable content: Deliver useful and engaging content to your

mobile audience, demonstrating your expertise and building trust.

• Personalize interactions: Leverage customer data to personalize your

communication and offers, tailoring them to individual preferences
and needs.

• Use mobile analytics: Utilize mobile analytics tools to track user

behavior, measure campaign performance, and gain insights for
continuous improvement.

• Seamless omnichannel experience: Integrate mobile marketing efforts

with other channels to provide a consistent and unified experience for
Mobile marketing offers immense potential for personal selling, allowing
businesses to engage with their target audience through personalized and
timely interactions. By adopting mobile-friendly strategies and leveraging
the unique capabilities of mobile devices, companies can effectively
Integrated Marketing enhance their personal selling efforts and drive sales in today's mobile-
centric world.
C. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
“Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the
quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search
engine results.”

SEO is an internet marketing strategy that boosts your brand’s

visibility in search engines, which can bring more visitors to your site.
SEM or search engine marketing is a digital marketing approach to
improve a website's visibility in search engine results pages. Using
search engine marketing, you may advertise and pay the host
depending on the traffic or the number of clicks your ad generates.
This makes SEM an economical option for advertisers. Each visitor
helps in boosting the website's ranking through organic search results.
Effective SEO campaigns require extensive research on keywords and
the potential to create high-quality, meaningful content based on the
chosen keywords.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your

website to rank higher in search results. This strategy helps you
appear in more relevant search results, so you can drive more qualified
traffic to your site. Google, Yahoo, and Bing, for example, are search
engines. They have primary search results, where web-pages and
other content are ranked according to what they consider most
relevant to users. Other content includes videos or local listings. Much
of SEO involves increasing your rank in search by using techniques

• Research and incorporate search terms (keywords) that your

target audience uses into your content

• Generate high-quality content that provides your audience with

relevant answers to the questions they make

• Improve user experience by improving web design

• Earn backlinks from authoritative sources in your industry to

gain online reputation

Some benefits of SEM:

• Helps in targeting the right audience through optimised ads

• Can increase traffic through ad visibility

• Can help in increasing brand awareness

D. Social Media Advertising Personal Selling

Social media advertising is also another cost-effective Internet

marketing strategy to start generating an online presence. If you want
to use social media advertising, you willl need to choose which
platforms you want to use to reach your audience. Popular social
media advertising platforms include:

• Facebook

• Instagram

• Twitter

• Pinterest

• LinkedIn

• YouTube
Social media platforms gather a excess of information on users that
you can use to target your ideal audiences — the ones that are most
interested in what you have to offer. Pulling in these audiences with a
wide variety of engaging social media ad types will boost your traffic
and engagement, as well as your sales and conversions.
E. Social Media Marketing
Social media networks provide a great opportunity to market online
because of how easy it is to use the networks to share information.
That is why social media marketing is a great option for your business.
With social media, you can:

• Increase brand awareness: Social media lets you have a larger

online presence. You can build up your brand identity and show up as
a relevant interest for your audiences. When your audience sees your
presence on social media, they will get more familiar with your brand.

• Interact with audience members: Social media provides useful

platforms for interacting with your audience one-on-one. Whenever
your audience has questions, concerns, or thoughts they want to share,
you can be there to provide quality interaction right when they do.
Your engagement with your audience on social media can help set
you apart from your competition and show that you care for your

• Build your brand voice: Social media is one of the best places to
show off what makes you unique. You can showcase how your quality
products and services improve your audience’s life. You can also
show off the relevant content that you produce.
Social media provides an essential means of engaging with your customers,
building your brand voice and identity, and providing people with great 103
Integrated Marketing customer service. Social media marketing is the process of acquiring
attention and sales using social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, or Twitter.
Social media marketing can be split into two camps: organic (free) or paid.

• Organic social media marketing

Organic social media marketing focuses on building a community and

deepening relationships with consumers to induce interest and
customer loyalty. First, you can position your brand as an authority in
your niche. An easy way to do this is to engage other people and
contribute valuable insights to conversations.

Another key aspect of social media marketing is harnessing the power

of customer relations. Immediately replying to customer queries on
social media showcases your brand’s authenticity and will inspire
other people to trust your products or services.

What is more, social media marketing is closely linked to content

marketing (which we’ll cover next). This is because social media
platforms are the perfect place to promote valuable content to your
community and niche.

• Paid social media marketing

There are tons of ways to use paid social media marketing to promote
your business, and each platform has its own suite of paid promotional
options. You can pay to promote your existing organic posts or create
a dedicated Facebook ad tailored to your marketing objectives.

Case Study

Personal Selling in Internet Marketing: A Case Study on XYZ Company

Introduction: This case study examines the implementation of personal

selling in internet marketing by XYZ Company, a leading e-commerce
retailer specializing in consumer electronics. The company has successfully
integrated personal selling strategies into their online marketing efforts to
build relationships, understand customer needs, and drive sales. By
leveraging technology and personalized approaches, XYZ Company has
effectively connected with their target audience, enhanced customer
satisfaction, and achieved notable business growth.

Background: XYZ Company recognized the significance of personal selling

in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Despite the convenience and
accessibility of online shopping, they understood the importance of
establishing personal connections with customers to differentiate
themselves from competitors and foster long-term loyalty. To achieve this,
they integrated personal selling techniques into their internet marketing
Key Aspects and Strategies Implemented: Personal Selling

1. Building Relationships: XYZ Company utilized various online

platforms, including social media, email marketing, and online
communities, to engage with potential customers and build
relationships. They emphasized personalized and targeted
approaches, tailoring their communication to individual customer
preferences and characteristics.
2. Utilizing Data and Analytics: To gain insights into customer
behavior and preferences, XYZ Company leveraged customer data
and analytics. This information allowed them to personalize
marketing messages and offers, creating a more effective personal
selling experience. They tracked key performance indicators to
evaluate the effectiveness of their personal selling efforts.
3. Effective Online Communication: XYZ Company crafted
compelling and persuasive online messages to capture the attention of
potential customers. They utilized various online channels, such as
email, social media, live chat, and video conferencing, to
communicate with customers. The company adapted their
communication style and approach based on individual customer
preferences, ensuring a personalized experience.
4. Virtual Demonstrations and Presentations: To showcase their
products effectively, XYZ Company conducted virtual
demonstrations and presentations. They utilized screen sharing,
videos, and visual aids to provide a comprehensive understanding of
their offerings. By addressing customer questions and concerns in
real-time, they delivered personalized and informative experiences.
5. Online Consultations and Customization: XYZ Company offered
online consultations to understand customer needs and provide
tailored solutions. Their sales representatives provided personalized
recommendations and advice based on individual requirements.
Online tools and interactive platforms were used to showcase
customization options, creating a sense of exclusivity.
Results and Outcomes:
1. Increased Customer Engagement: By implementing personal
selling in internet marketing, XYZ Company experienced increased
customer engagement and interaction. The personalized approach
resonated with customers, leading to a higher level of satisfaction and
2. Improved Conversion Rates: The integration of personal selling
strategies resulted in improved conversion rates for XYZ Company.
By understanding customer needs and providing tailored solutions,
they were able to effectively influence purchase decisions and drive

Integrated Marketing 3. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Through personalized
communication, responsive customer support, and customized
offerings, XYZ Company significantly enhanced customer
satisfaction. This resulted in positive reviews, testimonials, and word-
of-mouth referrals, further strengthening their brand reputation.
4. Competitive Advantage: The successful implementation of personal
selling in internet marketing provided XYZ Company with a
competitive advantage in the e-commerce industry. Their ability to
build strong customer relationships and deliver personalized
experiences set them apart from competitors.
Conclusion: The case study on XYZ Company highlights the effectiveness
of integrating personal selling strategies into internet marketing efforts. By
focusing on building relationships, utilizing data and analytics, effective
online communication, virtual demonstrations, customization, and
responsive customer support, XYZ Company achieved notable business
growth and customer satisfaction. Their successful implementation serves
as a model for other companies seeking to leverage personal selling in the
realm of internet marketing, emphasizing the importance of personalized
approaches in the digital landscape.


Personal selling is a face-to-face promotional method where salespeople

build relationships, understand customer needs, and persuade them to make
a purchase. It is important in the overall marketing strategy, even in the age
of e-commerce. In internet marketing, personal selling utilizes digital
platforms to connect with customers on a one-on-one level, build
relationships, and drive sales. Key aspects include building relationships,
utilizing data and analytics, effective online communication, virtual
demonstrations, customization, responsive customer support, and building
trust. Negotiation skills are crucial in online marketing, involving effective
written communication, active listening, building trust and rapport,
adapting to online tools, persuasive presentation skills, problem-solving,
and following online negotiation etiquette. Public relations in personal
selling of internet marketing involves managing reputation, influencer
relations, content marketing, online PR campaigns, social media
engagement, crisis management, and partnerships. Internet marketing refers
to marketing that occurs solely online, using digital channels to reach and
interact with audiences, driving a better ROI and reaching more interested
customers. It can be tailored to any industry and any size business,
providing easy and convenient ways for audiences to convert. Developing
an internet marketing strategy involves identifying goals, defining the
audience, choosing strategies, and monitoring results. Online marketing is
cost-effective, fast, trackable, targeted, personal, impressive, and attractive,
allowing businesses to connect with large audiences in real-time.
Internet marketing refers to marketing efforts conducted exclusively online,
utilizing various methods to drive traffic to a website and promote products
106 or services. It is cost-effective, allows targeting of specific audiences, offers
24/7 interaction, and can be tailored to any industry or business size. Online Personal Selling
marketing strategies include SEO, email marketing, social media
advertising, social media marketing, and more. It provides benefits such as
wider reach, cost-effectiveness, trackability, targeting, personalization, and
the ability to showcase expertise and improve customer satisfaction.
Popular types of online marketing include SEO, email marketing, social
media marketing, and mobile marketing. Social media advertising and
marketing are effective for building brand awareness, interacting with
audiences, and showcasing a unique brand voice. Developing an internet
marketing strategy involves setting goals, defining the target audience,
selecting appropriate strategies, and monitoring and analyzing the results.


1. What is personal selling, and why is it an important component of the

marketing strategy for many organizations?
2. What are the key aspects of personal selling in internet marketing?
3. What are the principles of personal selling, and how do they apply to
personal selling in internet marketing?
4. What are the key aspects of public relations (PR) in personal selling
of internet marketing?
5. How can social media engagement enhance personal selling efforts in
the online marketing context?
6. What are the advantages of using internet marketing for a business?
7. What are some common types of online marketing strategies?
8. How can businesses use social media advertising and social media
marketing to promote their brand and engage with their audience?


1. Personal Selling - M. C. Cant, C. H. van Heerden

2. Fundamental Of Selling – Futrell
3. Essentials of Personal Selling: The New Professionalism - Rolph E.
4. Personal Selling: Achieving Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty -
Rolph E. Anderson, Alan J. Dubinsky
5. ABC's of Relationship Selling - Charles Futrell



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