Gender Youth and Development

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Fashion Trends and Influence on Youth

Bachelors in Computer Arts-(BCA)

Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi

June 17, 2022

Sr No. Contents

1 Abstract

2 Introduction
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3 Fashion trends and influence on youth

4 Factors affecting teenagers’ sense of fashion

4.1 Peer pressure

4.2 Media and magazines

4.3 Celebrities

4.4 Designer brands

5 The attitude of youth towards fashion trends

6 Face of everyday fashion

7 Negative and positive effects

7.1 Positive impacts

7.2 Negative impacts

8 Previous research on fashion trends and today’s research

8.1 Social media impact on fashion following

8.2 How expensive is following Fashion trends in today’s world?

8.3 Change of Priorities

8.4 Mindsets have changed

9 Methodology

9.1 Objectives
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9.2 Hypothesis

9.3 Sample

9.4 Collection of data

10 Results

10.1 Percentage

10.2 Survey results

10.3 Gender ratio

11 Conclusion

12 References
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Fashion is a distinctive and often constant trend in the style in which

people present themselves. Young generation has tendency to imitate and follow

anything which appears ‘hip’ or ‘in’. They are quick to relate and to follow what

appears fashionable. Fashion is something that teens wish to fit in which makes them

struggle in their everyday life. In the present study an investigation has been

conducted among teenagers to find out their behavior and physiological impact while

purchasing clothes. Although a number of studies have explored this subject in an

array of contexts, limited research has focused on factors that drive fashion adoption

among the youth. In view of this identified research gap, the present study aims

to investigate the impact of fashion consciousness, the need for uniqueness,

interpersonal influence, individualism/collectivism, and masculinity/femininity on

fashion adoption. A research study was conducted and research data were collected

from 30 respondents aged between 16 to 23 years. This analysis was performed to

explore the relationship between the quantitative outcome variable and the predictor

variables of the study. The significance of gaining insight into such factors, draw from

the youth’s identities may be helpful to study the influence and the modern concept of

adopting global fashion trends among young-generation.

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Fashion trends come and go; meanwhile a society’s values, morals and ideals are

established and evolving characteristic to their beliefs and culture. Fashion is just not an

aspiring projected image of a reinterpreted good old value to fulfill some function or

agenda alike but rather an evocative and refreshing concept worthy enough to be

portrayed for society’s appreciation that makes us even more instinctive. In the society,

the individual’s appearance is the ticket to transmit nonverbal communication signals

such as possible cues about his / her social stature, values and lifestyle. Fashion

communication has undergone a 360-degree shift in its transmissible aspects staring from

projecting a plain image of how we look like and how we feel like to expressing our

emotional experiences through interactive implements in the dress. The success of the

fashion trend deceits in the way the society interprets the fashion trend and judges it.

Hence the impact is measured by the gauge of social acceptance which in turn is driven

by the several motivational powers that underline the people’s values and behavioral

traits. Today’s consumer culture is driven by asp rationalism that diminishes the void

between the rich and economically volatile and unstable sections when it comes to

accepting and adopting a trend.

It’s a form of self-expression and self-sufficiency at a particular period and place and

in a specific context, of clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and

body posture. The term indicates a look defined by the fashion industry as that which is

trending. Everything that is considered fashion is accessible and propagated by the

fashion system (industry and media).

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Teenagers are extremely mindful about how they look and often fascinate over

details that adults disregard and neglect that factors as much important.

Teenagers are probably the most fashion-conscious individuals on earth. Fashion and

image go hand in hand, and both have a huge impact on a teenager’s lifestyle. To them,

fashion is incredibly important because it’s a way of showing the world who they are or

who they want to be. As people grow up, they form their sense of self through the clothes

that they wear. Teenagers use fashion as a route to express themselves as well as their

associations, relationships gain social status and bond with their peers.

The adolescence phase is marked by the search for a personal identity and what

adolescents wear plays a huge role in forging that identity. Teenagers express themselves

through clothes and hairstyles. What a teenager chooses to attire is a way of

individuating themselves and validating how they want the world to see them.

Different teenagers have different personalities.

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4. Factors Affecting Teenagers Sense of Fashion

The young generation tends to emulate anything they see others wear if it looks “hip” or “in style”.

Teenagers are quick to follow up-to-the-minute trends for them to fit in. Fashion changes with seasons and so

do most teenagers’ wardrobes. Let’s look at the factors affecting their sense of fashion.

4.1 Peer Pressure:

Peer pressure can have several maladaptive outcomes on youngsters. They can adopt behaviors like

varying the kind of clothes they wear or forming negative assertiveness to conform to what their peers are

inducing them to have. Out-of-the-ordinary behavior can ascend because of peer pressure. Physical

aggression, drug abuse, committing crimes, or joining gangs are possible outcomes of this possible deviant


Research has shown that teenagers will revamp their selves in a particular way to stave off mocking and

embarrassment from peers. They sense that if they dress in inappropriate clothes, they could end up losing

their friends and colleagues.

4.2 Media and Magazines:

Body Image mostly effects on the emotional impact on youth. The media and magazines influence, in

some way, on youth physical look. For instance, when a skinny model is on the cover of a magazine, the
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Teen will do whatever it takes just to look like them. This has resulted in many lifestyle changes

among teenage girls and unhealthy attitudes such as eating disorders.

Youth use magazines and media to appraise what the upcoming trends are so that they may know

exactly what to buy and what not to buy. Fashion shows/ magazines play a huge role in affecting a

teenager's lifestyle and sense of style as most of them buy clothes after looking through the latest


4.3 Celebrities:

A teenager glamorizes the celebrities to whom they adore. Celebrities are trendsetters, youngsters

look up to them for some fashion inspiration. Celebrities greatly influence fashion sense of the youth

because they signify ideal beauty. Celebrities are everywhere as we see them in movies, television, news,

magazines, posters, and many other places. They are almost an unavoidable part of our life while growing


Teenagers watch all types of reality shows to try and preserve their favorite celebrities’ style. They

will even look up to the celebrities for hairstyle ideas. Basically, teenagers realize themselves through

external stimuli. Celebrities provide the external basis from which the teenagers will benchmark their

opinions, thoughts, and associations.

Even though celebrities may not obviously try to persuade their audience to go with a particular

flow, they subconsciously alter their audience’s dogmas. Once a celebrity publicly endorses a piece of

clothing, this creates public acceptance and has a positive impact on the overall brand image.

4.4 Designer Brands

The adolescents are engrossed with social acceptance and coolness associated with the clothes they

wear. For this reason, teenagers will likely unveil more brand-oriented decision when they go shopping.

Most teenagers will go shopping at stores where they sell quality high-end expensive clothes.
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When teenagers do not have the money to shop at the high-end stores for designer clothes, they get

frazzled. They feel that since they have not enough funds for the clothes so their appearance could not be,

appreciable and they will not fit in the enduring trends and styles.


“Attitudes serving a value-expressive function (i.e., value-expressive attitudes) help people

communicate their central beliefs, attitudes, and values to others through their possessions”


Fashionable garments and accessories are such possessions that help people interconnect who and

what they are. In this context, do all people have a penchant to adore fashion trends are to be looked into

in close vicinity? The answer is no except one exceptional section of the population: the youngsters. The

youngsters comprising of adolescents (12 to 17years), teens and young allocate more time for their public

presence than to studies. The peer influence, hero worship which becomes part of adolescent self-creation

is the primary reason why adolescents aspire for more fashion worries than any other age group.

Sometimes the dress, that goes further than modesty and simplicity, which does notallow somebody to sit

or walk properly, is attracted by youth. Untidy, shabby looking hairstyles, which are trendy, attract

youngsters and adolescents. Rather it reflects the deconstructive style preferences dominant in

postmodern consumerist and commercial society.

6. Face of Everyday Fashion

The phenomenon of fashion can be distinguished into elite fashion and everyday fashion rather than just

restricting ourselves to the concept of European or western high fashion. Everyday Fashion is an interactive

process through which the aspiring individuals especially youngsters of the society consciously project their

bodily self in a distinctive manner into the form of clothing style. It is unlike the traditional capitalist fashion

system where the so called elite or rich decide the progression of fashion tastes and fashion gets

disseminated from the top to bottom segments of the society. This distinctive manner of style is equally
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drawn from the fashion trends infiltrated through contemporary lifestyle conventions, fashion code concepts

developed by the designers & forecasting service providers alike and street style fashion, Appreciation of

aesthetic knowledge or involvements, ethnographic accounts witnessed in the social vicinity of a home-

grown population. Relating to the attitudes and mindsets of the peers or social group these individuals belong

to the Striving to draw a fine line between the existing patterns of style and their appearance by clothing in a

trendy manner. In other words, the intention is to win friends or draw appreciations by communicating their

values in the form of dress and clothing as appearance is a social etiquette and effective form of nonverbal


Meanwhile the contemporary everyday fashion echoes a different pattern perverse to the

traditional fashion cycle periods of Classic fashion. Rather we can say there is a change in the structures of

the elements that constitute these fashion concepts. The pattern at which the accessories like sashes, armlets

/ wristbands, jewelry, hair bands and watches along with fashionable trims like buttons and pins are co-

ordinate with classical dress shirts and trousers to complete a look that rapidly changes every month. Party

wear and club wear clothing curves needs no mention about this behavior. Thus, other than the essentials of

classical look namely the dress shirt and trouser / skirt, the accessories and trims which co-ordinate the look

continue to evolve at a faster pace. This is witnessed in groups including subcultures, ethnic groups,

different lifestyles, workplace and leisure customs, and in all the mundane places and institutions of

everyday life.

7. Previous research on Fashion Trends and Today’s research

7.1 Social Media Impact on Fashion Following:

Previously, young generations were not much aware about the fashion trends as they are today. In

today’s world, following latest fashion trends have become much more important in youth’s life. Social

media has played a huge role in this. People follow social media influencers, celebrities, Instagram models,

etc. blindly in this regard. Despite of the fact that is that fashion modest or not. New generation has totally

forgotten their culture and religion and is blindly following western world in fashion.

7.2 How expensive is following Fashion trends in today’s world?

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Today’s youth and adults wish to buy everything branded. They just go after that specific “brand tag.”

Even if you can get that same thing outside the brand in just Rs 500, you’ll still get the one with brand tag

of Rs 2000. Because that is branded, and you are brand conscious.

People tend to buy each and everything ignoring the fact that does that suits them, do they look decent in

them, color looks appropriate with their age, is that modest? Back then things were not this expensive as

today; maybe one reason for this is the hype of following fashion trends. Youth buys anything super

expensive just for the sake of trends and brands.

7.3 Change of Priorities:

Back then, there were much more priorities than just something as superficial as branded makeup,

bags, clothes, shoes, and other accessories in one’s life. Now a day, priorities have changed. One can buy

some non-branded good quality stuff for themselves and give the extra money in charity to people in need.

7.4 Mindsets have changed:

In past, people used to get inspired by one’s knowledge, manners, etiquettes, behaviors, etc. But in

today’s world, people judge you by what you wear, your car is of which model, is your house according to

latest styles, which phone do you use, which branded shoes and bags do you wear and take, from which

restaurant do you eat?

World has become so show off and fake, people try to cover their insecurities by hook or by crook. So

that they can fit in this modern world.


We can argue whether the fashion trends have more of a positive or negative effect on people of today,

regardless we can agree that the apparel industry has grown to become very popular and influential. There

are various categories including different level of population and their mindsets, so the influence or impact

of the trends will differ from category to category, group to group, and individual to individual. Fashion is

always rapidly changing for a reason.

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8.1 Positive Impacts:

• New ideas, designs and trendy look in invented.

• Apparel industry gives chance to designers to express their talent.

• There are unending opportunities in Apparel sector. The possibilities are truly endless.

• The new fashion comes and gives a branded modern look to any ordinary man.

• People stay fashionable and stylish to attract the opposite sex to get noticed by someone they like.

With the help of fashion, you can look the part and get acknowledge.

• The world is huge, filled with many diversities and cultures. Fashion and apparels are like one language that

everyone can understand. It connects people internationally because fashion travels from one city to the next.

• Fashion is the ultimate way to express oneself. One of the first impression people have of you is from your


• Fashion and trends and that to apparel are one of the most popular items and one of the most popular topics

spoken on television, magazines, and internets. With their popularity they can influence many people.

8.2 Negative Impacts:

• Bending generation towards western culture.

• Forgetting Pakistani culture and ethnics.

• Showing more interest in the Hollywood fashion and trends than own country.

• Today’s new generation prefer western outfits than traditional. Many people not only follow the latest trends

and styles but also believe and emulate the images of sticky skinny that are projected by fashion industry.

• Young girls do to achieve such zero figure images and then lead to dangerous eating disorder, mental

• Health issues, Anorexia, body mutilation and even suicides.

• The attractive ads of the apparels and new trends telling what’s hot and what’s not engulfs theteens.

• The use of thin and unhealthy models for the apparels shows.

• Although all the designers are already working hard to create innovation in the traditional costume but

what our today’s society want is just modern and western look.
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9.1 Objectives:

Nowadays, multicultural, environmental protection and intelligent digitization have become theme of the

fashion design. Technology drives the rapid development of clothing art. This effects the youth and make them

to stay away from their culture, norms, and traditions. The main objectives for our research paper are listed


• To examine, influence of latest fashion trend on teenagers.

• To realize the peer pressure on teenagers for being latest fashion conscious.

• To analyze the decision of teenagers while purchasing clothes.

9.2 Hypothesis:

The research paper revolves around the topic “The influence of fashion on teenagers”.

Following hypothesis have been made on the basis of the study of the previous works and trends being

followed and observations done:

• Female teenagers are more fascinated with the term fashion and adopt fashion more.

• Fashion has compelled the teenagers to take on what is served in platter.

• To fit in the peer group teenagers are pushing themselves in the fashion which they themselves do not


• Fashion industry is portraying the perfect body concept and teenagers are the target and hence fashion

is revolution

• Bringing revolution.

• Teenagers are spending more money on their looks and making and setting fashion statement.

• Adoption of fashion has decreased the knowledge of tradition and traditional clothes among teenagers.
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9.3 Sample:

Sampling forms an integral part of the research design as this method derives the quantitative data and

the qualitative data that can be collected as part of a research study. In the process of sampling we selected the

unit “Teenagers” (16-23years) mainly form our university, so that by studying the sample we fairly generalize

our results back to the population from which they were chosen. Data has been collected through survey by the

means of In-person device questionnaire.

9.4 Collection of Data

In this study, the questionnaire method is used all the questions are structured on the basis of fulfilling

the objective of the study. A total of 30 Students as respondents were chosen for the study.


From a descriptive point of view, the final respondents; considering gender, the sample was made up

of 70% women and men for the remaining 30%.

10.1 Percentage:

In order to better differentiate the different age groups among youngsters, respondents were also

asked to indicate their age. The great majority were young people, who represented the total sample. The

following graph (Figure 8.1) shows the following analysis will be based on the questions related to

fashion trends and their influence on young generation


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According to the fact that the number of teenagers buying in order to show off them, but still represents a

niche market, respondents were asked to think about shopping ethically and give, according to their personal

values, importance to various aspects of practices as we can see in the next graphs.


As previously analyzed, the literature highlighted two to three trends that were taken as the basis for the

quantitative analysis. Starting from this point, an index was elaborated made by the values, derived from the

sample of our questionnaire, regarding the aspects and influence of fashion

trends on our young generation.

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10.2 Survey Results:

Consequently, we introduced a response mean index for testing our hypotheses. Using the values derived

from the questionnaire related to our topic. We investigated the hypothesis object, and it potentially verifies if

the answers provided a gender difference between males and females belonging to fashion trends, in order to
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understand if the importance of these principles in fashion is, overall, equal or not between these two groups.

The results are shown below in graphs.



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10.3 Gender Ratio:

The statistics between female and male gender record a constantly growing trend over the years. For

instance, Asia is considered as very large shareholder in the entire youth fashion market, and this is due to the

high economic independence of the women who are conscious about fashion among its crowd. Also, another

contributing factor is women's purchasing power is higher when compared to other regions.

Gender Ratio

Female Male

The other regional market that is projecting very high results in the Asia Pacific, and according to the

current statistics, of gender ratio with respect to fashion trends, females is 70% and the males are about 30%.


“Attitude is an expression of the feelings and values

are their motivating forces or directional forces that

help the consumer to make a choice. In case of a

value-expressive attitude toward a product, the

consumers are motivated to consume it as a form

of self-expression.”

(Snyder and DeBono 1985).

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This growing trend of self-awareness for one’s look has influenced every feature of Generation Z

individual behavior or performance and is echoed in every sphere starting from social media platforms to

real life purchase decisions. This phenomenon of inspired self-expression and partiality for no holds lined

anonymous style has challenged the core social agenda of forecasting agencies. Thus, it has pushed the

forecasting agencies to reexamine the parameters of forecasting ushering in a new environment for

modeling. The most befuddling is the unpredictable nature of selfie composition patterns leaving behind

only the function of expression that is to increase one’s social media presence and carve a niche for him or

her. So the trend of the day is self-expressive anonymous style that tends to remove social prejudices about

fashion in the society. The compassion is towards flaunting what is theirs despite mimicking others rather

going all the way to savor and appreciate what they and their close-knit friends in the group engage and undo

upon. Further today’s anonymous style trends open the societal expressions unheard and unseen ever before

just reminiscent of the spirit of our moments that does not bother whether the content is worth artistic and

meaningful which could give a hint or two about the individuals real presence and real desires.


(PDF) Fashion trends and their impact on the society (

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