S9 - Inglés
S9 - Inglés
S9 - Inglés
Overview of the structure of adjective clauses
The structure of adjective clauses in English grammar can vary depending on the type of clause, but generally,
they are formed using a relative pronoun or relative adverb that acts as the subject or object of the clause, and a
verb. The relative pronoun or adverb is used to introduce the clause, and the clause modifies a noun or pronoun
in the main clause.
Subject + Verb + Object + that/who/whom + Subject + Verb example: The person (who/that) I saw at the store
is my friend.
Relative Pronoun as Object:
Subject + Verb + Object + whom/that + Subject + Verb example: The woman (whom/that) I met yesterday is
an artist.
B) Relative Adverb:
PRÁCTICA DIRIGIDA In recent years, longer-term studies comprise a
growing and significant body of knowledge, that is
PASSAGE 1 hard to dismiss or ignore: too much tech can cause
issues for us humans.
How long do you spend staring at a screen every day?
According to one report, the average person spends Levy, P. (2023, April 12). Seven tips for a healthier
relationship with your phone. The Conversation.
about seven hours a day on screens connected to the https://theconversation.com/seven-tips-for-a-healthier-
internet. And that figure is going to be even higher if relationship-with-your-phone-202215 (Edited text).
your job is mainly done in front of a computer.
Most of us over-use digital devices, spending too long 01. What is the main idea of the passage?
either working or enjoying being distracted on
phones, tablets, laptops or even Virtual Reality A) Recent studies conclude that the paradox of the
headsets. We are accused of being addicted to tech digital world is unsolvable.
and warned of the dangers to our physical and mental B) People forget that using a device too much results
health. One significant paradox here is that we often more stressing than work.
retreat into the digital world to escape the stresses of C) Working online and using a screen is now a big
the physical world, but can end up simply collecting problem due to mental health.
other kinds of digital and physical stress along the D) It is important to recognize when you feel stressed
way. because of too much tech.
E) Staring at a screen and, in general, using too much
tech, could cause issues.
02. In the passage, the phrase END UP implies join them in the near future? After the Soviet Union
__________ effects in humans. launched Sputnik, the world's first human-made
satellite, in 1957, a slow but steady stream of
A) incidental satellites entered LEO, with between 10 and 60
B) side launched annually until the 2010s, Supriya
C) random Chakrabarti, a professor of physics at the University
D) adverse of Massachusetts Lowell, wrote in an article
E) abrupt published on Space.com, a Live Science sister site.
Since then, that rate has skyrocketed, with more than
03. We can infer about the use of screens nowadays 1,300 new satellites launched into LEO in 2020 and
that more than 1,400 satellites launched in 2021,
Chakrabarti wrote. In total, there were around 7,500
A) is exclusively related to work and playing games. satellites in LEO as of September 2021, according to
B) may be unavoidable in a significant group of the United Nations' Outer Space Objects Index.
C) cause irreparable damage in the whole humanity. Baker, H. (2021, November 14). How many satellites orbit
D) should be used a maximum of 7 hours per day. Earth? LiveScience.
E) is by far the most difficult problem humanity face. https://www.livescience.com/how-many-satellites-orbit-earth
(Edited text).
09. It is compatible with the passage to say that 01. What is the subject of the reading?
researcher Supriya Chakrabarti
A) Communicative capacities attributed to
A) investigated satellites from the launch of the first Neanderthals
one until now. B) Behavioral asymmetries between Neanderthals
B) worked for more than a decade to find her C) Two Neanderthals from El Sidrón (Asturias)
impressive results. D) The symbolic and linguistic capacities of
C) obtained dissimilar results to those of the Outer Neanderthals
Space Index. E) A gene involved in the faculty of language of
D) lived at the University of Massachusetts Lowell for Neanderthals
a short time.
E) intended to launch a satellite herself to continue 02. The word SPECIFIC connotes
A) absence.
10. If the number of satellites launched per year had B) generality.
remained similar since the launch of Sputnik until C) exclusivity.
now D) situation.
E) deficit.
A) it would be needed to investigate again when the
first satellite was launched. 03. It is consistent with reading to affirm that
B) there would probably be a human-made satellite Neanderthals probably had
saturation problem in LEO.
C) it would be concluded that humans can finally do A) a speech disorder.
without modern satellites. B) a linguistic faculty.
D) there would be a much smaller number of them C) the gene FOXP2.
currently orbiting the Earth. D) a natural language.
E) the estimates made by Chakrabarti and the UN E) the human language.
would be exactly the same.
04. It is inferred from the reading that Neanderthals
A) have been recently analyzed in Asturias.
B) and modern humans fought each other.
Two Neanderthals from El Sidrón (Asturias) have
C) had a modern linguistic faculty and genes.
been recently analyzed for posible mutations in
D) could not talk like modern humans.
FOXP2, a gene involved in the faculty of language.
E) made clothes and practiced burial rituals.
Although this gene was believed to be specific to
modern humans, the analysis in question revealed
05. If the behavior of Neanderthals and humans had
otherwise. Such a discovery is raising a different
been similar, then
hypothesys about symbolic and communicative
capacities attributed to Neanderthals so far. We
A) his linguistic capacity would be evident.
concluded that (1) the relevant mutations do not
B) they would not be able to practice rituals.
suffice to attribute to an organism a complex
C) the burial rituals would be impracticable.
linguistic faculty; (2) the discovery cannot be used to
D) would have more clothes and tools than us.
defend that Neanderthals had a modern linguistic
E) they would not be able to reform the history.
faculty; (3) behavioral asymmetries between
Neanderthals and modern humans, as shown by the
archaeological record, also argues against that view.