Orygen Psychosis-And-Physical-Health Yp Factsheet
Orygen Psychosis-And-Physical-Health Yp Factsheet
Orygen Psychosis-And-Physical-Health Yp Factsheet
physical health
Physical health is important for • Ask for help with choosing healthy Weight
good mental health. Improving food and doing exercise – tell the Putting on too much weight for some
your diet and doing regular people around you so they can help. people can increase the risk of diabetes
exercise can help you feel • It also helps to keep an eye on your and heart disease in the future.
good, be more confident, and weight and ask your case manager,
Blood pressure
help your general wellbeing. clinician or doctor to measure your
High blood pressure may also
Exercise and eating well are weight and height regularly.
contribute to the development
especially important when taking • If you are worried about weight gain, of heart disease in the future.
anti-psychotic medications. talk to your case manager or doctor
Medications are important to – one of their roles is to discuss these
issues with you, and to keep an eye Further information
help you get better, but for some
on any changes. For more information about
people, they can also have side living a healthy lifestyle:
effects, like putting on weight. • Talk to your doctor about getting
blood tests and your blood pressure
checked regularly. For information on how to get
Why do some people taking into a routine of running:
medications for psychosis If you are concerned about side effects, www.c25k.com
gain weight? talk with your doctor. There are some For further information regarding mental
really easy ways to reduce or manage health, or for information in other
There is no one answer, but some
side effects. If the side effects are languages, visit:
possible reasons are: www.orygen.org.au
serious or distressing, and difficult to
• The medication can change your www.headspace.org.au
manage, your treating team may look www.sane.org
appetite, making you feel hungrier at other medication options that may www.healthdirect.gov.au
or making it harder to recognise have less side effects. www.oyh.org.au
that you’re full.
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