Final Tasks - Modules 3 and 4
Final Tasks - Modules 3 and 4
Final Tasks - Modules 3 and 4
Learning Outcomes:
1. Observe the teacher’s style of managing his/her class.
2. Acquaint yourself with the classroom routine established by the teacher to maximize
time for teaching – learning activities.
3. Describe the classroom routine established by the teacher and how a classroom is
organized and managed.
Observation Guide
Observe your cooperating teacher on a class discussion. Take note and check the
teacher’s classroom management skills while she facilitates the teaching and learning process.
These management skills include:
a. Routine activities to ensure classroom discipline such as
• checking of attendance
• seating arrangement
• handling materials and devices
• classroom courtesies
b. Monitoring of the learner’s behavior and the teacher’s response to the various
forms of student behavior.
1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books,
students, belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Take a photo with each area and
put a caption beside to describe it. Put this on a separate sheet/s of paper.
2. Are the rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Take a photo of this area
in the classroom and put a caption beside to describe it. Put this on a separate sheet/s of
paper However, if these rules and procedures are not posted but are only spoken by the
teacher during the class, just writes these rules and procedures below.
3. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?
My Checklist for Effective Classroom Management
This will be accomplished while you observe the teacher’s management styles.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Observe and list different methods, and strategies used by the teacher in the classroom.
2. Identify the teaching strategies, activities, assignment, and instructional materials used
by the teacher.
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
During your classroom observation provide examples of the following competencies you
observe as demonstrated by the teacher.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Enhance speaking skills through interactive communication with the buddy and their
cooperating teacher.
2. Recognize and appreciate the importance and use of clear, coherent and concise
interactive communication with the buddy and mentor.
Observation Guide
A. Observe your cooperating teacher during a class discussion the verbal. Note on
the verbal and non-verbal form of communications used by teachers and
students in the classroom.
A. Identify the verbal and non-verbal form of communications used by teachers and
students in the classroom.
Verbal Non-verbal Remarks
B. Check (/) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. Write you remarks
in the last column.
Communication Strategies
for Teachers Observed Not Observed Remarks
1. Use a tone that is honest
and tactful
• 2. Thinks before choosing
words that are appropriate to
the situation and non-
3. Speaks clearly in turn,
never interrupting the speaker
4. Demonstrates in oral
5. When taking on a listening
role, make eye contact and
focus on the speaker
1. How important are the verbal and non-verbal forms of communications to the
2. How verbal and non-verbal forms of communication affect the students’ learning?
3. What forms of communication to the teachers and students need to improve on?
Learning Outcomes
a. Determines the general classifications of assessments used by the classroom teacher in
assessing students’ learning in his/her observations of the actual teaching-learning episodes.
b. Analyzes the general classifications of assessments used by the teacher in terms of how, when,
and why they are used in the teaching-learning episodes observed.
c. Reflects on his or her personal learning experiences in terms of the dialogue between theory
and practice.
Observation Guide
A. Observe your cooperating teacher during his/her classes. Focus on his/her
assessment methods. List down the assessments that were used by him/her. You
may include the assessment used during the start of your field study
observation until now.
Note: You may only fill in one or two columns if there is only one or two competencies during the
observation. But if there is more than that, then, provide only a maximum of three competencies only.
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Used Table of Specifications
Item domains are well-aligned with those of the learning objectives
Used clear and well worded instructions and item statements
Follows proper guidelines for the format of the written response instruments
Has substantial number of items to assess mastery for the time period
Assessment tool is Easy to implement, easy to check and easy to score
TOTAL (30pts.):
For the Summative Written Test
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Used product-oriented or process-oriented task design with aligned competency
Established clear instructions and specific output/s for the assessment
Used appropriate rating scales or rubric for assessment
Rubrics and/or rating sheets uses quantitative descriptors
Outputs are attainable/doable for the students’ level and interesting to achieve
TOTAL (25pts.):
Template for TOS