Loan - Agreement-2024-05-04 09-51-31
Loan - Agreement-2024-05-04 09-51-31
Loan - Agreement-2024-05-04 09-51-31
Borrower Details
Permanent Address
City Pincode
Customer's Undertaking
1. I/We hereby apply for a finance facility for the short-term Personal loan ("Loan/Credit
Facility") mentioned in this application. I/We declare that all the particulars and information
and details given/filled in this Application Form are true, correct, complete and up to date in
all respects and no information has been withheld and I/we understand that the information
given in this application shall form the basis of any loan that AEFPL may decide to grant to
me/us and if at any stage of processing this application, it comes to the knowledge that, I/we
have provided any incorrect or incomplete information, fabricated documents, or fake
documents, they will be treated by AEFPL as having been manipulated by me/us and
AEFPL shall have the right to forthwith reject this loan application, cancel / revoke any
sanction or further drawdowns or recall any loan granted at any stage of processing the
application, without assigning any reason whatsoever and AEFPL and its employees/
representatives/ agents / service providers shall not be responsible/liable in any manner
whatsoever to me/us for such rejection or any delay in notifying me/us of such rejection
(including for any payments which may have been made by me to any vendor/ service
provider prior to cancellation). I/We understand that AEFPL will also be procuring personal
information from other sources/agents and I/ We have no objection for the same. I/We
further confirm that I/we am/are aware of all terms and conditions of availing finance from
AEFPL. I/We authorize AEFPL to make reference and inquire relating to information in this
application which AEFPL considers necessary, including from the banks where I hold bank
accounts. I/We authorize AEFPL to procure my /our PAN No/copy of my/our PAN Card,
other identity proof and Bank Account details from time to time, exchange, part with/share all
information relating to my/our loan details and repayment history with other banks/financial
institutions /CIBIL/CRIF etc. and periodically obtain / generate CIBIL, CRIF, Experian,
Hunter and such other reports as may be required and shall not hold AEFPL liable for use of
this information. I/We confirm that there are no criminal or insolvency proceedings against
2. I/ We declare that I/ We have not made any payment in cash, bearer cheques or by any
other mode along with or in connection with this Application Form to the person collecting
my/our Application Form. I/We shall not hold AEFPL or its
employees/representatives/agents/service providers liable for any such payment made by us
to the person collecting this Application Form.
I/We, would like to know through telephonic calls, or SMS on my mobile number mentioned
in the Application Form as well as in this undertaking, or through any other communication
mode, transactional information, various loan offer schemes or loan promotional schemes or
any other promotional schemes which may be provided by AEFPL and hereby authorize
AEFPL and their employees, agents, or associates to do so.
3. I/we understand that we have the I/we have an option of not providing the information as
required in this application form or as may be required by AEFPL from time to time,
however, I/We do hereby expressly and irrevocably authorize AEFPL to collect, store, share,
obtain and authenticate any aspect of my personal information / KYC either directly or
through any of the authorized agencies and disclose such information to its
agents/contractors/service providers and to also use such information in the manner that
may be required by AEFPL including for the purposes of this loan and for purposes of its
business and for such time period as they may deem fit. In this regard, I/we expressly and
irrevocably authorize AEFPL to collect, use, verify and authenticate my / our personal
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Timestamp : 2024-05-04
identity information / KYC in any manner without any notice to me / us.
4. I/We confirm that we know English, we have read and understood and accepted the general
terms and conditions for the grant of Loan Facility. I/we also understand that the General
Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be applicable to any Drawdown granted by
AEFPL pursuant to this application form.
5. I / WE are not taxable as a US person / persons under the laws of the United States of
America (US) or any state or political subdivision thereof or therein, including the
District of Columbia or any other states of the US. Further, I / we are not taxable as a
tax resident / residents under the laws of the country outside India. I/We agree to
submit a new form within 30 days if any information or certification on this form
becomes incorrect.
This CREDIT FACILITY AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made at the place and the day
mentioned in Most Important Terms and Conditions ("MITC”) specified below
By and Between
The Borrower(s), details whereof is/are more particularly described in the MITC specified
below and, wherever the context so requires, includes a Co-Borrower(s) named therein and
hereinafter collectively (if there is more than one Borrower(s) referred to as the "
Borrower(s)) of the ONE PART,
Arthashastra EpayLater Financial Private Limited, a company registered under the
Companies Act, 2013 having its registered office at Unit No. 510, Fifth Floor, Vipul
Business Park, Sohna Road Gurgaon Haryana 122001, and inter alia a Branch Office at
the address stated in the MITC appended hereto (and hereinafter referred to as " AEFPL"
which expression, unless repugnant to the context, shall be deemed to include its
successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS the Borrower(s) has requested to AEFPL for a loan for profession/personal
/business requirements and upon the request of the Borrower(s) AEFPL has agreed to grant
the Loan (as defined hereinafter) upon the mutually agreed terms and conditions herein
All capitalized terms mentioned in this Agreement shall have the meaning as
specified in the GTC mentioned below
1. Subject to the terms and condition contained in the General Terms and Conditions
applicable to the borrower(s) for availing credit facility ("Hereinafter referred to as "GTC"
which term shall include amendments to the same and any additional terms mentioned by
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Timestamp : 2024-05-04
AEFPL from time to time ), the Borrower(s) herein agrees to borrow from AEFPL and AEFPL
agrees to lend to the Borrower(s) the sum specified in the MITC (which sum is hereinafter
referred to as the "Loan") hereto. The most important terms applicable for the Loan are
mentioned in the MITC. All other term of the Loan sanctioned will subject to the terms
mentioned in the GTC. The specific and most important terms applicable to the Loan is
mentioned in the MITC.
2. The Borrower(s) certify that the information and documents provided to AEFPL for availing
the Loan are true & accurate and no material information has been withheld /suppressed.
The Borrower(s) hereby authorize & give consent to AEFPL to disclose without notice to
them, information furnished by them or related documents executed or to be executed in
relation to the facilities availed from AEFPL, to AEFPL's other branches, subsidiaries,
affiliates, Credit Bureaus, Rating agencies, Service Providers, Banks/Financial Institutions,
Government/Regulatory authorities or third parties for KYC information verification, credit
risk analysis, or for other related purposes that AEFPL may deem fit.
3. Borrower(s) further agree that this Loan transaction shall be governed by the GTC as
specified above. The Borrower(s) confirm having received a copy of the GTC. The
Borrower(s) further confirm that he/she/they have read and understood the terms and
conditions mentioned in the GTC applicable to this loan and accept the terms and conditions
unconditionally and agree that these terms and conditions may be changed by AEFPL at
any time and accordingly he/she/they will be bound by the amended terms and conditions.
4. The Borrower(s) confirm that:
Taxes may be applicable will be charged in connection with the loan AEFPL will not be liable
for loss or delay in receipt of documents /photographs and such aforesaid documents will
not be returned, under any circumstances, once submitted to AEFPL. Bullet repayment will
be due on at the end of the Tenor.
The borrower shall be liable to pay a penal interest as per the rates mentioned in MITC; the
event of delay in repaying the loan amount/tranche of a loan amount within the tenure.
* Other charges or fees applicable of the Loan mentioned in the MITC are acceptable to
the Borrower(s). Borrower(s) confirm that GST registration information and registration
number provided is true and correct. Borrower(s) further understands that if his/her/their
GST registration number is not provided or is incorrect, then GST Authority may not grant
him/her/them GST Input Credit for GST on charges.
Date: May 4, 2024
I/We refer to Application Reference No. 2593764 and the Loan Agreement executed by me /
us in favor of Arthashastra EpayLater Financial Private Limited ("AEFPL"). I/We have been
provided the following information and agree with the same and have accordingly filled up
the aforesaid Agreement:
Arthashastra EpayLater Financial Private Limited
Dear Sir,
I understand that all IMMEDIATE PAYMENT SERVICE (IMPS) instructions are irrevocable
and there is no facility for giving stop payment instruction in respect of remittances through
Bounce/Late Payment Charges INR 500 (plus applicable Tax and Cess )
* The above are the most important terms of the aforesaid Loan, and all other terms and
conditions of the Loan shall be as specified acknowledgement form, Loan Agreement and
the GTC
* AEFPL is entitled to add, to delete, recall the facility in event of default without any
notice or modify any of the aforesaid terms and conditions and the same shall be
binding on me/ us.
* In the event of any change of address for communication, any change in my/our
job, profession, the same shall be intimated by me/us to AEFPL, one month in
Sr no Parameter Details
i. Loan amount (amount disbursed to the Borrower) (in Rupees) 0.00
ii. Total interest charge during the entire tenure of the loan (in 0
iii. Other up-front charges (break-up of each component to be 0
given below) (in Rupees)
(a) Processing fees (in Rupees) 0
(b) Insurance Charges 0
© Others (if any) 0
(iv) Net Disbursed Amount Amount will be disbursed at the
time of the transaction and will
be same as the transaction
(v) Total amount to be paid by the Borrower (sum of (i), (ii) and Amount disbursed
(vi) Annual Percentage Rate - Effective annualized interest rate 0%
(in percentage) (computed on net disbursed amount using IRR
approach and reducing balance method)
(vii) Tenor of Loan (in days) As specified at the time of each
(viii) Repayment frequency by the borrower At End of Tenor
(ix) Number of instalments of repayment 1
(x) Amount of each instalment of repayment (in Rupees) Equal to drawdown amount
Details about the contingent charges
(xi) Rate of annualized penal charges in case of delayed 0
payments (if any)
(xii) Rate of annualized other penal charges (if any); (details to be 36% p.a on the outstanding
provided) overdue drawdown amount
Other Disclosures
(xiii) Cooling off/look-up period during which borrower shall not be 3 days
charged any penalty on prepayment of loan
(xv) Details of LSP acting as recovery agent and authorized to Arthashastra Fintech Pvt Ltd
approach the borrower
(xv) Name, designation, address and phone number of nodal Arthashastra EpayLater Fintech
grievance redressal officer designated specifically to deal with Private Limited
FinTech/ digital lending related complaints/ issues
CONTACT: 9324735062
Note: “Arthashastra EpayLater Fintech Private Limited as the Lender has appointed
Arthashastra Fintech Pvt Ltd as an agent of Arthashastra EpayLater Fintech Private Limited
who carries out one or more of lender’s functions or part there of in customer acquisition,
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Timestamp : 2024-05-04
underwriting support, pricing support, servicing, monitoring, recovery of specific loan or loan
portfolio on behalf of Arthashastra EpayLater Fintech Private Limited.”
Instalme Outstanding Principal (in Principal (in Interest (in Instalment (in
nt No. Rupees) Rupees) Rupees) Rupees)
1 Same as transaction amount S a m e a s 0 Same as
transaction transaction
amount amount