Egan's Chapter 48 Flashcards - Quizlet
Egan's Chapter 48 Flashcards - Quizlet
Egan's Chapter 48 Flashcards - Quizlet
Egan's Chapter 48
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Optimize oxygenation.
Airway temperature
To stabilize a patient during the
initial application of ventilatory
Ventilatory support mode
support, which of the following
parameters must be set?
O2 concentration (FiO2)
To reverse hypoxemia
Which of the following are
specific clinical objectives of To prevent or reverse atelectasis
ventilatory support?
To reverse acute respiratory acidosis
Prone positioning
Which of the following are
used as alternative lung
protective strategies in patients
with ARDS?
High-frequency ventilation
Egan's Chapter
Which of the 48
following would Increase the level of pressure support.
decrease PaCO2 when
ventilating a patient using
intermittent mandatory
ventilation with pressure
Which of the following trigger 0.5 to 1.5 cm H2O below the baseline pressure
levels is appropriate when
setting a ventilator for pressure
Which of the following is false Flow triggering will decrease the work of breathing
about flow-triggered in patients with small endotracheal tubes and auto-
ventilatory support? PEEP.
Which of the following is false Flow triggering reduces the work of breathing due
about flow triggering of to small endotracheal tubes.
spontaneous breaths during
mechanical ventilation?
When adjusting the FiO2 Decrease the FiO2 to below 0.50 as soon as
setting for a patient receiving possible.
mechanical ventilatory support,
what should your goal be?
Egan's Chapter
An adult patient 48
in respiratory 0.50
failure has the following blood
gases on a nasal cannula at 5
L/min: pH = 7.20; PaCO2 = 67
mm Hg; HCO3-= 27 mEq/L;
PaO2 = 89 mm Hg. The
attending physician orders
intubation and ventilatory
support. What FiO2 would you
recommend to start with?
In which of the following
conditions is PEEP likely to be Pulmonary edema
Acute lung injury
Which of the following criteria PaO2 less than 50 to 60 on FiO2 greater than 0.40 -
represents the recommended 0.50
starting point for considering
the use of PEEP?
For which of the following Patient with an expired VT less than 70% of the
patients requiring ventilatory delivered VT
support would you
recommend against using a Patient with a spontaneous minute ventilation of 14
heat-moisture exchanger L/min
(HME) for airway
humidification? Patient with body temperature less than 32° C
Which of the following would
you assess immediately after a
Patient's airway
patient is placed on a
ventilatory support device?
Patient's vital signs
Egan's Chapter
When setting 48
the tidal volume It should never cause the plateau pressure to
on a patient being exceed 28 mm Hg.
mechanically ventilated, what
criteria should be kept in
Cuff pressure
Which of the following would
you initially verify in assessing
Tube position
the airway of a patient placed
on ventilatory support?
Tube patency