Ans. D
Ans. A
20. Which two signs need to be
22. Diya have five subjects in her
interchanged to make the given
academics namely A, B, C, D and E.
equation correct?
She studies them from Monday to
20 ÷ 10 × 100 − 10 + 100 = 910
Friday of a week. On each day, only
A + and –
one subject will be studied. D or E
B × and –
should not be either the first or last to
C ÷ and ×
be studied. E should be immediately
D + and −
followed by C. B should be studied
Ans. D
immediately after D. One subject will
be studied between A and B.
21. Select the figure that will come
Then which subject she immediately
next in the following series.
reads after Monday?
A. B
B. D
C. E
D. A
Ans. C
24. Select the option that is related to 28. Which famous Indian personality
the third number in the same way as is the founder of ‘Paani Foundation’?
the second number is related to the A. Shah Rukh Khan
first number. B. Salman Khan
9 : 100 :: 13 : ........ C. Amir Khan
A. 130 D. Ranveer Singh
B. 144 Ans. C
C. 196
D. 169 29. With the commencement of the
Ans. C 7th century, who ascended the throne
of Thaneshwar and Kannauj?
25 Identify the odd one from the A. Krishnadeva
following. B. Harshavardhana
A. PRT C Rajendra Chola I
B. VXZ D Chandra Gupta II
C. HJL Ans. B
Ans. D 30. Who is the cofounder of Indi Go
Instructions A. Kiran Majumdar Shaw
For the following questions answer B. Pawan Munjal
them individually C. Y C Deveshwar
26. ‘Tulsidas’, a poet who lived during D. Rahul Bhatia
the medieval times of Indian history, Ans. D
wrote “Ramcharitmanas’ in which of
the following languages? 31. ‘Vijay Amvitraj’ was a legendary
A. Pali Indian player associated with which of
B. Prakrit the following sports?
C. Awadhi A. Lawn tennis
D. Sanskrit B. Swimming
Ans. C C. Rifle shooting
D. Badminton
27. What was the capital of the French Ans. A
colony in India?
A. Pondicherry 32. What is India’s rank in the World
B. Calicut Bank’s Human Capital Index (HCI)
C. Cochin rankings as of Feb 2019?
D. Goa A. 124
Ans. A B. 115
C. 126
D. 104
Ans. B
43. The movement of a horse drawn 48. ‘The Legend of Laxmi Prasad’ was
carriage is an example of which the title of a book written by which
principle of physics? one of the following authors?
A. Newton’s third law of motion A. Arundhati Roy
B. Ohm's law B. Twinkle Khanna
C. Archimedes principle C. Jhumpa Lahiri
D. Avogadro’s law D. Shobha De
Ans. A Ans. B
44. Which city will host the upcoming 49. In which layer of the earth’s
Winter Olympic Games scheduled in atmosphere is the ozone layer found?
2022? A. Troposphere
A. Los Angeles B. Mesosphere
B. Paris C. Exosphere
C. Tokyo D. Stratosphere
D. Beijing Ans. D
Ans. D
50. As of January 2019, what is the
45. The festival of ‘Hareli’ is number of articles in the Indian
celebrated in which of the following constitution?
Indian states? A. 431
A. Odisha B. 402
B. Chhattisgarh C. 448
C. Punjab D. 395
D. Madhya Pradesh Ans. C
Ans. B
51. The Area of a rectangle is 27m2
46. The Consumer Protection Bill, and its length is 3 times of its breadth.
2018 has replaced the Consumer The perimeter of the rectangle is:
Protection Act of which of the given A. 24 cm
years? B. 12 cm
A. 1981 C. 42 cm
B. 1986 D. 28 cm
C. 1991 Ans. A
D. 1978
Ans. B 52. Study the Table Properly and
answer by interpreting the data.
47. ‘Azadirachta indica’ is the The table shows the percentage
botanical name of which ever green population of five districts in a state
tree found in the Indian sub- below poverty line and the proportion
continent? of males and females.
A. Curry tree B. Pine tree
C. Hibiscus tree D. Margosa tree
Ans. D
73. The distance between two stations 77. Select the option that means the
is 500 km. A train starts from station same as the given idiom.
‘A’ at 9 am and travels towards station To hang together
‘B’ at 60 km/hrs. Another train starts A. To be over telephone with a friend
from station ‘B’ at 10 am and travels B. To keep holding on to something
towards ‘A’ at 40 km/hrs. At what C. to take a swing in a garden
time both the train meet to each D. To be connected with each other
other. Ans. D
A. 12.45 PM
B. 1.36 PM 78. Select the antonym of the given
C. 3.36 PM word.
Ans. D A Disperse
B Summon
74. A trader allows two successive C Request
discounts of 5% each on the marked D Gather
price of a sofa set for Rs.24,500. The
selling price of sofa set is: Ans. A
A. Rs.23,274.75 79. Select the most appropriate word
B. Rs.23,275 to fill in the blank.
C. Rs.1,163.75 You can master anything by the usual
D. Rs.22,111.25 process of learning and practicing it
Ans. D ...........
A temporarily
75. A train is moving at 72 km/hrs. B occasionally
The distance covers in 15 minutes by C regularly
the train is: D annually
A. 18 km Ans. C
B. 27 km
C. 36 km 80. Select the antonym of the given
D. 28 km word.
A. Contribute
76. Select the word which means the B. Lead
same as the group of words given. C. Disagree
One who does a thing for pleasure and D. Distribute
not as a profession Ans. C
A. Sportsperson
B. Amateur 81. Select the synonym of the given
C. Volunteer word.
Ans. B A. Monotony B. Beauty
C. Empathy D. Decency
Ans. C
97. From the given options, identify 99. From the given options, identify
the segment in the sentence which the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error. In contains the grammatical error. You
India, the various practices and norms are invite to build a better community
from bank’s transactions are laid down by planting a seed of peace within and
by the RBI only. tree outside.
A. are laid down A build a better community
B. norms from bank’s transactions B within and a tree outside
C. the various practices C You are invite to
D. by the RBI only D. by planting a seed of peace
Ans. B Ans. C
98. Select the option that means the 100. Select the most appropriate
same as the given idiom. Call it a day option to fill in the blank.
A. Decide or agree to stop doing Whenever he refers to his friends he is
something pleased but when he talks of his foes
B. Attempting to do an impossible task he is ...........
C. Disagreeing on everything someone A. unhappy
is saying B. possessed
D. Agreeing to reveal some secret C. serene
information D interested
Ans. A Ans. A