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1. Select the option that is related to

the third term in the same way as the
second term is related to the first
Where : Place :: When : .........
A. There
B. Then
C. Why
A. B.
D. Time
Ans. D

2. Six friends, P, Q, R, S, T and U, are

sitting in a closed circle facing the C. D.
centre such that each one is facing
another one. P is facing S. R is
between P and Q. is between P and T Ans. B
who is sitting right of S. Who is sitting
to the immediate right of R? 5. Select the fraction that will next in
A. P the following series.
B. T 2 4 6 8 10 12
, , , , , , _________
C. Q 3 5 7 9 11 13
D. S 14 14
A. B.
15 16
Ans. C 13 13
3. Read the given statements and C. D.
conclusion carefully and decide which 15 14
of the following options is true with Ans. A
respect to the given conclusion.
Statements: 6. Select the Venn diagram that best
The Gateway of India is in Mumbai. illustrates the relationship between
Mumbai is in India. the three given classes. Flowers, Red,
Conclusion: Clothes
The Gateway of India is in India.
A. Probably false
B. True A.
C. False
D. Probably true
Ans. B B.

4. A square transparent sheet with a

pattern is given. Select from among
the four alternatives how the pattern
would appear when the transparent C.
sheet is folded at the dotted line.


D Both the bracketed numbers are

D. Ans. B

10. If D = 3, G = 6, and FUN = 38,

Ans. B
then PRESIDENT = ..........
A. 119
7. U, V, W, X, Y and Z are seated in a
B. 110
circle facing the centre such that each
C. 100
one is facing another one. X is
D. 101
between Z and V. U is second to the
Ans. D
left of X and second to the right of Y.
Who is facing X?
11. If SQUARE is coded as TSXEWK,
A. W
then TRIANGLE will be coded as
B. Z
C. Y
D. U
Ans. A
8 Select the term that will come in the
Ans. C
following series.
PC, RF, TI, VL, XO, .........
12. Select the word-pair that is
analogous to the given word-pair.
France : Paris
A. Iran: Rial
B. India : Mumbai
Ans. B
C Cuba : Havana
D China : Yuan
9. In the following number series, two
Ans. C
numbers have been put within
brackets. Study the series carefully
13. Select the option in which the
and select the correct alternative with
given figure is embedded.
respect to the series.
1, 1, 2, 6, 24, (121), 720, (5040),
A The first bracketed number (from
the left) is correct and the second is
B The first bracketed number (from
the left) is incorrect and the second is A.
C Both the bracketed numbers are in


17. Four pairs of words have been

B. given, out of which three are alike in
some manner, while one is different.
Choose out the odd one.
A. Brother : Sister
B. Lion : Lioness
C. Bear : Cub
D. Cock : Hen
Ans. C

D. 18. The statements below are followed

by three conclusions labeled I, II and
III. Assuming that the information in
the statements is true, even if it
14. Select the number that DOES NOT
appears to be at variance with
belong to the following group.
generally established facts, decide
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 28, 30
which conclusion(s) logically and
A. 28
definitely follow(s) from the
B. 30
information given in the statements.
C. 18
D. 15
All balls are boats.
Ans. A
All boats are cars.
15. Select the number-pair that is
I. Some cars are balls.
different from the rest.
II. All balls are cars.
A. 7-345
III. All cars are balls.
B. 5-125
A. All the conclusions follow.
C. 9-729
B. Only conclusion III follows.
D. 3-27
C. Only conclusions II and III follow.
Ans. A
D. Only conclusions I and II follow.
Ans. D
16. Choose the option that most
closely resembles the mirror image of
19. Select the correct option to
the given word when mirror is placed
complete the following pattern.
at right side.
Ans. B






Ans. D
Ans. A
20. Which two signs need to be
22. Diya have five subjects in her
interchanged to make the given
academics namely A, B, C, D and E.
equation correct?
She studies them from Monday to
20 ÷ 10 × 100 − 10 + 100 = 910
Friday of a week. On each day, only
A + and –
one subject will be studied. D or E
B × and –
should not be either the first or last to
C ÷ and ×
be studied. E should be immediately
D + and −
followed by C. B should be studied
Ans. D
immediately after D. One subject will
be studied between A and B.
21. Select the figure that will come
Then which subject she immediately
next in the following series.
reads after Monday?
A. B
B. D
C. E
D. A
Ans. C

23. Four words have been given out of

A. which three are alike in some manner,
while one is different. Choose the odd
A. Volume B. Force
C. Volt D. Power
Ans. C


24. Select the option that is related to 28. Which famous Indian personality
the third number in the same way as is the founder of ‘Paani Foundation’?
the second number is related to the A. Shah Rukh Khan
first number. B. Salman Khan
9 : 100 :: 13 : ........ C. Amir Khan
A. 130 D. Ranveer Singh
B. 144 Ans. C
C. 196
D. 169 29. With the commencement of the
Ans. C 7th century, who ascended the throne
of Thaneshwar and Kannauj?
25 Identify the odd one from the A. Krishnadeva
following. B. Harshavardhana
A. PRT C Rajendra Chola I
B. VXZ D Chandra Gupta II
C. HJL Ans. B
Ans. D 30. Who is the cofounder of Indi Go
Instructions A. Kiran Majumdar Shaw
For the following questions answer B. Pawan Munjal
them individually C. Y C Deveshwar
26. ‘Tulsidas’, a poet who lived during D. Rahul Bhatia
the medieval times of Indian history, Ans. D
wrote “Ramcharitmanas’ in which of
the following languages? 31. ‘Vijay Amvitraj’ was a legendary
A. Pali Indian player associated with which of
B. Prakrit the following sports?
C. Awadhi A. Lawn tennis
D. Sanskrit B. Swimming
Ans. C C. Rifle shooting
D. Badminton
27. What was the capital of the French Ans. A
colony in India?
A. Pondicherry 32. What is India’s rank in the World
B. Calicut Bank’s Human Capital Index (HCI)
C. Cochin rankings as of Feb 2019?
D. Goa A. 124
Ans. A B. 115
C. 126
D. 104
Ans. B


33. ‘Talatal Ghar’ is a historical 38. The production of a commodity

monument situated in which of the through natural process is an activity
following Indian states? associated to which sector of the
A. Assam Indian Economy?
B. West Bengal A. Tertiary
C. Sikkim B. Secondary
D. Odisha C. Quaternary
Ans. A D. Primary
Ans. D
34. “Which among the following is the
longest river in South India? 39. As on 2018, which is the world’s
A. Narmada largest political party in terms of
B. Tungabhadra primary membership?
C. Godavari A. The Bharatiya Janta Party
D. Krishna B. The Conservative Party of UK
Ans. C C. The Democratic Party of the US
D. National republican Party US
35. Which disease among the given Ans. A
options spreads via pigs?
A. Nipah 40. Fiscal policy is based on the
B. Swine flu economic theory given by which of the
C. Zika following economist?
D. Plague A. John Maynard Keynes
Ans. B B. Adam Smith
C. Milton Friedman
36. Riboflavin present in fish is also D. John Nash
known as: Ans. A
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin K 41. ‘Theyyam’ is a popular dance form
C. Vitamin B12 of which of the following states?
D. Vitamin B2 A. Karnataka
Ans. D B. Kerala
C. Gujarat
37. Which mountain pass in the world D. Manipur
has the highest motorable road in the Ans. B
A. Jelep-La 42. The National Food Security Act
B. Nathu-La was passed in which of the following
C. Shipki-La years?
D. Dhungria-La A. 2011
Ans. D B. 2013
C. 2014
D. 2012
Ans. B


43. The movement of a horse drawn 48. ‘The Legend of Laxmi Prasad’ was
carriage is an example of which the title of a book written by which
principle of physics? one of the following authors?
A. Newton’s third law of motion A. Arundhati Roy
B. Ohm's law B. Twinkle Khanna
C. Archimedes principle C. Jhumpa Lahiri
D. Avogadro’s law D. Shobha De
Ans. A Ans. B

44. Which city will host the upcoming 49. In which layer of the earth’s
Winter Olympic Games scheduled in atmosphere is the ozone layer found?
2022? A. Troposphere
A. Los Angeles B. Mesosphere
B. Paris C. Exosphere
C. Tokyo D. Stratosphere
D. Beijing Ans. D
Ans. D
50. As of January 2019, what is the
45. The festival of ‘Hareli’ is number of articles in the Indian
celebrated in which of the following constitution?
Indian states? A. 431
A. Odisha B. 402
B. Chhattisgarh C. 448
C. Punjab D. 395
D. Madhya Pradesh Ans. C
Ans. B
51. The Area of a rectangle is 27m2
46. The Consumer Protection Bill, and its length is 3 times of its breadth.
2018 has replaced the Consumer The perimeter of the rectangle is:
Protection Act of which of the given A. 24 cm
years? B. 12 cm
A. 1981 C. 42 cm
B. 1986 D. 28 cm
C. 1991 Ans. A
D. 1978
Ans. B 52. Study the Table Properly and
answer by interpreting the data.
47. ‘Azadirachta indica’ is the The table shows the percentage
botanical name of which ever green population of five districts in a state
tree found in the Indian sub- below poverty line and the proportion
continent? of males and females.
A. Curry tree B. Pine tree
C. Hibiscus tree D. Margosa tree
Ans. D


Proportion of 55. The value of 25 of 4 − 30 + (22 +

Percenta 18) is:
Male and
ge of A. 23 B. 84
Distri populatio C. 92 D. 37
Below Above
ct n below Ans. C
povert povert
y Line y Line
line 56. A wheel makes 4000 revolution is
(M:F) (M:F)
D1 15 2:3 3:2 covering a distance of 60 km. The
D2 18 3:4 7:5 radius of the wheel is:
D3 20 2:5 3:4 A. 8m
B. 8.25m
D4 25 5:2 4:3
C. 4.68m
D5 12 3:7 2:7
D. 2.39m
The total population in D1, is 30,000.
The number of female under below Ans. D
poverty line in the district D1, is: 57. In class IX, the average of marks
A. 2500 in science for six students was 48.
B. 3500 After result declared, it was found in
C. 2700 case of one student, the marks 45
D. 1800 were misread as 54. The correct
Ans. C average is :
A. 46.40
53. The value of 30 ÷ 6 × 5 of (2 + 3) B. 46.50
− 12(3 × 2) is equal to: C. 76.50
A. 28 D. 64.39
B. 35 Ans. B
C. 82
D. 53 58. Study the Table Properly and
Ans. D answer by interpreting the data
The table shows the percentage
54. Two numbers are less than a third population of five districts in a state
number by 25 and 36 respectively. below poverty line and the proportion
The percentage of first number less of males and females.
than second number is:
Percent Proportion of
A. 61%
age of Male and
B. 11%
populati Female
C. 18%
District on Below Above
D. 52%
below povert povert
Ans. D
poverty y Line y Line
line (M:F) (M:F)
D1 15 2:3 3:2
D2 18 3:4 7:5
D3 20 2:5 3:4


D4 25 5:2 4:3 62. The difference between upper limit

D5 12 3:7 2:7 and lower limit of the class interval is
If the total population of district D4, is called as:
35000, then what is the number of A. Range
females above the poverty line in the B. Mode
district D4? C. Frequency distribution
A. 10,500 D. Class size
B. 14,240 Ans. D
C. 11,250
D. 12,450 63. Study the Table Properly and
Ans. C answer by interpreting the data
The table shows the percentage
59. In a class, the average age of 40 population of five districts in a state
students is 12 years when teacher’s below poverty line and the proportion
age is included to it, the average of males and females.
increases by 1. The age of teacher is : Proportion of
A. 53 years Male and
ge of
B. 51 years Female
Distri populatio
C. 48 years Below Above
ct n below
D. 68 years povert povert
Ans. A y Line y Line
(M:F) (M:F)
60. Shopkeeper selling on article for D1 15 2:3 3:2
Rs.46 loses 8%. In order to gain of D2 18 3:4 7:5
6%, what should be the selling price D3 20 2:5 3:4
of the article? D4 25 5:2 4:3
A. Rs.65 D5 12 3:7 2:7
B. Rs.56 If the total population in the district D3
C. Rs.53 is 40,000, then what is the population
D. Rs.85 of below poverty line in the district
Ans. C D3,?
A. 10,000
61. The areas of two squares are B. 5,000
16:9. The ratio of their perimeter is: C. 8,000
A. 9:16 D. 12,000
B. 9:12 Ans. C
C. 12:16
D. 16:12 64. In how many years, a sum will be
Ans. D thrice of it at the rate of interest 5%
per annum?
A. 25 years B. 40 years
C. 30 years D. 20 years
Ans. B


65. If (x + y) : (x − y) = 3 : 2, then 69. The HCF and LCM of two numbers

(x2 + y2) : (x2 − y2) is in the ratio of: are 12 and 240 respectively. If one of
A. 12:13 the number is 24, what is the another
B. 5:12 number
C. 13:12 A. 120
D. 24:5 B. 228
Ans. C C. 264
D. 144
66. In a university, the number of Ans. A
students studying science,
mathematics and language are in the 70. Rama and Hari can together finish
ratio of 2:4:9. If the number of a piece of work in 15 day. Rama works
students in Science, Mathematics and twice as fast as Hari, then Hari alone
Language be increased 10%, 20% and can finish work in :
40% respectively. What will be the A. 45 days
new ratio? B. 30 days
A. 12:23:63 C. 25 days
B. 11:24:63 D. 20 days
C. 24:11:63 Ans. A
D. 63:11:24
Ans. B 71. Two numbers are 20% and 40%
more than the third number
67. By Selling a TV for Rs.8500 a respectively. The ratio of the first and
person loses 15%. In order to gain of second number is:
5%, selling price of TV should be: A. 7:6
A. Rs.10,500 B. 7:5
B. Rs.10,000 C. 6:7
C. Rs.9,500 D. 5:7
D. Rs.9,000 Ans. C
Ans. A
72. The compound interest on an
68. ‘A’ pipe can empty a tank in 20 amount for 2 years at 5% per annum
minutes. The second pipe ‘B’ has a compounded annually is Rs.205. The
diameter twice as that of ‘A’. If both A simple interest is:
and B pipe are attached to the tank A. Rs.250
how much time will be required to B. Rs.220
empty the tank? C. Rs.200
1 D. Rs.210
A. 10 minutes B. 25 minutes Ans. C
C. 15 minutes D. 6 minutes
Ans. D


73. The distance between two stations 77. Select the option that means the
is 500 km. A train starts from station same as the given idiom.
‘A’ at 9 am and travels towards station To hang together
‘B’ at 60 km/hrs. Another train starts A. To be over telephone with a friend
from station ‘B’ at 10 am and travels B. To keep holding on to something
towards ‘A’ at 40 km/hrs. At what C. to take a swing in a garden
time both the train meet to each D. To be connected with each other
other. Ans. D
A. 12.45 PM
B. 1.36 PM 78. Select the antonym of the given
C. 3.36 PM word.
Ans. D A Disperse
B Summon
74. A trader allows two successive C Request
discounts of 5% each on the marked D Gather
price of a sofa set for Rs.24,500. The
selling price of sofa set is: Ans. A
A. Rs.23,274.75 79. Select the most appropriate word
B. Rs.23,275 to fill in the blank.
C. Rs.1,163.75 You can master anything by the usual
D. Rs.22,111.25 process of learning and practicing it
Ans. D ...........
A temporarily
75. A train is moving at 72 km/hrs. B occasionally
The distance covers in 15 minutes by C regularly
the train is: D annually
A. 18 km Ans. C
B. 27 km
C. 36 km 80. Select the antonym of the given
D. 28 km word.
A. Contribute
76. Select the word which means the B. Lead
same as the group of words given. C. Disagree
One who does a thing for pleasure and D. Distribute
not as a profession Ans. C
A. Sportsperson
B. Amateur 81. Select the synonym of the given
C. Volunteer word.
Ans. B A. Monotony B. Beauty
C. Empathy D. Decency
Ans. C


82. Select the most appropriate word A. Introvert

to fill in the blank. B. Social
Your parents may get …………. With C. Stoic
your life style and demand a change in D. Solitary
it. Ans. C
A. fulfilled
B. pleased 87. Select the most appropriate option
C. satisfied to substitute the underlined segment
D. annoyed in the given sentence. If there is no
Ans. D need to substitute it, select No
83. Select the correctly spelt word. On the academic front you are likely
A. Suplementary to outshine others and take up a
B. Supplementary better career.
C. Suppllementary A. you were likely to outshine others
D. Supplementery B. you should likely to outshine others
Ans. B C. you are likely for outshine other
D. No improvement
84. From the given options, identify Ans. D
the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error. While 88. Select the synonym of the given
we would like all Indian children to go word.
to school, we need to ponder why they CUMBERSOME
does not. A. Wonderful
A. why they does not B. Heavy
B. While we would like C. Graceful
C. Indian children to go to school D. Virtuous
D. we need to ponder Ans. B
Ans. A
85. Select the most appropriate option In the following passage some words
to fill in the blank. have been deleted. Fill in the blanks
My forefinger is still …………….. where I with the help of the alternatives given.
caught it in the door this morning. Passage:
A. burnt "Success begins in the mind." This is a
B. scorched wonderful quote to explain the power
C. bruised of having (1) in yourself. Since
D. damaged (2).......... wants success, they all try
Ans. C their best. Sometimes they will (3)
…………. failure, but that’s what life is.
86. Select the word which means the Ups and downs are a part of it. All you
same as the group of words given. need is to take that failure in your (4)
A person who is indifferent to the ………… learn from it and never forget
pains and pleasures of life. it. It doesn't matter how or where you


come from, success happens to those Instructions

who (5) …………… hands with For the following questions answer
difficulties. them individually
89. Select the most appropriate option 94. Select the most appropriate option
that will fill in the blank number 1. to substitute the underlined segment
A. doubt in the given sentence. If there is no
B. disgust need to substitute it, select No
C. faith improvement.
D. discard Those who are travelling today by
Ans. C train may have delayed in reaching
their destinations.
90. Select the most appropriate option A. travelling today in train may get
that will fill in the blank number 2. delayed
A. everyone B. No improvement
B. each C. travel today by train may get
C. someone delayed
D. anyone D. travelling today by train may get
Ans. A delayed
Ans. D
91. Select the most appropriate option
that will fill in the blank number 3. 95. Select the most appropriate option
A. clash to substitute the underlined segment
B. encounter in the given sentence. If there is no
C. see need to substitute it, select No
D. oppose improvement.
Ans. B Statistical measure which track the
money-saving behaviour haven’t
92. Select the most appropriate option improved much.
that will fill in the blank number 4. A. No improvement
A. run B. measure which tracks money-
B. stride saving behaviours
C. walk C. measures what track the money-
D. wing saving behaviour
Ans. B D. measures which track the money-
saving behaviour
93. Select the most appropriate option Ans. D
that will fill in the blank number 5.
A. shake 96. Select the correctly spelt word.
B. see A. Badjet
C. move B. Budget
D. avoid C. Budjet
Ans. A D. Bugett
Ans. B


97. From the given options, identify 99. From the given options, identify
the segment in the sentence which the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error. In contains the grammatical error. You
India, the various practices and norms are invite to build a better community
from bank’s transactions are laid down by planting a seed of peace within and
by the RBI only. tree outside.
A. are laid down A build a better community
B. norms from bank’s transactions B within and a tree outside
C. the various practices C You are invite to
D. by the RBI only D. by planting a seed of peace
Ans. B Ans. C

98. Select the option that means the 100. Select the most appropriate
same as the given idiom. Call it a day option to fill in the blank.
A. Decide or agree to stop doing Whenever he refers to his friends he is
something pleased but when he talks of his foes
B. Attempting to do an impossible task he is ...........
C. Disagreeing on everything someone A. unhappy
is saying B. possessed
D. Agreeing to reveal some secret C. serene
information D interested
Ans. A Ans. A



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