Pgeg 5 8
Pgeg 5 8
Pgeg 5 8
Marks-18 / 12
Q. How does Aristotle define Tragedy ? State and explain the function of its constituent elements.
Q. What are Aristotle’s views on the Plot of Tragedy in Poetics ? How does he explain the relative importance of
Plot and Character ?
Q. Preface to the Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth: Any Question / Why is Wordsworth's 'Preface' to The
Lyrical Ballads considered a manifesto of the Romantic literary movement? / “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of
powerful feelings.” Discuss.
Q. Why is Wordsworth's 'Preface' to The Lyrical Ballads considered a manifesto of the Romantic literary movement ?
Q. Show with reference to Arnold's views on the poetry of Chaucer and Dryden, how the touchstone method marked
a major shift in position.
Q. Critically comment on the application of structuralism to literature.
Q. How does John Dryden differentiate between Tragedy, Comedy and Tragicomedy in An Essay of Dramatic Poesy?
/ How far can John Dryden's 'An Essay of Dramatic Poesy' be called neo-classical in its intent? / Any Question.
Q . Critically discuss what Aristotle says about the emotional effect of tragedy / Aristotle‟s Hamartia / What
according to Aristotle is hamartia? Analyse a literary text to show how hamartia works in tragedy / What according
to Aristotle is mimesis? Show how his understanding of the term is significantly different from Plato's use of it.
Q. How is Matthew Arnold‟s Touchstone method a major shift in critical position in the study of poetry?
Q. Discuss the ideology of New Historicism with particular reference to Louis Montrose.
Q. What are the four major characteristics of Cultural Materialism ? Show how these combine to formulate what has
been called 'a Politicised form of historiography' / Show with the help of a literary text of your choice how Cultural
Materialism differs from New Historicism as a critical approach.
Q. I.A. Richards as a new critic / On the basis of his Principles of Literary Criticism, would you consider I. A.
Richards a pioneer in twentieth century literary criticism ? Discuss
Q. Tradition and the Individual Talent: Any Question / Show how T. S. Eliot systematically develops the concept
of the Impersonal theory of poetry in „Tradition and the Individual Talent‟ / How, in your opinion does T. S. Eliot
inscribe a modernist literary aesthetic in his essay 'Tradition and the Individual Talent'?
Q. “Biographia Literaria‟: Any question / In the Biographia Literaria, what are Coleridge's views an Imagination?
1. Thick Description:
2. Paradox:
3. Tragi-Comedy:
4. Base and Superstructure
5. Gynocriticism
6. Langue and Parole:
7. French Feminist Theory
8. Russian Formalism
9. Write a brief essay on Louis Althusser as a Marxist critic.
10. Primary Imagination, Secondary Imagination and Fancy
11. I.A. Richards‟s concept of Imagination.
12. . Julia Kristeva as a feminist critic
13. Dr. Johnson‟s view on Paradise Lost / Dr Johnson‟s view on Milton‟s style and verification.
14. . Neoclassicism
15. Arnold‟s assessment of Chaucer in “The Study of Poetry”.
16. Hegemony / Gramsci‟s definition of „Hegemony‟.
17. I.A. Richards‟s view on „art‟ and „morals‟ in Principles of Literary Criticism
Q. Theme of female bonding / Presentation of women in Sula / Comment on the treatment of the marginalised girl-
child in Sula / Any Question.
Q. Comment on the relevance of the title of Faulkner's novel The Sound and the Fury / Briefly analyse the plot of
The Sound and the Fury / Any Question.
Q. Role of the narrator in Moby Dick. / Character and role of Ishmael
Q. Analyse the imagery of 'The Emperor of Icecream' and suggest how it reflects the theme of the poem. / Any
Q. Final chapter of The Sound and the Fury / Ending.
Q. “Man may be destroyed but not defeated.” Discuss Hemingway‟s The Old Man and the Sea in the light of this
remark. / Write an essay on the Christian symbols in The Old Man and the Sea. / Any Question.
Q. Any question from Thoreau‟s Walden / Bring out, with reference to „Walden‟, the basic premises of Thoreau‟s
Q. Death of a Salesman as a tragedy. / Pathetic play / Discuss Death of a Salesman as an intense psychological study
of human relationships against a modern setting / American dream / Any question.
Q. Use of Greek myth in Mourning Becomes Electra / Analyze Mourning Becomes Electra as a tragedy of death
and mourning / Examine the influence of Freud and other psychoanalysts on O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra /
Any Question.
Q. Passage to India – Walt Whitman – Any Question / How does Whitman describe the past in „Passage to India‟?
Q. The Cop and the Anthem as a short story / Analysis / Plot / Any question.
Q. Comment on the use of symbolism and irony in „Mending Wall‟ / Any Question.
Q. Theological writers of the Puritan period / Critically discuss the significance and contribution of the historical
writers of the Puritan Period / Comment briefly on the literary contribution of the New England historians of the
Puritan Period / Any Question from the Puritan Writers.
Marks: 7
1. Soapy
2. Explain, with reference to the context, the following lines : "He moves in darkness as it seems to me. / Not of
woods only and the shade of trees / He will not go beyond his father's saying..."
3. Thomas Jefferson and democracy in America.
4. Significance of dreams in Death of a Salesman.
5. Thomas Paine
6. Benjy Compson
7. Nel
8. The source and publication history of The Sound and the Fury
9. Restaurant scene in Death of a Salesman.
10. Baseball reference in The Old Man and the Sea
11. Ending of the story Good Country People
12. Anne Bradstreet
13. Captain Ahab
14. Benjamin Franklin
15. Willy Loman
16. Hulga
17. Significance of anthem in „The Cop and the Anthem‟
18. Role and analysis of Ben Loman in Death of a Salesman
19. Explain: And I keep hearing from the cellar bin The rumbling sound Of load on load of apples coming in.
20. Explain: The Carriage held but just Ourselves- And Immortality.
21. Why is the date April 8, 1928 not a happy for Dilsey and Compson family?
Q. Critically analyse Derozio’s poem “The Harp of India’
Q. Critically discuss any one poem of Nissim Ezekiel as a modernist poem.
Q. The literature of the mid-twentieth century reveals an internationalist approach to the idea of the nation. Discuss
with reference to Nehru’s Discovery of India.
Q. Examine R. K. Narayan's use of narrative devices in his novel The Guide/ Narrative devices / technique / double
narrative in R.K. Narayan‟s The Guide
Q. The Casuarina tree is "both [a] tree and [a] symbol..." Explain with reference to Toru Dutt's poems included in
your syllabus.
Q. Why is Sarojini Naidu's poetry described as marking a transition in the portrayal of Indian Women ? Discuss with
reference to her poems.
Q. How does Rabindranath Tagore re-present the myth of Ramayana in Red Oleanders ?
Q. Explore the portrayal of the character Ramnik Gandhi in Mahesh Dattani's play, Final Solutions.
Q. Discuss Nissim Ezekiel's 'Night of the Scorpion' as reflection of Contemporary realities
Q. Comment on the title of Subhas Chandra Bose's autobiography, An Indian Pilgrim.
Q. Discuss Henry Louis Vivian Derozio's poetry as part of the Indian English literary Canon of the nineteenth century.
Q. Examine the role of violence in Karnad's play Tughlaq.
Q. How does Kamala Das describe the dance of the eunuchs ?
Q. Discuss Nehru's political views as expressed in Discovery of India.
Q. How does Raja Rao present a picture of different caste-based quarters in the village Kanthapura ?
Q. Briefly discuss Anita Desai’s portrayal of the character of Tara in her novel Clear Light of Day.
Q. Why do you think Karnad uses disguise as a recurring motif in his play, Tughlaq ?
Q. Critically comment on Ovid as a love poet from your reading of poems in Amores. Give suitable examples
Q. Comment critically on the character of Emma Bovary in Flaubert's novel. Is she responsible for her own
unhappiness ?
Q. With suitable examples comment on the use of irony by Baudelaire in the two poems that you have read.
Q. Criticaly assess the role of Mrs. Linde and Krogstad in the plot of Ibsen's A Doll's House
Q. Consider Ovid's Amores as an amoral series of poems. Refer to the elegies that you have read.
Q. Evaluate Raskolnikov's character in Crime and Punishment.
Q. Write a note on the interplay of youth and death in Thomas Mann's novella Death in Venice.
Q. How does Brecht present the role of the church in Life of Galileo ?
Q. Comment on the use of deux ex machina in Euripedes' Medea.
Q. Analyse Kafka's The Castle in the context of European dream literature.
Q. Evaluate Raskolnikov's character in Crime and Punishment.
Q. How does Dostoevsky treat the problem of ‘crime’ and ‘punishment’ in his novel ? What stand does the novelist
take ?
Q. Write a note on the interplay of youth and death in Thomas Mann's novella Death in Venice.
Q. Consider Ovid's Amores as an amoral series of poems. Refer to the elegies that you have read.
Q. What do you understand by the term ‘Epic Theatre’ as used by Brecht ? Describe any two features of such drama
that you can identify in Life of Galileo
Q. Give three instances which reflect stoic philosophy from your reading of Thyestes.
Q. Who is Frieda ? What is her role in Kafka’s novel ?
Q. In the two poems by Baudelaire that you have read, how does the poet use Shakespearean characters ?
Q. Who is Tantalus in Thyestes ?
Q. Who is the poet's "Beatrice" in Baudelaire's poem ?
Q. What is the significance of the 'castle' as a symbol in Kafka's novel ?
Q. What is 'ecphrasis' ? Give a suitable example from Virgil's Æneid.