Admissiomn Test G 7

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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

‫وزارة التعليم‬
‫الدارة العامة للتعليم بالمنطقة الشرقية‬
‫مكتب التعليم بمحافظة الخبر‬
‫مدارس علو الهلية‬

‫إعداد بيئة ياذبة محفزة على البداع تبني ييل مبتكرا ومتمسكا بثوابت دينه ووطنه يحدث فرقآ ايجابيا محليا وعالميا‬
‫تمكين جيل ملهم يسهم في تحقيق تطلعات وطن طموح‬
Cultivating an environment that stimulates creativity, empowering a generation that
Empowering a generation that will contribute to the ‫الرؤية‬
adheres to the principles of its religion and natianal values, making a difference locally and Vision
vision of an ambitious nation

Olou National Schools

English Language Department
Admission test
Grade 7
Name: ……………………………………………………………

Day and

Reading Grammar Vocabulary Writing Total

com. (10) (10) (5) (35)
Reading comprehension ( 10 marks)

Family roles are like building blocks that make a happy and well-
functioning home. Each person in the family has an important job to do.
Parents give guidance, love, and rules to help their children grow up well.
Brothers and sisters are there to be friends and support each other.
Grandparents share their wisdom, love, and teach us stories. Caregivers
make sure everyone is safe and cared for. The peacemaker helps solve
problems and keep everyone happy. Supporters give encouragement and
help when needed. Organizers keep things organized and running
smoothly. Mentors help younger family members learn and grow.
Together, these roles make a strong and loving family.
1) Cicle the right option: true/ false (1 mark / point)

A. Family roles are essential for a functional and harmonious household.

True or False
B. Parents are the only ones responsible for shaping the values of their
children. True or False
C. Grandparents only serve as storytellers within a family.
True or False
D. Caregivers are responsible for making sure everyone is safe and cared
for. True or False
E. Organizers keep things running smoothly. True or False
2) Choose the right option:
 Parents give:
a) Honey and chocolate
b) Guidance and love
c) Money and toys
 Brothers and sisters are there to:
a) Play together
b) Eat together
c) Support each other
 Supporters give:
a) Encouragement and help
b) Advice and caring
c) Wisdom and patience
 Mentors help younger family members:
a) Dance and sing
b) Share and care
c) learn and grow
 Caregivers make sure everyone is:
a) Safe and cared for
b) Sleeping and cheering
c) Educated and patient
Grammar (10 marks)
Choose the correct form of the sentence using "There is" or "There
are" along with the appropriate preposition:

 ________ a cat ________ the roof.

a) There is / on
b) There are / at
c) There is / in
d) There are / on

 ________ two cars ________ the garage.

a) There is / on
b) There are / in
c) There is / in
d) There are / at
 ________ a beautiful garden ________ the backyard.

a) There is / in
b) There are / on
c) There is / at
d) There are / by

 The cat is sleeping ________ the table.

a) of b) under c) out d) with

 The books are ________ the shelf.

a) on b) under c) in front of d) behind

 The car is parked ________ the garage.

a) in b) under c) in front of d) behind

 The ball fell ________ the box.

a) in b) under c) in front of d) behind

 The chair is ________ the desk.

a) at b) on c) near d) behind

 The tree is ________ the house.

a) in b) under c) in front of d) behind

 The park is ________the school.

a) On b) across from c ) in d) inside

Vocabulary ( 10 marks)

Tick the right option:

1) The weather is _______ warm:

a) many b) quite c) much

2) He is _______ tired after a long day at work:

a) true b) real c) really

3) The cake is _______ delicious:

a) very b) quickly c) funny

4) She is _______ excited about her upcoming vacation:

a) beautiful b) interesting c) pretty

5) The sunset is _______ beautiful:

a) total b) smart c) extremely

Choose the synonym for each given word.

1) Smile

a) Cry b) Laugh c) Dance d) Study

2) Happy

a) Sad b) Excited c) Angry d) Tired

3) Clever

a) Clumsy b) Smart c) Shy d) Lazy

4) Upset

a) Sad b) playful c) sleepy d) bad

5) Love

a) Walk b) hate c) adore d) eat

Writing (5 marks)

Organization of ideas (main idea, supporting 2

Accuracy and range of vocabulary and 1
Mechanism (punctuation – capitalization – 1
Spelling 1

Write a short paragraph (5-8 sentences) on the following topic:

"Describe your favourite place to relax and why it is special

to you."


















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