TENSES (All Tenses)

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(select the correct answer from the four choices given)

a. Are working
1. India ….. being an independent country
b. Work
since 1947.
c. Have been working
a. was
d. Worked
b. was being
c. has been
8. Every night the watchman turns on all the
d. is been
lights and ….. half an hour around the
building every
2. Maria....... an appointment to see her
a. Walks.
dentist tomorrow.
b. Is walking
a. Make
c. to be walking
b. will make
d. walking
c. makes
d. will be making
9. Joe … a terrible role model for his
younger brother all day yesterday
3. After Timmy ….. his first salary, he
a. Was
bought presents for his parents
b. Being
a. Receives
c. has been
b. has received
d. was being
c. received
d. had received.
10. Seismic reflection profiling has…. the
ocean floor is underlain by a thin layer of
4. Most of the building of the museum built
nearly transparent sediments.
about 200 years ago …. regular renovation
since the new mayor was elected two years
a. Reveal that
ago b. Revealed that
a. Received c. The revelation of
b. had received d. Revealed about
c. has received
d. was receiving 11. By the end of this month, I ….. my
5. The earth … along the sun a. Will finish
a. Move b. Will have finished
b. Moved c. Finish
c. moves
d. Am finishing
d. has moved
12. My aunt.......movie last night when her
6. The man …. to my house now
best friend called.
a. comes
b. Is coming
a. was watching
c. Arrive b. watched
d. Is arriving c. had watched
d. watch
7. Because the allocated time isn’t enough to
finish this project, we are still working on 13. By the time you get back, we.......the
it now. As a matter of fact we ….. four project.
days. a. will finish
b. will be finishing 17. A : look! The sky …. Blue. The sun …..
c. will have finished brightly. Let’s go to the beach
d. will have been finishing B : that’s a great idea
a. Is,is
14. We were wondering how the popular chef b. Is, is shining
could fail at the dish…. many times c. Was, was shining
before. d. Is, shines
a. that had cooked
18. Ahmad : What were you doing when I
b. he had cooked phoned your mother last night?
c. had cooked Halimah : I ... TV
d. he has cooked a. watch
b. am watching
15. The Children are playing football in the c. have watched
field _____ d. was watching
a. Everyday
b. Last night 19. Oh, dear! I forgot to bring my dictionary.'
c. Tomorrow `That's all right. I . . . you mine.”
d. now a. will be lending
b. am lending
16. Indah _____ with her mother this c. will lend
morning. d. am going to lend
a. Didn’t go shopping
20. My mother is so tired because he … our
b. Doesn’t go shopping room all day for setting new bed.
c. go shopping a. has been preparing
d. Shopping b. has prepared
c. prepared
d. have prepared

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