(2012) - Capaldi
(2012) - Capaldi
(2012) - Capaldi
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Hyoun K Kim
Yonsei University
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A systematic review of risk factors for intimate partner violence IPV was con-
ducted. Inclusion criteria included publication in a peer-reviewed journal, a
representative community sample or a clinical sample with a control group
comparison, a response rate of at least 50%, use of a physical or sexual violence
outcome measure, and control of confounding factors in the analyses. A total
of 228 articles were included (170 articles with adult and 58 with adolescent
samples). Organized by levels of a dynamic developmental systems perspective,
risk factors included (a) contextual characteristics of partners (demographic,
neighborhood, community, and school factors), (b) developmental characteristics
and behaviors of the partners (e.g., family, peer, psychological/behavioral, and
cognitive factors), and (c) relationship influences and interactional patterns.
Comparisons to a prior review highlight developments in the field in the past
10 years. Recommendations for intervention and policy along with future direc-
tions for IPV risk factor research are presented.
KEYWORDS: intimate partner violence; policy; risk factors; men; systematic review; women
Issues related to intimate partner violence (IPV) in married, cohabiting, and dating
couples have generated a great deal of interest from scholars, social activists, and the
public. Reports based on national surveys indicate that the rate of physical IPV toward
ONLINE TABLES: Detailed summaries of the 228 studies reviewed in this article can be found
in six tables available online at http://www.springerpub.com/pa. Click on the link to “The Partner
Abuse State of Knowledge Project,” and go to Topic 4 in the online document.
a partner in the prior year for United States couples ranges from 17% to 39% (Elliot,
Huizinga, & Morse, 1985; Plichta, 1996; Schafer, Caetano, & Clark, 1998; Straus &
Gelles, 1990), with rates from a meta-analysis being relatively similar for men and
women within studies, although usually slightly higher for women (Archer, 2000).
Prevalence rates from the recent National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence
Survey remain high for both men and women, estimated at more than 4.2 million
intimate-partner-related physical assaults, rapes, and stalking perpetrated against
women annually and 3.2 million physical assaults, rapes, and stalking against men
(Black et al., 2011).
The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive compilation and sys-
tematic review of studies involving risk factors for IPV, including the perpetration
of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. IPV can be best understood from a
dynamic developmental systems perspective (DDS) in which couple aggression is
conceptualized as an interactional pattern that is responsive to the conjoint de-
velopmental characteristics and behaviors of each partner, as well as contextual
factors and relationship influences and processes (Capaldi, Kim, & Shortt, 2004;
Capaldi, Shortt, & Kim, 2005). Using a DDS perspective as an organizing con-
ceptual framework, risk factors in (a) contextual characteristics (e.g., age, gender,
race/ethnicity), (b) developmental characteristics (e.g., family relationships, devel-
opmental psychopathology), and (c) relationship influences such as relationship
satisfaction were reviewed to determine the extent to which each of these factors
predicted IPV in adult and adolescent relationships. Note that although differ-
ent types of aggression or abuse (e.g., physical, psychological, and sexual abuse)
may be interrelated (Hamby & Sugarman, 1999; Murphy & O’Leary, 1989; O’Leary,
1999), it is not within the scope of the current review to examine them as risk fac-
tors for each other.
IPV encompasses physical, psychological, and sexual abuse by men and by
women toward romantic partners of the same or opposite sex. Physical violence in-
volves forceful physical contact that may vary from light pushes and slaps to severe
beatings and lethal violence. Sexual abuse includes coercive and physical behaviors
varying from trying to persuade someone to perform a sexual act against their
will, ignoring “no” responses, to physically forced sex acts (Teten, Hall, & Capaldi,
2009; Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000). The term psychological aggression (or emotional
abuse) refers to acting in an offensive or degrading manner toward another, usually
verbally, and may include threats, ridicule, withholding affection, and restrictions
(e.g., social isolation, financial control; O’Leary & Maiuro, 2001). Some degree of psy-
chological abuse, at least at a minor or occasional level, is very common (Shortt et
al., 2011). Further, psychological abuse tends to be associated with physical abuse.
For example, Capaldi and Crosby (1997) found that at age 18 years the two types of
abuse perpetration were significantly associated for young men and young women
(r 0.60 for men, r 0.55 for women, both p .001); and psychological abuse has
been found predictive of physical abuse and to have severe impacts (O’Leary &
Maiuro, 2001).
Prior literature reviews of risk factors for IPV were published 10 years ago. For
example, Schumacher, Feldbau-Kohn, Smith Slep, and Heyman (2001) reviewed
risk factors for male-to-female physical violence, and their study was informative in
establishing inclusions and exclusion criteria for the current study. Meta-analyses
that were conducted in the past decade focused on specific risk factors, such as in-
tergenerational transmission of violence, relationship satisfaction, and substance
use (Foran & O’Leary, 2008; Stith, Green, Smith, & Ward, 2008; Stith et al., 2000).
Several studies examined in these prior reviews are included in the current study.
However, high research productivity in this field during the past decade enabled us
to use greater study selectivity in our inclusion criteria and increase the overall study
Literature Search
aspects of a study were unclear (e.g., missing reporting of response rate), lead
authors were contacted for additional information. We were able to retrieve all
studies selected for review.
Inclusion–Exclusion Criteria
Studies examined in this review were empirical studies that included one or more
risk factors and a designated partner violence outcome. Studies were published
in peer-reviewed journals and originated from the United States, Canada, United
Kingdom, New Zealand, or Australia. To provide an adequate test of the associa-
tion of the risk factor and partner violence outcome, studies had to include (a) a
range or continuum of aggressive behavior ranging from mild to more severe and
(b) participants who were nonaggressive as well as those who were aggressive to
allow for judging the association of involvement in aggression with the risk factors.
In addition, the studies involved (a) a community sample representative of some
specified population (e.g., normative, at-risk) or (b) a clinical sample with a repre-
sentative comparison group (i.e., involving matching on some criteria, not a sample
of convenience). For inclusion, risk factors needed to be adequately described to
provide definition and operationalization of the risk factors. In addition, the statis-
tical association (or lack thereof) between the risk factor and abuse outcome had to
be clear.
The most desirable design for examining the association of risk factors and
outcomes was a longitudinal study where the risk factors were measured prior to
the abuse outcome, controlling for competing risk factors. However, cross-sectional
studies were included because relatively few longitudinal studies on IPV and risk
factors exist. Studies that included only reports by one participant about the risk
characteristics of their partner as predictors of that partner’s IPV were excluded as
being a weak design. These studies chiefly involved women’s retrospective reports of
their male partners’ risk factors, which are likely to be biased particularly for those
who experienced IPV.
Studies were selected for inclusion in three stages (see Figure 1). An initial
screening of titles and abstracts was conducted followed by appraisal using a quality
assessment checklist (Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2009). Inclusion
criteria for the initial screening of titles and abstracts were (a) articles published in
a peer-reviewed journal that (b) empirically evaluated one or more risk factor with
a physical aggression outcome for partner aggression in adolescence or adulthood
and (c) used either a representative community sample or reasonable control group
comparison. Titles and abstracts that did not clearly state this information were
retrieved for quality appraisal to reduce review bias. After duplicate articles were
removed, study quality was assessed using a modification of the Downs and Black
(1998) checklist—a well-validated appraisal tool with high inter-rater reliability
approved for use in systematic reviews (Centre for Reviews and Dissemination,
2009; Deeks et al., 2003; Higgins & Green, 2011). Modifications to the Downs and
Excluded based on
Abstracts reviewed (databases, hand-searching)
abstract review
N 17,153
N 16,004
Adolescents Adults
n 58 n 170
Black checklist included the additional assessment criteria of (a) controlling for
possible co-occurring risk factors and (b) response rate of 50% or greater, whereas
(c) questions that pertained to randomized clinical trials were omitted. Fifteen
percent of all articles were reviewed for checklist reliability with 89% agreement
(k 0.75). Discrepancies between reviewers were resolved through discussion and
A total of 877 articles were reviewed with the appraisal checklist. Of the 649 ex-
cluded articles, sampling methodology accounted for 45.91% (20.49% convenience,
8.94% college students, 8.47% clinical sample with no control group comparison,
8.01% nonrepresentative comparison sample); articles without an IPV outcome
variable accounted for 18%, response rate below 50% (e.g., Smith Slep & O’Leary, 2005,
whose study used random digit dialing procedures) or where response rate was not
reported accounted for 15.12% and prevalence studies accounted for 6.63%. Studies
where the victim’s reported the perpetrator’s characteristics accounted for 1.54%,
and studies with a maltreatment cluster variable or similar composite accounted for
1.85%. Studies that did not control for potentially confounding factors accounted for
3.7% of excluded articles. The remaining 7% were excluded because of other crite-
ria (e.g., literature review, methodology article, qualitative, geographic reasons). The
total number of studies included in the summary tables and systematic review was
228. None of the studies involving same-sex couples met criteria for inclusion. Hence,
the studies summarized all involved heterosexual couples.
Study Type
As shown in Table 1, studies that met the selection criteria were first separated
into studies with adult samples (age 18 years or older, n 170) and studies with
adolescent (dating) samples (n 58), and then within each of these two larger sub-
groupings were ordered according to longitudinal versus cross-sectional design and
sample size. Studies were not separated by perpetration and victimization, espe-
cially as many studies examined both. Severity of violence measured ranged from
mild to severe; however, violence severity was not used as an organizational cat-
egory in the summary table due to few studies that compared more mild forms of
violence with more severe violence (e.g., Foshee et al., 2009; Newby et al., 2003).
In summary, studies are presented in nested subsections as follows: Level 1: Adult
versus Adolescent; Level 2: Longitudinal versus Cross-Sectional; and Level 3: Large
sample (N 500 or more) versus Smaller sample. There were considerably more
adult studies than adolescent studies. Several longitudinal adult studies, however,
involved predictors measured in adolescence, and a number assessed IPV in young
adulthood. Note also that the longitudinal studies were more likely to be smaller
samples, whereas the cross-sectional studies were considerably more likely to be
large national or community samples.
Within a DDS perspective, the importance of considering risk factors in (a) contex-
tual and demographic characteristics of both partners, (b) the characteristics and
behaviors of both partners as products of each partners’ developmental history
including socialization experiences, and (c) the couple’s relationship and interac-
tion patterns within the dyad is emphasized (Capaldi et al., 2005). Each level of
risk factors can be involved in the emergence as well as the course of IPV. The
review summary first discusses IPV directionality (i.e., one partner vs. both part-
ners involved) found in the adult and adolescent studies and measurement of IPV.
Risk factors in the contextual characteristics of the partners included demographic
factors (age, gender, socioeconomic status [SES], race/ethnicity, acculturation, and
stress), neighborhood and community-level factors, and school context factors. For
the level of developmental characteristics and behaviors that male and female
partners bring to the relationship, the following risk factors are discussed: family
factors (exposure to IPV in family or origin, experience of child abuse, and parent-
ing), peer associations and influences (association with deviant peers, social and
emotional support), psychological and behavioral factors (conduct problems/antiso-
cial behavior, personality disorder, depression, suicide attempts, alcohol and drug
use, self-esteem), and cognitive factors (hostile attributes, attitudes, and beliefs).
In the review, no studies meeting criteria were found on assertiveness, authoritari-
anism, and Axis I disorders other than antisocial behavior/personality. The risk
factors discussed at the level of the couples’ relationship and interaction patterns
included relationship status, relationship satisfaction, attachment, and negative
emotionality and jealousy. No studies meeting criteria were found on dominance
and empathy.
Within each section of risk factors, we focus on summarizing findings from the
longitudinal studies, and then findings from the cross-sectional studies that were
not in the longitudinal studies and any cross-sectional findings that add additional
Of significance, particularly given the history of this field, is that most studies in-
volved examination of both male-to-female IPV (MFPV) and female-to-male IPV
(FMPV). Of the adult studies included, 61% examined bidirectional violence, whereas
almost all of the adolescent studies examined bidirectional violence. Although most
studies looked at men’s and women’s IPV, relatively few of the studies included and
interviewed both members of the dyad, with 78% of the adult studies and 95% of the
adolescent studies interviewing individuals only (however, note that many of those
studies involved men and women).
Most of the studies (61% of adult studies and 55% of adolescent studies) were
cross-sectional. The limitation of such a design is that it is impossible to determine
directionality and establish if the risk factor (e.g., depressive symptoms) was
present prior to the IPV or whether the risk factor might have been an outcome of
the IPV.
It is informative to examine trends in whether the studies included MFPV, FMPV,
or both for adult and adolescent studies by year of publication. Figure 2 shows that
relatively few studies that met inclusion criteria were published prior to 1996 due pri-
marily to sampling methodology (e.g., convenience samples, clinical samples with no
control group comparison) and not controlling for confounding factors (e.g., economic
status). The number of studies that met criteria has increased substantially since
40 37
21 22
10 7 6 7
5 5 5
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1980–1990 1991–1995 1996–2000 2001–2005 2006–2011
the 1990s, with almost four times as many studies being published between 2005
and July 2011 as between 1996 and 2000. The adolescent studies almost all include
bidirectional violence or both MFPV and FMPV, and the relative proportion of adult
studies including both partner’s violence also appears to increase in 2006 to July 2011
compared with 2001 to 2005.
Studies on psychological and physical IPV relied predominantly on the Conflict Tactics
Scale (CTS; Straus, Hamby, Boney-McCoy, & Sugarman, 1996) in some form, either
Form R or selected questions from the measure and was used by 62% of the adult
studies and 40% of the adolescent studies (see Table 2). Self-report measurement
with one to three items among both adult and adolescent samples was a common
strategy (adult sample 19%, adolescent samples 24%). Adolescent samples in this
review did not include multimodal measurement encompassing observational data
or multi-informant data, and only 5% of the adult studies included multimodal IPV
measures. In part, the studies that incorporated observational data were often based
on samples of convenience with limited sample sizes. See Schumacher et al. (2001) for
further discussion of these studies. Among the studies that involved adolescent sam-
ples, the most frequent measures used after the CTS were the Safe Dates Evaluation
Scales (14%; Foshee et al., 1996), Conflict in Relationships Scale (9%; Wolfe et al.,
1994), and the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (5%; Wolfe,
et al. 2001). Many studies involved combined measures of psychological abuse and
CTS (e.g., CTS Form R, various items) 105 62
1-item self-report 15 9
2-item self-report 9 5
3-item self-report 9 5
4- to 5-item self-report 3 2
7- to 9-item self-report 8 5
15- to 16-item self-report 2 1
33-item self-report 1 1
Multimodal (e.g. observational, 9 5
multi-informant report)
Official records only 2 1
Canadian General Social Survey items 2 1
Other 5 3
CTS (e.g., CTS Form R, various items) 23 40
1-item self-report 9 15
2- to 3-item self-report 5 9
4- to 5-item self-report 2 3
7- to 9-item self-report 2 3
17-item self-report 1 2
Conflict in Relationships Scale 5 9
Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships 3 5
Safe Dates Scales (e.g., brief version, 8 14
18-item version)
(e.g., low-income unmarried young mothers; e.g., Huang, Son, & Wang, 2010), which
is likely to have affected findings.
Age. Findings are relatively consistent that age is protective against IPV in adult-
hood. For example, Rodriguez, Lasch, Chandra, and Lee (2001) in a study with the
NSFH found a negative association of age and IPV. This is consistent with findings
from multiwave prospective longitudinal studies that found that IPV declines with
age (Kim, Laurent, Capaldi, & Feingold, 2008).
Gender. The reviewed studies generally indicate that men and women are relatively
equally likely to perpetrate IPV (Woodward, Fergusson, & Horwood, 2002) or that
women show somewhat higher rates than men (Herrera, Wiersma, & Cleveland,
2008; Schluter, Abbott, & Bellringer, 2008). Thus, findings are consistent with the
meta-analysis conducted by Archer (2000), which indicated that for IPV perpetration,
women are slightly more likely than men to use one or more acts of physical aggres-
sion and to use such acts more frequently. Findings of Ehrensaft, Moffitt, and Caspi
(2004) typify the bigger picture, taking into account factors including severity and
injury. Ehrensaft et al. (2004) compared individuals in abusive relationships causing
injury and/or official intervention (9% prevalence, clinically abusive), with partici-
pants reporting physical abuse without such clinical consequences (14% prevalence,
nonclinically abusive) and with control participants who reported no abuse. After con-
trolling for family-of-origin characteristics, parenting, child behavior problems, ado-
lescent psychiatric disorders, and adolescent personality traits, the study indicated
that, in the nonclinically abusive relationships, perpetrators were primarily women.
In clinically abusive relationships, men and women used physical abuse, although
more women needed medical treatment for injury. This finding is in line with the
meta-analysis by Archer (2000), which indicated that men were more likely to inflict
injury and that, overall, 62%of those injured by a partner were women. There are in-
dications of interactions between gender and age in predicting IPV. Capaldi, Kim, and
Shortt (2007) found that women were observed to use more physical aggression than
men in late adolescence, but the prevalence was similar by around age 26 years.
lower income and that severe MFPV was associated with lower income than mild
MFPV. Cunradi et al. (2002) found that, after controlling for alcohol use/abuse, child-
hood parent-perpetrated violence, approval of IPV, impulsivity, age, and relationship
factors, annual household income was the most important predictor of IPV for Euro-
American, African American, and Hispanic couples. Cunradi (2009) also found that,
after controlling for SES, low income was associated with FMPV but not MFPV for a
Hispanic sample. Howell and Pugliesi (1988) found in analyses that—after control-
ling for age, exposure to parental aggression, low SES, and occupational and em-
ployment status—risk factors for MFPV included employment status and blue-collar
occupation. Overall, these studies suggest that unemployment and low income are
stronger and more robust demographic risk factors for IPV than education level.
spent time with, and Hispanic values. Group cut offs were based on those developed to
produce three groups (representing one third of respondents each) from a national sur-
vey of Hispanics. Prevalence rates of MFPV and FMPV incidence and recurrence did
not vary significantly across acculturation groups. Couples with mixed acculturation
levels (high–medium) were less at risk for MFPV. Further, acculturation level at Time
1 was not associated with MFPV and FMPV status 5 years later. In a cross-sectional
study, Kantor, Jasinski, and Aldarondo (1994) found that—after controlling for cul-
tural norms regarding violence approval, age, and economic stressors—Hispanics/
Latino Americans did not differ from Euro-Americans in their risk for MFPV. Being
born in the United States was a significant risk for perpetration of IPV by Mexican
and Puerto Rican American husbands. Jasinski (1998) found for the NAFVS that
third generation Hispanic American husbands were three times more likely to as-
sault their wives than first generation husbands, and younger age of immigration to
the United States increased risk of wife assault. Thus, the relatively sparse evidence
in this area suggests that for Hispanics being born in the United States versus foreign
born is a risk factor for IPV, whereas degree of acculturation per se is not.
Stress. In cross-sectional work, Smith Slep, Foran, Heyman, and Snarr (2010) exam-
ined financial and community stress among several other factors in predicting to men’s
and women’s IPV perpetration and victimization for an Air Force sample. They found
that—after controlling for many other factors at the relationship, individual, family,
organization, and community levels—financial stress predicted men’s and women’s
IPV perpetration. Neff, Holamon, and Schluter (1995) found for a Texas sample of
men and women that financial stress was associated with increased likelihood of per-
petrating IPV for men and women. Probst et al. (2008) found for the National Survey
of Children’s Health that parenting stress was related to violent parental arguments.
In a study of MFPV victimization in married couples, Jasinski and Kantor (2001)
found for the NAFVS sample that life stressors reported for both partners were asso-
ciated with MFPV for Hispanic but not Anglo couples. Jasinski, Asdigian, and Kantor
(1997) found for the NAFVS that Hispanic husbands’ work-related stress was associ-
ated with increased levels of alcohol use and MFPV; for Euro-American husbands,
work-related stress was associated with increased levels of alcohol use. Examining
IPV perpetration by men and women, Caetano, Ramisetty-Mikler, Caetano Vaeth, and
Harris (2007) found for Hispanic couples in the NAS sample that, after controlling for
SES, a low level of acculturation with a high level of acculturation stress predicted
a greater risk for IPV. For men and women, high acculturation stress was directly
related to IPV. Thus, there is evidence that stress, which has received relatively little
attention, is predictive of IPV. Findings also appear to suggest that the effects of
stress on IPV are likely to be moderated by other factors such as ethnicity.
from the PHDCN with 1990 U.S. Census data to assess the contribution of collective
efficacy (e.g., community cohesiveness, willingness to intervene with a neighbor) as a
risk factor for young adult dating violence. After controlling for confounding variables
(gender, age, parent education, race, neighborhood poverty, and perceived neighbor-
hood violence), higher levels of collective efficacy significantly reduced the risk of
dating violence victimization for males only; it was not a significant risk factor for
male or female perpetration or female victimization.
Results from cross-sectional studies on the association of collective efficacy, social
cohesion, and social control with IPV are mixed. Rothman et al. (2011) found that
lower collective efficacy, lower social control, and increased neighborhood disorder
was associated with dating violence perpetration within an adolescent sample but
not with an adult sample. Browning (2002) found that collective efficacy mediated
the association between neighborhood disadvantage and lethal IPV after controlling
for confounding variables (e.g., disadvantage, immigrant concentration, noninterven-
tion norms). In contrast, a study by Caetano, Ramisetty-Mikler, and Harris (2010)
found that perceived social cohesion and perceived social control did not mediate
the effect of poverty on IPV perpetration after controlling for age and alcohol use.
Other neighborhood-level variables examined in cross-sectional studies included
neighborhood disadvantage (e.g., Benson, Wooldredge, Thistlethwaite, & Fox, 2004;
Van Wky, Benson, Fox, & DeMaris, 2003) as well as neighborhood connectedness and
support (e.g., Banyard, Cross, Modecki, 2006; Champion, Foley, Sigmon-Smith, Sutfin,
& DuRant, 2008; Smith Slep et al., 2010).
Experience of Child Abuse. Experience of child abuse is the other frequently studied
childhood risk factor, as related to theories of intergenerational family violence. In the
Toledo Adolescent Relationships Study, Swinford, DeMaris, Cernkovich, and Giordano
(2000) found in multivariate analyses that childhood abuse assessed by harsh physical
discipline significantly predicted perpetration of IPV. Linder and Collins (2005) found
in the MLS, after controlling for early familial violence, that individuals who experi-
enced early childhood abuse reported higher levels of MFPV/FMPV in their romantic
relationships. Ehrensaft et al. (2003), after controlling for demographic factors, found
that power assertive punishment was a risk factor for IPV and that conduct disorder
mediated the effect of child abuse on IPV. Similarly, Renner and Slack (2006) found
in the Illinois Families Study involving adult retrospective reports and controlling
for several demographic and childhood history factors that childhood physical abuse
and sexual abuse were predictive of IPV victimization. For a sample with documented
childhood abuse and matched controls, after controlling for age and ethnicity, White
and Widom (2003) found that childhood abuse and neglect was a significant predictor
of IPV perpetration for men and women. For men, child abuse and neglect predicted
antisocial personality disorder but not early aggression, alcohol problems, or hostility.
For women, child abuse and neglect predicted antisocial personality disorder, alcohol
problems, and hostility but not aggression. Antisocial personality disorder mediated
the effects of child abuse and neglect on later IPV for men. Antisocial personality dis-
order, alcohol problems, and hostility mediated the effects of child abuse and neglect
on later IPV for women but early aggression did not. Controlling for other factors (e.g.,
aggression at age 10 years, adolescent violence), Herrenkohl et al. (2004) for the SSDP
study found that childhood abuse was a direct predictor of IPV for men, but the as-
sociation was moderated by quality of relationship to partner for women. For the NYS,
Lackey (2003) found in analyses—including witnessing interparental aggression, fam-
ily size, and family-of-origin income—that, for men, the proximal factors of commit-
ments to the partner and to work significantly mediated the effect of victimization by
parents as an adolescent on later IPV. Thus, victimization by parents decreased com-
mitment to the partner and work, both of which subsequently increased IPV later in
life. In the same study, it was found that, for women, victimization by parents during
adolescence did not appear to significantly affect later IPV. Also, decreases in attach-
ment to the partner and commitments to the partner or work did not subsequently in-
crease IPV. Only weakening work beliefs significantly increased later IPV for women.
Similar to the findings for witnessing IPV, these findings indicate a low to moderate
significant association of child abuse and neglect with later IPV. Again, these findings
are generally overreliant on retrospective reports. The White and Widom (2003) study
indicated that, similar to other early risk factors, the effects seem to be mediated by
subsequent problematic development, including antisocial behavior and substance use
problems. There is no indication of major gender differences in these associations.
for a multisite study of boys and girls in Grade 6 found, after controlling for several
factors, that IPV perpetration was positively associated with peer deviancy. Gagné,
Lavoie, and Hébert (2005) examined MFPV victimization only for a Canadian sample
of 10th- and 11th-grade girls and found that, after controlling for number of years
dating and intra-familial IPV experiences, involvement with peers who were also IPV
perpetrators or victims was predictive of continued MFPV victimization. Kinsfogel
and Grych (2004) for a Midwestern sample of adolescent boys and girls found that
perceptions of peer dating aggression were related to engagement in IPV.
Overall, there is evidence that involvement with aggressive peers is a relatively
robust and strong predictor of involvement in dating aggression at adolescence,
whereas higher friendship quality is a protective factor. These findings are in keep-
ing with the fact that behavior of peers is a relatively strong and proximal predic-
tor of behavior in adolescence. Youth tend to select friends with similar interests
and behavior and become more like them over time (Dishion & Patterson, 2006;
Kupersmidt, DeRosier, & Patterson, 1995). Further, dating partners are usually se-
lected from the peer group, leading to assortative partnering patterns (with relatively
like individuals) that are similar to peer-association processes (Kim & Capaldi, 2004;
Yamaguchi & Kandel, 1993).
Social and Emotional Support. Aspects of support have usually been examined for
women and are usually hypothesized to be protective against IPV victimization–thus
risk would be viewed as because of lack of support. In recent years, however, some
studies have examined support as protective against perpetration. Huang et al. (2010)
examined MFPV victimization using the FFCWS and found that social support re-
duced the odds of victimization for women. Lanier and Maume (2009) examined social
isolation/support in four domains (received help, social interaction, church involvement,
participation in events and activities) in rural and urban areas for the NSFH and found
that the only type of support for women related to a lower probability of MFPV victim-
ization was received help. In cross-sectional work, Van Wyk, Benson, Fox, and DeMaris
(2003) examined MFPV victimization for the NSFH sample and found that women
with less assistance and living in disadvantaged neighborhoods were more likely to be
victims of IPV. Golinelli, Longshore, and Wenzel (2009) examined MFPV and victimiza-
tion for a California sample of women and found that greater social support moderated
the effect of risk factors on MFPV among non-substance using women only.
Two longitudinal studies reviewed and examined whether support is protective
against IPV perpetration. Roberts et al. (2010) examined men’s perpetration of IPV
using the NESARC study and found that emotional support was not protective against
MFPV. Herrera et al. (2008) examined MFPV and FMPV perpetration for the Add
Health Survey sample and found in bivariate analyses that parental support and school
support reduced the probability of IPV. In cross-sectional work, Smith Slep et al. (2010)
examined predictors of IPV perpetration for an Air Force sample of men and women and
found associations between several aspects of support, including spouse deployment
support and support from neighbors, with lower perpetration of IPV; although findings
differed among groups of men and women in differing circumstances (e.g., with or
without children). Rosen, Kaminski, Parmley, Knudson, and Fancher (2003) examined
MFPV perpetration also for a military (Army) sample. They found that lower leader-
ship support and lower support for spouses were associated with MFPV.
In adolescent work, Foshee et al. (2011) examined predictors of dating violence
perpetration for boys and girls and found that higher levels of social bonding were
associated with decreased odds of perpetrating dating violence. For girls, school bond-
ing was associated with decreased odds of perpetrating dating violence; whereas for
boys, school bonding was associated with increased odds. Maas, Fleming, Herrenkohl,
and Catalano (2010) for the RHCP examined dating violence victimization for
boys and girls and found that, after controlling for several variables (e.g., poverty,
maltreatment, parental IPV, social skills, externalizing, internalizing, and alcohol
consumption), higher bonding to parents had a protective effect on the risk of IPV
victimization for girls and boys. Cleveland, Herrera, and Stuewig (2003) found for
the Add Health Survey sample that school attachment was protective of MFPV vic-
timization for girls but not related to perpetration for boys. Barnyard et al. (2006) for
7th through 12th graders in the TAP found that factors related to lower likelihood of
IPV perpetration included maternal and paternal support, neighborhood monitoring,
neighborhood support, and school attachment.
In summary, support is not always found to be a protective factor for IPV perpetration
or victimization, but the weight of evidence from the relatively limited number of
studies suggests that social support and tangible help are protective for perpetration
and victimization, and that parental support (also discussed in the section on parent-
ing) is protective for adolescents. It may be that higher-risk groups, such as those with
individual risk characteristics such as substance use problems, are less likely to ben-
efit from such support. Further studies are needed that compare the protective value
of different aspects of support within populations with differing characteristics.
for IPV perpetration. For the Dunedin study, again, Ehrensaft et al. (2004) found that
women in clinically abusive relationships (resulting in injury or police contact) had
childhood family adversity, adolescent conduct problems, and aggressive personality,
and that men had disinhibitory psychopathology since childhood and extensive per-
sonality deviance. Capaldi and Clark (1998) found for the OYS-CS that boys’ antisocial
behavior (ages 15–16 years) was significantly associated with MFPV (at age 18 years);
for the same sample, Capaldi, Dishion, Stoolmiller, and Yoerger (2001) found that anti-
social behavior at ages 17–18 years was predictive of MFPV at ages 20–23 years. Kim
and Capaldi (2004) found for the OYS sample that, after controlling for depressive
symptoms, young men and women showed significant associations between antiso-
cial behavior and perpetration of physical and psychological IPV. In a study involving
boys, the CSDD, Lussier et al. (2009) found that late and early adolescent antisocial
behavior onset were significant predictors of MFPV in adulthood. After controlling for
antisocial behavior in late adolescence, only one developmental risk factor remained a
significant predictor of MFPV in adulthood, namely, low verbal IQ. In a study includ-
ing young men and women, Andrews, Foster, Capaldi, and Hops (2000) found, after
controlling for all variables (e.g., marital status, gender, parent–adolescent conflict,
youth depressive symptoms) and their interactions, that family aversive communica-
tion and participant antisocial behavior predicted IPV in couples. Again, in a study
involving young men and women (the CHDS), Woodward et al. (2002) found that indi-
viduals with younger onset antisocial behavior were more likely than those with later
or no onset antisocial behavior to be perpetrators or victims of IPV, and there was no
gender difference in IPV perpetration. For the SSDP, Herrenkohl, Kosterman, Mason,
and Hawkins (2007) found for young men and women that the odds of moderately
severe IPV perpetration were double for chronic youth offenders compared to non-of-
fenders. After controlling for gender and proximal characteristics (e.g., substance use),
chronic and late increaser youth offenders were more likely to be involved in severe
IPV perpetration. Partner characteristics (substance use, antisocial behavior) also had
a unique effect on severe IPV, while controlling for gender, other proximal character-
istics, and youth violence trajectories. White and Widom (2003) found for men and
women that early aggression, antisocial personality disorder, and hostility all signifi-
cantly predicted IPV perpetration. In a study including men and women, Huesmann,
Dubow, and Boxer (2009) found for the CCLS that life-course persistent antisocial
behavior and adult-onset antisocial behavior (vs. childhood or adolescence only) were
predictive of MFPV and FMPV. Simons, Wu, Johnson, and Conger (1995) found for the
parent generation in IYFP that—after controlling for the effects of grandparent harsh
discipline, antisocial behavior (parents), aggression toward children, and aggression
toward spouse—antisocial behavior of mothers and fathers predicted marital violence.
White and Widom (2003) found that hostility was associated with IPV perpetration
for men and women. Findings from these predominantly fully prospective longitudinal
studies, taken together with earlier studies, indicate that conduct problems or antiso-
cial behavior is consistently found to be a substantial risk factor for later IPV involve-
ment (as it is for other kinds of adult violence), is implicated in the developmental
histories of both men and women who perpetrate IPV and is frequently found to be a
mediator for earlier risk factors such as harsh parental treatment.
Depression. The association of depressive symptoms with IPV has been studied
mainly in samples of early adults. Andrews et al. (2000) did not find that depressive
symptoms were predictive of IPV for young adults (aged 23 years). In a study examin-
ing only victimization of women, Lehrer, Buka, Gortmaker, and Shrier (2006) for the
Add Health Survey found that 28% of women with severe depression symptoms ex-
perienced IPV or injury, whereas 17.5% with lower depression symptoms experienced
IPV or injury. The association of depressive symptoms to perpetration by these young
women was not examined. Again, in examining IPV victimization for the Add Health
Survey sample but in a study including men and women, Halpern, Spriggs, Martin,
and Kupper (2009) found that men and women who were low on depressive symp-
toms were less likely to be involved in IPV victimization, whereas those with persis-
tent victimization were more likely to show higher depressive symptoms. However, in
multivariate analyses, depressive symptoms were no longer a significant predictor.
A series of studies has been conducted on the topic of depressive symptoms and
IPV using the prospective longitudinal OYS-CS. Capaldi and Crosby (1997) found
that young women’s depressive symptoms predicted their psychological and physical
FMPV but that young men’s depressive symptoms did not predict MFPV. In a later
study with the OYS-CS examining physical and psychological IPV, Kim and Capaldi
(2004) found that men’s depressive symptoms were concurrently related to psycho-
logical IPV perpetration at Time 2 and to physical and psychological aggression at
Time 3. Women’s depressive symptoms were related to FMPV (both physical and
psychological) concurrently (Time 2) as well as longitudinally (Time 3). In addition,
women’s depressive symptoms were predictive of men’s psychological aggression,
whereas men’s risk factors were not significantly associated with FMPV. In a later
study with the OYS-CS sample, Kim et al. (2008) again found that, while control-
ling for antisocial behavior, women’s depressive symptoms were predictive of their
male partner’s MFPV, but the men’s own depressive symptoms were not predictive of
MFPV. Overall, the findings for depressive symptoms indicate that they are associ-
ated with IPV perpetration and victimization, but that this association is not robust
in multivariate analyses and may be stronger for women than for men.
Suicide Attempts. Suicide attempts, a violent behavior associated with severe depres-
sion and with under controlled and antisocial behavior, have received less attention
as a risk factor for IPV. In a prospective longitudinal study of the OYS men, Kerr and
Capaldi (2011) found that suicide attempt history was a significant predictor of injur-
ing a partner, after controlling for confounding factors. Results from cross-sectional
studies are mixed. Seedat, Stein, and Forde (2005) did not find a significant association
between suicide attempt history and IPV victimization among a sample of adult women
from a Memphis survey. Using cross-sectional data from the 1997 SCYRS, Coker et al.
(2000) found that suicide attempt history was a significant predictor of IPV perpetra-
tion for boys and girls, as well as a predictor of victimization for girls but not for boys.
Howard, Wang, and Yan (2007, 2008) did not find a statistically significant association
between suicide attempt behavior and physical dating violence in multiple regression
analyses for adolescent boys and girls using data from the 2005 YRBS. Overall, findings
are mixed regarding the association of suicide attempts and IPV. The Kerr and Capaldi
(2011) study involved prospective yearly reports of attempts, and such frequent mea-
surement may be needed to capture adequately this low base rate risk factor.
Alcohol and Drug Use. Alcohol is widely considered to be a key proximal predictor of
IPV because of its hypothesized disinhibitory effect on aggression (Flanzer, 2005). Drug
use has been less frequently examined as a predictor. For the RHHDP, White and Chen
(2002) found that for men and women, after controlling for other risk factors (e.g., age,
education, marital status, parental fighting), current problem drinking was significantly
associated with IPV victimization and perpetration, although the magnitude of asso-
ciations was small. Caetano et al. (2005) examined predictors of the recurrence and
incidence of IPV perpetration across a 5-year period for couples, and in a multivari-
ate prediction model—including several other risk factors (e.g., age, relationship status,
race, employment) and alcohol use predictors (problems, five or more drinks per occasion
in the past year, and average volume of use—each assessed for men and women)—found
that none of the alcohol measures were significantly predictive of MFPV but that the
women’s volume of alcohol use predicted recurrence of FMPV, and the men’s volume of
use predicted the incidence of FMPV. In an Australian study, Schluter et al. (2008) found
that problem drinking in couples was related to IPV victimization for men and women.
For the NSFH, Rodriguez et al. (2001) found that the frequency of drinking alcohol was
not related to mutual IPV for employed adults; but for the non-employed relative to full-
time workers, more alcoholic drinks significantly increased the risk of violence.
Testa, Livingston, and Leonard (2003) examined women’s victimization and found
that women’s heavy episodic drinking did not predict subsequent experiences of MFPV
in ongoing or new relationships, but that marijuana and hard drug use were associated
with increased likelihood of victimization in new relationships. For the RAYAPS, Martino,
Collins, and Ellickson (2005) found that—after controlling for educational attainment,
income level, and race—substance use including alcohol, marijuana, and other drug
use did not increase women’s long-term risk of perpetrating or being a victim of IPV.
However, each type of substance use was assessed by only one item. For the OYS-CS,
Feingold, Kerr, and Capaldi (2008) found for men’s perpetration that, after controlling
for SES variables and antisocial behavior, men using substances—especially cannabis,
hallucinogens, and nicotine—committed more IPV than did men with no substance
use. Alcohol dependence was a significant predictor of IPV, however, after controlling
for problems with cannabis and other hard drugs, the association was nonsignificant.
Co-occurrence of alcohol with cannabis and hard drugs predicted higher IPV incidence.
In a study involving men and women for the SSDP, Herrenkohl et al. (2007) found in bi-
variate analyses of proximal characteristics and IPV that the individual’s getting drunk
from alcohol and arrests due to drinking and use of other drugs were not related to IPV
perpetration; but that partner’s heavy alcohol use, use of marijuana, use of other drugs,
and selling drugs were predictive. The fact that partner rather than individual charac-
teristics were predictive could have been partly because the study participant reported
on their own and on their partner’s risk characteristics. For the CCS in New York,
Ehrensaft et al. (2003) found that a combined measure of alcohol abuse and marijuana
abuse in early adulthood did not show independent prediction to either perpetration or
victimization controlling for other factors. White and Widom (2003) found for a sample
of adults, who had been abused in childhood and matched controls, that total lifetime
symptoms of alcohol abuse/dependence predicted IPV perpetration for men and women.
For the NAS sample, Field and Caetano (2005) found that MFPV was associated with
history of childhood abuse and alcohol abuse; alcohol use by males and females was
significantly associated with FMPV. For CHDS, Fergusson, Boden, and Horwood (2008)
found that— controlling for risk factors such as childhood conduct problems—alcohol
abuse/dependence predicted IPV perpetration but not victimization; no gender differ-
ences were found for IPV perpetration or victimization or for alcohol use/dependence in
adolescence and later IPV perpetration. For the Add Health Survey sample, Whitaker,
Le, and Niolon (2010) found that drug use but not problem drinking was significantly
predictive of persistence in IPV, although it was no longer significant after controlling
for frequency of violence in the prior relationship.
In cross-sectional work, Slashinski, Coker, and Davis (2003) examined MFPV and
FMPV perpetration and found for the NVAWS that dating physical aggression was
associated with use of antidepressants, tranquilizers, pain medication, and recre-
ational drug use for women only. In a national study of couples that adjusted for
confounding factors, including women’s alcohol use, race/ethnicity, age, income, and
illicit drug use, McKinney, Caetano, Rodriguez, and Okoro (2010) found no significant
association between men’s alcohol involvement and severe (vs. mild only) MFPV or
FMPV. Women’s alcohol involvement was associated with more than a three-fold in-
creased risk of severe (vs. mild only) MFPV and a 2.5-fold increased risk of FMPV.
Using the NHSDA, Stalans and Ritchie (2008) found that marijuana use/abuse was
associated with MFPV and FMPV for ethnic minorities and those with low SES but
not for Euro-American couples and higher SES. For low SES and minority-status cou-
ples, emotional abuse was also associated with marijuana use/abuse, and emotional
abuse mediated the effect of marijuana use/abuse on physical violence. Emotional
abuse was the strongest predictor of physical violence. After controlling for psycho-
logical abuse, findings indicated that stimulant use, sedative use, and alcohol abuse
or dependence were associated with physical violence.
In longitudinal adolescent work, Reyes, Foshee, Bauer, and Ennett (2010) found for
a rural school-based sample, after controlling for demographic and psychosocial cova-
riates, that the results of the between-person effects of heavy alcohol use suggested
that heavy alcohol use was significantly positively associated with the overall cohort
trajectory of physical dating aggression perpetration with no evidence of sex differ-
ences. Adolescents with heavy alcohol use at baseline reported relatively high levels
of dating aggression perpetration during early and middle adolescence; yet by late
adolescence, there were no differences in perpetration levels between heavy alcohol
users and nonusers. After controlling for demographic and psychosocial covariates,
the results of the within-person effects of heavy alcohol use suggested a negative in-
teraction between heavy alcohol use and grade, such that the effect of heavy alcohol
use on dating violence perpetration diminished as grade level increased. In an urban
sample of high school girls, Buzy et al. (2004) found that, after controlling for any
alcohol use and demographic variables, greater alcohol use was concurrently associ-
ated with greater risk for physical violence victimization for the girls and longitudi-
nally associated with physical and sexual victimization 4 months later. For the WCFP,
Schnurr and Lohman (2008) examined MFPV and FMPV perpetration and victimiza-
tion for a predominantly African American and Hispanic sample. They found, control-
ling for other factors, that drug and alcohol use were predictive of perpetration of
dating violence for girls but not for boys. Maas et al. (2010) examined dating violence
victimization for the RHCP sample and found that externalizing behavioral problems
predicted IPV victimization for boys and that internalizing, externalizing, and alco-
hol consumption predicted IPV victimization for girls.
In cross-sectional work, Temple and Freeman (2011) examined dating violence vic-
timization for a Texas high school sample and found that, after controlling for demo-
graphic variables and alcohol use, lifetime use of any controlled substance significantly
increased the likelihood of reporting dating violence victimization. O’Keefe (1997)
found that for a school-based Los Angeles sample composed of students in Grades 11
and 12, controlling for other factors (e.g., SES, race, family-of-origin violence, relation-
ship characteristics), alcohol and drug use were associated with dating violence perpe-
tration for boys and girls. Eaton, Davis, Barrios, Brener, and Noonan (2007) found for a
national sample of 9th to 12th graders in the YRBS that dating violence victimization
was associated with alcohol use and marijuana use for girls but not for boys. For the
YVS, Swahn, Simon, Arias, and Bossarte (2008) found that—after controlling for age,
race/ethnicity, gender, heavy episodic drinking, other drug use, peer drinking, depres-
sion, impulsivity, and monitoring—early alcohol initiation was associated with dating
violence victimization and perpetration, relative to nondrinking.
Overall, these findings indicate that although there is evidence for an association
of indicators of alcohol use with IPV perpetration and victimization, it is not as strong
or as consistent as has generally been supposed. This is likely partly because of the
strong association of problematic substance use with other risk factors, particularly
with conduct problems/antisocial behavior. It also appears that the association may
be stronger for girls and women than for boys and men. There are fewer studies on
the use of drugs and IPV, but those that are there suggest that there could be a stron-
ger association between such use and IPV.
Self-Esteem. The association of self-esteem with IPV has been predominantly exam-
ined in cross-sectional work—no longitudinal studies of this association were found.
In a study with the first wave of the OYS-CS sample, Capaldi and Crosby (1997) found
that depressive symptoms and low self-esteem predicted psychological and physical
aggression perpetration by young adult women, whereas depressive symptoms and
self-esteem were not predictive for men. In cross-sectional work with the NSFH, Elli-
son and Anderson (2001) found that, controlling for other factors, low self-esteem was
predictive of FMPV but not of MFPV. Hazen, Connelly, Soriano, and Landsverk (2008)
examined victimization by MFPV for a Latina sample and found no association be-
tween low self-esteem and victimization. Sugarman and Hotaling (1989) similarly
reported no association between husbands’ and wives’ low self-esteem and MFPV in
the NFVS. On the other hand, Whiting, Simmons, Havens, Smith, and Oka (2009)
examined the association of low self-esteem and mutual IPV (because most respon-
dents reported mutual IPV) for men and women in the NCS and found a significant
association. Overall, findings from the limited number of studies indicated that there
is some evidence of an association between low self-esteem and IPV perpetration in
women but little evidence for men. Low self-esteem is also associated with other in-
ternalizing factors such as depressive symptoms (Brown, Bifulco,& Andrews, 1990).
et al. (2010) suggested that aggression-tolerant attitudes and hostile couple relation-
ships were significantly related to dating aggression involvement after controlling for
gender and overall risk. White, Merrill, and Koss (2001) found for a Navy sample, in-
cluding men and women, that hostility toward women accounted for a small amount of
variance in MFPV (1%) in the presence of other factors (e.g., demographics, child abuse,
anger/impulsivity), but hostility toward men did not account for variance in FMPV.
No longitudinal studies of adults that met criteria addressed risk factors related
to attitudes per se. In cross-sectional work, McKinney, Caetano, Ramisetty-Mikler,
and Nelson (2009) found for the NAS that reciprocal IPV, in particular, was likely to
be associated with attitudes approving of IPV. Markowitz (2001) found for a sample
of ex-offenders and community members that approval of violence against spouses
and children were related to the frequency of perpetrating IPV. Also, the associa-
tion between childhood violence and perpetrating IPV in adulthood was explained by
accepting attitudes toward violence. Sugarman, Aldarondo, and Boney-McCoy (1996)
examined MFPV (reports of perpetration by men and victimization by women) for
the NFVS and found that attitudes approving of marital violence were a correlate for
the men’s and women’s reports of MFPV. Browning (2002) drew on several sources of
data in Chicago for a sample of women and found that neighborhood attitudes sup-
portive of nonintervention for IPV were associated with higher levels of nonlethal
IPV. Thus, as been found in many areas (Pleck, Sonenstein, & Ku, 1990), there is some
association of attitudes supportive of violence and IPV perpetration and victimiza-
tion, but given the cross-sectional nature of the evidence, it is hard to determine if
attitudes precede or follow the IPV behavior.
Attitudes and beliefs justifying the use of physical aggression in relationships
were examined in several cross-sectional studies with adolescent samples included in
this review (e.g., Grych & Kinsfogel, 2010; Johnson, 2001; Josephson & Proulx, 2008;
O’Keefe, 1997); however, our inclusion criteria captured only one longitudinal study
(Connolly et al., 2010, reviewed earlier). Among the adult samples, only cross-sectional
studies investigated the association of attitudes (e.g., approval of violence, patriar-
chal dominance) with IPV (e.g., Brownridge et al., 2008; Johnson, 2001; Markowitz,
2001), and results suggested a positive association. Overall, hostility toward women
by men and attitudes approving of or justifying IPV by either men or women are low
to moderate proximal predictors of IPV.
Iowa study that cohabiting couples were more likely to engage in IPV than were mar-
ried couples. Similarly, Magdol, Moffitt, Caspi, and Silva (1998b) found for the Dunedin
sample that IPV was more likely in cohabitating relationships than in dating or mar-
ried. Caetano et al. (2005) also found negative effects of cohabitation for the incidence
of MFPV in a longitudinal survey of couples. Herrera et al. (2008) found for MFPV and
FMPV perpetration for the Add Health Survey sample that, after controlling for effects
of family and school correlates, dating couples were less likely to perpetrate IPV than
cohabitating couples. In contrast, using data from the longitudinal FFCWS, Huang et
al. (2010) found that married or cohabitating mothers were less likely to be victims of
IPV compared to mothers who did not live with their child’s father.
In cross-sectional work, O’Donnell et al. (2002) found higher risk for MFPV victim-
ization among separated and divorced women versus married women. Hyman, Forte,
Du Mont, Romans, and Cohen (2006) found for the CGSS examining MFPV and vic-
timization that the strongest risk factor for IPV was marital status, with women who
were single, divorced, separated, or widowed being 10 times more likely to report IPV as
compared to women who were married or living with a common-law partner. Sorenson
and Telles (1991) for a Los Angeles area study examined MFPV and FMPV and found
that marital status was related to IPV, such that divorced or separated had the highest
incidence and never married had the lowest rates. Neff et al. (1995) for a Texas sample
of regular drinkers and nondrinkers who were married, divorced, or separated (com-
bined into formerly married) found that formerly married men and women had higher
rates of IPV perpetration and victimization than did currently married individuals, and
this was the case for Euro-American, African American, and Hispanic adults at close to
or over double the prevalence of violence among the formerly married in most cases.
Brownridge and Halli (2002) conducted a study specifically focused on understand-
ing MFPV against cohabitating and married women for the NVAWS. After control-
ling for relationship (e.g., jealousy, alcohol use, social isolation) and selection variables
(e.g., age, education, employment, income, exposure to parental IPV), the results indi-
cated that women who cohabited showed higher MFPV victimization than those who
had never cohabited. For cohabiting women, MFPV victimization was associated with
younger age, women’s unemployment, past partner violence, childlessness, and depres-
sive symptoms. Slashinski et al. (2003), again for the NVAWS, examined MFPV and
FMPV and found that married individuals were less likely to report IPV than divorced
or separated couples. Hazen and Soriano (2007) examined victimization by MFPV for a
San Diego sample of Latina women and found that those who were divorced, separated,
or never married were at higher risk for victimization. Kershner, Long, and Anderson
(1998), for a sample of women in the Midwest predominantly enrolled in the WIC sup-
plemental food program and examining MFPV (physical, emotional/verbal, and sexual)
and victimization, found that proportional increases in risk relative to married women
were 2.1 for single, 2.5 for divorced, and 6.5 for separated women, after adjusting for
other variables. Single women who recently changed their relationship status were at
higher risk for MFPV than women with other types of status change. Vest et al. (2002)
examined victimization by MFPV for a sample of women in the BRFSS and found that
single, divorced, and separated marital states were risk factors. In summary, there is
clear evidence of associations of types of relationship status with IPV perpetration and
victimization, with separated women being particularly vulnerable.
Attachment. The role of attachment between adult partners was examined in three
studies. For the NYS, Lackey (2003) examined the association of attachment to part-
ner and MFPV and FMPV perpetration and found—after controlling for other factors
(e.g., family size, income, witnessing parental IPV)—that for men commitments to
the partner and to work significantly mediated the effect of victimization by parents
as an adolescent on later IPV. Victimization by parents decreased commitment to the
partner and work, both of which subsequently increased IPV later in life. For women,
victimization by parents during adolescence did not appear to significantly affect
later FMPV. Also, decreases in attachment to the partner and commitments to the
partner or work did not subsequently increase FMPV.
In cross-sectional work, Lafontaine and Lussier (2005) examined the link between
romantic attachment and IPV using a Quebec sample interviewed by telephone. After
controlling for anger in couples, findings indicated that state anger and trait anger in
men mediated the association between avoidant attachment and use of psychological
IPV. For women, anger out mediated the association of anxious attachment and psycho-
logical IPV. For men and women, trait anger and anger out mediated the association
between female anxiety and use of physical IPV. Men who had low anxiety of abandon-
ment with high trait anger or low anger control were more likely to use physical IPV.
Feerick, Haugaard, and Hien (2002) used data from a study of women in New York
receiving treatment for cocaine use and a control sample to examine the contributions
of attachment and drug abuse to the association of child maltreatment and adulthood
violence. Insecure working models of attachment were associated with partner violence
victimization for control group women only, independent of the effect of sexual abuse.
In adolescent work, the association of attachment and dating violence has been
examined in studies by Allen and colleagues. Miga, Hare, Allen, and Manning (2010)
examined the relation of insecure attachment states of mind and romantic attachment
styles to adolescent aggression in romantic relationships. After controlling for gender
and race/ethnicity, the romantic partner’s attachment anxiety significantly and posi-
tively predicted verbal and physical aggression victimization of youth, the romantic
partner’s male gender was a moderator, the youth’s attachment anxiety significantly
and positively predicted physical aggression perpetration but not verbal aggression or
victimization, and the youth’s avoidant attachment was not a significant predictor of
aggression. After controlling for gender and income, the results for age 18-years perpe-
tration indicated an effect of early adolescent paternal aggression and attachment secu-
rity, as well as an interaction between paternal aggression and adolescents’ attachment
security—the relation of paternal aggression to perpetration of IPV 5 years later was
positive for less secure adolescents and was nonsignificant for secure adolescents. In
predicting to victimization, there was a similar significant effect of paternal aggression
but not of attachment security or an interaction effect. In a similar line of research,
Maas et al. (2010) found that higher bonding to parents was protective against the risk
of IPV victimization for boys and girls, using data from the longitudinal RHCP.
In cross-sectional work, Chapple (2003) examined parental attachment in relation
to the intergenerational transmission of IPV for an Arkansas high school sample.
Findings indicated that, after controlling for gender, welfare status, and race, par-
ticipants who had ever witnessed parental IPV were below the mean for parental
attachment and involvement and above the mean for hours of dating, dating IPV, and
the perceived likelihood of dating IPV. The significant risk factors for perpetration
of dating IPV in multivariate analyses were witnessed parental IPV, gender (girls
higher), race (non–Euro-American higher), low parental monitoring, and greater dat-
ing frequency. Wekerle and Wolfe (1998) examined MFPV and FMPV perpetration
and victimization and found that avoidant attachment style increased risk of vio-
lence perpetration for both genders. Predictors of victimization included childhood
maltreatment for boys and girls; insecure and avoidant attachment style predicted
victimization for girls but not boys. Overall, the findings for the association of attach-
ment problems and IPV are mixed.
Study Findings
This study represents the first extensive systematic search of findings of studies on
risk factors for IPV—since Schumacher et al.’s (2001) comprehensive review of studies
on risk for male-to-female partner physical abuse. The current review examined both
male-to-female and female-to-male physical, psychological, and sexual aggression.
It was chiefly limited to examining risk factors for acts of IPV, rather than examining
prediction to outcomes of IPV such as injury. Few studies involving sexual violence
were found that met criteria. Two hundred and twenty eight were found meeting
quality control criteria, representing approximately 95 unique samples.
Male-to-male and female-to-female IPV was not excluded, but unfortunately no stud-
ies that exclusively examined same-sex relationships met the inclusion criteria; and only
two studies (Golinelli et al., 2009; Moracco, Runyan, Bowling, & Earp, 2007) included
both heterosexual and same-sex relationships in their analyses. A lack of representative
sampling methodology was the primary reason for the exclusion of same-sex IPV studies,
and where representative samples were used (e.g., Bartholomew, Regan, Oram & White,
2008, random digit dialing), studies did not meet the response rate criterion. The present
study underscores the need for high-quality same-sex IPV research and its persisting
underrepresentation in the literature (Burke & Follingstad, 1999), which is likely because
of a combination of factors such as public policy (e.g., research funding), challenges with
sampling strategies, and socially desirable responding (Murray & Mobley, 2009).
Interestingly, although the studies were searched from the 1970s to the present,
relatively few studies were found that met criteria and were published prior to 1996.
One hundred and eighty-two of the included studies were published between 2001
and 2011. Thus, considerable progress has been made in examining risk factors for
IPV in the past 10 years. This progress includes a greater focus on IPV or dating
violence in adolescence and examination of FMPV as well as MFPV. A substantial
proportion of studies were longitudinal, a much superior design for identification of
risk factors compared to cross-sectional studies. In addition, many studies controlled
for additional or confounding factors, and several studies were based on develop-
mental models whereby effects of more distal predictors (e.g., demographic factors,
witnessing parental violence) were hypothesized to be mediated by more proximal
risk factors (e.g., conduct problems, substance use).
Overall, findings for the risk factors for IPV showed many similarities to find-
ings for risk factors for other problems that involve risky behavior in adolescence
and adulthood, such as crime, substance use, and sexual risk behaviors, suggesting
that IPV is theoretically and intra individually akin to these behaviors. One factor
that is implicit in this review, although not directly addressed, is that risk factors for
IPV tend to be associated to one another. For instance, Capaldi, DeGarmo, Patterson,
and Forgatch (2002) examined the association of contextual risk factors for antisocial
behavior across the early life span. They demonstrated that family income, parental
antisocial behavior, depressive symptoms, transitions (separations, re-partnerings),
SES, stress, and unemployment were significantly associated for the OYS sample and
loaded significantly on a forced one-factor solution. Most notable areas of findings for
risk factors in the current review are summarized subsequently.
In the area of demographic risk factors, older age is associated with decreased risk
for IPV, with the peak seeming to occur quite early—in late adolescence and young
adulthood. This is contrary to earlier views that IPV was related to entrapment in
marriage (Stets & Straus, 1989) and inevitably got worse over time (Walker, 1989).
This shows similarity to the pattern for crime and violence more generally, which
peaks in adolescence and then declines (Blumstein, Cohen, Roth, & Visher, 1986;
Wiesner, Capaldi, & Kim, 2007). Deprivation, including unemployment and low in-
come, was predictive of IPV. Minority group membership was also predictive of IPV,
with evidence of mediation by income. For Hispanics, being born in the United States
versus foreign born is a risk factor, but degree of acculturation was not predictive and
therefore does not explain this association. High levels of acculturation stress are
predictive of IPV as well as other kinds of stress such as financial and work related.
More attention has been paid to the possible contribution of larger community
contextual factors to IPV in recent years, with studies of neighborhood/community
and school context. Findings regarding these risk factors, however, were mixed; thus,
no clear risk factors emerged at these community levels.
Exposure to violence between parents in the family of origin and experience of child
abuse are still much researched risk factors. All in all, there is evidence of a low to
moderate significant association of these two childhood experiences of violence and
later perpetration or victimization for IPV. However, much of the evidence was based
on retrospective reporting, and limited findings have suggested that more proximal fac-
tors, including the individual’s antisocial behavior and adult adjustment, may mediate
the association. For example, the White and Widom (2003) study indicated that, similar
to other early risk factors, the effects of child abuse seem to be mediated by subsequent
problematic development, including antisocial behavior and substance use problems.
There is no indication of major gender differences in these associations.
Studies of protective family-of-origin factors were also included in the review.
Notably, parenting factors—particularly positive involvement in the adolescent’s life
for men’s perpetration—indicate that more studies with designs that account for fac-
tors such as the co-occurrence of substance use with antisocial behavior and among
types of substance use (e.g., alcohol and marijuana) are needed, along with studies of
moderators of associations, to understand the association of substance use and IPV.
Studies examining intraindividual changes over time in use and associations with
intraindividual change in IPV are also needed. In addition, creative experimental
designs to examine these associations are needed (e.g., Leonard & Roberts, 1998).
Relationship status (e.g., married, cohabiting, separated) is related to IPV, with
married individuals being at lowest risk and separated women being particularly
vulnerable. Low relationship satisfaction and high discord or conflict are proximal
predictors of IPV, with high discord in particular being a robust predictor.
Gender Issues
One notable finding of this review is that regardless of any differences in frequency and/
or severity of engagement in IPV by girls/women and boys/men, overall, there are more
similarities than differences in risk factors. The main area where there was relatively
robust evidence of gender differences was in internalizing problem behaviors, including
depressive symptoms and low self-esteem, where there was relatively consistent evidence
that internalizing behaviors are risk factors for women but not for men. The second area
where there seemed to be emerging evidence for gender differences, somewhat surpris-
ingly and counter to conventional wisdom, was in alcohol use as a greater risk factor
for IPV for girls/women than for men. This could be due to several possible factors such
as alcohol having more of a disinhibitory effect on aggression for women than for men,
the association of alcohol use to other psychopathology in women including antisocial
behavior, men’s reactions to women’s drinking, or the characteristics of male partners
selected by women who are higher users of alcohol. Further study of this issue with
longitudinal designs that can test possible alternative explanations is needed.
Methodological Issues
It is interesting to note some differences between the findings of the present review
and the Schumacher et al. (2001) review of male-to-female partner physical abuse.
These differences are likely due to several factors, in addition to the fact that the
present review also included female-to-male physical violence as well as psychologi-
cal and sexual abuse. First, inclusion/exclusion criteria differed between the two re-
views. Notably, the Schumacher et al. review did not exclude samples of convenience,
and many studies were excluded in the current review due to this criterion. This re-
sulted in the loss, for example, of several studies using observational approaches (e.g.,
Cordova, Jacobson, Gottman, Rushe, & Cox, 1993); and this points to the need for
studying risk factors for IPV using both a community or clinical/control sample and
strong multimethod, multiagent approaches. In recent years, there has been an in-
crease in studies with a longitudinal developmental design that began in childhood or
We draw the following eight implications for intervention and policy from this work:
1. Many of the reviewed studies involve single individuals rather than couples; thus,
our understanding of both how this behavior emerges in couples and its course
within couples is inadequate. Few studies have examined risk factors from both
partners—for example, the interaction of levels of a risk factor for each partner.
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