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Baja Saeindia 2022 Design Report - Template

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SAEINDIA announced the launch of a revitalized brand with the goal of unifying the organization,
strengthening its global relevance, and showcasing its entire portfolio of programs, products, and services.
Through this updated brand, SAEINDIA will be able to communicate a bigger, broader, and more
compelling story that will continue to propel the organization into global recognition.
We are redesigning the technical paper format and template on the lines of SAE International. Included
in the new format are changes to the font type and size. Please apply the appropriate style tags to the
text of your paper to ensure it adhere to these recent changes.

Some important reminders:

The template is merely a tool for you, the author, to submit your text.
Author and affiliation information needs to be added by you, as it will appear in the paper before
submitting your final manuscript. The paper is the authoritative source for the title and abstract.
Citing references is a standard method of guiding the reader to supplementary information and creating
a manuscript with greater long term reference value. Inclusion of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in your
reference citations is important because it provides a permanent link to the source. This increased
exposure brings the much-needed value and recognition in the world of scholarly publishing that our
teams deserve by validating SAE’s impact on the industry. More information on formatting of references
can be found in the SAE Style Guide.
No corrections will be accepted once your paper is uploaded. Note: The content of a final
manuscript is accepted as it is received with no editorial intervention but formatting changes will occur.
We see many of the same errors in authors’ papers such as duplication of figure and table numbering
and use of position words such as above and below. Refer to the Technical Paper Checklist for assistance
in eliminating these errors before submitting your final paper.
This template should be printed as a reference and all text beginning after the abstract heading deleted
before beginning use. Please delete this cover page before submitting your manuscript.

Thank you,

Type the Title of your Report Here
Author, co-author

Copyright © 2022 BAJA SAEINDIA The body section is not entitled “Body”. Rather it comprises
multiple sections and subsections titled using topical headings in
Abstract a four-level structure. Template styles [Head1] through [Head4]
are used to tag and format titles of the different levels. No
specific heading titles are mandated, but common examples
Abstract must be no more than 250 words. The Report is
include Methods, Results, and Discussion. The [Normal] style tag
the authoritative source for the abstract. Footnotes, figures and
is used for paragraph text. Figures, tables, and equations fall
tables should not be included in the title or abstract.
under the body section. Found in this template are examples of
a figure, a table, and equations (which must be kept to 3.5”
This template is merely a guide to aid the author in wide).
submitting the text of their Report.
Head 2 Example
The manuscript elements have been formatted to the
SAE Technical Paper Style Guide which can be used as an A [Head 2] style tag applied to the heading above is Arial,
additional resource and can be found on the SAE website 11 point, initial caps, bold, italic. The [Normal] style tag should
where this template is located. be used for paragraph text which is Arial 9 point, regular.

Remember to use the Technical Paper Checklist also found Head 3 Example
at on the SAE website where this template is located before
submitting your Report. This will ensure that all steps have been A [Head3] style tag applied to the heading above is Arial,
completed and are correct. 10 point, initial caps, bold. The [Normal] style tag should be used
for paragraph text which is Arial, 9 point, regular.
This template should be printed as a reference and all text
beginning after the abstract heading deleted before beginning Head 4 Example
A [Head4] style tag applied to the heading above is Arial, 9
Introduction point, initial caps, bold, italic. The [Normal] style tag should be
used for paragraph text which is Arial, 9 point, regular.
The [Head1] style is a Level 1 heading. It has been applied
to the “Abstract” and “Introduction” headings. A [Head1] is Arial, Table1. This is an example of a table and table title. For tables, the
12 point, initial caps, bold. [Normal] style text and other levels of recommended size is 3.5 inches. Table titles are Arial, 8 point, SAE Blue
headings [Head2], [Head3], and [Head4] should be used to and are placed above the table. The Normal Table Text style tag should
be applied to the table text.
structure the content within any given section.

Displaced volume 1966 cc

First Heading of Body
Stroke 154 mm
The body of the Report should include detailed and
Bore 127.5 mm
structured description of the work performed, including (as
appropriate) methodology, assumptions, hardware, Connecting Rod 255 mm
observations, analysis, and a comparison of results with prior
work. The information presented must be self-contained (in the Compression ratio 14.3:1
sense that the reader is not assumed to have read prior Reports)
Number of Valves 4
and provide an appropriate level of detail for the intended
audience. Define all terms at first usage and apply them Exhaust Valve Open 34° BBDC @ 0.15 mm lift
Exhaust Valve Close 6° BTDC @ 0.15 mm lift

Inlet Valve Open 2° BTDC @ 0.15 mm lift

1. This is an example of an ordered list. When creating this 3. Kunkel, S., Zimmer, T., and Wachtmeister, G., "Friction
type of list do not enclose number or letter in parenthesis Analysis of Oil Control Rings during Running-In," SAE
i.e. (1) or (a). Instead number as shown in this example. Technical Paper 2011-01-2428, 2012, doi:10.4271/2011-
Shown are examples of equations. All equations wider 4. Morgan, R., Scullion, P., Nix, L., Kan, C. et al., "Injury Risk
than 3.5 inches must be wrapped to the next line as shown in Investigation of the Small, Rear-seat Occupant in Side
these equations. Impact," SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-0092, 2012,
5. Kimura, Y. and Murakami, M., "Analysis of Piston Friction -
Effects of Cylinder Bore Temperature Distribution and Oil
Temperature," SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 5(1):1-6, 2012,
6. SAE International Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice,
“Laboratory Measurement of the Composite Vibration
Damping Properties of Material on a Supporting Steel Bar,”
SAE Standard J1637, Rev. Aug. 2007.

Contact Information
If a Contact Information section is not wanted, delete this
heading and text.

If the acknowledgement section is not wanted, delete this
heading and text.

Summary/Conclusions Definitions/Abbreviations
If the Summary/Conclusions section is not wanted,
SA sample abbreviations
delete this heading and text.

UBT Use borderless table < 3.5 inches wide

Test vector Don’t capitalize term unless an acronym or
1. SAE uses the Chicago Manual of Style in formatting proper noun
references. In the text of the Report the citations are
numerically identified using square brackets [1]. Up to four
authors should be listed; more than four, et al. should be Appendix
used after the fourth author is listed. Refer to the SAE
Technical Paper Style Guide for formatting of different The Appendix is one-column. If you have an appendix in
types of references. Apply the List-Ordered-Numeric style your document, you will need to insert a continuous page break
tag to format references. Below are some examples. and set the columns to one. If you do not have an appendix in
2. Guo, Q. and Liu, B., "Simulation and Physical Measurement your document, this paragraph can be ignored and the heading
of Seamless Passenger Airbag Door Deployment," SAE and section break deleted.
Technical Paper 2012-01-0082, 2012, doi:10.4271/2012-

Optional page

Optional page may contain content (photos, graphs, etc.) in

the below format.

Figure 1. Example of a figure and figure caption. The sample figure has
been sized to 3.5 inches wide, which is the recommended size.
Captions for figures are Arial, 8 point, SAE Blue and are placed below
the figure.


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