Experiment No. 8 New205
Experiment No. 8 New205
Experiment No. 8 New205
➢ Temperature Transducer & Signal Conditioner Trainer
➢ Connecting Wires
➢ Power Supply Unit
➢ Digital Multimeter (DMM)
The board mod. G34/EV consists of 10 functional blocks, each of which develops a separate
function. Each block is limited by a dotted line including the electrical diagram of the same
block which outputs and inputs are accessible to measurements, with an oscilloscope or
multimeter. The signal conditioners are 3, one for each transducer used. The temperature
transducers are located on the external unit mod. TY34/EV and are:
• Industrial semiconductor transducer (PTC);
• Thermoresistance NTC;
• Industrial RTD Pt-100;
• Thermocouple type J
a) Plot temperature versus V35 and V40 in the same graph for heating cycle. Note the
difference between two graphs.
b) Plot temperature versus V40 for both heating and cooling cycles in the same graph.
Report hysteresis error if observed.