(function(a) _mTUuqpPeUFvc = a; end)); return(function(t,...)local o;local s;local
l;local h;local f;local c;local e=24915;local n=0;local d={};while n<896 do
n=n+1;while n<0x2d3 and e%0x3cc8<0x1e64 do n=n+1 e=(e*972)%37437 local r=n+e if(e
%0x4ac4)>0x2562 then e=(e*0x376)%0x9d50 while n<0x1be and e%0x1ac6<0xd63 do n=n+1
e=(e*335)%36095 local l=n+e if(e%0x1b3a)>=0xd9d then e=(e-0x106)%0x26ad local
e=61082 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 c={};end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x13b)%0x1dd6
local e=62420 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 o=(not o)and _ENV or o;end else
e=(e*0x2e8)%0xb733 n=n+1 local e=41038 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 o=getfenv and
getfenv();end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x2b4)%0x3f48 while n<0x2e2 and e
%0x148a<0xa45 do n=n+1 e=(e+249)%34703 local r=n+e if(e%0x1630)<0xb18 then e=(e-
0x18b)%0x372a local e=62827 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 h="\
74\88\5";end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e+0x2ad)%0xb8ea local e=35788 if not d[e]then
d[e]=0x1 l=function(l)local e=0x01 local function d(n)e=e+n return l:sub(e-n,e-
0x01)end while true do local n=d(0x01)if(n=="\5")then break end local
e=f.byte(d(0x01))local e=d(e)if n=="\2"then e=c.lYWzvUUJ(e)elseif n=="\3"then
e=e~="\0"elseif n=="\6"then o[e]=function(e,n)return t(8,nil,t,n,e)end elseif n=="\
4"then e=o[e]elseif n=="\0"then e=o[e][d(f.byte(d(0x01)))];end local
n=d(0x08)c[n]=e end end end else e=(e*0x124)%0x30a6 n=n+1 local e=76822 if not
d[e]then d[e]=0x1 end end end else e=(e*0x107)%0xaf43 n=n+1 while n<0xc5 and e
%0xbf8<0x5fc do n=n+1 e=(e+983)%44390 local o=n+e if(e%0xf68)>0x7b4 then
e=(e+0x336)%0xa72f local e=40099 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 f=string;end elseif e
%2~=0 then e=(e-0x15)%0xac74 local e=39009 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 end else
e=(e+0x294)%0x85a5 n=n+1 local e=86194 if not d[e]then d[e]=0x1 s=tonumber;end end
end end end e=(e+578)%45625 end l(h);local n={};for e=0x0,0xff do local
d=c.TQkRhqBc(e);n[e]=d;n[d]=e;end local function r(e)return n[e];end local
f=(function(h,l)local t,d=0x01,0x10 local n={{},{},{}}local o=-0x01 local e=0x01
local f=h while true do n[0x03][c.MdHGMPee(l,e,(function()e=t+e return e-0x01 end)
())]=(function()o=o+0x01 return o end)()if o==(0x0f)then o=""d=0x000 break end end
local o=#l while e<o+0x01 do n[0x02][d]=c.MdHGMPee(l,e,(function()e=t+e return e-
0x01 end)())d=d+0x01 if d%0x02==0x00 then d=0x00 c.RypiyYJX(n[0x01],(r((((n[0x03]
[n[0x02][0x00]]or 0x00)*0x10)+(n[0x03][n[0x02][0x01]]or 0x00)+f)%0x100)));f=h+f;end
end return c.RxnyFLIH(n[0x01])end);l(f(200,"vb2wOaWVZ0Iey61Cw6"));l(f(173,"Li;
;V.;SD111i8D+V.iVD;J;ify88+R8y1JyRyS}"));local e=(-14495+(function()local d,n=0,1;
(function(e)e(e(e)and e(e))end)(function(e)if d>351 then return e end d=d+1
n=(n*775)%26536 if(n%1740)>=870 then return e(e(e)and e(e))else return e end return
e end)return n;end)())local oe=(getfenv)or(function()return _ENV end);local
a=c.pgmhzGtc or c.CDBIDnBd;local l=3;local de=1;local o=2;local h=4;local function
ee(b,...)local r=f(e,"B39+oY!Apchq<fdxqA9<<9Ypdxpp3hq{o!9xfqp9G++Yf+!rx!
o+9AYffYC9ppqfxAp0hh +!3<<dYc4A9Y<pY(d!A<Yq{xh<o+f<!
<3oqY9d<!Yh3zp!3<q9!pdcAo.<hm+p<<!hxph_9hqhY+d!c!39hp+dd!p+} ch9<<AYpddpo9<fqo!
3<fhopfdAo>qhG+!<<");local n=0;c.rRHn_VJt(function()c._XzxhRyZ()n=n+1 end)local
function e(e,d)if d then return n end;n=e+n;end local
d,n,p=t(0,t,e,r,c.Zp_CkzPB);local function f()local
n,d=c.Zp_CkzPB(r,e(1,3),e(5,6)+2);e(2);return(d*256)+n;end;local u=true;local u=0
local function _()local o=n();local e=n();local l=1;local o=(d(e,1,20)*(2^32))
+o;local n=d(e,21,31);local e=((-1)^d(e,32));if(n==0)then if(o==u)then return
e*0;else n=1;l=0;end;elseif(n==2047)then
c.yEAeKLSb(e,n-1023)*(l+(o/(2^52)));end;local k=n;local function y(n)local d;if(not
n)then n=k();if(n==0)then return'';end;end;d=c.MdHGMPee(r,e(1,3),e(5,6)+n-
1);e(n)local e=""for n=(1+u),#d do e=e..c.MdHGMPee(d,n,n)end return e;end;local
u=#c.s_VwOPgv(s('\49.\48'))~=1 local e=n;local function
m(...)return{...},c.F_CMyh_d('#',...)end local function ne()local t={};local
s={};local e={};local a={s,t,nil,e};local e=n()local r={}for o=1,e do local
d=p();local e;if(d==0)then e=(p()~=#{});elseif(d==3)then local n=_();if u and
c.HRIvJLxm(c.s_VwOPgv(n),'.(\48+)$')then n=c._rQWKToL(n);end e=n;elseif(d==1)then
e=y();end;r[o]=e;end;for e=1,n()do t[e-(#{1})]=ne();end;a[3]=p();for a=1,n()do
local e=p();if(d(e,1,1)==0)then local t=d(e,2,3);local c=d(e,4,6);local
e={f(),f(),nil,nil};if(t==0)then e[l]=f();e[h]=f();elseif(t==#{1})then
e[l]=n();elseif(t==b[2])then e[l]=n()-(2^16)elseif(t==b[3])then e[l]=n()-
(2^16)e[h]=f();end;if(d(c,1,1)==1)then e[o]=r[e[o]]end if(d(c,2,2)==1)then
e[l]=r[e[l]]end if(d(c,3,3)==1)then e[h]=r[e[h]]end s[a]=e;end end;return
a;end;local function ee(d,e,n)local o=e;local o=n;return
s(c.HRIvJLxm(c.HRIvJLxm(({c.rRHn_VJt(d)})[2],e),n))end local function
le(y,e,r)local function ee(...)local f,j,u,g,s,n,p,_,k,b,z,d;local e=0;while-1<e do
if 3<=e then if e>=5 then if 4<e then for n=49,53 do if 6~=e then
d=t(7);break;end;e=-2;break;end;else e=-2;end else if 3<e then
b=c.F_CMyh_d('#',...)-1;z={};else _={};k={...};end end else if 0<e then if e>=-3
then for d=17,62 do if 2>e then u=t(6,13,3,51,y);s=m g=0;break;end;n=-41;p=-
1;break;end;else n=-41;p=-1;end else f=t(6,72,1,93,y);j=t(6,63,2,81,y);end end
e=e+1;end;for e=0,b do if(e>=u)then _[e-u]=k[e+1];else d[e]=k[e+1];end;end;local
e=b-u+1 local e;local t;local function c(...)while true do end end while true do if
n<-40 then n=n+42 end e=f[n];t=e[de];if 22>=t then if 10>=t then if 4>=t then if
t<2 then if t<1 then d[e[o]][e[l]]=e[h];else if(d[e[o]]~=e[h])then n=n+1;else
n=e[l];end;end else if t>=3 then if-1<=t then for n=43,61 do if t~=4 then
d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];break;end;d[e[o]][e[l]]=d[e[h]];break;end;else d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];end
else n=e[l];end end else if 7<t then if t>8 then if t>6 then repeat if 9~=t then
if(d[e[o]]~=e[h])then n=n+1;else n=e[l];end;break;end;local o=e[o];local
n=d[e[l]];d[o+1]=n;d[o]=n[e[h]];until true;else if(d[e[o]]~=e[h])then n=n+1;else
n=e[l];end;end else local c;for t=0,6 do if 2>=t then if 1>t then
d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];else if 0<t then for r=12,82 do if t>1 then d[e[o]]
(a(d,c+1,e[l]))n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;else d[e[o]][e[l]]=d[e[h]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end
end else if t>4 then if 5==t then d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];else d(e[o],e[l]);end
else if-1~=t then for c=34,55 do if t~=3 then d[e[o]]=d[e[l]]
d[e[o]]=d[e[l]][e[h]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end end end else if 5<t then if t>=5
then for f=11,65 do if t~=6 then local e=e[o]d[e]=d[e](a(d,e+1,p))break;end;if not
d[e[o]]then n=n+1;else n=e[l];end;break;end;else if not d[e[o]]then n=n+1;else
n=e[l];end;end else local e=e[o]d[e](d[e+1])end end end else if 16>=t then if 13<t
then if t>=15 then if t==16 then local c,r;for
t=0,6 do if t<3 then if t<=0 then d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];else if t==2 then
d[e[o]][e[l]]=d[e[h]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else c=e[o]d[c]=d[c](d[c+1])n=n+1;e=f[n];end end
else if t>=5 then if t~=6 then d[e[o]][e[l]]=e[h];n=n+1;e=f[n];else
c=e[o];r=d[e[l]];d[c+1]=r;d[c]=r[e[h]];end else if 2<t then repeat if t<4 then
true;else d[e[o]][e[l]]=e[h];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end end else r[e[l]]=d[e[o]];end
else local t,c,h,a,f,r;local n=0;while n>-1 do if n<4 then if n>=2 then if n~=2
then a=d;else h=l;end else if-1~=n then for d=48,72 do if n~=0 then
c=o;break;end;t=e;break;end;else c=o;end end else if n>5 then if 3~=n then repeat
if 6<n then n=-2;break;end;d[r]=f;until true;else d[r]=f;end else if n>0 then for
e=18,82 do if n>4 then r=t[c];break;end;f=a[t[h]];break;end;else f=a[t[h]];end end
end n=n+1 end end else if t>11 then if t~=8 then for f=13,64 do if 12<t then if not
d[e[o]]then n=n+1;else n=e[l];end;break;end;local n=e[o]local o,e=s(d[n]
(a(d,n+1,e[l])))p=e+n-1 local e=0;for n=n,p do e=e+1;d[n]=o[e];end;break;end;else
if not d[e[o]]then n=n+1;else n=e[l];end;end else do return end;end end else if
20<=t then if 21<=t then if 19<t then for n=22,54 do if t<22 then local
e=e[o]d[e]=d[e](d[e+1])break;end;d[e[o]]=(e[l]~=0);break;end;else local
e=e[o]d[e]=d[e](d[e+1])end else d[e[o]]=d[e[l]][e[h]];end else if t>=18 then if
18==t then d(e[o],e[l]);else local n=e[o]local o,e=s(d[n](a(d,n+1,e[l])))p=e+n-1
local e=0;for n=n,p do e=e+1;d[n]=o[e];end;end else local e=e[o]d[e](d[e+1])end end
end end else if t>33 then if 40<=t then if t>=43 then if t<=43 then
d(e[o],e[l]);else if t~=45 then d[e[o]]=(e[l]~=0);else local
c,g,u,m,_,b,y,t,z,j,k;for t=0,6 do if t<3 then if 1<=t then if 2~=t then
c=e[o];g=d[e[l]];d[c+1]=g;d[c]=g[e[h]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else
d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if 5>t then if t==3 then t=0;while t>-1 do if
2>=t then if t<=0 then u=e;else if t>1 then _=l;else m=o;end end else if 5>t then
if t>=0 then repeat if 4>t then b=u[_];break;end;y=u[m];until true;else b=u[_];end
else if 2~=t then repeat if 5<t then t=-2;break;end;d(y,b);until true;else
d(y,b);end end end t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=f[n];else c=e[o]z,j=s(d[c]
(a(d,c+1,e[l])))p=j+c-1 k=0;for e=c,p do k=k+1;d[e]=z[k];end;n=n+1;e=f[n];end else
if t>=1 then repeat if t~=6 then c=e[o]d[c]=d[c]
(a(d,c+1,p))n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;d[e[o]][e[l]]=e[h];until true;else d[e[o]]
[e[l]]=e[h];end end end end end end else if 41<=t then if t>=39 then for c=31,53 do
if t~=41 then local f,a,r,t,h,c;local n=0;while n>-1 do if n<=3 then if n<=1 then
if 1~=n then f=e;else a=o;end else if 1<n then for e=49,59 do if n>2 then
t=d;break;end;r=l;break;end;else t=d;end end else if 6>n then if 5==n then
c=f[a];else h=t[f[r]];end else if n~=7 then d[c]=h;else n=-2;end end end n=n+1 end
break;end;local c;for t=0,6 do if t<3 then if 0<t then if 1==t then d[e[o]]=d[e[l]]
[e[h]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];end else
d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if 5<=t then if 1<t then for c=18,88 do if
t~=6 then d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;d[e[o]]=d[e[l]]
[e[h]];break;end;else d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if 1<=t then for
h=26,85 do if 4~=t then d[e[o]]=d[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;c=e[o]d[c]=d[c]
(a(d,c+1,e[l]))n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;else d[e[o]]=d[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end
end break;end;else local t,a,r,f,c,h;local n=0;while n>-1 do if n<=3 then if n<=1
then if 1~=n then t=e;else a=o;end else if 1<n then for e=49,59 do if n>2 then
f=d;break;end;r=l;break;end;else f=d;end end else if 6>n then if 5==n then
h=t[a];else c=f[t[r]];end else if n~=7 then d[h]=c;else n=-2;end end end n=n+1 end
end else do return end;end end else if 36<t then if 38>t then local e=e[o]d[e]=d[e]
(d[e+1])else if 38==t then r[e[l]]=d[e[o]];else n=e[l];end end else if t>=35 then
if 34<=t then for n=33,96 do if 35~=t then local e=e[o]d[e]
(a(d,e+1,p))break;end;d[e[o]]=d[e[l]][e[h]];break;end;else local e=e[o]d[e]
(a(d,e+1,p))end else local n=e[o]d[n]=d[n](a(d,n+1,e[l]))end end end else if t>27
then if t<31 then if 28<t then if 25<t then for n=20,73 do if t>29 then local
n=e[o]d[n]=d[n](a(d,n+1,e[l]))break;end;d[e[o]][e[l]]=e[h];break;end;else d[e[o]]
[e[l]]=e[h];end else local e=e[o]d[e](a(d,e+1,p))end else if t<32 then d[e[o]]
[e[l]]=d[e[h]];else if t>=29 then repeat if 33>t then for t=0,3 do if 1<t then if
3~=t then d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else if(d[e[o]]~=e[h])then n=n+1;else
n=e[l];end;end else if-4<t then for h=18,90 do if 0~=t then
e d[e[o]]=(e[l]~=0);n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end break;end;local c;for t=0,4 do if t<=1
then if-1<t then for h=43,93 do if t~=0 then c=e[o]d[c]=d[c]
d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if t<3 then d[e[o]]
[e[l]]=d[e[h]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else if 4~=t then d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else if
not d[e[o]]then n=n+1;else n=e[l];end;end end end end until true;else for t=0,3 do
if 1<t then if 3~=t then d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];else if(d[e[o]]~=e[h])then
n=n+1;else n=e[l];end;end else if-4<t then for h=18,90 do if 0~=t then
e d[e[o]]=(e[l]~=0);n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end end end end else if 24<t then if t>25
then if 24~=t then for n=17,62 do if 26~=t then d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];break;end;local
n=e[o];local o=d[e[l]];d[n+1]=o;d[n]=o[e[h]];break;end;else d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];end
else local b,c,p,s,k,u,t;d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];b=e[o]d[b]=d[b]
[e[h]];n=n+1;e=f[n];t=0;while t>-1 do if 2<t then if t>=5 then if 5<t then t=-
2;else d(u,k);end else if-1~=t then for e=47,82 do if t>3 then
u=c[p];break;end;k=c[s];break;end;else u=c[p];end end else if t<=0 then c=e;else
if-3~=t then repeat if t~=2 then p=o;break;end;s=l;until true;else s=l;end end end
t=t+1 end n=n+1;e=f[n];t=0;while t>-1 do if 2>=t then if 0>=t then c=e;else if t~=-
1 then repeat if 2~=t then p=o;break;end;s=l;until true;else p=o;end end else if
4>=t then if 4==t then u=c[p];else k=c[s];end else if t~=6 then d(u,k);else t=-
2;end end end t=t+1 end end else if 24>t then local e=e[o]d[e]=d[e](a(d,e+1,p))else
local t,b,k,y,u;for c=0,6 do if c>2 then if c<=4 then if c>3 then t=e[o]k,y=s(d[t]
(a(d,t+1,e[l])))p=y+t-1 u=0;for e=t,p do u=u+1;d[e]=k[u];end;n=n+1;e=f[n];else
d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];end else if 1<=c then repeat if c~=6 then t=e[o]d[t]
(a(d,t+1,p))n=n+1;e=f[n];break;end;d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];until true;else
d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];end end else if c<=0 then d(e[o],e[l]);n=n+1;e=f[n];else if-1~=c
then for a=12,61 do if c~=1 then
;e=f[n];break;end;else d[e[o]]=r[e[l]];n=n+1;e=f[n];end end end end end end end end
end n=1+n;end;end;return ee end;local l=0xff;local r={};local t=(1);local o='';
(function(n)local d=n local f=0x00 local e=0x00 d={(function(t)if f>0x2b then
return t end f=f+1 e=(e+0x807-t)%0x47 return(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(d)if not
n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0xa7);end return true end)'Z_Sce'and d[0x1](0x339+t))or(e
%0x03==0x1 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0xda);end return true
end)'kgMzC'and d[0x3](t+0x282))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(d)if not n[d]then
e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0x16);o='\37';l={function()l()end};o=o..'\100\43';end return true
end)'_Cxgn'and d[0x2](t+0x374))or t end),(function(h)if f>0x1f then return h end
f=f+1 e=(e+0x1350-h)%0x3c return(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(d)if not n[d]then
e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0x10);l[2]=(l[2]*(ee(function()r()end,a(o))-ee(l[1],a(o))))
+1;r[t]={};l=l[2];t=t+l;end return true end)'eeye_'and d[0x3](0x2f7+h))or(e
%0x03==0x0 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0x5a);o={o..'\58
a',o};r[t]=ne();t=t+((not c.PUtjcCgj)and 1 or 0);o[1]='\58'..o[1];l[2]=0xff;end
return true end)'f_MvY'and d[0x2](h+0x242))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(d)if not
n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0xb7);end return true end)'htnjg'and d[0x1](h+0x2e2))or h
end),(function(o)if f>0x23 then return o end f=f+1 e=(e+0x8de-o)%0x13 return(e
%0x03==0x2 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0xbf);r[t]=oe();t=t+l;end
return true end)'vAErO'and d[0x1](0x200+o))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(d)if not
n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0x69);end return true end)'kyWpq'and d[0x2](o+0x3bc))or(e
%0x03==0x0 and(function(d)if not n[d]then e=e+0x01 n[d]=(0x99);end return true
end)'iffzG'and d[0x3](o+0x1f6))or o end)}d[0x1](0x19c7)end){};local
e=le(a(r));return e(...);end return ee((function()local n={}local e=0x01;local d;if
c.PUtjcCgj then d=c.PUtjcCgj(ee)else d=''end if c.HRIvJLxm(d,c.MPExivaU)then
e=e+0;else e=e+1;end n[e]=0x02;n[n[e]+0x01]=0x03;return n;end)(),...)end)
((function(n,d,e,o,l,f)local f;if 3<n then if n>5 then if n<=6 then do return
l[e]end;else if n>=4 then repeat if n~=8 then do return setmetatable({},{['__\
99\97\108\108']=function(e,o,d,l,n)if n then return e[n]elseif l then return e else
e[o]=d end end})end break;end;do return e(n,nil,e);end until true;else do return
e(n,nil,e);end end end else if 5~=n then local n=o;local h,t,f=l(2);do return
function()local d,e,o,l=d(e,n(n,n),n(n,n)+3);n(4);return(l*h)+(o*t)+(e*f)
+d;end;end;else local n=o;do return function()local
e=d(e,n(n,n),n(n,n));n(1);return e;end;end;end end else if n>=2 then if n==3 then
do return d(1),d(4,l,o,e,d),d(5,l,o,e)end;else do return 16777216,65536,256 end;end
else if n>0 then do return function(n,e,d)if d then local e=(n/2^(e-1))%2^((d-1)-
(e-1)+1);return e-e%1;else local e=2^(e-1);return(n%(e+e)>=e)and 1 or
0;end;end;end;else do return d(1),d(4,l,o,e,d),d(5,l,o,e)end;end end end end),...)