Research Insecticide IvanGabLym V2 1

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Sarrat, Ilocos Norte

OREGANO (Oreganum vulgare) AND MARABANGSIT (Lantana

camara): Its Effects against Aphids

Ivan Genesis Calaro

Gabrielle Agpoon
Lymuel Ganitano

Vishia Gantala
Research Adviser

SY 2022-2023
Title Page…………………………………………………………………………….. i
Tableof Contents…………………………………………………………………….. ii


1. Abstract


Aphids (order Hemiptera) are notorious insect pests that pose significant threats to

various agricultural crops worldwide. The extensive use of synthetic pesticides has raised

concerns regarding environmental sustainability and human health risks. Therefore, exploring

alternative methods for pest control is of paramount importance.

This research entitled Oregano (Oreganum vulgare) and Marabangsit(Lantana

camara): Its effects against aphids aimed to prove the effectiveness of Oregano(Oreganum

vulgare) and Marabangsit(Lantana camara) as main ingredients in making insecticides was

studied by doing experiments in order to screen for a new potential insecticide in the control

of aphids. The effectiveness of the products was evaluated four times in a time span of 20

minutes (every 5 minutes) of treatment and was compared to commercial insecticides.

Oregano and Marabangsit insecticides were then proven as very effective insecticides as it

exterminated a large amount of aphids in a short period of time. When considering the

acceptability, both oregano and marabangsit insecticides at all tested trials and applications

came out as a very effective treatment against aphids. In conclusion, the results of this study

made the researchers declare that oregano and marabangsit can be utilize as a main ingredient

in making insecticides and made them recommend the use of the said insecticide against


Aphids are soft-bodied insects that use their piercing sucking mouthparts to feed on

plant sap. Infestations generally result from small numbers of winged aphids that fly to the

plant and find it to be a suitable host, according to UK Entomology. In the Philippines, when

the weather is warm, many species of aphids can develop from newborn nymph to

reproducing adult in seven to eight days

To control or minimize aphid population, there are lots of commercial insect

repellants like sevin spray, insecticidal soaps and oils are produced and already circulating in

the market. But nowadays, not all could afford to buy these products because life is getting

hard for prices especially that different products and services are continuously increasing.

Besides, some of them are not environment-friendly.

Origanum vulgare or most commonly known as Oregano is plentiful here in the

Philippines and also in our locality. According to the National Institutes of Health, Oregano

oil is considered as an excellent antiseptic and insect repellent. It has some active ingredients

such as carvacrol, thymol and α-terpinene reported being highly effective in repelling

mosquitoes and insects. Moreover, it showed significant repel activity against aphids. On the

other hand, Marabangsit(Lantana Camara), an erect shrub, which grows widely in the tropics,

exhibits insecticidal activity against several insects. The methanol extract from its leaves has

fumigant and contact toxicity.

Upon using it as aphid killer, it will reduce the number of inorganic aphid killer and

respiratory diseases. It will also save money because these plants can be found anywhere yet

it is also eco-friendly. Furthermore, the goal of this study is to determine the effectiveness of

oregano(Oreganum Vulgare) and marabangsit(Lantana Camara) as aphid killer. Specifically,

this study was done to determine the significant difference in the effectiveness among the

treatments in terms of mortality rate.


To obtain the study of Oregano(Oreganum vulgare) leaves and Marabangsit (Lantana

camara) leaves extract, systematic experiment was done. Facts were gained from internet

sources. The availability of the Oregano and Marabangsit plant inspired the researchers to

undergo this study. A series of trial and error was made. The research design used in the

study was the experimental comparative design where the independent variables are the

oregano leaves and marabangsit leaves insecticide and the dependent variable was the

mortality rate of the aphids upon the reaction with the treatment.

The following were the materials used in conducting the experiment: 20 mL oregano

leaves extract, 20 mL marabangsit leaves extract, 40 mL tap water, basin, mortar and pestle,

jar container, soft cloth and clean spray bottles.

Oregano leaves and marabangsit leaves were collected and washed to remove dirt

attached on it. Through the use of blender, oregano and marabangsit leaves were grinded until

extract is produced. The extract was collected by squeezing through the use of soft cloth and

placed into two separate containers. The treatment with various amount of oregano leaves and

papaya leaves were sealed on spray bottles.

Table 1: Distribution of oregano leaves extract and marabangsit leaves extract.

Treatments Amount of Oregano Amount of Total
leaves extract (mL) Marabangsit leaves Volume
extract (mL) (mL)
Treatment 1 15 0 15
Treatment 2 0 15 15
Treatment 3 7.5 7.5 15
Treatment 4 Commercial Pesticide
Whole infected stem was cut from an outdoor plant full with aphids and then

transferred the stem in a container for the different treatments.

There were 8 containers which contained infected plant with aphids on each. Using

the sprayer, the different treatments were applied on the prepared container after which the

reactions of aphids were observed. The time it took the different treatments to kill the aphids

on the container was determined. Two replicates for similar set ups were made and the data


The aphids were observed before and after spraying the pesticide. The time interval

used in the conduct of the study was 5,10,15 and 20 minutes respectively under 3 constant

sprays in each trial for each treatment. The researcher used the observation chart in gathering

the data for two trials. It was filled up by the researcher based on how many aphids were

killed in varied numbers of sprays in varied times.

Table 2. Mortality rate of Aphids upon the reaction with the treatment.

Trial Total Total Number of Number of Number of Number of Total of

s numb numbe Aphids Aphids Aphids Aphids Aphids
er of r of exterminat exterminat exterminat exterminat Exterminat
Aphid Sprays ed in 5 ed in 10 ed in 15 ed in 20 ed
s minutes minutes minutes minutes
A 10 3 - - - - -
B 10 3 - - - - -

Frequency counting and quantitative analysis of the data were used to determine the

number of aphids exterminated during the testing of the product.


For every 500mL of commercial pesticide purchased, consumers are charge Php

120.00 as their expense. On the other hand, pesticides made from Oregano leaves and

Marabangsit leaves won't cost a thing since it is readily available everywhere. In terms of

effectiveness, Oregano leaves and Marabangsit leaves pesticides are as effective as the

commercial one as proven from the interpreted data of the computed means. Furthermore,

usage of commercial pesticide is considered hazardous while Oregano leaves and

Marabangsit leaves pesticides are natural and environment- friendly.

Table 3. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Product Criteria Oregano leaves Marabangsit Commercial

leaves Insecticide

1. Price Php 0.00/50ml Php 0.00/50ml Php 70.00/50ml

2. Availability of Available anytime, Available anytime, Available in stores

Supply anywhere anywhere

3. Effectiveness Effective Effective Effective

4. Eco-friendly Less Hazardous Lezz Hazardous More Hazardous

Table 4. Infected Leaf with Aphids tested with 15 ml of Oregano (Oreganum vulgare)

Trial Total Total Number of Number of Number of Number of

s numbe numbe Aphids Aphids Aphids Aphids
r of r of exterminate exterminate exterminate exterminated
Aphids Sprays d in 5 d in 10 d in 15 in 20
minutes minutes minutes minutes/Tota
A 10 3 2 2 3 7
B 10 3 1 3 4 8
Table 4 shows the evaluation of the first treatment containing 15 ml of pure Oregano

(Oreganum vulgare) extract. The two trials were conducted with 10 aphids.

Based on the experiment, there were differences in the number of aphids

exterminated. After the experiment, there were a total of 7 aphids exterminated in the first

trial while 8 in the second. All in all, there were 15 aphids exterminated.

Table 5. Infected Leaf with Aphids tested with 15 ml of Marabangsit (Lantana camara)

Trial Total Total Number of Number of Number of Number of

s number number Aphids Aphids Aphids Aphids
of of exterminate exterminated exterminated exterminated
Aphids Sprays d in 5 in 10 in 15 in 20
minutes minutes minutes minutes/Total
A 10 3 2 4 3 9
B 10 3 1 2 5 8

The table above encloses the evaluation of the effect of the prepared insecticide (15

ml of pure Marabangsit (Lantana camara) extract on aphids.

Based on the data above, there were differences of the number of aphids exterminated

in a given time interval. The first trial exterminated a total of 9 aphids while the second

exterminated 8. Overall, there are 17 aphids exterminated.

Table 6. Infected leaf with Aphids tested with 15 ml of Oregano (Oreganum vulgare)

and Marabangsit (Lantana camara) Extract

Trial Total Total Number of Number of Number of Number of

s numbe numbe Aphids Aphids Aphids Aphids
r of r of exterminate exterminate exterminate exterminated
Aphids Sprays d in 5 d in 10 d in 15 in 20
minutes minutes minutes minutes/Tota
A 10 3 2 4 4 10
B 10 3 1 3 5 9

Table 6 reflects the evaluation of the effect of the prepared insecticide containing 15

ml of mixed Oregano (Oreganum vulgare) and Marabangsit (Lantana camara) extract.

Based on the gathered data, there were differences of the number of aphids

exterminated in a given time interval. The first trial with 5 aphids exterminated, while the

second one has 8 aphids exterminated. Overall, there are 13 aphids exterminated in this


Table 7. Infected leaf with Aphids tested with 15 ml of Commercial Pesticide (Sevin


Trial Total Total Number of Number of Number of Number of

s numbe numbe Aphids Aphids Aphids Aphids
r of r of exterminate exterminate exterminate exterminated
Aphids Sprays d in 5 d in 10 d in 15 in 20
minutes minutes minutes minutes/Tota
A 10 3 0 2 3 5
B 10 3 1 3 3 7

Table 7 shows the evaluation of the fourth treatment containing 15 ml of commercial

pesticide (Sevin spray). The two trials were conducted with 10 aphids.
Based on the experiment, there were differences in the number of aphids

exterminated. After the experiment, there were a total of 5 aphids exterminated in the first

trial while 7 in the second. All in all, there were 12 aphids exterminated.


This study accompanies the study of National Institutes of Health (2018)

confirming that the Oregano (Oreganum vulgare) is repellent against aphids since it contains

carvacrol, thymol and α-terpinene. Oregano is plentiful here in the Philippines and also in our

locality and a lot of people may consider it as an ordinary plant that grows everywhere. On

the other hand, Marabangsit (Lantana camara) exhibits insecticidal activity against aphids.

The methanol extract from its leaves has fumigant and contact toxicity. (Gonzales, Josephine,

A., 2018)


Generally, this study was made to determine the potency and effectiveness of

Oregano leaves extract and Marabangsit leaves extract as a pesticide. This study was

conducted at Brgy. 20, San Jose, Sarrat, Ilocos Norte where in the Oregano leaves and

Marabangsit leaves were collected. The researchers just relied on existing literature about the

components of Oregano leaves and Marabangsit leaves extract. Furthermore, chemical

analysis of the extracts was not performed.


In conclusion, the study found that the oregano and marabangsit leaves is very

effective as an alternative to insecticide. This research helped us find out the great effects of

oregano and marabangsit leaves as an alternative to insecticide. That there is almost no

significant difference between the four treatments which means that the oregano and

marabangsit leaves can be a good alternative to insecticide.


The researcher recommends that you should try making oregano and marabangsit

leaves extract as an insecticide. The researcher also recommends that you should also try to

make a study about some herbs as an alternative to insecticide. The researcher recommends

the use of oregano and marabangsit leaves to everyone with consideration of its price,

availability of supply, effectiveness, and environmental concern.


Severtson, Dustin. “Aphid feeding damage to cereal crops”. Retrieved: May 07,


Cox, Nancy. “Aphids”. Retrieved: May 07,2023

“Chemical Composition and Repellency of Oreganum vulgare”.

Retrieved: May 09, 2023.

“Leaves of Lantana camara Linn as a potential insecticide”.

Retrieved: May 09,2023.



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