M. Tech. Thermal
M. Tech. Thermal
M. Tech. Thermal
M. Tech. in
(Effective from 2022-23)
• To nurture an eco-system for continuous enhancement of value-based teaching and
learning process in the emerging areas of technology.
• To train quality human and knowledge resources in the service of society.
• To develop sustainable products and technologies.
• To educate and develop competent human resources for contemporary industry,
academia and research.
• To promote interdisciplinary research and innovation skills in the graduates.
• To enhance the efforts to develop sustainable products, processes and technologies by
developing competent entrepreneurs for the benefit of the society.
M. Tech. Thermal Engineering – Course Curriculum Structure
S. No. Code Course Credit L-T-P
1 ME21121 Advanced Thermodynamics 4 4-0-0
2 ME21122 Advanced Energy Technology 4 4-0-0
3 Elective I 4 4-0-0
4 Elective II 4 4-0-0
5 Elective III 4 4-0-0
Total 20
1 ME22123 Design of Thermal Systems 4 4-0-0
2 ME22221 Thermal Engineering Laboratory 4 0-0-8
3 Elective IV 4 4-0-0
4 Elective V 4 4-0-0
5 Elective VI 4 4-0-0
Total 20
ME23671 State of the art Seminar / Special Study /
1 4
Term Project
2 ME23621 Thesis 16
Total 20
1 ME24621 Thesis 20
Total 20
Course Outcomes
S. No. Outcomes BT BT
Level Description
CO1 Students will be able to know how to design thermal systems 3 Apply
based on its operating conditions and properties of fluids used in
the system.
CO2 Students will be able to know the requirement of statistical 2 Understand
approach in thermodynamics.
CO3 Students will be able to identify the appropriate equation of state 2 Understand
for the modelling of substances.
CO4 Students will be able to find equilibrium state of substances using 3 Apply
Gibbs energy minimization.
Lectures CO
Unit Details
1 Temperature, Macroscopic motion, Adiabatic processes, Pressure,
Work and quantity of heat. The free energy and thermodynamic
6 CO1
potential, Relations between the derivatives of thermodynamic
2 Legendre transform, the thermodynamic scale of temperature, Joule
Thomson process, Maximum work, Maximum work done by a body 6 CO1
in an external medium, Thermodynamic inequalities
3 Probability and Statistics: Binomial Distribution, Poisson
Distribution, Gaussian Distribution, Combinatorial Analysis for
Statistical Thermodynamics, Ensemble Method of Statistical
Thermodynamics Most Probable Microstate, Elementary. Kinetic 6 CO2
Theory: Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution, Ideal Gas Pressure,
equation of state of an ideal gas, Ideal gases with constant specific
heat, law of equipartition.
4 Bose–Einstein and Fermi–Dirac Statistics, Entropy and the
Equilibrium Particle Distribution- The Boltzmann Relation for
6 CO2
Entropy, Identification of Lagrange Multipliers, Equilibrium Particle
Distribution. Molecular Partition Function.
5 Caloric Properties, Ideal Gases, Real Fluids, Auxiliary Functions,
4 CO3
Residual Functions, Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient,
6 Phase Equilibria, Equations of State, Virial Equation, High Precision
4 CO3
Equations of State, Cubic Equations of State, Generalized Equations
1 Engineering thermodynamics Nag, P. K. Tata McGraw-Hill
2 Statistical thermodynamics: Laurendeau, Normand Cambridge University
fundamentals and applications M. Press
3 Course of theoretical physics Landau, Lev Elsevier
Davidovich, and
Evgenii Mikhailovich
4 Chemical thermodynamics for process Gmehling, Jürgen, John Wiley & Sons
simulation Michael Kleiber,
Bärbel Kolbe, and
Jürgen Rarey
5 Thermodynamic models: fundamentals Michelsen, M. L., and Holte, Denmark: Tie-
& computational aspects Jr M Mollerup Line Publications
6 Chemical Thermodynamics-Principles Ott, J. Bevan, and Academic Press
and Applications Juliana Boerio-Gates
Course Outcomes
S. Outcomes BT BT
No. Level Description
CO1 Understand the fundamentals of direct and indirect energy 2 Understand
CO2 Learn state of the art technologies adopted for energy efficiency 3 Apply
improvement in power generation
CO3 Perform numerical analysis of energy conversion systems for 4 Analyse
performance assessment.
CO4 Carry out an environmental assessment of power generation 6 Evaluate
systems based on carbon and water footprint as well as an
economic assessment based on life cycle cost of energy.
Unit Details Lectures
1 Energy classification, Sources and utilization, Principle of energy 6
conversion, Indirect / direct energy conversion.
2 Supercritical pressure cycle, Combined Cycle power plants, Natural 8
gas cycles, Repowering, Supplementary firing with biomass for
CO2 &
carbon reduction, clean coal technologies, Integrated Gasification
Combined Cycle (IGCC), Pressurized fluidized bed combustion
(PFBC) based combined cycle, Carbon capture and storage.
3 Nuclear power plants: thermal fission, breeder and fusion reactors, 6
environmental and safety aspects of nuclear power generation.
4 Basic principles of design and operations of (i) Thermoelectric (ii) 8
Thermionic convertors (iii) Photovoltaic energy systems (iv) Fuel CO1 &
cells (v) Magneto Hydrodynamic (MHD) power generation (vi) CO2
Green Hydrogen production and storage.
5 Seminar presentations related to state of the art in Energy 8 CO2
Technology &CO4
1 Power Plant Technology Mohamed Mohamed El Wakil McGraw-Hill, 1984
2 Essentials of Energy Jochen Fricke and Walter L. Wiley, 2013
Technology Borst,
3 Power Plant Engineering P.K. Nag, McGraw-Hill, 2017
Lectures CO
Unit Details
1 Basic concepts and overview of thermal system design. 6
Characteristics of a thermal system, Formulation of the design CO1 &
problem, Conceptual design, Steps in the design process, Workable CO3
and optimum systems.
2 Energy-efficient thermal systems: Cogeneration, tri-generation and 8 CO2 &
multi-generation systems; Combined cooling and power systems e.g., CO3
Goswami cycle.
3 Heat recovery through de-superheating in refrigeration systems, Heat 8 CO2 &
Pumps and their applications, Mechanical Vapor Recompression CO3
systems and applications.
4 Cascaded V-C and V-A refrigeration systems, District cooling, 8 CO2 &
Energy recovery in air-conditioning systems. Passive cooling and CO3
heating systems.
5 Case studies on modern developments in thermal systems along with 6 CO3
their design, operation and economic aspects.
1 Design of Thermal Systems W F Stoecker McGraw-Hill, 1989
2 Essentials of Thermal System Design and C. Balaji Ane Books, 2011
3 Design and Optimization of Thermal Yogesh Jaluria CRC press, 2019
Course Outcome
CO1 Identify the components related to internal combustion engines and Refrigeration systems
along with their analysis of different performance parameter
CO2 Understand and analyze the various alternative fuels and their properties for IC engine
CO3 Understand and Analyze working of various heat transfer equipment.
CO4 Understand and Analyze the basics of solar energy and solar photovoltaic’s.
Text Books:
1 Internal Combustion Engine J. B. Heywood Tata McGraw-Hill
2 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning C. P. Arora Tata McGraw-Hill
3 Biodiesel: Production and Amit Sarin Royal Society of
Properties Chemistry
Scheme and Syllabi 11 w.e.f.2022-23
Department of Mechanical Engineering
1 IC Engines V. Ganeshan Mc GrawHill Book Co,
New York.
2 Refrigeration and air W. F.Stoecker, and J. W. Mc GrawHill Book Co,
conditioning Jones New York.
3 Practical Handbook on Mushtaq Ahmad, Mir Ajab CRC Press
Biodiesel Production and Khan, Muhammad
Properties Zafar, Shazia Sultana
4 Solar Photo voltaics: C. S.Solanki PHI Publications.
Fundamentals, Technologies
and Applications
5 Solar Energy Fundaments, G.N. Tiwari Narosa Publications.
Design, Modeling &
Course Outcomes
CO1 Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of various modes of heat transfer
mechanisms (conduction, convection and radiation)
CO2 Students will be able to identify and solve various problems pertaining to transient and
steady conduction in 1D and 2D.
CO3 Students will be able apply the basic governing equations to solve conduction heat transfer
in semi-infinite solid, 1D and 2-D transient condition in bar, cylinder and sphere, fins.
CO4 Students will be able to apply and analyze the concepts of radiation in both participating
and non-participating media. to resolve the problems in practical situations
Text Books:
1 Fundamentals of Heat and F.P Incropera, D.P. Dewitt John Wiley and Sons
Mass Transfer (in SI Units)
1 Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals & Y.A. Cengel, A.J. Mcgraw Hill
Applications Ghajar Education
2 Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach N Ozisik McGraw Hill
3 Heat Transfer J.P. Holman, McGraw Hill
S.,Bhattacharyya Education (India
4 A Textbook on Heat Transfer Sukhatme, S. P Universities Press,
Course Outcomes
CO1 To understand various discretization methods for solving PDE problems
CO2 To understand fundamental matrix algebra concepts to solve simultaneous linear equations
CO3 To apply numerical methods to obtain approximate solutions and evaluate the accuracy of
common numerical methods
CO4 To apply numerical methods for solving steady and transient heat transfer problems
1 Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Suhas V. Patankar CRC Press
2 Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Incropera, F.P., Dewitt John Wiley and Sons,
Transfer D.P. New York
3 Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach Ozisik,N. McGraw-Hill Inc.,US
Course Outcomes
S. No. Outcomes BT BT
Level Description
CO1 Understand the fundamentals of Gas Turbine and Jet Propulsion 2 Understand
CO2 Understand the role of different components in a Gas Turbine and 2 Understand
Jet Propulsion System
CO3 Evaluate the performance of Gas Turbine propulsion system. 3 Evaluate
Lectures CO
Unit Details
1 Review of gas dynamics: Physical difference between
incompressible, subsonic and supersonic flows Three reference
speeds, dimensionless velocity concepts of static and stagnation
parameters. Pressure waves, finite shock and detonation waves, 8 CO1
compound waves, analysis of piston excited waves, shock tubes, one
dimensional isentropic flow, normal shocks Rayleigh flow, fanno
2 Gas turbine outlines: Review of thermodynamic principles, Gas
turbine cycles, main
component of Gas turbine power plants, performance characteristics, 8
typical Gas turbine plants, method of improving efficiency and power
output of Gas turbine plants.
3 Design considerations of centrifugal and axial flow compressors. 3 CO2
4 Types of Gas turbine plants and their theory of operation, design
consideration of Gas turbine plants. Detailed study of main systems 6
of Gas turbine plants.
5 Selection of materials of Gas turbine components trouble shooting,
maintenance and actual performance evaluation of a Gas turbine 3 CO2
plants, recent development of a Gas turbine plants.
6 Jet propulsion outline: Basic theory of jet & rocket propulsion
devices and historical
development. Types of various jet propulsion plants like air screw, 6
turboprop, turbojet, ram jet, rocket propulsion etc. And their
comparative study.
7 Performance study of various jet propulsion devices from ideal and
3 CO3
practical consideration.
8 Study and design considerations of main components of jet
3 CO2
propulsion plants. Thrust
Scheme and Syllabi 16 w.e.f.2022-23
Department of Mechanical Engineering
1 Gas Dynamics E. Rathakrishnan Prentice Hall of India
2 Compressible Fluid Flow M.A. Sand Prentice Hall of India
3 The Dynamics and A.H.Shapiro Ronal Press
Thermodynamics of Fluid
4 Gas Turbine Fundamentals Cohen and Rogers and Pearson
5 Jet Propulsion Jack D. Mattingly McGraw Hill Inc.
6 Gas Turbine V. Ganeshan Tata-McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi
Prerequisites: Heat and Mass Transfer, Basic concepts of Energy and Solar Energy
Course Outcomes
S. Outcomes BT Level BT
No. Description
CO1 Identifying importance and basics of solar energy, 2 Understand
measurement, applications and classifications.
CO2 Apply the designing concepts of various solar energy 3 Apply
applications and classification.
CO3 Analyzing various designs of solar energy applications. 4 Analyze
CO4 Evaluate the performance of various solar energy 5 Evaluate
Text Books:
1 Solar Energy-Fundamentals, Design, G.N. Tiwari Narosa Publishing House,
Modeling& Applications’ New Delhi, India
2 Solar Energy S.P. Sukhatme, Mcgraw Hill
J.K. Nayak
3 Solar Photovoltaics - Fundamentals, C.S. Solanki PHI
Technologies and Applications
1 The Passive Solar House: The J. Kachadorian Chelsea Green Publishing
complete guide to heating and cooling
your home
2 Solar Refrigeration S. Kapil Lambert Academic
3 Solar Air-conditioning and J.C. McVeigh, Pergamon Press
Refrigeration A. A. M. Sayigh
Course Outcomes
CO1 To understand various discretization methods for solving PDE problems
CO2 To understand fundamental matrix algebra concepts to solve simultaneous linear equations
CO3 To apply numerical methods to obtain approximate solutions of General Transport
CO4 To apply FVM method for solving Navier Stokes equation numerically
Course Outcomes
CO1 Students will be able to understand the fundamentals of thermodynamics, heat transfer and
fluid mechanics.
CO2 Students can be able to derive the fundamental governing equations for different types of
problems of fluid flow and heat transfer.
CO3 Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in design of different thermal
systems involving the concept of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer.
CO4 Students can develop the analytical ability to solve a practical problems and prepare
technical reports
Text Books:
1. Kalyanmoy Deb, 2010.Optimization for engineering design: algorithms and examples.
Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi
2. Kalyanmoy Deb, 2014.Multi-Objective Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithms. Wiley
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Singiresu S Rao, 2009. Engineering optimization: theory and practice. Fourth Edition, New
Age International(P) Limited Publishers, New Delhi.
A. Ravindran, K. M. Ragsdell, G. V. Reklaitis, 2006. Engineering optimization - methods and
applications. Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Fossil fuels and their limitations: Introduction: Estimate of petroleum reserve, need for alternate
fuel, and availability and comparative properties of alternate fuels.
Alternative fuels- Liquid and gaseous fuels, Physico-chemical characteristics, Alternative liquid
fuels, Alternative gaseous fuels.
Alcohol fuels- Ethanol & methanol, Fuel composition, Fuel induction techniques, Fumigation,
Emission of oxygenates, Applications to engines and automotive conversions.
Biodiesel: Formulation techniques, Transesterification, Application in diesel engines, Performance
and emission characteristics.
Biomass: Broad classification, Production of biomass, Separation of components of solid wastes
and processing techniques, Bioconversion into biogas, mechanism, Bioconversion of substrates into
alcohols, Thermo chemical conversion of biomass, conversion to solid, liquid and gaseous fuels,
case studies.
Other alternative fuels: DME (Dimethyl ether), LPG and PNG, CNG components, application to
engine technology, mixtures and kits, fuel supply system and emission studies and control,
Hydrogen combustion characteristics, Flashback control techniques, Safety aspects and system
Hybrid vehicles: Theory and types Hybrid vehicle safety issues Special tools and equipment
needed to diagnose and repair alternative vehicles.
1. Sunggyu Lee, James G. Speight, Sudarshan K. Loyalka “Handbook of Alternative Fuel
2. Gadepalli Ravi KiranSastry, “Bio-diesel: Bio-degradable Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engines”.
3. Michael F. Hordeski, “Alternative Fuels: The Future of Hydrogen”.
4. Maxwell et al, Alternative Fuel: Emission, Economic and Performance, SAE, 1995.
5. Watson, E.B., Alternative fuels for the combustion engine, ASME, 1990
6. Bechtold, R., Alternative fuels guidebook, 1998.
1. Cryogenic systems-Baron, McGraw-Hill book
2. Cryogenic fundamentals-Haselden, Academic press New York
3. Advance cryogenic –bailey, plenum press
Centrifugal compressors: Principle of operation, work done and pressure rise, Components of
Centrifugal Compressor, Stage Pressure, Stage Efficiency, Degree Reaction, Dimensionless
Parameters, Slip Factor, Causes of Slip, Velocity Triangles, Euler Work, Design of Impeller,
Design of Diffuser, Design of Vane less Diffuser, Design of Volute Casing.
Axial flow compressors: Basic operation, elementary theory, factors affecting stage pressure ratio,
blockage in the compressor annulus, degree of reaction, three-dimensional flow, design process,
blade design, calculation of stage performance, compressibility effects, off-design performance,
axial compressor characteristics, closure.
Axial and radial flow turbines: Elementary theory of axial flow turbine, vortex theory, choice of
blade profile, pitch and chord, estimation of stage performance, overall turbine performance, The
cooled turbine, the radial flow turbine.
Prediction of performance of simple gas turbines: Component characteristics, off-design
operation of the single-shaft gas turbine, equilibrium running of a gas generator, off-design
operation of free turbine engine, off-design operation of the jet engine, methods of displacing the
equilibrium running line, incorporation of variable pressure losses.
1. Centrifugal compressors: A basic guide- M.P Boyce.
2. Gas turbine Theory- Cohen, Rogers
3. Axial flow compressors: A strategy for aerodynamic design and analysis - R. Aungier
4. Turbo Compressors and Fans – S.M. Yahya
Diesel engines, Gas Turbine, Steam turbines, Main Boilers, Feed systems, Pumps and pumping
systems, Auxiliaries Fuel oils, lubricating oils and their treatment, Refrigeration, air conditioning
and ventilation, Deck machinery and hull equipment. Marine shafting, gearing and propellers,
Auxiliary system and machineries, Oil monitoring and propulsion, Steering gear, instrumentation
and control.
1. Basic Marine Engineering by T K Grover, Anmol Publisher Pvt Ltd.
2. Introduction to Marine Engineering by D. A. Taylor, Butterworth-Heinemann publications.
3. Marine Propellers and Propulsion by J S Carlton, Butterworth-Heinemann publications.
4. Marine Internal Combustion Engines by A. B Kane, Shroff Pub & Dist. Pvt. Ltd.
Air Conditioning systems, Moist air systems and processes, applications of psychometrics to
airconditioning process, Indoor air quality, design comfort conditions, Heat transmission in
buildings, conduction heat transfer through the building envelope, estimating heat loss or gain,
Space heat loads, estimating heating requirements for a space or building, internal heat generation,
Methods for estimating the space heat gains and the cooling loads, Energy calculations, Degree day
concepts estimating seasonal energy costs, Pump and liquid system design, hot and steam heating
systems, Space air diffusion, selection and location of air vents to space for optimal air movement,
Fans and building air distribution systems, basics of sizing and selecting air handling equipment,
Refrigeration equipment. Operation and control of vapor compression refrigeration systems
1. Refrigeration and air-conditioning - C P Arora, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2000.
2. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers)
Engine types and their operation, Engine Design and operating parameters, Combustion
Stoichiometry, Ideal models of Engine cycles
Gas Exchange: 4-Stroke, Gas Exchange: 2-Stroke, Mixture Preparation, Turbocharging Fuel
Injection System in Diesel Engine, Charge motion within the cylinder, swirl, squish and tumble
Thermodynamic analysis of Spark-ignition Engine Combustion, Flame structure and speed, Cyclic
variations in combustion, partial burning and misfire, Knock fundamentals.
Types of diesel combustion systems, fuel spray behaviour, ignition delay, mixing controlled
Introduction to Engine Emissions and air pollution, Genesis and formation of pollutants, Kinetics
and modeling of thermal NO formation, Dependence of NO formation on temperature, Unburned
hydrocarbon emissions, Flame quenching and Oxidation fundamentals, Adsorption desorption
phenomenon, crevice effect on HC emissions, HC emission mechanism in diesel engine, CO
formation Soot and Particulate formation, Soot inception, surface growth, Coagulation and
Aggegation, NOxParticulate trade-off, Effect of SI and CI engine design and operating variables on
engine emission. Emission test procedures and regulations, Emission measurement: Instrumentation
and methods, SI and CI engine Emission Control Technology, Catalytic converter, Exhauust gas
recirculation, Diesel particulate filters, HCCI Engines.
Engine heat transfer, friction and lubrication, 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke Spark Engine Performance and
Testing, Diesel Engine Performance and Testing, Engine operating characteristics, Alternative
1. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals- J.B. Heywood, McGraw-Hill
2. Engine Emissions Pollutant formation and advances in controlTecnology- B.P Pundir, Nrosa
3. IC. Engine-V. Ganeshan, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Fundamental of Internal combustion Engine- Z. Smith, Gill.
5. Internal Combustion Engine- W.W. Pulkrabek, Prentice Hall.
Exergy Destruction: Lost available work referred to heat engine cycle, refrigeration cycle, heat
pump cycle, non-flow and steady flow processes, Mechanism of exergy destruction, modified
Gouy-Stodola theorem, concept of effective temperature.
Exergy Analysis of Simple Processes: Mixing and separation process of fluids of different
temperature, heat transfer across a temperature difference, expansion and compression process,
combustion process.
Exergy Analysis of Power Plant Cycles: Maximum power subject to size constraint with fixed
heat input and its application to Brayton cycle Steam turbine power plants: External and internal
irreversibility, super heater, reheater, vacuum condenser, regenerative feed water heating, combined
feed water heating and reheating Gas turbine power plant: External and internal irreversibility,
regeration, reheater, and intercooler, combined steam and gas turbine power plant.
Exergy analysis of Refrigeration cycle: Joule-Thomson Expansion, Work-Producing Expansion,
Brayton Cycle, Optimal Intermediate Cooling, Exergy analysis of Air-conditioning applications:
Mixtures of air and water vapour, total flow exergy of humid air & liquid water, Evaporative
cooling process and other aspects.
Exergy-economic Analysis: Fundamental of exergy-economics, exergy costing of different
thermal components: steam or gas turbine, boiler, cogeneration system Exergy analysis of
renewable energy systems.
1. Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics by Adrian Bejan, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. The Exergy Method of Thermal Plant Analysis by T J Kotas, Krieger Publishing Company.
3. Thermal Design and Optimization by Adrian Bejan, George Tsatsaronis, Michael Moran,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
4. Advance Thermodynamics for Engineers by Winterbore D E, Arnold Publication
5. Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers by Kenneth Wark, McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
6. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Michel J Moran, Howard N Shapiro,
Daisie D Boettner, Margaret B Bailey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7. Exergy: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, I. Dincer, M.A. Rosen, 2nd
edition, Elsevier.
Introduction: the energy-economy link, patterns of energy use in developed and developing
countries, characteristics of conventional and renewable energy resources.
Efficient energy conversion through combined cycles, cogeneration and tri-generation systems.
Energy conservation: energy auditing, bench marking, process energy and gross energy
requirements, energy recovery in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, mechanical vapor
recompression systems. Energy conservation in buildings.
Environmental aspects of energy resource utilization: combustion generated air pollution, global
warming, acid rain, fly ash disposal, radioactive pollution and nuclear waste disposal.
1. Energy Systems and Sustainability by Godfrey Boyle et al, Oxford University Press
2. Energy efficiency by Eastop and Croft, Longman Scientific and Technical
3. Energy: Management, Supply and Conservation by Clive Beggs, Butterworth- Heinemann
4. www.bee-india.nic.in Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India.
Thermodynamics (1st & 2nd law for pure, non-reacting (mixture) and reacting systems;
stoichiometry, thermo-chemistry, Clausius-Clapeyron equation etc.); Conservation Equations
(Continuity, momentum, total & thermal energy and species); Fluid Mechanics; Heat Transfer
& Mass Transfer.
Molecularity and order of reaction, Rates of reaction, Arrhenius equation. Conservation
equations of mass, momentum, energy and species for a multicomponent system. Premixed and
diffusion flames, Laminar and turbulent flames. Concepts of kinetically controlled and diffusion
controlled reactions, Flammability limits, Ignition, Burning velocity, Flame structure and
Stability for laminar flames.
Atomization of liquid, various atomizers and their performances Evaporation of droplets in high
temperature gas streams, Simple model of droplet burning, Physical and mathematical models
of spray flames.
Description of carbon sphere combustion, Diffusional theory of carbon combustion of
pulverized coal. Pollutant formation in various combustion processes and their controlling
1. An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications - S. R. Turns.
2. COMBUSTION: Fundamentals & Application - A. Datta, Narosa Publications.
3. Combustion Engineering - Gary L. Borman and K. W. Ragland.