Dte Series

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Series Temperature Controller Instruction Sheet

Thank you very much for choosing Delta DTE series temperature controller. Please read this instruction sheet carefully before using your
DTE to ensure proper operation. Keep this instruction sheet handy for quick reference.

 Warning

DTE is an OPEN-TYPE device and therefore should be installed in an enclosure free of airborne dust, humidity, electric shock
and vibration. The enclosure should prevent non-maintenance staff from operating the device (e.g. key or specific tools are
required for opening the enclosure) in case danger and damage on the device may occur.

1. Prevent dust or metallic debris from falling into the device and cause malfunctions. DO NOT modify or uninstall the circuit board of DTE
without being permitted. DO NOT use empty terminals.
2. Keep away from high-voltage and high-frequency environment during the installation in case of interference. Prevent using the device in
premises which contain:
(a) dust or corrosive gas; (b) high humidity and high radiation; (c) shock and vibration.
3. The power has to be switched off when wiring or changing the temperature sensor.
4. When installing the circuit board of the accessory, please make sure the power of the main unit is switched off and insert the accessory
into the correct slot on the main unit.
5. Make sure to use compensation wire which matches the thermocouple or platinum resistance when extending or connecting the
thermocouple or platinum resistance.
6. Keep the wire as short as possible when wiring a sensor to the controller. Separate the power cable and load wire in order to prevent
interference and induced noise.
7. Make sure the power cables and signal device are installed correctly before switching on the power; otherwise serious damage may
8. DO NOT touch the terminal or repair the device when the power is on; otherwise an electric shock may occur.
9. Please wait for 1 minute after the power is switched off to allow the capacitor to discharge and DO NOT touch the internal wiring within
this period.
10. DO NOT touch the internal terminal when DTE is either switched on or off in case you may damage the circuit.
11. Please place DTE with other heating objects (e.g. power supply) within proper distance while installing DTE.

 Ordering Information

Series name DTE: Delta E series temperature controller

1 Device type 1: main unit 2: accessory

0T: 4 - channel TC
0P: 3 - channel PT DS: Display and setup module
0T: 4-channel TC 0V: 4 channels of voltage pulse output CT: 4 channels of current transformer
2 3 - 4
0P: 3-channel PT 0C: 4 channels of linear current output sensors
0R: 4 channels of relay output 0D: 8-channel EVENT input
0L: 4 channels of linear voltage output

 Functions & Electrical Specifications

Power input 24 VDC, isolated switching power supply
Voltage range 90 to 110% rated voltage
Power consumption Max. 10 W + 3 W × number of DTC2000 controllers connected in parallel (Max. 7)
Thermocouple: K, J, T, E, N, R, S, B, L, U, TXK
Input sensor
Platinum resistance: Pt100, JPt100, Cu50, Ni120
Sampling cycle Thermocouple or platinum resistance: 1.0 second/all input
Control method PID, PID programmable, manual, ON/OFF
Relay output: SPST, Max. 250 VAC load, 3A resistive load
Output accessories
Voltage pulse output: 12 VDC, Max. 40 mA current output
Current output: DC 4 to 20 mA output (resistive load < 500 Ω); for OUT1 and OUT2 only

Analog voltage output: 0 to 10 V (resistive load > 1,000 Ω); for OUT1 and OUT2 only
Control output, alarm output or proportional output (proportional output is only applicable in the model with linear
Output functions
voltage and current output for OUT1, OUT2)
Alarm modes 13 alarm modes available
Communication RS-485 digital communication; supports baud rate 2,400 to 115,200 bps
Supports Modbus ASCII/RTU
Extension port The extension port transmits 24 V power supply and communication signals to extension module DTC2000.
Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz 10m/s2 3 axes 10mins
Shock resistance Max. 300m/s 3 axes 6 directions, 3 times each
Ambient temperature 0 to +50°C
Storage temperature -20 to +65°C
Operation altitude < 2,000m
Ambient humidity 35 to 85% RH (non-condensing)
Pollution degree 2

 Product Profile & Outline

1 I/O terminals
2 Status LED
3 Display and setup unit
4 DIN rail clip
5 Power input port
6 RS-485 communication port
7 Extension module fixing clip
8 Extension port

 Panel Layout


 Input
The standard DTE main unit is attached with 3 channels of inputs. You can purchase additional DTE20P to expand the number of input
channels. DTE supports maximum 6 channels of inputs which belong to group INA and group INB. Each group possesses 3 input channels.
DTE series supports the following input sensors:
Input Sensor Type Register Value Range
For DTE10P / DTE20P
Temperature measurement resistance (Cu50) 14 -50 ~ 150°C
Temperature measurement resistance (Ni120) 13 -80 ~ 300°C
Platinum resistance (Pt100) 12 -200 ~ 600°C
Platinum resistance (JPt100) 11 -20 ~ 400°C
For DTE10T / DTE20T
Thermocouple TXK type 10 -200 ~ 800°C
Thermocouple U type 9 -200 ~ 500°C
Thermocouple L type 8 -200 ~ 850°C
Thermocouple B type 7 100 ~ 1,800°C
Thermocouple S type 6 0 ~ 1,700°C
Thermocouple R type 5 0 ~ 1,700°C
Thermocouple N type 4 -200 ~ 1,300°C
Thermocouple E type 3 0 ~ 600°C
Thermocouple T type 2 -200 ~ 400°C
Thermocouple J type 1 -100 ~ 1,200°C
Thermocouple K type 0 -200 ~ 1,300°C
Note: The default setting in DTE10T is “thermocouple K type”. The default setting in DTE10P is “Pt100".
Communication address: Input sensor types at H10A0 ~ H10A7; input upper limits at H1010 ~ H1017; input lower limits at H1018 ~ H101F.

 Output
DTE supports maximum 12 channels of outputs, belonging to output groups OUT1, OUT2, SUB1 and SUB2, each group with 4 channels. See
the explanations below for how input channels correspond to output groups.
 Without group INB (3 channels of input): Every channel corresponds to 2 groups of output and 2 groups of alarms. OUT1 and SUB1 are for
control output, and OUT1 can be used for proportional output. OUT2 and SUB2 are fixed for alarm output.
 With group INB (6 channels of input): Every channel is paired with 2 groups of outputs. OUT1 and OUT2 are used for control output or
proportional output of CH1 ~ CH6. SUB1 and SUB2 are used for control output or alarm output.
See Table 1 for the relations between input and output.

3 channels of input 6 channels of input

Output Group INA (CH1 ~ CH3) INA (CH1 ~ CH3) INB (CH4 ~ CH6)
OUT1 Main control output or proportional output Main control output or proportional output No corresponding output
OUT2 Alarm 1 output No corresponding output Main control output or proportional output
SUB1 Control output Control output or alarm output No corresponding output
SUB2 Alarm 2 output No corresponding output Control output or alarm output
Table 1
Note: SUB1 and SUB2 do not support DTE20L and DTE20C. Please install the optional output modules you purchase into the correct slot.
Communication Address of Output & How to Set up Parameters:
See Table 2 for the communication addresses of output and Table 3 for the definition of the value in the address.



OUT1, OUT2 H10A8 H10A9 H10AA H10AB H10AC H10AD

SUB1, SUB2 H10B0 H10B1 H10B2 H10B3 H10B4 H10B5

Table 2

Value = 0 Value = 1 Value = 2 Value = 3

OUT1, OUT2** Heating control Cooling control Proportional output Disable output

SUB1, SUB2** Heating control Cooling control Alarm output* Disable output

Table 3
*When there are only 3 channels of inputs, SUB1 cannot be used for alarm output but heating/cooling control only.
**When there are only 3 channels of inputs, OUT2 and SUB2 cannot be set up by the user but set up automatically as "alarm output” by the

Control Output:
DTE offers PID control, ON/OFF control, manual control and programmable PID control. Control output methods are set at address H10B8 ~
H10BF (default = 0: PID), PID parameters at H1028 ~ H105F, ON/OFF parameters at H1058 ~ H106F, and manual control parameters at
H1070 ~ H107F.

Alarm Output:
DTE offers 13 alarm modes. The alarm modes are set up at address H10C0 ~ H10C7, upper limits at H1080 ~ H1087 and lower limits at
H1088 ~ H108F.

SV Alarm Mode Alarm Output Operation

0 No alarm Off
Alarm output is enabled when the temperature reaches upper and lower limits: The alarm
will be enabled when PV exceeds SV + AL-H or falls below SV – AL-L.
Alarm output will be enabled when the temperature reaches the upper limit: The alarm will
be enabled when the PV exceeds SV + AL-H.
Alarm output will be enabled when the temperature reaches the lower limit: The alarm will
be enabled when the PV falls below SV – AL-L.
4 Alarm output will be enabled when the PV is between SV + AL-H and SV – AL-L. OFF
Alarm output will be enabled when the temperature reaches the absolute value of the ON
5 upper and lower limits: The alarm will be enabled when the PV exceeds AL-H or falls OFF
below AL-L. AL-L AL-H
Alarm output will be enabled when the temperature reaches the absolute value of the
upper limit: The alarm will be enabled when the PV exceeds AL-H.
Alarm output will be enabled when the temperature reaches the absolute value of the
lower limit: The alarm will be enabled when the PV falls below AL-L.
Upper/lower limit standby alarm: The alarm will be enabled when the PV reaches SV and
further exceeds SV + AL-H or falls below SV – AL-L.
Upper limit standby alarm: The alarm will be enabled when the PV reaches SV and
further exceeds SV + AL-H.
Lower limit standby alarm: The alarm will be enabled when the PV reaches SV and
10 OFF
further falls below SV – AL-L.
Upper limit hysteresis alarm: The alarm will be enabled when the PV exceeds SV + AL-H. OFF
The alarm will be disabled when the PV falls below SV + AL-L.
Lower limit hysteresis alarm: The alarm will be enabled when the PV falls below SV – AL-
12 OFF
H. The alarm will be disabled when the PV exceeds SV – AL-L.
CT alarm: The alarm will be enabled when the CT value exceeds AL-H or falls below AL-
13 OFF

 LED Display
PWR: On  DTE is powered.
RUN: On  Any of the channel is executing.
COM: Flashing  Communication in progress
ERR: Indicating errors (red)
ERR LED is on indicates one of the following errors occur, and the output has to be disabled.
1. Memory EEPROM error.
2. Any of the input points is not connected.
3. Any of the input points exceeds the setup range.

4. Any of the input temperatures has not been stabilized.
5. Input signal error.
6. The Input low voltage (less than 4V)

 Synchronous Communication Protocol & Auto ID Setup

This function allows the auto setup of communication protocol in extension module DTC2000 and DTC2001 following the communication
protocol set in the DTE main unit. The station IDs of DTC decrease. See below for the steps.
1. Set the auto communication ID of DTE as “1” (communication address: H10F8).
2. Switch off DTE. Connect DTE with extension module DTC2000, DTC2001 and switch on DTE again.
3. Default communication protocol: 9,600bps, 7 bits, Even, 1 stop bit, communication address = 01.
4. This function will consume 3 ~ 5 seconds more when you switch on DTE.

 PV value adjustment
PV = measure value * ( 1 + gain / 1000 ) + offset

How to operate:
Set up relevant parameters using the table below.


Gain 1020H 1021H 1022H 1023H 1024H 1025H

Offset 19B8H 19B9H 19BAH 19BBH 19BCH 19BDH

 Channel Disable
Disable the channel without use.(10F6H)

How to operate:
For example, if disable the CH3 & CH5, write the data : 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 (14H)

Bits in 10F6H Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

Disable channel CH6 CH5 CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1

 CT and adjustment (Current Transformer)

DTE10P offers maximum 3 channels of CT (CT1 ~ CT3), responsible for monitoring the current in INA.
Each CT group can be set up independently. With alarm outputs, when the detected current value is
beyond the allowed range, the corresponding alarm will be enabled.
Slot INA offers 3 channels of input, and CH1 ~ CH3 correspond to the current detected at CT1 ~ CT3.
Hardware requirement: Accessory DTE2CT inserted in the slot AUX.

How to operate:
1. Enable the CT function: Write 1234H into the address 47F1H and then 0004H into address 4824H.
Bits in 4824H Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

Hot runner Slop

Flag -- -- Latch CT EVENT --
control control
 The flag to enable CT is at bit2 of 4824H. Write 0004H to bit2 to set it on.
 If the “multistate” function is enabled, for example, writing in 0024H means enabling bit5 and bit2 at the same time.
 You can only choose to use either the CT or EVENT function.
 If there is already a set value in 4824H and you would like to modify it, reset it to 0 before you set up a new value.
 CT auto adjustment: Insert CT card without terminal first, write 1234H into the address 47F1H and then write 1234H into address
Reading address 482C, if response 0000H means adjustment finish, if response 0001H means in adjustment status not finish.
2. When you use INA input or INA + INB input, set up relevant parameters using the table below.

INA input:

OUT1 control mode 10A8H 10A9H 10AAH

OUT2 control mode 10B0H 10B1H 10B2H

Alarm 1 output mode 10C0H 10C1H 10C2H

Alarm 2 output mode 10C4H 10C5H 10C6H

Upper bound of Alarm 1 output 1080H 1081H 1082H

Lower bound of Alarm 1 output 1088H 1089H 108AH

Upper bound of Alarm 2 output 1084H 1085H 1086H

Lower bound of Alarm 2 output 108CH 108DH 108EH

CT value(latch) 19A0H 19A1H 19A2H

CT value(dynamic) 19A4H 19A5H 19A6H

CT adjustment value 19A8H 19A9H 19AAH

INA + INB input:


OUT1 control mode 10A8H 10A9H 10AAH 10ABH 10ACH 10ADH

Alarm 1 output mode 10C0H 10C1H 10C2H 10C3H 10C4H 10C5H

Upper bound of Alarm 1 output 1080H 1081H 1082H 1083H 1084H 1085H

Lower bound of Alarm 1 output 1088H 1089H 108AH 108BH 108CH 108DH

CT value(latch) 19A0H 19A1H 19A2H -- -- --

CT value(dynamic) 19A4H 19A5H 19A6H -- -- --

CT adjustment value 19A8H 19A9H 19AAH -- -- --

3. OUT1 control mode has to be set to “0” (heating) or “1” (cooling). It cannot be set to “2” (proportional output).
4. You can select Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 to be the output contact. The output mode has to be set to “13” (000DH).
5. Adjust the upper/lower bound of the alarm output.
6. The CT value will only be measured when there is OUT1 executing. If OUT1 does not exist, the previous CT value measured will be

 EVENT Input
DTE10P offers 6 channels of EVENT input (EV1 ~ EV6), and each EVENT can be set up independently.
Slot number 1 ~ 6 in AUX on DTE10P correspond to EV1 ~ EV6.
EV1 to EV6 can be short-circuited individually with slot number 9 to switch functions.
Hardware requirement: Accessory DTE20D inserted in the slot AUX.

How to operate:
1. Enable the EVENT function: Write 1234H into the address 47F1H and then 0002H into address 4824H.

Bits in 4824H Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

Hot runner Slop

Flag -- -- Latch CT EVENT --
control control
 The flag to enable EVENT is at bit1 of 4824H. Write 0002H to bit1 to set it on.
 If the “multistate” function is enabled, for example, writing in 0022H means enabling bit5 and bit1 at the same time.
 You can only choose to use either the CT or EVENT function.
 If there is already a set value in 4824H and you would like to modify it, reset it to 0 before you set up a new value.

2. Each channel can be set up individually for specific functions.


Address for the
1998H 1999H 199AH 199BH 199CH 199DH
EVENT function

Set value 0 1 2 3 4

RUN (open circuit) SV1 (open circuit) Auto (open circuit) Execute (open circuit)
Function N/A
STOP (short circuit) SV2 (short circuit) Manual (short circuit) Pause (short circuit)
 RUN/STOP: To enable or disable the output.
 SV1/SV2: To switch between set values.
 Auto/manual: To switch between the PID and manual controls.
 Execute/pause: To execute or pause the counting time when in programmable PID control.

Example: If you would like the function of EVENT1 at CH1 to be “SV1/SV2”, write 0002H into address 1998H.

 Slope
The temperature rises according to the slope set. Unit: 0.1°C/min.
Example: Suppose the slope is set to “50” and SV “200.0°C”, then the temperature will rise at 5°C per minute until it reaches 200.0°C.
How to Operate
1. Enable the slope function: Write 1234H into the address 47F1H and then 0020H into address 4824H.

Bits in 4824H Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

Hot runner Slop

Flag -- -- Latch CT EVENT --
control control
 The flag to enable slope function is at bit5 of 4824H. Write 0020H to bit5 to set it on.
 If the “multistate” function is enabled, for example, writing 0022H means enabling bit5 and bit1 at the same time.
 If there is already a set value in 4824H and you would like to modify it, reset it to 0 before you set up a new value.
2. Set up relevant parameters using the table below.


Set value (SV) 1008H 1009H 100AH 100BH 100CH 100DH

Slope (unit: 0.1°) 1970H 1971H 1972H 1973H 1974H 1975H
Note: To stabilize the control, first execute auto-tuning when the slope function is selected. When auto-tuning is being executed, the slope
control will stop.

 Programmable PID Latch Function

DTE10P offers programmable PID latch function. When the power is off and on again, the status before the power is cut off can be retained.

How to Operate
1. Enable the programmable PID latch function: Write 1234H into the address 47F1H and then 0008H into address 4824H.

Bits in 4824H Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

Hot runner Slop

Flag -- -- Latch CT EVENT --
control control
 The flag to enable PID latch is at bit3 of 4824H. Write 0008H to bit3 to set it on.
 If the “multistate” function is enabled, for example, writing in 0028H means enabling bit5 and bit3 at the same time.
 If there is already a set value in 4824H and you would like to modify it, reset it to 0 before you set up a new value.
 Opposite Output
The 6 channels on DTE10P can be set to opposite output, that is, when the output is set to 0, the actual output will be 1.

How to Operate
To set CH1 and CH3 to opposite output, first write 1234H into the address 47F1H and then 0005H into address 4821H to set on CH1 (bit0)
and CH3 (bit2).

Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

 Delayed Alarm
When the set condition for alarms is met, the alarm will be enabled after a pre-set period of time.

How to Operate
Set up the time using the table below. Unit: second


Address for
1990H 1991H 1992H 1993H 1994H 1995H
delayed alarm

 Output Limits
The output is limited between the maximum and minimum percentages.

How to Operate
Set up relevant parameters using the table below.


Max. output (%) 1980H 1981H 1982H 1983H 1984H 1985H

Min. output (%) 1988H 1989H 198AH 198BH 198CH 198DH

Note: When the output volume is limited at 20 to 80%, it means the output volume 0 to 100% calculated by the controller is corresponding
to the actual output 20 to 80%.

 Programmable Control Time Unit

The unit of programmable control time can be “minute” or “second”.

How to Operate
Write 0 to the address to set the time unit to “minute” (default) or write 1 to set it to “second”.


Address for time unit 1978H 1979H 197AH 197BH 197CH 197DH

 Input Filter
To avoid unstable PV display due to interferences, DTE10P offers the filter function. Instead of averaging the values, the filter function here

calculate the weighted average value of the “current PV” and “previous PV”.

The filter equation: PV (displayed value) = [previous PV x (filter times – 1) + current PV] / filter times

The bigger the filter times, the bigger the weight of the previous PV, and the smoother the temperature display, which is a good way to
suppress interferences.

How to Operate
Set up relevant parameters using the table below.
Parameter Address Default value Range

Filter times 10F7H 8 0~50

Filter range 10F9H 1.0 0.1~10.0

 Hot Runner Control

The hot runner control includes 3 steps:
1. Heating up by constant output volume
2. Timed PID control (Soak)
3. Slope heating to the target temperature (SV)

How to Operate
1. Enable the hot runner control function: Write 1234H into the address 47F1H and then 0060H into address 4824H.

Bits in 4824H Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

Hot runner Slop

Flag -- -- Latch CT EVENT --
control control
 The flag to enable hot runner control is at bit6 of 4824H (and bit5 as to be enabled at the same time). Write 0060H to set both bits on.
 If there is already a set value in 4824H and you would like to modify it, reset it to 0 before you set up a new value.
2. Set up relevant parameters using the table below.


Temp. bound(unit: 0.1°) 1960H 1961H 1962H 1963H 1964H 1965H

Constant output volume(unit: 0.1%) 1968H 1969H 196AH 196BH 196CH 196DH

Timed time(unit: min.) 19B0H 19B1H 19B2H 19B3H 19B4H 19B5H

Target temperature(uint: 0.1°) 1008H 1009H 100AH 100BH 100CH 100DH

Slop(unit: 0.1°) 1970H 1971H 1972H 1973H 1974H 1975H

Assume the temperature bound is 100.0, constant output volume is 35.0, timed time is 15, target temperature is 200.0 and slope is 20.0, thus
1. The heater outputs by the 35% constant volume and waits for the temperature to rise to 100 degrees,
2. When the temperature hits 100 degrees, switch to the PID soak mode and retain the temperature constantly for 15 minutes.
3. When the time is up, switch to the slope control mode, executing the condition of a 20 degree temperature rise every minute.
4. When the heating achieves 200 degrees, the hot runner control is completed.

 RS-485 Communication
1. DTE supports baud rates 2,400/4,800/9,600/19,200/38,400/57,600/115,200 bps and does not support communication format 7, N, 1/8, E,
2/8, O, 2. Communication protocol = Modbus ASCII or RTU.
2. Function codes: H03 = read maximum 8 words in the register; H06 = write 1 word into the register.
3. Address and contents: Every parameter has 2 communication addresses. One is numbered by the function of the parameter, and the other
is by the order of channel (as shown in the table below).


Content Explanation CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6

Present temperature Unit; 0.1 H1000 H1001 H1002 H1003 H1004 H1005
value/input error code See Table 5 (H1100) (H1200) (H1300) (H1400) (H1500) (H1600)
H1008 H1009 H100A H100B H100C H100D
Set temperature value Unit: 0.1
(H1101) (H1201) (H1301) (H1401) (H1501) (H1601)


Content Explanation CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6

Disabled when higher than H1010 H1011 H1012 H1013 H1014 H1015
Max. temperature value
default value (H1102) (H1202) (H1302) (H1402) (H1502) (H1602)
Disabled when lower than H1018 H1019 H101A H101B H101C H101D
Min. temperature value
default value (H1103) (H1203) (H1303) (H1403) (H1503) (H1603)
-999 ~ +999 H1020 H1021 H1022 H1023 H1024 H1025
Input offset value
Unit: 0.1°C (H1104) (H1204) (H1304) (H1404) (H1504) (H1604)
0 ~ 9,999 H1028 H1029 H102A H102B H102C H102D
Proportional band value (Pb)
Unit: 0.1 (H1105) (H1205) (H1305) (H1405) (H1505) (H1605)
H1030 H1031 H1032 H1033 H1034 H1035
Ti value 0 ~ 9,999
(H1106) (H1206) (H1306) (H1406) (H1506) (H1606)
H1038 H1039 H103A H103B H103C H103D
Td value 0 ~ 9,999
(H1107) (H1207) (H1307) (H1407) (H1507) (H1607)
0.0 ~ 100.0% H1040 H1041 H1042 H1043 H1044 H1045
Integration default
Unit: 0.1% (H1108) (H1208) (H1308) (H1408) (H1508) (H1608)
Proportional control offset 0.0 ~ 100.0% H1048 H1049 H104A H104B H104C H104D
error value, when Ti = 0 Unit: 0.1% (H1109) (H1209) (H1309) (H1409) (H1509) (H1609)
Proportional band coefficient 0.01 ~ 99.99 H1050 H1051 H1052 H1053 H1054 H1055
of output 1 and output 2 Unit: 0.01 (H110A) (H120A) (H130A) (H140A) (H150A) (H160A)
Dead band of control output H1058 H1059 H105A H105B H105C H105D
-99.9 ~ 999.9
1 & output 2. (H110B) (H120B) (H130B) (H140B) (H150B) (H160B)
0 ~ 9,999 H1060 H1061 H1062 H1063 H1064 H1065
Hysteresis for output 1
Unit: 0.1% (H110C) (H120C) (H130C) (H140C) (H150C) (H160C)
0 ~ 9,999 H1068 H1069 H106A H106B H106C H106D
Hysteresis for output 2
Unit: 0.1% (H110D) (H120D) (H130D) (H140D) (H150D) (H160D)
H1070 H1071 H1072 H1073 H1074 H1075
Read/write output 1 value Unit: 0.1 %
(H110E) (H120E) (H130E) (H140E) (H150E) (H160E)
H1078 H1079 H107A H107B H107C H107D
Read/write output 2 value Unit: 0.1 %
(H110F) (H120F) (H130F) (H140F) (H150F) (H160F)
Alarm enabled when H1080 H1081 H1082 H1083 H1084 H1085
Upper limit for alarm
temperature exceeds upper
output (H1110) (1210) (H1310) (H1410) (H1510) (H1610)
Alarm enabled when H1088 H1089 H108A H108B H108C H108D
Lower limit for alarm
temperature falls below
output (H1111) (H1211) (H1311) (H1411) (H1511) (H1611)
lower limit
Tuning for upper limit of Current (4 ~ 20mA) or H1090 H1091 H1092 H1093 H1094 H1095
analog output voltage output tuning (H1112) (H1212) (H1312) (H1412) (H1512) (H1612)
Tuning for lower limit of Current (4 ~ 20mA) or H1098 H1099 H109A H109B H109C H109D
analog output voltage output tuning (H1113) (H1213) (H1313) (H1413) (H1513) (H1613)
H10A0 H10A1 H10A2 H10A3 H10A4 H10A5
Input sensor type See “Input” section
(H1114) (H1214) (H1314) (H1414) (H1514) (H1614)
0: heating H10A8 H10A9 H10AA H10AB H10AC H10AD
Output function for output
1: cooling
1 (H1115) (H1215) (H1315) (H1415) (H1515) (H1615)
2: proportional output
0: heating (default) H10B0 H10B1 H10B2 H10B3 H10B4 H10B5
Output function for output
1: cooling
2 (H1116) (H1216) (H1316) (H1416) (H1516) (H1616)
2: alarm
0: PID
1: ON-OFF H10B8 H10B9 H10BA H10BB H10BC H10BD
Control method
2: manual (H1117) (H1217) (H1317) (H1417) (H1517) (H1617)
3: PID programmable
H10C0 H10C1 H10C2 H10C3 H10C4 H10C5
Alarm 1 output mode See “Alarm Output” section
(H1118) (H1218) (H1318) (H1418) (H1518) (H1618)
H10C4 H10C5 H10C6 H10C7
Alarm 2 output mode See “Alarm Output” section
(H1518) (H1618) (H1718) (H1818)
Heating/cooling cycle for 1 ~ 99 seconds H10C8 H10C9 H10CA H10CB H10CC H10CD
output 1 0 = 0.5 second (H1119) (H1219) (H1319) (H1419) (H1519) (H1619)
Heating/cooling cycle for 1 ~ 99 seconds H10D0 H10D1 H10D2 H10D3 H10D4 H10D5
output 2 0 = 0.5 second (H111A) (H121A) (H131A) (H141A) (H151A) (H161A)
Run/Stop the control 0: stop H10D8 H10D9 H10DA H10DB H10DC H10DD


Content Explanation CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6

1: executing (H111B) (H121B) (H131B) (H141B) (H151B) (H161B)
2: program stops
3: program pauses
0: stop H10E0 H10E1 H10E2 H10E3 H10E4 H10E5
Status of PID auto-tuning
1: executing (H111C) (H121C) (H131C) (H141C) (H151C) (H161C)
Positive/negative 0: positive H10E8 H10E9 H10EA H10EB H10EC H10ED
proportional output 1: negative (slope) (H111D) (H121D) (H131D) (H141D) (H151D) (H161D)
H10F0 Open special H10F3 H10F6 H10F7
Other statuses Other statuses function Return to default
Reserved Filter times
Temperature unit Channel disable
Communication H10F8 H10F9 H10FA
See Table 4 ASCII = 0 RTU = 8 bits=0 2 stop=0
specifications Auto ID setup Filter range Baud rate
1 7 bits=1 1 stop=1

b0: none; b1: Alarm; b2: °C;

LED Status b3: °F; b4: Alarm 1; b5: H1124 H1224 H1324 H1424 H1524 H1624
OUT2; b6: OUT1; b7: AT

Communication Parameter Setting:

Content 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Baud rate 2,400bps 4,800bps 9,600bps 19,200bps 38,400bps 57,600bps 115,200bps

Parity bit None (N) Even (E) Odd (O)

Table 4

Error Codes:
The error codes can be read from address H1000 ~ H1007. When the input operation is in normal status, H1000 ~ H1007 are for input
values. When input error occurs (except for stable status and input exceeding the range), DTE will read error codes in H8001 ~ H8002.

H1000 Error description

H8001 EEPROM cannot be written in.
H8002 Input sensor is not connected.
H8003 Group INB is not connected.
Table 5
Analog output current tuning scale: 1μA/scale
Analog output voltage tuning scale: 1mV/scale
Returning to Default Value: Write H1234 into address H10F1 and H1357 into address H10F2. Restart DTE.

Programmable Communication Parameter Setting:


Content Explanation CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6

Read remaining time of the step Unit: sec H111E H121E H131E H141E H151E H161E
Read remaining time of the step Unit: min H111F H121F H131F H141F H151F H161F
Read the NO. of the current pattern 0~7 H1120 H1220 H1320 H1420 H1520 H1620
Read the NO. of the current step 0~7 H1121 H1221 H1321 H1421 H1521 H1621
NO. of start pattern 0~7 H1122 H1222 H1322 H1422 H1522 H1622
NO. of start step 0~7 H1123 H1223 H1323 H1423 H1523 H1623

Programmable Parameter Setting:

Content Explanation Pattern 0 Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Pattern 5 Pattern 6 Pattern 7
Max. number of steps 0 ~ 7 = N: The pattern
H2068 H2069 H206A H206B H206C H206D H206E H206F
in the pattern executes from step 0 to N.
0 ~ 199: The pattern has
Number of cycles of
been executed for 1 ~ 200 H2070 H2071 H2072 H2073 H2074 H2075 H2076 H2077
pattern 0 ~ 7 execution

Content Explanation Pattern 0 Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Pattern 5 Pattern 6 Pattern 7
0 ~ 8: 8 refers to end of
NO. of current link
program; 0 ~ 7 refer to the H2078 H2079 H207A H207B H207C H207D H207E H207F
NO. of next pattern

Address Default Content Explanation

Target temperatures for pattern 0 ~ 7
2000H ~ 203FH 0 Unit: 0.1°C
Pattern 0: 2000H ~ 2007H
Execution time for pattern 0 ~ 7
2080H ~ 20BFH 0 Time: 0 ~ 900 (Unit: 1 min)
Pattern 0: 2080H ~ 2087H
4. Communication format: H03 = read bit data; H06 = write bit data

 Single read and write:

Read Command Read Response Message Write Command Write Response Message
Start word ’:’ Start word ’:’ Start word ’:’ Start word ’:’
Machine address 1 ‘0’ Machine address 1 ‘0’ Machine address 1 ‘0’ Machine address 1 ‘0’
Machine address 0 ‘1’ Machine address 0 ‘1’ Machine address 0 ‘1’ Machine address 0 ‘1’
Command 1 ‘0’ Command 1 ‘0’ Command 1 ‘0’ Command 1 ‘0’
Command 0 ‘3’ Command 0 ‘3’ Command 0 ‘6’ Command 0 ‘6’

Read Command Read Response Message Write Command Write Response Message
‘1’ Length of response data ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘1’
‘0’ (byte) ‘4’ ‘0’ ‘0’
Read start address of
Data address Data address
data/bit ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’
‘0’ ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘1’
Data content in H1000
‘0’ ‘F’ ‘0’ ‘0’
Read length of data/bit ‘0’ ‘4’ ‘3’ ‘3’
Write data content Write data content
(word/bit) ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘E’ ‘E’
‘2’ ‘0’ ‘8’ ‘8’
Data content in H1001
LRC1 check ‘E’ ‘0’ LRC1 check ‘F’ LRC1 check ‘F’
LRC0 check ‘A’ ‘0’ LRC0 check ‘D’ LRC0 check ‘D’
End word 1 CR LRC1 check ‘0’ End word 1 CR End word 1 CR
End word 0 LF LRC0 check ‘3’ End word 0 LF End word 0 LF
End word 1 CR
End word 0 LF
 Multi write: maximum 32 words

Multi Write Command Multi Write Response Command

Start word ’:’ Start word ’:’
Machine address 1 ‘0’ Machine address 1 ‘0’
Machine address 0 ‘1’ Machine address 0 ‘1’
Command 1 ‘1’ Command 1 ‘1’
Command 0 ‘0’ Command 0 ‘0’
‘1’ ‘1’
‘0’ ‘0’
Data address Data address
‘7’ ‘7’
‘0’ ‘0’
‘0’ ‘0’
‘0’ ‘0’
Number of words Number of words
‘0’ ‘0’
‘2’ ‘2’
‘0’ LRC1 check ‘6’
Number of bytes
‘4’ LRC0 check ‘D’
Write data content 1 ‘0’ End word 1 CR

Multi Write Command Multi Write Response Command
‘0’ End word 0 LF
Write data content 2
LRC1 check ‘F’
LRC0 check ‘4’
End word 1 CR
End word 0 LF
LRC Check:
Sum up the contents from “machine address” to “data content”, e.g. H01 + H03 + H10 + H00 + H00 + H02 = H16. Obtain 2’scomplement

RTU Mode:
 Single read and write:

Read Command Read Response Message Write Command Write Response Message
Machine address H01 Machine address H01 Machine address H01 Machine address H01
Command H03 Command H03 Command H06 Command H06
Read start address of H10 Length of response data H10 H10
H04 Write data address Write data address
data H00 (byte) H01 H01
Read length of data H00 H01 H03 H03
Data content 1 Write data content Write data content
(bit/word) H02 HF4 H20 H20
CRC low byte HC0 H03 CRC low byte HDD CRC low byte HDD
Data content 2
CRC high byte HCB H20 CRC high byte HE2 CRC high byte HE2
CRC low byte HBB
CRC high byte H15
 Multi write: maximum 32 words

Multi Write Command Multi Write Response Command

Machine address H01 Machine address H01
Command H10 Command H10
H10 H10
Write data address Write data address
H70 H70
H00 H00
Number of words Number of words
H02 H02
Number of bytes H04 CRC low byte H44
H00 CRC high byte HD3
Write data content 1
Write data content 2
CRC low byte HF8
CRC high byte H9A

CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) is obtained by the following steps:

unsigned int reg_crc = 0xffff;
i = 0;
while (length--)
{ reg_crc ^= RTUData[i];
i ++;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
{ if (reg_crc & 0x01) reg_crc = (reg_crc >> 1) ^ 0xA001;
else reg_crc = reg_crc >> 1;

Software for Setting up Communication on PC: Download the free software on Delta’s website.

 How to Mount & DIN Rail Size

Connect maximum 7 DTC2000 or DTC2001 controllers to DTE by using DIN rail.


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