Nutri Lec Vitamins
Nutri Lec Vitamins
Nutri Lec Vitamins
Dry beriberi Prominent signs and symptoms of
affects the nervous resulting WKS
in numbness of the hands and double vision
feet, confusion, trouble a drooping upper eyelid
moving the legs, and pain. up-and-down or side-to-side
eye movements
VITAMIN B1 loss of muscle coordination
(Thiamine) deficiency a confused mental status
VITAMIN B3 Pellagra
(Niacin/ Nicotinic acid) niacin-deficiency dse.
Participates in the energy widespread in US in the 20th
metabolism of every body century among people who
cell. subsisted on a low-protein
Unique because the body can diet with staple grain of corn
make it from protein S/Sx of Pellagra
Amino acid tryptophan can "the four D's": diarrhea, dermatitis,
be converted to niacin dementia and death
As a supplement, niacin may Diarrhea: damage to Gl tract
help lower cholesterol, ease affects digestion, absorption
arthritis and boost brain and excretion of food,
function, among other leading to glossitis, vomiting
benefits. However, it can also and diarrhea.
Dementia: confusion, Improving cystic fibrosis
anxiety, insomnia and symptoms
paranola develop
Dermatitis: A symmetric VITAMIN B5
scaly rush occurs only on (Pantothenic acid)
skin exposed to the sun Part of coenzyme A required
for the metabolism of
PELLAGRA carbohydrates, fats and
Dermatologic features of this protein
disorder include: Adequate intake- 5mg/day
desquamation, erythema, No deficiency occur in
scaling, and keratosis of humans
sun-exposed areas. "Na- Toxicity- 10-20g daily doses
Pellagra" may produce diarrhea and
water retention, fatigue, sleep
VITAMIN B4 (CHOLINE) disturbances, nausea, poor
For the synthesis of coordination
acetylcholine and lecithin Food sources: Shiitake
Can be produced from the Mushrooms, Salmon,
amino acid methionine by Avocados, Lean Chicken
the body (but not enough to Breast, Beef (Skirt Steak),
meet needs of the body) Sunflower Seeds, Whole
Al - 550 mg/day for men, Milk, Lean Pork Chops,
425mg/day for women Sweet Potatoes, Lentils
Sources are: Lean Chicken
Breast, salmon, lean pork VITAMIN B6
chops, eggs, beef steak, (Pyridoxine)
shrimp, navy beans, low-fat The three main members are
milk, broccoli, peas pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and
Improving memory and pyridoxamine. All three
cognition. Choline is an forms can be converted to the
essential nutrient for brain coenzyme pyridoxal
development phosphate (PLP) for use in
Protecting heart health the body.
Boosting metabolism Act as coenzyme in the
Reducing the risk of metabolism of amino acids
pregnancy complications and proteins.
Are involved in the formation VITAMIN B6
of neurotransmitters and are (Pyridoxine) toxicity
essential for proper nervous Ataxia - loss of control of
system functioning. body movements
Essential for hemoglobin Sensory neuropathy- pain,
synthesis tingling, weakness or
Required for the conversion numbness. It occurs if the
of tryptophan to niacin body's sensory nerves
Serves as a coenzyme for become damaged.
fatty acid and carbohydrate Pyridoxine overdose causes
metabolism. a sensory neuropathy
RDA- 1.3 mg/day for men characterized by poor
and women coordination, numbness, and
Food sources: Salmon, Lean decreased sensation to touch,
Chicken Breast, Fortified temperature, and vibration.
Tofu, Lean Pork Chops, Beef Several hereditary conditions
(Skirt Steak), Sweet Potatoes, disrupt pyridoxine
Bananas, Potatoes,Avocados, metabolism, including
Pistachio Nuts pyridoxine-dependent
epilepsy and pyridoxamine
VITAMIN B6 5'-phosphate oxidase
(Pyridoxine) deficiency deficiency (PNPOD).
Rarely occurs alone,
normally accompanies low VITAMIN B7 (BIOTIN)
intake of other B vitamins. Acts as a coenzyme that
Symptoms include dermatitis, carries carbon dioxide from
altered nerve function, one compound to another
weakness, poor growth, Synthesized in the lower Gl
convulsions, and microcytic tract by bacterial
anemia (small red blood cells microorganism
deficient in hemoglobin) Plays an important role in
Peripheral neuritis - carbohydrate, fat and protein
inflammation of one or more metabolism.
peripheral nerves. It helps in the healthier
looking skin, hair and nails.
Sources are liver, peanut
butter, egg yolks and yeast.
VITAMIN B7 (BIOTIN) RDA – 400mcg/day for men
Deficiency and women
Scaly red skin rash, hair loss, 600 mcg/day during
loss of appetite, depression pregnancy
and glossitis. Decrease the risk of heart
There is no known toxicity of disease. Higher intake may
Biotin reduce the risk of Colorectal
Ca among women.
VITAMIN B9 Food sources: Edamame
(Folacin / Folic acid/ folate) (Green Soybeans), Lentils,
Consists of several similar Asparagus, Spinach,
compounds Broccoli, Avocados, Mangos
The form is found naturally Lettuce, Sweet Corn,
in foods . Oranges
Folic acid is a synthetic form
used in vitamin supplements VITAMIN B9 (folacin /folic acid/
and for food fortification. folate) deficiency
This is more available for
absorption in the body. Neural Tube Defects
Acts as a coenzvme An opening in the spinal cord
metabolism or brain that occurs very
For the synthesis of DNA, early in human development.
RNA and formation of heme Malformations of the brain,
portion of hemoglobin. spinal cord, or both during
Proper formation of fetal embryonic development.
neural tubes. 2 Main Types of NTD:
Folic acid (vitamin B9) a.Spina Bifida - "split spine"
works with vitamin B12 and b. Anencephaly -"no brain"
vitamin C to help the body
break down, use, and make Megaloblastic anemia
new proteins. The vitamin a form of anemia
helps form red and white characterized by large RBCs
blood cells. It also helps that cannot carry oxygen
produce DNA, the building properly.
block of the human body, Other deficiency symptoms
which carries genetic are glossitis, diarrhea,
information. irritability, absent
mindedness, depression and related folate dysfunction),
anxiety. brain, optic and peripheral
Folate Toxicity- may mask nerve damage from loss of
Pernicious Anemia (poor myelin sheath
RBC production) Neuropsychiatric symptoms
including delusions and
VITAMIN B12 hallucinations
(Cyanocobalamine) FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS
Has a role in folate Usually occur together in fats
metabolism by modifying and oils of foods
folate coenzymes to active Stored in the liver and fatty
forms to support metabolic tissues
functions (DNA and RNA Not readily excreted –
synthesis TOXICITY
Metabolism of fatty acids and Excesses from supplements
amino acids can reach toxic levels easily
Maintains myelin sheath that
surround and protect nerve VITAMIN A
fibers Retinol
In conjunction with B6 and Beta - carotene
folate, reduce the levels of VITAMIN D (ergocalciferol)
homocysteine which VITAMIN E (tocopherol)
decreases the risk of CAD VITAMINIK (menadione/phyto
RDA- 2.4mcg daily for menadione)
young adults
Sources are: Clams, Tuna, VITAMIN A
King Crab, Beef (Skirt Pure vitamin A is primarily
Steak), Fortified Cereals, stored in the liver and in fatty
Fortified Soymilk, Low-Fat tissue, for which reason we
Milk, Swiss Cheese, Eggs do not need a daily supply of
the nutrient. Vitamin A and
VITAMIN BI2 zinc work together. A
(Cyanocobalamine) deficiency deficiency in one nutrient
Deficiencies of B12 are will therefore affect the other.
usually secondary. Pernicious
anemia (from lack of intrinsic VITAMIN A
factor for B12 absorption) or Eyes and light perception:
megaloblastic anemia (from Needed for the synthesis of
rhodopsin which we humans VITAMIN A (RETINOL)
need in order to see during A pure vitamin a is retinol
twilight and in the dark A group of compounds that
Immune defence and function to maintain skin and
protection against mucous membranes
infections throughout the body.
Mucous membranes Specific activities are vision,
The condition and moisture bone growth, functioning of
level of skin the immune system and
Hormonal system: normal reproduction
reproduction, and formation It is primarily found in
of new sperm cells animal sources that contain
Genetic coding, fetal fat
growth and development Food sources: beef liver,
Antioxidant function lamb liver, liver sausage,
(especially beta-carotene) salmon, tuna, ghost cheese,
Protection against harmful butter.
impact from free radicals
(from sunlight, tobacco Sources of vitamin A and beta
smoke, inflammation, etc.) carotene:
Food sources of vitamin K
include cabbage, cauliflower,
spinach and other green,
leafy vegetables, as well as