LESSON 2 Knowing Oneself

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Prayer at the Start of Class

Almighty God, we love you with all our heart and

soul. Thank you for having created us in your image and
made us your children. Watch over us today and all the
time. Keep us from sin and protect us from all evil. Keep
the members of our family in your love. Reward our
teachers and administrators who do good and are good
examples for us.
O God, bless all the activities we shall perform today
with joy and hope. All these we ask in the name of the
Almighty God, amen.
Let’s do the Tag Me!
• In the provided sheets of paper, write down positive
descriptions and impressions you have on your classmates,
in terms of their traits.
• Stick the sheets of paper at their back using a masking tape.
• After a certain moment of writing and pasting, help one
another in removing the pasted papers and reflect at what
are written on them about yourselves.
• Share to the class how you feel and what are your thoughts
about the things you read.
✓ Conduct self–exploration and simple disclosure
✓ Explain that knowing oneself can make a person
accept his/her strengths and limitations and deal
with others better
✓ Share your unique characteristics, habits, and
experiences; and
✓ Maintain a journal
According to Socrates:
• The most important thing to pursue was self-
knowledge, and admitting one’s ignorance is
the beginning of true knowledge.
According to Plato:
• The essence of knowledge is self-knowledge.
According to ancient Hindu writings (in
• Enquiry into the truth of the ‘self’ is
According to Rumi, a Persian poet:
• “Who am I in the midst of all this thought
According to Walt Whitman, an American poet:
• Celebrating himself as a simple, separate
Defining ‘self’
• In philosophical terms
“It is the being, the source of a person’s consciousness. It is the agent
responsible for an individual’s thoughts and actions.”

• In psychology
“It is the essence of a person: his thoughts, feelings and actions, experiences,
beliefs, values, principles, and relationship.”

• In the religion/spiritual realm

“It includes a person’s purpose, meaning, aspirations, and one’s relationship
with a higher being.”

• In sociology
“It is defined by the roles we take when we relate with others, such as being
your parents’ child, being a classmate, a friend, or teammate”
Let’s do this!
• In a ½ sheet of paper, define yourselves (‘The Self’) with the guidance
of this template (5 points each box)

Psychological Spiritual/Religious Sociological terms

Terms terms
• . • . • .
At the back portion. . .
(5 points each box)
My Strengths My Limitations
• . • .
• In psychology
“It is the set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that identifies an
individual. It is usually described in behavioral terms that are observable
and measurable.”

• According to Feist and Rosenberg (2012)

“It refers to the unique and relatively enduring set of behaviors,
feelings, thoughts, and motives that characterize an individual.”

• According to Gordon Allport

“A pattern of habits, attitudes, and traits that determines an
individual’s characteristics, behavior, and traits.”
Nature, Nurture, and

Nature Nurture

Trait Theories
Trait theory: an approach in identifying types of
personalities based on certain traits or attributes,
which may vary from one person to the other.
BIG FIVE developed by Costa & McCrae (1996)
1. EXTRAVERSION Loner, Quiet Joiner, Talkative
Passive, Reserved Active, Affectionate
2. AGREEABLENESS Suspicious, Critical Trusting, Lenient
(Kindness) Ruthless, Irritable Soft-hearted, Good-
3. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS Negligent, Lazy Conscientious,
(Diligent) Disorganized, Late Hardworking
Well-organized, Punctual
4. NEUROTICISM Calm, Even-tempered Worried, Temperamental
(the degree which a person Comfortable, Unemotional Self-conscious, Emotional
experiences the world)
5. OPENNESS TO Down-to-earth, Uncreative Imaginative, Creative
EXPERIENCE Conventional, Uncurious Original, Curious
Personality trait
• A disposition to behave consistently in a particular way
• Example:
shyness or social awkwardness
Examples of Personality (Psychological) Test
✓Rorschach Inkblot Test
✓Myers- Briggs Type Indicator
✓Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Example of a personality test to establish a career

✓CAREERinsite: Know Yourself web log of Alberta
Learning Information Service of the Government of
Myers – Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
• E or I (Extraversion or Introversion) – how an individual prefers to
channel his or her energy when dealing with people, whether it is
inward (introversion) or outward (extroversion)
• S or I (Sensing or Intuition) – how one prefers to process
information, whether through the use of senses such as being able to
describe what one sees, or intuitively like dealing with ideas
• T or F (Thinking or Feeling) – how an individual prefers to make
decisions, either thinking or using logic and analysis, or feeling which
uses the cognitive senses based on values or beliefs
• J or P (Judgment or Perception) – how an individual prefers to
manage one’s life; planned and organized life, versus perception,
which has more flexible approach to living

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