Full Pfrs Pfrs For Sme Pfrs For Small Entities Comparison
Full Pfrs Pfrs For Sme Pfrs For Small Entities Comparison
Full Pfrs Pfrs For Sme Pfrs For Small Entities Comparison
Accountancy (Central Philippine University)
Reclassification of OCI:
a. OCI reclassified to P/L = #1, #3 and #5
b. OCI reclassified to RE = #2, #4, #6 and #7
Revenue from contracts with ▪ PFRS 15 requires the entity to apply the ▪ Under PFRS for SMEs, revenue is ▪ The accounting for revenue of a small
customers (PFRS 15) ‘five-step’ principle when recognizing recognized based on the principle of entity shall be applied to the following
revenue from contracts with customers ‘transfer of significant risks and rewards.’ transactions and events:
namely: (Section 23) a. Sale of goods
1. Identify the contract with the customer b. Rendering of services
2. Identify the performance obligations in c. Construction contract
the contract d. Deposits or receivables yielding interest
3. Determine the transaction price e. Dividends from investments in shares
4. Allocate the transaction price to the not accounted using equity method.
performance obligations
5. Recognize revenue when (or as) a Revenue recognition:
performance obligation is satisfied. a. Probability that the economic benefits
- Fair value of the consideration received or
receivable using accrual basis.
Noncurrent asset held for sale ▪ Under PFRS 5, an entity shall classify a non- ▪ No similar classifications are provided ▪ No similar classifications are provided
(PFRS 5) current asset or disposal group as held for under PFRS for SMEs. under PFRS for SEs.
sale if its carrying amount will be recovered
principally through a sale transaction rather
than continuing use.
▪ Property dividends in the form of
noncurrent assets are classified as held for
distribution to owners if the assets qualify
under the criteria set forth under PFRS 5.
Inventories (PAS 2) Definition: ▪ Same provision under full PFRS for the ▪ Same provision under full PFRS for nature
▪ are assets held for sale in the ordinary nature, recognition and measurement and recognition except for the subsequent
course of business, in the process of except for the treatment of the excess of measurement of inventories which is
production for such sale, or in the form of NRV over cost which is accounted for as measured at lower of cost or market value
materials or supplies to be consumed in the impairment loss. (Section 13) (LCM).
production process or in rendering services. ▪ Market value is determined as the probable
selling price to willing buyers at reporting
Recognition: date.
▪ When the entity controls the asset as a
result of past events, and
▪ It is probable that future economic benefits
will flow to the entity.
Initial: Cost
Subsequent: LCNRV
Financial Instruments (PFRS 9) Definition: ▪ Under PFRS for SME (Section 11 and 12), ▪ Same provision under PFRS for SME
▪ Is any contract that gives rise to a financial financial instruments are classified into
asset of one entity and a financial liability basic financial instruments and other
or equity instrument of another entity. financial instruments issues (non-basic Basic Financial Instruments:
financial instruments). 1. Cash
Financial asset is any asset that is: 2. Bank deposits
▪ Cash; Basic Financial Instruments: 3. Trade receivables and payables
Fair value plus transaction costs, except FVTPL
where transaction costs are expensed outright.
If the arrangement constitutes a financing
transaction, it is measured at the present value
a. Basic financial instruments – Amortized cost
b. FVTPL – investments in non-puttable
ordinary shares and investments in
nonconvertible and non-puttable
preference shares that are publicly traded
or the fair value is determinable.
c. Cost less impairment – if the equity
investments are not publicly traded or the
fair value cannot be measured.
d. For non-basic financial instruments – FVTPL
except if fair value is not determinable, in
which case, it is measured at cost less
1. A building that is rented out to
independent parties under operating lease
2. A tract of land acquired as a long-term
3. A building that is rented out under
operating lease and the entity provides
cleaning, security and maintenance services
(the services provide is insignificant)
Initial: At cost
Subsequent: Either
a. Fair value model - the investment is
measured at fair value with changes in fair
value recognized in profit or loss.
b. Cost model – cost less accumulated
depreciation and any accumulated
impairment loss
▪ Probable that future economic benefits
associated with the item will flow to the
entity; and
▪ Measurable
Leases (PFRS 16) Leases ▪ Under PFRS for SMEs, leases are accounted Leases
▪ Is defined as a contract or part of a for under the old lease standard of full ▪ No classification of lease in small entity.
contract that conveys the right to use the PFRS (PAS 17). The classification of lease is Generally, all leases are considered
underlying asset for a period of time in based on the transfer of risk and rewards operating leases.
exchange for consideration. incidental to ownership (substance over ▪ No provision for sale and leaseback.
legal form). (Section 20)
Classification of lease:
a. Finance lease Major criteria for a finance lease:
b. Operating lease a. Transfer of ownership of the asset at the
▪ From the point of view of the lessee, the end of the lease term.
lease should be accounted for as finance b. There is a bargain purchase option.
lease, meaning the lessee will record an c. Lease term is a major part (75%) of the
asset (ROUA) and a liability (Lease liability) economic life of the asset even if title is not
except that if the lease is (a) Short-term transferred.
lease; (b) Low value lease, the lessee has d. PV of minimum lease payments amounts to
the option to account the lease as at least substantially all (90%) of the fair
operating lease. value of the lease asset at the inception of
the lease.
1. Lease liability – present value of the lease Finance lease - Lessee
payments to be made over the lease term ▪ If the lease is classified as finance lease, the
2. Right of use asset – initially measured at lessee shall recognize an asset and a
the amount of lease liability adjusted for liability equal to the lower between the fair
lease prepayments, lease incentives value of the asset and the present value of
received, initial direct costs and an the minimum lease payments using
estimate of interest
restoration, removal and dismantling cost. rate implicit in the lease or if not
Operating lease
▪ If classified as operating lease, the lessor
and the lessee shall recognize lease
payments as income or expense either on a
straight-line basis or another systematic
Provisions and contingencies Definition: ▪ Same provision under full PFRS. (Section 21) ▪ Same provision under full PFRS.
(PAS 37) a. Provision (accrued or recognized)
▪ A provision is an existing liability of
uncertain timing or uncertain amount.
b. Contingent liability is either: (disclosed
only unless the outflow of resources is
1. A possible but uncertain obligation.
2. A present obligation that is not
recognized as a liability because it is
not probable that an outflow will occur
OR the amount cannot be measured
c. Contingent asset (not recognized but only
disclosed when the inflow of economic
benefits is probable)
▪ A possible asset that arises from past event
and whose existence will be confirmed only
by the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one
or more uncertain future events not wholly
within the control of the entity.
▪ The entity has a present obligation, legal or
constructive as a result of past event.
▪ It is probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits would be
required to settle the obligation.
▪ The amount of the obligation can be
estimated reliably.
Monetary grant:
a. Amount of cash received
b. Fair value of amount receivable
c. Carrying amount of loan payable to the
government for which repayment is
d. Discount on loan payable to government at
below-market rate of interest
Nonmonetary grant:
a. Fair value or
b. Nominal amount or zero, plus direct cost
Borrowing cost (PAS 23) Borrowing cost Borrowing cost (Section 25) Borrowing cost
▪ are interest and other costs that an entity ▪ All borrowing costs shall be recognized as ▪ All borrowing costs shall be recognized as
incurs in connection with borrowing of expense in the period when incurred. expense in the period when incurred.
funds ▪ SME is required to disclose all finance costs
▪ Borrowing cost that is directly attributable recognized as expense during the year.
to the acquisition or production of a
qualifying asset is required to be capitalized
as cost of the asset. Those that are not
directly attributable to a qualifying asset
shall be expensed when incurred.
Share-based payment (PFRS 2) Share-based payment transactions ▪ Same provision under full PFRS (Section 26) ▪ Distinction between equity-settled and cash
a. Equity settled share-based payment except that intrinsic value measurement is settled arrangement:
transactions (share options) not mentioned as an alternative. a. Equity settled share-based payment – a
▪ The compensation resulting from share
options is measured using the following
two methods:
a. Fair value method
b. Intrinsic value method – excess of
market value over the option or
exercise price (used only if the fair
value is not determinable)
▪ The compensation is based on the fair
value of the liability at reporting date and
shall be remeasured at every year-end until
it is finally settled. Any changes in fair value
are included in profit or loss.
▪ The fair value of the liability is equal to the
excess of the market value of the share
over a predetermined price for a given
number of shares over a definite vesting
c. If vest immediately, recognized the
compensation as expense in full with
corresponding increase in equity on the
a. Defined contribution plan
▪ Fixed contribution shall be recognized as
expense in the period it is payable.
▪ Any unpaid contribution at the end of the
period shall be recognized as accrued
expense (liability).
▪ Any excess payment shall be recognized as
prepaid expense (asset).
▪ It measured on an undiscounted basis
except when they do not fall due wholly
within 12 months after the end of the
reporting period.
b. Defined benefit plan
▪ The obligation is measured on a discounted
basis using the projected unit credit
method (required)
▪ The expense to be recognized is not
necessarily the amount of contribution for
the period.
▪ The defined benefit liability shall be
measured as the net amount of the
a. The present value of the defined
benefit obligation at the reporting date.
▪ Current tax expense (CUTE) = TI x tax rate
enacted at the reporting date.
▪ Total income tax expense (TITE) = FI after
considering permanent differences x tax
rate enacted at the reporting date assuming