Jake DLP Format
Jake DLP Format
Jake DLP Format
A. Content Standards Identify the different types of figurative language.
B. Performance Standards Pick out sentences containing figurative language.
C. Learning Competencies / Learning Competency: Using Anglo-American Literature Books
Objectives. to Learned Figurative Languages. ( ENG8-Q1-MOD1)
Write the LC code for each
Learning Objectives:
1. Define Figurative Languages.
2. Identify the different types of figurative language.
3. Construct Figurative Language using the different types of it.
II. CONTENT Figurative Languages
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Anglo-American Literature pages 293-295
A. References Vidal, D. (2019). Anglo-American Literature
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Anglo-American Literature pages 293-295
4. Additional Materials from the
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Cartolina, plastic tape, manila paper, Laptop, Projector and speaker
Preliminary Activities
Introductory Activity Prayer
(5 minutes).
Checking Attendance
Passing of Assignments
Setting of Classroom Standards
(The teacher presents the objectives)
Activity/Strategy 1. Motivation
(10 minutes). Now, I will group you into 4 groups. Our game for today is
called “Hello Telephone”. All you need to do is write down the
numbers look for their corresponding letters as shown on the
board and form a word. The group who can say first the correct
word will gain points. Understood?
1-a 7-g 13-m 19-s 25-y
2-b 8-h 14-n 20-t 26-z
3-c 9-i 15-o 21- u
4-d 10-j 16-p 22-v
5-e 11-k 17-q 23-w
6-f 12-l 18-r 24-x
Class, I have here sentences. Everybody read.
Application You will be divided into 4 groups, you will be given a chart
(20 minutes). containing figurative language. All you have to do is to pick out
the sentences/sentences that would correspond to the given
figurative language and paste it on the chart. Explain your work
afterward. Every correct answer will gain 1 point. Am I clear?
Content: 30%
Creativity: 20%
Organization: 20%
Delivery: 30%
Total= 100% points
Assignment/Agreement Assignment