5G TDD Uplink White Paper v1.0

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5G TDD Uplink

by NGMN Alliance

Version: 1.0

Date: 23.12.2021

Document Type: Final Deliverable (approved)

Confidentiality Class: P - Public


Editor / Submitter: Ray Williamson, Huawei; Giovanna. D’Aria, TIM;

Ruyue YN Li, ZTE

Contributors: Wolfgang Fleischer, A1 Group; Johnny Dixon, BT;

Alexey Shapin, Ericsson; Peter de Bruin, Ericsson;
Ray Williamson, Huawei; Luca Rose, Nokia; Giovanna D’Aria,
TIM; Antonio Orlando, TIM; Haibin Zhang, TNO; Ruyue YN Li,
ZTE; Xianghui Han, ZTE

Approved by / Date: NGMN Board, 17th January 2022

© 2022 Next Generation Mobile Networks e.V. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from NGMN e.V.

The information contained in this document represents the current view held by NGMN e.V. on the issues
discussed as of the date of publication. This document is provided “as is” with no warranties whatsoever
including any warranty of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for any particular purpose. All liability
(including liability for infringement of any property rights) relating to the use of information in this document
is disclaimed. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein. This
document is distributed for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Readers
should not design products based on this document.

NGMN e. V.
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Executive Summary

This White Paper contemplates the challenges for Vertical Industries to achieve sufficient
uplink throughput or cell capacity and low enough latency for their industrial use cases, when
using 5G TDD bands for the realization of those use cases. After looking into the problem,
various technical solutions are being considered, some of them providing solutions for the
management of interference between base stations or mobile handsets, when deviating
frame structures are being used to support the industries’ requirements. The document
concludes with specific recommendations to regulators and mobile industry partners who
want to support the industry with adequate solutions.

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1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Industry Use Cases ........................................................................................................................... 5
3 Problem Statement .......................................................................................................................... 8
4 Current Situation for TDD Uplink ................................................................................................... 9
4.1 TDD Configuration Options .................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Coexistence Under Different TDD Configurations............................................................ 11
5 Potential Solutions.......................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 Current Solutions ................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.1 Interference Coordination ............................................................................................... 14
5.1.2 UL MIMO ............................................................................................................................ 14
5.1.3 Carrier Aggregation .......................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Future Potential Solutions .................................................................................................... 18
5.2.1 Enhancements of UL MIMO ............................................................................................ 18
5.2.2 Enhancements of UL CA .................................................................................................. 19
5.2.3 NR-Multi-Band Serving Cell ............................................................................................. 19
5.2.4 Full Duplex Operation ...................................................................................................... 19
5.2.5 Higher Order Modulation ................................................................................................ 19
5.2.6 UE Aggregation (User Virtualisation and Cooperation)............................................... 20
5.2.7 Downlink Symbol Blanking .............................................................................................. 20
6 Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 21
List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 23
References .............................................................................................................................................. 25

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This White Paper illustrates how the downlink/uplink (DL/UL) throughput requirements of several
vertical use cases may require specific TDD network configurations which differ from the current
configurations of most public macro networks and investigates how networks can fulfil the high
throughput - particularly in uplink - and low latency requirements of verticals.
In this document increased throughput refers to an increase in the data rate of a single user using
a service. Increased capacity refers to additional resources being made available for use by all
users in a cell.

First, the White Paper shows the technical challenges that various operators are facing when trying
to realize together with their customers a variety of industry use cases. This forms the basis for an
accurate problem statement.

In section 4 we provide some background on the current configurations of TDD in public macro
networks and introduce the challenges in the co-existence of TDD networks with differing frame
structures. Section 5 goes on to introduce a number of techniques to enhance UL performance
and also methods to mitigate interference which may be generated as a result of their
implementation. Finally, recommendations to better support the throughput and latency
requirements of verticals are provided.

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Vertical industry use cases are trying to take advantage of the 5G technology. In Europe, the main
frequency band currently adopted for 5G technology is the 3.4-3.8 GHz (n78) band. This band is
also of high interest for deployment in other world regions. It has become clear that with the
currently deployed TDD DL/UL configurations the uplink capacity is not sufficient to satisfy the
requirements of the vertical industry in quite a number of cases. The uplink is critical for vertical
industries as many of them are producing data rather than consuming them. Therefore, more
balanced or uplink oriented TDD configurations or other functionalities to improve uplink capacity
could be of advantage for such vertical industry use cases.
Current TDD deployments are in line with heavy downlink traffic patterns typical of eMBB
applications and in some countries led by regulatory constraints (coexistence with LTE TDD
commercial networks).
Another particular issue is the Ultra-Low Latency. Particularly the event industry would need
constant end to end latencies below 4 ms. This is currently not achievable with the deployed frame
structures on band n78. Also, mm waves such as frequencies of 26 GHz (band n258) may help to
improve the performance, but some challenges are encountered in real deployment e.g. the
dampening due to obstacles getting in the way of transmission can become burdensome for the
event industry.
In Table 1, 5G TDD Uplink requirements are listed for nine different use cases, as concretely
received from respective industry customers (e.g. car manufacturer, event media company, etc.).

Table 1 Overview of Industry Vertical Use Case Requirements

Use cases Purpose 5G TDD Uplink Comments
Automotive test Data readings during 150 Mbps to Depending on the
tracks test drives on the 900 Mbps number of
(Car manufacturer) test track simultaneously driving
Sports Data readings of > 200 Mbps Depending on type and
Entertainment biovital and number of sensors, as
(Event Media telemetry data, as well as the number of
Company) well as high quality media stream recorded
media recordings and their quality.
TV News Recording of high > 200 Mbps Depending on the
Broadcaster quality media from number of
current events simultaneously recording

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(2 national cameras and the
broadcasters) number of people close
by with mobile phones.
Usually connected to a
single radio cell.
This scenario may
require large scale
coverage (e.g. Tour de
France) and it is not
limited to a single fixed
location (e.g. stadium).
Virtual Reality Recording via high > 100 Mbps Depending on the
(Event Media quality 360° cameras number of cameras
Company) connected to a single
radio cell and the no of
people close by with
mobile phones.
Concert Media recording in > 300 Mbps Depending on the no of
Entertainment high quality and 360° recording cameras and
cameras of high latency < 4 ms no of 360° cameras on
quality for support of (end-to-end) stage or in audience.
VR; additionally
permit transport of
digital music at very
low latency
Robotics Robots to move latency < 2 ms The latency needs to be
around on floor (end-to-end) achieved in order to
space and control avoid damages to
their movement production facilities for
form the outside fast moving robots.
Throughput depends on
the type and amount of

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Machine Vision AI/ML inference for 80 Mbps~12 The data rate
image/video processi Gbps depends on the split
ng for AR 2 ms (one way point of the
display/gaming, user plane Convolutional Neural
remote driving, latency) Network (CNN)
remote-controlled models used.
robotics etc.

Fish Cage Delivery of video about 200 Mbps The required data rate
Supervision data collected by per 4k depends on the number
(H2020 5G-HEART underwater and underwater of cameras.
project, D5.2 [1]) surface cameras in a camera
remote fish farm, for
identification of
disease or
irregularities and the
optimisation of
feeding procedure
Remote Control Remote operation 10-100 Mbps Depending on number
of vehicles and per of cameras and
machines for e.g. vehicle/machine adaptation capabilities.
public transport, Normal mode of
logistics, mining operation may be a mix
of remote control, and
autonomous mode.

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• Deploying 5G TDD networks in a multi-operator context requires synchronised operation1
of adjacent networks and, in particular, the adoption among operators of a compatible
frame structure to avoid any BS-BS and UE-UE interference and allow coexistence without
the need for guard bands or additional filters supporting efficient spectrum usage.
• In Europe, to avoid potential interference situations and ensure efficient spectrum usage,
current regulatory conditions are attached to spectrum rights in the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz
frequency band (Band n78) to define common TDD frame structures at national level.
Current frame structures consist of 8 timeslots in the downlink (DL) and 2 timeslots in the
uplink (UL) which allows a maximum of 180 Mbit/s2 peak throughput under optimum
conditions in the uplink (with 100MHz spectrum bandwidth, 2x2 UL MIMO and without UL
carrier aggregation) and a minimum latency of 2 - 4 ms one-way in the RAN. The obligation
to adopt the common national TDD frame structure can possibly be relaxed for
local/regional licensing, but obligations to avoid interference remain in place.
• On the other hand, there’s the need to account for licensees’ commercial service needs
and the great variety of 5G use cases. Industry applications (e. g. manufacturing,
entertainment, news production, autonomous vehicles), often require a much higher uplink
capacity. For example, in 3GPP SA1 TS 22.261 [2] there are requirements for cloud
rendering and virtual reality which range from 100 Mbps to 10 Gbps per user; even at the
lower end of this requirement support within the constraints discussed in the previous
paragraph would be limited to a very small number of users. In some examples it would
need to be in excess of 600 Mbit/s3. Other use cases require UL capacity which exceeds
the current capabilities, e.g. video surveillance with upload.
• Furthermore, among the frame structures that are defined for NR by the 3GPP, currently
only a limited subset has been realized by base station vendors, chipset vendors and
device vendors. For both bands, n78 (3.5 GHz) and n258 (26 GHz), NGMN recommends
that base station vendors, chipset vendors and device vendors will also make available
frame structures that provide a better balance between uplink and downlink throughput.

1Implementing synchronized operation requires operators to agree on a common phase clock reference (e.g. UTC)
and a compatible frame structure to avoid simultaneous UL/DL transmission and agreements would be simplified
when the same type of services with associated desired user plane latency and performance are targeted.
2Bit rate and latency performance are estimates of what is achievable according to 3GPP TS 38.306 [3] in optimal
radio conditions. Actual performance will be influenced by other factors such as network design and optimisation,
system traffic load and local radio conditions, among others.
3Such situation exists when data from cars on a test track need to be received for near real time processing and just
putting more antennas to manage the per antenna load is not an option due to prohibitive overall costs.

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As mentioned above, in a multi-operator context, geographically localised deviations from the
commonly agreed TDD frame structure to provide higher uplink capacity on the radio side produce
BS-BS and UE-UE interference whose effects vary depending also on the deployment scenarios,
e.g. indoor/micro/macro. To assure networks coexist, different interference mitigation
countermeasures can be applied, such as guard bands, transmitted power reduction, radio signal
isolation, etc. The effectiveness and possible drawbacks of such countermeasures depend on the
radio deployment scenarios as well and are independent of how frequency rights are used either
for nationwide public networks or local non-public networks4.
Spectrum, particularly sub 6 GHz, is a critical and limited resource for mobile communications.
Regulators need to carefully consider how it is assigned to ensure it can be used effectively and
efficiently. Reserving spectrum for certain specific usages might be a solution provided that it is
adopted after careful impact assessment on spectrum fragmentation which could undermine the
assignments of sufficiently large contiguous frequency blocks for 5G networks. Such fragmentation
could also lead to possible underutilisation, highly undesirable spectrum inefficiency, delayed
maturity of the ecosystem in the selected bands, and last but not least lead to possible market
Generally, even though localised, a TDD network generates interference to other, in band and
adjacent band, TDD networks unless compatible synchronised TDD frame structures are used.
Currently, in all regulations, taking corrective actions in case of interferences is mandatory for a
local network operator. Coexistence scenarios which mitigate interference also apply to local non-
public networks. At the time of writing two bands, 3.4-3.8 GHz and 3.8-4.2 GHz, have been
assigned, or are being considered, by different regulators to have some portion of this spectrum
assigned for local licenses. The EC has issued a mandate to CEPT on technical conditions
regarding the shared use of the 3.8-4.2 GHz frequency band for terrestrial wireless broadband
systems providing local-area network connectivity in the Union [4]. In this context, solutions to
alleviate coexistence issues with other services in the band and in adjacent bands should be
carefully studied, including the possibility of SUL usage if not yet considered.
Finally, using 5G TDD frequency bands in mm wave spectrum, e.g. 26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 39 GHz,
with total spectrum availability of several hundreds of MHz per band, to support industry use cases
with high requirements on UL performance has several advantages:
• The available bandwidth is large, and aggregating multiple component carriers (CCs) on
the same band, contiguous or not, does not require additional radios or antennas
• The sub-carrier spacing (SCS) is larger than the 15-30 kHz for below 6 GHz, typically 4-8
times, so the transmission time interval (TTI) is reduced accordingly. This means the parts
of the latency performance relating to radio transmissions are improved

4Non-Public Network (NPN) is a network for non-public use (see 3GPP TS 22.261 [2]), which can be deployed as (see
3GPP TS 23.501 [5]) a Stand-alone Non-Public Network (SNPN) or a Public Network Integrated (PNI) NPN.

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• The wavelength is short, so efficient beam forming antennas can be made sufficiently small
also for indoor deployments
• The higher frequency implies higher propagation and penetration losses, which means that
the coverage area is limited. Indoor deployments could be well isolated, due to sufficient
distance from the outdoor network or with sufficient wall penetration loss.

4.1 TDD Configuration Options

The 3GPP NR specification provides flexible TDD frame structures. At the BS side, the number of
uplink and downlink slots may be almost arbitrarily configured within the TDD frame periodicity. A
guard period, when switching from downlink transmission to uplink transmission, is implemented in
the special slots, which are configured with a combination of suitable uplink, and downlink symbols,
interjected with a flexible number of silent symbols (or guard symbols).
At the UE side, formally any DL/UL symbol pattern is supported, as it’s up to the base station
signalling to the UE whether uplink or downlink is to be transmitted in a certain time slot/symbol.
In practice, deployment of specific TDD frame structures in a network needs to be implemented
and verified by interoperability testing between chipset and device providers and infrastructure
providers. The tradition of multi-vendor networks stipulates the need for, at least some level of,
interoperability verification through testing/trials between any network-UE combination, to secure
network-wide support and cross-border roaming.
A number of different frame structures have been adopted worldwide in 5G NR deployments so
far. The TDD frame structure configurations are often described as, e.g. DDDSU or
DDDSUUDDDD, where D/U indicates slots where downlink/uplink-only symbols are transmitted
and S is the special slot. The special slot, in turn, consists of 14 symbols, and is often described
as, for example, 4:6:4, which indicates that the first 4 symbols are downlink, the following 6 are
silent, and the last 4 symbols are uplink. As can be seen from the examples, all currently supported
TDD frame structures are more or less downlink heavy.
For some n78 5G NR national deployments, it is necessary to align with specific synchronisation
requirements, for example, for coexistence with legacy TD-LTE networks at 3.4-3.6 GHz. Usually,
in this case, national regulators define requirements on TDD frame structures for NR/LTE
synchronization and the frame structure e.g. DDDSUUDDDD (4:6:4) is generally adopted for NR,
as it is especially suitable for coexistence with TD-LTE and provides complete NR and LTE
alignment, as shown in Figure 1. In this way, any harmful interference between the two systems
can be avoided when NR and LTE are deployed in the same or adjacent frequency band.

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Figure 1 Example of an alignment between TD-LTE and 5G NR

In general, where 5G NR/TD-LTE coexistence is not required, national regulators may either define
requirements on 5G NR TDD frame structures for synchronization or leave synchronisation under
the responsibility of the national license holders. In the latter case, if there is disagreement, many
regulators stipulate restrictions and fallback to a pre-defined 5G NR TDD frame structure, such as
the DDDSU frame structure or the TD-LTE aligned one. In cases where national regulators
mandate use of a given 5G NR TDD configuration for all deployments in a given band, license
holders can agree and ask for an authorised/acknowledged use of a different frame structure. For
countries where licenses for local non-public use are available or planned5 in parts of bands
adjacent to those assigned for national 5G NR use6, there are examples of a similar approach, i.e.
national TDD frame structure being defined as fallback to local licensees if they cannot reach
bilateral/multilateral agreement with national spectrum users.

4.2 Coexistence Under Different TDD Configurations

A straightforward solution to improve UL performance in terms of throughput is to increase the
number of UL slots. Also, the latency performance may be improved shortening the waiting time for
UL access by more frequently alternating UL/DL slots in the TDD frame. However, unless there is
a wide acceptance of a common UL-heavy frame structure within the TDD band, different frame
structure configurations will result in cross-link interference between systems in both the DL and
the UL. The different interference scenarios that arise with synchronized and unsynchronized TDD
configurations respectively are depicted in Figure 2.

5 For example, Swedish PTS – ongoing consultation, German BNetzA – Verwaltungsvorschrift Lokales Breitband
6In addition to current n78 licensing there are plans to assign mm wave spectrum for local licensing in some
markets (e.g. Japan, Germany, Sweden).

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Figure 2 Interference scenarios under different TDD configurations

In general, the synchronized TDD configuration is beneficial when:

1. The transmit power of one type of equipment (e.g. the BS) is much higher than the transmit
power of others (e.g. the UEs)
2. There is little isolation between both co-channel and adjacent channel networks

With respect to the interference that arises in unsynchronised TDD configuration, we consider two
general scenarios:
1. Aside from corner cases of extreme UE density, such as in stadiums, arenas, etc., during
unsynchronized DL/UL slots the network in UL does not create harmful interference to the
network in DL, whereas the network in DL creates high level of interference to the network
in UL. This is a consequence of the difference of power levels transmitted by a BS and a
UE, respectively. Hence, turning a DL slot into an UL one typically does not increase the
level of interference and does not pose problem for the network in DL. However, because
of the (opposing) UL transmissions it will be necessary to consider ways to manage the BS
to BS interference.7
2. If sufficient isolation is reached between the two unsynchronised networks a situation of no
harmful interference could be reached. Such isolation can be obtained by means of
geographical limitation of one or more networks (e.g. geographically isolated local networks
and shielded indoor local networks) or by means of guard bands. In order to be quantified,
isolation requires coordination among spectrum users. If correctly implemented, it can
make any TDD configuration acceptable from the point of view of coexistence and

7 CBRS Alliance C-TG-20-553 “Semi-Synched TDD Frame Configuration Operation”, 9-July-2020

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interference. However, even in case of sufficiently isolated networks, the presence of UE
connected to the macro network may disrupt the operation of UEs connected to the local
network (UE to UE interference).
In conclusion, in order to assess the suitability of different TDD configurations to coexist, an
accurate analysis is required of all conditions which influence coexistence, i.e. of the networks’
deployment scenarios, occupation of the same or adjacent spectrum, level of isolation of the
considered networks (e.g. to evaluate if walls could provide sufficient shielding to indoor local
networks) and TDD configurations themselves, as well as a thorough assessment of involved
performance degradation costs.

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In this section we introduce a number of techniques which may improve UL throughput and, in
some cases, latency and/or capacity. We also introduce some methods to mitigate interference
which can be generated when employing alternative TDD configurations to other mobile networks
in nearby locations or to different cells in the same network.
The 3GPP release which introduces each feature is provided for reference. It should be noted that
the commercial availability of these features is also determined by factors such as infrastructure,
chipset and device availability, interoperability testing, and market demand.
Some techniques, such as those in the carrier aggregation section, require access to multiple
carriers and/or frequency bands which can be combined.
When evaluating the different options, it should also be noted that some techniques may have an
impact on equipment complexity, battery life and costs.

5.1 Current Solutions

This sub-section describes solutions for increasing TDD UL performance which are supported by
existing standards or are specific proprietary implementations. If supported by an existing standard
their actual implementation may be market driven and/or vendor dependent.

5.1.1 Interference Coordination

Deploying non-synchronized frame structures in two neighbouring networks results in BS-BS and
UE-UE interference that could impact the overall system performance. In such circumstances and
under the condition that there is cooperation between the networks, 3GPP Release 16 interference
coordination methods for Cross-link Interference (CLI) mitigation could be applied to reduce the
negative effects of such interference (3GPP TR 38.828 [6]).
As mentioned above, in the case of CLI, there are two types of interference, namely BS-BS
interference and UE-UE interference. As to the BS-BS interference, there’s no solution specified in
3GPP, and its mitigation is left to network operators’ coordination by accurate networks planning.
As to the inter-cell UE-UE CLI, in 3GPP Release 16 interference measurements fields are
specified that could be exploited by BSs to reduce interference and collisions. For example,
considering these measurements as well as information received on Xn and F1 interfaces, BSs
may decide the transmission and reception of DL/UL slots and adapt the scheduler in order to
avoid CLI.

5.1.2 UL MIMO
While MIMO has been widely used to enhance DL performance for some time, it is only in the last
few years that this has become available for UL on mainstream devices. UL MIMO is used to
increase cell capacity and throughput and can be implemented in two ways:
• Single-User (SU-MIMO) uses multiple antennas to implement transmit diversity for
improving reliability or spatial multiplexing of time-frequency resources to create multiple

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data streams (PUSCH layers) at the BS to improve the performance for that UE. The
maximum number of layers for a single UE is the lower value between the number of BS
Rx antennas and the number of UE Tx antennas
• Multi-User (MU-MIMO) also uses multiple antennas to implement spatial multiplexing of
time-frequency resources but in this case the objective is for multiple UEs, served by
different beams of the antennas, to re-use the same resource, aiming at higher uplink
capacity. Multiple UEs with a high level of orthogonality in their channels will generate low
levels of interference and can be “paired” to re-use radio resource. The number of layers
increases with the number of BS antennas, up to 4 layers could be expected in a typical
network with higher capabilities being possible with a favourable environment.
Up to 4 UL Tx antennas are supported since Release 15 (more than 4 are being considered for
Release 18).

5.1.3 Carrier Aggregation

In Carrier Aggregation (CA), two or more Component Carriers (CCs) are aggregated to increase
user throughput and possibly cell capacity by adding more bandwidth. A UE may simultaneously
receive or transmit on one or multiple CCs depending on its capabilities. CA is supported for both
contiguous and non-contiguous CCs, in the same or different spectrum bands. When CA is
configured, the UE only has one Radio Resource Control (RRC) connection with the network. One
serving cell provides the NAS mobility information at RRC connection establishment/re-
establishment/handover and also provides the security input at RRC connection re-
establishment/handover. This cell is referred to as the Primary Cell (PCell). Depending on UE
capabilities, Secondary Cells (SCells) can be configured together with the PCell to form a set of
serving cells. The configured set of serving cells for a UE therefore always consists of one PCell
and one or more SCells. Standardized enhancements for high capacity and low latency based on
carrier aggregation are discussed in this section.

Unaligned frame boundary and Tx switching

Unaligned frame boundary together with Tx switching could provide higher UE throughput and
lower latency for UL in case of CA operation.
• Unaligned frame boundary is introduced in Release 16 to provide more flexible beginning
of NR TDD frame structures among different carriers in CA operation [3GPP TS 38.211 [7].
• Tx switching, introduced in Release 16 with further enhancements in Release 17, enables
CA capable UEs to dynamically switch between 2 CCs for UL transmission [3GPP TS
38.214 [8].
• In Release 16, one of the Tx chains is capable of being switched between the two CCs,
whilst the second Tx chain cannot switch. However, in Release 17, both of the Tx chains
are capable of switching between the two CCs
• With both unaligned frame boundary and Tx switching, a UE can effectively have more
uplink transmission opportunities in time domain. Moreover, these uplink transmissions

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happen at different times in different carriers such that power/antenna resources of the UE
can be fully utilized in each of these transmissions.

Unaligned frame boundary and Tx switching when implemented together can achieve larger uplink
throughput for TDD CA operation. In Figure 3, an example of TDD CA employing the two
techniques is shown.

Figure 3 Unaligned frame boundary and Tx switching for TDD CA (Release 17)

The TDD configurations ‘DDDDDDDSUU’ and ‘DDDSUDDSUU’ are configured for CC#1
(Component Carrier #1) and CC#2 (Component Carrier #2), respectively. To obtain more
transmission opportunities in the time domain, a 3-slot offset is applied for the TDD configuration at
CC#2 carrier. As observed from the example in Figure 3, compared to CA with aligned frame
boundary without Tx switching, switching of two Tx chains between CC#1 and CC#2 can improve
UL throughput about 66.7%, assuming the same bandwidth for both carriers. Note that, if no slot
offset is applied, there would be two uplink slots overlapping in the time domain, and a UE can only
support 1Tx transmission in each carrier or up to 2Tx transmission only in one carrier, which will
limit the uplink throughput.

PUCCH carrier switching for CA

PUCCH carrier switching could reduce the latency of PUCCH transmissions significantly for CA
operation. In NR Release 16, in one cell group, PUCCH can only be transmitted on the PCell. This
limits the transmission occasion of PUCCH, and therefore impacts the latency of PUCCH
transmission. In NR Release 17 PUCCH carrier switching, semi-statically or dynamically, will be
supported. Take Figure 4 as an example. Compared to transmitting PUCCH carrying HARQ-ACK
only on PCell CC#1, HARQ-ACK feedback latency can be reduced significantly by allowing
PUCCH carrier switching to CC#2 with adding three additional UL transmission occasions. UL
capacity can also be potentially improved with the increased flexibility of PUCCH resources.

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Figure 4 PUCCH carrier switching for CA

Supplementary Uplink (SUL)

Supplementary uplink differs from carrier aggregation in that the UE may be scheduled to transmit
either on the supplementary uplink carrier or on the uplink of the carrier being supplemented, but
not on both at the same timeslot. SUL combines and coordinates the radio resource in two
different bands to improve uplink performance. SUL enables support of one extra uplink carrier in
addition to one TDD carrier. 3GPP (TS38.101 [9]) has re-used the UL operating band of a number
of FDD bands to create additional NR SUL bands. For example, the 1800 MHz frequency band
1710-1785 MHz is allocated as both FDD UL (n3) and SUL (n80). The associated downlink
operating band (e.g. 1805-1880 MHz for n3) continues to be used in FDD mode and can be
combined with other DL spectrum to enhance DL throughput. The combination of a sub-3 GHz
SUL band and a mid-band TDD band e.g. n78 (3300-3800 MHz) can be effective in improving UL
performance. In addition to the continuous UL resource availability to boost capacity and reduce
latency, the sub-3 GHz SUL band extends coverage and improves cell edge performance. These
performance improvements are illustrated in the figure below where the UL timeslots coloured blue
are used in preference to those in grey.

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Figure 5 SUL example
NR-U carrier aggregation
Yet another option to employ carrier aggregation to increase the UL resources is to employ an NR
carrier on unlicensed spectrum, also referred to as NR-U, together with a licensed carrier. NR
technology operating on unlicensed bands is standardized in 3GPP with necessary additions like
listen before talk (LBT) to avoid collision with other transmissions on the same unlicensed band.
NR-U could not offer the same required reliability and consistent performance as NR on a licensed
carrier8. However, in some cases, like in a reasonably isolated network deployment, aggregating
NR-U with a licensed carrier could serve as an UL capacity booster for services with less strict
requirements on reliability and consistent latency

5.2 Future Potential Solutions

The features in this section are currently being discussed as candidates for 3GPP Release 18. In
some cases, there are different views on the feature which may result in the proposal being
modified, redirected to a later 3GPP release, or rejected. Brief descriptions of the most UL-relevant
feature proposals which could improve throughput and/or capacity are provided below. Please
refer to the references provided for further details.

5.2.1 Enhancements of UL MIMO

There is currently a clear imbalance between DL-MIMO and UL-MIMO, in terms of the number of
antennas/layers, precoding, flexibility for multi-panel operation, etc. Therefore, enhancements to
UL MIMO [10] are a target for Release 18.

8 NR-U can also be used in standalone mode, however, in case of unlicensed networks interference mitigation
effectiveness to licensed networks can even be largely nullified. In fact, unlicensed networks do not share their technical
parameters with national regulatory body and neither with licensed subjects (public or private). Therefore, it is not possible
to enforce most possible countermeasures.

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• Up to 4 layer UL transmission is currently specified. More MIMO antennas/layers e.g. up to
8 layers for SU-MIMO and up to 12 layers or more for MU-MIMO and UE-aggregation can
be considered.
• Frequency-selective precoding with acceptable DCI overhead increase can be considered
in large UL bandwidths.
• Spatial multiplexing and diversity techniques, e.g. enhanced multi-panel/multi-TRP uplink
operation based on simultaneous Tx across multiple panels (e.g. FDM and SDM).
• Support of 2 codewords (CW) for handling the performance degradation due to a
significant SNR gap between different UL Tx layers when using one codeword.

5.2.2 Enhancements of UL CA
The current proposal supporting more flexible CA configuration is based on existing CA framework
and suggests removing current CA configuration restrictions [11][12], e.g. 1) DL and UL physical
carrier frequency for one serving cell has to be from the same band, 2) the number of UL physical
carriers cannot be larger than the number of DL physical carriers. Since time alignment at UEs is
achieved by means of DL synchronization signals (SSB), UE capability is required to align
synchronization between UL and DL carriers which also may require testing for different band

5.2.3 NR-Multi-Band Serving Cell

This feature [11][12] also increases flexibility. Different from the existing CA framework, it allows
one serving cell to have one DL carrier and more than one UL carrier, which may be from different
bands. A UE can perform random access on any of these uplink carriers, and perform UL data
transmission in multiple bandwidth parts (BWP) in different bands without the
activation/deactivation of SCells. The same UE capability and testing requirements described in
5.2.2 would apply.

5.2.4 Full Duplex Operation

Full duplex operation, which does not require the DL resources and UL resources to be partitioned
in time-domain, can increase the resources for UL, and therefore it can increase the UL throughput
and reduce the latency in some scenarios. Release 18 only considers full duplex operation in TDD

5.2.5 Higher Order Modulation

According to current NR specifications, the maximum modulation order supported for UL data
transmission is 256 QAM. Further to support 1024 QAM could boost the uplink capacity in
deployments where very good SINR is achieved e.g. fixed wireless access.

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5.2.6 UE Aggregation (User Virtualisation and Cooperation)
Multiple devices can form a virtual user to collaboratively transmit and receive data from the
network, e.g.one device helps another device to transmit uplink data to effectively boost up the
antenna/power/processing capabilities

5.2.7 Downlink Symbol Blanking

This feature was introduced to avoid intra-band, cross-border interference between countries
which have implemented different frame structures (DDDSU & DDDDDDDSUU), where one MNO
will agree not to transmit on certain DL slots when used in UL by the neighbouring MNO. The
feature could, potentially, also be used to avoid interference between public macro and local
networks using different frame structures in the same coverage area but such deployments will
need to be coordinated. However, further implementations of additional frame structures and
analysis of operational complexities will be required.

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1. A number of vertical use cases require significantly higher UL throughput and lower latency
than that required by typical MBB consumer mobile users. There are solutions available to
address this UL problem (throughput and latency). Using different TDD configurations, as
one of the solutions, requires coordination between operators in order to minimize possible
interference and support by regulators in order to achieve sufficient operational flexibility to
deliver customer use cases with higher UL requirements.

2. Frame structure selection is an effective way of varying UL/DL throughput. Additional

balanced or UL oriented frame structures should be made available and interoperable by
ecosystem partners (chipset, user equipment and infrastructure providers). NGMN has
identified DDSUU (balanced) and DSUUU (UL oriented) as candidates for both FR1 and
FR2. Ecosystem partners should also support operators in making available and
interoperable other possible alternative solutions identified in this White Paper to address
this UL problem.

3. Careful selection of more balanced or uplink oriented TDD frame structures in a local
network is recommended to limit the interference impact between local and wide-area
public networks. However, if isolation between networks is sufficient (through physical
separation, indoor with sufficient wall penetration loss, guard bands, etc.), the selection and
use of TDD frame structures is less constrained and may be beneficial for services with a
more balanced or uplink oriented traffic profile.

4. In scenarios where sufficient isolation between networks is not achievable, e.g. local
outdoor networks in the same or adjacent spectrum, using different TDD frame structures
will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. In such cases, adoption of other uplink
enhancing features such as SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO should be considered.

5. Future 3GPP specification enhancements, including 5G advanced and 6G, should ensure
the requirements of vertical industries are fulfilled with respect to UL throughput, latency,

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and support for the co-existence of different frame structures.

6. Spectrum, particularly sub 6 GHz, is a critical and limited resource for mobile
communications. Regulators need to carefully consider how it is assigned to ensure it can
be used effectively and efficiently. Reserving spectrum for certain specific usages might be
a solution provided that it is adopted after careful impact assessment on spectrum
fragmentation which could undermine the assignments of sufficiently large contiguous
frequency blocks for 5G networks. Such fragmentation could also lead to possible
underutilisation and highly undesirable spectrum inefficiency.

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3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
AI Artificial Intelligence
AR Augmented Reality
BS Base Station
BWP Bandwidth Part
CA Carrier Aggregation
CCs Component Carriers
CEPT Confederation of European Posts and Telecommunications
CLI Cross-link Interference
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
CW CodeWord
DCI Downlink Control Information
D Downlink Timeslot (used when depicting frame structures)
DL Downlink
EC European Commission
eMBB enhanced Mobile Broadband
FDD Frequency Division Duplex
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
FR2 Frequency Range 2
HARQ-ACK Hybrid Automatic Repeat-reQuest Acknowledgement
HB High Band
HD High Definition
LBT Listen Before Talk
LOS Line of Sight
LTE Long Term Evolution
MBB Mobile Broadband
ML Machine Learning
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
MNO Mobile Network Operator
MU-MIMO Multi-User Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
NAS Non Access Stratum
NGMN Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance
NPN Non-Public Network
NR New Radio
NR-U (NR_unlic) NR-based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum
PCell Primary Cell
PNI-NPN Public Network Integrated-Non-Public Network
PUCCH Physical Uplink Control CHannel
PUSCH Physical Uplink Shared CHannel

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QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
RAN Radio Access Network
RRC Radio Resource Control
Rx Receiver / Reception / Receiving
SA1 System Architecture Group 1 (3GPP Work Group)
SCells Secondary Cells
SCS Sub-Carrier Spacing
SDM Spatial Division Multiplexing
SIB System Information Block
SINR Signal to Interference and Noise Ration
SNPN Stand-alone Non-Public Network
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
SSB Synchronization Signalling Block
SUL Supplementary uplink
SU-MIMO Single-User Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
TDD Time-Division Duplex
TD-LTE Time-Division Long-Term Evolution
TRP Transmission Reception Point
TS Technical Specification (regarding 3GPP documents)
TTI Transmission Time Interval
Tx Transmission / Transmitter / Transceiving
U Uplink Timeslot (used when depicting frame structures)
UE User Equipment
UL Uplink
VR Virtual Reality

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[1] 5G-HEART_D5.2 : "Initial Solution and Verification of Aquaculture Use Case Trials".
[2] 3GPP SA1 TS 22.261 : "Service requirements for the 5G system".
[3] 3GPP TS 38.306 : "User Equipment (UE) radio access capabilities".
[4] EC mandate to CEPT on technical conditions regarding the shared use of the 3.8-4.2
GHz frequency band for terrestrial wireless broadband systems providing local-area
network connectivity in the Union
[5] 3GPP TS 23.501 : "System architecture for the 5G System (5GS)".
[6] 3GPP TR 38.828 : " Cross Link Interference (CLI) handling and Remote Interference
Management (RIM) for NR".
[7] 3GPP TS 38.211 : " Physical channels and modulation".
[8] 3GPP TS 38.214 : " Physical layer procedures for data".
[9] 3GPP TS 38.101 : " User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception".
[10] 3GPP RAN#94-e, RP-212661, Moderator’s summary of discussion for [RAN94e
R18Prep-01] MIMO Evolution for Downlink and Uplink, Moderator(CMCC).
[11] 3GPP RAN#94-e, RP-212687, Moderator’s summary for [RAN94e-R18Prep-27] on
CA/DC enhancements, Moderator (ZTE, RAN2 VC).
[12] 3GPP RAN#94-e, RP-213577, Multi-carrier enhancements for NR

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