Community Based Rehabilitation Center
Community Based Rehabilitation Center
Community Based Rehabilitation Center
The WHO introduced CBR in the late 1970s primarily as a service delivery method
aimed at bringing primary health care and rehabilitation services close to people
with disabilities
● Enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families,
● Meeting basic needs and
● Ensuring inclusion and participation
1. Inclusion- means the removal of all kinds of barriers which block People
with Disabilities (PWDs) from access to the mainstream.
2. Participation.
3. Sustainability.
4. Empowerment.
5. Advocacy.
The key purposes
1. Patient
2. Patient's relatives
3. Community-Based Rehabilitation worker
4. Locally available skilled workers
(e.g., carpenters)
5. Local leader
6. School teacher
7. Multipurpose rehabilitation worker
8. Primary Health Care (PHC) staff including
medical officer and other health workers
9. District administrative officer
10. Specialized professionals such as psychiatrist, physiotherapist,
occupational therapist, orthotists, and prosthetic engineers.
Useful initiatives for CBR
● Social counseling
● Training in mobility and daily living
● Providing or facilitating access to
● Community awareness raising
● Providing or facilitating vocational
● Facilitating information for local
self-help groups, parents groups and
● Disabled People’s Organizations
● Facilitating contacts with different
● Facilitating school enrolment (school
fees and contacts with teachers/)
Case Studies
Kerala's BUDS initiative