Bayesian Denoising of SAR Image: Y. Murali Mohan Babu, Dr. M.V. Subramanyam, Dr. M.N. Giri Prasad

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IJCSt Vol.

2, ISSue 1, marCh 2011

ISSN : 2229-4333(Print) | ISSN : 0976-8491(Online)

Bayesian Denoising of SAR Image

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Dept. of ECE, Sri Sai Institute of Technology and Science, Rayachoty, AP, India 2 Dept. of ECE, Santhiram Engineering College, Nandyal, AP, India 3 Dept. of ECE, JNTU College of Engineering, Pulivendula, AP, India
coherent radiation. It is not truly a noise in the typical engineering sense, since its texture often carries useful information about the scene being imaged. However, the presence of speckle is generally considered undesirable since it damages radiometric resolution and it affects the tasks of human interpretation and scene analysis. Thus, it appears sensible to reduce speckle in SAR images, provided that the structural features and textural information are not lost. Denoising of images corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is a classical problem in signal- processing. The distortion of images by noise is common during its acquisition, processing, compression, storage, transmission, and reproduction. The aim of denoising is to remove the noise while keeping the signal features as much as possible. Traditional algorithms perform image denoising in the pixel domain. However, the application of the wavelet transform in image denoising, compression, etc. has shown remarkable success over the last decade. Wavelet shrinkage method proposed by Donoho [13] is the pioneering work for signal denoising using the wavelet transform. The method described in [3] provides a mini-max optimal solution. Another criterion commonly used is the mean squared error (MSE), even though it does not match well with the characteristics of the human visual system [4]. However, since it is a measure of the noise power [5], and is mathematically convenient in the context of optimization, it is employed as a denoising criterion in many image denoising applications. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) used in image denoising can be of many types, such as orthogonal / biorthogonal, real / complex-valued, separable / nonseparable, or decimated/ nondecimated. Due to the shift-invariance property, the non decimated separable DWT [6] improves the image denoising performance in MSE approximately by 1 dB as compared to that of the decimated representation [7]. To reduce the computational load of the non decimated wavelet transform as well as the Gibbs artifacts, cycle-spinning has been proposed. Image denoising by using transforms with improved directional selectivity, such as the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT), ridgelet, curvelet, contourlet, and steerable pyramid have also been introduced. There are two major approaches for statistical wavelet-based denoising. The first approach is to design a statistically optimal threshold parameter for some nonlinear thresholding or shrinkage functions. Image denoising methods using such an approach include the VisuShrink, SureShrink, BayesShrink, amplitude-scaleinvariant Bayes estimator, NeighCoeff , Spatial-correlation thresholding, and empirical Bayes thresholding . Standard choices for nonlinear thresholding or shrinkage functions are soft- and hard-thresholding, firm-shrinkage, and non-negative garrote shrinkage. Methods using such shrinkage functions are computationally simple, but have certain drawbacks in view of
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Y. Murali Mohan Babu, 2Dr. M.V. Subramanyam, 3Dr. M.N. Giri Prasad

Abstract Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are inherently affected by multiplicative speckle noise, which is due to the coherent nature of the scattering phenomenon. This paper proposes a novel Bayesian-based algorithm within the framework of wavelet analysis, which reduces speckle in SAR images while preserving the structural features and textural information of the scene. The speckle noise is one severe obstacle for automatic mapping from radar images. Image de-speckling is used to remove the multiplicative speckle while retaining as much as possible the important signal features. Keywords Synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Speckle noise, Bayesian I. Introduction Synthetic aperture radar systems are all-weather, night and day, imaging systems. Automatic interpretation of information in SAR images is very difficult because SAR images are corrupted by a noise called speckle that arises from an imaging device and strongly hinders data interpretation. The speckle noise in SAR images can be removed using an image restoration technique called despeckling. The goal of despeckling is to remove speckle-noise from SAR images and to preserve all images textural features. The statistical modeling of SAR images has been intensively investigated over recent years. The SAR imaging technique has become popular because of its usability under varied weather conditions, its ability to penetrate through clouds and soil, and due to the independence of SAR image resolution with regard to sensor height. Since SAR systems rely upon coherence properties of the scattered signals, they are highly susceptible to interference effects. A SAR image is a mean intensity estimate of the radar reflectivity of the region being imaged. The difference between a particular measurement and the true mean value is referred to as speckle noise. After more than a half century since its inception as an imaging system in the 1950s and 1960s, there is still a growing interest in SAR imaging on account of its importance in a variety of applications such as high-resolution remote sensing for mapping, surface surveillance, search-and-rescue, mine detection, and automatic target recognition (ATR). SAR systems are currently employed in many airborne and satellite-borne platforms, such as the E-3 AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) airplane devoted to target tracking, the E-8C Joint STARS (Surveillance Target Attack Radar System) airplane performing target detection and localization, and the NASA space shuttle. The one most important SAR attribute leading to its gain in popularity is the ability to image large areas of terrain at very fine resolutions and in all-weather conditions. A major issue in SAR imagery is that basic textures are generally affected by multiplicative speckle noise. Speckle noise is a consequence of image formation under


InternatIonal Journal of Computer SCIenCe and teChnology

ISSN : 2229-4333(Print) | ISSN : 0976-8491(Online)

IJCSt Vol. 2, ISSue 1, marCh 2011

the fact that the functions representing the nonlinearity are arbitrarily chosen. For example, the soft-thresholding technique yields a biased estimate with a moderate variance, whereas the hardthresholding technique yields a less biased estimate but with a higher variance. In the second approach, instead of using an arbitrary function to represent the nonlinearity, the shrinkage function is designed by minimizing a Bayesian risk, typically under the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criterion, minimum mean absolute error criterion or maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion. II. Bayesian Statistical Modeling Noise-free image models and noise models should be defined in order to remove noise from SAR image using Bayesian inference. The marginal distribution of wavelet subbands is well approximated by generalized Gaussian distribution. It is assumed that the image model in the wavelet domain is well approximated using general Gaussian distribution and the noise distribution is nonstationary Gaussian noise with zero mean and locally varying variance, which is estimated from a given spatial neighborhood. We assume that the speckle noise in the wavelet domain can be approximated well using Gaussian distribution. The first level of Bayesian inference is given by P(x|y,)= P(yx, ) P(x| ) / p(y| ) .. (1)

through extensive modeling of real data that the subband decompositions of SAR images have significantly non-Gaussian statistics that are best described by families of heavy-tailed distributions, such as the alpha-stable family. Consequently, we design a Bayesian estimator that exploits these statistics. III. Experimental Results and Discussions: Here we compared the denoising of SAR images with different wavelet techniques like Haar wavelet, Db4 wavelet, sym wavelet and bior wavelet in the presence of variance 0.1. Fig.1 shows the original image, speckle noised image, decomposed image with level-2 and bayes threshold denoised image. Table 1 shows Comparison of SNR and MSE values for SAR image with bayes thresholding technique (Variance=0.1) for different wavelets like Haar wavelet, Db4 wavelet, sym wavelet and bior wavelet. Fig.2 shows the original image, speckle noised image, decomposed image with level-2 and soft threshold denoised image. Table1: Comparison of SNR and MSE values for SAR image with bayes technique (Variance=0.1) Wavelet Type SNR MSE haar wavelet db4 wavelet sym wavelet bior wavelet 29.1459 29.0488 29.1249 29.1015 0.0984 0.0959 0.0940 0.1014

where y is a noisy image, x is a noise-free image, represents the models parameter, P(yx,) denotes the conditional pdf of y over x and its so-called likelihood pdf, P(x|) denotes prior pdf and p(y| ) represents evidence pdf. In (1), the p(y| ) pdf does not play a role in the maximization over , and, therefore, the MAP estimator is given by x^(y)= arg max p(yx, ) P(x| ) . (2)

Table 2 shows Comparison of MSE values for SAR image with bayes thresholding technique (Variance=0.1). Table3 shows Comparison of SNR values for SAR image with bayes thresholding technique (Variance=0.1)

Where likelihood and prior pdfs should be defined. The MAP estimator is an optimal estimator and minimizes the hit or miss cost function. In the original SAR image, speckle-noise is modeled as multiplicative noise y=x.z, where z represents speckle noise. To find the best model, the evidence pdf should be defined and maximized. The presented Bayesian statistical modeling is described in [8]. The image and noise model of SAR data should be known in order to estimate prior and likelihood pdfs. The distribution of SAR images in the image domain can be well approximated using Gamma and K-distribution [9]. The SAR image model is corrupted by a speckle noise which is of a multiplicative nature. A multiplicative noise [10] model can be presented with an additive signal-dependent noise; y=x.z=x+x(z-1)=x+n, where n is a nonstationary, signal-dependent additive noise equal to x(z-1). The wavelet transform transforms the Gamma distributed SAR image in the subbands differently in scale and frequencies, which can be approximated by Generalized Gaussian distribution. Many authors have used a Generalized Gaussian model within the wavelet domain for texture retrieval and image denoising. It is recognized that parametric Bayesian processing presupposes proper modeling for the prior probability density function (PDF) of the signal. In this paper, we show that a successful imaging algorithm can achieve both noise reduction and feature preservation if it employs a more accurate statistical description of the signal and noise components. Specifically, we demonstrate
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Fig.1: Denoising of SAR image with haar wavelet (variance=0.1) with Bayes thresholding techniques. Table2 : Comparison of MSE values for SAR image with various thresholding techniques (Variance=0.1) Soft Hard Bayes soft Wavelet Type thresholding thresholding thresholding Haar wavelet 28.3108 28.4996 29.1459 Db4 wavelet 28.7119 28.7511 29.0488 Sym wavelet 28.7261 28.8214 29.1249 Bior wavelet 28.7800 28.7443 29.1015

InternatIonal Journal of Computer SCIenCe and teChnology


IJCSt Vol. 2, ISSue 1, marCh 2011

ISSN : 2229-4333(Print) | ISSN : 0976-8491(Online)

Table3 : Comparison of SNR values for SAR image with various thresholding techniques (Variance=0.1) Soft Hard Bayes soft Wavelet Type thresholding thresholding thresholding Haar wavelet 0.0959 0.0956 0.0984 Db4 wavelet 0.0890 0.0902 0.0959 Sym wavelet 0.0889 0.0892 0.0940 Bior wavelet 0.0882 0.0898 0.1014

filter, IEEE transactions of Image processing , Vol. 18, No-10,2009, pp.2167-2184.

Fig.2 : Denoising of SAR image with haar wavelet (variance=0.1) with soft thresholding techniques. IV. Conclusion This paper proposes a wavelet-based SAR image despeckling method, which decomposes the original image using wavelet decomposition. Speckle-noise in the SAR image is considered as a signal-dependent additive noise. The simulation results using a number of standard test images have shown that the performance (SNR) of the proposed denoising method is better than that of the soft and hard thresholding methods. The same thresholding technique can be used to colour images also. References [1] D. L. Donoho and I. M. Johnstone, Ideal spatial adaptation by wavelet shrinkage, Biometrika, vol. 81, no. 3, 1994, pp. 425455. [2] D. L. Donoho, Denoising by soft-thresholding, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 41, no. 3, Mar. 1995, pp. 613627. [3] D. L. Donoho, I. M. Johnstone, Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelet shrinkage, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., vol. 90, no. 432, 1995, pp.12001224. [4] Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, H. R. Sheikh, E. P. Simoncelli, Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity, IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 2004, pp. 600612. [5] C. Boncelet, Image noise models, in Handbook of Image and Video Processing, A. C. Bovik, Ed. New York: Academic, 2000. [6] S. Mallat, "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing", 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Academic, 1999. [7] J. K. Romberg, H. Choi, R. G. Baraniuk, Bayesian treestructured image modeling using wavelet-domain hidden Markov models, IEEETrans. Image Process., Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 10561068, Jul. 2001. [8] M.Walessa, M. Datcu, Model-based despeckling and information extraction form SAR images, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 22582269, Sep. 2000. [9] C. Oliver, S. Quegan, "Understanding Synthetic Aperture Radar Images". Boston, MA: Artech House, 1998. [10] Dusan Gleich, Mihai Datcu , Wave let based SAR image Despeckling and information extraction, using Partle


InternatIonal Journal of Computer SCIenCe and teChnology

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