Ferraz 2021
Ferraz 2021
Ferraz 2021
Original Article 45
1 Department of Facial Plastic Surgery, Clinica Mario Ferraz, Campinas, Address for correspondence Guilherme Constante Preis Sella, MD,
Brazil PhD, Curso de Medicina, UniCesumar Curso de Medicina, Av Guedner
2 Curso de Medicina, UniCesumar Curso de Medicina, Maringa, 1610, Maringa, PR 87050-390, Brazil
Paraná, Brazil (e-mail: guilherme_sella@yahoo.com.br).
Abstract Nasal dorsal preservation surgery was described more than 100 years ago, but recently
has gained prominence. Our objective is to show the surgical technique, the main
indications and counterindications, and the complications. It is a technique that does
not cause the detachment of the upper lateral cartilage (ULC) from the nasal septum,
The first description of nasal dorsal reduction using a preser- The traditional nasal dorsal resection technique described
vation technique was performed through endonasal approach by Jacques Joseph9,10 is today the most accomplished one.
in 1899 by Joseph Goodale.1 At the beginning of the twentieth However, to avoid complications such as changes in the
century, other surgeons also contributed to preservation internal nasal valve (INV), open roof, and irregularities in
rhinoplasty (PR) such as Oliver Lothrop2 and Maurice Cottle the dorsum, reconstruction of the middle third is usually
—the latter coined the classic term “push-down.”3,4 Over time, necessary using spreader grafts or flaps.11,12
this work was forgotten in most major American and European The nasal dorsal preservation surgery is an alternative to
centers, with few contemporary surgeons around the world this technique, which recently gained prominence and has
performing it routinely, such as Wilson Dewes,5 Raymond been the topic of many discussions in the main congresses and
Gola,6 Yves Saban,7 and Fausto Úlloa.8 scientific articles.13,14 This technique, if properly indicated,
published online Issue Theme Preservation Rhinoplasty: © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved. DOI https://doi.org/
March 14, 2021 An Update; Guest Editor: Jose Carlos Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 10.1055/s-0041-1725154.
Neves, MD 333 Seventh Avenue, 18th Floor, ISSN 0736-6825.
New York, NY 10001, USA
46 Indications for Preservation Rhinoplasty Ferraz, Sella
keeps the keystone area and nasal valve intact and the aesthetic
line of the nasal dorsum in its natural aspect. On the other hand,
if misindicated may also cause complications such as radix step
or its overdeprojection, hump recurrence, widening of the
middle third, saddle deformity, and functional problems.15,16
Thus, our objective is to show, in a practical way, the surgical
technique, the main indications and counterindications for this
type of surgery, and the complications encountered by the
surgeon to perform or not the preservation of the nasal dorsum.
Surgical Technique
Preservation of the nasal dorsum is a technique that does not
cause the detachment of the upper lateral cartilage (ULC) from
the nasal septum. Authors use the SPAR variants and technique/
philosophy detailed in 2013.5 It can be performed through both
open and closed approach; we follow the principles described
by Cottle3 that initially consist of septal incision and subper-
ichondrial detachment. Afterward, the septum is prepared, and
Facial Plastic Surgery Vol. 37 No. 1/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Indications for Preservation Rhinoplasty Ferraz, Sella 47
Fig. 3 Use of a saw to mark the new radix (A), and the osteotome to perform the transverse fracture (B).
osteotomies, we have a natural and passive behavior of the They are: a nose with a very low radix (►Fig. 5), middle ⅓
nasal dorsum and the nose. It results in a lower radix than the enlarged, residual hump, and saddling of the supratip area.
original, a deprojection of the nasal dorsum tending to main-
tain its original shape (►Fig. 4A and B); an increase in the
Avoiding Complications
interalar distance (IAD) and enlargement of the nasal middle ⅓
(►Fig. 4C and D); and loss of projection of the nasal tip and The best way to avoid stigma is a proper indication (►Fig. 6).
Facial Plastic Surgery Vol. 37 No. 1/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
48 Indications for Preservation Rhinoplasty Ferraz, Sella
Fig. 4 Pre- (left) and postoperative (right) photos after dorsal preservation rhinoplasty: the dorsum keeps its shape but in a lower position (A, B). Increase in
the interalar distance and enlargement of the nasal middle ⅓ (C, D). Loss of projection of the nasal tip and roundness of the nostrils (E, F).
Irregular Dorsum (►Fig. 8). If after these maneuvers we do not get a regular
There are some irregularities that can be corrected with rasp, dorsum, it is advisable not to progress to PR.
drill, and/or piezoelectric instruments by osteoplasty in its
bone component. In cases of irregularities in cartilaginous ANSA Lower Than Rhinion
component, we often use the monopolar cautery in the “cut This is a very frequent situation. Most of the low PR (e.g.,
mode” and are able to model the cartilaginous dorsum Cottle or SPAR B) reduce projection of the ANSA region or at
Facial Plastic Surgery Vol. 37 No. 1/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Indications for Preservation Rhinoplasty Ferraz, Sella 49
Fig. 5 Pre- and postoperative dorsal preservation surgery (SPAR B) photos showing a very low radix. SPAR, septum pyramidal adjustment and
Fig. 6 Decision flowchart in a rhinoplasty. ANSA, anterior nasal septal ⅓ enlarged, retropositioning of the maxilla, and thick skin.
angle; INV, internal nasal valve; PPE, perpendicular plate of the ethmoid; These are poor candidates for PR.
SPAR, septum pyramidal adjustment and repositioning.
Facial Plastic Surgery Vol. 37 No. 1/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
50 Indications for Preservation Rhinoplasty Ferraz, Sella
Obsessive Patient
This kind of patients does not accept small humps or convex-
ity in the dorsum and can be annoyed by minimal changes,
making them not good candidates for this technique. A very
common complication that can occur in PR is the residual
hump (►Fig. 10); there are authors who show a rate that
varies from 3.4,7 to 12,30 to 15%.16 If a small residual hump
occurs, it can be easily removed with local anesthesia and a
simple rasp by a closed approach; if it is a large hump, the
Fig. 10 Pre- and postoperative photos of a preservation rhinoplasty showing residual hump.
Facial Plastic Surgery Vol. 37 No. 1/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Indications for Preservation Rhinoplasty Ferraz, Sella 51
Deviated Nose
According to a line that runs from the midpoint between the
eyes to the summit of Cupid’s bow, we classify the deviated
nose in two groups:
Fig. 12 Decision-making in the deviated nose. SPAR, septum pyramidal adjustment and repositioning.
Facial Plastic Surgery Vol. 37 No. 1/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.
52 Indications for Preservation Rhinoplasty Ferraz, Sella
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remain, a severe deviation of the nasal axis as “C” or “S” form ive.com/articles/bony-vault-nasal-dorsum/let-down-technique.
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Facial Plastic Surgery Vol. 37 No. 1/2021 © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.