Hillier 2022

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OFFICE ADDRESS School of Social Policy & Practice

518 McNeil, 3718 Locust Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104-6299
EMAIL: ahillier@upenn.edu
TELEPHONE: (215) 746-5486


1995-2001 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

M.S.W. (May 1997)
Ph.D. in Social Welfare (May 2001)
Graduate Certificate in Urban Studies (May 2001)
Dissertation: Redlining and the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (Dennis
Culhane, Georgette Phillips and Thomas Sugrue, dissertation committee)

1988-1992 Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT

BA in History, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa (May 1992)

1990 The American University, Washington, DC

Semester Program for National Government


2017-present Associate Professor, School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania
Secondary appointment in Weitzman School of Design through 2020.

2019-2021 Founding faculty director, cross-school graduate LGBTQ Certificate, University of


2017-2019 Faculty director, Master of Science in Social Policy, School of Social Policy &
Practice, University of Pennsylvania

2013-2017 Associate Professor, Department of City & Regional Planning, University of

Pennsylvania; Secondary appointment in School of Social Policy & Practice

2014-2016 Faculty Director, Master of Urban Spatial Analytics (MUSA), University of


2005-2013 Assistant Professor, Department of City & Regional Planning, University of

Pennsylvania; Secondary appointment in School of Social Policy & Practice

2005-2014 Faculty Advisor, Master of Urban Spatial Analytics (MUSA), University of


2007-2020 Senior Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University of

Hillier 2

2008-present Senior Fellow, Center for Public Health Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania

2004-2005 Research Director, Cartographic Modeling Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania

2002-2004 Research Associate, Cartographic Modeling Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania

2001- 2002 Postdoctoral Researcher, Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania

1997-2001 Research Assistant, Cartographic Modeling Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania


* Denotes courses I developed.

2020-present *The Penn Experience: Racism, Reconciliation and Engagement. Online,

asynchronous course for incoming graduate professional students (developed with
Dr. Beverley Crawford, Penn Dental Medicine). Features 10 modules for students
and one module for teachers; includes XX video interviews featuring Penn faculty,
staff, students, alums and community members; now in its third version and being
used by the schools of Social Policy & Practice, Dental Medicine, Veterinary
Medicine, Law, Graduate Education, Weitzman Design, and the Master of Public
Health program.

2001, 2023 Introduction to Social Work Research (graduate)

Chair of MSW research sequence from 2022-present
School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania

2023 *W.E.B. Du Bois and Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward (undergraduate)

Urban Studies Program, University of Pennsylvania

2022 History and Philosophy of Social Welfare (graduate)

School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania

2017-present Understanding Social Change: Issues of Race and Gender (graduate)

School of Social Policy & Practice. As chair of the MSW racism sequence, I was
responsible for revising the syllabus each year.

2016-2021 Introduction to American Racism and Social Work Practice (graduate)

School of Social Policy & Practice. As chair of the MSW racism sequence, I was
responsible for revising the syllabus each year. In fall 2020, I implemented race-based
affinity groups as part of this first-year MSW racism course.

2012-2015 *Community Development and Public Health (graduate)

Department of City & Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania

2012 Introduction to Community & Economic Development (graduate)

Department of City & Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania
Hillier 3

2009-2011 Geography and Public Health (graduate; co-taught with Charles Branas and Douglas
Wiebe), Public Health Program and Dept. of City & Regional Planning, University of

2007 Statistics for Planners (graduate)

Department of City & Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania

2005-present *Applications in GIS/Modeling Geographic Objects (graduate)

Department of City & Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania

2004-present *Community Mapping (graduate)

School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania

2003, 2004 *Spatial Analysis in Urban Studies (undergraduate; focus on historical GIS)
Urban Studies Program, University of Pennsylvania

2002-2021 *GIS Applications in Social Science (undergraduate)

Urban Studies Program, University of Pennsylvania


2016 School of Design G. Holmes Perkins Award for Distinguished Teaching

2016 School of Social Policy & Practice Teaching Award for Standing Faculty

2013 School of Social Policy & Practice Teaching Award for Standing Faculty

2010 Vision Award, Esri Health GIS Conference, Denver CO

2006 Michael B. Katz Award for Excellence in Teaching, Urban Studies Program,
University of Pennsylvania

2000 Hermin Levin Award, for meritorious academic performance in the doctoral
program, School of Social Work, University of Pennsylvania


* Denotes graduate/doctoral student whom I mentored.

Hillier, A., Diemer, M., & Marcus, S. (planned). Screening Parents about their Children’s Gender

Grishow-Schade, L.*, Hillier, A., Gzesh, S.*, & Thompson, M. (in preparation). Dropping Gender
Breadcrumbs for Family: A Phenomenological Study of GNBT Young Adults To be submitted to
Journal of GLBT Family.
Hillier 4

Hillier, A., McDonald, K., & Shelton, J. (in preparation). Embodiment and Erasure: Health Inequity in
LGBTQ+ Communities through and Ecosocial Lens. To be submitted to American Journal of Preventive

Boddie. S. & Hillier, A. (in preparation). W.E.B. Du Bois and the Unveiling of Whiteness, Black Agency,
and Racial Inequalities. To be submitted to Social Work.

Hillier, A. & Walsh, K.M.* (in review). Experience of Graduate Students with an Online Pre-
matriculation Course about Racism. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.

58. Crawford, B. & Hillier, A. (2022). Evaluating the Knowledge and Perceptions of Dental Students
using an Asynchronous Online Course. Journal of Dental Education.

57. Boddie, S., Hillier, A. (2022). The Making and Re-Making of The Philadelphia Negro. Digital
Humanities Quarterly.

56. Hillier, A., Kroehle, K.* (2021). “I’ll Save You a Seat”: Negotiating Power in a Participatory Action
Research Project with Queer and Trans Young Adults. Urban Education.

55. Kidd, K.M. Sequeira, G.M, Paglisotti, T, Katz-Wise S.L., Kazmerski, T.M, Hillier, A., Miller, E,
Dowshen, N. (2020). “This Could Mean Death for My Child”: Parent Perspectives on Laws Banning
Gender-Affirming Care. Journal of Adolescent Health.

54. H., Yoonhee, McDonald, N., Hersh, S., Fenniri, S.R., Hillier, A., Cannuscio, C.C. (2020). Using
informational murals and handwashing stations to increase access to sanitation among people
experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Public Health.

53. Baker, A.C., Hillier, A., Perry, M.* (2020). Street-level bureaucrats and intersectional policy logic: A
case study of LGBT policy and implementation barriers. Journal of Policy Practice and Research.

52. Hillier, A. & Kroehle, K.,* Edwards, H., Graves, G. (2019). Risk, resilience, resistance and situated
agency of trans high school students. Journal of LGBT Youth 17(4): 384-407.

51. Hillier, A. & Torg, E. (2019). Parent participation in a support group for families with transgender
children: “Being in the company of others who do not question the reality of our experience”.
Transgender Health. Published online 12 August 2019.

50. Oberle, M., Kinsey, E.W.,* Lippman, T., Cannuscio, C.C., Hillier, A. Stallings, V. (2019). Patterns of
dietary intake and appetite hormones among mothers of households participating in the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program, Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. Published online 9 July

49. Yao, A.,* Hillier, A., Wall, E., and DiSantis, K.I. (2019). Evaluating the impact of a nonprofit market
on food store choice and shopping experience in a former food desert. Frontiers in Public Health.
Published online 8 April.
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48. Kinsey, E.W.,* Hillier, A., Cannuscio, C.C. (2019). Chronic disease self-management within the
monthly benefit cycle of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Public Health Nutrition.

47. Kinsey. E.W.,* Oberle, M., Dupuis, R., Cannuscio, C.C., Hillier, A. (2019). Food and financial
coping strategies during the monthly supplemental nutrition assistance program cycle. Social Science &
Medicine Public Health. Published online 28 March.

46. Whiteman, E.D.,* Chrisinger, B.,* Hillier, A. (2018). Diet quality over the monthly supplemental
nutrition assistance program cycle. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 55(2): 205-212.

45. Chrisinger, B.*, DiSantis, KI, Hillier, A., Kumanyika, S. (2018). Family Food Purchases of High- and
Low- Calorie Foods in Full-service Supermarkets and Other Food Retailers by Black Women in an
Urban US Setting. Preventive Medicine Reports, 10:136–143.

44. Chrisinger, B.*, Kallan, M.J., Whiteman, E.D., Hillier, A. (2018) Where do U.S. households
purchase healthy foods? An analysis of food-at-home purchases by types of retailers in a nationally
representative dataset. Preventive Medicine, 12:15-22.

43. Suplee, P.D., Bloch, J.R., Hillier, A. (2018) Using Maps to Visualize Relationships between Perinatal
Outcomes and Neighborhood Characteristics When Planning Community Interventions. Journal of
Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 47(2):158-172.

42. Hillier, A., Smith, T.E., Whiteman, E.D.*, Chrisinger, B.* (2017) Discrete choice model of food store
trips using National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS). International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(10): 1133.

41. Hillier, A., Han, B., Eisenman, T.S., Evenson, K.R., McKenzie, T.L., Cohen, D.A. (2016). Using
Systematic Observations to Understand Conditions that Promote Interracial Experiences in
Neighbourhood Parks. Urban Planning 1(4): 51-64.

40. DiSantis, K.I., Hillier, A., Holaday, R., Kumanyika, S. (2016). Why do you shop there? A mixed
methods study mapping household food shopping patterns onto weekly routines of black women. Intl
Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 13:11.

39. Lapham, S.C., Cohen, D.A., Han, B., Williamson, S., Evenson, K.R., McKenzie, T.L., Hillier, A.,
Ward, P. (2015) How important is perception of safety to park use? A four-city survey. Urban Studies

38. Dean, L.T., Hillier, A., Chau, H., Subramanian, S.V., Williams, D.R., Kawachi, I. (2015) Can you
party your way to better health? A Propensity Score Analysis of Block Parties and Health. Social Science
& Medicine, 138: 201-209.

37. Ulrich V.*, Hillier A., DiSantis KI, (2015), The Impact of a New Nonprofit Supermarket within an
Urban Food Desert on Household Food Shopping, Medical Research Archives, 3.

36. Eberhart, M.G. Yehia, B.R., Hillier, A., Voytek, C.D.., Fiore, D.J., Blank, M., Frank, I., Metzger,
D.S., Brady, K.A. (2015) Individual and Community Factors Associated With Geographic Clusters of
Hillier 6

Poor HIV Care Retention and Poor Viral Suppression JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndromes, 69:S37-S43.

35. Hillier, A., Chilton, M., Zhao, Q., Szymkowiak, D., Coffman, R., Mallya, G. (2015), Concentration
of tobacco advertisements at SNAP and WIC Stores, Preventing Chronic Disease, 12:E15.

34. Hillier, A., Smith, T.E., Cannuscio, C.C., Karpyn, A., Glanz, K. (2015). A discrete choice approach
to modeling food shopping behavior. Environment and Planning B. 42(2): 263-278.

33. Karpyn, A, Tappe K., Hillier, A., Cannuscio, C.C., Koprak, J., Glanz, K. (2014), Where urban
residents shop for produce: Fruit and Vegetable Food Shopping Patterns and use of Farmers' Markets
among Low- to Moderate-Income Households. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community
Development 4(4), 129–141.

32. Mayer, V., Hillier, A., Bachhuber, M., Long, J. (2014) Food insecurity, neighborhood food access,
and food assistance in Philadelphia. Journal of Urban Health;91(6): 1087-97.

31. Cannuscio, C.C., Hillier, A., Karpyn, A., Glanz, K. (2014) The social dynamics of food shopping in
an urban environment. Social Science Medicine, 122:13-20.

30. Lucan, S., Hillier, A., Glanz, K., (2014) Objective and self-reported factors associated with food-
environment perceptions and fruit-and-vegetable consumption: a multilevel analysis, Preventing Chronic
Disease, 11:130324.

29. Hillier, A., Tappe, K., Cannuscio, C.C., Karpyn, A., Glanz, K. (2014) In an urban neighborhood,
who is physically active, and where? Journal of Women & Health, 54(3):194-211.

28. Ward, P., McKenzie, T., Cohen, D., Evenson, K., Golinelli, D., Hillier, A., Lapham, S., Williamson,
S. (2014) Physical Activity Surveillance in Parks Using Direct Observation, Preventing Chronic Disease,

27. Eberhart, M, Voytek, C., Hillier, A., Metzger, D., Brady, K.A., (2014) Travel distance to HIV
medical care: A geographic analysis of weighted survey data from the Medical Monitoring Project,
AIDS and Behavior, 18(4):776-82.

26. Eberhart, M., Yehia, B.R, Hillier, A., Voytek, C.D., Blank, M., Frank, I., Metzger, D.S, Brady, K.A.
(2013) Behind the Cascade: Analyzing Spatial Patterns along the HIV Care Continuum, Journal of
AIDS, 64(Supplement): S1-S79.

25. Brinkley, K.*, Chrisinger, B.*, Hillier, A., (2013), Tradition of Healthy Food Access in Low-Income
Neighborhoods: Price and Variety of Curbside Produce Vending Compared to Conventional
Retailers, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 4(1): 155-170.

24. Cannuscio C.C., Tappe, K., Hillier, A., Buttenheim, A.M., Karpyn, A., Glanz, K. (2013), Urban
Food Environments and Residents' Shopping Behaviors, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 45:606-
Hillier 7

23. Evenson, K., Wen, F., Hillier, A., Cohen, D. (2013) Assessing the Contribution of Parks to Physical
Activity using global positioning system and accelerometry. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise.
Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45(10):1981-7.

22. Cohen, D., Ward, P., Evenson, K., Lapham, S., Hillier, A., Williamson, S., (2013) Use of
neighbourhood parks: does socio-economic status matter? A four-city study. Public Health, 127(4):325-

21. Hirsch, J.*, Hillier, A. (2013) Exploring the role of the food environment on food shopping patterns in
Philadelphia, PA, USA: a semiquantitative comparison of two matched neighborhood groups. Int J
Environ Res Public Health, 10(1):295-313.

20. Hillier, A., Cannuscio, C.C., Griffin, L., Thomas, N., Glanz, K. (2014) The Value of conducting
door-to-door surveys. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 17(3):285-302.

19. Hillier, A., McLaughlin, J., Cannuscio, C.C., Chilton, M., Krasny, S., Karpyn, A. (2012) The Impact
of WIC food package changes on access to healthful foods in two low‐income urban neighborhoods.
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 44(3): 210-216.

This article was the basis for a March 2012 RWJ Foundation press release and video and short article for the
September 2012 International Fruit and Vegetable Alliance newsletter sent to all WIC administrators in the US.

18. Cohen, D., Ward, P., Evenson, K., Lapham, S., Hillier, A., Williamson, S. (2011) How much
observation is enough? Refining administration of SOPARC. Journal of Physical Activity & Health,

17. Hillier, A., Cannuscio, C.C., Karpyn, A., McLaughlin, J., Chilton, M., Glanz, K. (2011) How far do
low-income parents travel to shop for food? Empirical evidence from two urban neighborhoods. Urban
Geography, 32(5): 712-729.

16. Hillier, A. (2010) Invitation to mapping: How GIS can facilitate new discoveries in urban and
planning history. Journal of Planning History, 9(2):122-134.

15. Hillier, A., Cole, B., Smith, T.E., Williams, J.D., Grier, S., Yancey, A.K., McCarthy, W. (2009)
Clustering of unhealthy advertisements around child-serving institutions: A Three‐city study. Health &
Place, 15:935-45.

14. Chang, V., Hillier, A., Mehta, N. (2009) The Influence of neighborhood disorder and crime on
physical activity. Social Forces, 87(4): 2063-92.

13. Yancey, A.K., Cole, B., Williams, J., Hillier, A., McCarthy, W., Akbar, J., Grier, S., Backman, D.A.
(2009). Cross‐sectional prevalence study of ethnically‐targeted and general audience outdoor
weight‐related lifestyle advertising. Milbank Quarterly, 87(1): 155-184.

12. Giang, T., Karpyn, A., Laurison, H., Hillier, A., Perry, R.D. (2008) Pennsylvania’s Fresh Food \
Hillier 8

Financing Initiative. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 14(3):272-279.

11. Hillier, A. (2007) Why Social Work needs mapping. Journal of Social Work Education, 43(2): 205-

10. Sinha, J.*, Hillier, A., Cnaan, R., McGrew, C.* (2007) Proximity matters: Exploring
relationships among neighborhoods, congregations, and the residential patterns of members.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 46(2): 245–260.

9. Hillier, A., Koppisch, D. (2005) Community activists and university researchers collaborating for
affordable housing: Dual perspectives on the experience. Journal of Poverty, 9(4): 27-48.

8. Hillier, A., Wernecke, M., McKelvey, H.* (2005) Removing barriers to the use of community
information systems. Journal of Community Practice, 13(1): 121-139.

7. Hillier, A. (2005) Residential security maps and neighborhood appraisals: The Home Owners’ Loan
Corporation & the case of Philadelphia. Social Science History, 29(2): 207-233.

6. Hillier, A. (2005) Searching for red lines: Spatial analysis of lending patterns in Philadelphia, 1940
to 1960. Pennsylvania History, 72(1): 25-47.

5. Hillier, A. (2003) Spatial analysis of redlining: A Methodological exploration, Journal of Housing

Research 14(1): 14(1):137-167.

4. Hillier, A. (2003) Redlining and the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, Journal of Urban History, 29(4):

3. Hillier, A. (2003) Who received loans? Home Owners’ Loan Corporation lending and discrimination
in Philadelphia in the 1930s, Journal of Planning History, 2(1): 3-24.

2. Hillier, A., Culhane, D., Smith, T., Tomlin, C. D., (2003) Predicting housing abandonment with the
Philadelphia Neighborhood Information System. Journal of Urban Affairs,25(1): 91-105.

1. Wong, Y.L. I., Hillier, A. (2001) Evaluating a community-based homelessness prevention program: A
Geographic Information System approach. Administration in Social Work, 25(4): 21-45.


1. Knowles, A.K., Hillier, A., editors (2008). Placing History: How Maps GIS is Changing Historical
Scholarship. Redlands, CA: ESRI Press. Knowles edited the book and Hillier edited the digital
supplement (cd-rom with presentations and GIS exercises); Hillier co-authored book preface and


Hillier, A. and Boddie, S. (forthcoming). Susan Wharton, W.E.B. Du Bois, and the “Colored
Hillier 9

Investigation” of Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward: Unveiling Racism in the College Settlement

Movement. In Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice: Reckoning with Our History, Interrogating
our Present, Re-Imagining our Future, edited by Abrams, L.S., Crewe, S.E., Dettlaff, A.J., & Williams,

12. Hillier, A., Bunten, D.M. (2020). “Queering our Understanding of Fair Housing” in Pritchett,
W., Reina, V., and Wachter, S., eds., Perspectives on Fair Housing. Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press.

11. Hillier, A. (2018). “Promoting Spatial Inclusion: How Everyday Places Signal Who is Welcome,” in
Cnaan, R. and Milofsky, C. eds., The Handbook of Community Movements and Local Organizations,
2nd edition.

10. Hillier, A., *Chrisinger, B. (2017) The Reality of Urban “Food Deserts” and What Low-income
Food Shoppers Really Need in John Jackson, editor, SP2’s Penn Top Ten Social Justice Issues for the
2016 Presidential Election.

9. Hillier, A. (2015), Redlining, essay for Twentieth Century Cartography, edited by Mark Monmonier
for History of Cartography series.

8. Hillier, A., Culhane, D. (2012). “GIS Applications and Administrative Data to Support
Community Change,” in Marie Weil, editor, Handbook of Community Practice, 2nd edition. Sage
Publications (this is a substantially rewritten version of the chapter published in the 2004 edition of the same

7. Hillier, A. (2011), “Mapping for Social Change: Harnessing the Potential of New Technologies,” in
Sharon Sutton and Susan Kemp, eds., The Paradox of Urban Space: Inequality and Transformation in
Marginalized Communities, Palgrave MacMillan.

6. Hillier, A. (2011), “Teaching Race and History with Historical GIS: Lessons from Mapping the
Du Bois Philadelphia Negro,” in Dear, M. Ketchum, J. Luria, S. and Richardson, D., eds.,
GeoHumanities. New York: Routlege.

5. Hillier, A. (2009), “Mapping and The Philadelphia Negro,” in PhillyDotMap: The Shape of Philadelphia,
edited by the Cartographic Modeling Lab.

4. Hillier, A.,Volpe, S. (2009), “FED-UP with Childhood Obesity,” in PhillyDotMap: The Shape of
Philadelphia, edited by the Cartographic Modeling Lab.

3. Churchill, R., Hillier, A. (2008). “GIS in Liberal Arts Education,” in Placing History: How Maps,
Spatial Data and GIS are Changing Historical Scholarship. Redlands, CA: ESRI Press.

2. Hillier, A. (2008). “Childhood overweight and the built environment: Making technology part of the
solution rather than part of the problem,” in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science 615(1): 56-82.
Hillier 10

1. Hillier, A. (2002). “Redlining in Philadelphia,” in Anne K. Knowles, editor, Past Time, Past Place: GIS
for History. Redlands, CA: Environmental Systems Research Institute.

4. Hillier, A. (2014), book review of Black Citymakers: How The Philadelphia Negro Changed Urban America by
Marcus Anthony Hunter. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 138(3):350-351.

3. Hillier, A. (2009), book review of Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the Fate of the American City by Colin Gordon.
Social Service Review 83(2): 295-298.

2. Hillier, A. (2007), book review of Think Globally, Act Regionally: GIS and Data Visualization for Social Science and
Public Policy Research by Richard LeGates and Mapping Global Cities: GIS Methods in Urban Analysis by Ayse
Pamuk. Journal of Planning Education and Research 26(3): 375-77.

1. Culhane, D., Hillier, A. (2001). Comment on James R. Cohen’s Abandoned Housing: Exploring Lessons from
Baltimore. Housing Policy Debate 12(3): 449-455.


7. *Grishow-Schade, L, *Kroehle, K. and Hillier, A. (2019). Policy 252 at the Three-year Mark: How Are
We Doing? SexGenPolicy Lab, University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice.

6. Hillier, A., Dutcher, H.A., Misak, A. (2012). Monitoring the Promotion of Tobacco and Sugary
Beverages at Tobacco Retail Outlets. Report for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. The
Philadelphia Department of Public Health issued a report in August 2013 based on this research,
“Retail Advertising for Tobacco Products and Sugary Beverages in Philadelphia.”

5. Hillier, A., Barnett, M., Griffin, L. Food Shopping in Chester, PA: A Preliminary Report. Available on
project website: www.chesterfoodstudy.wordpress.com

4. Hillier, A., Culhane, D. (March 2003). Closing the Gap: Housing (un)Affordabilty in Philadelphia.
Cartographic Modeling Laboratory, Philadelphia, PA.

3. Perry, H.D., Sherman, S., Stone, M., Hillier, A., Pozoukidou, G. (2002). The Need for More
Supermarkets in Philadelphia, Farmers’ Market Trust, Philadelphia, PA.

2. Wong, Y.L. I., Koppel, M., Culhane, D., Metraux, S., Eldridge, D., Hillier, A., Lee, H. (September
1999). Help in Time: An Evaluation of Philadelphia City’s Community Based Homelessness
Prevention Program, University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work.

1. Eldridge, D., Hillier, A. (April 1998). Mapping Housing Discrimination in the Delaware Valley
Region, Housing Association of Delaware Valley.


Short video: “Transforming Data Systems to Achieve Health Equity for LGBTQ+ Communities” (2022)
Hillier 11

I imagined, scripted, and recruited speakers for the video with a youth leader as part of Robert Wood
Foundations’ project, Transforming Public health Data Systems.

Short video: “What LGBTQ Students Want from their Faculty” (2019)
15 LGBTQ-identified Penn students tell faculty what they need in order to fully participate and learn
in the classroom: (1) Recognize LGBTQ students in your classroom; (2) Respect pronouns; (3)
Integrate LGBTQ content and voices; (4) Be brave in managing your classroom; and (5) Practice
humility and be open to learning. This video was produced by faculty, staff and students at the
University of Pennsylvania with support from Penn Futures Project and the Provost's Excellence
Through Diversity program.

Short video: “252: The School District of Philadelphia’s Policy on Love and Respect” (2016)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTbifbMwSIU. This short video introduces the team of youth
who helped create Policy 252, the School District of Philadelphia's Policy for transgender and gender
non-conforming youth and highlights some of the key themes--including love and respect--that are
central to the policy.

Documentary: “A Legacy of Courage: W.E.B. Du Bois and The Philadelphia Negro” (2011)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQX_0uyDgGw 19-minute documentary filmed and edited by
high school and undergraduate students; focuses on Du Bois’ research in Philadelphia and its meaning
for us, today; tells story of chance meeting between black woman whose grandmother was born in the
Seventh Ward and the white man who now lives in her grandmother’s old house.

Website: The Ward: Race and Class in Du Bois’ Seventh Ward (2012-present) www.dubois-theward.org.
This website replaced www.mappingdubois (2006). Created for teaching, research, and public history
project about Du Bois’ book, The Philadelphia Negro (1899) about Philadelphia’s historic Seventh Ward;
includes materials for 5-day high school curriculum teaching about Du Bois, race and racism, social
science methods and mapping, interpretation of primary sources and involving two documentaries, a
board game, role-playing exercises, walking tour, and mural.

Web-based mapping application: Seventh Ward GIS on ArcGIS.com (2022). Because of web-based
mapping software changes, this is the fourth iteration of the Seventh Ward GIS, developed in
partnership with Dr. Stephanie Boddie and colleagues at Baylor University. Interactive online GIS
with individual-level census data for 28,000 residents of Seventh Ward in 1900; allows visitors to
search by address or map, query database, and make thematic maps.

Board game: The Ward (2012). Intended for high school students; game board is based on Du Bois’ map
of social class structure of black residents in the Seventh Ward; features real black residents of
Philadelphia as characters; players choose a character and have to complete missions consistent with
class of character; features historic Seventh Ward institutions; players move along streets, answering
questions and acting out and drawing key concepts from The Philadelphia Negro.

Mural: Mapping Courage (2008). Painted on fire station wall at 6th and South Streets in Philadelphia by
Philadelphia Mural Arts Program and artist Willis Humphrey in response to application from
Mapping Du Bois/The Ward; featured in Albert M. Greenfield African American Iconic Images
Collection; final stop on “Mural Mile” tour featuring 17 iconic Center City murals;
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Web-based mapping application: Food and Exercise Diaries for Urban Places (FED-UP) (2010)
Prototype for map-based food and activity diary for children and youth. This application is no longer
available because of changes in the technology.

Website: PhilaPlace (2009) www.philaplace.org Created by Dr. Joan Saverino and staff at the Historical
Society of Pennsylvania to document neighborhood history and culture. I served as a key contributor
to the initial grant application, mapping components of the website, and on the advisory board.

Website: Redlining in Philadelphia (2003) http://cml.upenn.edu/redlining

Created as part of dissertation and post-doctoral research; includes overview of redlining and Home
Owners’ Loan Corporation, citations for publications, primary source maps, not currently maintained.
This website is no longer available because of changes in the technology.

Manual for ArcGIS 9, ArcGIS 10 http://works.bepress.com/amy_hillier/24/

Created for introductory GIS courses; posted online for free public download


2022 Principal Investigator, “Testing a Gender Screener with Parents of Young Children
in a Primary Care Setting,” submitting R21 grant to National Institute of Minority
Health Disparities, October.

2022 Co-Project Director (led by Anne Esacove), “Coupling Trans Activism and Critical
Disabilities Studies to Create a More Robust Model and Measures of Gender-Based
Health Risk and Well-Being.” Invited to submit full proposal to the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation through “Culture of Health.”

2021 Panel Lead for LGBTQ Health Equity, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
Transforming Public Health Data Systems, $50,000.

2014 Principal Investigator, “Influence of SNAP Participation and Food Environment on

Nutritional Quality of Food at Home Purchases,” University of Kentucky Center for
Poverty Research, FoodAPS Research Initiative, $40,000.

2014 Principal Investigator, with Dr. Stephanie Boddie, “Du Bois’ The Ward Oral History
Collection: Aspirations for Church Renewal in the Old Seventh Ward,” Louisville
Foundation, 12-month grant, $25,000

2011 Principal Investigator, “Monitoring the Promotion of Tobacco and Sugary Beverages
at Tobacco Retail Outlets,” Philadelphia Department of Public Health, 9-month
grant, $175,000.

2010 Co-Principal Investigator, “Measurement and Modeling of Healthy Food and

Activity Landscapes,” (Karen Glanz, PI), U.S. Department of Agriculture, 4-year
Hillier 13

research and training grant, Glanz was project director of training, Hillier was
project director of research, (20% effort), $1.4 million total, $680,000 for research.

2009 Principal Investigator, “Evaluating the Impact of WIC Voucher Changes on Low-
income Families and Neighborhoods,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Healthy
Eating Research Program, (20% effort), 1-year grant, $150,000.

2006 Principal Investigator, National Endowment for Humanities, “Mapping the Du Bois
Philadelphia Negro,” $180,000.

2002-2003 Principal Investigator, “Searching for Red Lines: A GIS and Spatial Statistical
Analysis of Mortgage Discrimination,” HUD Urban Scholars Postdoctoral
Fellowship, $50,000.

2000-2001 Principal Investigator, “Redlining and the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation,”
HUD Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, $15,000.

2000-2001 Principal Investigator, Redlining and the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation,
Research Institute for Housing America, $5,000.


2022 Principal Investigator, Center for Feminist, Queer, Transgender Studies and the
Trustees Council of Penn Women Faculty Research Grant, “Assessing the
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Gender Screening Tool with Parents of Young
Children,” $3,000.

2022 Co-Principal Investigator (with Beverley Crawford, Jessie Harper & Arlene Rivera-
Finkelstein), “The Penn Experience,” Excellence Through Diversity grant, $10,000.

2016 Principal Investigator, Serving LGBTQ Youth and Families: Preparing the Next
Generation of Social Workers, Teachers, School Counselors and Nurses, The
Penn Futures Project Year 2 (collaboration between Penn’s Graduate School of
Education, Social Policy & Practice, and School of Nursing), $13,000.

2016 Coordinator (with Anne Esacove, Alice Paul Center), Researching and Informing
Policies Relating to LGBTQ Youth and Families, Fels Policy Research Initiative
Collaborative Working Group, $10,000.

2016 Principal Investigator (with Erin Cross, Penn LGBT Center), Inclusion of LGBTQ
Student and Topics in Professional Education, Provost’s Office, Excellence Through
Diversity Grants, $10,000.

2016 Principal Investigator, Understanding the Experiences of Transgender and Gender

Non‐conforming Youth in Philadelphia Public Schools, Center for Public Health
Initiatives, $7,000.
Hillier 14

2015 Principal Investigator, Serving LGBTQ Youth and Families: Preparing the Next
Generation of Social Workers, Teachers, School Counselors and Nurses, The
Penn Futures Project (collaboration between Penn’s Graduate School of
Education, Social Policy & Practice, and School of Nursing), $15,000.

2013 Principal Investigator, Evaluating the Impact of a Novel Nonprofit Supermarket on

Food Shopping and Diet, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society
Scholars Research and Education Fund, 6-month grant, $11,050.

2013 Principal Investigator, Re‐Making the Seventh Ward through Digital Mapping and
Storytelling, Digital Humanities Forum, 6-month grant, $5,000.

2013 Principal Investigator, The Ward: Race and Class in Du Bois’ Seventh Ward,
Provost’s Diversity Fund, 1-year grant, $20,000 including $5,000 match from

2013 Principal Investigator, Evaluating the Impact of a Novel Nonprofit Supermarket on

Food Shopping and Diet, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society
Scholars Research and Education Fund, 6-month grant, $12,857.

2012 Principal Investigator, Evaluating the Impact of a Novel Nonprofit Grocery Store in
Chester, PA on Food Shopping and Eating, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Health & Society Scholars Research and Education Fund, 9-month grant, $20,000.

2012 Principal Investigator, Mapping Du Bois: Building an Oral History Collection.

University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation, 1-year grant, $50,000.

2011 Principal Investigator, Evaluation of a Novel Nonprofit Supermarket in Chester, PA,

Center for Public Health Initiatives, 1-year grant, $20,000.

2011 Principal Investigator, Evaluation of WIC Farmers’ Market Coupons. Robert Wood
Johnson Health & Society Scholars Research and Education Fund, 6-month grant,

2011 Principal Investigator, Mapping Du Bois: High School Curriculum. Robert Wood
Johnson Health & Society Scholars Research and Education Fund, 6-month grant,

2009 Principal Investigator, Food and Exercise Diaries for Urban Places (FED-UP).
University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation, 1-year grant, $30,000.

2008 Co-Principal Investigator, Evaluating Access to Healthy Foods for Women, Infants
and Children (WIC). Center for Public Health Initiatives, 1-year pilot grant, $20,000.

2007 Principal Investigator, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. Who is Served
and Who is Serving? Medical Care and Medical Training in Philadelphia at the Turn
of the Centuries, $5,000 (grant for interdisciplinary working group).
Hillier 15

2006 Principal Investigator, Mapping Health Disparities and The Philadelphia Negro.
Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholars Research and Education Fund,

2006 Principal Investigator, Food and Exercise Diaries for Urban Places (FED-UP) pilot
study. Penn-Cheyney EXPORT Center (led by Shiriki Kumanyika), $10,000.

2006 Principal Investigator, Philadelphia Negro GIS. University of Pennsylvania Research

Foundation, $28,000.

2005 Principal Investigator, Five-city Billboard Study. Penn-Cheyney EXPORT Center

(led by Shiriki Kumanyika) through the Cartographic Modeling Lab, $100,000.


2022-2027 Consultant, “Examining the Relationship between Community History and Prostate
Cancer Disparities,” Department of Defense, (Charnita Zeigler-Johnson, Thomas
Jefferson University, PI), $5,000/year.

2014-2018 Co-investigator, “Does a Supermarket Improve the Diet and Food Environment of
Low-Income Residents?” Funded by National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases, NIH (Allison Karpyn, PI), 10% effort.

2011-2112 Co-investigator, “GIS Capacity-building,” Centers for Aids Research (CFAR)

supplement, (David Metzer PI), National Institutes of Health, (10% effort).

2008-2011 Co-investigator and project director of Philadelphia site, “Validation of SOPARC

and Use in Diverse Populations,” National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute,
(Deborah Cohen, RAND Corporation, PI), $480,000 subcontract to PennDesign,
20% effort.

2008 Co-investigator, “Asset Mapping in West and Southwest Philadelphia, National

Institutes of Health,” EXPORT Center for Inner City Health Disparities (Shiriki
Kumanyika, PI), 20% effort.

2007-2008 Co-investigator, PhilaPlace, (Joan Saverino, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, PI),

National Endowment for the Humanities, $30,000 subcontract to

2004-2005 Co-investigator, “Influence of Neighborhood Disorder and Crime on Physical

Activity,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, (Virginia Chang, PI), 20% effort.

2001-2003 Co-investigator, “Pre-term Birth & Race: Individual and Spatial Effects” Center
for Disease Control & Prevention, (Jennifer Culhane, PI), 20% effort.
Hillier 16


Boddie, S. & Hillier, A. (January 2022). W.E.B. Du Bois and Unveiling Whiteness. Society for Social
Work and Research, Washington D.C.

Hillier, A. & Boddie, S. (November 2020). Unveiling Racist Ideologies: W.E.B. Du Bois, the College
Settlement, and Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward. Social Work, White Supremacy and Racial Justice.
Online Symposium.

Hillier, A. (November 2019). Swimming Upstream in the Age of Racist Science: WEB Du Bois and The
Philadelphia Negro. American Public Health Association Conference, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A, and Edwards, H. (May 2018). Queering High School: Coping, Survival and Resistance of Trans
Youth. School District of Philadelphia, Research, Policy, and Practice (R2P) Conference.

Hillier, A., Kroehle, K. (January 2018). Experiences of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth
in High School, Society for Social Work Research Conference, Washington DC.

Boddie, S., Hillier, A. (January 2016). Mapping Race: The Problem of the Color Line across Three
Centuries. Society for Social Work Research Conference, Washington DC.

Hillier, A., Chrisinger, B., Whiteman, E., Smith, T. (October 2015). Influence of SNAP Participation and
Food Environment on Nutritional Quality of Food at Home Purchases. FoodAPS Research Initiative:
Understanding SNAP, Food Security, and Geographic Factors in Food Purchase and Acquisition
Decisions, USDA, Washington DC.

Hillier, A., Smith, T., Cannuscio, C., Karpyn, A. and Glanz, K. (October 2012). Understanding
access by modeling choice: The case of urban supermarkets. American Collegiate Schools of Planning

Glanz, K., Hillier, A., Cannuscio, C., Karpyn, A. and Tappe, K. (July 2012). Poster presentation:
Where do urban residents shop and where are they active? Society for Nutrition Education and
Behavior, Washington DC.

Lewis, B., Maguire, M. and Hillier, A. (January 2012). Resource Distribution in the Disaster of
Homelessness. Anatomy of a Disaster: The Emerging field of crisis mapping, Temple University,
Philadelphia PA.

Susan Kemp and Amy Hillier (January 2011), Asking and Answering Spatial Questions: Incorporating
Spatial Methods in Social Welfare Research, Society for Social Work Research, Tampa FL.

Hillier, A., McLaughlin, J., Cannuscio, C., Chilton, M, Krasney, S. & Karpyn, A. (November 2010), The
Impact of WIC Food Package Changes on Access to Healthful Foods in Two Low‐income Urban
Neighborhoods, WIC Food Package Evaluation Symposium, Washington DC.

Amy Hillier, Jacqueline McLaughlin, Carolyn Cannuscio, Mariana Chilton, Sarah Krasny and Allison
Hillier 17

Karpyn (October 2010), The Impact of WIC Food Package Changes on Access to Healthful Foods in
Two Low‐income Urban Neighborhoods, American Collegiate Schools of Planning, Minneapolis

Amy Hillier (April 2010), Mapping the Impact of Philadelphia's Crosstown Expressway, Organization of
American Historians, Washington DC.

Amy Hillier, Jacqueline McLaughlin & Allison Karpyn (November 2009), Mapping Healthy Food
Landscapes for WIC Participants, American Public Health Association, Philadelphia.

Amy Hillier (October 2009), Mapping Social Patterns: The Making and Unmaking of Inequality, One of
four keynote addresses at interdisciplinary conference, Modeling Spaces, Modifying Societies,
Graduate School Topology of Technology Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt Germany.

Amy Hillier (November 2007), Race, Migration, and Immigration in the Old Seventh Ward, Social
Science History Association conference, Chicago, IL.

Amy Hillier (October 2007), The Making and Re-making of The Philadelphia Negro, Society for American
City and Regional Planning History, Portland, ME.

Amy Hillier (October 2007), What Can GIS tell us about Planning History? American Collegiate Schools
of Planning conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Amy Hillier (June 2007), Mapping the Du Bois Philadelphia Negro, Geography and the Humanities
Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Amy Hillier (November 2006), W.E.B. Du Bois and the Social Survey Movement, Social Science History
Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Amy Hillier (March 2006), Promoting Health in Low Wealth Communities, Reinventing Older
Communities Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

Amy Hillier (December 2005), Philadelphia Negro GIS, Future Foundations: Mapping the Past, Building
the Philadelphia GeoHistory Network, Philadelphia.

Amy Hillier (November 2005), Searching for Red Lines, Conference of HUD Urban Scholars,
Washington, DC.

Amy Hillier (October 2005), GIS Applications in Historical Research: Redlining in Philadelphia and
The Philadelphia Negro. Invited panelist, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Science
Research, Ann Arbor, MI.

Amy Hillier & Dennis Culhane (August 2005), The Philadelphia Negro GIS, American Sociological
Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Amy Hillier (November 2004), Teaching Historical GIS: Resources & Challenges, chair and organizer of
Panel discussion, Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL.
Hillier 18

Amy Hillier (October 2004), Remapping the City in Order to Save it: Revisiting Several Generations of
Federal Government Involvement in American Urban Crises, panel discussion, Urban History
Association conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Amy Hillier (March 2004), Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis Techniques, History and Geography:
Assessing the Role of Geographical Information in Historical Scholarship, special conference funded
by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Newberry Library, Chicago, IL.

Amy Hillier (March 2004), Spatial Analysis of Lending Patterns in Philadelphia, 1940-1960, American
Association of Geographers, Philadelphia, PA.

Anne Knowles, Amy Hillier, & Ian Gregory (November 2003), Building an Historical GIS, Social Science
History Association, Baltimore, MD.

Amy Hillier (November 2003), Spatial Analysis of Lending Patterns in Philadelphia, 1940-1960, Society
for American City and Regional Planning History, St. Louis, MO.

Amy Hillier, (October 2003), Spatial Analysis of Lending Patterns in Philadelphia, 1940-1960,
Pennsylvania Historical Association, Harrisburg PA.

Amy Hillier (September 2002), Investigating the Lending Record of the Home Owners’ Loan
Corporation for Signs of Racial Discrimination, Urban History Association, Pittsburgh, PA.

Amy Hillier (March 2002), Testing for Historical Redlining: A Methodological Exploration, Association
of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA.

Amy Hillier (November 2001), Redlining and the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation in Philadelphia,
Society for American City and Regional Planning History, Philadelphia, PA.

Amy Hillier & Dennis Culhane (November 2001), Predicting Housing Abandonment with the
Philadelphia Neighborhood Information System, American Collegiate Schools of Planning,
Cleveland, OH.

Amy Hillier (April 2001), Mapping the Future? Redlining and the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation,
Organization of American Historians, Los Angeles, CA.

Amy Hillier (November 2000), Con-census Tracts or Neighborhoods? The Challenge of Mapping
Meaningful Geography, American Collegiate Schools of Planning, Atlanta, GA.

Amy Hillier, (October 2000), Using GIS and Spatial Statistics to Test the HOLC Redlining Hypothesis,
Social Science History Association, Pittsburgh, PA.

Amy Hillier (November 1999), Exploring the Origins of Institutionalized Redlining with GIS, Social
Science History Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Amy Hillier & Lorlene Hoyt (July 1999), Public Housing Hotspots, Environmental Systems Research
Hillier 19

Institute (ESRI) International User Conference, San Diego, CA.

Amy Hillier & David Eldridge (July 1998), Housing Discrimination in the City of Brotherly Love, ESRI
International User Conference, San Diego, CA.


Hillier, A. (October 2022). Du Bois’ Investigation of Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward. Rowhouse City:
History and Adaptation in Philadelphia, Weitzman School of Design, Philadelphia PA.

Boddie, S., Hillier, A., and Been, J. (February 2022). The Ward: Race and Class in Du Bois’ Seventh
Ward. Baylor University, Waco TX.

Arnold, J., Lewis, J., & Hillier, A. (April 2021). The Evolution of the Racism Sequence. Conversation
with Ben Jealous, SP2 Speaker Searies, School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A. (March 2021). Documenting Displacement with GIS: Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward and
Beyond. Preservation Alliance, Philadelphia PA. Preservation Alliance Speaker Series, Philadelphia

Hillier, A., Pritchett, W., Wachter, S., Reina, V. and Morial, M. (November 2020). “Fair Housing
Policies and Practices,” part of Penn Paideia’s series on “Racism and Anti-Racism in Contemporary
America.” Online panel discussion.

Hillier, A., Bunten, D.M., and Reina, V. (October 2020). “Fair Housing Perspectives: Gender
Perspective.” Penn Institute for Urban Research. Online panel discussion.

Hillier, A. “The Ward: Race and Class in Du Bois’ Seventh Ward.” Philadelphia Map Society, February

Hillier, A. “The Ward: Race and Class in Du Bois’ Seventh Ward.” School District of Philadelphia
professional development, January 2019 and August 2018.

Hillier, A and Khojasteh. M., “What happens when a new nonprofit market opens in a ‘food desert’?”
Philadelphia Mayor’s Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity, Benefit Working Group,
November 2016.

Hillier, A. “Mapping Systematic Disinvestment in African American Neighborhoods,” African American

Collaborative Obesity Research Network (AACORN) National Workshop, August 2016.

Hillier, A., “The Ward: Race and Class in Du Bois’ Seventh Ward,” Lafayette College, January 2016.

Hillier, A. and Geiger, M. “A Case in Action: The Penn Philabundance Partnership,” The Intersection of
Community, Academia, and Grant-making, Penn Center for Public Health Initiatives and Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation, March 2016.
Hillier 20

Hillier, A., “The Future of Big Data and its Effect on Poverty,” The Intersection of Poverty and Data,
Philly Tech Week Symposium, A Community Legal Services and Philadelphia Legal Assistance
Event, May 2016.

Health Impacts of the Visual Environment (April 2014), Scenic America annual conference, Houston TX.

Hillier, A., Collecting Behavior and Environment Data (April 2014), Delaware Valley Regional Planning
Commission People, Planning and Health conference, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A. & Boddie, S. (March 2013). Mapping Race and Class Across Three Centuries: Shifts in the
Ecology of Opportunity, University of Georgia, part of the Race, Class, Place and Outcomes Speaker
Series of the Owens Institute for Behavioral Research. Co-sponsors include the School of Social Work,
the College of Education, the Office of Institutional Diversity, and the Department of Educational
Theory & Practice, Athens GA.

Hillier, A. (December 2013). Strategies for Community Health Researc), presentation to participants at
Research Readiness Day, part of Community-Driven Research Day sponsored by Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia, Temple University, Drexel University, and the University of Pennsylvania. Temple
University, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A. (October 2013). Transforming Communities Through Mapping: Harnessing the Potential of
New Technologies, public lecture for Program on Urban Studies, Stanford University.

Hillier, A. (August 2013). Redrawing the Lines: Mapping Urban Activity and Opportunity, presentation
to participants in Mapping Worlds, University of Vermont Department of Geography, Burlington VT.

Hillier, Amy (July 2012). Community Mapping: The role of maps in reinforcing, documenting, and
transforming disparities, presentation to participants in Philadelphia Futures summer youth
mentorship program, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A., (July 2012). Community Mapping: The role of maps in reinforcing, documenting, and
transforming disparities, Bridging the Gaps, Drexel University, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, Amy (May 2012). Everybody is a Curator: The New Anthropology, panel discussion at The
Kimmel Center for The Performing Arts, education series.

Hillier, A. (April 2012). Understanding Access by Modeling Choice: The Case of Supermarkets in
Philadelphia. Columbia University, Doctoral seminar in City and Regional Planning.

Hillier, A. (March 2012). Beyond the Buildings: Using GIS to See the Human City, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Department of Urban Design and Urban Planning.

Hillier, A. (March 2012). Mapping Du Bois. Ethical Society of Philadelphia.

Hillier, A. (February 2012). Looking in Philadelphia, Presentation and panel discussion, Temple Gallery
at Tyler School of Art.
Hillier 21

Hillier, A. (December 2011). The Impact of Play and Games on Health, Center for Public Health
Initiatives Annual Retreat, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A. (October 2011). The City, TEDx Philly. Video has been watched by 20,000+ viewers.

Hillier, A. (July 2012). Redlining and geographic disparities, presentation to participants in Philadelphia
Futures summer youth mentorship program, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A. (July 2011). Community Mapping: The role of maps in reinforcing, documenting, and
transforming disparities, Bridging the Gaps, Drexel University, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A. (June 2011). When and Where I Enter: Assessing and Advocating for Access for All, CDC
Disability and Health Partners Meeting, Chicago IL.

Hillier, A. (May 2011). Using GIS in Obesity-related Research, Obesity-related Behavioral Intervention
Trials (ORBIT) Meeting, Arlington VA.

Hillier, A. (May 2011). Why Child Welfare Needs GIS, One Child, Many Hands: A Multidisciplinary
Conference on Child Welfare, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Hillier, A. (April 2011). Why Child Welfare Needs GIS, NRC‐CWDT Webinar Series ‐ GIS in Child
Welfare hosted by Westat.

Hillier, A. (March 2011). Mapping Food and Activity Landscapes, Rutgers University, Department of
Landscape Architecture, New Brunswick, NJ.

Hillier, A. (December 2010). Asking and Getting More from Spatial Data and Spatial Methods
(December 2010), National Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD.

Hillier, A. (November 2010). Asking and Getting More from Spatial Data and Spatial Methods, Institute
of Medicine, Workshop on Understanding the Relationship between Food Insecurity and Obesity,
Washington DC, November 2010.

Hillier, A. (November 2010). How to Conduct Culturally Appropriate Evaluations, Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation Evaluation Fellowship for Retooling Professionals, OMG Center for
Collaborative Learning, Philadelphia PA,.

Hillier, A. (October 2010). Mapping for Social Change: Using GIS Effectively in Human Services
Research, Evaluation and Advocacy, featured speaker at Esri Health GIS Conference, Denver CO.

Hillier, A. (September 2010). Mapping Food and Activity Landscapes in Cities, graduate colloquium
speaker, University of Delaware School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy.

Hillier, A. (July 2010). Community Mapping, Bridging the Gaps, Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia PA,
Hillier 22

Hillier, A. (March 2010). Mapping the Du Bois Philadelphia Negro, presentation at the Lucien Blackwell
branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia in conjunction with a 2010 Census event.

Hillier, A. (January 2010). Mapping Public Health Disparities, presentation to the Infertility Prevention
Project Annual meeting, Philadelphia.

Hillier, A. (January 2010). W.E.B. Du Bois on Racism, Then and Now. MLK Day service sermon,
Church of the Restoration, Philadelphia PA.

Hillier, A. (November 2009). Mapping Social Landscapes, University of Pennsylvania Institute for
Environmental Studies.

Hillier, A. (September 2009). Mapping Public Health Disparities (September 2009), University of
Pennsylvania Center for Weight and Eating Disorders.

Hillier, A. (March 2009). Mapping Disparities, Seminar Series in Community-Based Research and Health
Disparities, School of Medicine.

Hillier, A. (February 2009). Place Matters, University of Pennsylvania Center for Public Health Initiatives
series based on documentary, Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?

Hillier, A. (July 2008). Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Asset Mapping, Bridging the Gaps,
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia.

Hillier, A. (November 2008). What Can GIS Teach us about the Human Condition? Lessons from the
Mapping Du Bois Project, Historical Society of Pennsylvania Annual Meeting

Hillier, A. & Karpyn, A. (October 2008). Harnessing the Potential of Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) For Community Benefit, Bridging the Gaps Program, Philadelphia.

Hillier, A. (July 2008). Closing the GAP: Geographic Health Disparities, Bridging the Gaps, Philadelphia.

Hillier, A. (July 2008). What Good is GIS? Using Maps to Ask Questions and Identify Spatial Patterns.
presentation to the staff of OMG Center for Collaborative Learning (consulting firm), Philadelphia.

Hillier, A. (May 2008). Why Social Work Needs Mapping (May 2008), Alumni Day Continuing
Education Session, School of Social Policy & Practice.

Hillier, A. (May 2008). Environmental Determinants of Healthy, Leonard Davis Institute Alumni-Faculty
Exchange on Urban Health: Issues and Action, panel discussion with David Ashe (School of
Medicine), David Grande (School of Medicine), Therese Richmond (School of Medicine), and Ira
Harkavy (Center for Community Partnerships.

Hillier, A. & Knowles, A. (March 2008). Overview of Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS are
Changing Historical Scholarship, Book launch discussion and reception, Van Pelt Library,
Philadelphia PA
Hillier 23

Hillier, A. (April 2008). The Impact of Historical Redlining and Housing Discrimination on Today’s
Cities, Fair Housing Rights Center in Southeastern PA, Fair Housing Month panel.

Hillier, A. (April 2008). Mapping the Du Bois Philadelphia Negro, Lecture for the W.E.B. Du Bois Scholars
Program at LeMoyne-Owen College (HBCU), Memphis TN.

Hillier, A. (April 2008). Mapping the Du Bois Philadelphia Negro, Community Cultural Exchange (South
Street, Philadelphia non-profit).

Hillier, A. (February 2008). W.E.B. Du Bois and the ‘Negro Problem’, Guest speaker to American
Association of University Women, Springfield PA.

Hillier, A. (October/November 2007), Mapping the Du Bois Philadelphia Negro presentation at PhilaPlace
(Historical Society of Philadelphia) neighborhood history workshops.

Hillier, A. (July 2007). W.E.B. Du Bois and the ‘Negro Problem’, Guest sermon at First Unitarian Church
of Philadelphia.

Hillier, A. (November 2006). Mapping the Du Bois Philadelphia Negro, Media Technology & Society
lecture series, Northwestern University School of Communications

Hillier, A. (August 2006). W.E.B. Du Bois and the ‘Negro Problem’, Guest sermon at the Champlain
Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, Middlebury, VT.

Hillier, A. (June 2006). Searching for Red Lines: A Historical GIS Investigation of Lending in
Philadelphia, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE), GIS Workshop on
Urban Studies, Trinity College, Hartford, CT.

Hillier, A. (June 2004). Searching for Red Lines, part of workshop, Introducing GIS Across the
Curriculum, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT.

Hillier, A. (May 2003). Historical Redlining in Philadelphia, special staff meeting of the Philadelphia
Commission on Human Relations and Fair Housing Commission, Philadelphia, PA.

Hillier, A. (April 2003). Using GIS to Understand Historical Redlining, and Workshop on Georeferencing
Historical Maps, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN.

Hillier, A. (January 2003). Historical Redlining in Philadelphia, part of workshop, Introducing GIS
Across the Curriculum, Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX.

Hillier, A. (January 2003). Historical Redlining in Philadelphia, part of workshop, Introducing GIS
Across the Curriculum, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY.

Hillier, A. (November 2003). Historical Redlining in Philadelphia, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA.

Hillier, A. (November 2003). Historical Redlining in Philadelphia, Lafayette College, Easton, PA.
Hillier 24

Hillier, A. (July 2002). Historical Redlining in Philadelphia, part of workshop, Introducing GIS Across the
Curriculum, Middlebury College, Middlebury VT.

Hillier, A. (November 2001). Historical Redlining in Philadelphia, panel discussion, Interpreting the
Historical Landscape, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA.

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