Intensif 1 Bahasa Inggris SLC 9

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No Chemical In This Unit

1. What does the text mean?

a. We are allowed to mix food and chemicals
b. We have to add chemical materials on food.
c. We can put chemicals in the store room.
d. We can only put food in the unit.

Rani, sorry I can’t come to your house tonight

to do the wall magazine project as we have
planned. My grandmother has just come and
she wants me to accompany her to my aunt’s
house. I will meet you up at school tomorrow.
5. What does the advertisement tell us about?
a. Many kinds of trucks
b. Farming tools
c. Many construction machineries
2. What is Erika and Rani’s plan ? d. Heavy duty equipment and machinery
a. To say sorry.
b. To meet Rani’s aunt. 6. United tractors Tbk. Offers us the following
c. To accompany her grandmother. things, EXCEPT …
d. To do the wall magazine project together. a. Construction machineries
b. Factory machineries
3. From the short message, we know that Erika will c. Many kinds of truck
be… tonight. d. Concrete mixer
a. In her grandmother’s house.
b. In her aunt’s house.
c. In her own house. Hats off to Andini Putri !
d. In Rani’s house. Please join us for a :
Graduation celebration
Dear Juliette, In honour of Andini’s graduation from
junior high school with excellent grades.
All the hard work you have put, all the Sunday, 23rd july 2017
sacrifice you have made, has finally paid off. 1 p.m. – till end
Andini’s house
Congratulations on your success to be the Jl. Srikandibno. 42
winner of the Speech Contest for Junior High Regrets only : Amanda, 08992288220
School Level 2014. We are proud of you.
7. A party will be held to celebrate Andini’s …
Student Union Organizer a. Graduation c. New school
b. New house d. Excellent grades
4. Student Union Organizer congratulates Juliette
on … 8. From the text, it can be concluded that …
a. Her sacrifice to be a junior high school a. Amanda and Andini are sisters
student. b. The party will be held in the afternoon
b. Her hard work to join the contest. c. Amanda graduated from junior high school
c. Her winning the speech contest d. The party will take place at Amanda’s house
d. Her final goal to have a high level



To : All production staff

Dear Irfan,
You are expected to gather in the
meeting room tomorrow, 13th March I do apologize that I cannot enjoy a car free day
2017 at 08.00 a.m. to attend Mr. Ponco’s tomorrow morning with you and Kevin. I have
inauguration as the new branch office’s to fetch my cousin from the railway station. He
manager. He replaces Mrs Sulastri who is going to spend his holiday here. I will
has been appointed the new sales introduce him to you.
manager at the main office. Arka

The working activities will be back as

13. Why did Arka write the message?
usual after that. a. He forgot his promise
b. He broke his promise
Secretary c. He postponed his appointment
d. He cancelled his appointment

9. According to the text, Mrs Sulastri will… 14. What will Irfan do after reading the mesaage?
a. Be working in the branch office a. He will meet Arka’s cousin
b. Replace Mr. Ponco in the main office b. He will spend his holiday at home
c. Be working in the main office c. He will go to the railway station
d. Become a production manager d. He will tell Kevin about Arka’s absence

10. “He replaces Mrs. Sulastri …” 15. “I have to fetch my cousin from the railway
The underlined word has a similar meaning to… station.”
a. relates The underlined word has closest meaning with
b. prefers …
c. substitutes a. Pick up c. Drop off
d. assembles b. Take off d. Drop in

Dear Vika,

How is life? I hope you are always in a very

good condition.
My ship is being anchored and now I am
enjoying attractive spots in Singapore. Actually I
wish you, mum and dad be here with me, to
sightsee the beauty of these places. Instead, I will
send you beautiful pictures and souvenirs.
Vika, working for a cruise ship is a pleasure,
but eep in my heart I miss you all. I should be
accustomed to stay away from family for a period
of time. Pass my best regards to mum and dad.


11. Who wrote the letter?

a. Vika’s brother
b. Vika’s pen pal
c. Vika’s cousin
d. Vika’s friend
Nilai Paraf Tutor
12. Why does Vano miss his family?
a. He has to work hard
b. He has sailed for a long time
c. It is his first working experience
d. He should be away from his family




Food and drink from outside are not permitted 5. From the text we can conclude that…
a. The writer’s friend has just graduated
1. The notice means … b. The writer wants to have a brighter life
a. We should not eat and drink in the place c. The writer’s hard work has paid off
b. We should not buy food and drinks from the d. The writer studied hard to pass the test
c. If we want to eat or drink, we should buy
Invitation to Leo and Fitri
from outside
d. If we want to eat or drink, we should buy
House Warming Party
from the place

To : Diwan Join us for a feast

In our new home
Saturday, 21st January 2017
We’d like to say massive thanks to you for all what
At 7:30 p.m.
you have done for us on the birth of our little boy.
Venue : Jl. Raflesia no.9 Singkawang
You were a great help and we can’t thank you
enough. The Alfians

Ray and Jill R.S.V.P. to Della by 17th January

Phone : 089996665533
2. What is the purpose of the text? E-mail:
a. To congratulate Ray and Jill for their
newborn baby.
6. What is the objective of the text?
b. To express Ray and Jill’s gratitude to
a. To advertise a new house
b. To request the invitees to attend a party
c. To celebrate the newborn baby boy.
c. To ask the invitees to move to a new house
d. To ask for Diwan’s help in celebrating
d. To inform about a house warming party
baby’s birth.
7. Who will be hosting the party?
3. Who are Ray and Jill?
a. Della
a. They are Diwan’s parents
b. Leo and Fitri
b. They are best friends
c. Della’s family
c. They are husband and wife
d. Mr. and Mrs. Alfian
d. They are brother and sister
To : All students and teachers
To : Galih
Come and visit our new library!
You studied hard and often prayed to God. The refurbishment of the library has
Now all your hard work has paid off. finished. No more rubbles and
Congratulations on your graduation! constructions noises. We have a new
internet corner ; lots of new books (novels,
Best wishes for a brighter future.
encyclopedia and non-fiction books) are
available. You can also enjoy our newest
From Melani DVD collection.
4. Why did the writer write the text?
a. To invite her friend to study together. Ramdan
b. To wish for her friend’s life be brighter.
c. To congratulate he friend on his graduation. 8. Why does the writer make the announcement?
d. To show sympathy towards her friend’s a. To promote a new internet corner
hard work. b. To invite readers to visit the library
c. To let readers know about the library
d. To propose library refurbishment


The following text is for questions 9 to 11 b. Break
c. Bother
Do you experience difficulties when writing d. Envy
English essays? Here’s the solution. Get this book,
Writing English is Easy, in bookstores.
Published by PKR publisher, this book shows Dear Roni,
step by step procedures for writing English essays
which are very easy to follow. It suggests easy How are you? I hope you’re fine.
methods on how to become excellent English
essay writers and are complete with an abundance Asep, Soni and I are planning our
of examples of essays. What are you waiting for? vacation during the long holiday. We
Get it now! think that it would be nice to go to the
beach. We can build a tent instead of
9. Who do you think will most likely use the book staying in an inn. There we can go
advertised? fishing, snorkeling and exploring the area
a. An illustrator around the beach. Would you join us?
b. A housewife Let me know if you are interested. Then,
c. An announcer we can talk about the date.
d. A student
10. Why do people need to buy the book?
a. It is affordable
b. It was just published
P.S. : Could you send me Hilmi’s email
c. It’s easy to understand
address? We would like to invite him too.
d. The book cover is interesting

11. “… and is complete with an abundance of

14. What is the Irfan’s objective by sending the e-
examples of essays”
mail to Roni?
Which Is the closest meaning of the underlined
a. To ask Roni about his vacation plan
b. To invite Roni to join him on vacation
a. Plenty
c. To obtain Hilmi ‘s email address
b. Variety
d. To know if Roni is interested in camping
c. Number
d. Collection
15. After receiving all replies, Irfan and his friends
will discuss…. For the vacation.
To : Andy a. When they will go
b. What they will bring
I am really sorry for what I have said. c. Who they will invite
I know it hurts you. d. Where they will go
Now I am feeling so bad.
I don’t want it to disturb our friendship.

Please forgive me


12. Why did Dhea send the card?

a. To express her condolences
b. To apologize for her mistake
c. To congratulate her friend
d. To thank for her friend’s favour Nilai Paraf Tutor

13. “I don’t want it to disturb our friendship.”

The underlined word is closest meaning to…
a. Blame



1. D 1 D
2. D 2 B
3. B 3 C
4. C 4 C
5. D 5 A
6. C 6 B
7. A 7 D
8. B 8 B
9. C 9 D
10. C 10 C
11. A 11 A
12. D 12 B
13. D 13 C
14. D 14 B
15. A 15 A


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