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1. A client with AIDS tells the nurse that he has been using
herbal supplements in addition to the regimen of drugs 6. The physician has ordered an alkaline ash diet for a
prescribed by the physician. The nurse should tell the patient with recurrent cysteine kidney stones. Which of the
client that: following should be included in the patient’s diet?
A. Most herbals are well suited to use with A. Cranberries
prescription medications. B. Grapes
B. He should buy only FDA-approved herbal C. Plums
supplements for use. D. Rhubarb
C. The use of herbals may alter the effect of the
medication he is taking. 7. The nurse is aware that a common mode of transmission
D. The herbal supplements should be taken at the of clostridium difficile is:
same time as his medication. A. Use of unsterile surgical equipment
B. Contamination of objects with sputum
2. Which action by the home health nurse indicates a C. Through urinary catheterization
knowledge of the needs of an elderly client? D. Contamination of objects with stool
A. Teaching regarding availability and services
offered by hospice care 8. A home health nurse is making preparations for morning
B. Speaking in a higher pitched voice tone to visits. Which one of the following clients should the nurse
facilitate hearing visit first?
C. Encouraging fluid restriction to prevent nighttime A. A client with a stroke with tube feedings
voiding B. A client with a history of congestive heart failure
D. Reinforcing teaching regarding the prevention of complaining of nighttime dyspnea
falls C. A client with a thoracotomy six months ago
D. A client with Parkinson’s disease
3. A client is taking Rifadin(rifampin) 600mg PO daily for
pulmonary tuberculosis. The nurse should tell the client 9. The physician has ordered the Schilling test for a patient
to: with suspected pernicious anemia. What other vitamin
A. Take the medication with juice level is often assessed at the same time as the B12 level?
B. Expect red discoloration of the urine A. Folic acid
C. Take the medication before going to bed at night B. Pyridoxine
D. Take the medication only if night sweats occur C. Ascorbic acid
D. Thiamine
4. Which medication is often used to treat the client with
N.gonorrhea? 10. A home health nurse is planning for her daily visits.
A. Sitavig (acyclovir) Which client should the home health nurse visit first?
B. Vibramycin (doxycycline) A. A client with AIDS being treated with Foscavir
C. Retrovir (zidovudine) (foscarnet)
D. Aldara (imiquimod) B. A client with a fractured femur in a long leg cast
C. A client with a recent laryngectomy for laryngeal
5. Which of the following symptoms is associated with cancer
Chlamydia? D. A client with diabetic ulcers to the left foot
A. Frequent urination and vaginal discharge
B. Generalized rash 11. Which of the following would be most appropriate for
C. Lesions on the perineum the nurse to wear when providing direct care to a client
D. Enlarged lymph nodes and pelvic pain with influenza?
A. Mask
B. Gown

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
C. Gloves F. Breathing dust from contaminated cat litter
D. Goggles
18. A client with pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia is
12. The physician has prescribed Vermox (mebendazole) receiving intravenous Pentam (pentamidine). While
for a child with pinworms. Which statement is true administering the medication, the nurse should give
regarding the priority to checking the client’s:
medication? A. Deep tendon reflexes
A. Medication is administered intramuscularly. B. Blood pressure
B. The entire family will need to take the medication. C. Urine output
C. Medication will be repeated in two months. D. Tissue turgor
D. Intravenous antibiotic therapy will be ordered.
19. Which statement describes the contagious stage of
13. The home health nurse is planning for the day’s visits. varicella?
Which client should be seen first? A. The contagious stage is one day before the onset
A. The client with renal insufficiency of the rash until the appearance of vesicles.
B. The client with Alzheimer’s disease B. The contagious stage lasts during the vesicular
C. The client with diabetes who has a decubitus and crusting stages of the lesions.
ulcer C. The contagious stage is from the onset of the rash
D. The client with multiple sclerosis who is being until the rash disappears.
treated with IV cortisone D. The contagious stage is one day before the onset
of the rash until all the lesions are crusted
14. Which clients can be assigned to share a room in the
emergency department during a disaster? 20. A terrorist attack has left hundreds of patients with
A. A client with schizophrenia having visual and injuries determined to be in the immediate category as
auditory hallucinations and the client with ulcerative defined by NATO. The color to designate this group is:
colitis A. Black
B. The client who is six months pregnant with B. Yellow
abdominal pain and the client with facial lacerations C. Red
and fractured arm D. Green
C. A child whose pupils are fixed and dilated and his
parents, and a client with a frontal head injury 21. The best diagnostic test for treponema pallidum is:
D. The client who arrives with a large puncture A. Venereal Disease Research Lab (VDRL)
wound to the abdomen and the client with chest pain. B. Rapid plasma reagin (RPR)
C. Fluorescent treponemal antibody (FTA)
15. The nurse is teaching the client with hepatitis B D. Thayer-Martin culture (TMC)
regarding transmission. The nurse should instruct the
client to do which of the following? select all that apply. 22. A client with AIDS is being treated with Genvoya
A. Refrain from eating fresh fruits and vegetables. (elvitegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir
B. Avoid using another family member’s toothbrush. alafenamide/cobicistat). The client should be taught to:
C. Clean the commode after each bowel movement. A. Avoid warm climates
D. Boil water prior to drinking and place open B. Refrain from taking herbals
containers in the refrigerator. C. Avoid routine exercising
E. Inform the dentist of his diagnosis. D. Report any changes in skin color

16. Which of the following diagnoses require droplet 23. A client with human immunodeficiency syndrome has
precautions? Select all that apply. gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea. The nurse
A. Varicella should teach the client to avoid:
B. Rubella A. Calcium-rich foods
C. Streptococcal pharyngitis B. Canned or frozen vegetables
D. Scarlet fever C. Processed meat
E. Shigella D. Raw fruits and vegetables
F. Hepatitis A
24. A client with tuberculosis has a prescription for
17. Which method of transmission would most likely result Myambutol (ethambutol HCl). The nurse should tell the
in contamination with botulism? Select all that apply. client to notify the doctor immediately if he notices:
A. Close contact with a family member with botulism A. Gastric distress
B. Eating foods from a perforated can B. Changes in hearing
C. Being bitten by a mosquito C. Red discoloration of body fluids
D. Wound contamination with C- botulism D. Changes in color vision
E. Contact with goat saliva

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
25. A client with tuberculosis who has been on combined D. Tertiary
therapy with Rifadin (rifampin) and INH (isoniazid) asks the
nurse how long he will have to take medication. The nurse 32. Which type of family-nurse contact will provide you
should tell the client that: with the best opportunity to observe family dynamics?
A. Medication is rarely needed after two weeks. A. Clinic consultation
B. He will need to take medication the rest of his life. B. Group conference
C. The course of combined therapy is usually six C. Home visit
months. D. Written communication
D. He will be re-evaluated in one month to see if
further medication is needed. 33. The typology of family nursing problems is used in the
statement of nursing diagnosis in the care of families. The
26. In which step are plans formulated for solving youngest child of the de los Reyes family has been
community problems? diagnosed as mentally retarded. This is classified as a:
A. Mobilization A. Health threat
B. Community organization B. Health deficit
C. Follow-up/extension C. Foreseeable crisis
D. Core group formation D. Stress point

27. The public health nurse takes an active role in 34. The de los Reyes couple have a 6-year old child
community participation. What is the primary goal of entering school for the first time. The de los Reyes family
community organizing? has a:
A. To educate the people regarding community A. Health threat
health problems B. Health deficit
B. To mobilize the people to resolve community C. Foreseeable crisis
health problems D. Stress point
C. To maximize the community’s resources in
dealing with health problems 35. Which of the following is an advantage of a home visit?
D. To maximize the community’s resources in A. It allows the nurse to provide nursing care to a
dealing with health problems greater number of people.
B. It provides an opportunity to do first hand
28. An indicator of success in community organizing is appraisal of the home situation.
when people are able to C. It allows sharing of experiences among people
A. Participate in community activities for the with similar health problems.
solution of a community problem D. It develops the family’s initiative in providing for
B. Implement activities for the solution of the health needs of its members.
community problem
C. Plan activities for the solution of the community 36. Which is CONTRARY to the principles in planning a
problem home visit?
D. Identify the health problem as a common A. A home visit should have a purpose or
concern objective.
B. The plan should revolve around family health
29. Tertiary prevention is needed in which stage of the needs.
natural history of disease? C. A home visit should be conducted in the manner
A. Pre-pathogenesis prescribed by the RHU.
B. Pathogenesis D. Planning of continuing care should involve a
C. Prodromal responsible family member.
D. Terminal
37. The PHN bag is an important tool in providing nursing
30. Isolation of a child with measles belongs to what level care during a home visit. The most important principle of
of prevention? bag technique states that it
A. Primary A. Should save time and effort.
B. Secondary B. Should minimize if not totally prevent the spread
C. Intermediate of infection.
D. Tertiary C. Should not overshadow concern for the patient
and his family.
31. On the other hand, Operation Timbang is _____ D. May be done in a variety of ways depending on
prevention. the home situation, etc.
A. Primary
B. Secondary 38. To maintain the cleanliness of the bag and its contents,
C. Intermediate which of the following must the nurse do?

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
A. Wash his/her hands before and after providing C. The spread of the disease can be attributed to
nursing care to the family members. a common vehicle.
B. In the care of family members, as much as D. There is a gradual build up of cases before the
possible, use only articles taken from the bag. epidemic becomes easily noticeable.
C. Put on an apron to protect her uniform and fold
it with the right side out before putting it back 44. In the investigation of an epidemic, you compare the
into the bag. present frequency of the disease with the usual frequency
D. At the end of the visit, fold the lining on which at this time of the year in this community. This is done
the bag was placed, ensuring that the during which stage of the investigation?
contaminated side is on the outside. A. Establishing the epidemic
B. Testing the hypothesis
39. The public health nurse conducts a study on the C. Formulation of the hypothesis
factors contributing to the high mortality rate due to heart D. Appraisal of facts
disease in the municipality where she works. Which
branch of epidemiology does the nurse practice in this 45. The number of cases of Dengue fever usually increases
situation? towards the end of the rainy season. This pattern of
A. Descriptive occurrence of Dengue fever is best described as
B. Analytical A. Epidemic occurrence
C. Therapeutic B. Cyclical variation
D. Evaluation C. Sporadic occurrence
D. Secular variation
40. Which of the following is a function of epidemiology?
A. Identifying the disease condition based on 46. In the year 1980, the World Health Organization
manifestations presented by a client declared the Philippines, together with some other
B. Determining factors that contributed to the countries in the Western Pacific Region, “free” of which
occurrence of pneumonia in a 3 year old disease?
C. Determining the efficacy of the antibiotic used in A. Pneumonic plague
the treatment of the 3 year old client with B. Poliomyelitis
pneumonia C. Small pox
D. Evaluating the effectiveness of the D. Anthrax
implementation of the Integrated Management
of Childhood Illness 47. In the census of the Philippines in 1995, there were
about 35,299,000 males and about 34,968,000 females.
41. Which of the following is an epidemiologic function of What is the sex ratio?
the nurse during an epidemic? A. 99.06:100
A. Conducting assessment of suspected cases to B. 100.94:100
detect the communicable disease C. 50.23%
B. Monitoring the condition of the cases affected D. 49.76%
by the communicable disease
C. Participating in the investigation to determine 48. Primary health care is a total approach to community
the source of the epidemic development. Which of the following is an indicator of
D. Teaching the community on preventive success in the use of the primary health care approach?
measures against the disease A. Health services are provided free of charge to
individuals and families.
42. The primary purpose of conducting an epidemiologic B. Local officials are empowered as the major
investigation is to decision makers in matters of health.
A. Delineate the etiology of the epidemic C. Health workers are able to provide care based
B. Encourage cooperation and support of the on identified health needs of the people.
community D. Health programs are sustained according to the
C. Identify groups who are at risk of contracting the level of development of the community.
D. Identify geographical location of cases of the 49. Sputum examination is the major screening tool for
disease in the community pulmonary tuberculosis. Clients would sometimes get
false negative results in this exam. This means that the
43. Which is a characteristic of person-to-person test is not perfect in terms of which characteristic of a
propagated epidemics? diagnostic examination?
A. There are more cases of the disease than A. Effectiveness
expected. B. Efficacy
B. The disease must necessarily be transmitted C. Specificity
through a vector. D. Sensitivity

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars

50. Use of appropriate technology requires knowledge of

indigenous technology. Which medicinal herb is given for
fever, headache and cough?
A. Sambong
B. Tsaang gubat
C. Akapulko
D. Lagundi

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars


1. What law created the Philippine Institute of Traditional 7. With regards to the Women’s Health and Safe
and Alternative Health Care? Motherhood Project, the following strategies are included
A. R.A. 8423 to prevent maternal mortality, except one:
B. R.A. 4823 A. Establishment of BEmoNC and CEmoNC
C. R.A. 2483 networks
D. R.A. 3482 B. TBA facilitated home deliveries
C. Improved Family Planning counseling
2. In traditional Chinese medicine, the yielding, negative D. Emphasis on Facility-based deliveries.
and feminine force is termed
A. Yin 8. The following qualifications reflect possible delivery in
B. Yang the Rural Health Unit, except for one:
C. Qi A. Cephalic presentation
D. Chai B. Adequate pelvis
C. History of caesarian section delivery
3. What is the legal basis for Primary Health Care approach D. Less than five pregnancies
in the Philippines?
A. Alma Ata Declaration on PHC 9. You are assigned to provide baby care to the newly
B. Letter of Instruction No. 949 delivered healthy baby. What procedure are you going to
C. Presidential Decree No. 147 do first?
D. Presidential Decree 996 A. Examine the newborn and check for defects,
deformities and birth injuries.
4. Which of the following demonstrates intersectoral B. Provide warmth to the newborn and have a quick
linkages? check for breathing
A. Two-way referral system C. Clamp and cut the cord after cord pulsations have
B. Team approach stopped.
C. Endorsement done by a midwife to another D. Facilitate the bonding between the mother and the
midwife newborn through early skin–to–skin contact.
D. Cooperation between the PHN and public
school teacher 10. The basis for the improvement in strategies in maternal
and neonatal care is on Millennium Development Goals,
5. The municipality assigned to you has a population of which are:
about 20,000. Estimate the number of 1-4 year old children A. MDGs 1 & 2
who will be given Retinol capsule 200,000 I.U. every 6 B. MDGs 2 & 4
months. C. MDGs 3 & 5
A. 1,500 D. MDGs 4 & 5
B. 1,800
C. 2,000 11. The following are the intermediate results that can
D. 2,300 lower the risk for dying from pregnancy and childbirth with
the integration of the MNCHN services in the community:
6. A community health nurse is teaching healthful A. Every delivery is facility-based and managed by
lifestyles to a group of senior citizens. The nurse knows skilled birth attendants
that the leading cause of death in persons 65 and older is: B. Every pregnancy is adequately managed during
A. Chronic pulmonary disease pre and postpartum courses
B. Diabetes mellitus C. Every pregnancy is wanted, planned, and
C. Pneumonia supported
D. Heart disease D. Only answers A & C.

Situation 1: The Department of Health is strengthening its Situation II: You have observed that there are reports of
programs regarding maternal and child health nursing. As dengue hemorrhagic fever in the barangay. You are to
a newly appointed community health nurse in town, you perform a community awareness lecture about the said
are oriented and well versed on these. disease.

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
B. Yellow
12. Which is the best preventive measure for dengue C. Pink
hemorrhagic fever? D. Violet
A. Frequent fogging in the vicinity to kill mosquitoes
B. Use of mosquito nets and mosquito coils 19. In a child reported to having diarrhea, assessment is
C. Use of mosquito repellent lotions an essential guide for knowing if the child is experiencing
D. Cleaning of surroundings and proper disposal of dehydration. What body part should you assess?
coconut shells, tires, and containers A. Buttocks
B. Abdomen
13. What are the signs and symptoms of DHF assessed as C. Eyelids
Grade II? D. Arms
A. Herman’s signs, bone, and joint pains, fever with
a headache, and abdominal pain 20. Child Isabel is already 12 weeks old. What
B. Hypotension, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, immunizations should Isabel have received?
fever, and rapid weak pulse A. BCG, OPV-0, DPT+HIB-1, Hepatitis B1, and OPV-
C. Herman’s signs, fever with a headache, epistaxis, 1
and melena B. BCG, OPV-0, DPT+HIB-1, Hepatitis B1,
D. Narrowing pulse pressure, restlessness, and cold DPT+HIB-2, Hepatitis B2, OPV-1 and OPV-2
clammy perspiration C. BCG, OPV-0, DPT+HIB-1, Hepatitis B1, OPV-1,
and Measles
14. For planning and implementation during the course of D. BCG, OPV-0, DPT+HIB-1, and OPV-1
DHF, the following are the necessary nursing
considerations: 21. In preparing sugar water for the treatment of low blood
A. Educate client to avoid dark-colored foods and the sugar in a child, includes the following proportion:
use of hard-bristled toothbrush, razor, and other A. 200 ml of clean water plus 2 level tbsp. of sugar
sharp objects B. 400 ml of clean water plus 4 level tsp of sugar
B. Monitoring the intake and output of client C. 200 ml of clean water plus 4 level tsp of sugar
C. Encouraging client to increase fluid intake D. 200 ml of clean water plus 4 level tbsp of sugar
D. All of the above
Situation IV: The Aquino Health Agenda (AHA) is focusing
15. What diagnostic procedure will confirm that the client on the achievement of Universal Health Care for All
is having DHF? Filipinos.
A. Blood smear
B. Urine and Stool examinations 22. The AHA strategic thrusts are the keys for ensuring
C. Cerebrospinal fluid examination that all Filipinos especially the poor will receive the
D. Sputum examination benefits of the health reform. These involve:
A. Attainment of Millennium Development Goals 2
16. Dengue hemorrhagic fever can be fatal. The following and 3.
manifestations are present in DHF, except for one. B. Financial risk protection through expansion in
A. Thrombocytosis National Health Insurance Program enrolment and
B. Prolonged bleeding time benefit
C. Thrombocytopenia C. Improved service delivery for health care needs
D. Positive Rumpel Leade test through upgraded quality health care facilities
D. B & C only
Situation III: IMCI or the Integrated Management for
Childhood Illnesses is an important tool for public health 23. Last April 2011, the Department of Health together with
nurses for managing cases of children seeking health the LGUs conducted a nationwide campaign on:
care. A. Reproductive Health Bill
B. Disaster and Preparedness
17. What should you look for in assessing the child’s C. Measles-Rubella
condition? D. Isang Milyong Sepilyo
A. Does the child vomit everything?
B. Is the child able to breastfeed or drink? 24. Which is incorrect regarding the training and
C. Is the child lethargic or unconscious? deployment of unemployed nurses as “RNHeals” to the
D. Is the child having some breathing difficulties? rural area?
A. To supply the needs of poor Filipino people in far-
18. If the child is having fever for 9 days every day and has flung areas
a stiff neck but without runny nose, what color health B. To contribute to the eradication of poverty and
management will it suggest? hunger
A. Green C. To assist in the promotion of gender and equality

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
D. To address the proliferation of “volunteer nurses” B. Rashes that appears on the chest spreading
gradually upward and downward
25. According to the AHA, the following instruments are C. Macupapular rashes on the cheeks (slightly
vital in implementing the three strategic thrusts. Which elevated)
one refers to the access to professional health providers D. Rose-red papules on the face
capable in the provision of their health needs at the
appropriate level of care? 32. Estimate the number of pregnant women who will be
A. Service Delivery given tetanus toxoid during an immunization outreach
B. Governance for Health activity in a barangay with a population of about 1,500.
C. Human Resources for Health A. 265
D. Health Information B. 300
C. 375
26. Encouragement of community integration and self - D. 400
reliance enhancement in the community is valued, too in
this health agenda. Which of these statements indicate the 33. To describe the sex composition of the population,
correct meaning of community health team? which demographic tool may be used?
A. It is a group of people composed of NGOs and A. Sex ratio
private organizations B. Sex proportion
B. It is led by the midwife in the priority population C. Population pyramid
areas D. Any of these may be used.
C. The rural health physician is the one who directly
tracks the eligible population 34. Which of the following is a natality rate?
D. None of the above A. Crude birth rate
B. Neonatal mortality rate
27. It refers to the description of disease occurrence which C. Infant mortality rate
is constantly present in a given area. D. General fertility rate
A. Pandemic
B. Sporadic 35. You are computing the crude death rate of your
C. Endemic municipality, with a total population of about 18,000, for
D. Epidemic last year. There were 94 deaths. Among those who died, 20
died because of diseases of the heart and 32 were aged 50
28. Mang Ernie came to the RHU because he was bitten by years or older. What is the crude death rate?
their dog. What nursing consideration is your priority? A. 4.2/1,000
A. Administration of Anti- rabies vaccine B. 5.2/1,000
B. Provision of dim, quiet and non-stimulating room C. 6.3/1,000
for the client D. 7.3/1,000
C. Assessment of the wound for classification,
severity, and other signs and symptoms 36. Knowing that malnutrition is a frequent community
D. Provision of isolation precautions health problem, you decided to conduct nutritional
assessment. What population is particularly susceptible to
29. You are about to provide health teachings about protein energy malnutrition (PEM)?
pulmonary tuberculosis in your area of assignment. What A. Pregnant women and the elderly
diagnostic procedure is usually done early in the morning B. Under-5 year old children
to confirm PTB? C. 1-4 year old children
A. Chest X-ray D. School age children
B. Sputum Examination
C. Bronchoscopy 37. Which statistic can give the most accurate reflection of
D. All of the above the health status of a community?
A. 1-4 year old age-specific mortality rate
30. Scarlet fever is a febrile contagious condition. Which B. Infant mortality rate
laboratory procedure is not included in confirming scarlet C. Swaroop’s index
fever? D. Crude death rate
A. ASO titer
B. Sputum Examination 38. In the past year, Barangay A had an average population
C. Throat culture of 1655. 46 babies were born in that year, 2 of whom died
D. Differential count of white blood cells less than 4 weeks after they were born. There were 4
recorded stillbirths. What is the neonatal mortality rate?
31. What skin manifestation can be observed to a child A. 27.8/1,000
having the 3- day measle? B. 43.5/1,000
A. Generalized flushing of the skin C. 86.9/1,000

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
D. 130.4/1,000 46. Which of the following professionals can sign the birth
39. Which statistic best reflects the nutritional status of a A. Public health nurse
population? B. Rural health midwife
A. 1-4 year old age-specific mortality rate C. Municipal health officer
B. Proportionate mortality rate D. Any of these health professionals
C. Infant mortality rate
D. Swaroop’s index 47. Which criterion in priority setting of health problems is
used only in community health care?
40. What numerator is used in computing general fertility A. Modifiability of the problem
rate? B. Nature of the problem presented
A. Estimated midyear population C. Magnitude of the health problem
B. Number of registered live births D. Preventive potential of the health problem
C. Number of pregnancies in the year
D. Number of females of reproductive age 48. The Sentrong Sigla Movement has been launched to
improve health service delivery. Which of the following
41. You will gather data for nutritional assessment of a is/are true of this movement?
purok. You will gather information only from families with A. This is a project spearheaded by local
members who belong to the target population for PEM. government units.
What method of data gathering is best for this purpose? B. It is a basis for increasing funding from local
A. Census government units.
B. Survey C. It encourages health centers to focus on
C. Record review disease prevention and control.
D. Review of civil registry D. Its main strategy is certification of health centers
able to comply with standards.
42. In the conduct of a census, the method of population
assignment based on the actual physical location of the 49. Which of the following women should be considered
people is termed as special targets for family planning?
A. De jure A. Those who have two children or more
B. De locus B. Those with medical conditions such as anemia
C. De facto C. Those younger than 20 years and older than 35
D. De novo years
D. Those who just had a delivery within the past 15
43. The Field Health Services and Information System months
(FHSIS) is the recording and reporting system in public
health care in the Philippines. The Monthly Field Health 50. Freedom of choice is one of the policies of the Family
Service Activity Report is a form used in which of the Planning Program of the Philippines. Which of the
components of the FHSIS? following illustrates this principle?
A. Tally report A. Information dissemination about the need for
B. Output report family planning
C. Target/client list B. Support of research and development in family
D. Individual health record planning methods
C. Adequate information for couples regarding the
44. To monitor clients registered in long-term regimens, different methods
such as the Multi-Drug Therapy, which component will be D. Encouragement of couples to take family
most useful? planning as a joint responsibility
A. Tally report
B. Output report
C. Target/client list
D. Individual health record

45. Civil registries are important sources of data. Which

law requires registration of births within 30 days from the
occurrence of the birth?
A. P.D. 651
B. Act 3573
C. R.A. 3753
D. R.A. 3375

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars

1. A woman, 6 months pregnant, came to the center for 7. In a mothers’ class, you discuss proper breastfeeding
consultation. Which of the following substances is technique. Which is of these is a sign that the baby has
contraindicated? “latched on” to the breast properly?
A. Tetanus toxoid A. The baby takes shallow, rapid sucks.
B. Retinol 200,000 IU B. The mother does not feel nipple pain.
C. Ferrous sulfate 200 mg C. The baby’s mouth is only partly open.
D. Potassium iodate 200 mg. capsule D. Only the mother’s nipple is inside the baby’s
2. During prenatal consultation, a client asked you if she
can have her delivery at home. After history taking and 8. You explain to a breastfeeding mother that breast milk
physical examination, you advised her against a home is sufficient for all of the baby’s nutrient needs only up to
delivery. Which of the following findings disqualifies her ____.
for a home delivery? A. 3 months
A. Her OB score is G5P3. B. 6 months
B. She has some palmar pallor. C. 1 year
C. Her blood pressure is 130/80. D. 2 years
D. Her baby is in cephalic presentation.
9. What is given to a woman within a month after the
3. Inadequate intake by the pregnant woman of which delivery of a baby?
vitamin may cause neural tube defects? A. Malunggay capsule
A. Niacin B. Ferrous sulfate 100 mg. OD
B. Riboflavin C. Retinol 200,000 I.U., 1 capsule
C. Folic acid D. Potassium iodate 200 mg, 1 capsule
D. Thiamine
10. Which biological used in Expanded Program on
4. You are in a client’s home to attend to a delivery. Which Immunization (EPI) is stored in the freezer?
of the following will you do first? A. DPT
A. Set up the sterile area. B. Tetanus toxoid
B. Put on a clean gown or apron. C. Measles vaccine
C. Cleanse the client’s vulva with soap and water. D. Hepatitis B vaccine
D. Note the interval, duration and intensity of labor
contractions. 11. Unused BCG should be discarded how many hours
after reconstitution?
5. In preparing a primigravida for breastfeeding, which of A. 2
the following will you do? B. 4
A. Tell her that lactation begins within a day after C. 6
delivery. D. At the end of the day
B. Teach her nipple stretching exercises if her
nipples are everted. 12. All the following provides evidence of fecal pollution,
C. Instruct her to wash her nipples before and after Except?
each breastfeeding. A. Fecal streptococci
D. Explain to her that putting the baby to breast will B. Coliform
lessen blood loss after delivery. C. Cl. Tetani
D. Enteropathogenic virus
6. A primigravida is instructed to offer her breast to the
baby for the first time within 30 minutes after delivery. 13. Most desired temperature range of drinking water?
What is the purpose of offering the breast this early? A. 0 – 5 degrees C
A. To initiate the occurrence of milk letdown B. 5 – 10 degrees C
B. To stimulate milk production by the mammary C. 10 – 15 degrees C
acini D. 15 – 20 degrees C
C. To make sure that the baby is able to get the
colostrum 14. In the Philippines, which condition is the most frequent
D. To allow the woman to practice breastfeeding in cause of death associated with schistosomiasis?
the presence of the health worker A. Liver cancer

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
B. Liver cirrhosis B. 5
C. Bladder cancer C. 8
D. Intestinal perforation D. 10
22. A 3-year old child was brought by his mother to the
15. What is the most effective way of controlling health center because of fever of 4-day duration. The child
schistosomiasis in an endemic area? had a positive tourniquet test result. In the absence of
A. Use of molluscicides other signs, which is the most appropriate measure that
B. Building of foot bridges the PHN may carry out to prevent Dengue sho ck
C. Proper use of sanitary toilets syndrome?
D. Use of protective footwear, such as rubber A. Insert an NGT and give fluids per NGT.
boots B. Instruct the mother to give the child Oresol.
C. Start the patient on intravenous fluids STAT.
16. When residents obtain water from an artesian well in D. Refer the client to the physician for appropriate
the neighborhood, the level of this approved type of water management.
facility is
A. I 23. The pathognomonic sign of measles is Koplik’s spot.
B. II You may see Koplik’s spot by inspecting the _____.
C. III A. Nasal mucosa
D. IV B. Buccal mucosa
C. Skin on the abdomen
17. For prevention of hepatitis A, you decided to conduct D. Skin on the antecubital surface
health education activities. Which of the following is
IRRELEVANT? 24. Among the following diseases, which is airborne?
A. Use of sterile syringes and needles A. Viral conjunctivitis
B. Safe food preparation and food handling by B. Acute poliomyelitis
vendors C. Diphtheria
C. Proper disposal of human excreta and personal D. Measles
D. Immediate reporting of water pipe leaks and 25. Among children aged 2 months to 3 years, the most
illegal water connections prevalent form of meningitis is caused by which
18. Which biological used in Expanded Program on A. Hemophilus influenzae
Immunization (EPI) should NOT be stored in the freezer? B. Morbillivirus
A. DPT C. Steptococcus pneumoniae
B. Oral polio vaccine D. Neisseria meningitidis
C. Measles vaccine
D. MMR 26. Human beings are the major reservoir of malaria.
Which of the following strategies in malaria control is
19. You will conduct outreach immunization in a barangay based on this fact?
with a population of about 1500. Estimate the number of A. Stream seeding
infants in the barangay. B. Stream clearing
A. 45 C. Destruction of breeding places
B. 50 D. Zooprophylaxis
C. 55
D. 60 27. The use of larvivorous fish in malaria control is the
basis for which strategy of malaria control?
20. In Integrated Management of Childhood Illness, severe A. Stream seeding
conditions generally require urgent referral to a hospital. B. Stream clearing
Which of the following severe conditions DOES NOT C. Destruction of breeding places
always require urgent referral to a hospital? D. Zooprophylaxis
A. Mastoiditis
B. Severe dehydration 28. Mosquito-borne diseases are prevented mostly with
C. Severe pneumonia the use of mosquito control measures. Which of the
D. Severe febrile disease following is NOT appropriate for malaria control?
A. Use of chemically treated mosquito nets
21. A client was diagnosed as having Dengue fever. You B. Seeding of breeding places with larva-eating
will say that there is slow capillary refill when the color of fish
the nailbed that you pressed does not return within how C. Destruction of breeding places of the mosquito
many seconds? vector
A. 3

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
D. Use of mosquito-repelling soaps, such as those D. Making sure that one’s sexual partner does not
with basil or citronella have signs of AIDS

29. A 4-year old client was brought to the health center 35. The most frequent causes of death among clients with
with the chief complaint of severe diarrhea and the AIDS are opportunistic diseases. Which of the following
passage of “rice water” stools. The client is most probably opportunistic infections is characterized by
suffering from which condition? tonsillopharyngitis?
A. Giardiasis A. Respiratory candidiasis
B. Cholera B. Infectious mononucleosis
C. Amebiasis C. Cytomegalovirus disease
D. Dysentery D. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

30. In the Philippines, which specie of schistosoma is 36. To determine possible sources of sexually transmitted
endemic in certain regions? infections, which is the BEST method that may be
A. S. mansoni undertaken by the public health nurse?
B. S. japonicum A. Contact tracing
C. S. malayensis B. Community survey
D. S. haematobium C. Mass screening tests
D. Interview of suspects
31. A 32-year old client came for consultation at the health
center with the chief complaint of fever for a week. 37. Antiretroviral agents, such as AZT, are used in the
Accompanying symptoms were muscle pains and body management of AIDS. Which of the following is NOT an
malaise. A week after the start of fever, the client noted action expected of these drugs.
yellowish discoloration of his sclera. History showed that A. They prolong the life of the client with AIDS.
he waded in flood waters about 2 weeks before the onset B. They reduce the risk of opportunistic infections
of symptoms. Based on his history, which disease C. They shorten the period of communicability of
condition will you suspect? the disease.
A. Hepatitis A D. They are able to bring about a cure of the
B. Hepatitis B disease condition.
C. Tetanus
D. Leptospirosis 38. A barangay had an outbreak of German measles. To
prevent congenital rubella, what is the BEST advice that
32. MWSS provides water to Manila and other cities in you can give to women in the first trimester of pregnancy
Metro Manila. This is an example of which level of water in the barangay?
facility? A. Advice them on the signs of German measles.
A. I B. Avoid crowded places, such as markets and
B. II movie houses.
C. III C. Consult at the health center where rubella
D. IV vaccine may be given.
D. Consult a physician who may give them rubella
33. You are the PHN in the city health center. A client immunoglobulin.
underwent screening for AIDS using ELISA. His result was
positive. What is the best course of action that you may 39. You were invited to be the resource person in a training
take? class for food handlers. Which of the following would you
A. Get a thorough history of the client, focusing on emphasize regarding prevention of staphylococcal food
the practice of high risk behaviors. poisoning?
B. Ask the client to be accompanied by a A. All cooking and eating utensils must be
significant person before revealing the result. thoroughly washed.
C. Refer the client to the physician since he is the B. Food must be cooked properly to destroy
best person to reveal the result to the client. staphylococcal microorganisms.
D. Refer the client for a supplementary test, such C. Food handlers and food servers must have a
as Western blot, since the ELISA result may be negative stool examination result.
false. D. Proper handwashing during food preparation is
the best way of preventing the condition.
34. Which is the BEST control measure for AIDS?
A. Being faithful to a single sexual partner 40. In a mothers’ class, you discussed childhood diseases
B. Using a condom during each sexual contact such as chicken pox. Which of the following statements
C. Avoiding sexual contact with commercial sex about chicken pox is correct?
workers A. The older one gets, the more susceptible he
becomes to the complications of chicken pox.

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars
B. A single attack of chicken pox will prevent future D. A modest dwelling place where people will not
episodes, including conditions such as shingles. hesitate to enter located in the center of the
C. To prevent an outbreak in the community, community.
quarantine may be imposed by health
authorities. 47. In choosing a leader in the community during the
D. Chicken pox vaccine is best given when there is Organizational phase, Which among these people will you
an impending outbreak in the community. choose?
A. Miguel Zobel, 50 years old, Rich and Famous
41. Complications to infectious parotitis (mumps) may be B. Rustom, 27 years old, Actor
serious in which type of clients? C. Mang Ambo, 70, Willing to work for the desired
A. Pregnant women change
B. Elderly clients D. Ricky, 30 years old, Influential and Willing to work
C. Young adult males for the desired change
D. Young infants
48. Which type of leadership style should the leaders of
42. As a newly appointed PHN instructed to organize the community practice?
Barangay Baritan, which of the following is your initial step A. Autocratic
in organizing the community for initial action? B. Democratic
A. Study the Barangay Health statistics and records C. Laissez Faire
B. Make a courtesy call to the Barangay Captain D. Consultative
C. Meet with the Barangay Captain to make plans
D. Make a courtesy call to the Municipal Mayor 49. Setting up Committee on Education and Training is in
E. None of the above what phase of COPAR?
A. Preparatory
43. Preparatory phase is the first phase in organizing the B. Organizational
community. which of the following is the initial step in the C. Education and Training
preparatory phase? D. Intersectoral Collaboration
A. Area selection E. Phase out
B. Make a courtesy call to the Barangay Captain
C. Meet with the Barangay Captain to make plans 50. The people named the community health workers
D. Make a courtesy call to the Municipal Mayor based on the collective decision in accordance with the set
E. None of the above criteria. Before they can be trained by the nurse, the nurse
must first
44. Mang ambo approaches you for counseling. You are an A. Make a lesson plan
effective counselor if you B. Set learning goals and objective
A. Give good advice to Mang Ambo C. Assess their learning needs
B. Identify Mang Ambo’s problems D. Review materials needed for training
C. Convince Mang Ambo to follow your advice
D. Help Mang Ambo identify his problems
E. None of the above

45. The most important factor in determining the proper

area for community organizing is that this area should
A. Be already adopted by another organization
B. Be able to finance the projects
C. Have problems and needs assistance
D. Have people with expertise to be developed as
E. None of the above

46. Which of the following dwelling place should the nurse

choose when integrating with the people?
A. A simple house in the border of Barangay Baritan
and San Pablo
B. A simple house with fencing and gate located in
the center of Barangay Baritan
C. A modest dwelling place where people will not
hesitate to enter

#LabaRN #RehistradongNars

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