2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:826: paint: init momory size: 12321972224, 11751.148438 Mb:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:840: mindmap_extension: ExcerptToolListener init
currentConfig=UserDataConfig(canSelectDocument=null, canSelectArea=null,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:852: mindmap_extension: MindMapExtension registerPluginManager
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:855: mindmap_extension: buildBitmapSwapPool
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:857: paint: after Application onCreate: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:857: paint: country: CN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:881: paint: MODEL: PA2373, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:914: paint: start splash: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:915: paint: notePath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:915: paint: getPath: android.os.storage.StorageVolume.getPath
[] @ com.newskyer.draw.activity.SplashActivity.onCreate(Native Method)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:915: paint: storage: /storage/emulated/0, true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:916: paint: storage size: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:986: paint: textColor mode = -100
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:987: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:995: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:042: paint: N: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:043: paint: error count = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint: app notes: 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint: mUserData: null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint: try init
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:050: paint: read user data: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记//user.json, exists=true, 5371
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:060: paint: did: feb
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:060: paint: launcher: true, 0, -1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:066: paint: initPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/pathinfo/pathinfo.json, true, true, true @ 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:066: paint: restorePenSets: true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:067: paint: sets size: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:068: paint: getToolsFromFile: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:069: paint: initPathInfo: 1, 26,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:070: InfoList: end sort: 26 @ 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:072: paint: _checkInfoList: null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:076: paint: sticker sticker sticker sticker +
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:078: paint: enable office: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:082: paint: after splash init
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:084: paint: splash onPause
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:097: paint: check pid: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:098: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:098: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:098: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:099: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:099: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:100: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:100: paint: checkInfoList: 26, 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:103: paint: check dump ids
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:103: paint: remove ids: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:103: paint: remove paths: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:103: paint: checkInfoList: has conflict = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:116: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:128: paint: start.2024-04-19-09:17:23, pad, debug=false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:130: paint: updateUserPk: vg.t$a@3e6fda4
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:133: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:136: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:139: paint: @ true:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:140: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:154: paint: initToolsMenuUserActions: 31
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:244: paint: dp: 1120, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:259: paint: after start note: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:259: paint: onCreate size: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:259: paint: zoomWriting: false, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:259: paint: register network
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:261: paint: read permission: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:263: paint: checkHuaweiGift: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:264: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:264: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:265: paint: ai service start
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:266: AiService: connect ai service
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:271: paint: asrModelLoader bootCount=63
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:271: paint: Main: 143
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:271: paint: main onCreate: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:273: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:273: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:282: paint: checkValid: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:295: paint: targetCorrect: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:318: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:361: paint: TIME: 255, 1714292891106, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:365: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:444: paint: splitRatio: null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:453: paint: WhiteBoard: 8
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:456: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:457: paint: PanelManager: 2
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:462: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:464: paint: init P:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:464: paint: add onUserLoginListener: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:464: paint: max image: 35
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp/image
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.Image.d(Unknown
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.i.accept(Unknown
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:592: paint: customer: pad
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:593: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:596: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:609: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:610: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:648: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:684: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:684: paint: wifi receiver:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:684: paint: auto true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:685: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:686: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:696: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:697: paint: start mobile note.
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:786: paint: showUpdateContent: 139655, 139655, 139655}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:789: paint: isMain: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:795: paint: ------refreshNodes------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:795: paint: db path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:803: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onCreate: 28
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:806: paint: -------BookshelfActivity onResume--------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:806: paint: onResume book: false, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:808: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onResume
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:815: paint: onStop
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:815: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:816: paint: onSave: 1, 1714292891816
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:820: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:844: paint: notePath: ,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:844: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:845: paint: currentDir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:855: AiService: ai service connected
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:856: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:856: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:918: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:945: paint: show>>>
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:949: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:950: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:952: paint: splash onStop:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:953: paint: #: error
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:953: paint: initView
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:965: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:974: paint: all note: xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:979: paint: ######## >>> false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:142: paint: did: pad-PA2373febb
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:189: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:189: paint: accessToken:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:194: paint: initView done
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:256: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:264: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: getList: filter = ALL, false, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:266: paint: check h # false #
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:282: paint: splash onDestory
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:311: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:332: paint: login: loginResult =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:332: paint: 登录结果 209464
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:334: paint: isBindMobile: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:335: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:336: paint: login >>>>>>>>>>>>.: true /*null*/
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:336: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:337: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:473: paint: initView
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:486: paint: enable office: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:487: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:487: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:488: paint: @ true:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:488: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:492: paint: WhiteBoard: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:492: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:493: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:494: paint: isBindWechat:false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:499: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
com.newskyer.paint.core.PanelManager.q(Unknown Source:0)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.core.s3.accept(Unknown
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:510: paint: isBindHuaWei:false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:520: paint: isXBH=false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:520: paint: reset board
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:142: paint: did: pad-PA2373febb
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:189: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:189: paint: accessToken:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:194: paint: initView done
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:256: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:264: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: getList: filter = ALL, false, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:266: paint: check h # false #
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:282: paint: splash onDestory
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:311: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:332: paint: login: loginResult =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:332: paint: 登录结果 209464
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:334: paint: isBindMobile: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:335: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:336: paint: login >>>>>>>>>>>>.: true /*null*/
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:336: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:337: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:473: paint: initView
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:486: paint: enable office: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:487: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:487: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:488: paint: @ true:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:488: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:492: paint: WhiteBoard: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:492: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:493: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:494: paint: isBindWechat:false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:499: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
com.newskyer.paint.core.PanelManager.q(Unknown Source:0)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.core.s3.accept(Unknown
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:510: paint: isBindHuaWei:false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:520: paint: isXBH=false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:520: paint: reset board
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:535: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam 200
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:594: paint: customer: pad
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:594: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:600: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:606: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:606: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:607: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:616: paint: updateHVToolbar
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:621: paint: setRotation: left
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:622: paint: start action :null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:634: paint: webSearch: 0 webSearchShow: false, webSearchUrl:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:639: paint: tab: tab.size 0 = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:642: paint: READ true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:642: paint: action: null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:693: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:727: paint: init font size: 14
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:729: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:730: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:731: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:731: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:731: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:733: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:766: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:816: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:831: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:058: paint: checkCloudExpire: expire = 4102444799000, rest =
2388151907744 剩余:27640 天
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:153: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:153: paint: accessToken: GWFCLT70IV0000002094641PMZwjLJXd
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:267: paint: isInvitee: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:452: paint: isInviter: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:463: paint: user cloud drive: xzbj #
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:497: InfoList: # CLICK: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:498: paint: clickItem: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:536: paint: hasNetSyncUser = false,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:536: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:537: paint: loginEcloud: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:538: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:538: paint: ECloudManager: prePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:538: paint: setNetSyncManager: xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:543: paint: cloud sync login
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:545: paint: load delete record: path = /storage/emulated/0/享
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:546: paint: load delete record: exists = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:539: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:548: paint: load delete record: content = {"notes":
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:549: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 6
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:549: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:549: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:550: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:551: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:551: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:551: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:555: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:557: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:558: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:563: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:582: paint: start update v u s
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:582: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:584: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:586: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:587: paint: note: 新建无界笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:587: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:587: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:590: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:590: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:595: paint: loadPages: 0, this:-1, max: 5, total: 348.32614
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:596: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:605: paint: ####@ 875, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747.p
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:627: paint: after : 875, 0, 21
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:629: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:630: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:631: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:631: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:631: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:632: paint: #### scale: 0.5495337
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:632: paint: total use: 348.43MB
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:647: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:647: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ......ID
228,18-286,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:648: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:650: paint: TIME: 1836, 1714292891814, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:651: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:666: paint: first: 0, 2221
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:844: paint: diff time: 2147
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:868: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:869: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:871: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:872: paint: files: size = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:873: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:946: paint: end update v u s: 163182610
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:974: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:073: paint: delete pdf cache #################
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:081: paint: commint
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:091: paint: first: 1, 2646
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:189: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:290: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:296: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:296: paint: getList: filter = ALL, true, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:297: paint: getList: time = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:604: paint: averageTouchSize: 0.18995668
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:758: paint: max image: 35
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:793: paint: recycle:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:902: paint: write average touch size: 0.17822455
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:427: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:428: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:546: paint: set cloudSynchronizing: xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:546: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:546: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:614: paint: syncAllNotes:hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:616: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:616: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:631: note_net: addNote:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:632: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:639: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:648: paint: getUserInfo loginInfo = name = 贲如皤然 phone =
19179860904 wechat = false email = 1716728707@qq.com huawei = false honor = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:691: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:691: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:846: paint: checkCloudVol
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:850: paint: isVolEnough = true , volumeUsedSize = 163182610,
totalSize = 4294967296
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:870: paint: showRecoveryHintInterval: interval = 4038048063
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:884: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:885: paint: getServerInfoList: 10031
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:886: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:887: paint: syncAllNotes: pathList 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:887: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 1/26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:887: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 2/26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:889: paint: syncAllNotes: note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
localUsn = 91, serverUsn = 91
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:889: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 7/26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:890: paint: start local
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:890: paint: upload locals
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:890: paint: end locals
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:893: paint: rxjavaError: la.c: The exception was not handled
due to missing onError handler in the subscribe() method call. Further reading:
https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Error-Handling |
android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token
android.os.BinderProxy@fbd4dce is not valid; is your activity running?
at oa.a$l.a(Functions.java:3)
at oa.a$l.accept(Functions.java:3)
at qa.b.onError(LambdaObserver.java:14)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:26)
at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
at ja.b$b.run(HandlerScheduler.java:3)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:942)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:223)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:324)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8622)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1061)
Caused by: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window --
token android.os.BinderProxy@fbd4dce is not valid; is your activity running?
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView(ViewRootImpl.java:1414)
at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView(WindowManagerGlobal.java:416)
at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:155)
at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:427)
at com.newskyer.draw.cloud.ECloudExtendKt.a(Unknown Source:0)
at com.newskyer.draw.cloud.b.accept(Unknown Source:2)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
... 11 more