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2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:819: paint:

2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:826: paint: init momory size: 12321972224, 11751.148438 Mb:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:840: mindmap_extension: ExcerptToolListener init
currentConfig=UserDataConfig(canSelectDocument=null, canSelectArea=null,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:852: mindmap_extension: MindMapExtension registerPluginManager
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:855: mindmap_extension: buildBitmapSwapPool
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:857: paint: after Application onCreate: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:857: paint: country: CN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:881: paint: MODEL: PA2373, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:914: paint: start splash: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:915: paint: notePath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:915: paint: getPath: android.os.storage.StorageVolume.getPath
[] @ com.newskyer.draw.activity.SplashActivity.onCreate(Native Method)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:915: paint: storage: /storage/emulated/0, true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:916: paint: storage size: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:986: paint: textColor mode = -100
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:987: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:10:995: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:042: paint: N: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:043: paint: error count = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint: app notes: 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint: mUserData: null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:048: paint: try init
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:050: paint: read user data: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记//user.json, exists=true, 5371
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:060: paint: did: feb
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:060: paint: launcher: true, 0, -1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:066: paint: initPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/pathinfo/pathinfo.json, true, true, true @ 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:066: paint: restorePenSets: true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:067: paint: sets size: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:068: paint: getToolsFromFile: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:069: paint: initPathInfo: 1, 26,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:070: InfoList: end sort: 26 @ 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:072: paint: _checkInfoList: null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:076: paint: sticker sticker sticker sticker +
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:078: paint: enable office: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:082: paint: after splash init
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:084: paint: splash onPause
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:097: paint: check pid: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:098: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:098: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:098: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:099: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:099: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:100: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:100: paint: checkInfoList: 26, 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:103: paint: check dump ids
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:103: paint: remove ids: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:103: paint: remove paths: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:103: paint: checkInfoList: has conflict = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:116: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:128: paint: start.2024-04-19-09:17:23, pad, debug=false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:130: paint: updateUserPk: vg.t$a@3e6fda4
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:133: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:136: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:139: paint: @ true:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:140: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:154: paint: initToolsMenuUserActions: 31
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:244: paint: dp: 1120, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:259: paint: after start note: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:259: paint: onCreate size: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:259: paint: zoomWriting: false, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:259: paint: register network
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:261: paint: read permission: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:263: paint: checkHuaweiGift: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:264: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:264: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:265: paint: ai service start
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:266: AiService: connect ai service
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:271: paint: asrModelLoader bootCount=63
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:271: paint: Main: 143
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:271: paint: main onCreate: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:273: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:273: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:282: paint: checkValid: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:295: paint: targetCorrect: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:318: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:361: paint: TIME: 255, 1714292891106, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:365: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:444: paint: splitRatio: null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:453: paint: WhiteBoard: 8
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:456: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:457: paint: PanelManager: 2
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:462: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:464: paint: init P:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:464: paint: add onUserLoginListener: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:464: paint: max image: 35
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp/image
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:466: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.Image.d(Unknown
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.i.accept(Unknown
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:467: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:592: paint: customer: pad
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:593: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:596: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:609: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:610: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:648: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:684: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:684: paint: wifi receiver:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:684: paint: auto true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:685: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:686: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:696: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:697: paint: start mobile note.
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:786: paint: showUpdateContent: 139655, 139655, 139655}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:789: paint: isMain: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:795: paint: ------refreshNodes------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:795: paint: db path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:803: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onCreate: 28
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:806: paint: -------BookshelfActivity onResume--------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:806: paint: onResume book: false, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:808: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onResume
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:815: paint: onStop
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:815: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:816: paint: onSave: 1, 1714292891816
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:820: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:844: paint: notePath: ,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:844: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:845: paint: currentDir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:855: AiService: ai service connected
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:856: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:856: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:918: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:945: paint: show>>>
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:949: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:950: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:952: paint: splash onStop:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:953: paint: #: error
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:953: paint: initView
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:965: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:974: paint: all note: xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:28:11:979: paint: ######## >>> false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:142: paint: did: pad-PA2373febb
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:189: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:189: paint: accessToken:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:194: paint: initView done
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:256: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:264: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: getList: filter = ALL, false, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:266: paint: check h # false #
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:282: paint: splash onDestory
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:311: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:332: paint: login: loginResult =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:332: paint: 登录结果 209464
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:334: paint: isBindMobile: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:335: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:336: paint: login >>>>>>>>>>>>.: true /*null*/
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:336: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:337: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:473: paint: initView
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:486: paint: enable office: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:487: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:487: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:488: paint: @ true:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:488: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:492: paint: WhiteBoard: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:492: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:493: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:494: paint: isBindWechat:false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:499: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
com.newskyer.paint.core.PanelManager.q(Unknown Source:0)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.core.s3.accept(Unknown
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:510: paint: isBindHuaWei:false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:520: paint: isXBH=false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:520: paint: reset board
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:142: paint: did: pad-PA2373febb
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:189: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:189: paint: accessToken:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:194: paint: initView done
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:256: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:264: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:265: paint: getList: filter = ALL, false, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:266: paint: check h # false #
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:282: paint: splash onDestory
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:311: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:332: paint: login: loginResult =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:332: paint: 登录结果 209464
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:334: paint: isBindMobile: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:335: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:336: paint: login >>>>>>>>>>>>.: true /*null*/
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:336: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:337: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:473: paint: initView
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:486: paint: enable office: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:487: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:487: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:488: paint: @ true:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:488: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:492: paint: WhiteBoard: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:492: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:493: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:494: paint: isBindWechat:false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:499: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at
com.newskyer.paint.core.PanelManager.q(Unknown Source:0)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.core.s3.accept(Unknown
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:500: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:510: paint: isBindHuaWei:false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:520: paint: isXBH=false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:520: paint: reset board
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:535: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam 200
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:594: paint: customer: pad
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:594: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:600: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:606: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:606: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:607: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:616: paint: updateHVToolbar
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:621: paint: setRotation: left
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:622: paint: start action :null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:634: paint: webSearch: 0 webSearchShow: false, webSearchUrl:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:639: paint: tab: tab.size 0 = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:642: paint: READ true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:642: paint: action: null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:693: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:727: paint: init font size: 14
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:729: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:730: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:731: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:731: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:731: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:733: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:766: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:816: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:12:831: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:058: paint: checkCloudExpire: expire = 4102444799000, rest =
2388151907744 剩余:27640 天
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:153: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:153: paint: accessToken: GWFCLT70IV0000002094641PMZwjLJXd
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:267: paint: isInvitee: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:452: paint: isInviter: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:463: paint: user cloud drive: xzbj #
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:497: InfoList: # CLICK: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:498: paint: clickItem: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:536: paint: hasNetSyncUser = false,
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:536: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:537: paint: loginEcloud: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:538: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:538: paint: ECloudManager: prePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:538: paint: setNetSyncManager: xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:543: paint: cloud sync login
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:545: paint: load delete record: path = /storage/emulated/0/享
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:546: paint: load delete record: exists = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:539: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:548: paint: load delete record: content = {"notes":
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:549: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 6
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:549: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:549: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:550: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:551: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:551: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:551: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:555: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:557: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:558: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:563: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:582: paint: start update v u s
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:582: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:584: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:586: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:587: paint: note: 新建无界笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:587: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:587: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:590: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:590: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:595: paint: loadPages: 0, this:-1, max: 5, total: 348.32614
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:596: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:605: paint: ####@ 875, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747.p
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:627: paint: after : 875, 0, 21
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:629: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:630: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:631: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:631: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:631: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:632: paint: #### scale: 0.5495337
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:632: paint: total use: 348.43MB
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:647: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:647: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ......ID
228,18-286,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:648: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:650: paint: TIME: 1836, 1714292891814, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:651: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:666: paint: first: 0, 2221
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:844: paint: diff time: 2147
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:868: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:869: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:871: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:872: paint: files: size = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:873: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:946: paint: end update v u s: 163182610
2024-4 月-28 16:28:13:974: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:073: paint: delete pdf cache #################
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:081: paint: commint
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:091: paint: first: 1, 2646
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:189: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:290: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:296: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:296: paint: getList: filter = ALL, true, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:297: paint: getList: time = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:604: paint: averageTouchSize: 0.18995668
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:758: paint: max image: 35
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:793: paint: recycle:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:14:902: paint: write average touch size: 0.17822455
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:427: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:428: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:546: paint: set cloudSynchronizing: xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:546: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:546: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:614: paint: syncAllNotes:hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:616: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:616: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:631: note_net: addNote:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:632: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:639: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:648: paint: getUserInfo loginInfo = name = 贲如皤然 phone =
19179860904 wechat = false email = 1716728707@qq.com huawei = false honor = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:691: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:691: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:846: paint: checkCloudVol
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:850: paint: isVolEnough = true , volumeUsedSize = 163182610,
totalSize = 4294967296
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:870: paint: showRecoveryHintInterval: interval = 4038048063
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:884: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:885: paint: getServerInfoList: 10031
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:886: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:887: paint: syncAllNotes: pathList 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:887: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 1/26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:887: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 2/26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:889: paint: syncAllNotes: note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
localUsn = 91, serverUsn = 91
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:889: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 7/26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:890: paint: start local
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:890: paint: upload locals
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:890: paint: end locals
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:893: paint: rxjavaError: la.c: The exception was not handled
due to missing onError handler in the subscribe() method call. Further reading:
https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Error-Handling |
android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token
android.os.BinderProxy@fbd4dce is not valid; is your activity running?
at oa.a$l.a(Functions.java:3)
at oa.a$l.accept(Functions.java:3)
at qa.b.onError(LambdaObserver.java:14)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:26)
at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
at ja.b$b.run(HandlerScheduler.java:3)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:942)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:223)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:324)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8622)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1061)
Caused by: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window --
token android.os.BinderProxy@fbd4dce is not valid; is your activity running?
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView(ViewRootImpl.java:1414)
at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView(WindowManagerGlobal.java:416)
at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:155)
at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:427)
at com.newskyer.draw.cloud.ECloudExtendKt.a(Unknown Source:0)
at com.newskyer.draw.cloud.b.accept(Unknown Source:2)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
... 11 more

2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:928: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true

2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:929: paint: getServerInfoList: 10031
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:932: paint: checkCloudNote:
local: lastUsn = 91, usn = 91,
server: lastUsn = 91, usn = 91
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:932: paint: checkCloudHasNew: result: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:987: paint: --------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:988: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:15:988: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:242: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:258: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:270: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:319: paint: check: false, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:353: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:353: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:400: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 481, progress =
100.0%, 12126
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:401: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 481, progress =
100.0%, 12126
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:403: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 481
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:403: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:403: paint: serverChange: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:404: paint: onCloudSyncEnd true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:404: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:16:910: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:21:115: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",
"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-4 月-28 16:28:21:357: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-4 月-28 16:28:21:910: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-4 月-28 16:28:22:060: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-4 月-28 16:28:23:192: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-4 月-28 16:28:23:742: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-4 月-28 16:28:24:944: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔

2024-4 月-28 16:28:24:957: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:24:962: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:24:963: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:28:25:128: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:25:199: paint: save paths: 5
2024-4 月-28 16:28:30:031: paint: click icon: openFloat
2024-4 月-28 16:28:31:793: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:221: paint: onStop
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:221: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:222: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:224: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:225: paint: onSave: 1, 1714292912225
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:227: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, 新建无界笔记, 91, 92
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:228: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:228: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:229: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:229: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:230: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:230: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:300: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:302: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:303: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:32:304: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:37:997: paint: 加载享做助手
2024-4 月-28 16:28:37:999: paint: onActivityResult: 1016, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:002: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:002: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ......ID
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:002: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:004: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:008: paint: TIME: 5788, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:008: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:064: paint: isfirst:showFloat = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:092: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:38:504: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:278: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:284: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:292: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:298: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:304: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:308: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:312: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:318: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:324: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:330: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:39:340: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:784: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:787: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:790: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:797: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:804: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:812: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:816: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:819: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:824: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:41:861: paint: hide >> 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:319: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:320: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile onError:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to user.cicoe.net/
(port 29091) from / (port 49976) after 10000ms
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:235)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:179)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:142)
at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:215)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:436)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:655)
at sd.k.f(Platform.kt:11)
at od.f.i(RealConnection.kt:79)
at od.f.g(RealConnection.kt:192)
at od.d.b(ExchangeFinder.kt:284)
at od.d.c(ExchangeFinder.kt:1)
at od.d.a(ExchangeFinder.kt:48)
at od.e.r(RealCall.kt:34)
at od.a.intercept(ConnectInterceptor.kt:12)
at pd.g.a(RealInterceptorChain.kt:167)
at md.a.intercept(CacheInterceptor.kt:153)
at pd.g.a(RealInterceptorChain.kt:167)
at pd.a.intercept(BridgeInterceptor.kt:168)
at pd.g.a(RealInterceptorChain.kt:167)
at pd.j.intercept(RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.kt:35)
at pd.g.a(RealInterceptorChain.kt:167)
at com.newskyer.paint.network.UserServiceImpl.a(Unknown Source:0)
at com.newskyer.paint.network.d.intercept(Unknown Source:0)
at pd.g.a(RealInterceptorChain.kt:167)
at od.e.q(RealCall.kt:113)
at od.e.execute(RealCall.kt:28)
at vg.l.execute(OkHttpCall.java:60)
at wg.c.z(CallExecuteObservable.java:24)
at ha.j.a(Observable.java:15)
at wg.a.z(BodyObservable.java:8)
at ha.j.a(Observable.java:15)
at ta.o$b.run(ObservableSubscribeOn.java:7)
at ha.o$a.run(Scheduler.java:10)
at wa.l.run(ScheduledRunnable.java:14)
at wa.l.call(ScheduledRunnable.java:1)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1015)

2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:321: paint: syncNote:

localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:321: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:322: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 91, usn = 92
server: lastUsn = 0, usn = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:322: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:323: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:640: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:668: paint: syncNote: usn 异常 localLastUpdateUsn = 91,
cloudLastUpdateUsn = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:669: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:674: paint: --------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:675: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:676: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:981: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:984: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:42:993: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:002: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:076: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 482, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:076: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 482, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:079: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 482
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:079: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:090: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:090: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:091: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:142: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:143: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:420: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:444: paint: NoteNetItems: 91, 4, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:445: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:537: paint: after list: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:537: paint: page infos: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:541: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:551: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:43:580: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 483, progress =
98.0%, 1048576
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:229: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 483, progress =
100.0%, 1061276
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:230: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 483, progress =
100.0%, 1061276
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:230: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 483
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:230: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:231: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:277: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:335: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:338: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:338: paint: pageCount=1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:355: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:363: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:420: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 484, progress =
100.0%, 134
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:420: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 484, progress =
100.0%, 134
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:423: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 484
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:423: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:424: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:462: paint: after set: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:462: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:471: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:536: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 485, progress =
100.0%, 1968
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:537: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 485, progress =
100.0%, 1968
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:539: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 485
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:539: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:588: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:590: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:592: paint: upload end: true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:592: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:607: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:622: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:694: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 486, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:695: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 486, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:698: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 486
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:699: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:726: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:44:727: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:45:083: paint: createFloatingCapture: isTopShow = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:45:090: paint: note receiver: com.cicoe.capture_START
2024-4 月-28 16:28:45:170: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:45:593: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:45:594: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:196: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:196: paint: getServerInfoList: 12126
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:199: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:305: paint: onActivityResult: 1110, -1
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:306: paint: request: 1110
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:306: paint: capture rect: Rect(809, 816 - 2099, 1574)
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:316: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:316: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:317: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:319: paint: TIME: 14099, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:319: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:373: paint: start....
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:374: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:46:818: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:136: paint: 截图路径/crop_b744b70f13a5.png
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:197: paint: note receiver: com.cicoe.capture_done
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:201: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:216: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:221: paint: scheme = null
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:245: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:316: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 487, progress =
100.0%, 10310
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:316: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 487, progress =
100.0%, 10310
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:326: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 487
2024-4 月-28 16:28:47:327: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:28:50:643: paint: click icon: openFloat
2024-4 月-28 16:28:51:764: paint: click icon: openFloat
2024-4 月-28 16:28:51:765: paint: 加载享做助手
2024-4 月-28 16:28:51:777: paint: isfirst:showFloat = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:52:409: paint: click icon: openFloat
2024-4 月-28 16:28:52:605: paint: click icon: openFloat
2024-4 月-28 16:28:52:607: paint: 加载享做助手
2024-4 月-28 16:28:52:629: paint: isfirst:showFloat = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:52:668: paint: click icon: openFloat
2024-4 月-28 16:28:53:127: paint: click icon: openFloat
2024-4 月-28 16:28:53:128: paint: 加载享做助手
2024-4 月-28 16:28:53:139: paint: isfirst:showFloat = false
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:367: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:371: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:374: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:377: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:379: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:382: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:384: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:387: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:390: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:393: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:56:395: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:57:417: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:57:427: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:57:462: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:57:515: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:57:641: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:57:750: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:57:866: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:57:932: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:082: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:354: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:736: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:748: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:756: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:774: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:785: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:804: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:835: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:28:58:858: paint: hide >> 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:337: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:339: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:341: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:342: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:344: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:347: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:351: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:354: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:357: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:360: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:363: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:786: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:787: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:787: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:787: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:788: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:788: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:788: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:789: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:789: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:790: paint: TIME: 28570, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:790: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:791: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:793: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:795: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:797: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:798: paint: note: 新建 A4 笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:798: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:798: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:799: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:799: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:800: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:801: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:801: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:803: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 5, total: 432.62238
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:804: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:806: paint: ####@ 271, note_page171172285975353aa699b.p
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:809: paint: after : 271, 0, 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:810: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:811: paint: clear unuse note: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:811: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:811: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:811: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:812: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:812: paint: #### scale: 2.093587
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:812: paint: total use: 432.95MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:813: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:833: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:835: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:850: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:852: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:857: paint: save paths: 5
2024-4 月-28 16:29:00:910: paint: save paths: 5
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:020: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:022: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:023: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:024: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:028: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:034: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:036: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:038: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:040: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:041: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:043: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:045: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:047: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:049: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:050: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:059: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:288: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:666: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:668: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:669: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:670: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:671: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:673: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:675: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:677: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:679: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:680: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:01:682: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:056: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:057: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:057: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:057: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:057: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:058: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:058: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:058: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:058: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:060: paint: TIME: 29840, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:060: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:063: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:064: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:065: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:066: paint: note: 新建 A4 笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:066: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:066: paint: clear unuse note: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:067: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:068: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:069: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:069: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:071: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 15, total: 414.53784
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:072: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:074: paint: ####@ 71,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:075: paint: after : 71, 0, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:076: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_171172285975460d69e.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:077: paint: clear unuse note: 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:077: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:077: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:077: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:077: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:077: paint: #### scale: 1.7028399
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:077: paint: total use: 414.61MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:078: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔

2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:079: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_171172285975460d69e.ncc, 新建 A4 笔记, 0, 9
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:079: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:079: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:080: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:081: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_171172285975460d69e.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:081: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:084: paint: listFile error, info == null: /storage/emulated/0/
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:084: InfoList: root: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:084: paint: files: size = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:100: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:110: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:143: paint: cloudHas: false, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:143: paint: syncNote: cloud not exist, upload 网盘上不存在笔记,
notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/note_171172285975460d69e.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:144: paint: --------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:144: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:144: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:263: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:265: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:266: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:268: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:268: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:271: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:272: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:274: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:276: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:277: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:279: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:281: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:282: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:390: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:391: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:394: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:399: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:458: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 488, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:458: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 488, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:459: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 488
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:459: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:463: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:463: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:464: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:519: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverHasUsnFile = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:520: paint: server PageFileInfoList error
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:522: paint: NoteNetItems: 0, 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:522: paint: page infos: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:524: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = -1, usn = 9
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:524: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:527: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:559: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:671: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:671: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:672: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:672: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:672: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:673: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:674: paint: TIME: 30454, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:674: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:674: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:674: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:674: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:674: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:676: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:677: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:678: paint: save note: 新建 A4 笔记, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:679: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:680: paint: note: 新建无界笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:681: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:681: paint: clear unuse note: 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:682: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:682: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:682: paint: after load pages: 2, 3, 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:689: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:689: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:691: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 15, total: 417.12756
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:691: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:696: paint: ####@ 1053,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:708: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:709: paint: after : 1053, 0, 13
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:718: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 15, total: 421.96802
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:718: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:722: paint: ####@ 1376,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:732: paint: after : 1376, 0, 10
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:732: paint: save note: 新建 A4 笔记, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:733: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16924288359351ef201.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:734: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:734: paint: clear unuse note: 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:734: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:734: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:735: paint: set page index = 2, cur=2, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:735: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔

2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:735: paint: #### scale: 1.0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:735: paint: total use: 429.03MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:742: paint: save paths: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:792: paint: save paths: 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:812: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:820: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:855: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 489, progress =
100.0%, 268310
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:855: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 489, progress =
100.0%, 268310
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:855: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 489
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:855: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:855: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:878: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:880: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:881: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:882: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:883: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:885: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:887: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:888: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:890: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:892: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:893: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:02:938: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:024: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:031: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:086: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 490, progress =
100.0%, 1897
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:086: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 490, progress =
100.0%, 1897
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:086: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 490
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:086: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:086: paint: pageCount=1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:090: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:092: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:164: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 491, progress =
100.0%, 133
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:165: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 491, progress =
100.0%, 133
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:166: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 491
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:166: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:166: paint: update usn file: 0, 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:172: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:182: paint: after set: 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:182: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:187: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:254: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:254: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:255: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:255: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:255: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:256: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:256: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:256: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:256: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:256: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:260: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:264: paint: TIME: 31044, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:264: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:265: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:266: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:266: paint: note: 新建笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:266: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:266: paint: clear unuse note: 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:268: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:268: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:270: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 492, progress =
100.0%, 1959
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:271: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 492, progress =
100.0%, 1959
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:271: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 492
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:271: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:272: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 5, total: 419.30774
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:272: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:276: paint: ####@ 524,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:277: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:277: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:281: paint: after : 524, 0, 5
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:282: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_169198729902639d549.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:283: paint: clear unuse note: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:283: paint: free note: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, 新建无界笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:283: paint: free: -1, paper @ note_page1714228530787ec4d4747
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:285: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:285: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:285: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:286: paint: #### scale: 1.8298879
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:286: paint: total use: 414.75MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:286: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔

2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:302: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:302: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:367: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:369: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:369: paint: upload end: true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:369: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:373: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:415: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:452: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:453: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:454: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:455: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:456: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:458: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:460: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:462: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:464: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:465: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:467: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:472: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 493, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:472: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 493, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:472: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 493
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:472: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:477: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:477: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:478: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:479: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16924288359351ef201.ncc, 新建 A4 笔记, 0, 18
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:480: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:480: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:480: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:481: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16924288359351ef201.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:481: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:481: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:536: paint: cloudHas: false, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:536: paint: syncNote: cloud not exist, upload 网盘上不存在笔记,
notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/note_16924288359351ef201.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:538: paint: cloud deleted: note/note_16924288359351ef201.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:538: paint: upload end: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:538: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:540: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_169198729902639d549.ncc, 新建无界笔记, 0, 735
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:540: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:540: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:541: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_169198729902639d549.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:541: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:544: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:544: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:595: paint: cloudHas: false, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:596: paint: syncNote: cloud not exist, upload 网盘上不存在笔记,
notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/note_169198729902639d549.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:597: paint: cloud deleted: note/note_169198729902639d549.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:597: paint: upload end: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:597: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:598: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:755: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:842: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:843: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:843: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:843: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:843: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:843: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:843: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:844: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:844: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:846: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:846: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:846: paint: TIME: 31626, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:847: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:847: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:848: paint: note: 快速笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:849: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:849: paint: clear unuse note: 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:850: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:850: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:853: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:853: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:861: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 15, total: 421.52444
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:862: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:866: paint: ####@ 1179,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:880: paint: after : 1179, 1, 13
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:880: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:881: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16924227011520df650.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:882: paint: clear unuse note: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:882: paint: free note: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_171172285975460d69e.ncc, 新建 A4 笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:882: paint: free: -1, paper @ note_page171172285975353aa699b
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:882: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:883: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:883: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:883: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:883: paint: #### scale: 1.0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:883: paint: total use: 413.94MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:884: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16924227011520df650.ncc, 新建笔记, 0, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:884: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔

2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:884: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:884: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:885: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16924227011520df650.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:885: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:948: paint: cloudHas: false, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:948: paint: syncNote: cloud not exist, upload 网盘上不存在笔记,
notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/note_16924227011520df650.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:950: paint: cloud deleted: note/note_16924227011520df650.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:950: paint: upload end: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:951: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:987: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:988: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:03:992: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:033: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:035: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:036: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:037: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:038: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:040: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:042: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:044: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:046: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:047: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:077: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:345: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:369: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:370: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:441: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:442: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:443: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:444: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:445: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:448: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:450: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:452: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:454: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:572: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:573: paint: getServerInfoList: 10310
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:574: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:736: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:848: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:849: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:850: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:852: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:853: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:855: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:857: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:04:859: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:238: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:239: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:240: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:241: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:242: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:243: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:244: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:285: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:574: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:580: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:587: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:620: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:621: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:622: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:624: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:625: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:627: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:758: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 494, progress =
100.0%, 10310
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:758: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 494, progress =
100.0%, 10310
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:759: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 494
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:759: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:885: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:05:955: paint: checkCloudHasNew: result: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:024: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:029: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:035: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:041: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:046: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:402: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:402: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:403: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:403: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:403: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:403: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:403: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:404: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:404: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:406: paint: TIME: 34186, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:406: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:407: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:408: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:408: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:411: paint: note: 专八改错
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:411: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:412: paint: clear unuse note: 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:413: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:413: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:413: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:421: paint: after load pages: 118, 122, 122
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:422: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 5, total: 436.45773
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:422: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:424: paint: ####@ 0,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:424: paint: after : 0, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:442: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:454: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 5, total: 436.39877
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:455: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:456: paint: ####@ 71,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:457: paint: after : 71, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:481: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_1688564717980257f45.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:481: paint: clear unuse note: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:481: paint: free note: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16924288359351ef201.ncc, 新建 A4 笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:481: paint: free: -1, paper @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:482: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:482: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:482: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 122
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:483: paint: set page index = 118, cur=118, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:483: paint: #### scale: 1.2845606
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:483: paint: total use: 436.10MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:483: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:483: paint: miss pdf: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_1688564382961876a46__res__/.note_1688564382961876a46.pdf @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:484: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_1688564717980257f45.ncc, 快速笔记, 0, 110
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:484: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:484: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:485: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_1688564717980257f45.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:485: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:522: paint: loadPages: 1, this:119, max: 15, total: 438.52527
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:523: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:525: paint: ####@ 142,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:526: paint: after : 142, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:527: paint: cloudHas: false, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:527: paint: syncNote: cloud not exist, upload 网盘上不存在笔记,
notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/note_1688564717980257f45.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:528: paint: loadPages: 2, this:120, max: 15, total: 438.8286
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:528: paint: --------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:529: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:529: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:529: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:530: paint: ####@ 0,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:530: paint: after : 0, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:531: paint: loadPages: 3, this:121, max: 15, total: 438.83603
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:531: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:534: paint: ####@ 0,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:534: paint: after : 0, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:560: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:560: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:563: paint: files: size = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:567: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:569: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:571: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:573: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:736: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:737: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:742: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:746: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:800: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 495, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:800: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 495, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:800: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 495
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:800: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:803: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:803: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:804: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:866: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverHasUsnFile = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:869: paint: server PageFileInfoList error
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:878: paint: NoteNetItems: 0, 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:878: paint: page infos: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:879: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = -1, usn = 110
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:879: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:889: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:904: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:919: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 496, progress =
88.0%, 1048576
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:940: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:941: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:941: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:941: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:941: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:941: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:942: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:942: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:942: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:944: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:945: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:945: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:946: paint: TIME: 34726, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:946: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:946: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:947: paint: note: 周易译注(黄寿祺、张善文译注)2007(整合编辑后)
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:947: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:948: paint: clear unuse note: 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:952: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:972: paint: after load pages: 10, 517, 517
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:976: paint: loadPages: 4, this:-1, max: 15, total: 500.89667
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:976: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:978: paint: ####@ 0,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:06:978: paint: after : 0, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:021: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:021: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:030: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:159: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:161: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:163: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:247: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_1688564382961876a46.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:256: paint: clear unuse note: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:256: paint: free note: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_169198729902639d549.ncc, 新建无界笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:256: paint: free: -1, paper @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:257: paint: free: -1, paper @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:257: paint: free: -1, paper @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:259: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:260: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 517
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:260: paint: set page index = 10, cur=10, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:260: paint: #### scale: 0.33
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:260: paint: total use: 498.71MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:261: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:261: paint: miss pdf: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16870194666288912f1__res__/.note_16870194666288912f1.pdf @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:269: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:282: paint: loadPages: 0, this:8, max: 15, total: 499.36847
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:283: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:287: paint: ####@ 1,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:287: paint: after : 1, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:289: paint: loadPages: 1, this:6, max: 15, total: 499.4015
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:289: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:292: paint: ####@ 1,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:292: paint: after : 1, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:294: paint: loadPages: 2, this:14, max: 15, total: 499.54248
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:294: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:297: paint: ####@ 0,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:297: paint: after : 0, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:298: paint: loadPages: 3, this:15, max: 15, total: 500.07306
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:299: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:302: paint: ####@ 2,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:302: paint: after : 2, 0, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:319: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 496, progress =
100.0%, 1181856
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:320: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 496, progress =
100.0%, 1181856
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:320: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 496
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:320: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:320: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
dd69/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:393: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:441: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:448: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:453: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:531: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:531: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:532: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:532: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:532: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:532: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:532: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:532: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:533: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:534: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:535: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:535: paint: TIME: 35315, 1714292912220, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:535: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:536: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:537: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:538: paint: note: 快速笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:538: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:539: paint: clear unuse note: 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:540: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:541: paint: after load pages: 1, 2, 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:548: paint: loadPages: 4, this:-1, max: 15, total: 549.3567
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:548: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:552: paint: ####@ 388,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:555: paint: after : 388, 0, 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:559: paint: loadPages: 4, this:-1, max: 15, total: 549.3309
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:559: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:562: paint: ####@ 555,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:567: paint: after : 555, 1, 4
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:568: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16870194666288912f1.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:569: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:569: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:570: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:575: paint: clear unuse note: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:576: paint: free note: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16924227011520df650.ncc, 新建笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:576: paint: free: -1, paper @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:577: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:577: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:577: paint: set page index = 1, cur=1, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:577: paint: #### scale: 1.0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:577: paint: total use: 539.62MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:578: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔

2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:698: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:701: paint: listFile error, info == null: /storage/emulated/0/
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:701: InfoList: root: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:701: paint: files: size = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:728: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:730: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:891: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 497, progress =
100.0%, 698429
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:891: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 497, progress =
100.0%, 698429
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:892: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 497
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:892: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:892: paint: pageCount=1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:893: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:897: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:948: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 498, progress =
100.0%, 157
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:949: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 498, progress =
100.0%, 157
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:949: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 498
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:949: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:949: paint: update usn file: 0, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:960: paint: after set: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:960: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:07:964: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:033: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:050: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 499, progress =
100.0%, 2103
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:050: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 499, progress =
100.0%, 2103
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:050: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 499
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:051: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:117: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:118: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:119: paint: upload end: true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:119: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:122: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:124: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:192: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 500, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:192: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 500, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:193: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 500
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:193: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:196: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:197: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:197: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:197: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:198: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_1688564382961876a46.ncc, 专八改错, 0, 89
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:199: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:199: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:199: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:199: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_1688564382961876a46.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:200: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:258: paint: cloudHas: false, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:258: paint: syncNote: cloud not exist, upload 网盘上不存在笔记,
notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/note_1688564382961876a46.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:259: paint: --------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:259: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:259: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:483: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:503: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:504: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:507: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:511: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:561: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 501, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:561: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 501, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:561: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 501
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:562: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:564: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:607: paint: uploadNoteToNet: noCloudPdf = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:607: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:611: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:682: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
1.0%, 1048576
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:736: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
2.0%, 2097152
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:769: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:785: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
3.0%, 3145728
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:859: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
4.0%, 4194304
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:868: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
5.0%, 5242880
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:991: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
6.0%, 6291456
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:993: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
7.0%, 7340032
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:994: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
8.0%, 8388608
2024-4 月-28 16:29:08:997: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
9.0%, 9437184
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:003: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
10.0%, 10485760
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:004: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
11.0%, 11534336
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:005: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
12.0%, 12582912
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:058: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
13.0%, 13631488
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:119: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:119: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:260: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:288: paint: recycle:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:09:580: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:268: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
14.0%, 14680064
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:292: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
15.0%, 15728640
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:307: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
16.0%, 16777216
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:320: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
17.0%, 17825792
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:464: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
18.0%, 18874368
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:611: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:613: paint: getServerInfoList: 10310
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:617: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:938: paint: checkCloudHasNew: result: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:10:986: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
19.0%, 19922944
2024-4 月-28 16:29:11:189: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 6
2024-4 月-28 16:29:11:190: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:11:193: paint: -----------netDeleteNotePackage------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:11:196: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:11:196: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:11:619: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:11:648: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:11:665: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:12:520: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 6
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:235: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:245: paint: save note: 快速笔记, 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:254: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:261: paint:
at sun.nio.ch.SharedFileLockTable.checkList(FileLockTable.java:255)
at sun.nio.ch.SharedFileLockTable.add(FileLockTable.java:152)
at sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.tryLock(FileChannelImpl.java:1174)
at java.nio.channels.FileChannel.tryLock(FileChannel.java:1155)
at com.newskyer.draw.XApplication.tryLockOrRecreateFile(XApplication.java:56)
at com.newskyer.draw.XApplication.handleWebviewDir(XApplication.java:54)
at com.newskyer.draw.XApplication.lambda$init$1(XApplication.java:1)
at com.newskyer.draw.XApplication.d(Unknown Source:0)
at com.newskyer.draw.nl.accept(Unknown Source:2)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
at wa.l.run(ScheduledRunnable.java:14)
at wa.l.call(ScheduledRunnable.java:1)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1015)

2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:261: paint: checkDirName: false

2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:262: paint: start mobile note.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:314: paint: save paths: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:340: paint: showUpdateContent: 139655, 139655, 139655}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:341: paint: isMain: true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:343: paint: ------refreshNodes------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:345: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onCreate: 29
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:347: paint: -------BookshelfActivity onResume--------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:347: paint: onResume book: true, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:348: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onResume
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:354: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:354: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:354: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:354: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:355: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:408: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:434: paint: show>>>
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:444: paint: notePath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔记
/note_168391221403394caae.ncc ,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:445: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:445: paint: currentDir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note,
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:457: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:475: paint: initView
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:488: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:504: paint: all note: xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:504: paint: ######## >>> true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:533: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:533: paint: accessToken: GWFCLT70IV0000002094641PMZwjLJXd
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:536: paint: initView done
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:540: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:541: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:541: paint: getList: filter = ALL, true, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:541: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:542: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:542: paint: getList: time = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:575: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:629: paint: show back 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:742: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
20.0%, 20971520
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:743: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
21.0%, 22020096
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:830: paint: onStop
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:830: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:831: paint: onSave: 1, 1714292953831
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:833: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/快速笔记/note_168391221403394caae.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:833: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:843: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
22.0%, 23068672
2024-4 月-28 16:29:13:994: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
23.0%, 24117248
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:167: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
24.0%, 25165824
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:347: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
25.0%, 26214400
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:455: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
26.0%, 27262976
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:488: InfoList: # CLICK: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:488: paint: clickItem: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:514: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:515: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:515: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:515: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:515: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:518: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:519: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:520: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:521: paint: note: 新建无界笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:521: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:522: paint: clear unuse note: 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:529: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:529: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:533: paint: loadPages: 1, this:-1, max: 5, total: 531.3113
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:533: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:541: paint: ####@ 887, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747.p
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:550: paint: after : 887, 0, 9
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:552: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/快速笔记/note_168391221403394caae.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:553: paint: clear unuse note: 4
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:553: paint: free note: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_1688564717980257f45.ncc, 快速笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:553: paint: free: -1, paper @
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:555: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:556: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:556: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:556: paint: #### scale: 0.52464545
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:556: paint: total use: 514.90MB
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:557: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:624: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:624: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ......ID
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:625: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:626: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:627: paint: TIME: 797, 1714292953830, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:627: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:653: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:653: paint: AppWidget: manager = 44682600
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:654: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:655: paint: files: size = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:681: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:841: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 523, progress =
100.0%, 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:842: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 523, progress =
100.0%, 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:842: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 523
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:842: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:14:865: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:15:124: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:15:910: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
27.0%, 28311552
2024-4 月-28 16:29:16:163: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:16:164: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:16:165: paint: netDeleteNotePackage children: 0, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:16:166: paint: net delete path: note_17002041830227f355a.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:16:377: paint: recycle:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:16:556: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-4 月-28 16:29:17:065: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
29.0%, 29360128
2024-4 月-28 16:29:17:739: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:17:830: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
30.0%, 30408704
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:123: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
31.0%, 31457280
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:140: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:140: paint: on new intent: android.intent.action.MAIN
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:141: paint: start action :android.intent.action.MAIN
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:141: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:141: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:142: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:143: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:144: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:145: paint: TIME: 4315, 1714292953830, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:145: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:146: paint: note receiver: com.cicoe.window_im_pdf
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:150: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:163: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:185: paint: file.activity.MobileFileSelectActivity start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:192: paint: sele = 20
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:195: paint: create PadDocFragment
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:207: paint: save paths: 5
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:241: paint: mediaType = 5
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:244: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:345: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:345: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:345: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:345: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:624: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
32.0%, 32505856
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:634: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
33.0%, 33554432
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:642: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:694: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
34.0%, 34603008
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:773: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
35.0%, 35651584
2024-4 月-28 16:29:18:813: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:19:392: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
36.0%, 36700160
2024-4 月-28 16:29:19:530: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:19:530: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:19:588: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:29:19:589: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:112: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
37.0%, 37748736
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:241: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:397: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
38.0%, 38797312
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:477: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
39.0%, 39845888
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:482: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
40.0%, 40894464
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:966: paint: onActivityResult: 257, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:969: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:970: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:970: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:972: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:973: paint: TIME: 7143, 1714292953830, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:973: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:20:975: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:21:013: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:21:470: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:21:599: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
41.0%, 41943040
2024-4 月-28 16:29:21:772: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:115: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
42.0%, 42991616
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:205: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
43.0%, 44040192
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:332: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:336: paint: -----------netDeleteNotePackage------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:338: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:338: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:387: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
44.0%, 45088768
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:439: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
45.0%, 46137344
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:443: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
46.0%, 47185920
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:464: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
47.0%, 48234496
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:480: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
48.0%, 49283072
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:491: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
49.0%, 50331648
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:612: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:613: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:616: paint: checkCloudNote:
local: lastUsn = 92, usn = 92,
server: lastUsn = 92, usn = 92
2024-4 月-28 16:29:22:617: paint: checkCloudHasNew: result: true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:23:311: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
50.0%, 51380224
2024-4 月-28 16:29:23:807: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
51.0%, 52428800
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:018: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
52.0%, 53477376
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:202: paint: note receiver: com.cicoe.window_ocr
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:228: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:369: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
53.0%, 54525952
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:425: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
54.0%, 55574528
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:900: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:902: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:907: paint: netDeleteNotePackage children: 0, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:24:908: paint: net delete path: note_1688566488579cb19b6.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:029: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
55.0%, 56623104
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:800: paint: onActivityResult: 1111, -1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:800: paint: request: 1111
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:800: paint: capture rect: Rect(809, 1155 - 1983, 1574)
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:814: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:814: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{52e409e VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{495d77f VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:814: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:816: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:818: paint: TIME: 11988, 1714292953830, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:818: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:870: paint: start....
2024-4 月-28 16:29:25:888: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:077: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:301: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
56.0%, 57671680
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:317: paint: #: error2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:574: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
58.0%, 58720256
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:588: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:591: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
59.0%, 59768832
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:625: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
60.0%, 60817408
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:625: paint: load ocr: 4, 5
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:625: paint: releaseModel: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:642: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
61.0%, 61865984
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:693: paint: note receiver: com.cicoe.capture_done
2024-4 月-28 16:29:26:992: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
62.0%, 62914560
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:025: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
63.0%, 63963136
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:045: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
64.0%, 65011712
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:048: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
65.0%, 66060288
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:060: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
66.0%, 67108864
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:064: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
67.0%, 68157440
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:132: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
68.0%, 69206016
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:144: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
69.0%, 70254592
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:259: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
70.0%, 71303168
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:324: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
71.0%, 72351744
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:435: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
72.0%, 73400320
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:748: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
73.0%, 74448896
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:805: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
74.0%, 75497472
2024-4 月-28 16:29:27:845: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
75.0%, 76546048
2024-4 月-28 16:29:28:525: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:28:944: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
76.0%, 77594624
2024-4 月-28 16:29:28:962: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:28:967: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
77.0%, 78643200
2024-4 月-28 16:29:29:049: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
78.0%, 79691776
2024-4 月-28 16:29:29:202: paint: releaseModel: true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:29:267: paint: 文本识别结果透
2024-4 月-28 16:29:29:290: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
79.0%, 80740352
2024-4 月-28 16:29:29:358: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
80.0%, 81788928
2024-4 月-28 16:29:29:447: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:29:460: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
81.0%, 82837504
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:004: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:044: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
82.0%, 83886080
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:107: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
83.0%, 84934656
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:209: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
84.0%, 85983232
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:244: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
85.0%, 87031808
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:406: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:418: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
87.0%, 88080384
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:430: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
88.0%, 89128960
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:489: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
89.0%, 90177536
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:756: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
90.0%, 91226112
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:835: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:962: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
91.0%, 92274688
2024-4 月-28 16:29:30:987: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
92.0%, 93323264
2024-4 月-28 16:29:31:264: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
93.0%, 94371840
2024-4 月-28 16:29:31:293: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:31:721: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:32:132: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:32:338: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
94.0%, 95420416
2024-4 月-28 16:29:32:575: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:32:661: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
95.0%, 96468992
2024-4 月-28 16:29:32:786: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
95.0%, 97025324
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:152: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:251: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
96.0%, 98073900
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:563: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
97.0%, 99122476
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:595: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:610: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
98.0%, 100171052
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:836: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
100.0%, 101219628
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:965: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:968: paint: -----------netDeleteNotePackage------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:970: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:33:970: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:373: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:374: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:381: paint: netDeleteNotePackage children: 0, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:382: paint: net delete path: note_1684077875179a67724.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:505: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:569: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:605: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 502, progress =
100.0%, 101219628
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:611: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 502
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:612: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:613: paint: upload pdf: result = true, pdfPath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:675: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:686: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:772: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 524, progress =
100.0%, 10797
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:773: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 524, progress =
100.0%, 10797
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:776: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 524
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:778: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:787: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:831: paint: uploadFile infoPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:867: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:883: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:903: paint: after load pages: 118, 122, 122
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:925: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:35:989: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:097: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:129: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:138: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:166: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:238: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:280: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 525, progress =
100.0%, 91235
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:281: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 525, progress =
100.0%, 91235
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:286: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 525
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:287: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:288: paint: upload page_usn.json: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:288: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:291: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:369: paint: upload catalog: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:370: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:384: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:416: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:454: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 526, progress =
100.0%, 59
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:454: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 526, progress =
100.0%, 59
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:466: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 526
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:467: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:470: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:478: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:519: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverHasUsnFile = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:520: paint: server PageFileInfoList error
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:534: paint: NoteNetItems: 0, 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:535: paint: page infos: 29
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:535: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:541: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 0, usn = 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:541: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:556: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:594: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:654: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:731: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:813: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:856: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 527, progress =
100.0%, 823
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:856: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 527, progress =
100.0%, 823
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:861: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 527
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:862: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:863: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
a49a/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:902: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:917: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:973: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:976: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = null, usn = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:977: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:36:993: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:069: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 528, progress =
100.0%, 844
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:069: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:073: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 528
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:074: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:075: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
5b41/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:123: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:128: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:193: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = null, usn = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:194: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:200: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:202: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:260: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:329: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:402: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:463: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:476: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 529, progress =
100.0%, 844
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:476: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 529, progress =
100.0%, 844
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:479: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 529
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:480: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:480: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
7c22/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:518: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:537: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:572: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:591: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = null, usn = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:592: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:607: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:626: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:678: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:742: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:794: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:873: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 530, progress =
100.0%, 842
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:874: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 530, progress =
100.0%, 842
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:877: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 530
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:878: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:879: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
41ab/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:37:943: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:002: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 2, usn = 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:003: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:021: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:027: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:119: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:187: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:249: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:311: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:318: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 531, progress =
100.0%, 1029
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:319: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 531, progress =
100.0%, 1029
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:327: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 531
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:328: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:330: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
d403/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:392: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:400: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:463: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:465: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 3, usn = 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:466: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:484: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:532: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:598: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:683: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:755: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:800: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 532, progress =
100.0%, 7109
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:801: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 532, progress =
100.0%, 7109
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:807: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 532
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:807: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:809: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
d33d/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:820: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:822: paint: -----------netDeleteNotePackage------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:824: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:825: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:864: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:928: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = null, usn = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:929: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:38:943: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:064: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:066: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:076: paint: netDeleteNotePackage children: 0, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:078: paint: net delete path: note_16870194666288912f1.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:196: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:224: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 533, progress =
100.0%, 844
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:225: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 533, progress =
100.0%, 844
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:230: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 533
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:231: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:233: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
1383/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:284: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:312: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:381: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 25, usn = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:382: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:395: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:455: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:477: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 534, progress =
100.0%, 959
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:478: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 534, progress =
100.0%, 959
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:483: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 534
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:484: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:484: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
992d/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:512: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:537: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:578: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:588: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 114, usn = 29
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:589: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:602: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:648: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:704: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:759: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:818: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:877: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:936: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:938: paint: -----------netDeleteNotePackage------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:941: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:941: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:980: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 535, progress =
100.0%, 118147
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:983: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 535, progress =
100.0%, 118147
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:986: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 535
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:987: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:39:988: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
0490/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:045: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:107: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 115, usn = 49
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:108: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:127: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:186: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:187: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:191: paint: netDeleteNotePackage children: 0, 8
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:193: paint: net delete path: 快速笔记
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:242: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory: 快速笔

2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:313: paint: net delete path: note_169198729902639d549.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:374: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:447: paint: net delete path: note_16924227011520df650.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:491: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:536: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 536, progress =
100.0%, 207477
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:537: paint: net delete path: note_16924288359351ef201.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:537: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 536, progress =
100.0%, 207477
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:543: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 536
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:543: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:544: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
aa88/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:590: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:591: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:639: paint: net delete path: 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:659: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = null, usn = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:660: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:672: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:684: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory: 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:749: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 537, progress =
100.0%, 860
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:750: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 537, progress =
100.0%, 860
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:755: paint: net delete path: 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:758: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 537
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:759: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:760: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
fa2f/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:798: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory: 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:807: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:858: paint: net delete path: 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:863: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = null, usn = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:863: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:873: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:908: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory: 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:953: paint: net delete path: note_1688564717980257f45.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:956: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 538, progress =
100.0%, 860
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:956: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 538, progress =
100.0%, 860
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:959: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 538
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:960: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:40:960: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
3959/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:007: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:052: paint: pageCount=12
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:053: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:054: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:064: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:108: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:131: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 539, progress =
100.0%, 4200
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:132: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 539, progress =
100.0%, 4200
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:136: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 539
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:136: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:137: paint: update usn file: 118, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:184: paint: after set: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:185: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:193: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:233: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:282: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 540, progress =
100.0%, 7405
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:285: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 540
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:286: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:324: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:330: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:332: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:336: paint: upload end: true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:336: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:351: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:363: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:380: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:430: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 541, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:430: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 541, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:433: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 541
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:433: paint: record delete:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:434: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:436: paint: -----------netDeleteNotePackage------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:443: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:443: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:445: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:445: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:445: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:453: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16870194666288912f1.ncc, 周易译注(黄寿祺、张善文译注)2007(整合编辑后), 0, 9
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:455: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:456: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:456: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:458: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_16870194666288912f1.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:458: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:503: paint: cloudHas: false, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:503: paint: syncNote: cloud not exist, upload 网盘上不存在笔记,
notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/note_16870194666288912f1.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:508: paint: --------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:509: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:509: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:686: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:688: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:693: paint: netDeleteNotePackage children: 1, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:694: paint: net delete path: note_171172285975460d69e.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:801: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:863: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:974: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:978: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:980: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:41:993: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:004: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:022: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:083: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 542, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:086: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 542, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:087: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 542
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:088: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:096: paint: g: deleteObject: key =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:098: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:144: paint: uploadNoteToNet: noCloudPdf = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:145: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:163: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:272: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
2.0%, 1048576
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:274: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
5.0%, 2097152
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:277: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
7.0%, 3145728
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:278: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
10.0%, 4194304
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:280: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
13.0%, 5242880
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:285: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
15.0%, 6291456
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:292: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
18.0%, 7340032
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:301: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
20.0%, 8388608
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:303: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
23.0%, 9437184
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:305: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
26.0%, 10485760
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:307: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
28.0%, 11534336
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:335: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:335: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:613: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
31.0%, 12582912
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:624: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
33.0%, 13631488
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:643: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
36.0%, 14680064
2024-4 月-28 16:29:42:681: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
39.0%, 15728640
2024-4 月-28 16:29:43:491: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:43:492: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:43:495: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:29:43:510: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
41.0%, 16777216
2024-4 月-28 16:29:43:702: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
44.0%, 17825792
2024-4 月-28 16:29:43:706: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
46.0%, 18874368
2024-4 月-28 16:29:43:955: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
49.0%, 19922944
2024-4 月-28 16:29:44:053: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
52.0%, 20971520
2024-4 月-28 16:29:44:408: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
54.0%, 22020096
2024-4 月-28 16:29:44:496: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:44:523: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:44:545: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:44:755: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
57.0%, 23068672
2024-4 月-28 16:29:45:288: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
60.0%, 24117248
2024-4 月-28 16:29:45:421: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
62.0%, 25165824
2024-4 月-28 16:29:45:641: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
65.0%, 26214400
2024-4 月-28 16:29:45:930: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
67.0%, 27262976
2024-4 月-28 16:29:45:968: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
70.0%, 28311552
2024-4 月-28 16:29:45:974: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
73.0%, 29360128
2024-4 月-28 16:29:46:436: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
75.0%, 30408704
2024-4 月-28 16:29:46:438: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
78.0%, 31457280
2024-4 月-28 16:29:46:729: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
80.0%, 32505856
2024-4 月-28 16:29:47:211: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 552, progress =
100.0%, 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:47:212: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 552, progress =
100.0%, 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:47:221: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 552
2024-4 月-28 16:29:47:222: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:48:952: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
83.0%, 33554432
2024-4 月-28 16:29:50:797: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
86.0%, 34603008
2024-4 月-28 16:29:50:800: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
88.0%, 35651584
2024-4 月-28 16:29:51:465: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
91.0%, 36700160
2024-4 月-28 16:29:51:504: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
93.0%, 37748736
2024-4 月-28 16:29:51:768: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
96.0%, 38797312
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:112: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
99.0%, 39845888
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:232: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
100.0%, 40178338
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:647: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 543, progress =
100.0%, 40178338
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:658: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 543
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:659: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:660: paint: upload pdf: result = true, pdfPath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:768: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:790: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:952: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 553, progress =
100.0%, 48491
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:953: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 553, progress =
100.0%, 48491
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:957: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 553
2024-4 月-28 16:29:52:958: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:048: paint: uploadFile infoPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:117: paint: start read pages
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:190: paint: after load pages: 10, 517, 517
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:628: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:640: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:889: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 554, progress =
100.0%, 394939
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:891: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 554, progress =
100.0%, 394939
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:895: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 554
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:896: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:897: paint: upload page_usn.json: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:897: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:958: paint: upload catalog: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:958: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:53:970: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:061: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 555, progress =
100.0%, 6608
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:062: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 555, progress =
100.0%, 6608
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:065: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 555
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:066: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:069: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:124: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverHasUsnFile = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:126: paint: server PageFileInfoList error
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:140: paint: NoteNetItems: 0, 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:140: paint: page infos: 32
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:150: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 0, usn = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:150: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:164: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:466: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 556, progress =
100.0%, 815
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:467: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 556, progress =
100.0%, 815
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:473: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 556
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:474: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:476: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
3c33/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:531: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:607: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 6, usn = 3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:608: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:627: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:888: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 557, progress =
100.0%, 1113
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:889: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 557, progress =
100.0%, 1113
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:891: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 557
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:891: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:892: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
2984/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:54:940: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:001: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = 14, usn = 5
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:002: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:024: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:097: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 558, progress =
100.0%, 964
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:098: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 558, progress =
100.0%, 964
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:103: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 558
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:104: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:105: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
76dd/mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:188: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:247: paint: pageCount=3
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:256: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:277: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:383: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 559, progress =
100.0%, 4609
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:389: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 559
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:390: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:390: paint: update usn file: 10, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:466: paint: after set: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:467: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:485: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:577: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 560, progress =
100.0%, 24861
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:578: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 560, progress =
100.0%, 24861
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:586: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 560
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:587: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:634: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:637: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:640: paint: upload end: true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:640: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:659: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:674: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:754: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 561, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:755: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 561, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:763: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 561
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:764: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:783: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:785: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:794: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/
快速笔记/note_168391221403394caae.ncc, 快速笔记, 0, 134
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:797: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:797: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:798: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:800: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/快速笔记/note_168391221403394caae.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:801: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path = 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:858: paint: cloudHas: false, auto
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:858: paint: syncNote: cloud not exist, upload 网盘上不存在笔记,
notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔记/note_168391221403394caae.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:865: paint: --------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:865: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:55:866: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:091: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:095: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:116: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:132: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:212: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 562, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:213: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 562, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:222: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 562
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:223: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:237: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:238: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:241: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:295: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverHasUsnFile = false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:298: paint: server PageFileInfoList error
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:313: paint: NoteNetItems: 134, 0, false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:314: paint: page infos: 2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:321: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = -1, usn = 95
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:322: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:341: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:594: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 563, progress =
100.0%, 581953
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:595: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 563, progress =
100.0%, 581953
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:601: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 563
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:602: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:603: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
__/note_page2a823f20f8cb4600be4707e5c670c9ea/mindmap, remoteResPath=快速笔
mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:642: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:643: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:653: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:713: paint: uploadNoteToNet: page docIndex = null, usn = 40
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:713: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:735: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:938: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:940: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:945: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:959: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 564, progress =
100.0%, 472987
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:960: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 564, progress =
100.0%, 472987
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:963: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 564
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:964: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:56:965: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
__/note_pagefb22430de6b544818a72d72ce88f90da/mindmap, remoteResPath=快速笔
mindmap, force=true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:016: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:065: paint: pageCount=2
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:072: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:093: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:178: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 565, progress =
100.0%, 301
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:180: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 565, progress =
100.0%, 301
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:186: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 565
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:187: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:188: paint: update usn file: 1, 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:260: paint: after set: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:261: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = 快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:282: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:412: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 566, progress =
100.0%, 1998
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:413: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 566, progress =
100.0%, 1998
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:417: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 566
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:418: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:470: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:479: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:486: paint: upload end: true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:488: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:511: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:528: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:605: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 567, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:606: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 567, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:612: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 567
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:613: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:636: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:637: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:638: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note/快速笔
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:948: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:979: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:57:991: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-4 月-28 16:29:58:082: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 568, progress =
100.0%, 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:58:083: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 568, progress =
100.0%, 10311
2024-4 月-28 16:29:58:090: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 568
2024-4 月-28 16:29:58:091: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-4 月-28 16:30:11:384: paint: already show 20
2024-4 月-28 16:30:12:949: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:30:12:972: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-4 月-28 16:30:12:973: paint: start mobile note.
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:040: paint: showUpdateContent: 139655, 139655, 139655}
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:041: paint: isMain: true
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:043: paint: ------refreshNodes------
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:045: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onCreate: 29
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:046: paint: -------BookshelfActivity onResume--------
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:047: paint: onResume book: true, true
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:047: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onResume
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:064: paint: notePath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc ,
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:065: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:065: paint: currentDir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note,
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:076: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:076: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:077: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:077: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:077: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:078: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:138: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:164: paint: show>>>
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:171: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:171: paint: initView
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:179: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:186: paint: all note: xzbj
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:186: paint: ######## >>> false
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:219: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:219: paint: accessToken: GWFCLT70IV0000002094641PMZwjLJXd
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:222: paint: initView done
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:230: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714292891799, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:230: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:230: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:231: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:231: paint: getList: filter = ALL, true, 1
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:232: paint: getList: time = 1
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:252: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:449: paint: onStop
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:449: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:450: paint: onSave: 1, 1714293013450
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:451: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc @ true
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:452: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:30:13:452: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-28 16:30:16:433: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-28 16:30:16:434: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:188: paint: backup###1@
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:189: paint: clear unuse note: 3
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:192: paint: auto sync: 92, 92
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:194: paint: backup:/storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:286: paint: sameNoteSize: 3, 3, note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:305: paint: deleteNoteOnly: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:305: InfoList: deleteNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/backup/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, recycle
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:322: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:322: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:322: paint:
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:322: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:322: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:322: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:322: paint: at
2024-4 月-28 16:33:11:323: paint: diffUsn: 7, 92
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:288: paint:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:297: paint: init momory size: 12321972224, 11751.148438 Mb:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:318: mindmap_extension: ExcerptToolListener init
currentConfig=UserDataConfig(canSelectDocument=null, canSelectArea=null,
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:332: mindmap_extension: MindMapExtension registerPluginManager
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:334: mindmap_extension: buildBitmapSwapPool
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:337: paint: after Application onCreate: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:337: paint: country: CN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:369: paint: MODEL: PA2373, true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:408: paint: start splash: 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:410: paint: notePath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:411: paint: getPath: android.os.storage.StorageVolume.getPath
[] @ com.newskyer.draw.activity.SplashActivity.onCreate(Native Method)
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:411: paint: storage: /storage/emulated/0, true, false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:411: paint: storage size: 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:498: paint: textColor mode = -100
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:499: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:501: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:517: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",
"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:550: paint: N: true

2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:550: paint: error count = 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:557: paint:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:558: paint:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:558: paint: app notes: 0, 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:558: paint: mUserData: null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:558: paint: try init
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:559: paint: read user data: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记//user.json, exists=true, 5369
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:566: paint: did: feb
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:566: paint: launcher: true, 0, -1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:571: paint: initPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/pathinfo/pathinfo.json, true, true, true @ 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:572: paint: restorePenSets: true, false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:573: paint: sets size: 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:574: paint: getToolsFromFile: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:575: paint: initPathInfo: 1, 26,
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:575: InfoList: end sort: 26 @ 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:576: paint: _checkInfoList: null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:576: paint: sticker sticker sticker sticker +
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:580: paint: enable office: false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:586: paint: after splash init
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:588: paint: splash onPause
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:605: paint: check pid: 26
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:605: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:605: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:606: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:606: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:614: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:614: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:614: paint: checkInfoList: 26, 26
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:617: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:617: paint: check dump ids
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:618: paint: remove ids: 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:618: paint: remove paths: 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:618: paint: checkInfoList: has conflict = true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:624: paint: updateUserPk: vg.t$a@713f6ea
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:628: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:630: paint: @ true:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:631: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:633: paint: start.2024-04-19-09:17:23, pad, debug=false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:638: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:658: paint: initToolsMenuUserActions: 31
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:769: paint: dp: 1120, true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:785: paint: after start note: 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:786: paint: onCreate size: 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:786: paint: zoomWriting: false, 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:786: paint: register network
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:787: paint: read permission: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:790: paint: checkHuaweiGift: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:790: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:790: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{2407b1e V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{22bbfff V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:792: paint: ai service start
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:793: AiService: connect ai service
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:798: paint: asrModelLoader bootCount=64
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:798: paint: Main: 165
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:798: paint: main onCreate: 0, false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:799: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:800: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{2407b1e V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{22bbfff V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:809: paint: checkValid: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:816: paint: targetCorrect: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:841: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:883: paint: TIME: 274, 1714485733609, true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:886: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:13:996: paint: splitRatio: null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:009: paint: WhiteBoard: 12
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:011: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:013: paint: PanelManager: 2
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:023: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:025: paint: init P:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:026: paint: add onUserLoginListener: false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:026: paint: max image: 35
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:030: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:031: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp/image
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:031: paint:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:032: paint: at
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:032: paint: at
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:032: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.Image.d(Unknown
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:032: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.i.accept(Unknown
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:032: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:032: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:032: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:145: paint: customer: pad
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:146: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:168: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:182: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:182: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:207: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:242: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:243: paint: wifi receiver:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:243: paint: auto true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:243: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:245: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:255: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:256: paint: start mobile note.
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:348: paint: showUpdateContent: 139655, 139655, 139655}
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:350: paint: isMain: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:356: paint: db path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:357: paint: ------refreshNodes------
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:365: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onCreate: 29
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:367: paint: -------BookshelfActivity onResume--------
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:368: paint: onResume book: false, true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:369: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onResume
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:378: paint: onStop
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:381: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:382: paint: onSave: 1, 1714485734381
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:382: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:413: paint: notePath: ,
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:414: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714485734358, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:414: paint: currentDir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note,
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:425: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:426: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:487: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:513: AiService: ai service connected
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:514: paint: show>>>
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:518: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:519: paint: #: error
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:520: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714485734358, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:521: paint: splash onStop:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:522: paint: initView
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:535: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714485734358, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:543: paint: all note: xzbj
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:548: paint: ######## >>> false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:633: paint: did: pad-PA2373febb
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:678: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:678: paint: accessToken:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:689: paint: initView done
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:770: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:778: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714485734358, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:779: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:779: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:779: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:779: paint: getList: filter = ALL, false, 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:795: paint: check h # false #
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:808: paint: splash onDestory
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:866: paint: login: loginResult =
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:866: paint: 登录结果 209464
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:868: paint: isBindMobile: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:870: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:870: paint: login >>>>>>>>>>>>.: true /*null*/
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:870: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:14:871: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:037: paint: initView
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:043: paint: isBindHuaWei:false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:043: paint: isBindWechat:false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:045: paint: enable office: false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:045: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:045: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:045: paint: @ true:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:046: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:049: paint: WhiteBoard: 3
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:049: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:050: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:071: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam 200
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:078: paint: isXBH=false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:078: paint: reset board
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:151: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:151: paint: customer: pad
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:151: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:158: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:158: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:160: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:168: paint: updateHVToolbar
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:173: paint: setRotation: left
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:175: paint: start action :null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:188: paint: webSearch: 0 webSearchShow: false, webSearchUrl:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:195: paint: tab: tab.size 0 = 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:197: paint: READ true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:197: paint: action: null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:279: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:319: paint: init font size: 14
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:321: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:323: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:323: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:324: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:324: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:325: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:380: paint: foldStatus null
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:391: paint: 加载享做助手
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:405: paint: isfirst:showFloat = false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:437: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:475: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:575: paint: checkCloudExpire: expire = 4102444799000, rest =
2387959065969 剩余:27638 天
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:716: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:716: paint: accessToken: 0odUPjJ5Zm000000209464XmGPSCPvGc
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:791: paint: isInvitee: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-30 22:02:15:952: paint: isInviter: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:025: paint: user cloud drive: xzbj #
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:072: paint: hasNetSyncUser = false,
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:073: paint:
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:073: paint: loginEcloud: false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:073: paint: ECloudManager: prePath =
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:074: paint: setNetSyncManager: xzbj
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:078: paint: cloud sync login
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:081: paint: diff time: 1825
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:081: paint: load delete record: path = /storage/emulated/0/享
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:083: paint: load delete record: exists = true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:085: paint: load delete record: content = {"notes":[]}
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:086: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 0
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:114: paint: start update v u s
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:115: paint: has login saved:true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:192: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:192: paint: getList: filter = ALL, true, 1
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:194: paint: getList: time = 2
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:317: paint: end update v u s: 146763932
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:370: paint: commint
2024-4 月-30 22:02:16:577: paint: delete pdf cache #################
2024-4 月-30 22:02:17:914: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-4 月-30 22:02:17:914: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:082: paint: checkCloudVol
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:082: paint: set cloudSynchronizing: xzbj
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:083: paint: cloud syn start
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:083: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:084: paint: isVolEnough = true , volumeUsedSize = 146763932,
totalSize = 4294967296
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:085: paint: showRecoveryHintInterval: interval = 192842215
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:170: paint: syncAllNotes:hasCloud = true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:171: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:172: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:207: paint: getUserInfo loginInfo = name = 贲如皤然 phone =
19179860904 wechat = false email = 1716728707@qq.com huawei = false honor = false
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:433: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:435: paint: getServerInfoList: 10311
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:441: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:442: paint: syncAllNotes: pathList 26
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:442: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 1/26
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:443: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 2/26
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:445: paint: syncAllNotes: note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
localUsn = 92, serverUsn = 92
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:446: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 3/26
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:446: paint: start local
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:446: paint: upload locals
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:447: paint: end locals
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:571: paint: --------------------
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:571: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:572: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:796: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-4 月-30 22:02:18:812: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:879: paint:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:888: paint: init momory size: 12321972224, 11751.148438 Mb:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:902: mindmap_extension: ExcerptToolListener init
currentConfig=UserDataConfig(canSelectDocument=null, canSelectArea=null,
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:917: mindmap_extension: MindMapExtension registerPluginManager
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:922: mindmap_extension: buildBitmapSwapPool
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:924: paint: after Application onCreate: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:924: paint: country: CN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:950: paint: MODEL: PA2373, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:985: paint: start splash: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:986: paint: notePath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:986: paint: getPath: android.os.storage.StorageVolume.getPath
[] @ com.newskyer.draw.activity.SplashActivity.onCreate(Native Method)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:986: paint: storage: /storage/emulated/0, true, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:06:986: paint: storage size: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:059: paint: textColor mode = -100
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:061: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:065: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:091: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",
"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:116: paint: N: true

2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:116: paint: error count = 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:123: paint:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:123: paint:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:123: paint: app notes: 0, 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:123: paint: mUserData: null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:123: paint: try init
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:125: paint: read user data: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记//user.json, exists=true, 5370
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:134: paint: did: feb
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:134: paint: launcher: true, 0, -1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:139: paint: restorePenSets: true, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:141: paint: initPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/pathinfo/pathinfo.json, true, true, true @ 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:142: paint: sets size: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:143: paint: getToolsFromFile: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:147: paint: initPathInfo: 1, 26,
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:148: InfoList: end sort: 26 @ 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:148: paint: _checkInfoList: null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:150: paint: sticker sticker sticker sticker +
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:155: paint: enable office: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:162: paint: after splash init
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:163: paint: splash onPause
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:173: paint: check pid: 26
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:175: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:175: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:176: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:176: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:176: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:177: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:177: paint: checkInfoList: 26, 26
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:179: paint: check dump ids
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:180: paint: remove ids: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:180: paint: remove paths: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:180: paint: checkInfoList: has conflict = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:190: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:203: paint: updateUserPk: vg.t$a@6873a89
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:205: paint: start.2024-04-19-09:17:23, pad, debug=false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:207: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:209: paint: @ true:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:210: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:210: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:233: paint: initToolsMenuUserActions: 31
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:324: paint: dp: 1120, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:340: paint: after start note: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:340: paint: onCreate size: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:340: paint: zoomWriting: false, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:341: paint: register network
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:342: paint: read permission: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:346: paint: checkHuaweiGift: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:346: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:346: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{6b62f6 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{62446f7 V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:348: paint: ai service start
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:349: AiService: connect ai service
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:354: paint: asrModelLoader bootCount=65
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:355: paint: Main: 150
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:355: paint: main onCreate: 0, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:356: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:357: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{6b62f6 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{62446f7 V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:366: paint: checkValid: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:375: paint: targetCorrect: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:401: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:443: paint: TIME: 258, 1714661527185, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:446: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:540: paint: splitRatio: null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:549: paint: WhiteBoard: 8
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:551: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:553: paint: PanelManager: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:558: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:560: paint: init P:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:560: paint: add onUserLoginListener: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:560: paint: max image: 35
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:563: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp/image
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:563: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:564: paint:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:564: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:564: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:564: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.Image.d(Unknown
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:564: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.i.accept(Unknown
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:564: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:564: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:564: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:682: paint: customer: pad
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:682: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:686: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:686: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:712: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:725: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:760: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:761: paint: wifi receiver:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:761: paint: auto true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:762: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:763: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:773: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:774: paint: start mobile note.
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:864: paint: showUpdateContent: 139655, 139655, 139655}
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:867: paint: isMain: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:873: paint: ------refreshNodes------
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:873: paint: db path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:881: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onCreate: 30
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:883: paint: -------BookshelfActivity onResume--------
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:884: paint: onResume book: false, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:885: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onResume
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:892: paint: onStop
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:892: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:893: paint: onSave: 1, 1714661527893
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:895: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:929: paint: notePath: ,
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:929: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714661527874, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:929: paint: currentDir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note,
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:938: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:07:939: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:001: AiService: ai service connected
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:002: paint: isSystemNight: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:028: paint: show>>>
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:032: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:034: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714661527874, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:036: paint: splash onStop:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:036: paint: #: error
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:037: paint: initView
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:049: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714661527874, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:057: paint: all note: xzbj
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:063: paint: ######## >>> false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:192: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:192: paint: accessToken:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:196: paint: initView done
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:215: paint: did: pad-PA2373febb
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:265: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:269: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714661527874, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:270: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:270: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:270: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:270: paint: getList: filter = ALL, false, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:287: paint: splash onDestory
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:348: paint: check h # false #
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:445: paint: login: loginResult =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:445: paint: 登录结果 209464
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:447: paint: isBindMobile: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:449: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:450: paint: login >>>>>>>>>>>>.: true /*null*/
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:450: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:450: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:564: paint: initView
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:573: paint: enable office: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:573: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:573: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:574: paint: @ true:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:575: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:578: paint: WhiteBoard: 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:578: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:579: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:593: paint: isBindHuaWei:false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:603: paint: isBindWechat:false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:614: paint: isXBH=false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:614: paint: reset board
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:650: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam 200
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:681: paint: customer: pad
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:681: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:687: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:694: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:694: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:695: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:705: paint: updateHVToolbar
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:711: paint: setRotation: left
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:712: paint: start action :null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:725: paint: webSearch: 0 webSearchShow: false, webSearchUrl:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:729: paint: tab: tab.size 0 = 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:732: paint: READ true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:733: paint: action: null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:783: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:818: paint: init font size: 14
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:820: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:821: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:821: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:822: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:822: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:823: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:857: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:908: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:08:914: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:117: paint: checkCloudExpire: expire = 4102444799000, rest =
2387783271493 剩余:27636 天
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:243: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:243: paint: accessToken: cFEgPUQFpO000000209464WT5GgqR0YK
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:294: paint: isInvitee: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:488: paint: isInviter: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:559: paint: user cloud drive: xzbj #
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:570: InfoList: # CLICK: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:571: paint: clickItem: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:599: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:600: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:601: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:601: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:602: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:608: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:615: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:616: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:617: paint: note: 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:618: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:618: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:620: paint: start read pages
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:620: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:627: paint: loadPages: 0, this:-1, max: 5, total: 351.15262
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:628: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:635: paint: ####@ 887, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747.p
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:651: paint: hasNetSyncUser = false,
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:651: paint:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:651: paint: loginEcloud: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:651: paint: after : 887, 0, 16
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:651: paint: ECloudManager: prePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:651: paint: setNetSyncManager: xzbj
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:653: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:653: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:655: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:655: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:655: paint: cloud sync login
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:655: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:655: paint: #### scale: 0.52464545
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:655: paint: total use: 346.89MB
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:657: paint: load delete record: path = /storage/emulated/0/享
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:658: paint: load delete record: exists = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:659: paint: load delete record: content = {"notes":[]}
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:659: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:686: paint: start update v u s
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:686: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:720: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:720: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{6b62f6 VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{62446f7 VFED..C.. ......ID
228,18-286,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:721: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:723: paint: TIME: 1831, 1714661527892, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:724: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:741: paint: first: 0, 2200
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:895: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:896: paint: AppWidget: manager = 229020393
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:897: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:898: paint: files: size = 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:898: paint: diff time: 2124
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:902: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:09:934: paint: end update v u s: 146765748
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:003: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:111: paint: commint
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:125: paint: first: 1, 2584
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:150: paint: delete pdf cache #################
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:214: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:321: paint: #: error2
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:323: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:323: paint: getList: filter = ALL, true, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:10:324: paint: getList: time = 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:388: paint: averageTouchSize: 0.17822455
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:391: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:391: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:523: paint: max image: 35
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:525: paint: recycle:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:654: note_net: addNote:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:655: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:658: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:659: paint: set cloudSynchronizing: xzbj
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:660: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:660: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:688: paint: write average touch size: 0.19386406
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:702: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:703: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:734: paint: getUserInfo loginInfo = name = 贲如皤然 phone =
19179860904 wechat = false email = 1716728707@qq.com huawei = false honor = false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:807: paint: syncAllNotes:hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:807: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:808: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:901: paint: checkCloudVol
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:906: paint: showRecoveryHintInterval: interval = 175793820
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:906: paint: isVolEnough = true , volumeUsedSize = 146765748,
totalSize = 4294967296
2024-5 月-02 22:52:11:940: paint: rxjavaError: la.c: The exception was not handled
due to missing onError handler in the subscribe() method call. Further reading:
https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Error-Handling |
android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token
android.os.BinderProxy@7e46d77 is not valid; is your activity running?
at oa.a$l.a(Functions.java:3)
at oa.a$l.accept(Functions.java:3)
at qa.b.onError(LambdaObserver.java:14)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:26)
at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
at ja.b$b.run(HandlerScheduler.java:3)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:942)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:223)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:324)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8622)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1061)
Caused by: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window --
token android.os.BinderProxy@7e46d77 is not valid; is your activity running?
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView(ViewRootImpl.java:1414)
at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView(WindowManagerGlobal.java:416)
at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:155)
at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:427)
at com.newskyer.draw.cloud.ECloudExtendKt.a(Unknown Source:0)
at com.newskyer.draw.cloud.b.accept(Unknown Source:2)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
... 11 more

2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:042: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true

2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:043: paint: getServerInfoList: 12127
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:047: paint: checkCloudNote:
local: lastUsn = 92, usn = 92,
server: lastUsn = 92, usn = 92
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:048: paint: checkCloudHasNew: result: true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:094: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:094: paint: getServerInfoList: 12127
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:099: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:099: paint: syncAllNotes: pathList 26
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:100: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 1/26
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:101: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 2/26
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:104: paint: syncAllNotes: note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
localUsn = 92, serverUsn = 92
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:105: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 3/26
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:105: paint: start local
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:106: paint: upload locals
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:106: paint: end locals
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:179: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:179: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:179: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:402: paint: check: false, 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:443: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:450: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:451: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:453: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:474: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:607: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 571, progress =
100.0%, 12127
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:608: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 571, progress =
100.0%, 12127
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:610: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 571
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:611: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:611: paint: serverChange: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:611: paint: onCloudSyncEnd true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:12:612: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:21:291: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:52:21:304: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:21:310: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:21:312: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:52:21:546: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:21:616: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:854: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:862: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:868: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:879: paint: file.activity.MobileFileSelectActivity start
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:883: paint: sele = 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:887: honor: mobile picture fragment onCreateView: false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:929: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:935: paint: mediaType = 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:938: paint: MobilePictureFragment onResume
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:970: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:26:970: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:837: paint: note receiver: refersh_img_his
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:838: paint: onActivityResult: 1, -1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:838: paint: request: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:838: paint: ### insrt false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:839: paint: set mode selection: false, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:840: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:840: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{6b62f6 VFED..C.. ........ 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{62446f7 VFED..C.. ........
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:840: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:841: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:844: paint: TIME: 22952, 1714661527892, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:844: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:855: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 3
2024-5 月-02 22:52:30:902: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:31:342: paint: #: error2
2024-5 月-02 22:52:31:901: paint: click: -1 , Rect(1684, 6344 - 2935, 7139)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:31:927: paint: select : 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:31:934: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:31:942: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:31:947: paint: click: -1 , Rect(1684, 6344 - 2935, 7139)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:32:960: paint: select : 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:32:964: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:32:967: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:33:716: paint: click: 1536 , Rect(140, 5006 - 1391, 5801)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:33:762: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:33:765: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:33:786: paint: click: 1536 , Rect(140, 5006 - 1391, 5801)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:35:001: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:35:006: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:011: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:012: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:012: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:116: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:141: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:161: paint: set mode selection: false, false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:175: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:184: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:244: paint: recycle:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:37:379: paint: click: -1 , Rect(1060, 4926 - 2607, 5909)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:39:578: paint: select : 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:39:584: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:39:590: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:40:227: paint: recycle:
2024-5 月-02 22:52:40:480: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:41:580: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:41:581: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:41:582: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:52:41:688: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:41:753: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:52:42:508: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:43:354: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:44:035: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:952: paint: update: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/stickers
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:952: paint: hadLoad4:false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:952: paint: hadLoad3:false
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:957: paint: update: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/stickers
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:958: paint: update: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/stickers
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:960: paint: @@@@@@ list = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:960: paint: @@@@@@ list = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:963: paint: @@@@@@ list = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:988: paint: @@@@@@ stickerList = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:47:988: paint: @@@@@@ stickerList = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:48:015: paint: @@@@@@ stickerList = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:48:028: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:48:073: paint: update: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/stickers
2024-5 月-02 22:52:48:076: paint: @@@@@@ list = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:48:088: paint: @@@@@@ stickerList = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:48:653: paint: update: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/stickers
2024-5 月-02 22:52:48:655: paint: @@@@@@ list = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:48:665: paint: @@@@@@ stickerList = 4
2024-5 月-02 22:52:51:466: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:51:483: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:51:692: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 572, progress =
100.0%, 51556
2024-5 月-02 22:52:51:692: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 572, progress =
100.0%, 51556
2024-5 月-02 22:52:51:697: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 572
2024-5 月-02 22:52:51:698: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:186: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:211: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:273: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 573, progress =
100.0%, 5648
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:273: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 573, progress =
100.0%, 5648
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:276: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 573
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:276: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:683: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:699: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:769: paint: CropImageDialog onCreateDialog
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:842: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:907: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 574, progress =
100.0%, 53728
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:910: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 574, progress =
100.0%, 53728
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:911: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 574
2024-5 月-02 22:52:52:911: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:53:426: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:53:445: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:53:754: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 575, progress =
100.0%, 197371
2024-5 月-02 22:52:53:754: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 575, progress =
100.0%, 197371
2024-5 月-02 22:52:53:757: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 575
2024-5 月-02 22:52:53:757: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:54:163: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:54:176: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:54:587: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 576, progress =
100.0%, 22446
2024-5 月-02 22:52:54:587: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 576, progress =
100.0%, 22446
2024-5 月-02 22:52:54:590: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 576
2024-5 月-02 22:52:54:591: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:55:037: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:55:053: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:55:274: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 577, progress =
100.0%, 231997
2024-5 月-02 22:52:55:274: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 577, progress =
100.0%, 231997
2024-5 月-02 22:52:55:277: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 577
2024-5 月-02 22:52:55:277: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:55:711: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:55:723: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:053: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 578, progress =
100.0%, 6329
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:053: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 578, progress =
100.0%, 6329
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:056: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 578
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:057: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:261: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:461: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:472: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:553: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 579, progress =
100.0%, 6861
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:553: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 579, progress =
100.0%, 6861
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:580: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 579
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:581: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:768: paint: click: -1 , Rect(1953, 5012 - 3500, 5995)
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:976: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:56:996: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:182: paint: select bound1111 [1759,1196][1865,1355]
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:182: paint: select bound22222 [1759,1196][1865,1355]
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:185: paint: find first: 0, 0, null
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:186: paint: get bound [1759,1196][1865,1355]
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:356: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 580, progress =
100.0%, 66027
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:357: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 580, progress =
100.0%, 66027
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:359: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 580
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:359: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:752: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:57:763: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:172: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 581, progress =
100.0%, 46618
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:173: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 581, progress =
100.0%, 46618
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:175: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 581
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:176: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:634: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:646: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:706: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 582, progress =
100.0%, 5216
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:707: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 582, progress =
100.0%, 5216
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:710: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 582
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:710: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:785: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:786: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:787: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:52:58:934: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:005: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:012: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:012: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:016: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:027: paint: onModeChanged 3 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:030: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:030: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:033: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:152: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:158: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:290: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 583, progress =
100.0%, 4946
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:290: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 583, progress =
100.0%, 4946
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:294: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 583
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:294: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:764: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:774: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:957: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:52:59:965: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:132: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 584, progress =
100.0%, 22768
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:132: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 584, progress =
100.0%, 22768
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:139: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 584
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:139: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:551: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:567: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:827: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:829: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:829: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:00:831: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:030: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 585, progress =
100.0%, 127886
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:030: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 585, progress =
100.0%, 127886
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:033: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 585
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:033: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:394: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:399: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:496: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:506: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:814: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 586, progress =
100.0%, 64825
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:814: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 586, progress =
100.0%, 64825
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:819: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 586
2024-5 月-02 22:53:01:819: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:264: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:265: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:270: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:274: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:274: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:280: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:293: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:675: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 587, progress =
100.0%, 41034
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:676: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 587, progress =
100.0%, 41034
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:680: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 587
2024-5 月-02 22:53:02:681: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:03:091: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:03:096: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:03:470: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 588, progress =
100.0%, 14685
2024-5 月-02 22:53:03:471: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 588, progress =
100.0%, 14685
2024-5 月-02 22:53:03:476: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 588
2024-5 月-02 22:53:03:477: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:03:962: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:03:982: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:280: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 589, progress =
100.0%, 5097
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:281: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 589, progress =
100.0%, 5097
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:286: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 589
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:286: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:735: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:751: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:832: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 590, progress =
100.0%, 13113
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:833: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 590, progress =
100.0%, 13113
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:833: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 590
2024-5 月-02 22:53:04:833: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:257: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:267: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:435: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 591, progress =
100.0%, 43700
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:436: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 591, progress =
100.0%, 43700
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:439: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 591
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:439: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:564: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:570: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:852: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:05:862: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:124: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 592, progress =
100.0%, 205100
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:124: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 592, progress =
100.0%, 205100
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:125: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 592
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:125: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:590: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:601: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:747: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 593, progress =
100.0%, 114952
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:748: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 593, progress =
100.0%, 114952
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:750: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 593
2024-5 月-02 22:53:06:751: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:255: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:267: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:278: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:460: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 594, progress =
100.0%, 37861
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:461: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 594, progress =
100.0%, 37861
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:463: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 594
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:464: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:903: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:07:924: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:291: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 595, progress =
100.0%, 95453
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:292: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:293: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:293: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:293: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 595, progress =
100.0%, 95453
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:303: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 595
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:304: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:385: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:444: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:604: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:897: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:08:910: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:076: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 596, progress =
100.0%, 46006
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:077: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 596, progress =
100.0%, 46006
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:080: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 596
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:081: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:487: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:494: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:556: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 597, progress =
100.0%, 6118
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:557: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 597, progress =
100.0%, 6118
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:558: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 597
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:558: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:972: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:09:979: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:254: paint: jumpToMaterial:
note_422d7688b6274296a6e50d51896e4255, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747, e5b39b2e
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:255: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:267: paint: jump result: true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:283: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 598, progress =
100.0%, 6228
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:283: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 598, progress =
100.0%, 6228
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:293: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 598
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:294: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:679: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 1.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:10:690: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:054: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 599, progress =
100.0%, 4097
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:055: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 599, progress =
100.0%, 4097
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:057: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 599
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:057: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:507: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 10.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:515: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:776: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 600, progress =
100.0%, 4385
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:777: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 600, progress =
100.0%, 4385
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:779: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 600
2024-5 月-02 22:53:11:779: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:185: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 11.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:192: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:455: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 601, progress =
100.0%, 4555
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:456: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 601, progress =
100.0%, 4555
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:458: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 601
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:459: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:883: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 12.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:892: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:979: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 602, progress =
100.0%, 4312
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:979: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 602, progress =
100.0%, 4312
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:979: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 602
2024-5 月-02 22:53:12:979: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:255: paint: jumpToMaterial:
note_422d7688b6274296a6e50d51896e4255, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747, e5b39b2e
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:256: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:275: paint: jump result: true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:366: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 13.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:401: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:663: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 603, progress =
100.0%, 4555
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:664: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 603, progress =
100.0%, 4555
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:672: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 603
2024-5 月-02 22:53:13:672: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:097: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 14.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:121: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:188: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 604, progress =
100.0%, 4408
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:189: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 604, progress =
100.0%, 4408
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:195: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 604
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:195: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:651: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 15.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:671: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:967: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 605, progress =
100.0%, 4542
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:968: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 605, progress =
100.0%, 4542
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:969: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 605
2024-5 月-02 22:53:14:970: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:408: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 16.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:431: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:512: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 606, progress =
100.0%, 4387
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:513: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 606, progress =
100.0%, 4387
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:513: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 606
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:513: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:876: paint:
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:957: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 17.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:15:971: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:052: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 607, progress =
100.0%, 4519
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:062: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 607
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:063: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:558: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 18.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:564: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:829: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 608, progress =
100.0%, 4286
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:829: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 608, progress =
100.0%, 4286
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:832: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 608
2024-5 月-02 22:53:16:833: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:186: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:196: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:263: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:286: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 19.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:304: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:338: paint: jumpToMaterial:
note_422d7688b6274296a6e50d51896e4255, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747, e5b39b2e
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:339: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:379: paint: jump result: true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:424: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 609, progress =
100.0%, 4534
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:426: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 609, progress =
100.0%, 4534
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:428: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 609
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:430: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:909: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 2.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:17:919: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:006: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 610, progress =
100.0%, 3882
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:006: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 610, progress =
100.0%, 3882
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:011: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 610
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:012: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:412: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 20.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:433: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:503: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 611, progress =
100.0%, 4381
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:504: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 611, progress =
100.0%, 4381
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:515: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 611
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:516: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:568: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 6
2024-5 月-02 22:53:18:573: paint: font size: 0:
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:004: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 21.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:017: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:089: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 612, progress =
100.0%, 4532
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:090: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 612, progress =
100.0%, 4532
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:094: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 612
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:095: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:714: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 22.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:734: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:803: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 613, progress =
100.0%, 4280
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:803: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 613, progress =
100.0%, 4280
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:804: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 613
2024-5 月-02 22:53:19:805: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:192: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 23.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:209: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:283: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 614, progress =
100.0%, 4546
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:284: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 614, progress =
100.0%, 4546
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:291: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 614
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:292: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:688: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 24.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:699: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:971: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 615, progress =
100.0%, 4355
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:972: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 615, progress =
100.0%, 4355
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:979: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 615
2024-5 月-02 22:53:20:980: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:21:390: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 3.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:21:412: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:21:495: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 616, progress =
100.0%, 4475
2024-5 月-02 22:53:21:496: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 616, progress =
100.0%, 4475
2024-5 月-02 22:53:21:497: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 616
2024-5 月-02 22:53:21:497: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:21:897: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 4.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:21:922: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:004: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 617, progress =
100.0%, 4240
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:004: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 617, progress =
100.0%, 4240
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:005: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 617
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:005: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:012: paint: set mode selection: false, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:013: paint: onModeChanged 6 -> 3
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:453: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 5.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:471: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:541: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 618, progress =
100.0%, 4521
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:541: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 618, progress =
100.0%, 4521
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:550: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 618
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:551: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:22:995: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 6.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:004: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:012: paint: select bound1111 [1492,938][1501,945]
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:012: paint: find first: 0, 0,
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:018: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:021: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:354: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 619, progress =
100.0%, 4338
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:355: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 619, progress =
100.0%, 4338
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:358: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 619
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:359: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:819: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 7.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:834: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:895: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 620, progress =
100.0%, 4582
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:895: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 620, progress =
100.0%, 4582
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:903: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 620
2024-5 月-02 22:53:23:903: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:24:308: mindmap_extension: beforeDelete:
2024-5 月-02 22:53:24:309: paint: selectedDelete: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:24:309: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 8.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:24:349: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:24:606: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 621, progress =
100.0%, 4400
2024-5 月-02 22:53:24:607: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 621, progress =
100.0%, 4400
2024-5 月-02 22:53:24:612: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 621
2024-5 月-02 22:53:24:612: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:043: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/paper clip/paper clip 9.png
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:058: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:160: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 622, progress =
100.0%, 4469
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:160: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 622, progress =
100.0%, 4469
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:160: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 622
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:161: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:297: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:303: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:382: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 623, progress =
100.0%, 136
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:383: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 623, progress =
100.0%, 136
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:386: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 623
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:387: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:451: paint: jumpToMaterial:
note_422d7688b6274296a6e50d51896e4255, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747, e5b39b2e
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:455: paint: start read pages
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:455: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:459: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:467: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:468: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:469: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:589: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:651: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:653: paint: free: -1, paper @ note_page1714228530787ec4d4747
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:653: paint: jump result: false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:786: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:795: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:890: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 624, progress =
100.0%, 4271
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:890: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 624, progress =
100.0%, 4271
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:894: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 624
2024-5 月-02 22:53:25:894: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:128: paint: select bound1111 [2016,884][2020,885]
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:128: paint: find first: 0, 0,
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:134: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:137: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:294: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:307: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:401: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 625, progress =
100.0%, 4951
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:402: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 625, progress =
100.0%, 4951
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:406: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 625
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:406: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:762: paint: click: -1 , Rect(1953, 5012 - 3500, 5995)
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:820: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:846: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:910: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 626, progress =
100.0%, 4843
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:910: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 626, progress =
100.0%, 4843
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:910: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 626
2024-5 月-02 22:53:26:910: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:423: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:435: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:493: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 627, progress =
100.0%, 4940
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:494: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 627, progress =
100.0%, 4940
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:494: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 627
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:494: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:620: paint: select : 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:625: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:27:629: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:014: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:026: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:102: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 628, progress =
100.0%, 4649
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:103: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 628, progress =
100.0%, 4649
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:106: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 628
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:107: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:587: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:601: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:666: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 629, progress =
100.0%, 4800
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:667: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 629, progress =
100.0%, 4800
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:671: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 629
2024-5 月-02 22:53:28:672: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:165: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:182: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:255: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 630, progress =
100.0%, 4951
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:256: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 630, progress =
100.0%, 4951
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:266: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 630
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:266: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:608: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:652: paint: onModeChanged 3 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:662: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:662: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:663: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:762: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:770: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:771: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:836: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:885: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 631, progress =
100.0%, 4739
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:893: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 631
2024-5 月-02 22:53:29:893: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:351: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:364: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:423: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 632, progress =
100.0%, 5087
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:424: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 632, progress =
100.0%, 5087
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:428: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 632
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:429: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:881: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:900: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:983: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 633, progress =
100.0%, 4715
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:984: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 633, progress =
100.0%, 4715
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:988: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 633
2024-5 月-02 22:53:30:988: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:461: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:472: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:517: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:518: paint: set mode selection: false, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:524: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 3
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:543: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 634, progress =
100.0%, 4980
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:543: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 634, progress =
100.0%, 4980
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:547: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 634
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:547: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:969: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:31:986: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:059: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 635, progress =
100.0%, 4764
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:061: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 635, progress =
100.0%, 4764
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:067: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 635
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:067: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:421: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:422: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:425: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:437: paint: onModeChanged 3 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:439: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:439: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:441: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:540: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:546: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:608: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 636, progress =
100.0%, 3777
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:608: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 636, progress =
100.0%, 3777
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:611: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 636
2024-5 月-02 22:53:32:611: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:105: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:123: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:193: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 637, progress =
100.0%, 4011
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:194: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 637, progress =
100.0%, 4011
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:202: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 637
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:202: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:641: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:653: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:737: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 638, progress =
100.0%, 3992
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:738: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 638, progress =
100.0%, 3992
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:745: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 638
2024-5 月-02 22:53:33:745: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:189: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:217: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:299: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 639, progress =
100.0%, 3959
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:300: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 639, progress =
100.0%, 3959
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:305: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 639
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:305: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:700: paint: jumpToMaterial:
note_422d7688b6274296a6e50d51896e4255, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747, e5b39b2e
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:706: paint: start read pages
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:706: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:716: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:720: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:751: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:762: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:788: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:791: paint: free: -1, paper @ note_page1714228530787ec4d4747
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:791: paint: jump result: false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:826: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 640, progress =
100.0%, 4001
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:828: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 640, progress =
100.0%, 4001
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:831: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 640
2024-5 月-02 22:53:34:832: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:279: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:289: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:351: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 641, progress =
100.0%, 4037
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:351: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 641, progress =
100.0%, 4037
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:354: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 641
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:354: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:746: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:766: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:824: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 642, progress =
100.0%, 4028
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:824: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 642, progress =
100.0%, 4028
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:830: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 642
2024-5 月-02 22:53:35:831: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:296: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:317: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:419: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 643, progress =
100.0%, 3982
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:421: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 643, progress =
100.0%, 3982
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:428: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 643
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:428: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:587: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:593: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:888: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:36:902: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:084: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 644, progress =
100.0%, 4006
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:085: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 644, progress =
100.0%, 4006
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:092: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 644
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:093: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:599: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:614: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:670: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 645, progress =
100.0%, 3988
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:670: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 645, progress =
100.0%, 3988
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:670: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 645
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:670: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:850: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:852: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:852: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:37:854: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:159: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:168: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:254: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 646, progress =
100.0%, 3782
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:254: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 646, progress =
100.0%, 3782
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:256: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 646
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:256: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:686: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:699: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:764: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 647, progress =
100.0%, 3962
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:764: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 647, progress =
100.0%, 3962
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:770: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 647
2024-5 月-02 22:53:38:770: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:187: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:208: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:323: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 648, progress =
100.0%, 4005
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:324: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 648, progress =
100.0%, 4005
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:331: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 648
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:332: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:779: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:798: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:903: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 649, progress =
100.0%, 3988
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:903: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 649, progress =
100.0%, 3988
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:914: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 649
2024-5 月-02 22:53:39:914: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:368: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:390: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:465: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 650, progress =
100.0%, 3970
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:465: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 650, progress =
100.0%, 3970
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:469: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 650
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:469: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:604: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:604: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:607: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:898: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:915: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:992: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 651, progress =
100.0%, 4004
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:992: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 651, progress =
100.0%, 4004
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:998: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 651
2024-5 月-02 22:53:40:998: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:570: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:582: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:652: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 652, progress =
100.0%, 3940
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:653: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 652, progress =
100.0%, 3940
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:684: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:685: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:687: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:688: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 652
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:688: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:155: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:173: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:224: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 653, progress =
100.0%, 3965
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:224: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 653, progress =
100.0%, 3965
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:225: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 653
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:226: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:754: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:771: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:981: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 654, progress =
100.0%, 50870
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:981: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 654, progress =
100.0%, 50870
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:988: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 654
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:988: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:398: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:414: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:542: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 655, progress =
100.0%, 47619
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:542: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 655, progress =
100.0%, 47619
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:552: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 655
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:554: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:607: paint: set mode selection: false, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:608: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 3
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:998: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:015: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:220: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 656, progress =
100.0%, 51893
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:222: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 656, progress =
100.0%, 51893
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:230: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 656
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:231: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:597: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:648: paint: onModeChanged 3 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:689: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:700: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:832: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 657, progress =
100.0%, 55041
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:832: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 657, progress =
100.0%, 55041
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:838: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 657
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:839: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:582: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:652: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 652, progress =
100.0%, 3940
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:653: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 652, progress =
100.0%, 3940
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:684: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:685: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:687: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:688: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 652
2024-5 月-02 22:53:41:688: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:155: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:173: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:224: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 653, progress =
100.0%, 3965
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:224: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 653, progress =
100.0%, 3965
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:225: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 653
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:226: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:754: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:771: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:981: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 654, progress =
100.0%, 50870
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:981: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 654, progress =
100.0%, 50870
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:988: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 654
2024-5 月-02 22:53:42:988: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:398: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:414: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:542: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 655, progress =
100.0%, 47619
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:542: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 655, progress =
100.0%, 47619
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:552: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 655
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:554: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:607: paint: set mode selection: false, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:608: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 3
2024-5 月-02 22:53:43:998: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:015: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:220: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 656, progress =
100.0%, 51893
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:222: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 656, progress =
100.0%, 51893
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:230: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 656
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:231: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:597: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:648: paint: onModeChanged 3 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:689: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:700: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:832: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 657, progress =
100.0%, 55041
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:832: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 657, progress =
100.0%, 55041
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:838: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 657
2024-5 月-02 22:53:44:839: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:305: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:325: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:468: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:468: paint: set mode selection: false, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:473: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 3
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:493: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 658, progress =
100.0%, 50708
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:493: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 658, progress =
100.0%, 50708
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:494: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 658
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:494: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:883: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:45:904: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:113: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 659, progress =
100.0%, 48525
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:114: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 659, progress =
100.0%, 48525
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:122: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 659
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:122: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:141: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:192: paint: onModeChanged 3 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:564: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:583: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:703: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 660, progress =
100.0%, 50779
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:703: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 660, progress =
100.0%, 50779
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:709: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 660
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:709: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:938: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:939: paint: set mode selection: false, false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:46:945: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 3
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:196: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:211: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:354: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 661, progress =
100.0%, 45867
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:355: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 661, progress =
100.0%, 45867
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:360: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 661
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:361: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:791: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:811: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:960: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 662, progress =
100.0%, 58797
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:961: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 662, progress =
100.0%, 58797
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:963: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 662
2024-5 月-02 22:53:47:964: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:254: paint: select bound1111 [517,828][517,828]
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:254: paint: find first: 0, 0,
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:260: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:263: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:327: paint: click: -1 , Rect(-2205, 4555 - -658, 5538)
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:361: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:370: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:381: paint: select : 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:384: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:387: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:506: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 663, progress =
100.0%, 54491
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:508: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 663, progress =
100.0%, 54491
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:509: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 663
2024-5 月-02 22:53:48:509: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:031: paint: click: 1536 , Rect(-2206, 4555 - -659, 5538)
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:108: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:118: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:218: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 664, progress =
100.0%, 1927
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:226: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 664, progress =
100.0%, 1927
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:227: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 664
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:227: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:615: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:629: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:695: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 665, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:700: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 665, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:700: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 665
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:700: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:974: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:49:979: mindmap_extension: updateSelectResult: not handled
2024-5 月-02 22:53:50:391: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:50:403: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:50:571: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 666, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:50:572: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 666, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:50:577: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 666
2024-5 月-02 22:53:50:577: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:052: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:067: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:170: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 667, progress =
100.0%, 1927
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:171: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 667, progress =
100.0%, 1927
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:175: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 667
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:176: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:597: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:598: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:600: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:604: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:614: paint: onModeChanged 3 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:615: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:615: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:618: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:623: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:656: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 668, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:656: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 668, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:657: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 668
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:657: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:986: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:986: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:51:987: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:051: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:059: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:127: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:164: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 669, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:164: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 669, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:166: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 669
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:167: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:194: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:588: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:612: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:812: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 670, progress =
100.0%, 1923
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:814: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 670, progress =
100.0%, 1923
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:819: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 670
2024-5 月-02 22:53:52:820: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:219: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:238: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:295: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 671, progress =
100.0%, 1925
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:295: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 671, progress =
100.0%, 1925
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:297: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 671
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:297: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:695: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:712: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:803: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 672, progress =
100.0%, 2119
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:804: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 672, progress =
100.0%, 2119
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:811: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 672
2024-5 月-02 22:53:53:811: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:303: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:327: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:384: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 673, progress =
100.0%, 1917
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:384: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 673, progress =
100.0%, 1917
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:392: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 673
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:393: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:754: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:775: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:861: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 674, progress =
100.0%, 1918
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:862: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 674, progress =
100.0%, 1918
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:869: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 674
2024-5 月-02 22:53:54:869: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:316: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:336: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:403: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 675, progress =
100.0%, 1920
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:404: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 675, progress =
100.0%, 1920
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:409: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 675
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:409: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:868: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:895: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:999: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 676, progress =
100.0%, 1925
2024-5 月-02 22:53:55:999: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 676, progress =
100.0%, 1925
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:000: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 676
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:000: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:458: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:467: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:533: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 677, progress =
100.0%, 1925
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:533: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 677, progress =
100.0%, 1925
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:534: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 677
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:534: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:56:980: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:001: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:049: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 678, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:056: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 678, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:056: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 678
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:056: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:438: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:453: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:514: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 679, progress =
100.0%, 1924
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:515: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 679
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:516: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:57:994: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:002: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:093: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 680, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:094: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 680, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:094: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 680
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:094: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:552: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:558: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:617: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 681, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:617: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 681, progress =
100.0%, 1926
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:626: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 681
2024-5 月-02 22:53:58:626: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:175: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:197: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:220: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:231: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:267: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:298: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 682, progress =
100.0%, 4946
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:298: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 682, progress =
100.0%, 4946
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:306: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 682
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:306: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:754: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:766: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:833: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 683, progress =
100.0%, 4925
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:833: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 683, progress =
100.0%, 4925
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:834: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 683
2024-5 月-02 22:53:59:834: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:300: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:310: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:377: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 684, progress =
100.0%, 4909
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:378: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 684, progress =
100.0%, 4909
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:378: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 684
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:378: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:742: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:759: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:863: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 685, progress =
100.0%, 4924
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:863: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 685, progress =
100.0%, 4924
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:871: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 685
2024-5 月-02 22:54:00:871: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:309: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:332: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:414: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 686, progress =
100.0%, 4891
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:415: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 686, progress =
100.0%, 4891
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:416: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 686
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:417: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:893: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:910: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:928: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:943: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:990: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 687, progress =
100.0%, 4940
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:990: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 687, progress =
100.0%, 4940
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:992: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 687
2024-5 月-02 22:54:01:993: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:007: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:401: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:411: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:482: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 688, progress =
100.0%, 4929
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:482: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 688, progress =
100.0%, 4929
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:488: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 688
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:489: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:871: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:887: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:987: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 689, progress =
100.0%, 4917
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:987: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 689, progress =
100.0%, 4917
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:993: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 689
2024-5 月-02 22:54:02:993: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:03:416: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:03:436: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:03:498: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 690, progress =
100.0%, 4909
2024-5 月-02 22:54:03:499: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 690, progress =
100.0%, 4909
2024-5 月-02 22:54:03:505: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 690
2024-5 月-02 22:54:03:506: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:03:954: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:03:963: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:023: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 691, progress =
100.0%, 4869
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:023: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 691, progress =
100.0%, 4869
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:027: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 691
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:028: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:484: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:499: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:555: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 692, progress =
100.0%, 4927
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:555: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 692, progress =
100.0%, 4927
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:562: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 692
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:562: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:980: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:04:992: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:057: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 693, progress =
100.0%, 4902
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:058: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 693, progress =
100.0%, 4902
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:060: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 693
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:060: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:395: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:402: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:457: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 694, progress =
100.0%, 4906
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:457: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 694, progress =
100.0%, 4906
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:459: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 694
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:459: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:903: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:05:913: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:016: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 695, progress =
100.0%, 4899
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:017: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 695, progress =
100.0%, 4899
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:018: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 695
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:018: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:460: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:471: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:567: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 696, progress =
100.0%, 4895
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:567: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 696, progress =
100.0%, 4895
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:567: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 696
2024-5 月-02 22:54:06:567: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:000: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:010: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:070: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 697, progress =
100.0%, 4926
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:071: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 697, progress =
100.0%, 4926
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:075: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 697
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:075: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:464: paint: already show 20
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:614: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:628: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:684: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 698, progress =
100.0%, 4879
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:684: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 698, progress =
100.0%, 4879
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:694: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 698
2024-5 月-02 22:54:07:694: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:115: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:126: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:193: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 699, progress =
100.0%, 4870
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:193: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 699, progress =
100.0%, 4870
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:199: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 699
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:199: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:567: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:579: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:651: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 700, progress =
100.0%, 4868
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:651: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 700, progress =
100.0%, 4868
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:653: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 700
2024-5 月-02 22:54:08:653: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:057: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:067: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:191: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 701, progress =
100.0%, 4754
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:191: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 701, progress =
100.0%, 4754
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:197: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 701
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:197: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:666: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:673: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:736: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 702, progress =
100.0%, 4948
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:737: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 702, progress =
100.0%, 4948
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:737: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 702
2024-5 月-02 22:54:09:737: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:111: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:123: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:199: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 703, progress =
100.0%, 4917
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:200: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 703, progress =
100.0%, 4917
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:207: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 703
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:207: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:630: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:641: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:711: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 704, progress =
100.0%, 4924
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:712: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 704, progress =
100.0%, 4924
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:715: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 704
2024-5 月-02 22:54:10:715: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:205: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:217: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:266: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 705, progress =
100.0%, 4904
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:267: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 705, progress =
100.0%, 4904
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:270: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 705
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:270: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:692: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:714: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:764: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 706, progress =
100.0%, 4910
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:765: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 706, progress =
100.0%, 4910
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:765: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 706
2024-5 月-02 22:54:11:765: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:148: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:153: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:258: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 707, progress =
100.0%, 4938
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:258: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 707, progress =
100.0%, 4938
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:258: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 707
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:258: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:669: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:681: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:735: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 708, progress =
100.0%, 4925
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:735: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 708, progress =
100.0%, 4925
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:741: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 708
2024-5 月-02 22:54:12:742: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:185: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:195: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:275: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 709, progress =
100.0%, 4908
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:275: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 709, progress =
100.0%, 4908
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:281: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 709
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:281: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:681: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:691: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:761: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 710, progress =
100.0%, 4903
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:761: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 710, progress =
100.0%, 4903
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:761: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 710
2024-5 月-02 22:54:13:762: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:167: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:177: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:229: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 711, progress =
100.0%, 4894
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:229: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 711, progress =
100.0%, 4894
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:229: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 711
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:229: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:349: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:354: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:428: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 712, progress =
100.0%, 148
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:428: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 712, progress =
100.0%, 148
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:429: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 712
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:429: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:824: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:838: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:954: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 713, progress =
100.0%, 6958
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:955: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 713, progress =
100.0%, 6958
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:956: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 713
2024-5 月-02 22:54:14:956: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:15:401: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:15:419: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:15:515: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 714, progress =
100.0%, 6968
2024-5 月-02 22:54:15:515: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 714, progress =
100.0%, 6968
2024-5 月-02 22:54:15:522: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 714
2024-5 月-02 22:54:15:523: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:039: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:055: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:265: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 715, progress =
100.0%, 7094
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:268: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 715
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:269: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:667: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:681: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:820: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 716, progress =
100.0%, 6969
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:820: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 716, progress =
100.0%, 6969
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:829: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 716
2024-5 月-02 22:54:16:830: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:168: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:169: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:170: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:304: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:354: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:368: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:369: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:479: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 717, progress =
100.0%, 6958
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:480: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 717, progress =
100.0%, 6958
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:486: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 717
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:487: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:17:984: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:008: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:113: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 718, progress =
100.0%, 6970
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:121: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 718
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:122: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:606: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:624: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:732: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 719, progress =
100.0%, 6969
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:733: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 719, progress =
100.0%, 6969
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:741: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 719
2024-5 月-02 22:54:18:742: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:228: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:243: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:318: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 720, progress =
100.0%, 6964
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:319: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 720, progress =
100.0%, 6964
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:322: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 720
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:322: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:779: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:785: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:891: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 721, progress =
100.0%, 6967
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:891: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 721, progress =
100.0%, 6967
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:893: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 721
2024-5 月-02 22:54:19:893: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:20:388: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:20:402: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:20:506: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 722, progress =
100.0%, 6970
2024-5 月-02 22:54:20:506: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 722, progress =
100.0%, 6970
2024-5 月-02 22:54:20:506: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 722
2024-5 月-02 22:54:20:506: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:20:957: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:20:971: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:060: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 723, progress =
100.0%, 6969
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:061: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 723, progress =
100.0%, 6969
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:061: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 723
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:061: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:588: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:600: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:682: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 724, progress =
100.0%, 6968
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:683: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 724, progress =
100.0%, 6968
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:684: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 724
2024-5 月-02 22:54:21:685: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:159: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/autumn/autumn harvest.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:170: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:307: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 725, progress =
100.0%, 20422
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:308: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 725, progress =
100.0%, 20422
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:310: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 725
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:310: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:782: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:794: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:906: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 726, progress =
100.0%, 9118
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:907: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 726, progress =
100.0%, 9118
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:912: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 726
2024-5 月-02 22:54:22:913: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:386: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:406: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:449: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:450: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:451: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:580: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:639: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:727: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 727, progress =
100.0%, 20542
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:728: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 727, progress =
100.0%, 20542
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:728: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 727
2024-5 月-02 22:54:23:729: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:150: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:162: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:269: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 728, progress =
100.0%, 19781
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:274: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 728, progress =
100.0%, 19781
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:278: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 728
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:278: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:764: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:777: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:913: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 729, progress =
100.0%, 9808
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:913: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 729, progress =
100.0%, 9808
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:913: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 729
2024-5 月-02 22:54:24:913: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:368: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/autumn/ginkgo leaf.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:373: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:462: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 730, progress =
100.0%, 3100
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:463: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 730, progress =
100.0%, 3100
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:465: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 730
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:466: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:865: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/autumn/maple leaf.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:879: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:980: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 731, progress =
100.0%, 10120
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:989: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 731
2024-5 月-02 22:54:25:989: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:26:463: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:26:482: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:26:794: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 732, progress =
100.0%, 9011
2024-5 月-02 22:54:26:794: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 732, progress =
100.0%, 9011
2024-5 月-02 22:54:26:795: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 732
2024-5 月-02 22:54:26:795: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:27:209: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/autumn/osmanthus lotus root.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:27:225: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:27:324: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 733, progress =
100.0%, 14699
2024-5 月-02 22:54:27:324: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 733, progress =
100.0%, 14699
2024-5 月-02 22:54:27:325: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 733
2024-5 月-02 22:54:27:325: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:27:741: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:27:751: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:062: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 734, progress =
100.0%, 8054
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:062: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 734, progress =
100.0%, 8054
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:077: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 734
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:077: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:520: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/autumn/pine cone.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:533: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:605: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 735, progress =
100.0%, 4210
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:605: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 735, progress =
100.0%, 4210
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:612: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 735
2024-5 月-02 22:54:28:612: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:054: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:074: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:224: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 736, progress =
100.0%, 10338
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:225: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 736, progress =
100.0%, 10338
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:229: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 736
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:229: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:657: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:680: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:979: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 737, progress =
100.0%, 9823
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:980: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 737, progress =
100.0%, 9823
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:986: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 737
2024-5 月-02 22:54:29:986: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:191: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:198: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:199: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:200: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:337: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:403: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:460: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/autumn/tea set.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:477: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:599: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 738, progress =
100.0%, 9162
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:600: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 738, progress =
100.0%, 9162
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:608: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 738
2024-5 月-02 22:54:30:608: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:31:066: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/spring/Bamboo shoots.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:31:088: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:31:466: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 739, progress =
100.0%, 6592
2024-5 月-02 22:54:31:466: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 739, progress =
100.0%, 6592
2024-5 月-02 22:54:31:474: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 739
2024-5 月-02 22:54:31:475: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:31:978: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:31:991: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:118: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 740, progress =
100.0%, 12138
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:119: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 740, progress =
100.0%, 12138
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:127: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 740
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:128: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:551: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:572: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:674: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 741, progress =
100.0%, 6311
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:675: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 741, progress =
100.0%, 6311
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:677: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 741
2024-5 月-02 22:54:32:678: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:134: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/spring/Green rice ball.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:146: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:255: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 742, progress =
100.0%, 12254
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:256: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 742, progress =
100.0%, 12254
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:264: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 742
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:264: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:658: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/spring/have an outing in spring.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:668: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:982: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 743, progress =
100.0%, 17841
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:982: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 743, progress =
100.0%, 17841
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:982: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 743
2024-5 月-02 22:54:33:983: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:34:485: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:34:504: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:34:652: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 744, progress =
100.0%, 22494
2024-5 月-02 22:54:34:653: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 744, progress =
100.0%, 22494
2024-5 月-02 22:54:34:660: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 744
2024-5 月-02 22:54:34:660: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:159: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:180: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:304: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 745, progress =
100.0%, 16491
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:304: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 745, progress =
100.0%, 16491
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:307: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 745
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:308: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:841: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:865: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:961: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 746, progress =
100.0%, 4086
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:962: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 746, progress =
100.0%, 4086
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:968: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 746
2024-5 月-02 22:54:35:969: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:279: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:279: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:279: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:383: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:389: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/spring/peach blossom.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:398: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:449: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:555: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 747, progress =
100.0%, 13763
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:556: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 747, progress =
100.0%, 13763
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:560: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 747
2024-5 月-02 22:54:36:561: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:020: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:036: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:191: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 748, progress =
100.0%, 9046
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:192: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 748, progress =
100.0%, 9046
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:195: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 748
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:196: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:666: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:681: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:800: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 749, progress =
100.0%, 12287
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:800: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 749, progress =
100.0%, 12287
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:800: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 749
2024-5 月-02 22:54:37:801: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:38:218: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:38:231: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:38:539: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 750, progress =
100.0%, 6314
2024-5 月-02 22:54:38:540: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 750, progress =
100.0%, 6314
2024-5 月-02 22:54:38:541: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 750
2024-5 月-02 22:54:38:541: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:38:986: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:38:991: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:092: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 751, progress =
100.0%, 13486
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:092: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 751, progress =
100.0%, 13486
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:093: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 751
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:094: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:595: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/summer/coconut tree.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:607: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:725: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 752, progress =
100.0%, 14397
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:726: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 752, progress =
100.0%, 14397
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:731: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 752
2024-5 月-02 22:54:39:732: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:40:220: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:40:226: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:40:323: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 753, progress =
100.0%, 15531
2024-5 月-02 22:54:40:323: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 753, progress =
100.0%, 15531
2024-5 月-02 22:54:40:324: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 753
2024-5 月-02 22:54:40:324: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:40:801: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/summer/eat watermelon.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:40:807: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:106: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 754, progress =
100.0%, 23507
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:106: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 754, progress =
100.0%, 23507
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:108: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 754
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:108: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:531: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:538: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:614: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 755, progress =
100.0%, 6571
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:614: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 755, progress =
100.0%, 6571
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:621: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 755
2024-5 月-02 22:54:41:621: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:122: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:128: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:211: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 756, progress =
100.0%, 10166
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:212: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 756, progress =
100.0%, 10166
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:212: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 756
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:212: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:665: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/summer/lily of the valley.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:678: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:795: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 757, progress =
100.0%, 15603
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:795: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 757, progress =
100.0%, 15603
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:800: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 757
2024-5 月-02 22:54:42:801: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:184: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/summer/lotus leaf.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:191: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:278: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 758, progress =
100.0%, 14876
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:279: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 758, progress =
100.0%, 14876
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:285: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 758
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:285: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:750: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:764: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:833: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 759, progress =
100.0%, 16134
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:834: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 759, progress =
100.0%, 16134
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:841: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 759
2024-5 月-02 22:54:43:841: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:301: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:318: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:406: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 760, progress =
100.0%, 3598
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:406: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 760, progress =
100.0%, 3598
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:410: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 760
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:410: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:805: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:811: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:913: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 761, progress =
100.0%, 8170
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:914: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 761, progress =
100.0%, 8170
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:915: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 761
2024-5 月-02 22:54:44:916: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:45:462: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:45:471: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:45:607: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 762, progress =
100.0%, 10457
2024-5 月-02 22:54:45:608: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 762, progress =
100.0%, 10457
2024-5 月-02 22:54:45:610: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 762
2024-5 月-02 22:54:45:611: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:016: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:029: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:174: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 763, progress =
100.0%, 6168
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:175: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 763, progress =
100.0%, 6168
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:177: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 763
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:178: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:714: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:732: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:990: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 764, progress =
100.0%, 12047
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:991: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 764, progress =
100.0%, 12047
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:998: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 764
2024-5 月-02 22:54:46:999: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:141: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:142: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:142: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:257: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:323: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:461: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/winter/bake a sweet potato.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:481: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:559: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 765, progress =
100.0%, 3811
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:560: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 765, progress =
100.0%, 3811
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:569: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 765
2024-5 月-02 22:54:47:569: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:079: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:102: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:208: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 766, progress =
100.0%, 9273
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:209: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 766, progress =
100.0%, 9273
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:215: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 766
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:216: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:710: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/winter/coffee cup.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:720: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:860: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 767, progress =
100.0%, 9486
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:861: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 767, progress =
100.0%, 9486
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:870: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 767
2024-5 月-02 22:54:48:870: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:295: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:309: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:351: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 768, progress =
100.0%, 5213
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:351: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 768, progress =
100.0%, 5213
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:352: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 768
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:353: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:790: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:796: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:950: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 769, progress =
100.0%, 11858
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:950: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 769, progress =
100.0%, 11858
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:956: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 769
2024-5 月-02 22:54:49:957: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:50:404: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/winter/hot pot.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:50:409: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:50:482: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 770, progress =
100.0%, 8353
2024-5 月-02 22:54:50:482: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 770, progress =
100.0%, 8353
2024-5 月-02 22:54:50:484: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 770
2024-5 月-02 22:54:50:484: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:50:885: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:50:895: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:001: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 771, progress =
100.0%, 7942
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:002: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 771, progress =
100.0%, 7942
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:009: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 771
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:010: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:511: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
seasons/winter/lucky picture.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:522: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:607: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 772, progress =
100.0%, 6066
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:608: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 772, progress =
100.0%, 6066
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:615: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 772
2024-5 月-02 22:54:51:615: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:030: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:050: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:162: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 773, progress =
100.0%, 8515
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:162: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 773, progress =
100.0%, 8515
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:168: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 773
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:168: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:596: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:607: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:624: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:625: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:626: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:696: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 774, progress =
100.0%, 23611
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:697: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 774, progress =
100.0%, 23611
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:704: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 774
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:704: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:726: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:52:784: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:105: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:110: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:214: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 775, progress =
100.0%, 8172
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:214: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 775, progress =
100.0%, 8172
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:214: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 775
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:214: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:687: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:698: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:788: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 776, progress =
100.0%, 12950
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:788: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 776, progress =
100.0%, 12950
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:791: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 776
2024-5 月-02 22:54:53:792: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:289: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:305: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:380: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 777, progress =
100.0%, 10105
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:380: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 777, progress =
100.0%, 10105
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:387: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 777
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:387: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:885: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模板/four
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:902: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:992: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 778, progress =
100.0%, 11446
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:993: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 778, progress =
100.0%, 11446
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:999: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 778
2024-5 月-02 22:54:54:999: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:351: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:352: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:352: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:453: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/rabbit/alarm clock.png
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:460: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:462: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:527: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:548: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 779, progress =
100.0%, 8675
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:549: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 779, progress =
100.0%, 8675
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:552: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 779
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:553: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:55:996: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:008: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:167: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 780, progress =
100.0%, 14017
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:168: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 780, progress =
100.0%, 14017
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:177: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 780
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:178: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:626: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:648: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:849: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 781, progress =
100.0%, 17459
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:850: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 781, progress =
100.0%, 17459
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:856: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 781
2024-5 月-02 22:54:56:856: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:289: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:310: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:404: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 782, progress =
100.0%, 6635
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:405: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 782, progress =
100.0%, 6635
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:413: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 782
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:413: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:856: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:862: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:917: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 783, progress =
100.0%, 3438
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:917: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 783, progress =
100.0%, 3438
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:918: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 783
2024-5 月-02 22:54:57:918: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:58:356: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:58:367: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:58:488: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 784, progress =
100.0%, 2921
2024-5 月-02 22:54:58:489: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 784, progress =
100.0%, 2921
2024-5 月-02 22:54:58:495: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 784
2024-5 月-02 22:54:58:496: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:58:905: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:58:915: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:000: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 785, progress =
100.0%, 4792
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:000: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 785, progress =
100.0%, 4792
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:008: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 785
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:009: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:531: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:551: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:662: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 786, progress =
100.0%, 7934
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:663: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 786, progress =
100.0%, 7934
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:666: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 786
2024-5 月-02 22:54:59:666: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:119: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:129: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:258: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 787, progress =
100.0%, 6719
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:258: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 787, progress =
100.0%, 6719
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:260: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 787
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:260: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:610: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:623: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:728: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 788, progress =
100.0%, 8018
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:728: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 788, progress =
100.0%, 8018
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:731: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 788
2024-5 月-02 22:55:00:732: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:157: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/rabbit/rabbit balloon.png
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:163: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:316: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 789, progress =
100.0%, 18244
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:317: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 789, progress =
100.0%, 18244
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:323: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 789
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:323: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:763: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/rabbit/rabbit flower.png
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:780: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:864: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 790, progress =
100.0%, 14631
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:865: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 790, progress =
100.0%, 14631
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:868: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 790
2024-5 月-02 22:55:01:869: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:02:272: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/rabbit/rabbit ice cream.png
2024-5 月-02 22:55:02:288: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:02:407: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 791, progress =
100.0%, 13045
2024-5 月-02 22:55:02:408: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 791, progress =
100.0%, 13045
2024-5 月-02 22:55:02:414: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 791
2024-5 月-02 22:55:02:415: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:02:888: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
板/rabbit/rabbit sit down.png
2024-5 月-02 22:55:02:904: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:027: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 792, progress =
100.0%, 14800
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:027: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 792, progress =
100.0%, 14800
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:031: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 792
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:032: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:137: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:138: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:138: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:254: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:321: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:452: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认模
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:467: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:559: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 793, progress =
100.0%, 3709
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:559: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 793, progress =
100.0%, 3709
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:564: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 793
2024-5 月-02 22:55:03:565: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:060: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:065: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:112: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 794, progress =
100.0%, 2995
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:113: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 794, progress =
100.0%, 2995
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:115: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 794
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:115: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:563: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:577: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:651: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 795, progress =
100.0%, 3071
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:651: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 795, progress =
100.0%, 3071
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:651: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 795
2024-5 月-02 22:55:04:651: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:102: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:110: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:184: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 796, progress =
100.0%, 3127
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:185: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 796, progress =
100.0%, 3127
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:185: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 796
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:185: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:578: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:583: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:654: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 797, progress =
100.0%, 3078
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:654: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 797, progress =
100.0%, 3078
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:660: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 797
2024-5 月-02 22:55:05:661: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:125: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:134: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:268: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 798, progress =
100.0%, 3125
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:268: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 798, progress =
100.0%, 3125
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:274: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 798
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:274: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:706: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:714: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:780: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 799, progress =
100.0%, 3080
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:781: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 799, progress =
100.0%, 3080
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:782: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 799
2024-5 月-02 22:55:06:782: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:193: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:205: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:277: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 800, progress =
100.0%, 3090
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:279: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 800, progress =
100.0%, 3090
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:279: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 800
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:279: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:682: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:695: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:762: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 801, progress =
100.0%, 3061
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:762: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 801, progress =
100.0%, 3061
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:766: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 801
2024-5 月-02 22:55:07:766: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:227: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:240: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:296: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 802, progress =
100.0%, 3091
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:298: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 802, progress =
100.0%, 3091
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:300: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 802
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:300: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:687: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:700: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:786: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 803, progress =
100.0%, 3101
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:787: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 803, progress =
100.0%, 3101
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:794: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 803
2024-5 月-02 22:55:08:795: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:287: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:306: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:503: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 804, progress =
100.0%, 50870
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:504: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 804, progress =
100.0%, 50870
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:512: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 804
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:513: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:572: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:572: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:573: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:678: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:09:742: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:000: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:010: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:274: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 805, progress =
100.0%, 47619
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:275: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 805, progress =
100.0%, 47619
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:279: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 805
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:279: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:659: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:680: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:924: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 806, progress =
100.0%, 51893
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:925: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 806, progress =
100.0%, 51893
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:928: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 806
2024-5 月-02 22:55:10:928: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:11:417: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:11:427: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:11:607: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 807, progress =
100.0%, 55041
2024-5 月-02 22:55:11:608: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 807, progress =
100.0%, 55041
2024-5 月-02 22:55:11:613: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 807
2024-5 月-02 22:55:11:614: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:084: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:095: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:262: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 808, progress =
100.0%, 50708
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:262: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 808, progress =
100.0%, 50708
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:270: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 808
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:270: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:667: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:681: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:859: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 809, progress =
100.0%, 48525
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:859: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 809, progress =
100.0%, 48525
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:868: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 809
2024-5 月-02 22:55:12:869: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:13:256: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:13:261: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:13:412: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 810, progress =
100.0%, 50779
2024-5 月-02 22:55:13:412: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 810, progress =
100.0%, 50779
2024-5 月-02 22:55:13:415: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 810
2024-5 月-02 22:55:13:415: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:13:900: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:13:914: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:14:306: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 811, progress =
100.0%, 45867
2024-5 月-02 22:55:14:307: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 811, progress =
100.0%, 45867
2024-5 月-02 22:55:14:309: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 811
2024-5 月-02 22:55:14:309: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:14:852: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:14:863: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:090: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 812, progress =
100.0%, 58797
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:091: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 812, progress =
100.0%, 58797
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:093: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 812
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:094: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:588: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/new
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:608: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:861: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 813, progress =
100.0%, 54491
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:862: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 813, progress =
100.0%, 54491
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:868: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 813
2024-5 月-02 22:55:15:868: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:049: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:049: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:049: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:155: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:223: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:360: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:376: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:463: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 814, progress =
100.0%, 3140
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:464: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 814, progress =
100.0%, 3140
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:473: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 814
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:473: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:920: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:16:941: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:045: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 815, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:045: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 815, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:048: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 815
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:048: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:540: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:564: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:659: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 816, progress =
100.0%, 3141
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:660: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 816, progress =
100.0%, 3141
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:669: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 816
2024-5 月-02 22:55:17:670: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:119: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:139: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:200: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 817, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:201: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 817, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:208: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 817
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:208: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:654: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:679: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:915: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 818, progress =
100.0%, 117043
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:916: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 818, progress =
100.0%, 117043
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:921: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 818
2024-5 月-02 22:55:18:921: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:19:356: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:19:365: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:19:464: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 819, progress =
100.0%, 13718
2024-5 月-02 22:55:19:464: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 819, progress =
100.0%, 13718
2024-5 月-02 22:55:19:466: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 819
2024-5 月-02 22:55:19:466: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:19:863: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:19:882: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:062: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 820, progress =
100.0%, 39622
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:063: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 820, progress =
100.0%, 39622
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:067: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 820
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:067: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:527: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:538: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:679: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 821, progress =
100.0%, 83385
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:685: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 821, progress =
100.0%, 83385
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:686: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 821
2024-5 月-02 22:55:20:686: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:090: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:096: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:252: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 822, progress =
100.0%, 20186
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:253: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 822, progress =
100.0%, 20186
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:255: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 822
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:255: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:715: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:731: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:847: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:848: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:848: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:856: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 823, progress =
100.0%, 19359
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:856: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 823, progress =
100.0%, 19359
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:856: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 823
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:856: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:940: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:21:998: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:55:22:245: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:22:288: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:22:505: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-02 22:55:22:505: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-02 22:55:22:641: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 824, progress =
100.0%, 85832
2024-5 月-02 22:55:22:641: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 824, progress =
100.0%, 85832
2024-5 月-02 22:55:22:644: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 824
2024-5 月-02 22:55:22:644: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:23:179: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:23:194: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:23:381: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 825, progress =
100.0%, 76012
2024-5 月-02 22:55:23:382: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 825, progress =
100.0%, 76012
2024-5 月-02 22:55:23:386: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 825
2024-5 月-02 22:55:23:387: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:23:851: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:23:868: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:014: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 826, progress =
100.0%, 42183
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:015: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 826, progress =
100.0%, 42183
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:019: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 826
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:019: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:470: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:476: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:684: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 827, progress =
100.0%, 66004
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:684: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 827, progress =
100.0%, 66004
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:687: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 827
2024-5 月-02 22:55:24:688: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:097: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:103: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:242: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 828, progress =
100.0%, 49694
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:242: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 828, progress =
100.0%, 49694
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:243: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 828
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:244: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:671: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:687: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:843: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 829, progress =
100.0%, 49831
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:843: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 829, progress =
100.0%, 49831
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:849: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 829
2024-5 月-02 22:55:25:850: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:242: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:259: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:415: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 830, progress =
100.0%, 23422
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:416: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 830, progress =
100.0%, 23422
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:422: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 830
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:422: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:843: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:848: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:965: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 831, progress =
100.0%, 40432
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:965: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 831, progress =
100.0%, 40432
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:971: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 831
2024-5 月-02 22:55:26:972: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:312: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:319: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:415: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 832, progress =
100.0%, 35448
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:415: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 832, progress =
100.0%, 35448
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:417: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 832
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:417: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:855: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:859: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:977: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 833, progress =
100.0%, 36434
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:978: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 833, progress =
100.0%, 36434
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:983: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 833
2024-5 月-02 22:55:27:984: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:28:518: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:28:536: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:28:654: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 834, progress =
100.0%, 12447
2024-5 月-02 22:55:28:655: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 834, progress =
100.0%, 12447
2024-5 月-02 22:55:28:662: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 834
2024-5 月-02 22:55:28:662: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:101: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:121: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:227: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 835, progress =
100.0%, 12720
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:228: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 835, progress =
100.0%, 12720
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:232: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 835
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:232: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:707: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:722: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:844: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:844: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:845: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:890: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 836, progress =
100.0%, 41568
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:891: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 836, progress =
100.0%, 41568
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:898: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 836
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:900: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:29:953: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:30:017: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:55:30:391: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:30:413: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:30:558: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 837, progress =
100.0%, 15329
2024-5 月-02 22:55:30:558: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 837, progress =
100.0%, 15329
2024-5 月-02 22:55:30:565: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 837
2024-5 月-02 22:55:30:565: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:023: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:037: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:237: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 838, progress =
100.0%, 73540
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:237: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 838, progress =
100.0%, 73540
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:243: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 838
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:244: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:685: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:696: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:853: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 839, progress =
100.0%, 60888
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:854: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 839, progress =
100.0%, 60888
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:861: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 839
2024-5 月-02 22:55:31:862: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:32:392: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:32:408: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:32:692: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 840, progress =
100.0%, 4055
2024-5 月-02 22:55:32:693: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 840, progress =
100.0%, 4055
2024-5 月-02 22:55:32:701: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 840
2024-5 月-02 22:55:32:702: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:191: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:202: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:315: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 841, progress =
100.0%, 3976
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:315: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 841, progress =
100.0%, 3976
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:322: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 841
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:323: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:738: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:757: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:865: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 842, progress =
100.0%, 3959
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:866: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 842, progress =
100.0%, 3959
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:872: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 842
2024-5 月-02 22:55:33:872: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:34:315: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/fog
2024-5 月-02 22:55:34:333: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:34:659: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 843, progress =
100.0%, 4042
2024-5 月-02 22:55:34:660: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 843, progress =
100.0%, 4042
2024-5 月-02 22:55:34:667: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 843
2024-5 月-02 22:55:34:667: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:106: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:128: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:194: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 844, progress =
100.0%, 3165
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:195: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 844, progress =
100.0%, 3165
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:201: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 844
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:201: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:688: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:696: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:752: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 845, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:753: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 845, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:755: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 845
2024-5 月-02 22:55:35:756: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:142: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:148: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:253: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 846, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:254: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 846, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:255: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 846
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:255: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:726: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:737: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:792: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 847, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:793: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 847, progress =
100.0%, 3139
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:795: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 847
2024-5 月-02 22:55:36:795: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:37:251: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:37:262: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:37:883: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 848, progress =
100.0%, 191495
2024-5 月-02 22:55:37:884: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 848, progress =
100.0%, 191495
2024-5 月-02 22:55:37:893: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 848
2024-5 月-02 22:55:37:894: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:38:342: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:38:360: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:38:857: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 849, progress =
100.0%, 207933
2024-5 月-02 22:55:38:858: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 849, progress =
100.0%, 207933
2024-5 月-02 22:55:38:863: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 849
2024-5 月-02 22:55:38:864: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:39:303: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:39:313: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:39:559: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 850, progress =
100.0%, 61919
2024-5 月-02 22:55:39:561: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 850, progress =
100.0%, 61919
2024-5 月-02 22:55:39:566: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 850
2024-5 月-02 22:55:39:567: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:012: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:036: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:265: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 851, progress =
100.0%, 55892
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:266: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 851, progress =
100.0%, 55892
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:272: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 851
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:272: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:678: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:694: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:929: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 852, progress =
100.0%, 58715
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:930: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 852, progress =
100.0%, 58715
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:939: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 852
2024-5 月-02 22:55:40:940: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:41:403: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:41:419: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:41:658: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 853, progress =
100.0%, 65365
2024-5 月-02 22:55:41:659: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 853, progress =
100.0%, 65365
2024-5 月-02 22:55:41:667: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 853
2024-5 月-02 22:55:41:667: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:188: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:200: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:321: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 854, progress =
100.0%, 5073
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:322: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 854, progress =
100.0%, 5073
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:330: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 854
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:330: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:779: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:796: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:900: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 855, progress =
100.0%, 5072
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:901: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 855, progress =
100.0%, 5072
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:903: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 855
2024-5 月-02 22:55:42:904: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:43:400: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:43:409: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:43:566: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 856, progress =
100.0%, 5065
2024-5 月-02 22:55:43:568: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 856, progress =
100.0%, 5065
2024-5 月-02 22:55:43:575: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 856
2024-5 月-02 22:55:43:576: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:43:962: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:43:972: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:077: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 857, progress =
100.0%, 5072
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:080: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 857
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:081: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:528: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:550: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:659: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 858, progress =
100.0%, 4725
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:660: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 858, progress =
100.0%, 4725
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:668: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 858
2024-5 月-02 22:55:44:668: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:094: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:114: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:217: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 859, progress =
100.0%, 5086
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:218: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 859, progress =
100.0%, 5086
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:225: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 859
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:225: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:707: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:728: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:936: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 860, progress =
100.0%, 5128
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:938: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 860, progress =
100.0%, 5128
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:944: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 860
2024-5 月-02 22:55:45:944: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:46:353: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:46:370: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:46:480: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 861, progress =
100.0%, 5101
2024-5 月-02 22:55:46:481: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 861, progress =
100.0%, 5101
2024-5 月-02 22:55:46:488: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 861
2024-5 月-02 22:55:46:489: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:46:923: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:46:933: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:260: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 862, progress =
100.0%, 114588
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:261: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 862, progress =
100.0%, 114588
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:270: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 862
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:270: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:700: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:716: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:867: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 863, progress =
100.0%, 92992
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:868: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 863, progress =
100.0%, 92992
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:876: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 863
2024-5 月-02 22:55:47:877: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:48:306: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:48:317: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:48:516: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 864, progress =
100.0%, 109316
2024-5 月-02 22:55:48:517: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 864, progress =
100.0%, 109316
2024-5 月-02 22:55:48:524: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 864
2024-5 月-02 22:55:48:525: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:48:996: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:015: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:173: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 865, progress =
100.0%, 103055
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:174: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 865, progress =
100.0%, 103055
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:175: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 865
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:176: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:559: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:570: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:697: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 866, progress =
100.0%, 114588
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:697: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 866, progress =
100.0%, 114588
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:700: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 866
2024-5 月-02 22:55:49:700: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:110: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:121: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:266: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 867, progress =
100.0%, 97694
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:266: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 867, progress =
100.0%, 97694
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:268: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 867
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:269: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:761: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:773: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:832: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 868, progress =
100.0%, 4085
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:833: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 868, progress =
100.0%, 4085
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:842: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 868
2024-5 月-02 22:55:50:843: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:297: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:319: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:407: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 869, progress =
100.0%, 4039
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:408: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 869, progress =
100.0%, 4039
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:415: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 869
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:417: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:424: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:430: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:430: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:431: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:545: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:611: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:836: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:864: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:951: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 870, progress =
100.0%, 4078
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:951: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 870, progress =
100.0%, 4078
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:959: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 870
2024-5 月-02 22:55:51:959: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:52:406: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组合/ink
2024-5 月-02 22:55:52:424: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:52:588: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 871, progress =
100.0%, 4042
2024-5 月-02 22:55:52:588: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 871, progress =
100.0%, 4042
2024-5 月-02 22:55:52:596: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 871
2024-5 月-02 22:55:52:597: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:53:268: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:53:290: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:53:537: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 872, progress =
100.0%, 67085
2024-5 月-02 22:55:53:537: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 872, progress =
100.0%, 67085
2024-5 月-02 22:55:53:538: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 872
2024-5 月-02 22:55:53:538: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:53:989: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:006: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:109: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 873, progress =
100.0%, 13931
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:109: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 873, progress =
100.0%, 13931
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:119: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 873
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:120: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:590: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:597: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:863: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 874, progress =
100.0%, 14773
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:863: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 874, progress =
100.0%, 14773
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:863: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 874
2024-5 月-02 22:55:54:863: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:55:313: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:55:325: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:55:556: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 875, progress =
100.0%, 105322
2024-5 月-02 22:55:55:556: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 875, progress =
100.0%, 105322
2024-5 月-02 22:55:55:558: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 875
2024-5 月-02 22:55:55:558: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:55:978: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:55:990: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:56:278: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 876, progress =
100.0%, 121854
2024-5 月-02 22:55:56:278: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 876, progress =
100.0%, 121854
2024-5 月-02 22:55:56:286: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 876
2024-5 月-02 22:55:56:287: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:56:776: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:56:784: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:104: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 877, progress =
100.0%, 76158
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:105: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 877, progress =
100.0%, 76158
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:106: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 877
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:107: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:584: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:595: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:881: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 878, progress =
100.0%, 87760
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:882: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 878, progress =
100.0%, 87760
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:892: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 878
2024-5 月-02 22:55:57:892: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:58:333: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:58:348: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:58:509: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 879, progress =
100.0%, 29485
2024-5 月-02 22:55:58:510: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 879, progress =
100.0%, 29485
2024-5 月-02 22:55:58:515: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 879
2024-5 月-02 22:55:58:516: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:58:974: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:58:992: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:320: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 880, progress =
100.0%, 140396
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:320: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 880, progress =
100.0%, 140396
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:326: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 880
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:326: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:482: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:483: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:483: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:596: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:660: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:808: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:55:59:819: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:104: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 881, progress =
100.0%, 126985
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:104: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 881, progress =
100.0%, 126985
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:108: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 881
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:109: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:511: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:527: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:691: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 882, progress =
100.0%, 44654
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:692: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 882, progress =
100.0%, 44654
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:696: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 882
2024-5 月-02 22:56:00:697: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:01:211: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:01:234: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:01:459: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 883, progress =
100.0%, 87279
2024-5 月-02 22:56:01:460: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 883, progress =
100.0%, 87279
2024-5 月-02 22:56:01:467: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 883
2024-5 月-02 22:56:01:468: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:01:924: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:01:951: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:181: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 884, progress =
100.0%, 71870
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:183: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 884, progress =
100.0%, 71870
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:188: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 884
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:189: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:655: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:670: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:882: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 885, progress =
100.0%, 66876
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:882: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 885, progress =
100.0%, 66876
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:886: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 885
2024-5 月-02 22:56:02:886: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:03:358: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:03:374: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:03:583: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 886, progress =
100.0%, 85341
2024-5 月-02 22:56:03:583: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 886, progress =
100.0%, 85341
2024-5 月-02 22:56:03:584: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 886
2024-5 月-02 22:56:03:585: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:015: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:020: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:203: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 887, progress =
100.0%, 92624
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:203: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 887, progress =
100.0%, 92624
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:206: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 887
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:206: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:630: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:636: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:708: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 888, progress =
100.0%, 4630
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:708: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 888, progress =
100.0%, 4630
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:709: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 888
2024-5 月-02 22:56:04:709: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:091: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:108: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:198: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 889, progress =
100.0%, 4664
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:199: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 889, progress =
100.0%, 4664
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:199: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 889
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:199: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:686: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:692: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:857: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 890, progress =
100.0%, 64658
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:857: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 890, progress =
100.0%, 64658
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:865: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 890
2024-5 月-02 22:56:05:865: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:06:300: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:06:316: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:06:608: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 891, progress =
100.0%, 24212
2024-5 月-02 22:56:06:609: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 891, progress =
100.0%, 24212
2024-5 月-02 22:56:06:615: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 891
2024-5 月-02 22:56:06:616: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:051: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:073: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:317: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 892, progress =
100.0%, 47979
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:318: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 892, progress =
100.0%, 47979
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:325: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 892
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:326: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:785: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = stickers/默认组
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:807: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:967: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 893, progress =
100.0%, 17784
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:969: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 893, progress =
100.0%, 17784
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:975: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 893
2024-5 月-02 22:56:07:975: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:08:203: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:56:08:203: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:08:204: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:56:08:304: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:56:08:370: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:255: paint: backup###1@
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:255: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:257: paint: auto sync: 115, 92
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:259: paint: backup:/storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:261: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:329: paint: sameNoteSize: 2, 3, note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:330: paint: diffUsn: 30, 115
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:331: paint: backupNotes
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:335: paint:
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:341: paint: free: -1, paper @ note_page1714228530787ec4d4747
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:623: paint: zipFolder: true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:931: paint: check cloudHas: true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:932: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:07:932: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:199: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:214: paint: check cloud: 92, 92
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:214: paint: ------------uploadNote-------------
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:217: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:217: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:218: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:219: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:219: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:275: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:279: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:280: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:280: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:604: paint: backup###1@
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:604: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:760: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:760: paint: getServerInfoList: 12127
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:764: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:765: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:765: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 92, usn = 115
server: lastUsn = 92, usn = 92
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:766: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:766: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:965: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:981: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:984: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:984: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:08:985: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:272: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:275: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:288: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:303: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:372: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 894, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:372: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 894, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:375: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 894
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:375: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:384: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:384: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:386: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:462: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:462: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:657: paint:
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:657: paint: onAutoUploadNotes
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:664: paint: upload note service:
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:680: paint: uploadAllLatestNotes: nn = 新建无界笔记,
uploadIndex = 1, uploadCount = 1, path = note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:680: paint: isUploadingAll: true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:682: paint: isUploadingAll: true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:685: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:685: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:687: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:687: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:688: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:689: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:708: paint: NoteNetItems: 92, 4, true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:709: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:732: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:734: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:735: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:735: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:866: paint: after list: 4
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:867: paint: page infos: 1
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:871: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:883: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:09:914: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 895, progress =
86.0%, 1048576
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:187: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:189: paint: getServerInfoList: 12127
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:194: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:194: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:194: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 92, usn = 115
server: lastUsn = 92, usn = 92
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:195: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:195: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:470: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:487: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:488: paint: uploadNoteToNet: ---- note is uploading
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:488: paint: syncNote: uploadNoteToNet failed 上传失败 3
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:502: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:503: paint: uploadAllLatestNotes: result = false, id =
note_422d7688b6274296a6e50d51896e4255, name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:504: paint: isUploadingAll: true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:505: paint: uploadAllLatestNotes: upload latest end
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:526: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:10:527: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:203: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 895, progress =
100.0%, 1205940
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:203: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 895, progress =
100.0%, 1205940
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:206: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 895
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:207: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:207: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:258: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:343: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:347: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:347: paint: upload: null @
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:347: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:363: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:509: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:509: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:748: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:749: paint: getServerInfoList: 12127
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:752: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:915: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 896, progress =
100.0%, 690498
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:917: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 896, progress =
100.0%, 690498
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:919: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 896
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:919: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:920: paint: upload: null @
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:920: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:11:932: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:671: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 897, progress =
100.0%, 694603
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:672: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 897, progress =
100.0%, 694603
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:674: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 897
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:675: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:676: paint: pageCount=1
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:689: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:700: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:753: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:765: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:775: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:806: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 898, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:807: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 898, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:809: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 898
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:810: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:810: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:843: paint: after set: 0
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:844: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:12:852: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:185: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 900, progress =
100.0%, 1975
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:185: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 900, progress =
100.0%, 1975
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:185: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 900
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:186: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:192: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 899, progress =
100.0%, 10312
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:193: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 899, progress =
100.0%, 10312
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:193: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 899
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:193: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:233: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:235: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:236: paint: upload end: true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:236: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:251: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:267: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:334: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 901, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:334: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 901
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:334: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:352: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:13:359: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:14:240: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:14:240: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:14:674: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:14:675: paint: getServerInfoList: 10312
2024-5 月-02 22:57:14:677: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-02 22:57:15:678: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:15:695: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:15:703: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:15:807: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 902, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 22:57:15:808: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 902, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 22:57:15:811: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 902
2024-5 月-02 22:57:15:811: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:590: paint: ------------uploadNote-------------
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:591: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:591: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:591: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:592: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:592: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:637: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:639: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:639: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:639: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:872: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:873: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:877: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:877: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:877: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 115, usn = 115
server: lastUsn = 115, usn = 115
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:878: paint: syncNote: checkFiles = false, isOtherDevice =
false, return true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:879: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:18:879: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 22:57:50:519: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:57:50:523: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:57:50:525: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:50:525: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:57:50:660: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:57:50:727: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:58:01:379: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:58:01:380: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:01:380: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:58:01:516: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:01:583: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:58:14:150: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:58:14:151: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:14:152: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:58:14:298: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:14:365: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:58:20:400: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:58:20:400: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:20:401: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:58:20:508: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:20:577: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:58:35:849: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:58:35:849: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:35:850: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:58:35:982: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:36:048: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:58:54:171: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 22:58:54:178: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:58:54:179: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:54:180: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:58:54:312: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:54:371: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:58:59:857: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:58:59:858: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:58:59:859: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:58:59:972: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:59:00:036: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:59:05:020: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:59:05:020: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:59:05:021: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:59:05:157: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:59:05:224: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 22:59:41:343: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 22:59:41:344: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 22:59:41:345: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 22:59:41:509: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 22:59:41:578: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:00:02:854: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:00:02:861: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:00:02:862: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:02:862: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:00:02:990: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:03:048: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:00:08:520: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:00:08:521: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:08:522: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:00:08:659: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:08:725: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:00:35:726: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:00:35:727: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:35:727: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:00:35:845: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:35:912: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:00:42:230: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:00:42:230: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:42:231: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:00:42:398: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:42:469: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:00:50:072: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:00:50:072: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:50:073: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:00:50:173: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:00:50:239: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:01:00:281: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:01:00:281: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:00:282: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:01:00:401: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:00:469: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:01:00:987: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:01:00:992: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 23:01:02:875: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:01:02:881: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 23:01:02:884: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:01:02:884: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:01:02:890: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:01:04:294: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:01:04:301: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:01:04:302: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:04:302: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:01:04:447: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:04:513: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:01:15:619: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:01:15:619: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:15:619: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:01:15:718: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:15:779: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:01:21:809: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:01:21:809: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:21:810: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:01:21:931: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:21:998: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:01:46:798: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:01:46:798: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:46:799: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:01:46:916: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:46:980: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:01:57:652: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:01:57:653: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:57:654: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:01:57:764: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:01:57:832: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:02:07:691: paint: backup###2@
2024-5 月-02 23:02:07:691: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:02:08:607: paint: backup###2@
2024-5 月-02 23:02:08:607: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:03:31:118: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:03:31:122: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:03:31:123: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:03:31:123: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:03:31:256: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:03:31:322: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:03:43:148: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:03:43:149: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:03:43:150: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:03:43:279: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:03:43:343: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:814: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:899: paint: onStop
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:899: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:901: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc @ true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:902: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:903: paint: onSave: 1, 1714662311903
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:909: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:909: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, 新建无界笔记, 115, 137
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:912: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:912: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:915: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:915: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:11:927: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:182: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:185: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:191: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:192: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:442: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:443: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:448: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:449: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:450: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 115, usn = 137
server: lastUsn = 115, usn = 115
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:450: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:451: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:679: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:697: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:701: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:703: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:704: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:924: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:927: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:939: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 23:05:12:947: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:130: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 903, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:132: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 903, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:134: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 903
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:135: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:155: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:156: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:164: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:244: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:246: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:611: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:651: paint: NoteNetItems: 115, 6, true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:653: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:750: paint: after list: 6
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:751: paint: page infos: 1
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:769: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:800: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:13:855: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 904, progress =
69.0%, 1048576
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:617: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 904, progress =
100.0%, 1500805
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:618: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 904, progress =
100.0%, 1500805
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:621: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 904
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:621: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:622: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:699: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:746: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:753: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:753: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":690498,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_7ce198bb9969.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:754: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":694603,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_8e210913a3fd.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:755: paint: pageCount=1
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:768: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:796: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:796: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{6b62f6 VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{62446f7 VFED..C.. ......ID
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:796: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:803: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:806: paint: TIME: 2908, 1714662311898, true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:806: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:831: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:834: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 905, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:835: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 905, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:835: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:937: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 905
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:938: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:938: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:960: paint: after set: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:960: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:14:966: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:042: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 906, progress =
100.0%, 1976
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:043: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 906, progress =
100.0%, 1976
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:043: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 906
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:044: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:088: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:089: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:089: paint: upload end: true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:089: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:095: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:099: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:193: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 907, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:193: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 907, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:194: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 907
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:194: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:200: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:200: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 23:05:15:297: paint: #: error2
2024-5 月-02 23:05:16:092: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:16:093: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:05:16:325: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:16:325: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:05:16:328: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-02 23:05:17:329: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-02 23:05:17:344: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:17:352: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:05:17:487: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 908, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:05:17:487: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 908, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:05:17:488: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 908
2024-5 月-02 23:05:17:489: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:36:863: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:05:36:873: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 23:05:50:185: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 23:05:50:187: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:05:50:187: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:05:50:189: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:05:51:448: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:05:51:451: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:05:51:452: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:51:453: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:05:51:571: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:05:51:635: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:06:02:874: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:06:02:874: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:06:02:875: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:06:02:996: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:06:03:062: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:06:08:417: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:06:08:417: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:06:08:418: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:06:08:545: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:06:08:609: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:06:51:285: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:06:51:286: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:06:51:287: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:06:51:467: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:06:51:538: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:07:07:694: paint: backup###3@
2024-5 月-02 23:07:07:694: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:07:07:696: paint: auto sync: 141, 137
2024-5 月-02 23:07:07:698: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:444: paint: check cloudHas: true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:445: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:445: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:610: paint: backup###3@
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:610: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:718: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:738: paint: check cloud: 137, 137
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:739: paint: ------------uploadNote-------------
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:741: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:741: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:742: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:743: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:743: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:807: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:811: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:813: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:08:813: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:044: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:045: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:048: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:049: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:049: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 137, usn = 141
server: lastUsn = 137, usn = 137
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:050: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:050: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:246: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:264: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:268: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:269: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:269: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:514: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:517: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:532: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:544: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:686: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 909, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:686: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 909, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:692: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 909
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:692: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:700: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:701: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:704: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:763: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:764: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:07:09:993: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:10:013: paint: NoteNetItems: 137, 6, true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:10:014: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:10:070: paint: after list: 6
2024-5 月-02 23:07:10:070: paint: page infos: 1
2024-5 月-02 23:07:10:075: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:10:086: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:10:123: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 910, progress =
66.0%, 1048576
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:471: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 910, progress =
100.0%, 1584067
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:474: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 910, progress =
100.0%, 1584067
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:475: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 910
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:475: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:476: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:523: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:602: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:605: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:606: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":690498,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_7ce198bb9969.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:606: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":694603,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_8e210913a3fd.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:607: paint: pageCount=1
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:622: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:632: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:713: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 911, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:713: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 911, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:717: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 911
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:717: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:717: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:748: paint: after set: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:748: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:759: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:816: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 912, progress =
100.0%, 1976
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:816: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 912, progress =
100.0%, 1976
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:824: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 912
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:824: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:905: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:906: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:907: paint: upload end: true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:908: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:919: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:931: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:987: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 913, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:987: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 913, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:989: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 913
2024-5 月-02 23:07:12:990: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:13:004: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:13:005: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 23:07:13:911: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:13:912: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:07:14:313: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:07:14:314: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:07:14:316: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-02 23:07:15:317: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-02 23:07:15:335: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:15:347: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:07:15:498: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 914, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:07:15:498: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 914, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:07:15:504: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 914
2024-5 月-02 23:07:15:504: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:08:06:592: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:08:06:599: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 23:08:07:540: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:08:07:547: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 23:08:07:551: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:08:07:551: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:08:07:556: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:699: paint: backup###4@
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:700: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:701: paint: backup:/storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:768: paint: sameNoteSize: 3, 3, note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:779: paint: deleteNoteOnly: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:780: InfoList: deleteNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/backup/note_17142296744480a5507.ncc, recycle
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:789: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:790: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:790: paint:
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:790: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:790: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:790: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:790: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:792: paint: diffUsn: 26, 141
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:792: paint: backupNotes
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:798: paint:
2024-5 月-02 23:12:07:805: paint: free: -1, paper @ note_page1714228530787ec4d4747
2024-5 月-02 23:12:08:090: paint: zipFolder: true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:08:615: paint: backup###4@
2024-5 月-02 23:12:08:615: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:12:27:075: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:12:27:081: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 23:12:27:143: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:12:27:151: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:12:27:152: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:27:152: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:12:27:284: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:27:346: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:12:29:564: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:12:29:569: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 23:12:29:572: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:12:29:573: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:12:29:578: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:12:30:902: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:12:30:903: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:30:904: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:12:31:031: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:31:098: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:12:43:456: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:12:43:462: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-02 23:12:44:706: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:12:44:707: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:44:708: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:12:44:828: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:44:891: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:12:45:898: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-02 23:12:45:903: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-02 23:12:45:906: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:12:45:906: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:12:45:912: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-02 23:12:47:339: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:12:47:339: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:47:340: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:12:47:469: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:12:47:535: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:151: paint: backup###5@
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:152: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:153: paint: auto sync: 145, 141
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:156: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:620: paint: backup###5@
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:620: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:670: paint: check cloudHas: true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:670: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:671: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:914: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:928: paint: check cloud: 141, 141
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:928: paint: ------------uploadNote-------------
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:930: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:930: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:930: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:931: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:931: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:991: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:994: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:997: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:08:997: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:392: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:394: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:398: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:398: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:398: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 141, usn = 145
server: lastUsn = 141, usn = 141
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:399: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:399: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:570: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:586: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:590: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:590: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:09:590: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:028: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:031: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:048: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:059: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:154: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 915, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:155: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 915, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:159: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 915
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:160: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:168: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:168: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:170: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:221: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:222: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:479: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:499: paint: NoteNetItems: 141, 6, true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:499: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:601: paint: after list: 6
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:602: paint: page infos: 1
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:610: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:624: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:10:661: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 916, progress =
66.0%, 1048576
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:356: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 916, progress =
100.0%, 1584067
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:356: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 916, progress =
100.0%, 1584067
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:359: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 916
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:360: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:360: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:674: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:734: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:737: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:737: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":690498,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_7ce198bb9969.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:738: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":694603,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_8e210913a3fd.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:739: paint: pageCount=1
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:760: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:771: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:912: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 917, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:913: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 917, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:914: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 917
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:914: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:915: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:953: paint: after set: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:954: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:11:963: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:029: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 918, progress =
100.0%, 1976
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:029: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 918, progress =
100.0%, 1976
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:031: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 918
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:032: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:080: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:082: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:083: paint: upload end: true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:084: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:098: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:105: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:301: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 919, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:303: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 919, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:304: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 919
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:305: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:319: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:12:320: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 23:17:13:086: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:13:086: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:17:13:322: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:17:13:323: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:17:13:326: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-02 23:17:14:327: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-02 23:17:14:353: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:14:363: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:17:14:464: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 920, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:17:14:465: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 920, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:17:14:470: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 920
2024-5 月-02 23:17:14:470: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:21:35:470: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:21:35:476: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:21:35:478: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:21:35:479: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:21:35:633: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:21:35:695: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:21:38:642: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-02 23:21:38:643: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-02 23:21:38:644: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-02 23:21:38:789: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-02 23:21:38:853: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-02 23:22:08:156: paint: backup###6@
2024-5 月-02 23:22:08:156: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:22:08:626: paint: backup###6@
2024-5 月-02 23:22:08:627: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:160: paint: backup###7@
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:161: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:163: paint: auto sync: 147, 145
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:165: paint: backup:/storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:167: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:227: paint: sameNoteSize: 3, 3, note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:239: paint: deleteNoteOnly: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:240: InfoList: deleteNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/backup/note_1714230574949c7da32.ncc, recycle
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:250: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:250: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:250: paint:
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:251: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:251: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:251: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:251: paint: at
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:253: paint: diffUsn: 6, 147
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:631: paint: backup###7@
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:633: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:720: paint: check cloudHas: true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:721: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:721: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:956: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:974: paint: check cloud: 145, 145
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:974: paint: ------------uploadNote-------------
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:976: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:977: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:977: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:978: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-02 23:27:08:978: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:027: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:032: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:033: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:034: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:491: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:492: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:495: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:497: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:497: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 145, usn = 147
server: lastUsn = 145, usn = 145
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:497: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:498: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:661: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:678: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:682: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:683: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:683: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:901: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:903: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:916: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:923: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:986: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 921, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:986: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 921, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:989: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 921
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:989: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:996: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:997: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-5 月-02 23:27:09:998: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:063: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:064: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:309: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:325: paint: NoteNetItems: 145, 6, true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:325: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:604: paint: after list: 6
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:605: paint: page infos: 1
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:610: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:623: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:10:647: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 922, progress =
65.0%, 1048576
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:428: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 922, progress =
100.0%, 1600085
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:429: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 922, progress =
100.0%, 1600085
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:430: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 922
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:431: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:432: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:494: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:539: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:543: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:543: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":690498,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_7ce198bb9969.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:543: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":694603,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_8e210913a3fd.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:544: paint: pageCount=1
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:560: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:569: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:656: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 923, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:657: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 923, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:659: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 923
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:660: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:660: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:704: paint: after set: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:705: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:716: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:795: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 924, progress =
100.0%, 1976
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:795: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 924, progress =
100.0%, 1976
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:800: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 924
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:801: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:848: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:850: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:852: paint: upload end: true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:852: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:863: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:872: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:959: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 925, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:960: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 925, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:962: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 925
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:963: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:979: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:980: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 23:27:12:855: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:12:855: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:13:092: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:13:093: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:27:13:096: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:096: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:113: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:122: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:262: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 926, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:264: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 926, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:267: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 926
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:268: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:28:38:967: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:002: paint: onStop
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:003: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:005: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc @ true
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:007: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:008: paint: onSave: 1, 1714663719008
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:014: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-03 00:08:04:638: paint: backup###8@
2024-5 月-03 00:08:04:639: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:962: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 925
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:963: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:979: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:11:980: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-02 23:27:12:855: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:12:855: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:13:092: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:27:13:093: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:27:13:096: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:096: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:113: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:122: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:262: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 926, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:264: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 926, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:267: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 926
2024-5 月-02 23:27:14:268: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-02 23:28:38:967: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:002: paint: onStop
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:003: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:005: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc @ true
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:007: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:008: paint: onSave: 1, 1714663719008
2024-5 月-02 23:28:39:014: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-03 00:08:04:638: paint: backup###8@
2024-5 月-03 00:08:04:639: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:761: paint:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:772: paint: init momory size: 12321873920, 11751.054688 Mb:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:787: mindmap_extension: ExcerptToolListener init
currentConfig=UserDataConfig(canSelectDocument=null, canSelectArea=null,
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:800: mindmap_extension: MindMapExtension registerPluginManager
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:804: mindmap_extension: buildBitmapSwapPool
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:807: paint: after Application onCreate: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:807: paint: country: CN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:829: paint: MODEL: PA2373, true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:861: paint: start splash: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:862: paint: notePath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:863: paint: getPath: android.os.storage.StorageVolume.getPath
[] @ com.newskyer.draw.activity.SplashActivity.onCreate(Native Method)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:863: paint: storage: /storage/emulated/0, true, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:863: paint: storage size: 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:944: paint: textColor mode = -100
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:945: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:45:948: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:007: paint: N: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:008: paint: error count = 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:015: paint:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:015: paint:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:015: paint: app notes: 0, 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:015: paint: mUserData: null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:015: paint: try init
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:016: paint: read user data: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记//user.json, exists=true, 5370
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:025: paint: did: feb
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:026: paint: launcher: true, 0, -1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:035: paint: restorePenSets: true, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:037: paint: initPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/pathinfo/pathinfo.json, true, true, true @ 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:038: paint: sets size: 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:038: paint: getToolsFromFile: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:041: paint: initPathInfo: 1, 26,
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:042: InfoList: end sort: 26 @ 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:042: paint: _checkInfoList: null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:043: paint: sticker sticker sticker sticker +
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:047: paint: enable office: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:057: paint: after splash init
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:060: paint: splash onPause
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:060: paint: check pid: 26
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:060: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:061: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:061: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:061: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:061: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:062: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:062: paint: checkInfoList: 26, 26
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:066: paint: check dump ids
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:067: paint: remove ids: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:067: paint: remove paths: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:067: paint: checkInfoList: has conflict = true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:081: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:091: paint: updateUserPk: vg.t$a@ba4384e
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:096: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:097: paint: @ true:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:098: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:104: paint: start.2024-04-19-09:17:23, pad, debug=false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:109: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:147: paint: initToolsMenuUserActions: 31
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:233: paint: dp: 1120, true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:251: paint: after start note: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:251: paint: onCreate size: 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:251: paint: zoomWriting: false, 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:251: paint: register network
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:254: paint: read permission: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:257: paint: checkHuaweiGift: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:257: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:257: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{b9dff18 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{a8f1d71 V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:258: paint: ai service start
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:259: AiService: connect ai service
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:265: paint: asrModelLoader bootCount=66
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:265: paint: Main: 161
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:266: paint: main onCreate: 0, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:267: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:268: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{b9dff18 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{a8f1d71 V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:277: paint: checkValid: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:288: paint: targetCorrect: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:323: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:363: paint: TIME: 278, 1714909246084, true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:364: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:439: paint: splitRatio: null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:448: paint: WhiteBoard: 8
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:450: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:451: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:456: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:458: paint: init P:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:458: paint: add onUserLoginListener: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:458: paint: max image: 35
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:459: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp/image
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:459: paint:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:459: paint: at
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:459: paint: at
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:459: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.Image.d(Unknown
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:459: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.i.accept(Unknown
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:460: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:460: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:460: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:462: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:580: paint: customer: pad
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:580: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:598: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:609: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:611: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:636: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:669: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:670: paint: wifi receiver:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:670: paint: auto true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:671: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:671: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:680: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:680: paint: start mobile note.
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:760: paint: showUpdateContent: 139655, 139655, 139655}
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:763: paint: isMain: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:768: paint: db path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:769: paint: ------refreshNodes------
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:777: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onCreate: 31
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:780: paint: -------BookshelfActivity onResume--------
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:780: paint: onResume book: false, true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:782: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onResume
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:818: paint: notePath: ,
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:818: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714909246770, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:819: paint: currentDir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note,
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:837: AiService: ai service connected
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:838: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:839: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:892: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:918: paint: show>>>
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:921: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714909246770, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:922: paint: splash onStop:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:923: paint: onStop
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:925: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:926: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:927: paint: onSave: 1, 1714909246927
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:927: paint: initView
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:937: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714909246770, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:945: paint: all note: xzbj
2024-5 月-05 19:40:46:950: paint: ######## >>> false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:054: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:054: paint: accessToken:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:059: paint: initView done
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:077: paint: #: error
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:079: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:101: paint: did: pad-PA2373febb
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:127: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:131: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1714909246770, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:131: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:131: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:132: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:132: paint: getList: filter = ALL, false, 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:147: paint: splash onDestory
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:176: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:258: paint: check h # false #
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:462: paint: initView
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:490: paint: enable office: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:491: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:492: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:493: paint: @ true:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:496: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:502: paint: WhiteBoard: 8
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:502: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:503: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:518: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:519: paint:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:519: paint: at
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:519: paint: at
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:519: paint: at
com.newskyer.paint.core.PanelManager.q(Unknown Source:0)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:519: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.core.s3.accept(Unknown
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:519: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:519: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:519: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:539: paint: isXBH=false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:539: paint: reset board
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:580: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp/drag
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:581: paint:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:581: paint: at
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:581: paint: at
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:581: paint: at
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:581: paint: at
com.newskyer.paint.core.PanelManager.q(Unknown Source:0)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:581: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.core.s3.accept(Unknown
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:581: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:581: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:608: paint: customer: pad
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:608: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:650: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:660: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:661: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:663: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:676: paint: updateHVToolbar
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:682: paint: setRotation: left
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:684: paint: start action :null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:701: paint: login: loginResult =
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:701: paint: 登录结果 209464
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:707: paint: webSearch: 0 webSearchShow: false, webSearchUrl:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:708: paint: isBindMobile: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:712: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:712: paint: login >>>>>>>>>>>>.: true /*null*/
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:712: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:715: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam: true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:717: paint: tab: tab.size 0 = 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:721: paint: READ true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:721: paint: action: null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:777: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:826: paint: init font size: 15
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:828: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:829: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:829: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:830: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:830: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:832: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:874: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:925: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:47:937: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:265: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:265: paint: accessToken: shv4KSyPTF0000002094649gvIvkJn1I
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:275: paint: isBindHuaWei:false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:279: paint: isBindWechat:false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:295: paint: checkCloudExpire: expire = 4102444799000, rest =
2387535550820 剩余:27633 天
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:309: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam 200
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:460: paint: user cloud drive: xzbj #
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:644: InfoList: # CLICK: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:644: paint: clickItem: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:669: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:670: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:670: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:671: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:671: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:677: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:680: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:681: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:682: paint: note: 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:682: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:682: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:684: paint: start read pages
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:685: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:692: paint: loadPages: 0, this:-1, max: 5, total: 359.6007
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:693: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:702: paint: ####@ 1447, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747.p
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:733: paint: after : 1447, 1, 30
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:734: paint: delete image unused: image_7ce198bb9969.png
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:746: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:746: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:747: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:748: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:748: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:748: paint: #### scale: 0.64693445
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:748: paint: total use: 362.59MB
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:768: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:768: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{b9dff18 VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{a8f1d71 VFED..C.. ......ID
228,18-286,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:768: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:771: paint: TIME: 1847, 1714909246923, true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:772: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:789: paint: first: 0, 2349
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:793: paint: max image: 35
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:852: paint: isInvitee: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-05 19:40:48:870: paint: recycle:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:001: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:001: paint: AppWidget: manager = 103986891
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:003: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:005: paint: files: size = 1
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:005: paint: commint
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:006: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:043: paint: delete pdf cache #################
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:108: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:244: paint: first: 1, 2804
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:280: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",
"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:280: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:280: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:280: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:280: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:281: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:313: paint: hasNetSyncUser = false,

2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:314: paint:
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:314: paint: loginEcloud: false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:314: paint: ECloudManager: prePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:314: paint: setNetSyncManager: xzbj
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:319: paint: cloud sync login
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:324: paint: load delete record: path = /storage/emulated/0/享
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:326: paint: load delete record: exists = true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:328: paint: load delete record: content = {"notes":[]}
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:329: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:352: paint: start update v u s
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:352: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:377: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:422: paint: isInviter: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:482: paint: #: error2
2024-5 月-05 19:40:49:483: paint: diff time: 2803
2024-5 月-05 19:40:50:075: paint: averageTouchSize: 0.19386406
2024-5 月-05 19:40:50:699: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-05 19:40:50:700: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:50:728: paint: getUserInfo loginInfo = name = 贲如皤然 phone =
19179860904 wechat = false email = 1716728707@qq.com huawei = false honor = false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:50:922: paint: end update v u s: 156325147
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:325: paint: set cloudSynchronizing: xzbj
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:325: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:326: paint: check: false, 0
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:326: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:429: paint: syncAllNotes:hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:431: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:432: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:485: paint: checkCloudVol
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:490: paint: showRecoveryHintInterval: interval = 247719585
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:490: paint: isVolEnough = true , volumeUsedSize = 156325147,
totalSize = 4294967296
2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:516: paint: rxjavaError: la.c: The exception was not handled
due to missing onError handler in the subscribe() method call. Further reading:
https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Error-Handling |
android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token
android.os.BinderProxy@4254314 is not valid; is your activity running?
at oa.a$l.a(Functions.java:3)
at oa.a$l.accept(Functions.java:3)
at qa.b.onError(LambdaObserver.java:14)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:26)
at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
at ja.b$b.run(HandlerScheduler.java:3)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:1013)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:101)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:226)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:328)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:9239)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1099)
Caused by: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window --
token android.os.BinderProxy@4254314 is not valid; is your activity running?
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView(ViewRootImpl.java:1606)
at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView(WindowManagerGlobal.java:436)
at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:164)
at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:425)
at com.newskyer.draw.cloud.ECloudExtendKt.a(Unknown Source:0)
at com.newskyer.draw.cloud.b.accept(Unknown Source:2)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
... 11 more

2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:854: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成

2024-5 月-05 19:40:51:855: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:070: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:071: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:076: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:077: paint: syncAllNotes: pathList 26
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:077: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 1/26
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:078: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 2/26
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:082: paint: syncAllNotes: note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
localUsn = 147, serverUsn = 147
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:083: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 3/26
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:084: paint: start local
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:084: paint: upload locals
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:084: paint: end locals
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:256: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:256: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:256: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:964: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:52:982: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:40:53:012: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-05 19:40:53:113: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 928, progress =
100.0%, 12129
2024-5 月-05 19:40:53:114: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 928, progress =
100.0%, 12129
2024-5 月-05 19:40:53:119: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 928
2024-5 月-05 19:40:53:120: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:53:121: paint: serverChange: result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:53:121: paint: onCloudSyncEnd true
2024-5 月-05 19:40:53:122: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-05 19:41:03:669: paint: set >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. offset:-
1490.47, 2983.77; scaleX:0.65, scaleY:0.65, angle:0.00, offset:-1415.47, 3038.77;
scaleX:0.65, scaleY:0.65, angle:0.00
2024-5 月-05 19:41:05:929: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-05 19:41:05:945: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-05 19:41:05:951: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:05:953: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-05 19:41:06:156: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:06:232: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:331: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:349: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:362: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:372: paint: onStop
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:373: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:378: paint: onSave: 1, 1714909281378
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:385: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:451: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-05 19:41:21:454: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc @ true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:476: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:486: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, 新建无界笔记, 147, 148
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:490: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:491: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:492: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:494: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:495: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:612: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:619: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:621: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:621: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:899: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:901: paint: getServerInfoList: 12129
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:921: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:922: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:923: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 147, usn = 148
server: lastUsn = 147, usn = 147
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:925: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:23:925: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:156: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:175: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:179: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:179: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:180: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:408: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:411: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:421: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:445: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:556: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 929, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:557: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 929, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:561: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 929
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:561: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:569: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:570: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:572: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:641: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:641: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:888: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:915: paint: NoteNetItems: 147, 6, true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:916: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:983: paint: after list: 6
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:984: paint: page infos: 1
2024-5 月-05 19:41:24:989: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:000: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:182: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 930, progress =
65.0%, 1048576
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:590: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 930, progress =
100.0%, 1610415
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:591: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 930, progress =
100.0%, 1610415
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:594: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 930
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:594: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:596: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:645: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:710: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:715: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:716: paint: upload: null @
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:717: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:730: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:825: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 931, progress =
100.0%, 23
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:826: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 931, progress =
100.0%, 23
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:828: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 931
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:829: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:830: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":694603,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_8e210913a3fd.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:832: paint: pageCount=1
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:849: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:865: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:990: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 932, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:995: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 932, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:997: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 932
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:998: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-05 19:41:25:999: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-5 月-05 19:41:26:096: paint: after set: 0
2024-5 月-05 19:41:26:097: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:26:106: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-05 19:41:26:224: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 933, progress =
100.0%, 1974
2024-5 月-05 19:41:26:224: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 933, progress =
100.0%, 1974
2024-5 月-05 19:41:26:227: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 933
2024-5 月-05 19:41:26:227: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:51:962: paint:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:51:971: paint: init momory size: 12321873920, 11751.054688 Mb:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:51:991: mindmap_extension: ExcerptToolListener init
currentConfig=UserDataConfig(canSelectDocument=null, canSelectArea=null,
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:007: mindmap_extension: MindMapExtension registerPluginManager
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:011: mindmap_extension: buildBitmapSwapPool
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:014: paint: after Application onCreate: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:014: paint: country: CN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:046: paint: MODEL: PA2373, true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:085: paint: start splash: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:086: paint: notePath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:087: paint: getPath: android.os.storage.StorageVolume.getPath
[] @ com.newskyer.draw.activity.SplashActivity.onCreate(Native Method)
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:087: paint: storage: /storage/emulated/0, true, false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:087: paint: storage size: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:150: paint: textColor mode = -100
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:150: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:155: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:217: paint: N: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:218: paint: error count = 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:226: paint:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:226: paint:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:226: paint: app notes: 0, 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:226: paint: mUserData: null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:226: paint: try init
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:228: paint: read user data: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记//user.json, exists=true, 5370
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:238: paint: did: feb
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:238: paint: launcher: true, 0, -1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:245: paint: restorePenSets: true, false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:245: paint: initPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/pathinfo/pathinfo.json, true, true, true @ 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:248: paint: sets size: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:249: paint: getToolsFromFile: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:250: paint: initPathInfo: 1, 26,
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:250: InfoList: end sort: 26 @ 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:251: paint: _checkInfoList: null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:254: paint: sticker sticker sticker sticker +
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:256: paint: enable office: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:267: paint: after splash init
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:268: paint: check pid: 26
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:268: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:268: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:268: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:269: InfoList: getPathInfoFromVirtualPath:
/storage/emulated/0/享做笔记, null, false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:269: InfoList: createNewPathInfo: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:269: paint: createNewPathInfo: path = /storage/emulated/0/享做
笔记 不是笔记目录, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:270: paint: splash onPause
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:270: paint: checkInfoList: 26, 26
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:273: paint: check dump ids
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:273: paint: remove ids: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:273: paint: remove paths: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:274: paint: checkInfoList: has conflict = true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:296: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:308: paint: updateUserPk: vg.t$a@769f18b
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:312: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:313: paint: @ true:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:317: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:320: paint: start.2024-04-19-09:17:23, pad, debug=false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:327: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:354: paint: initToolsMenuUserActions: 31
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:447: paint: dp: 1120, true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:466: paint: after start note: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:466: paint: onCreate size: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:466: paint: zoomWriting: false, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:467: paint: register network
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:468: paint: read permission: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:471: paint: checkHuaweiGift: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:471: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:471: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{64240cb V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{1f5a0a8 V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:473: paint: ai service start
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:474: AiService: connect ai service
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:479: paint: asrModelLoader bootCount=67
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:479: paint: Main: 160
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:479: paint: main onCreate: 0, false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:481: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:482: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{64240cb V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{1f5a0a8 V.ED..... ......I.
0,0-0,0 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:491: paint: checkValid: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:501: paint: targetCorrect: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:529: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:572: paint: TIME: 276, 1715077372296, true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:575: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:690: paint: splitRatio: null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:702: paint: WhiteBoard: 11
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:704: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:707: paint: PanelManager: 3
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:712: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:714: paint: init P:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:714: paint: add onUserLoginListener: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:714: paint: max image: 35
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:716: paint: delete dir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/temp/image
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:717: paint:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:717: paint: at
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:717: paint: at
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:717: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.Image.d(Unknown
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:717: paint: at com.newskyer.paint.drawable.i.accept(Unknown
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:717: paint: at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:717: paint: at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:717: paint: at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:718: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:836: paint: customer: pad
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:836: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:840: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:854: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:854: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:881: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:917: paint: main onPause: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:918: paint: wifi receiver:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:918: paint: auto true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:919: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:920: paint: 画板背景 final null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:928: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:52:930: paint: start mobile note.
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:022: paint: showUpdateContent: 139655, 139655, 139655}
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:025: paint: isMain: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:031: paint: db path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:032: paint: ------refreshNodes------
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:041: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onCreate: 32
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:044: paint: -------BookshelfActivity onResume--------
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:045: paint: onResume book: false, true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:046: paint: End of BookshelfActivity onResume
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:089: paint: notePath: ,
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:089: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1715077373033, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:090: paint: currentDir: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note,
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:109: AiService: ai service connected
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:109: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:110: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:172: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:202: paint: show>>>
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:203: paint: #: error
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:205: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1715077373033, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:206: paint: splash onStop:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:207: paint: onStop
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:208: paint: main onStop: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:209: paint: onSave: 1, 1715077373209
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:209: paint: initView
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:211: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:222: paint: currentDirPathInfo = PathInfo(n='note',
path='note', usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1715077373033, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:231: paint: all note: xzbj
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:237: paint: ######## >>> false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:320: paint: did: pad-PA2373febb
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:362: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:363: paint: accessToken:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:377: paint: initView done
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:448: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:454: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:455: paint: currentValue = PathInfo(n='note', path='note',
usn=9, lUsn=0, cv='', cc=0, clt=0, id='folder_root', pid='', oPid='',
lmf=1715077373033, rcl=false, del=false, nn=, favor=false, vPath=note) @
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:455: paint: setLabelName: name = 所有卡片, labelId =
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:455: paint: currentValue = label_type_all
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:456: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:456: paint: getList: filter = ALL, false, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:469: paint: splash onDestory
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:474: paint: check h # false #
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:485: paint: login: loginResult =
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:485: paint: 登录结果 209464
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:488: paint: isBindMobile: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:492: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:493: paint: login >>>>>>>>>>>>.: true /*null*/
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:500: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:501: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:517: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:630: paint: isBindHuaWei:false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:718: paint: initView
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:735: paint: enable office: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:735: paint: currentPage: 0, page count = 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:736: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:736: paint: @ true:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:737: paint: Run backup thread: true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:743: paint: WhiteBoard: 6
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:744: paint: PanelManager init 1.0.1, 2024-04-19-09:17:24
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:746: paint: PanelManager: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:755: paint: isBindWechat:false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:756: paint: getAppStsOssTmpParam 200
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:793: paint: isXBH=false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:793: paint: reset board
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:848: paint: customer: pad
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:848: paint: channel: xiaomi
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:888: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:897: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:898: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:899: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:912: paint: updateHVToolbar
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:918: paint: setRotation: left
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:919: paint: start action :null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:934: paint: webSearch: 0 webSearchShow: false, webSearchUrl:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:944: paint: tab: tab.size 0 = 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:948: paint: READ true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:53:948: paint: action: null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:010: paint: addOnModeChangedListener:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:052: paint: init font size: 15
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:054: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:056: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:056: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:057: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:057: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:058: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:098: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:183: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:190: paint: checkCloudExpire: expire = 4102444799000, rest =
2387367424773 剩余:27631 天
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:400: paint: isInvitee: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:482: paint: 刷新 h5
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:482: paint: accessToken: 0A14Hoj15T000000209464Cb6N8vUjXr
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:563: paint: isInviter: {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:713: paint: user cloud drive: xzbj #
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:758: paint: hasNetSyncUser = false,
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:758: paint:
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:758: paint: loginEcloud: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:759: paint: ECloudManager: prePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:759: paint: setNetSyncManager: xzbj
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:765: paint: cloud sync login
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:767: paint: load delete record: path = /storage/emulated/0/享
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:768: paint: diff time: 1838
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:770: paint: load delete record: exists = true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:774: paint: load delete record: content = {"notes":[]}
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:776: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:819: paint: start update v u s
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:819: paint: has login saved:true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:880: paint: normal getList: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:881: paint: getList: filter = ALL, true, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:22:54:883: paint: getList: time = 2
2024-5 月-07 18:22:55:050: paint: commint
2024-5 月-07 18:22:55:252: paint: delete pdf cache #################
2024-5 月-07 18:22:55:516: paint: end update v u s: 156335498
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:546: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:546: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:771: paint: set cloudSynchronizing: xzbj
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:772: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:773: paint: checkCloudVol
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:773: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:775: paint: isVolEnough = true , volumeUsedSize = 156335498,
totalSize = 4294967296
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:789: paint: showRecoveryHintInterval: interval = 168125299
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:826: paint: syncAllNotes:hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:829: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:829: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:22:56:953: paint: getUserInfo loginInfo = name = 贲如皤然 phone =
19179860904 wechat = false email = 1716728707@qq.com huawei = false honor = false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:048: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:050: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:058: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:059: paint: syncAllNotes: pathList 26
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:059: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 1/26
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:059: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 2/26
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:063: paint: syncAllNotes: note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
localUsn = 148, serverUsn = 148
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:065: paint: syncAllNotes: localInfo is null = false @ 3/26
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:067: paint: start local
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:067: paint: upload locals
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:067: paint: end locals
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:120: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:120: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:121: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:368: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:381: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:397: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:503: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 936, progress =
100.0%, 12129
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:503: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 936, progress =
100.0%, 12129
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:506: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 936
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:507: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:507: paint: serverChange: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:507: paint: onCloudSyncEnd true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:508: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:508: paint: onCloudSyncEnd: Locker is lock = false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:509: paint: cloud syn end, updateLocal = false
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:509: paint: onCloudSyncEnd: result = true, updateLocal =
false, true
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:531: paint: check: false, 0
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:654: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-07 18:22:57:654: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:02:249: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",
"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-07 18:23:02:568: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-07 18:23:03:127: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-07 18:23:03:323: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",

"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-07 18:23:04:323: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成

2024-5 月-07 18:23:04:324: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:04:507: paint: get shopInfos: {"brands": ["huawei", "xiaomi",
"honor", "oppo", "vivo"], "qrImage":
://manual.xiangzuobiji.com/", "lastShop": 2, "adName": "", "adImage":
"http://paint.cicoe.net/qr/cloud_event0.png", "adUrl":

2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:274: InfoList: # CLICK: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔

2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:274: paint: clickItem: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:356: paint: on new intent: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:357: paint: start action :cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:357: paint: action: cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:358: paint: action #### : cicoe.intent.action.OPEN_NOTE, null
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:358: paint: path: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:363: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:367: paint: restoreNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:368: paint: has pwd = 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:370: paint: note: 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:370: paint: ----------------restoreNote: load note from file
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:370: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:372: paint: start read pages
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:372: paint: after load pages: 0, 1, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:380: paint: loadPages: 0, this:-1, max: 5, total: 361.411
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:381: mindmap_extension: beforeReadPageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:390: paint: ####@ 1450, note_page1714228530787ec4d4747.p
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:424: paint: after : 1450, 1, 33
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:426: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: @ true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:427: paint: onNotePathChanged
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:428: paint: setNavPath: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记/note
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:428: paint: currentPage: -1, page count = 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:429: paint: set page index = 0, cur=0, false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:429: paint: #### scale: 0.64693445
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:429: paint: total use: 369.69MB
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:492: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:492: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{64240cb VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{1f5a0a8 VFED..C.. ......ID
228,18-286,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:493: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:495: paint: TIME: 12288, 1715077373207, true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:496: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:654: paint: onReceive: action = action_refresh
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:655: paint: AppWidget: manager = 51045611
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:657: paint: onNotePageInfo: false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:658: paint: files: size = 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:667: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:05:770: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:06:002: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:06:114: paint: #: error2
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:428: note_net: addNote:
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:428: paint: checkCloudHasNew
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:429: paint: getNoteInfo: file not exist or is directory:
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:515: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:516: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:752: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:753: paint: getServerInfoList: 12129
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:755: paint: checkCloudNote:
local: lastUsn = 148, usn = 148,
server: lastUsn = 148, usn = 148
2024-5 月-07 18:23:07:756: paint: checkCloudHasNew: result: true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:14:296: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:23:14:316: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:14:324: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:14:325: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:23:14:484: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:14:550: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:23:17:790: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:17:791: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:17:792: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:23:17:928: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:18:003: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:23:18:929: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:23:18:929: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:23:18:933: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:23:19:538: paint: averageTouchSize: 0.19386406
2024-5 月-07 18:23:19:622: paint: max image: 35
2024-5 月-07 18:23:19:652: paint: recycle:
2024-5 月-07 18:23:29:769: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:29:770: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:29:771: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:23:29:875: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:29:938: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:23:30:489: paint: 新消息 isNeedRemind result = {"code":200,"msg":"成
2024-5 月-07 18:23:30:489: paint: 新消息提醒 = false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:580: paint: main onPause: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:606: paint: checkDirName: false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:610: paint:
at sun.nio.ch.SharedFileLockTable.checkList(FileLockTable.java:255)
at sun.nio.ch.SharedFileLockTable.add(FileLockTable.java:152)
at sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.tryLock(FileChannelImpl.java:1174)
at java.nio.channels.FileChannel.tryLock(FileChannel.java:1165)
at com.newskyer.draw.XApplication.tryLockOrRecreateFile(XApplication.java:56)
at com.newskyer.draw.XApplication.handleWebviewDir(XApplication.java:54)
at com.newskyer.draw.XApplication.lambda$init$1(XApplication.java:1)
at com.newskyer.draw.XApplication.d(Unknown Source:0)
at com.newskyer.draw.nl.accept(Unknown Source:2)
at qa.b.onNext(LambdaObserver.java:9)
at ta.k$a.d(ObservableObserveOn.java:48)
at ta.k$a.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:9)
at wa.l.run(ScheduledRunnable.java:14)
at wa.l.call(ScheduledRunnable.java:1)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1042)

2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:614: paint: on Settings 7

2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:635: paint: textColor mode = -1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:636: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:646: paint: updateView
2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:877: paint: isSystemNight: false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:31:984: paint: buttons: 12
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:027: paint: onStop
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:027: paint: main onStop: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:028: note_net: addNoteToAutoUpload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc @ true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:028: paint: onSave: 1, 1715077412028
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:029: note_net: addNote: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:032: note_net: auto upload: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, 新建无界笔记, 148, 151
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:034: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:034: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:035: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:035: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:037: paint: foldStatus null
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:040: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:094: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:095: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:096: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:096: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:342: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:344: paint: getServerInfoList: 12129
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:352: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:353: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:353: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 148, usn = 151
server: lastUsn = 148, usn = 148
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:354: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:354: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:645: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:690: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:698: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:700: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:701: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:974: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:975: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:980: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-07 18:23:32:998: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:068: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 937, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:069: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 937, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:072: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 937
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:072: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:076: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:076: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:077: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:125: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:126: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:366: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:381: paint: NoteNetItems: 148, 7, true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:381: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:446: paint: after list: 7
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:447: paint: page infos: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:450: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:457: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:33:483: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 938, progress =
63.0%, 1048576
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:054: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 938, progress =
100.0%, 1642952
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:054: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 938, progress =
100.0%, 1642952
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:056: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 938
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:057: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:057: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:100: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:150: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:153: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:153: paint: upload:
se,"length":23,"modified":"May 5, 2024 7:41:25
ec4d4747/image/records","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:154: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":694603,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_8e210913a3fd.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:154: paint: pageCount=1
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:164: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:169: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:239: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 939, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:241: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 939
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:242: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:242: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:267: paint: after set: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:268: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:273: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:383: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 940, progress =
100.0%, 1974
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:383: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 940, progress =
100.0%, 1974
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:385: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 940
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:386: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:432: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:434: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:437: paint: upload end: true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:437: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:461: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:474: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:564: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 941, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:564: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 941, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:567: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 941
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:568: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:593: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:34:594: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:35:437: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:35:437: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:23:35:687: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:35:687: paint: getServerInfoList: 12129
2024-5 月-07 18:23:35:691: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-07 18:23:36:691: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-07 18:23:36:705: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:36:721: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:23:36:837: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 942, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-07 18:23:36:837: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 942, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-07 18:23:36:845: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 942
2024-5 月-07 18:23:36:845: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:38:925: paint: click
2024-5 月-07 18:23:47:663: paint: -------PadActivity onResume-------
2024-5 月-07 18:23:47:663: paint: updateFullScreen: true,
com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{64240cb VFED..C.. ......ID 30,18-88,76 #7f0a04cd
app:id/left_menu_view}, com.newskyer.draw.views.SvgView{1f5a0a8 VFED..C.. ......ID
905,18-963,76 #7f0a05b1 app:id/more_function}
2024-5 月-07 18:23:47:663: paint: onResume: /storage/emulated/0/享做笔记//user.json,
true, false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:47:673: paint: TIME: 15646, 1715077412027, true
2024-5 月-07 18:23:47:673: paint: main onResume: 0, false
2024-5 月-07 18:23:47:717: paint: 旋转笔盒 false false 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:48:165: paint: #: error2
2024-5 月-07 18:23:52:370: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:23:53:782: paint: checkDeletesNotes: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:24:02:739: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:24:02:742: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:24:02:743: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:24:02:894: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:24:02:967: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:24:03:493: paint: write average touch size: 0.188612
2024-5 月-07 18:24:03:676: paint:
2024-5 月-07 18:24:04:805: paint: click icon: lock
2024-5 月-07 18:24:09:467: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:24:09:468: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:24:09:468: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:24:09:567: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:24:09:633: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:24:09:849: paint: click icon: lock
2024-5 月-07 18:24:13:310: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:24:13:321: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-07 18:24:13:382: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:24:15:008: paint: click icon: lock
2024-5 月-07 18:24:19:944: paint: click icon: lock
2024-5 月-07 18:24:23:205: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:24:23:220: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:24:23:222: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:24:23:223: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:24:23:379: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:24:23:457: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:24:33:793: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-07 18:24:33:808: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-07 18:24:34:287: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-07 18:24:34:298: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-07 18:24:34:306: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:24:34:306: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:24:34:319: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:24:34:973: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-07 18:24:34:981: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-07 18:24:39:727: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-07 18:24:39:733: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-07 18:24:39:737: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:24:39:737: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:24:39:742: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:24:41:245: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:24:41:246: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:24:41:246: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:24:41:373: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:24:41:445: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:24:52:597: paint: already show 20
2024-5 月-07 18:27:03:629: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:27:03:636: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:27:03:655: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:03:726: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:27:36:119: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:27:36:119: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:27:36:124: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:27:36:827: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:27:36:828: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:36:830: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:27:36:988: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:37:060: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:27:41:070: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:27:41:072: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:41:074: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:27:41:229: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:41:301: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:370: paint: backup###1@
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:371: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:372: paint: auto sync: 157, 151
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:376: paint: backup:/storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:377: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:534: paint: sameNoteSize: 2, 3, note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:535: paint: diffUsn: 16, 157
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:535: paint: backupNotes
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:542: paint:
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:551: paint: free: -1, paper @ note_page1714228530787ec4d4747
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:758: paint: zipFolder: true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:872: paint: check cloudHas: true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:872: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:52:873: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:094: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:103: paint: check cloud: 151, 151
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:103: paint: ------------uploadNote-------------
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:104: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:105: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:105: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:106: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:106: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:161: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:163: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:164: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:164: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:480: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:480: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:483: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:484: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:484: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 151, usn = 157
server: lastUsn = 151, usn = 151
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:484: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:484: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:680: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:690: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:693: paint: --------------------
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:693: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:693: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:778: paint: backup###1@
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:778: paint: clear unuse note: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:962: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:964: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:971: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-07 18:27:53:979: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:066: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 943, progress =
100.0%, 125
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:068: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 943
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:069: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:082: paint: uploadNoteToNet: isDocumentNote = false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:083: paint: uploadNoteToNet: coverUsn = 0, coverLastUsn = 0
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:084: paint: uploadNoteToNet: usnFile exists = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:156: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:156: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:367: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:378: paint: NoteNetItems: 151, 7, true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:378: paint: g: listItemsDeep: objectKey =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:432: paint: after list: 7
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:432: paint: page infos: 1
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:436: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:455: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:467: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 944, progress =
64.0%, 1048576
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:761: paint:
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:761: paint: onAutoUploadNotes
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:769: paint: upload note service:
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:789: paint: uploadAllLatestNotes: nn = 新建无界笔记,
uploadIndex = 1, uploadCount = 1, path = note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:794: paint: set cloudSynchronizing.. xzbj
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:794: paint: cloud syn start
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:795: paint: syncNote: notePath = /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
记/note/note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, syncType = auto
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:795: paint: syncNote: cloud relative path =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:797: paint: isUploadingAll: true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:797: paint: isUploadingAll: true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:54:799: paint: start cloudsyn ani
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:005: paint: cloudHas: true, auto
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:008: paint: syncNote: hasBadPage = false, hasMissingImage =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:009: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:010: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:181: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:182: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:186: paint: syncNote:
localDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
serverDevice = vivo/pa2373/dpd2221/dpd2221/33/5.10.110-android12-9-g1fdb8f213632-
isOtherDevice = false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:186: paint: syncNote: usn:
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:186: paint: syncNote: id = note_17142285307884ef157.ncc, n =
新建无界笔记, syncType = auto
local: lastUsn = 151, usn = 157
server: lastUsn = 151, usn = 151
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:186: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:187: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:195: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 944, progress =
100.0%, 1619471
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:195: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 944, progress =
100.0%, 1619471
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:197: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 944
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:197: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:198: mindmap_extension: onPageUpload:
mindmap, force=false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:262: mindmap_extension: loadRemoteSyncInfo: remote sync empty,
create new.
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:335: paint: upload : /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:338: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":2298088,"modified":"Apr 27, 2024 10:39:35
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_93882eb50073.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:339: paint: upload:
se,"length":23,"modified":"May 5, 2024 7:41:25
ec4d4747/image/records","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:339: paint: upload:
sDirectory":false,"length":694603,"modified":"May 2, 2024 10:57:10
note_page1714228530787ec4d4747/image/image_8e210913a3fd.png","recycled":false} @
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:340: paint: pageCount=1
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:353: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:364: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:422: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:431: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 945, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:431: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 945, progress =
100.0%, 135
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:436: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 945
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:436: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:437: paint: update usn file: 0, 0
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:438: paint: syncNote: -------upload: name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:439: paint: uploadNoteToNet: ---- note is uploading
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:439: paint: syncNote: uploadNoteToNet failed 上传失败 3
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:446: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:447: paint: isUploadingAll: true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:448: paint: uploadAllLatestNotes: result = false, id =
note_422d7688b6274296a6e50d51896e4255, name = 新建无界笔记
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:448: paint: uploadAllLatestNotes: upload latest end
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:468: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:469: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:483: paint: after set: 0
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:484: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:503: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:594: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 946, progress =
100.0%, 1974
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:594: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 946, progress =
100.0%, 1974
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:602: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 946
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:602: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:661: paint: uploadNoteToNet: hasCloud = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:663: paint: uploadNoteToNet: serverInfoList = null true, true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:664: paint: upload end: true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:664: paint: ----------------uploadErrorList-------------------
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:686: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath = pathinfo/error.json
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:703: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:783: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 947, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:784: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 947, progress =
100.0%, 86
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:784: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 947
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:784: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:795: paint: ------------------ onNoteSyncEnd: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:55:797: paint: isUploadingAll: false
2024-5 月-07 18:27:56:451: paint: g: downloadFile: relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:56:451: paint: PanelUserManager: downloadFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:56:824: paint: g: downloadFile server: result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:27:56:824: paint: getServerInfoList: 10313
2024-5 月-07 18:27:56:827: InfoList: merge: 26
2024-5 月-07 18:27:57:828: paint: uploadIfoListFile
2024-5 月-07 18:27:57:837: paint: g: uploadFile relativePath =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:57:844: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = IN_PROGRESS, id =
2024-5 月-07 18:27:57:935: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 948, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-07 18:27:57:935: paint: upload:onProgressChanged id = 948, progress =
100.0%, 10313
2024-5 月-07 18:27:57:935: paint: upload:onStateChanged state = COMPLETED, id = 948
2024-5 月-07 18:27:57:937: paint: g: uploadFile result = true
2024-5 月-07 18:28:04:921: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:28:04:929: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:28:04:932: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:28:04:932: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:28:05:072: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:28:05:144: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:28:47:715: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:28:47:723: paint: save note note.updateUsn = false
2024-5 月-07 18:28:47:784: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:29:06:531: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:29:06:538: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:29:06:539: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:06:539: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:29:06:664: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:06:735: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:29:12:994: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:12:994: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:12:996: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:13:561: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:29:13:562: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:13:564: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:29:13:756: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:13:841: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:29:17:168: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:17:169: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:17:176: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:27:766: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:29:27:766: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:27:767: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:29:27:889: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:27:962: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:29:39:756: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-07 18:29:39:762: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-07 18:29:40:636: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:29:40:636: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:40:636: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:29:40:755: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:40:819: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:29:49:259: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:49:261: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:49:266: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:49:266: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-07 18:29:49:268: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:49:268: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:49:271: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:29:50:511: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:29:50:513: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:50:515: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:29:50:677: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:29:50:750: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:30:10:884: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:30:10:885: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:30:10:888: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_BRUSH
2024-5 月-07 18:30:11:373: paint: save note version: 6, /storage/emulated/0/享做笔
2024-5 月-07 18:30:11:387: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:30:11:388: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:30:11:390: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:30:11:506: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:30:11:573: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:30:14:955: paint: vivo pen gesture: 2
2024-5 月-07 18:30:14:966: paint: onModeChanged 0 -> 1
2024-5 月-07 18:30:16:258: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:30:16:259: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:30:16:259: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:30:16:367: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:30:16:432: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:046: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:046: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:049: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:049: paint: onModeChanged 1 -> 0
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:050: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:050: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:052: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:540: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:541: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:19:545: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_STEEL_PEN
2024-5 月-07 18:30:20:299: paint: save note: 新建无界笔记, 1
2024-5 月-07 18:30:20:301: paint: write page: 0, true
2024-5 月-07 18:30:20:302: mindmap_extension: beforeWritePageContent
2024-5 月-07 18:30:20:463: paint: save note note.updateUsn = true
2024-5 月-07 18:30:20:541: paint: save paths: 5
2024-5 月-07 18:30:27:460: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_NITE_WRITER
2024-5 月-07 18:30:27:460: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_NITE_WRITER
2024-5 月-07 18:30:27:463: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_NITE_WRITER
2024-5 月-07 18:30:27:849: paint: setPenType type = TYPE_NITE_WRITER
2024-5 月-07 18:30:27:850: paint: --------- setPenTypeValue: TYPE_NITE_WRITER
2024-5 月-07 18:30:27:853: paint: updateActivatedPen: -1, penType=TYPE_NITE_WRITER

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