DN 053246
DN 053246
DN 053246
Abstract Zusammenfassung
The increasing concern about diminishing fossil resources Bio-basierte Kunststoffe: Status, Heraus-
and the impacts of the global warming is driving the growth forderungen und Trends
of the new bioeconomy. Bioplastics, thermoplastic biopoly-
mers that are either biodegradable or at least partly Die zunehmende Besorgnis über abnehmende fossile Res-
bio-based, are one of the fastest growing markets. The aver- sourcen und die Auswirkungen der Klimaerwärmung fördert
age growth rates over the past years have constantly been das Wachstum der Bioökonomie. Der Markt für Biokunststof-
double-digit. Though the production capacities are small, fe, thermoplastische Biopolymere, die entweder biologisch
currently approximately 0.5 % of the global plastics produc- abbaubar oder wenigstens teilweise bio-basierten Ursprungs
tions, recent market forecasts expect a sharp rise in the sind, ist einer der am schnellsten wachsenden. Obwohl die
upcoming three years. Due to identical property profiles and Produktionskapazitäten von Biokunststoffen gegenwärtig
established recycling processes, the largest growth is expect- noch klein sind, ca. 0,5 % der globalen Kunststoffproduktion,
ed for partly bio-based conventional plastics, especially for gehen aktuelle Marktprognosen von einem sprunghaften
bio-PET. Anstieg in den kommenden drei Jahren aus. Aufgrund iden-
This development was made possible by numerous inno- tischer Eigenschaften und etablierter Recyclingprozesse
vations in the fields of chemical catalysis, biotechnology, and wird das größte Wachstum für bio-basierte konventionelle
plastics engineering. It reflects an ongoing change in the Kunststoffe wie bio-PET erwartet.
bio-plastic industry, which increasingly focuses on the pro- Möglich wurde diese Entwicklung durch Innovationen in
duction of durable, bio-based plastics, after years of concen- den Bereichen der chemischen Katalyse, der Biotechnologie
tration on biodegradable plastics used for niche applica- und der Kunststofftechnik. Sie spiegelt einen andauernden
tions. But also the markets for bio-based and biodegradable Wandel der Kunststoffindustrie wider, die sich zunehmend
plastics are expected to continue their rapid growth. auf die Produktion nicht bio-abbaubarer Biokunststoffe kon-
This article reviews advances in production processes zentriert, nachdem der Fokus viele Jahre lang auf biologisch
and material properties of selected bio-based plastics. It abbaubaren Kunststoffen für Nischenanwendungen lag.
focuses on the most important bio-based plastics with estab- Aber auch für die Märkte der bio-abbaubaren Biokunststoffe
lished production and commercial applications. It further- wird erwartet, dass das schnelle Wachstum ahnält.
more provides an overview of new applications, and trends, Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über ausgewählte bio-
as well as of major producers. basierte Kunststoffe mit Schwerpunkt auf Fortschritten in
den Bereichen Produktion und Materialeigenschaften. Er
Keywords: Bio-based plastics, biopolymers, renewable resour- konzentriert sich auf die wichtigsten bio-basierten Kunst-
ces, bioeconomy stoffe mit bereits etablierter Produktion und kommerziellen
Anwendungen. Darüber hinaus werden neue Anwendun-
gen, aktuelle Trends und wichtige Produzenten vorgestellt.
Contact: henning.storz@ti.bund.de
322 H. Storz, K.-D. Vorlop · Landbauforsch · Appl Agric Forestry Res · 4 2013 (63)321-332
1 Introduction
Steadily growing since 1950, the worldwide production of
plastics materials has reached 288 million tons in 2012 (Plas-
tics Europe, 2013). Germany is one of the most important other plastics
26 %
actors on the plastic markets and the biggest manufacturer 27 %
and processor of plastics in the EU. In 2012, the German
plastic industry produced 19.5 million tons of plastics and
generated a revenue of 25.1 billion euros (Plastics Europe
Deutschland, 2013). 11,860 kt
Large amounts of petroleum, approximately 7 % of the total
global production, are used for the production of plastics
(Bozell, 2008). Consequently, today’s (renewable) energy
debate is also impacting the plastics industry. The challenges PET PP
17 %
are well known and essentially the same that underlie the 4%
energy debate. Namely fossil resources, especially petroleum PVC
14 %
and gas, are of finite availability and have volatile and steadi- 6%
ly increasing prices. An additional pressure on decision
makers is generated by the growing political and public
Engineering plastics Commodity plastics
concern about the environmental impacts related with the
increasing utilization of plastics.
Although energy is the primary issue when it comes to
the impacts of the depletion of fossil resources, the size of
the challenge for the plastic industry is bigger than it might
seem. Unlike for the energy issue, there is only one renew- 26 %
able alternative for the production of plastics and bulk chem-
icals, and that is the use of biomass. The approach of using Packaging
biomass for the production of plastics is not a new one. The 35 %
the interest in bio-degradable products remained high and plastics including novel plastics, like thermoplastic starch
the number of applications rapidly grew beyond the and poly(lactic acid), as well bio-based versions of conven-
originally very limited number of simple packaging applica- tional plastics. The key selection criteria for the bio-based
tions. Biodegradable products with improved material prop- plastics discussed, are expected med-term production vol-
erties were developed in the 1990s. Some of these were umes and usage. Important progress in the development
completely petroleum-derived, which gave rise to some and diversification of material properties of novel bio-based
irritations among consumers. plastics is described and compared with the properties of the
In the late 1990s, the interest in bioplastics shifted conventional plastics they could substitute.
towards the use of renewable raw materials. In 2001, Nature-
Works LLC was the first company that produced a completely
bio-based plastic (poly(lactic acid)) in large quantities (USA, 2 Production of bio-based plastics
140 ktpa). Since then, the production of many bio-based
plastics has been demonstrated at pilot and demo scale. Bio-based plastics can be obtained via three principal routes
Some of the products are conventional plastics like PE and (Figure 2). The first approach is by modification of natural
PVC, others are partly bio-based (e.g. polyols, polyamides), polymers while preserving the polymer backbone (mainly)
and some of them are entirely new plastics such as poly(lac- intact. This is the most important approach today, used for
tic acid). Partly bio-based plastics often require petrochemi- the production of starch and cellulose-based plastics and for
cal monomers that cannot be resembled by bio-based various other bio-based polymers and fibers used in
replacements, at least not at a reasonable price. Today’s non-plastic and non-food applications.
bio-based plastics are sophisticated materials which could The second way comprises a two-step biomass conver-
technically be a substitute for around 90 % of the plastics we sion approach starting with the production of bio-based pre-
use today (Shen et al., 2010). cursors (monomers) by means of biochemical and/or chemi-
At present, however, high price levels and low produc- cal transformation followed by the polymerization of the
tion capacities of bio-based plastics prevent deeper market monomers in the final step (both steps are normally complex
penetration. According to a recent forecast, the production and can be divided in several sub-steps). If the monomers
capacities of bio-based plastics approximately correspond to obtained are bio-based versions of conventional monomers
0.5 % of the global plastic production (European Bioplastics, they are called drop-in (replacements). Conventional plastics
Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites, 2013; produced using drop-in monomers are advantgeous,
Plastics Europe, 2013). Though this is a rather small share, because they cannot be distinguished, neither structurally
numerous commercial successes and ongoing commercial- nor by performance, from their petrochemical counterparts.
izations impressively show the rapidly progressing change in Hence, they can readily enter existing processing and recy-
the plastic industry towards bio-based products. If this devel- cling systems. A good example is bio-based PE prepared
opment continues, bio-based plastics are likely to become an from bio-ethanol derived ethylene.
important pillar of the future bio-economy. Bio-based monomers that have new structures or have
This article reviews recent advances in the development, not been applied to the markets in the past are also used to
production, and application of a selection of bio-based produce plastics. These “novel” bio-based plastics often have
Figure 2
Principal routes to bio-based plastics
324 H. Storz, K.-D. Vorlop · Landbauforsch · Appl Agric Forestry Res · 4 2013 (63)321-332
different properties. Compared to the standard plastics they exhibit very different properties. Starch and cellulose
which they could replace, they often show an improved have in common that they cannot be processed as a thermo-
functionality and thus additional markets and applications. plastic material without prior modification.
However, in contrast to drop-in plastics, novel bio-based
plastics require the development and implementation of
new recycling systems. 2.1.1 Plastics from starch
This second approach to bio-based plastics is constantly Starch is a polysaccharide produced by green plants for the
gaining importance due to the advancements in the chemi- storage of energy. Due to its semi-crystalline structure, which
cal and bio-technological production of monomers. undergoes thermal degradation before the melting point is
The third route comprises the production of a polymeric reached, native starch cannot be applied to thermoplastic
material, which can be used as a plastic without further mod- processing.
ification, directly in microorganisms or plants. Because of the A bio-based plastic that is based on starch is thermoplas-
progress in genetic engineering and biotechnology which tic starch (TPS). It can be prepared from starch granules by
enables to move genes responsible for the production of a mixing and heating them in the presence of one or more
polymer like poly(hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA) from bacteria plasticizers, typically water and glycerol, in a process called
into crops, this route is becoming more feasible. However, as destructurization. TPS is an attractive bio-based material
favorable as direct production of bio-based plastics via pho- because starch is cheap, biodegradable, and abundantly
tosynthesis may seem, as complex are the related environ- available in large volumes. Furthermore, TPS is processable
mental and regulatory issues. Although this route has been with common equipment. However, TPS is very hydrophilic
intensively studied for many years now, no notable quanti- which renders it unsuitable for applications in humid envi-
ties of bio-based plastics have been produced accordingly. ronments (Liu et al., 2009). This currently limits the applicabil-
ity of TPS to niche products like fast dissolving dishwasher
tabs or adhesive tapes. Several solutions to improve the
2.1 Plastics from natural polymers properties of TPS were developed including the use of less
Polymers are very common in nature and used in many volatile and less water sensitive plasticizers like sorbitol or
industrial processes. By the annually produced volume, cellu- xylitol and the addition of suitable hydrophobic fillers like
lose, chitin, and lignin are most abundant. Currently, lignin lignin (Fang and Hanna, 2000; Kaewtatip and Thongmee,
and chitin have no notable commercial applications as 2013; Li and Huneault, 2011; Rahmat et al., 2009).
plastic materials, but their use as filler for rubber and thermo- Blending TPS and starch with hydrophobic plastics has
plastics and as prepolymers is being intensively studied extended their use as plasctic materials. The hydrophobic
(Chen et al., 2012; Doherty et al., 2011; Hatakeyama H and component prevents the direct uptake of water and
Hatakeyama T, 2010; Nandanwar et al., 2012; Srinivasa and increases the water resistance significantly. Via the variation
Tharanathan, 2007). of the plasticizer content the material properties can be
adjusted. Because most hydrophobic polymers are
incompatible with starch, the maximum starch content of
blends is limited to approximately 25 to 30 %. Higher
contents can be achieved by reactive blending in the
Cellulose OH OH OH presence of compatibilizers, which covalently link the
O O O components (Kalambur and Rizvi, 2006). Blends with
OH OH OH n conventional and bio-based polymers have been intensively
investigated (Nayak, 2010; van der Burgt et al., 1996; Willett
and Shogren, 2002).
OH OH OH Today, various commercial grades are available. Primarily,
these are polyester-based blends used for short-lived biode-
Starch OH OH
O gradable products like bags, packaging films, agricultural
CH2OH CH2OH mulch films and protection foams. But also non-biodegrad-
O O O able starch-polyolefin blends have been commercialized.
O O O Cereplast (USA) offers PE and PP TPS blends that are targeted
OH OH OH for long-term applications in automobiles, consumer-goods,
and construction. They offer significantly lower carbon foot-
Figure 3 prints than the pure polyolefins. Besides several companies
Structure of cellulose and starch with pilot/demo scale plants (< 10 ktpa) the most important
producers of starch plastics are Novamont (Italy, 120 ktpa)
and Rodenberg (Netherlands, 47 ktpa).
Among the natural polymers, only cellulose and starch are Though starch based plastics have developed a high
used for the industrial production of bio-based plastics. Their market penetration, the production capacities are not
production is in accordance with route I (Figure 2). Though expected to grow as fast as expected for other bio-based
their monomeric building blocks are very similar (Figure 3), plastics because many issues exist in using high amounts of
H. Storz, K.-D. Vorlop · Landbauforsch · Appl Agric Forestry Res · 4 2013 (63)321-332
starch (> 30 %) without compromising the material proper- 2.2.1 Poly(lactic acid)
ties, even in reactive blends. PLA plastics are amorphous or semi-crystalline polyesters,
that can be produced from the renewable fermentation
product lactic acid (LA). The LA molecule has an asymmetric
2.1.2 Plastics from cellulose carbon atom and therefore occurs in two forms. L-LA is pres-
Like starch, cellulose degrades prior to melting. But, because ent in many organisms. The enentiomer D-LA (mirror image
of a high degree of crystallinity, it is more stable than starch of L-LA), however, is very rare in nature (Chahal and Starr,
and cannot be dissolved or plasticized with common 2000). PLA can be prepared via direct condensation of LA or
solvents or plasticizers. For the production of a plastic mate- via ring opening polymerization (ROP) of the cyclic lactic acid
rial the cellulose, usually in the form of pulp, has to be chem- dimers, L,L-, D,D-, and D,L-lactide (Lim et al., 2008). The prod-
ically modified. The most important thermoplastic cellulose ucts of both routes are generally referred to as PLA (Figure 4).
material is cellulose acetate (CA) (Balser et al., 2000). Since it’s
first commercial production in the early 20th century, CA has
been an important plastic material, until it was replaced by HO O O O
less expensive petrochemical plastics. CA is prepared by
acetylation of the hydroxyl groups of pulp with acetic anhy- OH O O
dride. Depending on the origin of the anhydride CA can be L-lactic acid L, L-Lactide
fully or partly bio-based.
The thermal and mechanical properties and the bio-deg-
radation rate of CA, depend on the degree of acetylation
(Chandra and Rustgi, 1998). CA is predominantly used for fi-
ber applications (textiles and cigarette filters). Niche plastic- n
applications include spectacle frames, handles and casings
of other high-value products, as well as polarized films, which Figure 4
are used for LCD displays. Synthesis of lactide and poly(lactic acid)
The industrial derivatization of pulp is a mature and
sophisticated process, which is performed under harsh
conditions. Recent research has focused on alternative According to a commonly adopted and more specific
solvents, such as ionic liquids (Gericke et al., 2012), the nomenclature, the polycondensation products of LA are
expensive recovery of these solvents remains the major called poly(lactic acid), and the products prepared by ROP of
drawback of these techniques. lactides are called polylactides.
Major producer of cellulosic polymers is Eastman Chemi- Besides being biodegradable, a major advantage of PLA
cal (USA), further producers are Innovia Films Ltd (UK), and is the possibility to process the plastic on common process
FKuR (Germany). Only a small share of the CA production equipment. The thermal and mechanical properties of PLA
(800 ktpa) is used for plastics applications. Due to the high properties depend on the ratio and the distribution of L- and
price and the niche character of most applications, a signifi- D-LA in the polymer chains.
cant change of the production capacities cannot be expect- Both, amorphous and semi crystalline PLAs, show a glass
ed in the close future. transition temperature (Tg) between 50 and 70 °C. Tg is an
important parameter. It is defined as the temperature above
which the amorphous regions of a plastic change from brittle
2.2 Bio-based polyesters to rubbery or liquid-like. Accordingly, native PLAs are brittle
Polyesters are one of the structurally and functionally most at room temperature. PLA solely consisting of L-LA blocks is
versatile groups of polymeric materials and formed when semi-crystalline due to the high structural regularity. The
dicarboxylic acids and di-functional alcohols or hydroxy acid crystalline regions (up to 37 %) provide additional mechani-
are polymerized. These monomers are quite abundant in cal strength, especially at elevated temperatures (Perego et
nature and can be produced via various fermentative al., 1996). The melting temperature of the crystals is typically
pathways, which were intensively studied and reviewed in around 180 °C (Lim et al., 2008). An important property of a
the last years (Bechthold et al., 2008; Gandini et al., 2009; van semi-crystalline thermoplastic is the rate at which it recrys-
Haveren et al., 2008). tallizes upon cooling from the melt. Fast and spontaneous
Depending on the utilized monomers and on the process crystallization is required for many plastic applications with
conditions, polyesters with a large spectrum of properties, short cycle times (e.g. injection molding). Pure PLLA crystal-
ranging from stiff to soft, can be prepared. An important lizes spontaneously, but the rate of crystallization decreases
feature of many polyesters is their ease of degradation due to with increasing D-LA content (Saeidlou et al., 2012). Less
the hydrolysis of the ester linkage, which is the reason for pure PLLA thus often contains a quasi-amorphous phase and
their biodegradability. Advances in biotechnology and overall shows inferior mechanical properties.
chemical catalysis have enabled the production of various In order to control the PLA crystallinity, several nucleat-
fully and partly bio-based polyesters. Currently the most ing agents have been investigated. Besides a variety of
important fully bio-based polyester is PLA. nanoparticles, talc and nano-clay have proven to be very
326 H. Storz, K.-D. Vorlop · Landbauforsch · Appl Agric Forestry Res · 4 2013 (63)321-332
good nucleating agents for PLA. Below 90 % L-LA content cally engineered plants according to route II or III (Figure 2)
PLLAs remain amorphous (Saeidlou et al., 2012). Because the (Braunegg et al., 1998). The generic chemical structure is
monomers L-LA and D-LA are enantiomers, PDLA plastics shown in Figure 5.
feature the same properties like the corresponding PLLAs. More than 150 different PHA monomers, hydroxyalka-
If both, L-LA and D-LA chain structures are present in a noic acids that differ in the length of spacer (X) and type of
PLA plastic, strong interactions between these complemen- side group (R), have been identified in PHAs (Steinbüchel and
tary structures can cause the formation of a very stable Valentin, 1995). PHA production using microorganisms
stereo complex. The effect is most pronounced in PLAs that comprises three basic steps (Suriyamongkol et al., 2007). The
contain equimolar amounts of L- and D-LA, e.g. in 1 : 1 blends fermentation step is usually a two-stage fed batch process,
of pure PLLA and PDLA (stereo complex PLA (scPLA)). which is followed by a solvent based extraction-precipitation
Compared to PLLA, scPLA shows a significantly higher step. After drying, the purified PHA plastic is ready for use.
melting temperature of 210 to 240 °C and spontaneous and The properties of PHAs strongly depend on their molecular
fast crystallization (Ikada et al., 1987). structure and composition. The simplest PHA, poly(3-hy-
Several scPLA production techniques have been devel- droxybutyrate) (P3HB) is very crystalline (up to 60 %) and
oped, including the application of chiral catalysts, melt and shows thermal and mechanical properties that can be com-
solvent blending (Auras et al., 2004; Ovitt and Coates, 2002). pares to PP and PE. However, they show a slow crystallization
Stereocomplex technology significantly improves PLA heat behavior and the elongation at break, a measure of the flexi-
stability and enables to replace PS and PP and other plastics bility, is two orders of magnitude lower compared to PP
in applications like hot beverage cups and microwave safe (Marchessault and Yu, 2005).
packaging. Besides crystallinity control, various plasticization
and processing techniques have been investigated in order
to overcome the inherent brittleness of PLA (Anderson et al.,
2008; Liu and Zhang, 2011). An often observed disadvantage R O O
HO (CH2)4 OH HO (CH2)2 OH
butanediol succinic acid 28 %
15 % 16 %
12 % 12 %
O O 7% 8%
O (CH2)4 O (CH2)2
Figure 6 58 % 42 %
non-biodegradable, biodegradable,
Synthesis of poly(butylene succinate) bio-based fossil and bio-based
2.3 Bio-based conventional plastics availability of the raw materials are the key criterions for
The initial focus of bioplastics was on applications that siting a bio-PE plant.
required biodegradability. Accordingly, the production Braskem, the first producer of bio-PE, has built its large
capacities for durable bio-based plastics have remained scale production facility (200 ktpa) in Triunfo (Brazil). It utiliz-
comparatively low. However, most of the ‘commodity’ appli- es sugar cane ethanol and started production in late 2010.
cations of plastics do not require fast degradability but a The produced PE grades target applications in packaging
bio-based origin is increasingly requested. Recent market (food and cosmetics), toys, and automotive parts. Against the
studies show that the plastic industry responds to the expectations of many, the first production was sold out very
increased demand with shifting the production towards fast, although bio-PE was priced at a premium of about 50 %
bio-based conventional plastics that are not biodegrad- compared to conventional PE. Packaging converter Tetra Pak
able. Besides the expected rapid increase of the total recently, announced plans to use bio-PE for the production
production capacities to about 6.185 ktpa by 2017, Figure 7 of its packaging material factories in Brazil. This initial test
shows the shift of the largest segment from biodegradable would increase the renewable content of about 13 billion
plastics (59 % in 2010) towards bio-based non-biodegrad- packages annually produced in Brazil to up to 82 %.
able plastics (84 % by 2017) (Data sources: European
Bioplastics, Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites,
2013; European Bioplastics, Institute for Bioplastics and H CI
Biocomposites, 2012; European Bioplastics and University Bio-vinylchloride Bio-PVC
of Applied Sciences and Arts, 2011). Since 2011, the most CI H H n
important bio-based non-biodegradable plastic has been H
bio-PET, which is expected to grow at an exceptional rate Bio-PE
HO Bio-ethylene
due to the increasing demand for bio-based bottles, and Bio-ethanol H n
bio-PE. However, though not at the same ratelike the drop-
in plastics,also the novel biodegradable plastics PLA and O HO
PHA are also expected to grow significantly (nova-Institute Bio-ethyleneoxide Bio-ethylene glycol
GmbH, 2013; European Bioplastics, Institute for Bioplastics
and Biocomposites, 2012).
Figure 8
Conversion of ethanol to polyethylene, polyvinylchloride
2.3.1 Bio-based polyethylene and ethylene glycol
By the annual production volume, PE is the most important
conventional plastic material. It is extensively used in a wide
range of applications especially packaging and construction. 2.3.2 Bio-poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Conventional PE is produced by radical polymerization of the PET is a thermoplastic polyester produced by polycondensa-
petrochemically produced monomer ethylene. Alternatively, tion of ethylene glycol (EG) and terephthalic acid (TPA). It is
bio-based ethylene can be prepared from ethanol. This one of the most employed plastics and predominantly used
allows the production of bio-based PE using existing polym- in fiber (textiles) and packaging (bottles and food containers)
erization recators. applications. PET production comprises two steps. The first of
Figure 8 shows the reaction scheme of the drop-in these is esterification of TPA with EG, the second is polycon-
approach, which corresponds to route II (Figure 2), starting densation, in which PET is formed via a transesterification
with the dehydration of ethanol to ethylene and followed by reaction. High-viscosity PET grades used for bottles or tech-
conventional polymerization to PE (Bedia et al., 2011). Via the nical yarns are typically produced by chain extension in an
derivatization of bio-based ethylene, further important additional process step (Rieckmann and Völker, 2004). EG
bio-based monomers can be obtained (van Haveren et al., and TPA are typically sourced from petroleum but can alter-
2008). Examples shown are vinylchloride, the precursor of natively be produced via bio-based routes.
PVC and ethylene glycol, a monomer for used in the produc- Conventionally, EG is produced via the hydrolysis of
tion of bio-PET. ethylene oxide, a product of the catalytical oxidation of
Technically, the depicted routes are not essentially new. ethylene (Figure 8). Provided bio-based ethylene is available,
The bio-based production of plastics and other chemicals the production of bio-EG is straight forward and can be done
had been common processes in Brazil and India in the 1960s in existing plants. As India Glycols demonstrates with its
and 1970s (World Bank, 1980). For as long as the price for production of bio-EG and other bio-glycols since 1989
petroleum was low, the production discontinued and the (175 ktpa) this route can be technically and economically
technology stayed economically unattractive. With the rising feasible. The production of bio-based TPA is not as simple.
price level however, the technology has regained interest Many processes have been developed and demonstrated at
and many old processes have been reinvestigated recently small scale, but none has reached a larger, commercial scale
(Morschbacker, 2009). (Dodds and Humphreys, 2013). One of the most advanced
The raw material costs represent the most important processes uses bio-based isobutanol. The related production
part of the production costs of bio-PE. Hence, price and scheme, depicted in Figure 9, starts with the biotechnological
H. Storz, K.-D. Vorlop · Landbauforsch · Appl Agric Forestry Res · 4 2013 (63)321-332
production of isobutanol which is subsequently transformed ioxide and water barrier properties PEF might even outper-
via isobutylene and paraxylene into bio-TPA via form PET which could reduce food spoilage due to shelf life
multiple catalytical conversion steps. extension (van Es, 2013). Dutch company Avantium cur-
The bio-PET used today is partly bio-based, made of rently operates a FDCA pilot plant (40 tpa) and announced
bio-based EG and petroleum-derived TPA. Bio-PET has an plans to build a commercial-scale plant (40-50 ktpa) by
bio-based carbon content of 20 %. In 2011, the production 2015.
capacity for bio-based PET reached 620 kt, a 12-fold capacity
increase compared to 2010 (Figure 7). Trigger for this sudden
and unexpected increase was the great success of the Plant- 3 Challenges and trends
Bottle, a beverage bottle made of bio-PET, which was intro-
duced by Coca Cola in 2009. Meanwhile other large food Since the introduction of the first modern bio-based plastics
manufacturers use the PlantBottle for their products and some 30 years ago, the sector is developing very dynamical-
competitor Pepsi announced to introduce the first fully ly. Due to the rising price of petroleum and rapid technolog-
bio-based bottle, however yet provided only lab-samples of ical advancement, the initially very high price level was
the new bottle. lowered significantly. However, todays bio-based plastics still
With the expressed goal of Coca Cola to switch to a fully remain too expensive to compete with conventional plastics.
bio-based bottle by 2020, the bio-PET production capacities Though, the most important challenge that has to be
are expected to reach 5.000 ktpa by 2016 and to further addressed in the coming years is the further reduction of the
increase by 2020, (European Bioplastics, Institute for Bioplas- production costs. Economies of scale effects are most
tics and Biocomposites, 2012; nova-Institute GmbH, 2013). To important to enable competitive price levels. However,
achieve this goal, Coca Cola cooperates with several renew- because the supply-chains for bio-based products are typi-
able chemicals companies and bio-EG plants are being built, cally quite long, their up-scaling is challenging, especially
e.g. in Taiwan (Greencol, 175 ktpa) or are in planning in Brazil because many of the required technologies have not been
(JBF Industries, 500 ktpa). tested before.
The commitment stimulated the development of a bio- The feedstock selection will be the most important chal-
based replacement for PET, poly(ethylenefuranoate) (PEF). It lenge for three reasons: (1) substrate costs typically account
can be prepared from EG and 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid for 40-60 % of the total costs of bio-based products (Demain,
(FDCA), a dicarboxylic acid that is structurally comparable 2007). (2) the overall yield of the production of bio-based
with PET. FDCA can be produced from renewable resources. monomers is usually significantly lower than the production
The process, also shown in Figure 9, starts with the conver- of similar petrol based monomers. (3) The simple scale up of
sion of carbohydrates to hydroxymethlyfurfural (HMF). the current bio-based plastics production technologies,
Adjacent catalytical oxidations yield FDCA (Bozell and these usually utilize first-generation feedstocks like sugar
Petersen, 2010). The last step to PEF is a classical polyesterifi- cane or corn, are likely to increases the competition of the
cation of FDCA and EG. Because FDCA and TPA have related production of food and bio-based chemicals.
structures, bio-based TPA can be prepared from FDCA. The In order to avoid unsustainable demand, research is currently
missing two carbon atoms in FDCA can be supplied by focusing on lignocellulosic biomass and residue streams
bio-ethylene (Figure 9) (Eerhart et al., 2012). from agricultural and food production as feedstocks for bio-
This might, however, not be necessary because PEF and PET based chemicals (FitzPatrick et al., 2010). Although the devel-
compete in performance. Regarding the oxygen, carbon opment of these, so called second-generation technologies,
HO (cat.) (cat.) (ox.) (cat.) bio-PET
bio-TPA (drop-in)
(fermentation) n
Carbohydrates (cat.)
Figure 9
Conversion of sugar to bio-PET and PEF, a novel bio-based plastic that resembles the structure of PET
330 H. Storz, K.-D. Vorlop · Landbauforsch · Appl Agric Forestry Res · 4 2013 (63)321-332