Mechanical Neck 2021
Mechanical Neck 2021
Mechanical Neck 2021
doi: 10.1093/pm/pnab134
Advance Access Publication Date: 8 April 2021
Original Research Article
*Department of Physical Therapy, Camilo Jose Cela University, Madrid, Spain; †Department of Physiotherapy, Research Centre for Innovations in Care,
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; ‡Pain in Motion Research Group (PAIN), Department of Physiotherapy, Human
Physiology and Anatomy, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; §Department of Physical
Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorc on, Spain; ¶C
atedra Institucional en
Docencia, Clınica e Investigacion en Fisioterapia: Terapia Manual, Puncion Seca y Ejercicio Terapeutico, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorc
Madrid, Spain; kDepartment of Physical Therapy, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA; kkBrooks-PHHP Research Collaboration, Gainesville,
Florida, USA
Correspondence to: Jose Luis Arias-Burıa, PT, MSc, PhD, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Avenida de Atenas
s/n, 28922 Alcorcon, Madrid, Spain. Tel: þ34 91 488 89 50; Fax: þ34 91 488 8957; E-mail:
Funding sources: There are no funding sources to report for this study.
Objective. Dry needling is commonly used for the management of patients with musculoskeletal pain. However, the
effects of patient expectations are uncertain. Our aim was to determine the effect of patient expectations on short-
term clinical outcomes after the application of a single session of dry needling in individuals with neck pain.
Methods. We conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial including 50 patients with mechanical neck
pain. Participants received a single session of dry needling or sham needling in a blinded design. Predicted patient
expectation was categorized as positive, neutral, or negative. Outcomes including neck pain intensity (visual analog
scale, 0–100), pressure pain thresholds, and self-perceived improvement (Global Rating of Change, 7 to þ7) were
assessed at baseline, 1 day after the intervention (immediately after), and 7 days after the intervention (1 week after)
by a blinded assessor. Repeated-measures analyses of covariance were conducted to assess the effects of real/
sham needling adjusted by patient expectations. Results. Individuals receiving dry needling exhibited better out-
comes immediately and 1 week after the intervention than did those receiving sham needling (all P < 0.01). No gen-
eral effects of patient expectations, either related to pain recovery or functional improvement, were observed on the
clinical outcomes, except for a small association of questionable clinical relevance between positive expectations
and localized pressure pain thresholds in the dry needling group. Conclusion. This study did not find a significant ef-
fect of predicted patient expectations on the short-term effects of dry needling on pain intensity and pressure pain
thresholds in people with mechanical neck pain.
Key Words: Dry Needling; Sham Needling; Expectations; Neck Pain; Cervical Spine
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Academy of Pain Medicine.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: 1
2 Gallego-Sendarrubias et al.
practice guidelines currently recommend exercise, mobi- predicated expectations provided by the therapist). In the
lization, manipulation, massage, and electrotherapy for present study, we focused on predicted patient expecta-
the treatment of patients with neck pain [2, 3]. Physical tions about the result of a specific (dry needling)
therapists commonly treat individuals with neck pain intervention.
according to clinical practice guideline recommenda- The role of expectations in patients with neck pain
blunt tip and retractable handle that creates the illusion The primary outcome in the present trial was neck
of a needle penetrating the skin. When this needle pain intensity. Participants rated the intensity of their
touches the skin, a pricking sensation is created. current pain and their pain during cervical movement at
However, when pressure is increased, the shaft of the rotation on a 100-mm horizontal visual analog scale
needle disappears into the handle, creating the impres- [21]. Changes of 30% from baseline are considered as
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed in SPSS software, ver-
sion 25.0 (Chicago, IL, USA), and it was conducted
according to intention-to-treat analysis for participants
in the group to which they were originally allocated.
Means, standard deviations, or 95% confidence intervals
are presented. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test revealed a
Figure 2. Sham needling procedure applied to the upper trape- normal distribution of the variables, and the results also
zius muscle. showed that assumption of homogeneity was confirmed;
Patient Expectations and Effects of Dry Needling 5
hence, parametric tests were used. Baseline data were Dry Needling vs Sham Needling
compared between groups through the use of indepen- After adjustment for baseline outcomes, the mixed-
dent Student tests for continuous data and v2 tests of in- model ANCOVA revealed significant group time
dependence for categorical data. interactions for neck pain intensity at rest (F ¼ 34.514,
The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using baseline P < 0.001, partial g 2: 0.528), neck pain intensity with
Excluded (n=10):
x No TrP in upper trapezius (n=5)
Randomized (n=50)
F ¼ 1.773, P ¼ 0.141, partial g 2: 0.073; PPTs over the Within the dry needling group, individuals with positive
spinous process of C7: F ¼ 1.642, P ¼ 0.171, partial g 2: expectations experienced greater increases in PPT over
0.068; PPTs in the lower extremity: F ¼ 1.309, the upper trapezius than did those with neutral and nega-
P ¼ 0.273, partial g 2: 0.055), except for PPTs over the tive expectations (D 45.0 kPa, 95% CI 23 to 67 kPa;
upper trapezius (F ¼ 3.714, P ¼ 0.008, partial g 2: 0.142). P < 0.01).
Patient Expectations and Effects of Dry Needling 7
Table 3. Primary and secondary outcomes at baseline, 1 day after the intervention, and 1 week after the intervention, as well as
within-group mean scores by randomized treatment assignment
Table 4. Primary and secondary outcomes at baseline, 1 day after the intervention, and 1 week after the intervention, as well as
within-group mean scores by patient expectations related to pain symptoms response
Effect of Patient Expectations About Function PPTs over the spinous process of C7 (F ¼ 1.007,
Recovery P ¼ 0.408, partial g 2: 0.043), and PPTs in the lower ex-
After adjustment for baseline outcomes, the mixed-model tremity (F ¼ 0.886, P ¼ 0.476, partial g 2: 0.038). Within
ANCOVA did not reveal significant expectation / the dry needling group, individuals with positive expecta-
function time interactions for any outcome (pain inten- tions experienced greater decreases in pain intensity with
sity at rest: F ¼ 0.730, P ¼ 0.487, partial g 2: 0.030; pain neck motion (D 10.0 mm, 95% CI 7.5 to 12.5 mm)
intensity with movement: F ¼ 0.251, P ¼ 0.779, parti- and higher increases in PPTs over the upper trapezius (D
al g 2: 0.010; PPTs over the spinous process of C7: 40.0 kPa, 95% CI 20 to 60 kPa) than those with negative
F ¼ 0.056, P ¼ 0.946, partial g 2: 0.002; and PPTs in the expectations (P < 0.05), but these changes were similar in
lower extremity: F ¼ 1.838, P ¼ 0.170, partial g 2: patients with positive and those with neutral
0.071), except for PPTs over the upper trapezius expectations.
(F ¼ 3.001, P ¼ 0.045, partial g 2: 0.111). Outcomes were
similar in individuals with positive, neutral, or negative
expectations related to pain in all outcomes except in
PPTs over the upper trapezius, where individuals with Discussion
positive expectations exhibited higher increases 1 day This study found that dry needling was effective in the
and 1 week after the intervention than did those with short term for decreasing pain symptoms and pain sensi-
neutral or negative expectations (Table 5). tivity in comparison with sham needling for patients pre-
In addition, significant expectation / senting with mechanical neck pain. No significant effect
function time group interactions were found for pain of predicted patient expectations, either related to pain
intensity with movement (F ¼ 2.830, P ¼ 0.03, partial g 2: recovery or function recovery, were found for most out-
0.112) and PPTs over the upper trapezius (F ¼ 3.308, comes, except for a potential effect of positive expecta-
P ¼ 0.014, partial g 2: 0.128), but not for neck pain inten- tions over localized pressure pain sensitivity in response
sity at rest (F ¼ 1.795, P ¼ 0.137, partial g 2: 0.074), to dry needling.
Patient Expectations and Effects of Dry Needling 9
Table 5. Primary and secondary outcomes at baseline, 1 day after the intervention, and 1 week after the intervention, as well as
within-group mean scores by patient expectations related to function response
We found that a single session of dry needling was predicted, normative), or the use of different interven-
more effective than sham needling for reducing pain and tions [37]. It is interesting to note that half of the popula-
pressure pain sensitivity in the short term. The present tion included in the present study expected that dry
findings are in agreement with a recent meta-analysis [7]. needling would bring them favorable results in terms of
However, it should be considered that we applied one pain or pain-related function. These rates of positive
treatment session. Importantly, our study is the first one expectations are lower than those previously reported for
investigating the effects of patient expectations on clini- other interventions such as spinal manipulation or exer-
cal outcomes after the application of dry needling. We cise, which reached almost 75% of the population [16,
did not find a significant influence of predicted patient 17]. It is possible that patient expectations are different
expectations on the clinical outcomes after just one ses- depending on which treatment approach is being evalu-
sion. In fact, literature about the effects of expectations ated or depending on previous experiences with that par-
in individuals with neck pain is conflicting, although it ticular intervention. In fact, Haanstra et al. described five
should be considered that these studies included longer factors that appeared to influence patients’ expectations:
follow-ups [16–18]. Our findings agree with those of previous experiences with the intervention, other
Mutsaers et al., who also did not find a significant effect patients’ experiences, knowledge about the treatment,
of patient expectations on clinical outcomes [18], but our personal beliefs, and the treatment setting [38]. Patient
findings are in contrast to those of Bishop et al. [16] and preferences for an intervention, as well as personal moti-
Palmlöf et al. [17], who reported that positive expecta- vation about recovery, may further account for differen-
tions were associated with better outcomes after the ap- ces in expectations.
plication of manual therapy or exercise in patients with We observed a potential effect of expectations for
mechanical neck pain. Several factors may explain the in- changes in pressure pain sensitivity over the upper trape-
consistent findings, such as heterogeneity of the concep- zius muscle after the application of dry needling but not
tualization and assessment of patient expectations, after sham needling. In such a scenario, positive expecta-
failure to specify the type of expectation studied (e.g., tions were associated with higher hypoalgesic response
10 Gallego-Sendarrubias et al.
(higher increases in PPTs) at the needle site (upper trape- of dry needling and the combination of dry needling with
zius muscle). Our results agree with those previously other evidence-based interventions, such as manual ther-
reported by Bialosky et al., who also found that expecta- apy or exercise. In addition, although the sham needles
tions have an influence on spinal manipulative-induced used in the present study have previously been shown to
hypoalgesia in healthy subjects [39] and patients with maintain blinding (78%) [26], we did not confirm the
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