Control of Ectoparasites and Insect Pests of Cattle
Control of Ectoparasites and Insect Pests of Cattle
Control of Ectoparasites and Insect Pests of Cattle
Control of ectoparasites
and insect pests of cattle
This document is part of the COWS Technical Manual aiming to provide
a sound basis for advice to industry. The manual also comprises
chapters on controlling liver and rumen fluke, parasitic gastroenteritis,
lungworm, and integrated parasite control
Section 1: Introduction
Cattle are affected by a range of arthropod
ectoparasites and nuisance pests, which can Key UK ectoparasites
cause significant productivity losses and
severely compromised animal welfare. Lice – severe infestations may indicate
underlying disease
Parasitic mites or lice inhabit the hair, the Mites – cause mange with itching and
surface and outer layers of the skin and feed scratching
on host tissue or associated secretions. Both Ticks – transmit infectious diseases
lice and mites are permanent residents on the Flies – spread disease and disrupt
behaviour to reduce productivity
host, have populations that increase over
winter and can survive for only relatively short
periods in the environment. Their presence larvae, a condition known as myiasis, but this
often provokes an inflammatory response is relatively rare in cattle and is usually only
which results in intense itchiness and this in seen where there is a predisposing wound or
turn can lead to further tissue damage and skin lesion.
inflammation. The clinical manifestations of
mange are therefore readily observed through The clinical response and irritation caused by
the presence of inflamed skin, hair loss, these arthropods will vary widely between
inflammatory discharges, scratching and self- individual animals depending on genetic
inflicted trauma. predisposition, age, general health and
nutritional status; the latter will also be affected
Ticks feed on blood but are only present on by season and stage in the reproductive cycle.
the host for short periods in the life cycle.
When not feeding they leave the host and Heavy infestations are usually associated with
remain hidden in vegetation on the ground. young animals or older animals in poor health.
Although the numbers of ticks on UK cattle Furthermore, because of individual differences
are usually relatively low, compared with in the chemical odours that attract insects,
tropical or sub-tropical regions, they can still some cattle attract more flies and they also
cause tissue damage at sites of attachment, vary markedly in their tolerance to infestation,
occasionally complicated by secondary with some individuals showing more
infections. Tick bites can also cause irritation, pronounced behavioural changes at the same
inflammation and hypersensitivity. More intensities of biting insects than others.
critically, ticks can transmit a number of
protozoal, bacterial and viral infections, which The selection of appropriate measures for the
in turn can lead to severe, sometimes fatal, control of these parasites requires:
disease. careful assessment of the nature of the
clinical problems they cause
A wide range of adult flies may feed on the correct identification of the parasite
blood, sweat, skin secretions, tears, saliva, an understanding of the epidemiology,
urine or faeces of cattle to which they are phenology and life cycle of the parasites
attracted. They may do this either by an assessment of the cost/benefit of the
puncturing the skin directly or by scavenging intended outcome
at the skin surface, wounds or body orifices. a careful assessment of the current
During this activity, they may act as vectors resistance status of the parasite in
for a range of disease pathogens and the question to the insecticides and
irritation they cause may lead to disturbance acaricides available.
and loss of productivity, through reduced
weight gain or milk yield. Biting and nuisance In addition, ectoparasite control needs to fit
flies can also induce avoidance behaviours in alongside the concurrent control of
hosts which disrupt normal grazing and endoparasites and with the general husbandry
resting patterns. Flies may also be of routines of the farm, detailed in the COWS
importance because of the infestation by their Integrated Parasite Control on Cattle Farms
Section 2: Lice
Lice are parasites that complete their entire
A chewing louse of cattle, Bovicola bovis
life-cycle on a host. They are very common
parasites of UK cattle. All life cycle stages are
found simultaneously on the host. A nymph,
which closely resembles the adult, hatches
UK lice species
Four species of lice have been recorded in
British cattle, one species of chewing louse A sucking louse of cattle, Linognathus vituli
and three species of sucking lice.
Louse control
A range of pour-on or spot-on synthetic will give adequate control of cattle lice. Louse
pyrethroids (e.g. deltamethrin, alpha-cypermethrin control is usually undertaken when cattle are
or permethrin) is available for louse control, with housed for the winter and may be achieved
pour-on and injectable macrocyclic lactones alongside treatment for other parasites.
(MLs) also commonly used (e.g. ivermectin,
eprinomectin, moxidectin and doramectin). Treatment of all stock on farm and subsequent
Injectables may have only limited activity initial quarantine and treatment of all newly
against chewing lice and are more effective introduced animals will allow a good degree of
against sucking lice. louse control to be maintained.
Most insecticides registered for use on cattle Nevertheless, resistance is a growing problem
are not active against louse eggs. This means and reduced susceptibility to pyrethroids has
that after treatment eggs can still hatch and already been reported from herds throughout
these newly hatched nymphs must be killed by the UK. Two treatments of an aqueous (5%
the residual effects of the treatment. If, v/v) suspension of tea tree oil applied topically
however, the residual efficacy of the product to the skin, two-weeks apart, has also been
applied is short, less than two weeks, the demonstrated to be effective in the
newly hatched nymphs can continue the management of equine lice and may be a
infestation. Where this is the case, a second useful alternative in organic cattle husbandry
treatment will be required. or where resistance is suspected.
Use the product most suitable for the time of year and management of the cattle involved.
See for products available
Chorioptic mange
usually considered to be only mildly
Chorioptic mange on the tail head pathogenic and lesions tend to remain
localised, with slow spread.
The commonest mange affecting UK cattle is However, the pathology is highly variable
caused by the mite Chorioptes bovis. depending on the intensity and duration of
Chorioptes texanus is also present in the UK,
but the difference between C. bovis and C. Chorioptic mange on the leg
texanus is of no clinical consequence. The
names Chorioptes ovis, Chorioptes equi,
Chorioptes caprae and Chorioptes cuniculi
have been used to describe the chorioptic
mites found on sheep, horses, goats and
rabbits respectively, but are now all thought to
Photo courtesy of A Forbes
infection; there is also considerable individual mites results in rubbing and scratching, with
variation in clinical response to infestation and damage to the hide. High infestations have
this is may be exacerbated by ill thrift and been associated with decreased milk
underlying disease. The itching caused by the production.
Psoroptic mange
Psoroptic mange has only rarely been
Severe psoroptic mange
As with chorioptc mange, the simultaneous Recent studies have shown that Psoroptes
treatment of all animals on infected premises mites from cattle show slight morphological
is essential where this mite is diagnosed. differences to Psoroptes from sheep, but no
Treatment should ideally be followed by discernible genetic differences; experimental
immediate removal to an area which has been studies suggest cross-infection is possible.
free of potentially infested animals, particularly While this is probably a low risk in a farm
for products with low levels of residual activity. environment, the possibility cannot be ruled
The off host survival of Psoroptes mites is out and minimising potential contact between
about 18 days, depending on prevailing infected and uninfected cattle and sheep
weather conditions. would be a sensible precaution.
Other mange
Sarcoptic mange is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei that differ subtly in their morphology
scabiei (see photos below). This is a small, and sarcoptic mange is common in goats and
round-bodied, burrowing species, quite pigs, so the potential for cross-transmission
different in appearance and behaviour to cannot be ignored. Treatment of all potential
Chorioptes or Psoroptes. The dorsal surface is in-contact animals with systemic macrocyclic
covered with transverse ridges, but also bears lactones (MLs) may give good results.
a central patch of triangular scales.
Clinical mange caused by Demodex bovis is
Sarcoptic mange can be severe, although very rare in the UK. Where present it results in
many cases are mild. Anecdotal reports the formation of many pea-sized nodules,
suggest that it is being increasingly diagnosed each containing soft white material and
in UK cattle, although there is little survey data several thousand mites, which cause hide
to quantify this. damage. Though these nodules can be easily
seen in smooth-coated animals, they are often
Mild infections merely show scaly skin with undetected in rough-coated cattle until the
little hair loss, usually on the neck, face and hide has been dressed. Problems caused by
tail head, but in severe cases the skin infestation with demodex mites in cattle are
becomes thickened, there is marked loss of primarily a result of the damage caused to the
hair and crusts form (below right). There is hides and are usually only seen after
intense itching leading to loss of production slaughter, although in some cases infection
and to hides being downgraded because of may become generalised and fatal. The
damage by scratching and rubbing. There are muzzles, neck, withers and back are common
a number of host adapted varieties of S. sites of infestation.
Section 4: Ticks
Ticks are blood-feeding ectoparasites that are
The tick Ixodes ricinus
only present on the host during a short
(several days) blood-feeding period.
© A Jennett/ R Wall.
secondary infections, and cause irritation and
inflammation. Perhaps more importantly, ticks
can transmit a number of infections, which in
turn can lead to severe, sometimes fatal,
disease. The most important pathogens
transmitted to cattle by ticks in the UK are
Babesia divergens and Anaplasma
phagocytophilum. infested grazing, until ready to be sold for
Babesia divergens is a protozoan parasite,
usually transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus Anaplasma phagocytophilum (formerly
(see photo). It is the main agent of bovine Ehrlichia phagocytophila) is a gram-negative
babesiosis, known as redwater fever. Calves bacterium, again transmitted largely by I.
up to one year old, although fully susceptible ricinus in the UK. It is the causative agent of
to infection, are relatively resistant to disease. tick-borne fever (TBF) in cattle. Infection may
Hence, in areas of high tick infection pressure, be characterized by fever and general
most animals become infected when young immunosuppression, occasionally resulting in
and acquire immunity without showing clinical more severe secondary infections. However,
signs. In older cattle, immunity is reinforced by in the UK, infection with Anaplasma in cattle is
repeated tick challenge. Thus, in areas where usually mild, the main losses being due to
babesiosis is endemic, clinical cases tend to abortion when pregnant cows become
be rare, although the parasite may be infected.
detectable in most animals.
Louping ill virus causes an acute
Outbreaks of clinical babesiosis are most encephalomyelitis particularly in sheep and it
commonly observed when this state of is frequently fatal. It is particularly prevalent in
enzootic stability breaks down, for example Scotland and south west England. The main
when naïve cattle are introduced into an area vector is the sheep tick, I. ricinus. A wide
of endemic babesiosis with high tick variety of other animals are susceptible to the
infestation pressure. As a result, babesiosis is virus, including cattle and occasionally
often seen where one to two year old beef humans.
animals are introduced to marginal, tick-
Tick control
Tick control is difficult because the ticks spend Ticks become active and start to feed in early
most of their life-cycle away from the host, spring, but the start and duration of the tick
sheltered at the base of thick damp vegetation. season is difficult to predict precisely, as it is
dependent on the weather.
A reduction in the tick population can be tick area, prophylactic protection may be
achieved through pasture improvement, attempted.
drainage and scrub clearance, although this is
a long term exercise requiring sustained effort A range of pour on pyrethroids or MLs may
and when alternative hosts such as deer are give protection, although none in the UK have
present population management is even more a label claim for cattle against ticks at present,
problematic. so must be used under the cascade system.
Products will need to be reapplied at regular
Attempts to reduce tick populations by intervals during the tick season to achieve
environmental treatment with acaricide would sustained protection.
be unacceptable because of effects on other
invertebrates. Where required, for example
with beef cattle about to be moved to a known
Use the product most suitable for the time of year and management of the cattle involved.
See for products available
Section 5: Flies
Blood-feeding and nuisance flies are one of
Flies clustering on the leg of a cow
the most economically important groups of
arthropods affecting cattle.
Fly control
Insecticide impregnated ear tags and tail impregnated cards and strips may reduce fly
bands mainly containing pyrethroids, together numbers indoors. Insecticides may also be
with pyrethroid pour-on, spot-on and spray incorporated in solid or liquid fly baits, using
preparations, are widely used to reduce fly attractants such as various sugary syrups or
annoyance in cattle. hydrolyzed yeast and animal proteins.
Various types of screens and electrocution However, given the high rates of reproduction,
traps for buildings are available to reduce fly high rates of dispersal and multiple
nuisance. Improved farm hygiene will also generations per year, area wide control of
help to reduce breeding places, since manure most fly populations is generally impractical.
heaps are a primary breeding site for many Generalised environmental treatment with
species of fly such as S. calcitrans. insecticides is not usually recommended
because of effects on non-target
Aerosol space sprays, residual insecticides invertebrates.
applied to walls and ceilings and insecticide-
Use the product most suitable for the time of year and management of the cattle involved.
See for products available
Information on individual products is available in the NOAH Compendium of Data Sheets for Animal
Medicines at or from the product manufacturer. Duration of activity of
products can vary widely. Always check the latest product data sheet and/or product label before
advising or administering products.
Further reading
Milnes, A. S., O'Callaghan, C. J., Green, L. E.A. (2003) longitudinal study of a natural lice
infestation in growing cattle over two winter periods. Veterinary Parasitology, 116
Mitchell, E.S., Jones, J.R., Foster, A.P., Millar, M., Milnes, A., Williams, J. (2012) Clinical
features of psoroptic mange in cattle in England and Wales. Veterinary Record,
Papadopoulos, E. Bartram, D. Carpenter, S. Mellor P. & Wall R. (2009) Efficacy of
alphacypermethrin applied to cattle and sheep against the biting midge Culicoides
nubeculosus Veterinary Parasitology, 163, 110–114.
Wall, R., Rose, H., Ellse, L. & Morgan, E. (2011) Livestock ectoparasites: integrated management in a
changing climate. Veterinary Parasitology, 180, 82– 89.
Zintl, A. Mulcahy, G. Skerrett, H.E. Taylor, S.M. Gray, J.S. (2003) Babesia divergens, a
bovine blood parasite of veterinary and zoonotic importance. Clinical Microbiology
Reviews, 16, 622–636.