Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable Tourism
Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries and is a major source of income
for many countries. Being a people-oriented industry, tourism also provides many jobs
which have helped revitalise local economies.
However, like other forms of development, tourism can also cause its share of problems,
such as social dislocation, loss of cultural heritage, economic dependence and ecological
degradation. Learning about the impacts of tourism has led many people to seek more
responsible holidays. These include various forms of alternative or sustainable tourism
such as: 'nature-based tourism', 'ecotourism' and 'cultural tourism'. Sustainable
tourism is becoming so popular that some say that what we presently call 'alternative'
will be the 'mainstream' in a decade.
This module explores the characteristics and objectives of sustainable tourism through
a series of case studies. It also helps identify ways in which sustainable tourism can be
introduced to students.
To appreciate the benefits and problems arising from various forms of tourism,
especially in terms of social equity and the environment;
To develop a critical awareness of the ways in which tourism can enhance the
welfare of people and protect our natural and cultural heritage;
To promote a personal commitment to forms of tourism that maximise rather
than detract from sustainable human development and environmental quality; and
To plan ways of teaching about sustainable tourism.
Internet Sites
Ecotourism Society
Exploring Ecotourism Online Resource Guide
Sustainable Tourism Research Interest Group (STRING)
United Nations Environment Programme Tourism Project
UNESCO World Heritage Centre
UNESCO World Heritage Centre - For Teachers
World Tourism Organisation
This module was written for UNESCO by John Fien, Margaret Calder and Clayton White
using material written by Rob Gilbert in Teaching for a Sustainable World (UNESCO -
UNEP International Environmental Education Programme).
Activity 1: The rise of tourism
Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries. For example, there were
around 25.3 million international tourist arrivals in 1960. By 1990, this figure had risen
to 425 million, 17 times the earlier figure. By 1997, it had risen to 613 million. The
World Tourism Organisation forecasts that this figure will more than double to 1.6
billion people by 2020.
The importance of this rapid growth in tourism can be seen by the fact that travel
and tourism generated 11% of global GDP in 1999; spending on international tourism
reaching US$453 billion. In addition, the tourism industry employed 200 million people
- 8% of total world employment. Thus, tourism is a major source of income and
employment for many countries, particularly in the South where it can assist in
addressing problems caused by poverty.
Rising living standards and, especially, increased leisure time, has allowed many
people in the North to take longer holidays and to travel to distant parts of the
world. Many in the industrialising countries of Asia and Latin America are also
becoming international tourists.
Advances in transport technology following the introduction of the first
passenger jet services in the 1950s and the development of the jumbo jet allow
for relatively inexpensive long-distance travel.
Long periods of relative political stability have made people feel safe venturing
to new and unknown places.
Television, movies and other media have stimulated interest in other parts of
the world by showing attractive and exciting images of distant places.
Increased leisure time and regular holidays are encouraging the growth of in-
country or domestic tourism industries.
The tourism industry has become highly professional and has promoted travel
and holidays through well-financed advertising campaigns.
However, the benefits of holidays for tourists are not always shared by the
communities they visit.
Tourism Categories
However, not all tourists cause such problems. Therefore, it is important to recognise
different categories of tourists.
Mass tourists
Elite tourists
Alternative tourists
Q1: Name (i) one place in your country, and (ii) one in another country which each of
these four categories of tourists might visit.
Q2: Which category has the least harmful impact on the cultures and environments
they visit? Why?
Q3: Which category would you like to visit your community for a holiday? Why?
You probably chose the 'alternative tourist' as the one likely to cause least problems.
However, this group represents the smallest segment of the tourism market and tends
to spend little money in the places they visit. Perhaps, this is why the report quoted
above said the 'elite tourist' was 'the ideal'.
The majority of tourists fall into the mass tourism category, the one most often seen
as the cause of tourism-related problems. For tourism to contribute to sustainable
human development, all tourists need to consider ways of reducing the negative
impacts of their holidays.
The Tourism Industry Response
The World Tourism Organisation (WTO) is the world's largest tourism organisation
with a 1999 membership of 138 countries and over 350 affiliates from local
government, tourism associations and private companies such as airlines, hotel groups
and tour operators. It was established as a UN affiliate in 1970 with responsibilities
In the three decades since 1970, the WTO charter has expanded to include social and
environmental responsibilities. As WTO Secretary-General, Francesco Frangialli, said
at a 1998 conference:
Like all forms of development, tourism can have both positive and negative impacts.
The aim of sustainable tourism is to maximise benefits such as job creation, foreign
exchange earnings and new infrastructure while safeguarding cultural heritage and
living culture and minimising negative environmental and social impacts, especially of
mass tourism.
Q4: Identify the criteria you used when evaluating the impacts of mass tourism.
Q5: How do the effects you judged to be 'A Benefit' reflect the four dimensions of
sustainable living?
We can learn a lot about mass tourism by looking at how destinations are marketed. As
well as being actual places, tourist destinations are products that are 'constructed' as
mental images to appeal to consumers.
While the actual places and the mental images are related, the image is not a simple
reflection of the physical reality. Tourism operators construct images based, in part,
on the physical appearance of the destination, but they also tailor the image to what
they think consumers want. On many occasions, this desired image becomes the model
for the construction of the physical facilities, and the kinds of services and activities
provided. Thus, in a sense, the images also help to construct the reality.
A case study of Thailand illustrates the nature of the images produced for mass
Thailand is one of the world's major tourist destinations, with nearly 10 million
overseas visitors in 1999. Its attractions include the natural beauty of rainforests,
islands and beaches as well as the cultural heritage and way of life of the Thai people.
These natural and cultural features have been integrated into the images that have
been used to 'construct' Thailand as an attractive destination in tourism brochures.
Six of these 'constructed' images are:
Visit the Tourism Authority of Thailand for additional information on these and other
images of Thailand.
Analyse these six tourism images of Thailand to identify the nature and effects of
tourism images:
What have the writers assumed the tourists want? What kind of person is this
How successfully does the material stimulate your interest? How does it do
Are there things you might want to do in Thailand which are not mentioned? If
so, why might these have been omitted?
How well do you think Thai people would recognise themselves in the images?
Does the image in any way enhance or demean their standing as human beings?
How might the 'constructed' image feed back into the construction of the
environment and life in Thailand?
What kind of environment might the realisation of these images create?
What impact would this have on the life and work of the Thai people?
Bangkok - The City of Angels
One of the most common forms of sustainable tourism is ecotourism, the term most
commonly used to describe any form of holiday or recreation in natural surroundings.
The Ecotourism Society also adds the concept of social responsibility in its definition
of ecotourism as:
Thus, ecotourism is a form of tourism to relatively undisturbed natural areas for the
main purposes of admiring them and learning more about their habitats. Ecotourism
also seeks to reduce its impacts on the area visited. It also contributes to the
conservation of natural areas and the sustainable development of adjacent areas and
communities, generating further awareness among resident and nearby populations and
Although a relatively new part of the tourism industry, ecotourism has spread rapidly
throughout the world. The most popular ecotourism destinations are spread relatively
evenly throughout the world and include sites in Central and South America, Canada
and the USA, Antarctica and Australia.
A recent study of Amboseli National Park in Kenya determined that each lion there
was worth $27,000 and each elephant herd as much as $610,000 in tourist revenue
per year.
One of the major attractions in ecotourism is the rainforest. The benefits and
problems of ecotourism can be analysed through case studies of rainforest ecotourism
in Rwanda and Brazil.
Drawing on research by the Rainforest Action Network, these case studies invite you
to explore answers to three questions:
As the rainforest case studies illustrate, ecotourism can have positive and negative
effects. This is also true of other forms of alternative tourism such as cultural and
historical tourism.
Cultural tourism tends to focus on the indigenous people of an area and their
traditional customs, arts, crafts, ceremonies, architecture, religion and lifestyles (eg.,
visits to hill tribes in Thailand or a Masai village in Kenya) or on visits to art galleries,
cathedrals and temples (eg., St. Petersburg in Russia, Kyoto in Japan or the Louvre in
Paris, France).
Historical tourism tends to focus on the 'glories of the past' in the form of
monuments, museums, and historical sites (eg., Pompeii in Italy, Angkor Wat in
Cambodia, Borobadur in Indonesia, or the Great Wall of China).
Q13: Identify some possible benefits and problems of these two forms of alternative
Further information on ecotourism and cultural tourism is available in an Internet
Do Rainforests Benefit From Ecotourism?
Income from tourism must reach the people who will ultimately
decide the forest's future if ecotourism is going to be influential
in saving rainforests. Unfortunately, too often the money
generated does not benefit these people.
Even this success is in danger from civil war that encroaches and
endangers both the forest and tourist industry.
Neutral in effect.
Can Ecotourism Harm the Rainforest?
Despite many scientific advances, we know very little about rainforest ecology.
Thus, it is difficult to know how many people can visit a rainforest in a day
without disrupting the forest ecology. There is some evidence that just the
presence of travellers walking on trails through the forest changes the
behaviour of animals in the forest.
A major impact on the forest are the pressures caused by accommodating the
physical needs and comforts of tourists; impacts of providing wood for fuel,
accommodation and access routes, together with the problems caused by
tourists' rubbish, put a large stress on the environment. For example, litter has
been strewn along the trails of popular Himalayan tourist routes, and the alpine
forest decimated by trekkers looking for fuel to heat their food and bath water.
Only a limited number of people can visit an area before that area is adversely
affected. However, deciding that number is often very difficult.
In Costa Rica, Manuel Antonio National Park is a victim of its own popularity. It
is a popular tourist spot for both international and Costa Rican tourists who
come to see its beautiful beaches and natural scenery. It is also the home of one
of the last surviving populations of spider monkeys in the country.
The popularity of the park has led developers to build many hotels in the area.
This excessive building in the area combined with high visitation in the park has
threatened the monkey population as well as other wildlife.
While half of the park has been closed to tourists, it is necessary to severely
restrict visitors to the rest of the park, and even to enlarge it, if a viable
ecosystem is to be maintained. However, there is opposition to any further
restriction to local land use and access to the park by the local tourist industry.
Costa Rica is one of the few countries that has a national policy to promote
ecotourism as a non-consumptive use of their rich rainforests. Costa Rica has
the difficult task of trying to foster its tourist industry while limiting the
number of visitors to sensitive environments. However, the enormous success of
the industry has overwhelmed the forest and prompted a call for a
comprehensive study into methods to manage and limit tourist impact on the
Neutral in effect.
Does Ecotourism Affect The People Of The
The local use of the forest for firewood, meat and agriculture can
sometimes conflict with tourists' wishes to keep the land pristine.
To protect the tourist industry, regulations are sometimes made
that prevent locals from using these forest resources. With their
livelihood eroded and often without the skills to work in the
tourism industry, local people can be left with no alternative
income. There have been many cases where the original
inhabitants of an area are pushed out so outsiders can move in to
try to profit from tourism.
Neutral in effect.
Activity 4: Being an enlightened traveller
Must tourism have negative effects on the environment and people of host countries?
Can it be organised to support the historical, cultural and environmental heritage of an
The World Tourism Organisation argues that, with care and proper policies, the
cultural and environmental heritage of an area can be protected. One requirement is
that tourists themselves act in ways which will sustain rather than damage host
cultures and environments and follow an appropriate code of ethics.
'Tourists' who follow such a code of ethics often prefer to call themselves
The distinction is between the 'traveller' who visits in order to learn and experience
the cultures and environments of the places visited, and the 'tourist' who visits to be
entertained by images and experiences created especially for the tourist market.
Preparing in advance
Levies can be imposed on the tourist industry to fund the teaching and
development of traditional skills and art forms.
Codes of conduct can be formulated and distributed at tourist outlets.
Such initiatives were among the policies recommended by participants at the 1995
World Conference on Sustainable Tourism which developed a Charter for Sustainable
A wide variety of codes of conduct for responsible tourism have been developed.
These provide guidelines for the tourism industry. Depending on their specific
objectives, codes of conduct can address general aspects of tourism, specific
destinations, or the different players in the industry.
Q14: Identify actions that could address any problems related to tourism
development(s) in your own country? Are there barriers to implementing these
suggestions? Is there any way you and your students could help to implement any of
these actions?
Being a traveller - Six general principles
Preparing in advance
Prepare for your trip by learning about the culture, history and
customs of the people.
Try to learn some of the language of the place you are to visit,
such as basic greetings and 'thank you'.
Select tour groups that design tours with the input of the
Drink and eat local food so that more of the expenditure stays
in the country.
Get around on foot or by bicycle or local transport rather than
tourist coach.
Think about the impact of tourism on the places and people you
Avoid off-road tours which could damage soil and other aspects
of the natural environment.
Don't litter.
This activity simulates the planning and decision-making processes involved in a case
study of ecotourism in Ecuador. The simulation is modelled on the 'Choose Your Own
Adventure' type of game, and is called 'Amazon Interactive: The Ecotourism Game'.
The game may be used by students in the later years of primary school (depending on
their reading skills) right up to senior secondary school.
The indigenous Quichua community of Rio Blanco in the Ecuadorian Amazon was
founded in 1971 by Quichua migrants from the Andean foothills. They moved to Rio
Blanco because population growth and the movement of agricultural workers into their
area meant that land was becoming scarce.
The local economy is no longer based on subsistence agriculture and hunting as many of
the Quichua have started producing cash crops such as coffee, cacao, rice and maize.
Rapid population growth and rising costs of living in the past twenty years have forced
the community to expand the amount of land under cultivation. As a result, the
rainforest has been decreasing. By 1995, forest accounted for less than half of the
community's main block of land.
Teachers can prepare for the simulation game by reading more about the Rio Blanco
Background Research
In this simulation, students take the role of a Quichua family living in a community of
about 100 people on the banks of the Rio Pangayacu which eventually flows into the
Amazon. Where your parents and grandparents used to live by hunting, fishing and
growing a few crops, your community grows coffee, corn and rice to sell in the market
at Rio Blanco.
Increasingly, foreign tourists, mainly from North America and Europe, have come to
your community. Your neighbour, Augustin, and other people in the community believe
that an ecotourism industry should be started to cater for these tourists and to
increase local incomes.
However, others are afraid of the damage that this might cause to the remaining
rainforest. But Augustin says that if we can earn money from the tourists, we would
not have to clear any more forest for our farms.
You and the rest of the community have to decide what to do. Can you balance the need
for income and social development with the need to conserve the rainforest?
Analyse what you learnt about ecotourism in the simulation game and how you might use
it in your teaching:
Q15: What were the two wisest decisions that you made in the simulation? Why?
Q16: Name two not-so-wise decisions that you made. Why were they not-so-wise?
Q17: In your experience, to what extent can ecotourism contribute to the four
principles of sustainable human development? Why?
Q18: Identify (i) a grade level and (ii) a syllabus topic where you might be able to
include this simulation in your teaching.
Q19: How could you use the simulation if you did not have computer access for your
Activity 6: Reflection
Completing the module: Look back through the activities and tasks to check that you
have done them all and to change any that you think you can improve now that you have
come to the end of the module.
Q21: List the key message you will take from each of the five activities you have
Q22: The topic of sustainable tourism has great potential in education for a
sustainable future. List four points that you would include in a rationale for including
sustainable tourism in the curriculum.
Q23: How do the points in your rationale relate to the four points in this model
A Rational for Teaching About Sustainable Tourism
Q1: Name one place in your country and one in another country where the four types of
tourists, are likely to visit.
Mass tourist
Elite tourist
Alternative tourist
Q2: Which of these four kinds of tourists might have the least harmful impact on the
cultures and environments of the places they visit? Why?
Q3: Which category would you like to visit your community for a holiday? Why?
Q4: What criteria did you use to evaluate the effects of mass tourism in the interaction.
Economic sustainability:
Appropriate development
Environmental sustainability:
Political sustainability:
Democratic participation
What have the writers assumed tourists want? What category of tourist is this?
How successfully does the material stimulate your interest? How does it do this?
Are there things you might want to do in Thailand which are not mentioned? If so, why
might these have been omitted?
What is the dominant image of Thailand in the six 'constructions'? Does this image reflect
the variety of life in Thailand - or might it reflect a stereotype?
How well do you think Thai people would recognise themselves in the images? Why?
Does the image in any way enhance or demean their standing as human beings?
How might the 'constructed' image feed back into the construction of the environment
and life in Thailand?
What impact would this have on the life and work of the Thai people?
Q9: Do rainforests benefit from ecotourism? Identify some aspects of ecotourism in the
Rwandan case study that are:
Q10: Can ecotourism harm the rainforests? Identify some aspects of ecotourism in the
Costa Rican case study that are:
Neutral in effect
Q11: Do ecotourism affect the people of the rainforest? Identify some aspects of
ecotourism in the Brazilian case study that are:
Neutral in effect
Q12: Identify an example of cultural and historical tourism in your country or continent.
Cultural tourism
Historical tourism
Q13: Identify possible benefits and problems of these forms of alternative tourism.
Q14: Identify two actions that could address any problems related to tourism in your own
country? Are there barriers to implementing these suggestions? Is there any way you and
your students could help to implement any of these actions?
Q15: What were the two wisest decisions you made in the simulation? Why?
Q16: Name two not-so-wise decisions that you made. Why were they not-so-wise?
Not-so-wise Reason
Q17: To what extent can ecotourism contribute to the four principles of sustainable
human development? Why?
Economic sustainability:
Appropriate development
Environmental sustainability:
Q18: Identify (i) a grade level and (ii) a syllabus topic where you might be able to include
this simulation in your teaching.
Grade level
Syllabus topic
Q19: How could you use the simulation if you did not have computer access for your class?
Activity 6 - Reflection
Q21: List the key message you will take away from each of the five activities you have
Q22: The topic of sustainable tourism has great potential in education for a sustainable
future. List four points that you would include in a rationale for including sustainable
tourism in the curriculum.
Q23: How do the points in your rationale relate to the four points in the model rationale?