QSMTH M1 5 Reviewer 1
QSMTH M1 5 Reviewer 1
QSMTH M1 5 Reviewer 1
• Mystery guest/Mystery Shopper - (a technique of
- is meeting or exceeding customer expectations. secretly visiting companies/organizations in
- the consistent delivery of products and guest question, to check the quality of the services
services according to expected standards. provided and to prepare and submit feedback
reports to the management).
- is closely linked to the concept of continuous • Market evaluations (market reports analysing
improvement, it does not take the form of capital critical issues, such as competition and pricing policy,
in the sense of an asset, but involves work to make useful for defining the company’s strategic policies
something evolve. and marketing).
• Audit reports (inspection, correction and verification
- is a management tool that provides companies of business accounts audits, conducted by
with a means of monitoring service from the independent auditors).
customers perspective
• Complaints and incidences are oral or written
QUALITY ASSURANCE complaints in specific forms, indicating incidents in
- refers to any planned and systematic activity “moments of truth” that led to guest’s
directed towards providing consumers with goods dissatisfaction.
and services of appropriate quality, along with the
confidence that they meet consumers’ • Self-assessments are the moments that managers,
requirements. staff or other stakeholders evaluate the present
situation, taking into consideration the market
Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality reports, complaint forms, “moments of truth” etc.,
- In the area of hospitality, quality service for identifying the main source of malfunction, in
management is a participatory process that order for a solution to be found (Reyad, 2005).
empowers all levels of employees to work in groups
in order to establish guest service expectations and • Benchmarking. It is a process of comparing and
determine the best way to meet or exceed these measuring an organization's business processes
expectations. against best-in-class operations to inspire
improvement in the organization’s performance.
Three (3) Tools Measuring Quality Service in Tourism
and Hospitality Industry M2
- A useful tool for translating the voice of the - He is often referred to as the “Father of Quality
customer into specific technical requirements is Control.”
quality function deployment (QFD).
Deming’s 14 Point Methodology
- QFD enables us to view the relationships among
the variables involved in the design of a product, 1. Constancy of purpose
such as technical versus customer requirements. 2. The new philosophy
3. Cease dependence on inspection
4. End lowest tender contacts
1. Identification of important customer requirements. 5. Improve every process
2. Making Competitive Evaluation (How the product 6. Institute training on the job
compares with its main competitors relative to the 7. Institute leadership
identified characteristics?) 8. Drive out fear
3. Product Characteristics. 9. Break down barriers
4. The Relationship Matrix- the strength of the 10. Eliminate exhortations
relationship between customer requirements and 11. Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets
product characteristics. 12. Permit pride of workmanship
5. The Trade-off Matrix - how each product 13. Encourage education
characteristic is related to the others and thus allows 14. Top management’s commitment
us to see what tradeoffs need to make.
The Deming Cycle
6. Setting Targets –evaluate competitors’ products
relative to the specific product characteristics and to - Known as the Deming Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
set targets for our own product. Cycle, this concept was invented by Shewhart and
popularized by Deming.
- The probability that a product, service, or part will
perform as intended for a specified period of time - Philip Crosby came to the national prominence
under normal conditions. with the publication of his book Quality is Free in
1979. He established the absolutes of quality
Process Management
- The belief that it is far better to uncover the source
Crosby's Cost Of Quality
of quality problems and correct it than to discard
defective items after production. - In his book Quality Is Free, Crosby makes the point
- It exemplifies the difference between the old and that it costs money to achieve quality, but it costs
new concepts of quality. more money when quality is not achieved.
Managing Supplier Quality Crosby's Four Absolutes of Quality
- Extends the concept of quality to a company’s - Crosby espoused his basic theories about quality in
suppliers. four Absolutes of Quality Management as follows:
- Traditionally, companies tended to have 1. The Definition - Quality means conformance to
numerous suppliers that engaged in competitive requirements, not goodness.
price bidding. 2. The system for causing quality is prevention, not
- When materials arrived, an inspection was appraisal.
performed to check their quality. 3. The performance standard must be zero
defects, not "that's close enough."
4. The measurement of quality is the price of
nonconformance, not indexes.