Series N°09 - Kirchhoff's Law

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Polytechnic National School

Department of Preparatory Classes

Academic year 2023-2024

SERIES n° 09:

Electrical networks, charge and discharge of a


Exercise n° 01: C″ C′ C′ C″

Find the value of the C C C0

equivalent capacitor of

the arrangement given in C′ C″ C″ C′

the opposite figure.

A.N : ′ = = 5 ; ″ = 7,5 ; = 4 .
We apply between and a potential difference =
10 . What is, then, the charge of the equivalent
Exercise n° 02:
In the assembly of capacitors shown on the figure below, the
capacitances have values: =3 ; =2 ; =4 .
We apply a voltage of 300 between points and .
Find the charge and the potential difference between
the terminals of each capacitor.
Exercise n° 03:
The figure below shows a 20 battery that connects
four capacitors of capacitance each: =1 , =
2 , =4 =4 .
- Switch 1 is closed and switch 2 is open.
a) What is the charge on each capacitor?
- Both switches 1 and switch 2 are closed.
b) What is then, the charge on each capacitor?
Exercice n° 04:
The figure below shows a parallel plate capacitor of
plate area and plate separation . The plates are
connected to a battery with potential difference .
The battery is then disconnected, and a dielectric slab
of thickness and dielectric permittivity is
introduced between the plates as shown.
a) Compute the capacitance before the
dielectric slab is inserted.
b) What is the charge of the capacitor?
c) What is the electric field in the gaps
between the plates and the dielectric slab?
d) What is the electric field in the dielectric
e) What is the potential difference between
the plates after the dielectric slab has been
f) What is the capacitance of the assembly
after the slab is inserted?

+ + + + + + + + + + +
( )

- - - - - - - - - - -
N.A. Assume = 110 , = 1.25 , = 100 , =
0.85 , = 2.6.
Exercise n° 05 :
Find the capacitance of a capacitor made up of 25 thin
metal sheets, each of which has a 6. 10 surface
area and separated from each other by a paraffin paper
of relative permittivity = 2.6 with thickness
6 . 10 .

Exercise n° 06.
Figure below shows a
circuit of generators
and an arrangement of
1°) Calculate the
equivalent resistor
between points
and .
2°) Give the expression of the current intensity crossing
the resistor in terms of , , , , and .
3°) a) Give the expression of the power or rate energy
transfer (thermal energy loss), dissipated in the resistor
b) For what value of the resistance , the power is a
maximum? N.A: = 12 , = 8 ; = 1Ω, =
2Ω ; = 20 Ω

Exercise n° 07 :
A generator of internal resistance sets up a current in
the dipole . (Figure )
● What is the relationship between , and for
the e.m.f device to supply a current so that: = / .
● If the above relationship is satisfied, what is the
current delivered by the generator in the assembly of
figure .
R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1

Figure a R2 Figure b R2 R2

Exercise n°08: 64Ω


In the circuit shown on the opposite G

figure, what is the value of Rx for the 8Ω 32Ω

detector (Galvanometer) not to be

crossed by any current (bridge at
equilibrium). This device, called Wheatstone bridge is
used to measure unknown resistors.
Exercise n° 09:
Consider the electrical circuit
of figure 1 made up of three
reversible generators.
= = , =2 =
= , =2
1°) Write the loop rule and
junction rule.
2°) Determine the literal
expressions of current intensities in the branches of the
3°) Specify the direction of the real current. Which of the
generators , , or is a receiver?
4°) Calculate the current intensities in each branche for =
5 and = 1 Ω.
5°) Calculate the rate of energy transfer to the circuit (power),
the rate of stored energy (power) and the rate at which energy
is dissipated as thermal energy or by Joule effect (power).
Establish a balance of energy rates (power).
Exercise n°10:

The electric conduction in a Copper wire is due free

peripheral shell electrons, and in the average one atom of
copper releases one electron. We note, respectively, ,− ,
, , , and the mass, the charge, the number of free
charge carriers per unit volume, the Avogadro number,
cooper density, the copper atomic mass. We give: =
9.1 × 10 , = 1.6 × 10 , = 6.02 × 10 , = 8.9 ×
10 / , = 63.6 .
A current of intensity = 3 flows through the wire.
- Determine the average drift speed : ⃗ of free electrons,
the diameter of the wire is =1 .
In fact, the electric current is due to random statistical
displacements (Brownian Motion) of free conduction
electrons in the crystal lattices, slowed down by collisions
on a free mean path. This braking can be simulated by the
existence de friction forces within the lattice and may be
written in the form:
⃗=− ⃗
Where is the mean free time between two successive
collisions on the mean free distance.
- Give the law of change of drift speed ⃗ in terms of , if
⃗ ( = 0) = 0⃗.
- Deduct the expression of the velocity ⃗ ( ) in steady
Now, we analyse the steady state.
- Rewrite, from the drift speed expressed in terms of
time, Ohm’s local law written in the form:
⃗= ⃗
Where ⃗ is the current density.
- Compute the conductivity of free electrons in the
conductor in terms of , , , and .
- Compute the mean free time (relaxation time) and the
mobility .
We give: Conductivity of copper: = 5.9 × 10 Ω . ,
mean free path: = 400Å

Exercise n° 11 :
An underground electric cable made up of two electric
wires extends over a distance of 20 along a bay.
Each wire has a resistance of 0,16Ω/ .
Following an insulation fault, there is a grounding of one
of the wires. To detect this fault and
remedy it, we make what is called a R 1
Gaine de plomb

"Varley" loop. We connect the wires to


each other at the farthest end and we
Mise à la terre

build at the other end of the wire the

Wheatstone bridge. The bridge is at equilibrium for =
50Ω and = 36.82Ω.
At what distance off the bridge the grounding has been
Exercise n°12:
Consider the circuit given below, where the switch is
initially closed at position 0 and the capacitor is initially
We give = 6 , ’ = 3 , = = ’ = 500 , = 1 .
1) At instant = 0, we put the switch on position 1.
a) What is the differential equation giving the electric
potential between the terminals of the capacitor?
b) What is the capacitive time constant of the circuit?
c) Find the capacitor’s potential difference as a
function of time.
d) Calculate for = 0, 2 , 3 , 4 5 .
e) Represent the graphical plot of ( ).
2) In fact, at instant = 2 , we put the switch at
position 2.
a) What is the differential equation giving across the
b) What is the new time constant ’ of the circuit?
c) Give the expression of in terms of time.
d) Calculate for ( – ) = 0, ’, 2 ’, 3 ’, 4 ’, 5 ’.
e) Represent the change of in terms of time on the same
graphical plot as in 1 − .
f) What is the direction of the current?
g) Determine the chemical energy that has been released
or lost in the e.m.f device ’ (generator). Specify if this
energy has been released or dissipated. Justify the
answer. We take the Neper number = 3.

Exercise n° 13:
Consider the electrical circuit of the figure below, made up
of an e.m.f device (generator) and of two resistors and
; and are two capacitors initially uncharged.
1°- We close the switch and we open the switch :
A- Give the differential equation of the charging of the
capacitor .
b- Deduct the expression of the charge ( ) and that
of the currents ( ) and ( ) crossing respectively,
the resistors and .
2°- The capacitor is completely charged:
a- What is the energy that has been released by
the generator?
b- What is the energy stored in the capacitor
c- What energy that has been dissipated by Joule
effect in the electrical network?
d- What are the charges and respectively, of the
capacitors and ?
3°- Variable regime. The capacitor is still completely
charged, we close the switch and we open the switch .
a- What is the differential equation giving the
potential difference at the terminals of the
capacitor ?
b- What is the new time constant ’ of the
c- Give the expressions of the electric potentials
and as a function of time.
- Steady state. Determine at the full charging
a- The charges ’ , ’ of and respectively.
b- The stored energies ’ and ’ respectively, in
the capacitors and .
c- Deduct the energy ’ dissipated as thermal energy
in the electrical network.

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