Lifelines of National Economy

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Mary’s School, Academic Year 2022-23

Class: X Social Science Answer Key



Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
1. State any three merits of roadways.
A. Three merits of roadways are as follows:
• They are cheaper than railways in terms of construction costs.
• They are most suitable for short distances.
• Roads can go through dissected and undulating land areas and through
steep mountains.
• They are economical as loading costs are low and door-to-door service
can be availed of.

2. Where and why is rail transport the most convenient means of

A. In the northern plains, rail transport is the most convenient and
economical mode of transportation.
This is because of the following reasons:
a) Vast level lands that are good for laying tracks
b) High density of population
c) High agricultural productivity and
d) Greater industrial activity.

3. What are Border roads? What is the significance of the border roads?
A. Strategically important roads in the bordering areas of the country are
called border roads. These roads are in the northern and north-eastern
border areas. Importance of border roads:
• These roads improve accessibility in the areas having difficult
• They have helped in the economic development of border areas.
• They are used to supply military equipment to the borders of our

4. What is meant by trade? What is the difference between international and

local trade?
A. Trade is the movement of goods and services between regions for economic
Trade between two or more countries is termed as international trade,
while trade occurring in a region within the same country is called local trade.
Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
1. Why the means of transportation and communication are called the
lifelines of its economy?

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Class: X Social Science Answer Key

A. The means of transportation and communication are called the lifelines of

a nation and its economy due to the reasons given below:
a) The means of transportation and communication help in the production
and movement of goods and services.
b) Transport helps in the development of communication. Various means
of communication help us in interacting with each other in all the parts
of the world. It has brought the world closer.
c) Transport like railways helps us in conducting various activities like
business, sightseeing, pilgrimage and transportation of goods over
longer distances more efficiently.
d) Pipelines are used for transporting crude oil and natural gas to refineries
and factories.
e) Water provides the cheapest means of transport and is useful for
international trade.
f) Air transport provides the fastest and the most comfortable mode
of transport.
Thus, it is clear that there are many advantages of transportation and
communication. These means, help in the development of the country. So
they are called the lifelines of a nation and its economy.

2. Write a note on the changing nature of the international trade in the last
fifteen years.
A. The changing nature of the international trade in India, in the last
fifteen years, has been impressive.
a) India's foreign trade has acquired a multilateral nature and is carried
out through seas and oceans.
b) It has become the major exporter of manufactured goods apart from
being the exporter of raw materials.
c) Exchange of information and knowledge has surpassed exchange of
goods and commodities.
d) Through its advanced software knowledge and excellence in the field of
information technology, India has emerged as a viable contender at the
international level and is earning huge amounts of foreign exchange
through the same.
e) Tourism too has added to India's upgraded position in international
trade. There has been a quantum increase in the arrival of foreign
tourists since 2010.
Short Answer Type Question:
1. Efficient means of transport are a prerequisite for fast development".
Express your views in favour of this statement.

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Class: X Social Science Answer Key

Why are efficient means of transport prerequisite for the fast

development of the country? Explain.
A. Efficient means of transport are a prerequisite for the fast development as:
• Roads connect distant areas and increase connectivity.
• Transport of perishable goods becomes easier.
• Rail transport helps in the movement of heavy goods.
• Ports help in the import as well as export of goods.

2. What are super highways? Name three major super highway projects.
A. Super highways are six-lane highways connecting major cities and
ports of the country for speedy movement of goods and passengers.
They are developed by the NHAI for reducing time and distance
Three super highways are:
• Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways: It links Delhi-Kolkata Chennai-
Mumbai and Delhi by six lane Super Highways.
• The North-South corridors linking Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) and
Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu))
• East-West Corridor connecting Silcher (Assam) and Porbandar

3. What are rural roads? What special provisions have been made recently
for these categories of roads?
A. Roads which link rural areas and villages with towns are classified
as rural roads. Under the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak
Yojana Scheme special provisions are made so that every village
in the country is linked to a major town in the country by an all
season motorable roads.

4. Explain the importance of Railways as the principal mode of transportation

for freight and passengers in India.
A. The following points highlight the importance of Railways in India.
a) It is principal mode of transportation for freight and passengers in India.
b) It is suitable for long distance travel.
c) It conducts multiple activities like business, sightseeing, and pilgrimage
along with transportation of goods.
d) It plays an important role in national integration.
e) It binds the economic life of the country as well as accelerates the
development of the industry and agriculture.
f) It is the largest public sector undertaking in the country.

5. Road and Rail transport in India are not competitive but complementary
to each other. Justify the statement.
A. Though Railways transport heavy goods from one place to another,
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Class: X Social Science Answer Key

they only follow a fixed track. The goods are further transported by
road to their destination. Though the railways run through flat
terrain, roads can be constructed in hilly areas, where trains cannot
Therefore, both rail and road transports are complementary to each other.

6. Highlight the issues suffered by rail transport in India.

A. The following are the issues suffered by rail transport in India.
• Many passengers travel without tickets that result in loss of revenue.
• There are cases of thefts and damage of railway property.
• Chain pulling by the people to stop train leads to delays and heavy

7. Explain any four merits of pipeline transport in India.

A. Pipelines are important for the following reasons.
a) They are used for transporting crude oil, petroleum products and
natural gas from oilfields and natural gas fields to refineries, fertilizer
factories and big thermal power plants.
b) Solids can also be transported through a pipeline when converted into
c) Because of pipelines, refineries at Barauni, Mathura, Panipat and gas-
based fertilizer plants could be located in the interior of India.
d) Initial cost of laying pipelines is high but subsequent running costs are
e) Pipelines rule out trans-shipment (during transportation) losses or

8. Which are the three important networks of pipeline transportation in

A. Three important networks of pipeline transportation in India are:
a) From oilfield in upper Assam to Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, via
Guwahati, Barauni and Allahabad. It has branches from Barauni to
Haldia, via Rajbandh, Rajbandh to Maurigram and Guwahati to Siliguri.
b) From Salaya in Gujarat to Jalandhari in Punjab via Viramgam, Mathura,
Delhi and Sonipat. It has branches to connect Koyali in Gujarat,
Chakshu and other places.
c) Gas pipeline from Hazira in Gujarat to Jagdishpur in Uttar Pradesh via.
Vijaipur in Madhya Pradesh. It has branches to Kota in Rajasthan,
Shahajahanpur, Babrala and other places in Uttar Pradesh.

9. Describe any three features of waterways in India.

A. Waterways are the cheapest mode of transport.
a) Neither construction cost, nor maintenance cost is required for the
waterways as they use the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans as highways.
b) They are suited for the transport of bulky and heavy raw materials.
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c) Waterway is a fuel-efficient and an environment - friendly mode of

d) The boats, steamers, even if mechanized, consume much lesser fuel and
do not pollute the surroundings.

10. Mention the names of the five National Waterways in India.

A. The five National Waterways in India are as follows :
a) The Ganga river between Allahabad and Haldia (1620 km)-National
Waterway No.1
b) The Brahmaputra river between Sadiya and Dhubri (891 km)-National
Waterway No.2
c) The West-Coast Canal in Kerala (Kottapurma-Komman, Udyogamandal
and Champakkara canals-205 km)- National Waterway No.3.
d) Godavari and Krishna rivers along with Kakinada Puducherry stretch of
canals (1078 cm)-National Waterway No. 4.
e) River Brahmani along with Matai river, delta channels of Mahanadi and
Brahmani rivers and East Coast canal (588 Km)-National Waterway No.

11. Discuss the main means of communication.

A. Communication means exchange of information. There are two main
means of communication.
Personal Communication: It includes postal and telecom network. This type
of communication is between two individuals.
Mass Communication: It includes press and media like newspaper, T.V.,
radio, film etc. This type of communication facilitates exchange of information
to larger section of people at a time.
12. How do the means of communication play a vital role in creating
awareness among the people?
A. The means of communication like newspapers, radio, TV and even film
along with entertainment present the various national programmes
and policies before a large number of people. They provide knowledge
about the various social and economic problems confronted by the country.
This creates awareness among the people and helps in forming public

13. Mention the importance of mass communication.

A. The following are the points to highlight the importance of mass
communication in India.
a) Mass communication provides entertainment.
b) It creates awareness among people about various national programmes
and policies.

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c) It provides a variety of programmes in national, regional and local

languages for various categories of people, spread over different parts of
the country.
d) It strengthens democracy in the country by providing news and
information to the masses.
e) It helps in rural development which is suffering from illiteracy and
superstitious social practices.
f) It helps in agriculture sector by providing farmers information about
new agricultural practices. (any three)

14. Define balance of trade. Distinguish between favourable balance of trade

and unfavourable balance of trade.
A. The difference between exports and imports is known as balance of trade.
Differences between favourable and unfavourable balance of trade are
as follows:
a) If the value of exports is more than the value of imports, it is called
favourable balance of trade. And, if the value of imports is greater than
the value of exports, it is known as unfavourable balance of trade.
b) Favourable balance of trade is regarded good for the economic
development whereas unfavourable balance of trade is seen as harmful
for the domestic economy.

15. Describe any five major problems faced by road transport in India.
A. Road transportation is economical in the transportation of a smaller
amount of goods and a few passengers over short and medium distances.
Though they are relatively cheap and easy to construct and maintain,
road transportation in India is confronted with a number of problems.
a) On account of its large population, India has a large volume of freight
and passenger traffic, which requires a large number of vehicles. But the
road network is not adequate to handle heavy traffic.
b) As most roads are kuccha or unmetalled, their usage is limited during
the rainy season. The potholes on roads in the monsoon season lead to
c) More national highways need to be built to connect the different parts of
the country.
d) The roads in the cities are highly congested and traffic jams are a
constant problem. Most of the bridges and culverts are also old and
narrow aggravating the problem.
e) Roadside amenities like emergency medical facilities, telephone booths
etc. are lacking.
f) Police patrolling on the highways is not adequate. So, goods and
passengers are not safe at times.

16. Why is Road Transport more useful than Rail Transport in India?
Explain four reasons.
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Roadways still have an edge over railways in India." Support the
statement with arguments/ examples.
A. Roadways are the most important of transport in India. India has the
largest networks of roadways in the world, aggregating about 56 lakh km.
Road transport has preceded railways and still have an edge over it in view
of the case with which in can be built and maintained. Other means of
transport like pipelines have limited applications and waterways are
localized in rivers and water bodies, while airways are costly and out of reach
of the common people.
Road transport is more useful than railways on account of the following
a) Construction and maintenance of roads is much lower than the
b) Roads can traverse comparatively more dissected and undulating
c) They can negotiate higher gradient of slope and can traverse
mountainous regions such as the Himalayas. They can reach remote
villages and hilly regions where railway tracts cannot be laid.
d) Roads provide door-to-door service. Thus the cost of loading and
unloading is much lower.
e) Road transport is also used as a feeder to other modes of transportation.
For example, they provide a link between railway stations, airports and
sea ports.
f) They link the villages, towns and cities with the railways. They provide
linkage between ports and markets and trading centres. (any four)

17. How has the distribution pattern of the railway network in the country
been largely influenced by physiographic and economic factors?
Explain with examples.
A. The distribution pattern of the railway network in India has been greatly
influenced by physical and economic factors.
a) Level lands of the Northern Plains of India with high density of
population, rich agricultural resources and greater industrial activity
have favoured the development of railways in India.
b) The rugged terrain of the Himalayan mountain region in the north and
north-eastern states with sparse population and lack of economic
opportunities is unfavourable for the construction of railway lines and
railway network is lacking in these regions.
c) Sparsely populated sandy deserts of Rajasthan, hilly contiguous tracts of
the Sahyadri swamps of Gujarat, forested tracks of Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand, the floodplains of Bihar and
Assam have posed great difficulty in laying of railway lines.
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d) On account of the economic importance of the region, the Konkan

Railways were developed along the west coast in spite of problems of
sinking of tracks and landslides.

18. Which two modes of transport are widely used within the north-eastern
States of India? Why?
A. Inland waterways and airways are the two modes of transport which are
widely used in the north-eastern states of India. The north-eastern part
of India is marked by the presence of hilly terrain, dissected relief, dense
forests, large number of rivers, heavy rainfall as well as international
frontiers. As a result, roadways and railways cannot develop properly and
are lacking in this region. The Brahmaputra and its tributaries are therefore
used by the local people for inland navigation as it is cheap and convenient
to use. The Brahmaputra river between Sadiya and Dhubri in Assam has
been declared as National Waterway No 2 by the Government, on account
of its importance.
Air travel is another preferred mode of travel in these areas as airways can
cross over geographical obstacles of the region with great case. During
heavy rainfall and frequent floods airways become the only mode of
transport. Air transport is also subsidized in the north-eastern states and
special provisions are made to extend the services to the common people.
19. Explain why is air transport preferred in north-eastern states of India?
A. The air transport is preferred in the north-eastern regions of India because
of the following reasons:
a) The north-eastern part of the country is marked with the presence of
difficult hilly and mountainous terrain, dissected relief, large number of
rivers, dense forests, heavy rainfall and frequent floods.
b) International frontiers also mark this region.
c) Air transport is the best mode of travel in these areas as airways can
negotiate geographical obstacles d political boundaries with great ease.
d) Roads and railways cannot be properly laid out in such difficult terrain.
Heavy rainfall and frequent floods disrupt all other modes of
transportation. Air transport is the only means of communication under
such situations.
e) They can access remote and inaccessible areas in these north eastern
f) They are the fastest and most comfortable means of transport Domestic
airlines have made special provisions to extend air service to the north-
eastern states at subsidized rates to meet the requirement of the
common people.

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So, the airways are also within the financial reach of the common people in
this region On account of all these factors, airways art the preferred mode
of transportation in the north-eastern states of India.
20. What is the significance of airways as a mode of transport? Mention two
merits and one demerit of airways.
A. Airways are the fastest, most comfortable and prestigious mode of
transport in recent times. They can easily cross over geographical
boundaries and vast stretches of seas and oceans. Airways can negotiate
difficult terrain like high mountains, dissected terrain, dreary deserts and
dense forests with great ease, within short period of time. Fast international
travel between countries of the world has been possible because of the
development of airways. Airways play a vital role during natural and
man-made calamities like floods, famines, earthquakes, epidemics and war.
They help in rescue operations and provide relief to the people in affected
area within a short time.
Two merits of airways are:
a) It is the fastest mode of transportation. Thousands of kilometres are
covered within a few hours.
b) It is the most comfortable mode of transportation.
One demerit of airways is the costliness of transportation because of which
it is out of the reach common people.
21. What is mass communication? What are the different means of mass
A. Mass communication provides entertainment as well as information to
a large number of people at the same time. Press or print media like
newspapers, periodicals, magazines and books and electronic media like
radio, television, films and computers are the different means of mass
communication. As they are means of communication with the masses,
they are known as mass communication. Mass communication covers
a variety of topics from entertainment, educational, news, sports
to business in national, regional and local languages for various categories
of people belonging to different age groups. In a vast country like India
with a huge population, diverse languages and culture mass
communication is an important means of reaching out to the people.
22. Write a short note on:
a) Personal written communication
b) Telecom network of India.

a) Personal written communication:

The personal written communication is handled by the Indian postal
network. Cards and envelopes are considered first-class mail, and book
packets, registered newspapers and periodicals are called second-class

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mail. The first-class mail is air lifted while the second class mail is
carried by surface transport. For quick delivery of mails in cities and
large towns, six mail channels have been introduced. They are called
Rajdhani Channel, Metro Channel, Green Channel, Business Channel,
Bulk Mail Channel and Periodical Channel.

b) Telecom network of India:

India has one of the largest telecom networks in Asia. Apart from the
towns and cities, more than two-thirds of the villages have already been
covered with Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) provisions have been
made to extend 24 hours STD facility to all villages. It has been possible
by integrating development in Space Technology with Communication
Technology. A number of private companies have entered the field of
telecommunication and this has resulted in the availability of better
facilities to the customers.

23. “Advancement of international trade of a country is an index to

its prosperity.” Support the statement with suitable examples.
a) No country in the world is self-sufficient in all its needs. Goods produced
by one country are required by the other country and vice-versa. Hence,
differences in resources, needs and development among nations create
conditions for international trade between them.
b) It helps in exchange of surplus goods with those of deficit countries
through foreign trade.
c) Foreign trade has helped India to improve its productivity of
manufactured goods.
d) International trade contributed to India's economic growth, raising income
levels of people thus, increasing the foreign exchange reserves.
e) International trade helps India to import advanced technology of other
countries to improve its production.

24. Define the term ‘Tourism’. Why is tourism known as a trade? Explain.
A. The cultural, recreational and commercial visit to internal places is
known as tourism.
Tourism is known as a trade because:
a) It country earns foreign exchange through tourism.
b) Tourism provides support to local handicrafts.
c) Foreign tourists visit India for medical tourism and business tourism.
d) It helps in the growth of national income and integrity.

25. Describe the significance of tourism as a trade in India.

Explain the advantages of tourism as a trade for the country like India.

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a) Tourism in India has grown substantially over the last three decades.
b) More than 150 lakh people are directly engaged in the tourism industry.
c) Tourism also promotes national integration, provides support to local
handicrafts and cultural pursuits.
d) Tourism also helps in the development of international understanding
about our culture and heritage.
e) Foreign tourists visit India for heritage tourism, eco-tourism, adventure
tourism, cultural tourism, medical tourism and business tourism.
f) Rajasthan, Goa, Jammu and Kashmir and temple towns of South India are
major destinations of tourists in India.

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