Tanggal 01-01-2024Diagnosa
Wilayah Semua Kecamatan RT
Total 154 Data Kelurahan RW
No. Kode Diag Diagnosa Laki - Laki Perempua Total
1 J06.9 Acute upper 46 64 110
2 K29.7 Gastritis, 25 43 68
3 I10 Essential ( 9 28 37
4 M79.0 Rheumatism 10 14 24
5 E78.5 Hyperlipid 10 14 24
6 Y46.8 Antispastic7 16 23
7 E10 Insulin-de 3 17 20
8 B86 Scabies 9 5 14
9 J06 Acute upper 2 11 13
10 A09 Diarrhoea a6 7 13
11 L30.8 Other speci3 9 12
12 M79.1 Myalgia 5 5 10
13 L02.9 Cutaneous5 4 9
14 L30 Other derm3 6 9
15 K30 Dyspepsia 3 5 8
16 M13 Artritis lai 5 3 8
17 O16 Hipertensi 2 5 7
18 E78.0 Pure hyper0 6 6
19 K29 Gastritis a 0 6 6
20 J11 Influenza, 1 5 6
21 E14 Unspecified2 3 5
22 J00 Acute naso1 4 5
23 E10.8 Insulin-de 0 4 4
24 K12 Stomatitis 1 3 4
25 H10 Conjunctivi1 3 4
26 L02 Cutaneous3 1 4
27 J02.9 Faringitis a1 3 4
28 H65 Nonsuppura 2 1 3
29 M54.5 Low back p1 2 3
30 H10.9 Conjunctivi0 3 3
31 N92 Excessive, 0 3 3
32 I50.0 Congestive2 1 3
33 L20.9 Atopic derm 0 3 3
34 E78.1 Pure hyper1 2 3
35 H60.9 Otitis exte 1 2 3
36 L23 Allergic co 0 3 3
37 E78.4 Other hype1 2 3
38 H66 Suppurative 1 1 2
39 N60 Benign ma2 0 2
40 D21 Other beni2 0 2
41 H93.9 Gangguan te 0 2 2
42 K40 Inguinal he2 0 2
43 E75.5 Other lipid1 1 2
44 J02 Acute phar1 1 2
45 H61.2 Impacted 1 1 2
46 J45 Asthma 0 2 2
47 E05.9 Thyrotoxico0 2 2
48 A01.0 Typhoid fe1 1 2
49 L02.8 Cutaneous0a 2 2
50 C50 Malignant 0 2 2
51 H81.4 Vertigo of 1 1 2
52 I00 Rheumatic1 1 2
53 K29.6 Gastritis l 0 2 2
54 D17.9 Benign lip 0 2 2
55 H60 Otitis exte 0 2 2
56 G40 Epilepsy 0 2 2
57 H26 Other cata1 1 2
58 D64 Other ana 1 1 2
59 H81.1 Benign par1 1 2
60 J90 Pleural eff 1 0 1
61 B00 Herpesviral0 1 1
62 D50.0 Iron defici 1 0 1
63 J18.9 Pneumonia, 1 0 1
64 I21.4 Acute sube0 1 1
65 I11 Hypertensi1 0 1
66 N18.3 Chronic kid1 0 1
67 J44 Other chro1 0 1
68 D21.0 Connective1 0 1
69 A66.2 Other early0 1 1
70 F20 Schizophre1 0 1
71 K29.1 Other acute 0 1 1
72 L20 Atopic derm 0 1 1
73 J10.0 Influenza w0 1 1
74 G50.1 Atypical fa0 1 1
75 D10.1 Benign neo0 1 1
76 N93.8 Other spec0 1 1
77 M05 Seropositiv1 0 1
78 K05.0 Acute gingi1 0 1
79 B30.8 Other viral0 1 1
80 H81.3 Other perip0 1 1
81 T31.0 Burns invol0 1 1
82 I50 Heart failu1 0 1
83 G43 Migraine 0 1 1
84 L50 Biduran / K0 1 1
85 C49 Malignant 1 0 1
86 N18.1 Chronic kid0 1 1
87 A15 Respiratory0 1 1
88 J10 Influenza d0 1 1
89 N04 Nephrotic 1 0 1
90 I95.0 Idiopathic 0 1 1
91 L10 Pemphigus0 1 1
92 G56.0 Carpal tun 0 1 1
93 H44.1 Other endo1 0 1
94 H16.0 Corneal ul 1 0 1
95 Q52.0 Congenital0 1 1
96 J13 Pneumonia1 0 1
97 D64.9 Anaemia, u1 0 1
98 B30.9 Viral conju1 0 1
99 A37.9 Batuk rejan0 1 1
100 J30.4 Allergic rhi1 0 1
101 I95.9 Hypotensio1 0 1
102 L30.9 Dermanitis0 1 1
103 J01 Acute sinus0 1 1
104 K35.9 Apedisitis a1 0 1
105 E11 Non-insuli 1 0 1
106 A16.5 Tuberculous 0 1 1
107 B35.9 Dermatophy 1 0 1
108 G61.0 Guillain-B 0 1 1
109 H66.0 Acute suppu 0 1 1
110 L23.9 Allergic co 0 1 1
111 K00 Disorders 0 1 1
112 H90.2 Conductive0 1 1
113 G43.9 Migraine, 0 1 1
114 L21.9 Seborrhoeic 0 1 1
115 A01 Typhoid an1 0 1
116 I95 Hypotensi 1 0 1
117 I82 Other veno1 0 1
118 H67.1 Otitis medi0 1 1
119 D34 Benign neo0 1 1
120 H54.5 Low vision0 1 1
121 L13.0 Dermatitis1 0 1
122 J99.0 Rheumatoid 1 0 1
123 I15.9 Secondary 0 1 1
124 L20.8 Other atopi0 1 1
125 M80.36 Postsurgica1 0 1
126 H90.8 Mixed cond1 0 1
127 N39 Other disor0 1 1
128 N18 Chronic ren1 0 1
129 A09.9 Gastroenter 1 0 1
130 D17.5 Benign lip 0 1 1
131 T14 Injury of u 0 1 1
132 J33.9 Nasal polyp0 1 1
133 T17.1 Foreign bod 1 0 1
134 I63 Cerebral in0 1 1
135 N92.1 Excessive a0 1 1
136 A48.8 Other speci1 0 1
137 E16.4 Abnormal s0 1 1
138 F41.9 Anxiety dis0 1 1
139 H40 Glaucoma 0 1 1
140 K02.8 Other denta 0 1 1
141 F03 Unspecifie1 0 1
142 K92.0 Haemateme 1 0 1
143 I23.1 Atrial sept 0 1 1
144 C92.1 Chronic my1 0 1
145 I69 Sequelae o0 1 1
146 B65.3 Cercarial d0 1 1
147 I84.1 Internal h 1 0 1
148 L02.3 Cutaneous0 1 1
149 M79.07 Rheumatism 1 0 1
150 A06 Amubiasis,0 1 1
151 J93.0 Spontaneo1 0 1
152 G25.6 Drug-induce0 1 1
153 N40 Hyperplasia1 0 1
154 H65.9 Otitis med 1 0 1