Indonesia-CashMgt Reform-EN
Indonesia-CashMgt Reform-EN
Indonesia-CashMgt Reform-EN
in Indonesia:
Making the State Money Work Harder
Kementerian Keuangan
Republik Indonesia
Cash Management
in Indonesia:
Making the State Money Work Harder
This book was prepared by the Directorate of Cash Management of the Directorate General of
Treasury at the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Indonesia, and the Governance Global
Practice (formerly Poverty Reduction and Economic Management) unit of the World Bank in
Indonesia. The Ministry of Finance team was led by Rudy Widodo (Director of Cash Management)
with team members Wibawa Pram Sihombing and Akhmad Budhisusetyo, with overall guidance
from Marwanto Harjowiryono (Director General of Treasury). The World Bank team was led by
Bernard Myers (Public Sector Management Cluster Coordinator/Senior Public Sector Specialist),
with team members Vijay Ramachandran, Hari Purnomo, Mark Ahern, Lina Lo, Prasiwi Ibrahim,
Dinni Prihandayani, Lieke Riyanti, and Sandra Sari, with overall guidance from Jim Brumby (Practice
Manager, Governance Global Practice, East Asia Pacific). Key writers were Wibawa Pram Sihombing,
Akhmad Budhisusetyo, Vijay Ramachandran, and Hari Purnomo.
The teams would like to acknowledge the valuable inputs received from the various units within
the Ministry of Finance (Secretariat General, Directorate General of Treasury, Directorate General
of Debt Management, Directorate General of Budget, Fiscal Policy Office, Directorate General of
Tax, Directorate General of Customs and Excise, and Directorate General of Fiscal Balance), Bank
Indonesia, as well as the World Bank. Special thanks to peer reviewers John Gardner, Arturo Herrera,
Lars Jesson, Duncan Last, and Theo Thomas.
This work is funded under the Multi Donor Trust Fund for Public Financial Management, with
contributions from the governments of Canada, the European Union, the Netherlands, Switzerland,
and USAID.
The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect
the views of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Indonesia, the World Bank, its Board of
Executive Directors, or the governments they represent.
All photos and data are from the Ministry of Finance, Government of Indonesia, with all rights
Foreword ............................................................................................ix
Notes ..................................................................................................87
Contents iii
The key impetus for the reforms was the 1997 Asian financial crisis. The crisis
revealed entrenched institutional and structural weaknesses in the public
management of most East Asian countries. It also highlighted imbalances in
the structure and financing of these economies. The Government of Indonesia
embarked on a range of reforms to increase the flexibility of the economy and
improve its ability to withstand shocks. These included reforms to public financial
management, still ongoing, that drew lessons from international experience.
1 At the time of this work, the PFM MDTF received contributions from five donors: Canada, the
European Union, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and USAID.
x Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The Indonesian cash management story is one of success. This book provides
lessons to guide the next generation of reforms in Indonesia, its neighboring
countries and beyond.
In my view, the Finance Ministry followed the best possible approach for cash
management reform in the Indonesian context. We received full political and
technical support from the President, Finance Minister, Minister of Justice,
and Bank Indonesia. We implemented the reform through the most acceptable
and workable approach considering the number and wide geographical spread
of spending units, the capability of banking technology and system, and the
challenges in changing the mindset of people.
Some criticized us for the slow pace of reform, but I believe such a reform should
be implemented gradually not through a “big-bang” approach and I am thankful
that through a step by step approach which allocated sufficient time for learning
by doing, now we are reaching a stage where we are poised to enjoy the full benefits
of the Treasury Single Account (TSA).
xii Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Before cash management reform took place, DG Treasury only acted as the cash
(inflow and outflow) administrator without the ability to function as a real cash
manager. Before the reform started, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) had also
notified the government about the weakness in the accountability for managing
state cash. In this context and appreciating the need to efficiently manage state
cash the Ministry of Finance embarked on implementing the cash management
reform in Indonesia.
Looking to the future, I believe some improvements can still be made, particularly
of the Treasury Notional Pooling (TNP) mechanism, better cash forecasting by
the spending units, and implementation of the reward and sanction mechanism
to improve cash plan updates by the spending units. Moreover, the plan to
implement the Treasury Dealing Room (TDR) shall soon be realized through
close coordination with Bank Indonesia. Current ALMC membership can also
be broadened by inviting Bank Indonesia as a member. Finally, there should be a
way to consolidate large cash balances currently held outside TSA, including the
local governments, and public service agencies. These cash accounts can continue
to be managed by the owner of the account but placed in the Bank of Indonesia.
First of all, I would like to record my gratitude for the hard work of the World
Bank team and my staff who were jointly writing this book. I believe this book
should be broadly disseminated both domestically and internationally to let
the general public understand the significant cash management reforms of the
Indonesian Ministry of Finance. I trust this book will be useful as a reference for
all who take an interest in the implementation of public financial management
reform in Indonesia.
Voices of the Key Implementers xiii
As the Director for Cash Management of the Finance Ministry, I would like
to thank all MOF’s former officials who have contributed to cash management
reform since 2004. They have laid a strong foundation to enable the continued
implementation of this reform. Now, it is my responsibility, under the guidance
of the Director General of Treasury, to continue the reform.
Currency Equivalent
US$ 1= IDR 10,000 (for simplification reason only)
Executive Summary
The experiences of the 1997 crisis and the public demand for good governance
brought a growing recognition in Indonesia of the need for comprehensive public
financial management (PFM) reform. A PFM reform strategy was developed in
2003— of which the first milestone was the enactment of a modern Treasury legal
and regulatory framework by 2004. A key focus was on cash management. The
new regulation led to the creation of the Directorate General for State Treasury
(DG Treasury), which was made responsible for disbursing funds to ministries
and government institutions, as well as for finding resources to finance the State
budget. The regulation stated that the cash management objectives were to ensure
(i) availability of cash to cover the state liabilities, (ii) effective and efficient action
to optimize returns from a cash surplus or to deal with a cash shortage, (iii)
provision of cash to Line Ministries/ Institutions in accordance with their cash
flow projections to fund their activities, and (iv) timely payment to suppliers of
the Line Ministries/ Institutions in accordance with their schedule of activities.
xx Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The progress on cash management since 2003 has been impressive. Cash balances
previously idle in commercial bank accounts have been consolidated in the
government accounts at Bank Indonesia (BI), and coupled with a conservative
financing policy have provided a considerable degree of cash liquidity. Efficient
systems have been established to support the inflow of revenues and outflow of
expenditures, which will be further enhanced with two major system developments
now being rolled out. Arrangements have been made with BI to provide
remuneration on cash balances beyond those required for daily operations, while
the regulations are now in place to support the investment of surplus cash with
commercial banks. Steps have been taken to improve the coordination of cash and
debt management, while a renewed effort to prepare accurate cash plans is now
underway. These set the scene for a more active approach to cash management,
which will be a key focus in the coming period.
The sequencing of the implementation of the TSA in Indonesia has been very
much in line with international practices. The preparatory phase involved
regulatory and institutional reforms, and setting up the TSA architecture.
Government bank accounts were surveyed and expenditure accounts held by
line ministries in commercial banks were gradually brought into the TSA held
in BI. Thereafter, zero balance clearing accounts were established in commercial
banks to expeditiously collect and remit government revenues into the TSA. In
January 2009, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and BI agreed on and implemented
a moderate remuneration on government deposits at BI, which though less than
the market rate, resulted in a “win-win” situation for both institutions. From the
MoF’s viewpoint, BI provides full security at zero risk and any remuneration paid
by BI adds to state revenues, although it may imply a lower dividend amount
to be paid by BI to the government. While from BI’s perspective, the retention
of government money in BI reduces the cost of monetary policy operations to
sterilize the liquidity resulting from government cash balances being held in
commercial banks.
The overall benefits of the TSA have been positive for the Government of Indonesia;
however, it is difficult to accurately measure the full financial and economic returns.
In order to make an assessment of the quantifiable benefits of implementing the
TSA two approaches have been used in this book. The first approach is to calculate
the direct financial benefit to the Treasury of the consolidation of government
cash balances and the introduction of a remuneration paid at 65% of the BI
rate. The assessment identified gains of IDR 2-4 trillion (USD 200-400 million)
per annum in 2012 and 2013, although some of this benefit is accompanied
by additional costs to Bank Indonesia. A second approach involves a broader
fiscal assessment of the consolidation of idle balances. It identified gains for the
Government of approximately IDR 3 trillion (USD 300 million) had the reforms
been in place in 2007 – the last year before the substantive TSA reforms. This is
approximately 4 percent of the central government financing costs that year. These
benefits are in addition to the “non-quantifiable and indirect” benefits associated
with the introduction of the TSA (i.e. reduced opportunities for corruption,
better security for government cash balances, better coordination between cash
and debt management, etc.).
xxii Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The coverage of the TSA in Indonesia does not include local governments as the
law on decentralization gives autonomy to the local governments in managing
finances. Presently, the coverage of the TSA in Indonesia is limited to the cash
held by the MOF, other line ministries and agencies of the central government,
except the cash resources of Public Service Agencies (PSAs) and Special Funds.
With the proven success of the TSA at the line ministry level, the MOF could
consider further consolidation of the TSA to cover PSAs and Special Funds on a
case-by-case basis without affecting the autonomy of their operations.
The starting point for the cash plans are the budget projections. In Indonesia,
the budget process provides for parliamentary approval of the budget by the
end of October for the financial year starting in January. Under this scenario
line ministries have sufficient time to finalize their annual cash flow plans for
submission to the Treasury well before the start of the fiscal year in January.
However, as parliament’s review sometimes goes beyond the end of October
deadline, (with the appropriations approved but on hold) ministries must take
this into account in preparing annual cash plans.
Procedures for cash plans provide for the preparation of quarterly, monthly
and daily cash flow forecasts and involve both “bottom up” and “top down”
projections. However, despite measures taken to develop the capacity of spending
units to update their cash flow projections, a review of the implementation by
DG Treasury concluded that the quality of the cash plans was poor. This could be
attributed, in part, to the onerous requirements of the new reporting procedures
for in-year updates to the cash plans. Based on these findings, the Directorate of
Cash Management is planning to apply a simpler procedure by using an “80/20”
rule, in which only spending units with large expenditure budget allocations will
be required to submit their regular updated cash flow projections.
Cash management has kept pace with the evolution of banking systems. A
majority of payments are made directly to beneficiaries through electronic
fund transfers from the TSA. Commercial bank accounts held by local treasury
branches for making payments at the regional level are zero balanced to the TSA
daily. Information on cash balances held by spending units in imprest accounts
is available to the Treasury on a daily basis. The State Finance Law and the State
Treasury Law provide for the daily sweeping of government revenues into the
TSA. The agreement between the DG Treasury and revenue collecting banks
provides for the payment of fees for banking services received; obligates the banks
to transfer revenue collections to the TSA within one day; and requires banks to
provide appropriate information technology to support the smooth collection of
state receipts.
The Government of Indonesia uses debt and non-debt sources to finance the
budget deficit. Non-debt financing sources are the accumulated surplus of cash
from unrealized expenditure budgets, amortization of on-lending, dividends from
equity participation, and privatization proceeds. Cash inflows to the budget from
non-debt financing in nominal terms has shown a steady increase from IDR 4.7
trillion (USD 470 million) in 2007 to IDR 23.0 trillion (USD 2.3 billion) in
2012. However, the major source of budget deficit financing continues to be
xxiv Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
foreign and domestic debt. The Government Debt Management Strategy 2013-
2016 sets as an objective the optimization of debt funding from domestic sources,
while using foreign sources as complementary financing.
There are restrictions on the use of surplus cash to finance the budget which inhibit
effective debt management. Between 2007 and 2012 the actual budget deficit was
lower than that projected in the budget, largely due to the low absorption of
expenditures. This meant that the budget was over-financed - building up cash
surpluses which could not be used for future financing without further approval
from the Parliament. In the future, the debt financing strategy could be refined
by eliminating the rigidities in the use of the cash surplus from the prior year.
This could be a topic for future discussions with the budget committee of the
In addition to aligning the Annual Borrowing Strategy (ABS) with the annual
budget, consistency between the in-year cash financing operations and the debt
policy framework is pursued through the regular functioning of an Asset and
Liability Management Committee (ALMC). The risk management parameters
pertaining to interest rate, currency and roll-over risks are considered by the
ALMC when arriving at borrowing or investment decisions. A Cash Planning
Executive Summary xxv
As part of its preparation for more active daily cash management, DG Treasury has
taken steps toward implementation of a dealing room. Once the dealing room is
adequately staffed, the Treasury would be able to participate in the money markets
to secure financing at market rates. The operation of two dealing rooms by MOF
(i.e. DG Debt Management and DG Treasury) raises some risks and it would be
important to ensure that financial markets see the operations of the two dealing
rooms as complementary and not in conflict. More should also be done to clarify
with Bank Indonesia the individual roles and responsibilities.
The purpose of this book is to document how PFM reforms in the decade following
the implementation of the State Finance Law, have contributed to improved cash
management in Indonesia. It takes stock of the sequencing of reforms, successes
achieved, and challenges encountered in reforming cash management.
The four chapters of this book describe the legal and institutional framework for
cash management; discuss the banking arrangements for handling government
cash balances; look at the issues and challenges in planning and managing
government cash flows; and explore ways of optimizing budget financing through
better coordination between cash management, debt management and monetary
policy. Each of the chapters starts with a description of international practices and
goes on to examine the related practices followed in Indonesia. The opportunities
created in Indonesia through the previous and on-going reforms, as well as the
remaining challenges, are highlighted below in this executive summary and
further described in detail in this book.
Chapter 2 examines the pivotal role of the TSA in cash management. It introduces
the concept of the TSA, describes the international experience with TSA banking
arrangements and the sequencing of its implementation. The Indonesian reform
in implementing a TSA is discussed in the context of a few illustrative examples
of international experiences in TSA implementation. This comparison serves to
highlight the very practical approach followed in sequencing the reform. It also
serves as a backdrop for understanding the rationale behind the choices Indonesia
has made in structuring the TSA. The concluding section summarizes some of
these choices and describes some reforms planned for the future.
Executive Summary xxvii
Chapter 3 reviews the impact of each stage of the budget execution cycle on cash
management. It brings out the dependency of cash management on the credibility
of budget appropriations, and the robustness of the in-year cash monitoring and
updating procedures. The concluding section summarizes the strengths of the
Indonesian cash planning systems, discusses some of the remaining challenges and
looks at the way forward. Deployment of the cash management functionalities of
IFMIS can support better the quality and timeliness of bottom up forecasts and
disbursement schedules. However the quality of the plans will depend on the
way these are integrated into top down plans and the effectiveness with which
variances from the plan are followed up.
During the last decade, a body of common practices has emerged among
developing countries on the legal, institutional and procedural foundations to
support efficient cash management. These common practices have been reviewed
and documented in guidance notes and publications on international practices
issued by multilateral institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
the World Bank (WB), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD). Additionally, frequent peer-to-peer exchanges of
experiences between countries have resulted in the continued evolution of cash
management practices to leverage improvements in data management, ICT and
banking systems.
The first part of this chapter examines international practices with regard to
setting the objectives, as well as the legislative and institutional arrangements for
cash management. It details the objectives and principles of cash management, its
links with policy issues, information technology needs, incentives and sanctions
to promote implementation, and the sequencing of the reform. The second part
of the chapter describes Indonesia’s experience with setting the objectives and
institutional arrangements related to cash management, and with sequencing
of the cash management reform. The concluding part describes the remaining
challenges and suggests the way forward.
With the role of governments across the globe evolving towards promoting and
delivering efficient services, the management of cash is becoming the dominant
function of treasury departments in ministries of finance. In addition to ensuring
adequate cash to cover government liabilities, a Treasury seeks to minimize idle
cash balances while minimizing the government’s financing costs. Cash balances
help in payments, but excessive cash remaining unused reduces returns on
government resources.
4 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The often stated objective of cash management is to have the right amount of
money in the right place and at the right time to meet obligations in the most
effective way. Cash management includes procedures and systems for collection,
concentration, and disbursement of cash. Measures to ensure availability of
cash and choices exercised to invest or hold surplus cash have both risk and cost
implications. Poor practices and fragmented institutional arrangements for cash
management increase costs, degrade performance, and hinder the implementation
of government policies. Inefficient allocation of in-year cash resources results in an
increase in debt amortization costs because the debt will be higher than necessary,
a wastage of government resources due to an end-of-year rush of expenditure, and
time and cost overruns in investment projects.
The main objective of cash flow planning, which is the basis for cash management,
is to determine how much cash is available, when it will become available and
for how long it will be available. Efficient cash flow plans facilitate the smooth
financing of in-year liabilities, underpin orderly execution of the budget, integrate
government borrowing with anticipated cash shortages and promote liquidity
The practical aspects of cash flow planning were highlighted in a study conducted
by the UK’s National Audit Office1 which identified the following three key
factors in managing government cash efficiently and effectively:
A timely and accurate forecast of in-year cash flows is a second feature of the
effective management of government cash. The accuracy of cash flow forecasts is
dependent on the credibility of budget appropriations, robustness of the in-year
budget revision procedures, and the transparency of the linkages of cash flows with
procurement plans. The US Treasury guidelines2 on cash management reiterate
that proper timing of disbursements to meet government commitments enhances
efficiency in the usage of cash. Timeliness of forecasts and disbursement schedules
is enhanced through improvements in the functionalities of government financial
management systems. The guidelines stress the fact that “central government
departments and their sponsored bodies play a critical role in minimizing the
risks and costs associated with cash management.”
Optimization of returns from idle cash balances is the third main feature of efficient
cash management. Having consolidated government cash balances through the
TSA, and instituted processes for planning and managing cash flows, the next step
is to ensure the optimal use of available cash balances. Government cash balances
lying idle in the central or commercial banks are usually not remunerated, or are
remunerated at a lower rate than the government borrowing that may have resulted
in the accumulation of the excess balances. The information made available to the
MOF through in-year cash planning enables it to choose between investing the
surplus, or, using it to retire outstanding obligations. Investment or borrowing
decisions require timely and coordinated policy decisions from stakeholders such
as the central bank, the treasury, debt management, revenue authorities and major
line ministries.
At the highest level of the regulatory framework, the financial provisions in the
constitution of a country set out the governance and funding arrangements.
The next level of legislation is usually a public finance act, which establishes an
account from which expenditures can be made and into which revenues can be
deposited; the legislative and institutional framework, and on occasions targets for
fiscal responsibilities; high level processes and timeliness for budget management,
6 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
accounting, and reporting; and principles for providing incentives and instituting
Detailed roles, responsibilities and procedures for cash management are usually
prescribed in lower levels of regulations such as decrees and financial instructions.
In some countries, there is a hierarchy of lower levels of regulations with decrees
issued by the president or the cabinet being considered the highest level followed
by instructions issued by the Minister of Finance. The lower levels of regulations
establish the coverage of cash management in terms of levels of general government,
extra-budgetary funds, semi-autonomous government organizations, state owned
enterprises, and special funds. They set out the detailed roles and responsibilities
for developing cash flow plans and prescribe the basic formats and time schedules
for submitting the cash flow plans to the MOF. Banking arrangements for
revenue concentration, payments and bank reconciliation are prescribed through
instructions. Procedures for the classification and recording of budget allocations,
in-year virement (annual budget reallocation), commitment management, and
payments, are further detailed in the MOF instructions. Where investment of
surplus funds is permitted, the MOF instructions detail the approach to risk
versus return and monthly liquidity requirements.
Banking services provided by the central bank and commercial banks are formalized
through memoranda of understanding (MOUs) or service level agreements (SLAs).
The MOUs and SLAs set out the services to be provided and the remuneration
for different types of services. Electronic data exchange protocols and standards
should also be formalized through mutual agreements. This will ensure the quality
and consistency of data exchange between the Treasury, its accredited banks, and
the banks of the beneficiaries paid through the Treasury.
Chapter 1 7
Public Sector
General Public
Government Corporations
The coverage of the funds available for cash management by the Treasury needs
to be clearly defined. There are countries where the coverage is comprehensive
and includes the cash balances of local government, and extra-budgetary
funds.4 However the most common practice, especially in countries with federal
governments, is for the Treasury’s cash management activities to be limited to the
cash flows associated with the central government’s budget.5
In some countries, even though the cash balances of some government entities
are held in the central bank outside the TSA, they are considered to be a part of
the overall government cash balance by the central bank for purposes of arriving
at the daily cash balance of the central government. In others, the MOF has
agreements in place with the local governments and extra-budgetary funds for the
use of their cash reserves for central government cash management on payment
8 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
• Collaborating with the Central Bank to ensure that the short-term in-
year cash management recommendations are consistent with the monetary
policy requirements.
• Interacting with the revenue authorities, major line ministries and the
central bank to exchange information on major receipts and payments and
the daily cash position.
• Monitoring transfers and subventions to lower levels of the government
to ensure that these subventions and transfers are made according to cash
plans submitted by these entities and are need based.
• Establishing networks with cash managers in government organizations
for continuing evaluation and mitigation of risks to cash management.
One of the goals of cash planning is to provide a plan and target for an investment
strategy when cash-on-hand exceeds demand. In a number of countries,
the central bank traditionally manages short-term liquidity on behalf of the
MOF. Governments often set up high-powered liquidity committees (or debt
management committees) within the MOF to take decisions on optimizing
government short-term liquidity.6 The cash management unit functions as the
secretariat of the liquidity committee, whose functions include (i) monitoring the
macro-fiscal, macro-economic and monetary situation and activating corrective
actions in a timely manner; (ii) ensuring coordination and sharing of information
among the key stakeholders, (iii) facilitating policy decisions on government debt
and short-term investments; and (iv) overseeing the timely and orderly financing
of the budget.
The procedural framework for cash management usually provides a mechanism for
the integration of bottom-up quarterly, monthly and daily cash flow projections
with top-down estimates based on macro-economic variables and historical
trends. In many developing countries, compensation to employees, transfers
and subsidies form a large proportion of the executable budget. Given such
rigidities in budget execution, the bottom-up process of submitting quarterly cash
10 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
projections may not add value to the aggregate cash projections derived from top-
down estimates. Procedures requiring the frequent submission of cash projections
broken down by detailed expenditure items substantially increase the work load
in smaller spending units with limited and under-qualified staff. On the other
hand, the requirement for submission of periodic in-year cash plans by spending
units instills a degree of discipline in the financial management of those agencies.
It ensures close and periodic coordination between financial management,
accounting, and planning units within the agencies. The additional work load
imposed on the spending units could be mitigated by requiring them to submit
cash flow plans at aggregated levels of economic classification which are relevant
for cash forecasting. Another mitigating measure could be to require submission
of frequent cash flow projections only from the major budget users, while others
could submit quarterly updates. Prescribed procedures should ensure a trade-off
between the effort put in and the outcomes achieved.
Systems should be set in place to ensure that all significant cash flows are
identified, and, if needed, prioritized, and that reasonable projections of planned
expenditures are produced. Cash forecasting procedures prescribe the frequency
with which cash forecasts are produced and how many of the subsequent weeks
are covered; and whether projected flows are monitored against actual flows to
assess accuracy. Where surplus funds can be invested, it may be appropriate for
monthly projections to be supplemented by weekly and daily forecasts.
Cash planners should be able to recognize which items influence the organization’s
cash level, and develop strategies that provide for the collection of receipts as
soon as possible, and the delay of payments as long as possible. Fixed items such
as payroll, rent and outsourced contracts may need priority over discretionary
expenditures that may not be as critical to the organization or part of a fixed
payment cycle. A forecast for payments should also recognize statutory regulations
on prompt payment as well as payment schedules agreed with suppliers. Forecasts
should include room for error in accordance with predetermined tolerance limits.
commitments, and transactions initiated but yet to be concluded during the year;
and information about changes in the underlying macro- economic assumptions.
With the widespread implementation of IFMIS over the last decade, there have
been significant improvements in every aspect of government cash management.
An IMF publication on Integrated Financial Management Systems7 mentions
that the changes which have been driven by technological advances both in
computerized information databases and in telecommunications “have facilitated
government banking arrangements such that commercial banks can readily cope
with high volumes of electronic revenue and expenditure transactions across large
geographical regions. In addition, zero-balancing of accounts can occur on a daily
basis and in some cases more frequently, committed amounts for future payment
can be automatically included within cash plans, and spreadsheet analysis of actual
versus forecast is performed for thousands of line items that comprise annual
budget law appropriations. Government cash managers also rely heavily on the
availability of complete databases of historical revenues and expenditures to enable
better cash planning through the use of trend analysis, often using interfaces with
government financial management information systems.”
Furthermore, IFMIS provides the facility for data entry and validation at source,
ensuring the quality of budget execution data used for cash management. The IT
processes for handling budget execution in the Treasury vary considerably from
country to country depending on the availability of electronic data processing
facilities. In a majority of developing countries, the “Request for Payments”
from spending units is handled through the submission of paper documents,
or electronic documents transmitted through e-mails. In countries where the
spending units are direct users of IFMIS, requests for payment are controlled
by the system at source, for budget and cash availability. However, even though
IFMIS provides the facility for data entry and validation at source, prevailing
financial regulations continue to require transmission of paper documents for
review so that the electronic approvals at the different stages of the expenditure
cycle can also be verified manually. This could delay the recording of transactions
and manual interventions after the initial data capture and could result in a
deterioration of data quality if changes are made during the manual verification
A number of countries using IFMIS have interfaced Treasury systems with the
payment systems used by banks to expedite electronic payments and automate
bank reconciliation. Data security continues to be a concern with the banks, but
with the evolution of IFMIS this concern is being addressed. The use of electronic
signatures is commonplace, and data security and data exchange agreements
between the Treasury, banks and government beneficiaries have been put in
place. While automated reconciliation between the Treasury and its banker is
commonplace, the reconciliation between the Treasury and the implementation
agencies is rarely automated. This is mainly because countries cannot afford to
provide IFMIS user licenses to spending units. Some countries are in the process
of developing additional software to interface stand-alone financial management
systems operating in implementation agencies with IFMIS. This will automate
reconciliation of payments made through the Treasury with the payments
requested by spending units and thereby improve the quality of expenditure data
used in cash management.
In summary, the use of IFMIS in government enhances the quality and timeliness
of data required for cash management. Advantages include:
Ministries of finance usually conduct staff training programs in the area of cash
management to ensure sustainability. Most of the training needed at the spending
units and sub-national levels does not have to be very specialized. Administrators
and financial managers at these levels need to have a basic grasp of the overall
objectives of cash management and their roles and responsibilities in promoting
efficient cash management within their own organization and at the national
level. The training programs should be delivered through a regular schedule of
programs structured to provide initial training for new staff and in-service training
for regular staff. An important condition for attending such programs would be
that the trained staff should be required to remain in their cash planning related
jobs for a fixed period of time following the training.
Active cash management in the Treasury requires training in more specialized cash
management techniques. Active cash management in the money market requires
skill sets that are currently lacking in ministries of finance in most developing
countries. Qualified staff could be recruited from financial institutions or the
existing staff provided with long-term formal training in appropriate educational
institutions to build capacity. Appropriate career opportunities and incentives
would be required to retain the specialized staff. Front office, transaction
processing and operational and credit risk management systems would need to
be put in place internally to support active cash management. The decision to
develop an active cash management function within the Treasury should be taken
after a cost benefit analysis. Many countries prefer to delegate this responsibility
to the central bank.9
With the Treasury assuming the responsibility for ensuring availability of cash to
meet the budgeted commitments of spending units, their financial managers may
Chapter 1 15
In the UK, the Treasury10 has used a combination of reputational and financial
The 2011 NAO survey of the effectiveness of incentives shows that in the UK
reputational incentives are more effective in motivating cash managers. Financial
incentives are perceived as too insignificant to change behavior, but are useful to
illustrate the importance of good forecasting to non-finance staff, and therefore to
improve their performance.
1.3.1. Background
After the crisis in 1998, the new government of Indonesia faced sharply increased
government debt levels and eroded government revenues, bringing to an end
Indonesia’s comfortable pre-crisis fiscal position. Recognizing the need for PFM
reform, a 2001 White Paper12 stated that transparency in government budget
preparation and accountability in treasury management would strengthen the
responsive, efficient and effective allocation and use of resources, and constitute
an essential element of Indonesia’s anti-poverty program.
18 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
During 2003–2005, new laws relating to the state finance, national planning,
treasury, and external audit were adopted by parliament. The Treasury Law
provided a legal basis for the “fund manager” responsibilities of the Treasury
including the responsibility for the rationalization of government bank accounts,
many of which had been established by spending ministries and were outside
the supervision of the MOF. A number of decrees and financial instructions
were issued to implement the TSA regime and to establish the cash management
function. These are explained later in this chapter.
These timely and comprehensive PFM reforms helped Indonesia to recover from
the economic crisis of the late 1990s and establish robust financial management
systems that withstood the economic downturn of 2008. The IMF Article IV
Consultation Staff Report of 2012 noted that a fundamental reform of the policy
framework over the past decade had left Indonesia in a stronger position when the
global economy turned sour after 2007. The gross debt of the general government
as a percentage of GDP declined from 76% to under 25% between 2000 and
An important lesson learnt from the crises of 1998 and 2008 was that the
management of state cash in Indonesia had become increasingly important, since
the country would lose credibility if the government did not have the liquidity
to meet its expenditure commitments. The conservative fiscal policy followed by
the government over the last several years has contributed to the accumulation of
Chapter 1 19
cash surpluses. The cash surpluses resulted from tax revenue coming in at or above
target and under-spending of budget appropriations resulting in a lower than
projected deficit while borrowing continued at the maximum ceiling permitted by
the fiscal targets. This can be seen from the illustrative table below, which shows
the annual cash surplus balances at end of year known as SILPA (annual budget
financing surplus or excess cash from unrealized budget) providing a considerable
degree of cash liquidity, but at the same time resulting in negative carrying costs
due to the fact that the remuneration on this excess cash is lower than the cost of
borrowing (yield of the state securities – SBN).
SILPA IDR 44.7 trillion IDR 46.5 trillion IDR 21.8 trillion IDR 26.1 trillion
(USD 4.47 billion) (USD 4.65 billion) (USD 2.18 billion) (USD 2.61 billion)
Net SBN (Bonds) IDR 91.1 trillion IDR 119.9 trillion IDR 159.7 trillion IDR 224.6 trillion
Issuance (USD 9.11 billion) (USD11.99 billion) (USD15.97 billion) (USD 22.46 billion)
Cost of carrying IDR 1,676 billion IDR 1,511 billion IDR 600 billion IDR 841 billion
excess Funds (USD 167 million) (USD 151 million) (USD 60 million) (USD 84 million)
for 1 full year
Moreover, as can be seen from the table below, the nominal amount of cash
managed by the Government in its budget for the last 9 years (2004 to 2013) has
increased significantly (more than three times).
Revenue and Grant IDR 495 trillion IDR 1,529 trillion 308.9%
Given the prudent fiscal policy followed by consecutive governments over the last
decade, shortage of cash has never been a challenge during budget implementation
in Indonesia. The 2013 budget deficit reached 2.15 per cent, up from 1.14 per
cent in 2011 and 1.86 in 2012, but still under the fiscal target of 3 per cent of
GDP. Indonesia has, by law, set fiscal targets for general government (including
sub national governments) of a budget deficit of no more than 3 per cent of GDP
and a net public debt of no more than 60% of GDP.15 In addition, the government
usually has cash balances of around 1-2 per cent of GDP. The motivation for better
cash management in Indonesia, therefore, relates to more efficient management of
excess liquidity rather than shortages.
As seen in the figure below, in a typical year, the Government’s total cash balance
held in the Central Bank grows to a large surplus in the first half of the year,
remains at this level for a few months, and then declines late in the year, with an
average daily balance of around IDR 94 trillion during 2012 and IDR 60 trillion
during 2013.
Trillion IDR
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2011 2012 2013
Chapter 1 21
These large cyclical surpluses are caused by three main factors. First, DG Debt
Management’s annual ‘front loading’ strategy for state securities (SBN) issuance
means that the majority of the financing for the budget is done in the first half of
the year, which is aimed at reducing uncertainty in obtaining funds from the less
liquid domestic bond market in a developing country such as Indonesia. Second,
the majority of tax revenues are collected in the first half of the year. And third, the
majority of the government’s expenditure occurs in the fourth quarter of the year.
The combination of these factors results in the government holding significant
cash surpluses for a large part of the year. While all countries require a ‘cash buffer’
to cover unexpected and/or volatile expenditure, more accurate cash controlling
and forecast would allow DG Treasury to provide advice on ways to smooth the
cash profile—and hence reduce the cash buffer—through the debt issuance and
redemption strategy. Reducing the average ‘cash buffer’ on the Indonesian account
will reduce the costs of unnecessary debt issuance, and will also allow for ‘term’
The principal objective of state cash management in Indonesia is the efficient and
effective use of funds possessed by the state. This can be achieved by, among other
The promulgation of the State Finance Law and the State Treasury Law provided
the basis for detailed regulations in the area of cash management. As stated in
the regulation, cash management objectives are to ensure (i) availability of cash
to cover the state liabilities, (ii) effective and efficient action to optimize returns
from cash surplus or to deal with cash shortage, (iii) provision of cash to Line
Ministries/Institutions in accordance with their cash flow projections to fund their
activities, and (iv) timely payment to suppliers of the Line Ministries/ Institutions
in accordance with their schedule of activities.
The Law on State Finance16 establishes the Minister of Finance as the General State
Treasurer. This is further elaborated in the State Treasury Law,17 which authorizes
the Minister of Finance to regulate and organize government accounts; save state
money in the account at the central bank; and open the accounts of revenue and
expenditure at commercial banks to accommodate state receipts and expenditures
for financing government activities.18 The Treasury Law19 also stipulates that the
central government obtain interest20 from the government account at the central
bank at the rate set on the basis of the agreement between the central bank
Governor and the Minister of Finance.
The recent issuance of a Government Regulation28 has further specified the duties
and authority of the Ministry of Finance in managing the receipts and spending of
State Cash through the State General Cash Account at the central bank in order to
better manage the implementation of the State Budget. The regulation details the
duties and responsibilities of the Treasurers of Receipts and Payments with regard
to the deposit of revenues in the State General Cash Account and for making
direct electronic payments from the State General Cash Account. It permits Public
Service Agencies (PSAs) to use their own revenues without depositing them in the
State General Cash Account. It regulates the end-of-year provisions for the carry
forward of budget allocations and for payments for goods and services that have
been ordered but not received.
In accordance with Law No.17 of 2003 Regarding State Finance, the Minister of
Finance, as an aide to the President in the field of finance, is the Chief Financial
Officer (CFO) of the Government, while the head of each institution/minister
is a Chief Operational Officer (COO) in the different sectors of government
The legal framework authorizes the line ministries/agencies as the COO to carry
out an action that results in the generation of a commitment of state expenditures;
the verification and authorization of invoices submitted by the vendors to the
ministry/ agencies in connection with the realization of commitments; and,
requesting Treasury for payments those vendors or collecting state revenue
receipts that arise as a consequence of budget implementation. Meanwhile, the
Minister of Finance, as the CFO, has the authority to implement the Treasury’s
cash management responsibilities. It also authorizes to verify the commitments
and expenditures request incurred by the ministries/agencies; release the payment
to the vendors and to verify and reconcile the revenues collected by them.
The current organizational structure of the MOF is shown in the figure below:
Figure 1.3 Organizational Structure of MOF
Inspectorate Secretariat
General General
Directorate Directorate Directorate Directorate Directorate Directorate Directorate Fiscal Agency for
General for General for General for General for General for General for General for Policy Finance
Budget Taxes Custom & Fiscal Treasury State Assets Debt Office Education
Excise Duties Balance Management Management & Training
DG Treasury
Directorate General
Directorate for Directorate Directorate for Directorate for Directorate for Directorate for Directorate for Senior
Budget for Cash Investment Public Service Accounting Treasury Treasury Analyst
Implementation Management Management Agency & Reporting System Transformation
(PA) (PKN) System (SMI) (BLU) (APK) (SP) (TP)
33 Treasury
Regional Office
181 Treasury
Local Office
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Chapter 1 27
The main role of the DG Treasury is to execute the state treasury responsibilities,
especially for raising the efficiency, effectiveness, and control over the State’s cash
flow. The Finance Minister regulation No. 184/2010 on the organization and job
descriptions of the MOF set up DG Treasury with seven technical directorates
and one Secretary DG in the headquarters. Meanwhile, DG Treasury has 33
Regional Treasury Branches (RTB/KANWIL) and 181 Local Treasury Branches
(LTB/KPPN) across Indonesia. The RTBs are located in each of the provincial
capitals while most of the 181 LTBs are located in the capitals of regencies and
cities. Although the number of RTBs and LTBs are less than the total number
of provinces/regencies/cities in Indonesia, these regional and local treasury
offices are assigned to service more than 24,000 spending units of the central
government’s line ministries across Indonesia. With the decentralization, DG
Treasury is, however, not responsible for managing the treasury operations of the
Sub-National Governments. In total, DG Treasury has around 8,000 employees,
with more than 6,000 people located in its regional and local treasury offices.
At present, DCM is entrusted with defining the policy for cash management
and implementing the policy. DCM has around 100 staff equally distributed
and assigned to the following sub- directorates: (i) cash plan and management;
(ii) management of general state cash accounts; (iii) management of state cash
accounts; (iv) loan and grant accounts; (v) management of other state cash
accounts and spending unit treasurer accounts; and, (vi) management of state
28 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Directorate for
Cash Management
Supporting Unit
Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director
for Cash Plan for General for State for Loan/Grant for Other State for State
and State Cash Cash Account Account and Spending Revenue
Management Account (RKUN) Unit Account
Among the six sub-directorates, the responsibility for preparing the cash plan
and cash management strategy is that of the sub-directorate for cash plan and
management, which is responsible for:
• conducting the transfers from the TSA and operating the Government
Electronic Banking system;
• administering, accounting and recording the cash transfer transactions;
• consolidating the cash flow reports of the treasury branches
The Sub-Directorate for other State Accounts and Spending Unit Treasurer
Lastly, the sub-directorate of state revenue is responsible for reconciling the data,
preparing the report, and accounting of the state revenue income collected by the
government accredited bank/post office.
30 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Local treasury offices (LTBs) were reorganized in 2007 into a modern front, middle
and back office administrative structure.30 The back office was given responsibility
for accounting, reporting, reconciliation, and maintaining the internal and
external cash position of the treasury branch. The capacity of Treasury staff was
enhanced to be able to deliver services in accordance with the new legal and
regulatory framework. Greater emphasis was also placed on the Treasury-Client
relationship with the spending units. Standard operating procedures of the local
treasury offices prescribed specific time limits to process and approve payment
documents presented at the front office.
The work of cash management itself, such as disbursing the state funds, managing
state revenue and expenditure from the state cash accounts, and administering
the cash transactions of the spending units of the central ministry’s agencies, is
done by the local treasury.31 The main responsibility for monitoring cash flow
requirements is that of the back office in the local treasury. The back office is also
entrusted with the task of advising spending unit staff, including providing them
with guidance and assistance in the preparation and submission of cash plans.
In the future, with the IFMIS in place, the disbursement and receipt functions
will be highly automated, requiring less involvement of the DG Treasury
regional office staff. It is intended that the main role of Regional Treasury Offices
(RTBs) will be shifted to provide technical support, guidance and capacity
building in the implementation of cash management at the levels of the local
treasury branch and the line ministries’ spending units in the regions. RTB staff
will be also expected to assist in developing the capacity of the local government
finance unit staff in managing their regional government money.
Established in 2006 as the result of the public finance and decentralization reforms,
the DG Fiscal Balance has a role to play in implementing the intergovernmental
transfer policy and in the projection of cash transfers (Balance Fund; Revenue
Sharing; General Allocation Fund; Specific Purpose Fund; Special Autonomy
Fund & Adjustment Fund) to the regions.32
The Law on Fiscal Balance33 prescribes the following roles for DG Fiscal Balance:
• In collaboration with the Fiscal Policy Office, establishing the limits for
the cumulative deficit of the local budget and maximum borrowing to
ensure that the total of central and local deficits is under 3% of GDP and
the total borrowings do not exceed 60% of GDP. This is to ensure fiscal
policy sustainability at national and subnational levels;
• Working together with the Budget Committee of parliament to set the
budget allocation for transfers to the regions;
• Signing the on-lending agreement for a loan from an overseas lender to the
local government;
• Setting up a regional finance information system on a national basis; and
• Granting permission for the issuance of regional bonds.
Taking into account the WB-IMF recommendations and the need to have a
better cash flow projection to finance budget allocations, an Asset and Liability
Management Committee (ALMC) was set up in February 2013. The ALMC is
chaired by the Minister of Finance, with the Vice Minister as the Deputy Chair.
32 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The Planning and Finance Bureau (PFB)34 within each spending ministry plays
the main role in harmonizing the budget with the procurement plan and the
cash disbursement plan. During the fiscal year, the PFB conducts monthly
expenditure reviews with the major spending units and their respective DGs to
compare the actual procurements realized with the disbursements and timeliness
of the procurement packages included in the budget documentation. Some PFBs,
such as the MOF PFB, use a budget disbursement tool35 to monitor revenue,
expenditure, and procurement progress.
Line Ministries are required to submit detailed monthly rolling cash flow plans
to DG Treasury. The rolling plans include cash flows for the upcoming quarter
broken down by months; and for the upcoming month broken down by weeks.
The Minister of Finance has the authority to perform cash management functions,
which, according to regulations, should include cash planning through to cash
Chapter 1 33
forecasting, cash inflow, cash outflow, cash surplus and cash shortfall, as well
as implementation of a TSA. In addition, the management of bank accounts,
government collections and payments, and the remuneration of idle balances are
also part of cash management. In practice, the MOF delegates its authority by
appointing DG Treasury as the proxy of the Finance Minister to perform some
treasury functions. This authority includes setting up a government collection and
payment system, appointing operational banks and/or financial institutions for
the disbursement of the state budget, raising and managing the state funds needed
to execute the budget, and depositing/saving cash. In addition, the state treasury
also has the right to manage the placement of idle cash, manage the government’s
investments, and execute payment based on requests from spending units.
LTBs are the focal points for receiving cash flow projections from the Spending
Units (local offices of line ministries) and submitting them to their Regional
Treasury Offices (RTBs). RTBs are responsible for receiving and consolidating
the cash flow projections of LTBs in their region and submitting the consolidated
plans to the Directorate of Cash Management (DCM). The DCM is responsible
for compiling and updating the cash flow plans received by the MOF and for
submitting the updated consolidated plans to the ALMC.
Revise Expenditure
expenditure and forecast
revenue forecast Debt and grant Plan borrowing
forecast strategy/
Determine Updates spending/
borrowing withdrawal limit,
requirements warrants
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
and the Cash Management of different DGs that manage non-line ministry
budgets. The diagram below shows the standard features of the SPAN Oracle cash
management module, which interlinks with the other modules.
Acct. Payable
Cash Bank Cash Other
Forecasting Transfer Positioning System
Acct. Receivable Interface
User Defined
Starting in mid-2014, the SPAN Oracle COTS solution will be available not only
to the DG Treasury headquarters but also to the different units in the Ministry of
Finance including DG Budget, DG Fiscal Balance, and DG Debt Management
as well as to the regional and local treasury branches. Spending units will interface
with SPAN through integrated financial application software called SAKTI being
developed by the MOF. This new software will integrate all the currently used
stand-alone applications at the spending units and function as a feeder application
for SPAN. The SPAN cash management module will then have access to timely
and accurate financial information as a result of this direct interface with SAKTI.
The box below brings out the salient features of SAKTI.
Chapter 1 37
Box 1.1 Salient Features of the IFMIS (SPAN) Feeder Application SAKTI
• In parallel with the development of SPAN that will be operational at the Treasury
Headquarter and 181 Treasury branches (LTBs), MOF decided to develop a new
application, called SAKTI, as a middle layer application which would serve all the needs
of the 24,000 Spending Units (SUs) across Indonesia.
• The objective of SAKTI is to improve the quality of data input to SPAN, by integrating the
SPAN application and database which will be used by DG Treasury with the Spending
Units. SAKTI will cover the entire process of financial management at the Spending
Unit level, from the budgeting, to execution and reporting, including asset register and
other information support for accrual accounts.
• SAKTI is being designed in such a way that it could be used either online, off-line or a
LAN environment.
The daily and monthly cash ceiling projected by the spending unit is the
maximum cash that can be withdrawn by that spending unit during that period.39
Consequently, if the spending unit did not submit its updated and revised cash
forecasting plan, its request for payment is not processed if the ceiling of the
month has been exceeded. This sanction is, however, difficult to implement since,
in practice, for the last few years more than 60% of spending has occurred in the
last quarter (October–December); hence, by just denying the payment without
encouraging the spending units to update their cash plan prior to requesting for
payment, DG Treasury would be blamed for impeding budget disbursement.
In line with international practice, the sanction is imposed at the line ministry
level (budget users) and/or program manager (director general) rather than at the
individual spending unit level.
DCM of DG Treasury has started to improve the quality of its daily cash
forecasting through including its performance in making cash projections as a key
performance indicator (KPI). This KPI will be used as the basis for measuring the
work performance of the unit. Therefore, it is important for DCM staff to ensure
40 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
that the accuracy of their cash projections is high, with minimum deviation
between forecast and actual. The table below on the deviation between the DCM
monthly cash forecast and actual realization over the last two years shows that
their accuracy in forecasting still needs to be improved.
Feb 5% 2% 6% 2%
Aug 4% 5% 4% 13%
Sep 3% 4% 4% 0%
Oct 7% 6% 7% 2%
Nov 6% 18% 4% 1%
Dec 2% 2% -1% 2%
While continuing its efforts to improve cash forecasting quality, Indonesia is now
planning to move to active daily cash management. As will be seen from the
table in Appendix 1, the coordination of cash and debt management is always
challenging and complex, but it is now being improved through regular ALMC
and CPIN meetings. The preparation of the Treasury Dealing Room (TDR) is
underway although as explained in chapter 4 there are a number of important
matters to address to ensure that its operations do not conflict with those of DG
DM and of BI. Once the TDR is operating the Treasury will be able to participate
in the money markets to obtain a better rate of remuneration from the cash that
will be placed/invested in selected commercial state-owned banks and to trade the
short-term instruments (i.e., 90-day T-bills) in the money market. The Treasury
Chapter 1 41
¹ Government Cash Management, United Kingdom’s National Audit Office, NAO HC 546, 16th
October 2009
² Cash Management Made Easy, 2002, Financial Management Service, US Department of Treasury.
³ Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001, issued by the IMF Statistics Department
4 For example in France
5 For example in India
6 This is the case in a number of African countries (MEFMI Public Debt Management Manual), and
East European countries such as the Czech Republic and Slovenia.
7 Public Financial Management and its Emerging Architecture, IMF; John Gardner and Brian Olden,
8 Ian Lienert, 2009, Modernizing Cash Management, (Washington: IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department).
9 For example: Denmark.
¹0 UK NAO Report of 2011
¹¹ Ian Lienert, 2009, Modernizing Cash Management, (Washington: IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department).
¹² Reform of the Public Financial Management System in Indonesia, 2001
¹³ The Jakarta Post, Jakarta, September 18, 2004
¹4 Article IV Consultation Staff Report 2012 (Washington: International Monetary Fund)
¹5 The Government Regulation No. 23/2003
¹6 Law No.17 of 2003
¹7 Law No. 1/2004
¹8 Article 22 of the State Treasury Law
¹9 Article 23 of the State Treasury Law
²0 “and/or banking services”
²¹ Government Regulation Number 39 of 2007 Regarding the Management of State/Regional Funds
²² Article #4 of the Government Regulation No. 39/2007
²³ (SBN)
²4 Article 32 Paragraph (1) Government Regulation Number 39 of 2007
²5 Article 32 Paragraph (4) Government Regulation Number 39 of 2007
²6 Finance Minister Regulation (PMK) 192 of 2009 on Cash Planning
²7 Finance Minister Regulation (PMK) 03 of 2014 on The Placement of the State Cash at the
commercial banks
²8 Government Regulation (PP) Number 45 of 2013 on “The State Revenue and Expenditure Budget
Implementing Guidelines”
²9 A 2013 study under taken by MOF on Institutional Transformation recommended a vision to have
a “lean and mean” combined unit performing “end to end” cash and debt management functions in
³0 The LTB Percontohan
³¹ Finance Minister Regulation No. 169/2012
³² In 2013 33 provinces and 491 districts /municipalities were to receive transfer allocations from the
central government budget.
³³ Law No. 33/2004
Chapter 1 45
³4 The roles of the PFBs and their operating procedures are not uniform across ministries. The roles
and processes described above are based on an interview with the head of the PFB of MOF.
³5 MONIKA: an application developed and used by the PFB of the Ministry of Finance
³6 Finance Minister regulation No. 192/2009
³7 Sistem Perbendaharaan dan Anggaran Negara
³8 A series of events to socialize the new cash forecasting regulation (PMK 192/2009) and its IT
application in 2011 as part of the capacity building program for the spending units was partly funded
by The World Bank Public Finance Management Multi Donor Trust Funds (PFM- MDTF) program.
³9 Article 8 of the Finance Minister regulation No. 192/2009 and article 17 DG Treasury Regulation
No. 03/2010
40 The PEFA was founded in December 2001 as a multi-donor partnership between the World Bank,
the European Commission, and the UK’s Department for International Development, the Swiss State
Secretariat for Economic Affairs, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Royal Norwegian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the International Monetary Fund. The PEFA Framework was created
as a high level analytical instrument which consists of a set of 31 indicators and a supporting PFM
Performance Report, providing an overview of the performance of a country’s PFM system.
Agus D.W. Martowardojo Muhamad Chatib Basri
Bank Indonesia Governor Finance Minister
Chapter 2
Setting Up and Managing the TSA
Chapter 2 49
TSA Structure
Theoretically, TSA architecture can be divided into three types, based on the
structure of the bank accounts and the transaction processing model:
In practice, TSA structures are usually hybrids of these three versions. In many
countries, major payments such as transfers to lower levels of government and
subsidies to state owned enterprises are made by the central Treasury through
direct electronic payments from the TSA to the beneficiaries. Other payments
Chapter 2 51
are made through the regional treasury bank accounts, either by electronic
payments or through checks. Taking advantage of technological developments in
some countries, all central government transactions are processed electronically
through the central treasury without any intervention from local treasuries. In
such cases, the local treasury branches are either closed or tasked with processing
the transactions of local governments in their jurisdiction.
Imprest accounts, opened at the spending units with approved cash limits set
by the Treasury for making small payments such as those related to travel or low
value office supplies, are not always considered a part of the TSA system. Where
they are separate, banking arrangements for such imprest accounts range from the
“pooling” of daily residual balances for the purpose of receiving remuneration on
idle government balances, to elimination of imprest accounts by the issuance of
debit cards to the finance officers of the spending units (within limits prescribed by
the Treasury) so as to obviate the need for holding unremunerated cash balances.
Pattanayak and Fainbom (2010) suggest that a TSA structure can contain ledger
sub-accounts in a single banking institution (not necessarily a central bank), and
can accommodate external zero-balance accounts in a number of commercial
banks. However, these separate accounts should be integrated with a top account
(called the TSA main account) usually held at the central bank for netting off their
balances (usually at the end of each day) to get the consolidated cash position.
Usually two or three main government accounts are held within the central
bank ledgers. One main account (the “top” account) is set up to receive all the
government cash inflows. A second account is generally operated by the central
treasury for funding the zero balanced expenditure accounts held either by the
budget agencies or by the treasury branches. This second account is funded daily
from the “top” account. A third account is used as an “investment” account. This
account is funded from the “top” account whenever the combined balances of the
other two accounts exceed the operating balance targeted by the treasury and is
used to invest the surplus balances in accordance with instructions issued by the
Additionally, Mike Williams2 suggests that the TSA structure in the central
bank may include multiple sub-accounts, for example to maintain the distinct
accounting identity or ledger of line ministries, agencies and tax departments.
52 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Electronic “CORE3 banking” facilities provide the opportunity for the Treasury to
set and modify cash disbursement ceilings in the sub-accounts of spending units
in accordance with their approved cash plans. For cash management purposes,
positive and negative balances in these accounts are netted into the main TSA
operational account—the top account in a pyramid structure. This distinction
between ledger accounts and actual bank accounts is important—the ledger
accounts do not hold cash but are used to monitor flows. A government spending
unit’s legal authority to spend is not represented by actual cash. At any one time,
the aggregate permissions to spend may greatly exceed the cash held in the top
account. This is not a problem so long as cash is available when payments actually
need to be made.
However, the maintenance of detailed sub-accounts within the TSA general ledger
in the central bank does impose additional transaction overheads on the central
bank. It is the responsibility of the owners of the data (Treasury/ tax department)
to ensure that the data resident in the central bank ledgers are properly classified
and reconciled. Though this reconciliation is automated, any discrepancies
noticed would have to be reconciled by the data owners with the central bank and
correction of entries made in the detailed sub-accounts of the central bank. This
would result in additional transaction costs for the central bank.
Chapter 2 53
TSA Coverage
The coverage of the TSA varies from country to country depending on the
political and legal framework. The coverage of the TSA is determined by the PFM
legal framework; central bank acts; state revenue agency acts; and decentralized
fiscal responsibilities prescribed in national constitutions. The political and legal
environment determines the extent to which the cash balances of the general
government4 (see chapter 1) sector are consolidated in the TSA. The cash balances
of some agencies held outside the TSA may be held in designated accounts within
the central bank.
TSA Processes
Options for accessing and operating the TSA mainly depend on institutional
structures and transaction processing arrangements. The Treasury, as the chief
financial agent of the government, should manage the government’s cash (and
54 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
debt) positions to ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet financial
obligations, idle cash is efficiently invested, and debt is optimally issued in
accordance with the prevailing acts and fiscal targets.
In order to prepare financial reports and to reconcile payments made through the
Treasury on behalf of spending units, the Treasury, in its general ledger, maintains
individual spending unit budget allocations. In other words, individual spending
unit cash balances earlier maintained in bank accounts are replaced by ledger
accounts in the Treasury general ledger to identify available budget allocations
during the year. Inter-agency transfers are accounted for within the Treasury
general ledger, without affecting TSA operations. The Treasury should lay down
procedures for reconciling the government balances in the books of the central
bank with the balances recorded in its general ledger. In some countries, the
spending units record their cash flows in a central general ledger “hosted” by
the Treasury and issue pay orders directly on the central bank (see scenario 4 of
chapter 3). In this arrangement, it is the responsibility of the spending units to
reconcile their cash flow with the central bank. In other countries where spending
units maintain their own stand-alone general ledgers (see scenario 1 of chapter
3), the reconciliation procedures developed by the Treasury should provide for
reconciliation of their own general ledger sub-accounts with the corresponding
ledger accounts maintained by the spending units.
Chapter 2 55
In most countries, the TSA is kept in the central bank so as to ensure the security
of government funds. The fiscal risk of government funds lying outside the central
bank is mitigated by periodically sweeping surplus cash balances pertaining
to these funds into the TSA. In cases where legal agreements (such as donor
requirements) require government funds to be kept in commercial banks, public
funds are secured through pledges of corresponding collateral by the respective
commercial banks.
If the central bank does not have an adequate network of regional branches or
does not have the capacity to handle the large volume of transactions, which are
associated with government payments and receipts, retail banking operations
can be delegated to a fiscal agent (normally an authorized commercial bank or
government run post office). The Treasury transfers funds daily from the TSA in
the central bank to the fiscal agent. The fiscal agent makes payments on behalf
of the Treasury and returns any residual balances remaining at the end of the
day to the TSA. Revenues collected by accredited fiscal agents on behalf of the
government are remitted daily to the TSA.
The Treasury usually negotiates agreements with the central bank and commercial
banks for providing banking services to the government. These agreements could
be informal such as allowing commercial banks to either retain government
funds for limited periods of time, thus enabling them to invest these funds in
overnight money markets, or set them off against statutory liquidity requirements.
Alternatively, the agreements may specifically provide for rates per transaction for
processing government revenues and payments. International practices generally
provide for the payment of transaction related banking fees. Bank fees can add
up over time, particularly when multiple bank accounts are being maintained,
but these fees can be reduced through consolidation of bank accounts while
continuing to maintain separate ledger accounts in the books of the Treasury.
International good practices also recommend periodic floating of tenders (say
every 3-5 years) for securing banking services. This facilitates maximizing interest
and minimizing fees. Banks continually refine their products and services, and
periodic tendering for their services can encourage competition to identify the
most cost-effective banking services.
56 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
There have been significant improvements in commercial banking systems over the
last decade. Nowadays, most banks use CORE6 banking applications to support
their operations. Banks make these services available across multiple channels like
ATMs, internet banking, and branch banks. Governments are increasing their use
of ATMs and internet banking to collect government revenues. Debit cards issued
by banks under the authority of the Treasury are also being used to make urgent,
low-value payments for the purchase of goods and services by the spending units.
i. The MOF should first develop a functional design for the operation of the
TSA, including the roles of the central and commercial banks.
ii. The Treasury should complete an inventory of all the bank accounts owned
by spending units.
iii. A schedule to consolidate these bank accounts into the TSA should be
established and agreed with the owners of the bank accounts so as to
ensure that there is no disruption in government activities as a result of the
transfer of ownership.
iv. The Treasury should tender for banking services, keeping in mind the large
volumes of transactions associated with government activities and the need
for timely and accurate information on government cash resources for cash
v. The Treasury should review any special circumstances that prevent the
integration of residual government-owned bank accounts into the TSA so
as to find ways of bringing the information related to such bank accounts
into the cash management exercise. In parallel, the Treasury should also
Chapter 2 57
Australia, India7, and Kyrgyz Republic are some countries implementing mixed
TSA architectures that combine the three models discussed earlier in section
2.2.2. In large countries with decentralized federal governments such as India
and Australia, each federal government maintains its own TSA. The federal TSAs
could be held in branches of the central bank as in India or in commercial banks
as in Australia.
The French TSA8 covers national and regional (local) governments, municipalities
and quasi-governmental bodies. It is managed by the agency of the French
Treasury (Agence France Trésor). The government cash, which is required by
7,562 operating (transaction) accounts all over the country, are swept back into
the TSA account (the state treasury account) at the Central Bank (Banque de
France) in real time. Banque de France has a number of branches at the regional
level, which are used to handle government transactions. There is no involvement
of commercial banks.
In the United States, the TSA is managed by the US Treasury. It covers only
the federal government. The Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), which has a role as
the main government bank, maintains the Treasury’s general account (TGA).
Disbursements are managed through the intermediation of the FRB and are
reflected in the TGA in real time, while tax revenue collections are made through
a network of a thousand financial institutions. Under this TSA system, although
each agency and bureau has accounting control and responsibility for the timing
and use of its funds, they do not hold the funds in bank accounts outside the
Treasury. An IFMIS is also available to support the implementation of TSA in
the US.9
TSA and unused balances are swept back into the TSA at the end of each day.
In some countries like Ukraine, government revenues are deposited into the
commercial bank accounts of field treasury offices and net balances remaining
in those accounts, after paying for expenditures during the day, are swept to the
TSA. In such cases, anticipated shortages of cash resulting from timing differences
between inflows and outflows are funded through remittances made by the central
Treasury from the TSA.
In some other countries such as India, expenditure accounts held by field treasury
offices are virtual cash balances identified in terms of expenditure ceilings recorded
in commercial bank accounts. Payments are made by the banks from their own
resources, up to the ceiling limits, followed by a daily transfer of funds from the
TSA to recoup the resources utilized by the commercial bank during the day.
The banks are compensated for the short-term credit provided to government
through a comprehensive transaction fee. Another variation of this structure is the
implementation in Rwanda, where the virtual ceilings are dynamic to the extent
that they are increased to reflect “own revenues” remitted by the non-tax revenue
collecting ministries. This is intended to provide an incentive for ministries to
collect their dues efficiently, although it is desirable to have some budgetary
oversight of the expenditures.
To summarize, the TSA concept is still evolving. The earlier versions of TSAs
were managed by the central banks of those countries. When Treasuries were
Chapter 2 59
established in these countries, the management of the TSA was transferred from
the central bank to the Treasury under the Ministry of Finance. The Treasury
became the hub for revenue collection and payment transactions. Many different
TSA solutions have been implemented. In some countries where the central bank
has a presence at the sub-national level, the preference is to operate through the
regional branches of the central bank. However, in other countries, central banks
are reluctant to enter the retail banking business as this is a diversion from their
main responsibilities related to banking supervision and the management of
monetary policy. In most countries, the central bank hosts the TSA, which is
managed by the Treasury. At the same time, there are countries like Italy where the
central bank manages the TSA on behalf of the Treasury.
2.3.1. Background
The State Treasury Law is the main legal basis for the implementation of TSA
in Indonesia. The law authorizes the Minister of Finance to appoint banks and
financial institutions to conduct government business, deposit state money and
manage investments.12 The Minister of Finance is also authorized to organize and
operate a single account (the State General Cash Account) at the central bank. All
state revenues and expenditures of the government are required to go through the
state general cash account (RKUN).13
Detailed regulations issued to implement the provisions of the State Treasury Law
included procedures for:
• depositing all state receipts in the TSA and making all state expenditures
from the TSA;14
• implementing Zero-Balance Expenditure Bank Accounts at designated
commercial banks of LTBs;15
Chapter 2 61
Deficit 4VSQMVT
'*/"/$*/( 1-"$&.&/5
• controlling the cash balance and cash flow through legal provisions
requiring all receipts and expenditures to pass through the TSA;
• consolidating government cash balances in the TSA on a daily basis by
incorporating cash balances dispersed over numerous bank accounts used
for defraying government operational costs;
• minimizing the cash float in government bank accounts outside the TSA
to minimize risk and optimize returns on government cash resources; and
• augmenting accountability through transparency in the management of
state cash receipts and expenditures.
62 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The basic bank account structure in Indonesia is shown in the figure below:
Accounts held in
Revenue Account SGCA Other Account/SAL
Bank Indonesia
In general, the government bank accounts, which are categorized as TSA and
managed by the Finance Minister as the State General Treasurer in BI, can be
classified as follows:
i. The State General Cash Account (SGCA/RKUN): used for fulfilling the
government daily cash needs and maintained at a minimum of IDR 2
trillion for the Rupiah account and USD 1 million (or equivalent) for
USD and/or other foreign currency accounts, and remunerated at 0.1%
per annum.
ii. Investment/Placement accounts: used for keeping the idle government
cash and remunerated by BI at 65% of the BI rate for IDR accounts, 65%
of the Fed Fund rate for USD accounts, and 65% of the reference rate of
the home currency for other currencies.
iii. Revenue accounts: used for retaining the receipts from revenues other
than tax and non-tax. Most of these (129) mainly foreign currency
denominated accounts pertain to loans/grants provided by the donors.
The balance kept in these accounts is remunerated by BI at 65% of the
BI rate for IDR accounts, 65% of the Fed Fund rate for USD accounts,
and 65% of the reference rate of the home currency for other currencies.
These are managed by one “special” LTB for loans and grants management
located in Jakarta.
iv. Sub-SGCA/RKUN revenue accounts: used for the temporary deposit of
tax and non-tax revenues collected by the commercial banks/post offices as
the Bank Persepsi, before they are pulled into the SGCA.
v. Other government accounts kept in BI: these include contract oil
production sharing accounts, accumulated surplus of cash from unrealized
annual budget (SAL), natural resources agreement revenue accounts,
reforestation funds, and entrusted funds. These “other” MOF accounts are
categorized as TSA but different from the placement accounts in terms of
the flexibility on the use of the cash. These accounts are “less liquid”19 since
their use is limited to the financing of predefined purposes and they can
be spent by the Government only upon approval. However, the balances
of these accounts are all remunerated by BI at 65% of the BI rate for IDR
accounts or 65% of the Fed Fund rate and/or reference rate of the home
currency for USD and other currencies, like the remuneration for the cash
held in the placement accounts.
64 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
At end of 2012, BI held 169 Government accounts (the complete list can be seen
in Appendix 2).
The twice a week clearance of revenue receipts through LTBs and regional BI
offices to the central government required significant effort and additional
transaction costs in terms of monitoring and reconciliation.
After the implementation of the TSA, each LTB is only allowed to open two
spending accounts in an accredited commercial bank designated as the BO-I and
BO-II accounts. The accreditation of commercial banks is carried out centrally by
DG Treasury in accordance with the regulations for the procurement of goods/
services. The BO-I and BO-II accounts are zero balance accounts. BO-I which is
used for payments related to the purchase of goods and services is zero balanced
daily. The BO-II account, which is used for salary payments, is zero balanced
during the period immediately after funds are transferred from the TSA till after
the payment of monthly salaries is complete. The same procedures apply to
spending accounts held in post offices. Essentially, the spending accounts held by
each LTB are transitory accounts.
66 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Table 2.2 Local Treasury (LTB) Accounts Held in the Selected Commercial Banks
4 Reverse payment (retur) 1,138 Bank Accounts Balance Zero Per 33/PB/2012
5 Land/property tax - - - -
persepsi (closed)*
* The Bank Operational III and land/property tax persepsi are no longer necessary in view of the policy after the shift of the
collection of land/property tax from the central government to local governments in 2013.
Currently, there are 40,248 petty cash accounts held by the line ministries and
their subordinate offices. A minimum balance is kept in these accounts for
covering residual transactions pending at the end of the fiscal year and the rest is
returned to the MOF at the end of the year.
Chapter 2 67
In accordance with the State Treasury Law (Article 9 of Law Number 1 of 2004) the Heads
of provincial/regional/city governments as regional General Treasurers carry out treasury
duties related to financial management in the region. In pursuance of these duties, the
Governor/mayor/head of districts may use commercial banks and/or central bank to deposit
the regional government money generated from regional revenue and to pay regional
expenditures. Financial regulations require that the opening of such accounts must be on
the basis of an agreement with the bank which covers: (i) type of services to be provided;
(ii) mechanism to withdraw the funds; (iii) transfer receipt to and expenditure from the
regional TSA; (iv) remuneration for balances; (v) service fee; (vi) reporting obligation; and,
(vii) sanctions and procedure to resolve disputes.
The Head of a Regional Finance Manager Work Unit (PPKD) is the proxy of the Heads of
the Region to act as a Regional General Treasurer carries out the treasury duties related to
financial management in the local governments. One of the main tasks of PPKD is to set up
an implementing guideline on the regional revenue and expenditure cash management
system. The other tasks of PPKD in the management of cash include: preparing cash
budget; releasing payment order; monitoring the cash from revenue and expenditure kept
in the commercial banks; obtaining money to finance budget; depositing the regional cash;
placing and investing the cash; paying expenditure on the request of the spending units;
managing debt and receivable of the local government. The PPKD in implementing its duty
is responsible to the Head of Region (Governor/Mayor/Regent) through the Secretary of
Region. Regional autonomy finance requires regional governments to be able to use the
funds allocated to those regions in accordance with the targets of regional development,
thereby making it capable of spurring on regional economic growth.
It is difficult to accurately determine the number of accounts held by all the local
governments and their spending units since the existing regulations do not require those
local governments to submit any report on either the number of account or balances held
in those accounts, to the Ministry of Finance.
At the end of 2012; local governments have large cash balances (IDR 99.2 trillion). However,
it should be noted that these large cash balances are held by a few local governments.
Another feature to be noted is that most of the surplus cash balances of local governments
are held in government owned regional development banks. There are 26 regional
development banks (BPDs), each owned by one province or jointly by a number of
provinces. The accumulation of large balances in some of the local government commercial
bank accounts poses a challenge to the BI in managing monetary policy. Various options
that could be considered to address this challenge include (i) providing incentives to local
governments to participate in a central government cash investment program; (ii) assisting
local governments to set up their own TSAs and getting them to place these in the BI; and
(iii) convincing the local governments to open ledger accounts with the DG Treasury and
consolidate their balances in the TSA (see example of France).
68 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The steps taken to implement the TSA are summarized in the box below:
1. Consolidation of government cash balances into the single bank account (TSA) in
the Bank of Indonesia, in which all state receipts must be deposited in and all state
expenditures are paid out from this account (2009) and all government accounts
opened by each line ministry as well as MOF must be consolidated and approved by
Treasury (2007-2012).
2. Implementation of TSA for expenditure accounts through Zero-Balance Accounts in
Operational Banks (BO-I and II) for payments made to suppliers so as to eliminate floats
in government bank accounts held outside the TSA (2008).
3. Implementation of daily sweeping of revenue collection accounts in collecting banks/
post offices and a requirement that all state receipts be swept to the TSA in Bank
Indonesia on a daily basis (2010).
4. Non-cash consolidation and monitoring balances in imprest accounts held by
spending units through the application of the Treasury Notional Pooling arrangement
5. Remunerations for surplus cash balances held in Bank Indonesia (2009).
6. Payment of service fee for government banking services provided to the commercial
banks that collect the state revenue from tax and non-tax payers (2009).
7. Based on accurate cash forecasting, placement of idle funds into interest-bearing
accounts at the Bank Indonesia/commercial banks or making short-term investments
in secure and profitable monetary instruments (plan in 2014). This is further elaborated
in chapter 4.
As a first step in the implementation of the State Finance Law and the State
Treasury Law, in 2007 the Minister of Finance24 established a team for monitoring
the government accounts (Tim Penertiban Rekening Pemerintah-TPRP).
The team was made responsible for collecting and maintaining the data of all
government accounts in each line ministry as well as for examining the status
of each government account. Discussions were conducted so as to identify the
ownership of the accounts, verify the objectives and legal basis of the accounts,
and determine the flows and balances in the accounts. Based on the outcome of
the discussions, decisions were taken as to whether to allow the accounts to be
used permanently or temporarily, or to close the account and transfer the balance
to the TSA.
Chapter 2 69
Based on Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) inspections from 2004 to 2006, a total
of 4,643 government accounts were found in all central line ministries/agencies
with a consolidated balance amounting to IDR 32.35 trillion, which were not in
the annual financial reports. Further, according to a census of government bank
accounts by the Supreme Audit Agency, as of December 31, 2007, a total of
32,876 government accounts were being operated by spending units. A total of
26,553 of those accounts were allowed to be used permanently or temporarily.
2,086 of those accounts, with balances of IDR 7.27 trillion or 585 million USD,
were closed by MOF.25 Discussions on the retention of the remaining accounts
could not be completed for several reasons; for instance the owner of the accounts
could not be identified, required documents or information could not be obtained
or their closure was under process at the time of the audit.
1. Operational Accounts
By the end of 2012, considerable progress had been made in closing a significant
number of illegal or extra budgetary fund accounts. The MOF report showed
that a total of 40,248 bank accounts maintained by spending units were allowed
to be retained as operational accounts with a very minimum balance kept in
70 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
each account (mostly used by over 24,000 spending units for its daily operations
such as depositing the non-tax revenue and conducting petty cash expenditure).
Consequently, at the end of 2012, MOF decided to end the consolidation process
and dissolve the TPRP team. It is consistent with the opinion of the Supreme
Audit Agency (BPK) to consider that this issue of illegal or extra budgetary
accounts that are not registered by MOF is no longer material considering that
those unregistered accounts outside TSA (if any) have insignificant balances.
The TSA was first implemented for expenditure accounts as a pilot and then
rolled out to cover all spending units. Implementation of the “expenditure TSA”
through zero-balancing of the non-salary expenditure accounts (BO-I) held
in commercial banks was carried out on a pilot basis for three treasury offices,
based on a regulation issued by DG Treasury in 2005. This was then rolled out
to 50 treasury offices and underpinned by a MOF decree of 2006. By 2008 the
“expenditure TSA” was fully implemented with the establishment of Zero Balance
bank accounts held by LTBs for making payments to the suppliers of spending
units. Implementation of Zero Balance “expenditure TSA” for the salary accounts
(BO-II) was not prioritized till 2009, as the balances in these accounts reduced to
zero within 3 to 5 days upon completion of salary disbursements. Moreover, it was
necessary to first issue regulations, requiring employees to open bank accounts for
salary deposits. The “expenditure TSA” for salary payments has also been fully
implemented with electronic payments being made immediately to employees
through the BO-II bank accounts.
the third bid held in 2010, more commercial banks participated and the three
main accredited banks were Bank Mandiri (73 accounts), BRI Bank (28 accounts),
and BNI Bank (64 accounts). This showed that the centralized tendering process
fostered a degree of competition between banks for providing payment services
to the government. Surprisingly, up to 2012, the selected commercial banks
proposed a “negative” service fee (willing to pay instead of charging MOF a bank
service fee). This is because the banks were looking to gain indirect benefits from
getting the additional accounts of government clients (such as vendors/suppliers/
contractors) who would open accounts with the banks to receive the cash from the
government. From 2013, this arrangement was changed and rather than receiving
remuneration from the commercial banks, MOF requested that banks contribute
to the development of their IT systems, which will connect with MOF’s IFMIS.
The banking service fees paid by MOF to 81 commercial banks / post offices
persepsi for managing revenue payment in the last four (4) years are shown in the
table below (the current fee is IDR 5,000 per revenue transaction). Although the
banking service fee was significant (a total of around USD 20 million a year in
2013), it is more cost efficient for MOF to pay the fee rather than to permit them
to keep the revenue remittances (a total of around USD 106 billion in 2013) for
3 days to compensate for banking services:
Revenue collection IDR 621,000 IDR 710,300 IDR 833,640 IDR 978,360 IDR 1,063,030
(In Billion) (USD 62.1) (USD71.0) (USD83.36) (USD 97.84) (USD106.3)
72 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The last step in consolidating the state bank balances was the implementation
of the Treasury Notional Pooling (“virtually” sweeping) applied to revenue/
expenditure spending unit treasurer accounts in commercial banks.
The basic principle of payment of the state expenditure in Indonesia is, as much
as possible, made directly from TSA to the beneficiaries’ account. Hence, the cash
balance held in each spending unit’s imprest account shall be relatively small and
used for holding the petty cash only. The average daily balance of all spending unit
expenditure accounts is shown below:
Figure 2.3 Average Daily Balance of all Spending Unit (Petty Cash) Accounts in 2013
12,000 30,000
Total Daily Balance Total Number of Accounts
10,000 25,000
Balance (Billion of IDR)
8,000 20,000
Number of Accounts
4,000 10,000
2,000 5,000
0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Table 2.5 Treasury Notional Pooling for Spending Units – Alternative Options
Daily Sweeping of spending Time benefit Cost: the bank would charge
unit accounts to an account Obtaining remuneration IDR 5,000 for each transfer
opened at the Head Quarter from the selected from and to spending unit
of a commercial bank commercial bank accounts (hence, +24,000
account times IDR 5,000
times number of working
days in a year)
Obtaining remuneration
from the selected
commercial bank
The bank can provide real
time on line information on
balance position of each
Spending Unit’s account at
end of day
74 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Based on the above assessment, the TNP was chosen as the best option to manage
the imprest accounts held by spending units. From the latest data, there are 29
different commercial banks (where the Spending Units have opened accounts)
registered to join TNP program in which they are obligated to provide real time
on line information and pay remuneration on the daily balance kept in the imprest
accounts. The characteristics of the TNP are described in the box below:
The balances of expenditure and revenue treasurer accounts are consolidated at the
end of every day. The concept of “notional” pooling means that the cash is not actually
pooled; rather, the balances of all treasurer accounts held at commercial banks are virtually
consolidated and the information on the balances is used to determine the interest.
The interest of these balances will be given daily on the total of all consolidated balances.
The rate of interest is based on the agreement between the government and the related
bank, which is stated in the contract.
Chapter 2 75
While the MOF has tried to consolidate all the state funds into the TSA or
TNP, there are still many accounts that are known and continue to operate with
permission from MOF, but on which TNP and TSA cannot be implemented.
Those accounts are classified under the category of “other non-TSA” accounts.
76 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The opening of these “other non-TSA” accounts must be approved by the Minister
of Finance as regulated by financial decrees.28 However, the spending unit of the
ministry/agency has full responsibility and authority over the management of
these accounts, including on the use of the interest generated from the balances.
Therefore, if those accounts are to be included in the TNP and TSA structure,
then there must be prior approval from the spending unit of the ministry/agency.
The features and characteristics of the accounts falling under this category are:
The 4,456 non-TSA accounts had a total balance at the end of 2012 of IDR
20 trillion, of which more than IDR 16.4 trillion was held in the PSA (BLU)
account. This warrants consideration of a further expansion of the TSA coverage
to include PSA accounts without affecting the autonomy of the PSA operations.
The numbers of each type of “other non-TSA” accounts are:
1 Grant Account 28
2 Cooperation Account 90
5 Collateral Account 99
TOTAL 4,456
Before the agreed MOU between the MOF and BI on the TSA was in place, the
government did not receive any remuneration from the cash kept in BI. Then, the
MoF and BI agreed that remuneration on government deposits at BI would be
a “win-win” situation for both parties, even if the rate were less than the market
rate. From the MoF’s viewpoint, BI will provide full security at zero risk and any
remuneration paid by BI would add to state revenues. From BI’s perspective, the
retention of government money in BI would reduce the cost of monetary policy
operations to sterilize the liquidity resulting from government cash balances being
held in commercial banks. If the government placed its surplus cash in fully
remunerated deposits in commercial banks, BI would have to sterilize it. Another
factor to be considered is that, although the payment of interest or remuneration
by the central bank will provide additional income to the government, it will also
reduce the profits of the central bank, eventually leading to a reduction in the
dividend that the central bank can pay the government.
78 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The figure below show the trend of remuneration paid by the BI since January
Chapter 2 79
Billion IDR
Jan 11
Mar 11
May 11
Jul 11
Sep 11
Nov 11
Jan 12
Mar 12
May 12
Jul 12
Sep 12
Nov 12
Jan 13
May 13
Remuneration (in Billion IDR)
The table below shows the total annual remuneration paid by BI from 2011 to
The second approach makes a broader fiscal assessment of the gains from the TSA
reform by attempting to quantify the benefit to the Government as “idle balances”
were moved from the commercial banking sector into the TSA. This assessment is
less precise as many of the components need to be estimated, but it is conceptually
a more robust approach to the quantification of benefits of the reform.
Available data show that the implementation of TSA and the decision to
remunerate BI balances at 65% of the BI rate, has generated a relatively
significant amount of income for the government, with around IDR 2-4
trillion (US$ 200-400 million) being collected every year, most of which is
generated from the balance of cash kept in BI. The direct financial benefit
of TSA in Indonesia is summarized in the table below:
Chapter 2 81
(i) Revenue Daily Sweep: IDR 57.5 billion (i) Assumed that all (IDR
416,925 billion) revenue
(a) Reduction in idle IDR 416,925 billion/360 collections in 2007 were
balances in commercial days = IDR 1,158 billion of held by commercial banks
banks through daily sweep average daily revenue x 2 for an average of two days.
to TSA. days float x 8% BI rate = IDR The BI interest rate in 2007
185.3 billion was 8% as the cost should
be paid if BI had to sterilize
(b) Estimate of banking 22,551,307 transactions x IDR the idle balance in market.
service fee payable to 5,000 fee per transaction = (ii) Assumed that the
commercial banks for the (IDR 127.8 billion) banking service fee for
service. 22,551,307 revenue
collection transactions in
2007 would have been the
same as in 2013 at IDR 5,000
per transaction.
(ii) RTB/LTB zero balanced IDR 1,044.9 billion DG Treasury estimates that
accounts: the daily average aggregate
balance of regional treasury
(a) Using Zero Balance IDR 13.66 trillion daily offices in 2007 was IDR
accounts to consolidate the balance x 8% = IDR 1,092.8 13.66 trillion and that would
balances of regional treasury billion had been sterilized by BI at
offices. interest of 8%.
This is the reported interest
(b) Lost interest from (IDR 47.9 billion) revenue in 2007.
consolidation of regional
treasury balances.
accounts held by local treasury branches into zero balance accounts in commercial
bank branches for making payments across the country. More than 2,500 zero
balance accounts were also set up in commercial banks to facilitate revenue deposits
and to implement electronic transfer of revenue remittances into the TSA.
The sequencing of the implementation of the TSA has been very much in line with
international practices. The preparatory phase involved institutional reforms and
setting up the TSA architecture. Government bank accounts were surveyed and
most of them have been gradually brought into the TSA regime. The consolidation
was done in phases, with the expenditure accounts being brought in first followed
by the revenue accounts and finally the imprest accounts.
86 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
¹ Pattanayak, Sailendra, and Israel. Fainboim, 2010, Treasury Single Account: Concept, Design and
Implementation Issues, IMF Working Paper WP/10/143.
² Williams, Mike, 2009, Government Cash Management: International Practice, Oxford Policy
Management Working Paper 2009-01.
³ “Centralized Online Real-time Environment”: This basically means that the bank’s branches
process their transactions through a centrally maintained database. The deposits made are reflected
immediately on the central database.
4 As defined in the GFSM 2001
5 Williams, Mike, 2009, Government Cash Management: International Practice, Oxford Policy
Management Working Paper 2009-01.
6 “Centralized Online Real-time Environment”: This basically means that the bank’s branches
process their transactions through a centrally maintained database. The deposits made are reflected
immediately on the central database.
7 India practices a TSA arrangement. At the central government the TSA was implemented in
1977 and thereafter it was implemented in the state (federal) governments. The central and state
governments hold their TSAs in the Reserve Bank of India. No government cash balances are held
in commercial banks. Revenue accounts held in commercial banks are cleared daily to the respective
TSAs. In the case of expenditures, the accredited banks make payments out of their own cash resources
up to the extent of available ceilings set by the treasuries, and are compensated at the end of each day
from the respective TSAs. The government pays an agreed transaction fee for this arrangement.
8 Source: Pattanayak and Fainboim (2010)
9 Refer to row 4 of the table in appendix 1 of the IMF Working Paper on TSA: Concept, Design,
and Implementation Issues.
¹0 Government Cash Management Part One National Audit Office paragraph 1.41 Danish
¹¹ Bank/Post Persepsi: a commercial bank/post appointed by the Minister of Finance to receive
Non- Import State Receipt deposits, which consist of tax receipts, domestic customs and non-tax state
¹² Article 7
¹³ Article 12 paragraph 2: “All state revenues and spending shall be performed through the State
General Cash Account.”;
¹4 Government Regulation No 39/2007 on State/Regional Cash Management; Article 14 (2): “All
state revenues shall be deposited to the State General Cash Account and all state spending shall be
disbursed from the State General Cash Account.”
¹5 Regulation of the Minister of Finance No.98/PMK.05/2007 regarding the Implementation of
Zero Balance Spending Accounts in Commercial Banks’ Counterparties in the Framework of TSA
¹6 PMK No. 116/2009 regarding Trial Implementation of Zero Balance LTB Revenue Accounts in
the Implementation of TSA.
¹7 Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 61/PMK.05/2009 regarding the Application of Treasury
Notional Pooling in the Spending Treasurer Account
¹8 Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 126/PMK.05/2009 regarding the Application of
Treasury Notional Pooling in the Revenue Treasurer Account
88 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
¹9 There are four types of cash liquidity in the TSA accounts. They are categorized on the basis of
flexibility in the use of the cash from the directorate cash management (DCM) perspective. They
are: (i) Very Liquid accounts, consisting of SGCA and placement accounts; (ii) Liquid accounts,
consisting of the cash in transit awaiting to be transferred back to SGCA/placement accounts, e.g.
cash in revenue account in persepsi banks/post office before being pulled into SGCA; (iii) Less Liquid
accounts, consisting of SAL, Oil and Gas, imprest accounts, etc; and (iv) Illiquid accounts or cash with
limited use, consisting of PSA/BLU accounts, escrow accounts for USDA grant, civil service pension
funds, petty cash of spending units, forest rehabilitation accounts, etc.
²0 Known as RK Gabungan
²¹ Article 10 of Law Number 1 of 2004
²² Article 20 of Government Regulation No. 39 of 2007
²³ UP (uang persediaan)
²4 Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) No. 58/PMK.05/2007 Regarding the Issuance of
Government Accounts at State Ministries/agencies is a PMK which regulates the ordering of accounts
in the environment of State Ministries/agencies/Offices/Work Units. For implementation guidelines,
Regulation of the Director General of the Treasury Number 35/PB/2007 Regarding Following Up on
the Ordering of Government Bank Accounts at State Ministries/agencies/Offices/Work Units has been
²5 Data from central government financial statements (LKPP) 2007
²6 Law No. 1 of 2004 regarding State Treasury and by Government Regulation No. 39 of 2007
regarding State/Regional Cash Management, and by Joint Decree of the Minister of Finance and
Governor of the Bank of Indonesia dated 31 January 2009 regarding Coordination of State Cash
²7 Article 25 of Government Regulation No. 39 of 2007 Regarding the Management of State/Regional
Funds, Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 61/PMK.05/2009 Regarding the Application of
Treasury Notional Pooling for Treasury Expenditure Accounts, and Regulation of the Minister of
Finance No. 126/PMK.05/2009 Regarding the Application of Treasury Notional Pooling for Treasury
Receivables Accounts.
²8 PMK No. 57/PMK.05/2007 as amended by PMK No. 05/PMK.05.2010 and Regulation of the
Director General of Treasury No. 35/PB/2007
²9 Memorandum of Understanding between MOF and BI: Joint Decree of the Minister of Finance
and the Governor of the Bank of Indonesia Number 17/KMK.05/2009 and Number 11/3/KEP.
GBI/2009 dated 30 January 2009 regarding Coordination of State Cash Management.
Chapter 3
Cash Planning and
Budget Execution
Chapter 3 91
This chapter analyses the interaction between cash planning and each of the in-
year stages in the budget execution cycle depicted in the figure below:
Payment Procurement
Cash flow
Delivery Contracts
92 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The credibility of the annual budget and the timing of its approval are fundamental
to in-year cash management. Budget allocations need to be sufficient to fund the
policy outcomes that budget users are expected to deliver during the year. Only
when the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the responsible spending ministry agree
that the budget allocation is appropriate for its purpose can a meaningful cash
flow plan be formulated and implemented. The PFM legal framework usually
provides for a budget calendar allowing for adequate time to discuss and approve
annual budgets well before the commencement of the fiscal year. It also provides
for interim funding measures in case of unforeseen delays in the timely approval
of the annual budget.
The reasons for in-year divergence between budget allocations and cash flow plans
should be analyzed and understood before action can be initiated to mitigate such
divergence. The cash flow dynamics related to the implementation of government
activities have to be understood not only by the cash managers in the Ministry of
Finance but also by the financial managers in the executing agencies. The effect
of in-year changes to cash flow dynamics is often not trivial, particularly when
they are linked to commodity prices or exchange rate variations. Methods used
for forecasting annual budget requirements can be applied equally to analyze and
understand in-year variations between expected cash flows and actual outcomes.
The analysis should bring out any differences between cash plans and outturns
for each ministry, policy area, or program resulting from in-year changes in: (i)
macroeconomic determinants, such as GDP growth, inflation, or unemployment;
(ii) operational parameters specific to the particular ministry, program, or policy
area; and (iii) accounting changes, such as changes in the accounting treatment of
particular transactions within ministries or reclassification of a particular budget
line from one ministry to another.
The quality of forecasts used in the preparation of the budget and to guide budget
implementation should be assured through quality assurance processes that may
involve independent reviews. In most countries, fiscal forecasts are based on a
single, central scenario with limited exploration of the implications of alternative
assumptions. There is a natural tendency in such cases to underestimate the cash
outflows of new spending programs and to overestimate the inflows from tax
increases. Independent fiscal councils are being established in a growing number
of countries to help guard against over-optimistic economic and budgetary
estimates. An important task of the auditing function of fiscal councils is to
review government forecasts. Some fiscal councils are mandated to provide
independent forecasts for use by government. Given this mandate, independent
fiscal councils can play a useful role in removing biases and providing quality
assurance of government fiscal forecasts. However, a recent IMF publication2
cautions that “their (fiscal councils) benefits should not be oversold, especially
for developing countries in which the fiscal policy reform agenda is long and
institutional capacity is limited. Moreover, along with many other good fiscal
policy practices and innovations, the decision to create a fiscal council, and its
role should a council be set up, has to be appropriate to country circumstances.”
94 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Cash planning should take into account the greater flexibility provided to line
managers in a Performance Based Budgeting (PBB) environment, to plan the
deployment of their resources. In a number of countries (such as Botswana,
Tanzania, and Indonesia) the budget allocations and cash ceilings are set at a
very detailed level of budget classification. In a PBB environment, budgets are
appropriated for programs and activities instead of for line items of expenditures.
Managers have the flexibility to decide on the optimal use of resources to
facilitate the achievement of performance targets. With this flexibility comes
the added responsibility of managing in-year budget allocations in an efficient
and transparent manner. The responsibility for adjusting unit cash plans to meet
changes remains with the line managers, while the Treasury continues to be
responsible for ensuring the overall availability of cash to meet the projections
made by the line managers. In cases where cash ceilings are required to deal with
in-year cash constraints, it is preferable to set the ceilings at an aggregate level, e.g.,
for the spending unit as a whole rather than by detailed line items of the budget
- while recognizing that ensuring that future budgets can be financed is the only
sustainable response.
The quality of in-year cash plans is dependent on the credibility of the annual
budget appropriations. While preparing cash flow plans the following aspects of
budget appropriations should be considered:
Annual cash flow plans are disaggregated by months, weeks and even days to
facilitate efficient cash planning. Liabilities arise when goods or services are
delivered in accordance with contractual terms. These liabilities are reflected and
prioritized for payment in cash flow plans. In some countries, funds (commitment
ceilings, authority to spend or transfers of cash) are released by the ministry
of finance in stages within the budget year (monthly or quarterly). In others,
the passing of the annual budget law grants the full authority to spend at the
beginning of the year, but the ministry of finance (or other central agency) may in
practice impose delays on ministries in incurring new commitments (and making
related payments), when cash flow problems arise.
Annual cash flow plans formulated at the beginning of the fiscal year based on the
approved budgets are at best indicative. These are invariably modified and refined
during the course of execution of the annual budget. The first part of this chapter
describes the dependencies between cash flow plans and the different stages in the
annual budget execution cycle. Following the thread of discussion in Chapter 1,
this chapter addresses cash planning both from the top-down perspective within
the MOF and from the bottom-up perspective of the budget execution agencies. As
changes and modifications to the annual cash flow plans are inevitable, it becomes
important to ensure that both the MOF and the budget executing agencies are
“on the same page” while making and executing in-year updates to cash plans. The
changes could result from inefficiencies emerging during the budget execution
cycle, or due to in-year volatility in the basic macro assumptions. It should be
Chapter 3 97
noted that it is not good practice to frequently update for macro developments.
The in-year practice should be to monitor developments against the projected
flows and periodically update cash plans if required, but not more frequently than
quarterly as otherwise this may result in losing sight of the trends.
The revenue forecasts must also include forecasts of non-tax revenues prepared by the
treasury in close co-ordination with the agencies responsible for the management and
collection of these revenues.
Different practices followed in budgeting for non-tax revenues will affect the
way in which forward cash plans are made. Some countries budget for non-tax
revenues in gross terms in the sense that the budget provides separately for the
revenues and expenditures of the service delivering agency. In other countries, the
revenues are netted against the expenditures in the budget. For purposes of cash
Chapter 3 99
planning in the service delivery units, non-tax revenue flows and the expenditure
flows should be projected separately. It should also be ensured that whenever
service delivery units are permitted to retain non-tax revenue collections in their
own bank accounts, the cash planners in the MOF have timely access to the cash
flows and balances in those accounts.
A high level coordinating body should be made responsible for reviewing and
approving in-year revenue projections. In a complex government environment,
the responsibility for projecting in-year revenue flows usually rests with a number
of stakeholders. It then becomes the responsibility of a high level coordinating
body such as a liquidity committee, usually headed by the Minister of Finance
or the Permanent Secretary of Finance, to moderate the different positions
and establish an agreed projection, which taken together with the expenditure
projection, determines the borrowing or investment positions of the government.
The liquidity committee also provides advice on the steps to mitigate deviations
from the revenue inflows projected in the annual cash plans. The role of the
liquidity committee is further discussed in Chapter 4 “Financing the Budget”.
A review of the tax revenue profile provides a good basis for analyzing and
updating in-year cash flow plans. The review brings out the significance of
different components of tax revenues, the specific characteristics of the type of
taxes and the likely risks associated with the actual collection of planned revenues.
The potential tax revenue is dependent on a number of factors, such as how broad
the tax base is, what the tax rates are and the extent to which businesses comply
with the tax. For example:
Past trends in conjunction with current revenue collection data can help
establish likely month-to-month inflows of tax revenue. During the fiscal year
the government continues to collect tax revenues and data from either advance
installment payments or actual tax payments. The data should be used, in
conjunction with a comparison of this year’s actual monthly tax collections up to
the month of assessment with the corresponding months of the previous year, for
refining and updating projections of cash inflows during the year.
Royalties and dividends related to mineral sources are impacted more than other
non-tax revenues by the global economic environment. In an uncertain economic
situation, and due to the highly elastic nature of these revenues, they are somewhat
unpredictable. The best projection of these flows can be made by the industry
itself, both on a short-term and long-term basis. Cash planners in the Treasury
should, therefore, set up mechanisms for frequent exchange of information with
the responsible spending units to be able to anticipate in-year variations in mineral
The quality of in-year cash plans for revenues is dependent on the quality of the
annual budget appropriations. While preparing cash flow plans the following
aspects should be considered:
The accuracy of cash flow projections is to some extent dependent on the nature
of the cash spending and the period of the forecast. A U.K. NAO report on
cash management10 made a series of observations on the variability of cash flow
projections of different agencies in the government of UK (Box 3.2).
102 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
In 2007-08, for example, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport had relatively even
month to month expenditure, and grants to its sponsored bodies represented 98 per
cent of its expenditure, which may partly explain why it achieved the highest forecast
accuracy. By contrast, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ expenditure
fluctuated considerably, and only 25 per cent of its expenditure was on grants, with the rest
being a combination of administrative expenditure as well as bill payments and receipts on
the part of its Executive Agencies. This complexity may explain why it was one of the least
accurate forecasters.
Another factor that seems to influence the accuracy of forecasting is the month of the year.
In particular, departments consistently produce less accurate forecasts for March (which
is the last month of the fiscal year of the United Kingdom). Between 2005-06 and 2008-09
March was the only month in which the forecast error was always greater than £1 billion.
This might be partly due to expenditure being highest in March. Between 2005-06 and
2008-09 the 14 departments in our survey collectively spent between £5 billion and £8
billion, or 17 per cent and 24 per cent, respectively, above the monthly average in March.
Some issues to be considered while projecting in-year cash flows for expenditures
Commitment management gives the Treasury the ability to schedule cash outflows
to match government obligations. Many countries are now adopting commitment
management processes within a cash based accounting regime. Commitment
management procedures require the spending units to register expenditure
contracts or purchase orders with the Treasury. The registration obligates the budget
allocations available against the appropriate budgetary classification and ensures
that the obligated amount is not available for other purchases. The registration
also provides the ability to record the underlying disbursement schedules for
contractual payments. Whenever the Treasury receives payment requests, these are
checked against the amounts earlier obligated for the budget classification before
a payment order is issued. The commitment process facilitates the planning and
Chapter 3 103
monitoring of cash flows resulting from spending commitments made during the
contracting stage in the expenditure cycle. This helps the Treasury to manage cash
more efficiently as it provides additional information on how long the cash will
remain in the TSA before it is required to meet government obligations.
The Box below shows the relationship between different types of commitments and
the timing of cash required to meet the liabilities arising from the commitments:
Salaries, wages, and allowances. The need to pay salaries, wages, and allowances arises
from an implicit or formal agreement between the employer and an employee, according
to conditions laid down in various acts and regulations. At any point in time, the ministry
of finance (MoF) (and each line ministry accountant) should know, with a fair degree of
accuracy, what the salary bill will be for the foreseeable future. Because of the stability,
predictability, and regularity of these types of payment, the cash flow is often deemed to
occur monthly at the same time as the line ministry’s monthly commitment (e.g., from a
payroll management system).
Other recurrent costs. This category contains a variety of items, some items where
expenditures might be expected to occur simultaneously with commitment, and others
where actual expenditures take place after the placing of a requisition or order. However,
likely expenditures on most of the items are predictable, including post and telephone
services, water, electricity and sanitation charges, printing and stationery, etc. The key is to
examine each line item and determine the amount and its pattern of payment.
Grants/transfers. Commitments to pay grants and transfers will be known based on the
program developed at the beginning of the year, influenced by law, regulation, and/or
Financing. The profile of debt services and loan receipts and repayments should be readily
identifiable from the debt database or corresponding loan agreements.
Capital projects. This category is probably the most difficult to forecast in terms of both
commitments and the associated cash payments. However, most projects are the result
of contracts placed, so payment details should (broadly) be known when the contract is
signed. The commitment can be for a long period of time (probably more than one year)
and expenditure flows tend to be “lumpy.” Delays can occur in construction and delivery, so
updated forecasts on the progress of work and requirement of funds are needed regularly
for these projects.
Updates to in-year cash flow plans should incorporate delays in the finalization
of contracts for the purchase of goods or services. Registering and monitoring
commitments, either at the time of contracting or at the time of issuing purchase
orders, provides the basis for updating cash flows to reflect changes in disbursement
profiles or delivery dates. Most countries use IFMIS, which provides facilities for
blocking budgets at the commitment stage and recording the schedule of cash
104 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
In such cases, the cash flow forecasts should incorporate the contractual cash
outflows for the entire year and not just for the cash ceiling cycle.
Cash collections can be improved and revenue inflows smoothened over the year
with more frequent and timely billings. For example, semi-annual billing for
water user fees can be accelerated to quarterly, to provide a quicker and steadier
stream of income.
At the payment stage of the budget execution cycle, cash management should take
into account some widely used commercial practices for the efficient timing of
disbursements. Some of these are:
This section discusses the way in which revenues are collected and payments are
made through the banking system. It is closely related to the discussion in Chapter
2 of the structure of the government banking arrangements.
In some countries, central banks have operational offices in the regions. Commercial
banks with their widespread network of branches operating on CORE banking
Chapter 3 107
systems are increasingly being used as collection points for government revenues.
The OECD recommends12 that when revenues are collected by commercial banks,
arrangements must be defined to foster competition and ensure the prompt transfer
of collected revenues to government accounts. They suggest that a system of bank
remuneration through float, which consists of authorizing the banks to keep the
revenues collected for a few days, is inefficient. This is reiterated in a 1984 report of
the Auditor General of Canada, which indicates that “financial institutions take an
average of 2.3 calendar days to deliver government revenues collected through them
to the government account in the Bank of Canada. However, when questioned by
them, Canadian banks stated that they can give same day service. Based on this
information, the report asked the government to take advantage of this same day
service offered to other financial institution customers. It was estimated that the
failure to receive same day service cost the government about $18 million in lost
interest each year.” This example from Canada indicates the gains that could be
achieved by accelerating cash inflows into the TSA even by a single day.
Electronic banking facilities provide for direct electronic transfers through Real
Time Gross Settlement System or through Electronic Fund Transfers. The main
difference between the two systems is shown in the table below:
Inter-bank Participating banks pay only the net Each transaction is generally settled
Payment difference of debit and credit individually
With the advent of CORE banking systems most transactions are now settled
between banks through the RTGS and recorded in individual bank accounts of
each branch bank in the centralized general ledger maintained by the headquarter
of that branch bank. In other words, transactions are now increasingly being
processed seamlessly at the gross and the individual level without delay irrespective
of the value of the transaction.
Chapter 3 109
Typically, payments through the TSA are structured in four basic ways, as depicted
in the four scenarios below:
Figure 3.2 Banking Arrangements for Payments
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
2 2
Treasury Central Bank Treasury Central Bank
Head Office (Govt. Bank) Head Office (Govt. Bank)
4 4
4 2 4 3
4 2 Beneficiary 4 2 Beneficiary
Bank Bank
1 1
Treasury Spending Treasury Spending
Local Office Unit Local Office Unit
4 4
Scenario 3 Scenario 4
Treasury 3
Treasury 6
Head Office Central Bank Head Office Central Bank
(RTGS (RTGS host) (RTGS (RTGS host)
4 4
Participants) Participants)
3 3
4 1 5 2
Beneficiary Beneficiary
Spending Bank Spending Bank
Unit Unit
Scenario 1. The TSA is held in the central bank and managed by the central bank.
Treasury payment services are managed through a central Treasury Head Office
and sub-treasury offices servicing regional and local governments. Payment orders
are issued by the Treasury offices at each level of government to the corresponding
levels of central bank branches. Wherever electronic transfer facilities are not
available, the Treasury branches issue checks, which are presented for payment to
the respective central bank branches by the beneficiaries. The payments made by
the branches of the central bank are reconciled with the payment orders (or checks)
issued by the respective treasury branches. The role of regional treasuries varies
depending on the extent of fiscal decentralization prevailing in the country. In
some countries where the fiscal operation is centralized, regional treasuries provide
payment services to the regional administrative units of central government
ministries. In some countries with a partly decentralized fiscal environment, sub-
national governments continue to be serviced by regional treasury branches with
the difference that the regional treasuries execute payments on behalf of the sub-
national governments. In countries with a fully decentralized fiscal environment,
regional governments often have independent treasury systems and TSAs.
Scenario 2. Again the TSA is held by the central bank and managed by the
central bank. However, the central bank does not have regional offices, and so
the retail banking services for treasury payments are provided through accredited
commercial banks. There are variations of this arrangement depending on the
IT environment obtaining in the accredited commercial banks. As mentioned in
Chapter 2, most banks have now standardized their IT environment to the CORE
banking environment. The Treasury operational environment has also moved
from a stand-alone environment to a distributed data processing environment. In
countries where both the Treasury and the banking systems have been modernized,
it is convenient for the sub-national treasury branches to route their payment
orders electronically to the central Treasury office for onward transmission to the
central bank or onward transmission to the head offices of commercial banks.
Another variation is related to the service level agreements with commercial banks
for availing of banking services. In many countries, the Treasury transfers funds
daily from the TSA to government accounts held in commercial banks for making
payments. Residual balances are swept back into the TSA at the end of each day.
In some countries, the commercial banks pay out of their own resources and claim
reimbursement from the TSA (central bank) at the end of the day.
Chapter 3 111
Scenario 4. In the fourth scenario, the “hosting” arrangements with the central
bank may extend to permitting the Treasury to maintain expenditure ceilings in
sub-accounts of the TSA. In such cases, line ministries are given direct access
to draw down from their sub-accounts in the TSA and make payments directly
to their beneficiaries. This arrangement requires a robust cash management
arrangement within the Treasury so that the ceilings set in TSA sub-accounts are
updated to synchronize with the in-year cash flow plans.
In Indonesia, the prescribed budget process provides sufficient time for budget
discussions and approval for the budget to be appropriated well before the
commencement of the financial year. The main stages in the annual budget
process are shown in the box below.
The budget process starts in February by establishing the resources available for the next
financial year. Once the Fiscal Policy Office of the Ministry of Finance has established
the maximum level of expenditure consistent with the government’s deficit target, the
Directorate-General Budget (DGB) distributes the available resources into those required
for funding on-going activities (non-discretionary) and those available for discretionary
programs. This distinction focuses the budget discussion with the parliament on evaluating
the performance of the new initiatives rather than on the on-going recurrent activities.
• For the non-discretionary on-going activities, the DGB uses the current year’s budget
and applies pre-determined norms (e.g. standard cost) and indexes to arrive at a figure
for the next year’s budget. This process also highlights the rigid nature of the budget.
• Once the Ministry of Finance has established the ceiling for resources available for new
(discretionary) programs, the State Planning Agency (NDPA/BAPPENAS) takes the lead,
in co-operation with the Ministry of Finance, for establishing priorities for programs.
For the central spending units, the exercise is essentially top-down, although spending
ministries do of course give input through preliminary contact with NDPA. NDPA also
conducts a series of national fora with regional governments, de-concentrated units
of government ministries and various civil society organizations before finalizing the
government-wide work plan.
• This process culminates in a March cabinet meeting to discuss the draft annual
government-wide work plan (RKP) and to approve its broad outlines. Following the
March meeting, BAPPENAS and the Ministry of Finance issue a joint budget circular
to spending ministries. Based on the development priority and the “indicative
budget ceilings”, each ministry prepares its work plan, broken down by programs and
expenditure types.
• The final government-wide work plan is issued by the President following a cabinet
meeting in May. By law, it must be issued no later than mid-May to be submitted to the
Parliament together with fiscal policy and macroeconomic framework.
• From mid-May to mid-June discussions are held by the Ministry of Finance with
the Parliament Budget Committee on fiscal policy and overall ceilings. At the same
time, discussions are held by spending ministries and agencies with their respective
Parliament sectoral commissions on detailed allocations.
• The government submits the budget proposal to Parliament in Mid-August
• From mid-August to late October, the Government, the Parliament Budget Committee
and the sectoral commissions review the budget proposal.
• The Parliament approves the annual budget law for the next fiscal year by 31st October.
Chapter 3 113
The budget formulation process is quite well structured and provides for the
approval of the budget by Parliament as early as two months before the start of
the fiscal year. This gives enough time for the spending ministries to prepare the
detailed budget allotment documents for each of their budget users.13 This is the
last stage of the budget formulation process and is quite unique to Indonesia.
However, there are still impediments in the budget execution process that delay
cash disbursement.
A further impediment is that Parliament’s review sometimes goes beyond the end
of October deadline, even if the budget has been formally approved. Individual
sectoral commissions in Parliament can place a “hold”14 on disbursements from
the approved budget until their concerns15 have been addressed by the spending
ministries. These “holds” could be at the level of a very detailed line-item of the
budget or even at aggregate levels. They cannot be removed unless the discussions
(negotiations) between each ministry and its sectoral commission in Parliament
have been completed. As a result of this practice, budgets are sometimes not
executed until several months into the next fiscal year. For example, at the
beginning of FY 2013 about 41 per cent of line ministries’ total budget was on
“hold” and could not be executed from the start of the fiscal year. This is one of
the reasons for the delays in capital expenditure, with only 28% of the ceiling
being disbursed by the end of July 2013. According to an analysis made by the
MOF, IDR 32 trillion of line ministries’ budgets (5 per cent of the total) was still
on hold in July 2013.16
114 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Revenue flows in Indonesia are seasonal, since there are significant fluctuations in
revenue flows during the year, with the usual peaks in April (the deadline for closing
the corporate tax payment obligations four months after the end of the fiscal year)
and December (the combination of an increase in economic transactions and
Chapter 3 115
Billion IDR
142,266 137,102
120,919 124,874
105,379 101,744 115,929
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Planning revenue flows for the next fiscal year typically starts in February and
is the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance, namely the Fiscal Policy Office
(FPO). In implementing its responsibility, the FPO is required to work together
with various Directorate Generals within the MOF.17 The roles and functions
of those Directorate Generals and the FPO during the planning of revenues are
shown in the box below:
116 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The budget documentation makes explicit the key economic assumptions and
provides sensitivity analysis for some of them, such as the effects of different oil
prices. The committee proposes a range – albeit a narrow one – rather than fixed
values for each macro-fiscal variable: economic growth, foreign exchange, interest
rate, inflation, oil price and crude oil production.
Fixing the exact values of the macro-fiscal variables within the range proposed by
the FPO is subject to negotiation between the government and Parliament. This
approach promotes ownership of the forecasts through consensus. The downside
is the fact that forecasts of inflows, such as the tax revenue targets put in the annual
budget law, are largely based on a political consensus rather than on the basis of
transparent underlying macroeconomic models, and tend to be overestimated.
This disconnection between the underlying macro-fiscal assumptions and the
targets included in the approved budget makes it difficult to explain the deviations
that may arise between the budget and realization.
The table below shows the deviation between the revenue target and actual
outturns for the tax managed by DG Tax:
Chapter 3 117
Table 3.2 The Deviation between the Target and Actual Outturns for the Tax Managed by DG Tax
It can be seen from the figure below that around one-third of the government
budget in Indonesia was spent by the central government’s line ministries for
their own operations (personnel, goods and services, and capital expenditures).
The remaining two-thirds were spent on regional budget (transfer) expenditures,
subsidies, social assistance, and debt repayments.
11,2% 9,5%
30,6% 32,3%
20,2% 23,4%
of the line ministries. With the regular reconciliation of personnel records and
controls in the automated payroll system19 for central government, it is possible
to more systematically identify government employees, eliminate ghost workers,
and thereby improve the accuracy of payroll data.
The costs of operating goods (e.g. office operation costs; office inventory; food;
uniforms; and honoraria) are more predictable and easier to estimate and
standardize. The non-operating goods budget (e.g., materials, utilities, consultant
services and maintenance costs) is estimated for each spending unit on a case to
case basis.
The main challenge in estimating cash outflows on goods and services is the
introduction of new policies that affect the budget allocation for goods and services
such as across-the-board cuts applied during the fiscal year. The experience in
FY 2013 has shown that implementation of the Presidential Decree23 on budget
efficiency delayed budget execution, since each of the more than 24,000 spending
units were required to adjust their budget allotments to accommodate this general
budget cut, mainly affecting the budget allocation for goods and services. These
potentially adverse impacts of in-year changes to budget allocations, on budget
execution, should be anticipated by allowing enough time during the budget
execution cycle for making adjustments for on-going commitments.
Capital Expenditures
The slow pace of absorption of the capital budget in the last 5 years highlights
on- going challenges with budget execution. Less than 90 per cent of the revised
capital expenditure budget was disbursed and more than 50 per cent of total
disbursements occurred in the last quarter (see figure below).
120 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
52% 50%
70% 57% 56% 58%
60% Q3
40% 24%
25% 22% 22%
30% 22%
18% Q1
20% 15% 16%
16% 15% 14%
10% 15%
8% 10% 6% 4% 7% 6%
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Low absorptive capacity coupled with skewed spending patterns towards the end
of the fiscal year on the capital expenditure budget raise particular concerns, as
these could hinder the achievement of development targets and affect the quality
of the infrastructure being built. This slow and low disbursement performance
has been consistent over recent years and needs to be taken into account in cash
planning so that cash balances are not accumulated and left idle.
A team has been established by the President to monitor budget disbursements for
capital projects24 and assigned to evaluate the spending performance of the line
ministries’ capital budget. The team’s work will include monitoring the spending
performance not only of the central government ministries but also the sub-national
governments. The team is also expected to coordinate and harmonize policies
and regulations that affect the execution of the budget. The Government has also
improved its policy on procurement by issuing a new Presidential Regulation25 to
accelerate the procurement process for the infrastructure development projects.
For cash management purposes, attention needs to be given to whether these
efforts cause a change in the patterns of capital expenditure during the year.
The projection of cash outflows for subsidies is determined on the basis of the
formula agreed between the Government and Parliament. It is the responsibility
of the Government to pay and/or transfer the money to the beneficiaries on a
timely basis in accordance with the established parameters. The main challenge
with estimating cash outflows on subsidies is the substantial deviation between
Chapter 3 121
the budget and realization with regard to the fuel subsidy allocation. This mainly
arises due to unrealistic estimations of fuel consumption. Consequently, for the
last few years the budget outcome on subsidies is always higher than the budget.
This is reflected in the table below:
Table 3.3 Central Government Expenditure Budget and Subsidy Realization (in Billion IDR)
Given the historically unreliable forecast of the fuel subsidy in the budget,
monitoring this expenditure within the year is a high priority for cash management.
It will be important to identify any likely deviation from the budget at the earliest
opportunity so that plans can be adjusted accordingly.
Social Assistance
Provisions for expenditures related to social assistance are made through the
budgets of the relevant line ministries. There is no specific formula to calculate
the amount and to set the schedule of payment. It is therefore important that
information is collected from the responsible line ministries on the plans for
disbursement and that these are regularly updated.
Fund transfers to the regional governments over the last few years have been
around one-third of the annual state budget, with the minimum required amount
to be allocated through the General Allocation Fund being at least 26% of net
domestic revenue, as established in the annual budget.29
It should be noted that projecting oil prices and oil production has been especially
difficult in recent times. Indonesia is generally viewed as having forecasted these
variables very conservatively in the past. There are also be incentives to do so.
Under Indonesia’s revenue-sharing arrangements with regional governments, the
amount is based on the assumed oil prices contained in the budget. If the actual
revenue is higher, there is no need to share the additional revenue. If the actual
revenue is lower, the government cannot get any money back from the regional
governments. In some years, the oil price was underestimated by over 100%
compared with the real market price. More recently, the oil prices assumed in the
budget have been more realistic but still underestimated by just over 10%.
Institutional Arrangements
The roles and functions of the various Directorate Generals within the MOF,
the NDPA (BAPPENAS), FPO, and line ministries during the planning of
expenditures are described below.
Unlike the dominant role that the FPO has in setting the economic assumptions
for the preparation of state revenues for the annual budget, the FPO plays
a limited role in in-year cash outflow projections.30 The responsibility of FPO
for state spending is limited to collecting information on central government
spending policies, which it then provides as an input to DG Budget, which in
turn establishes the overall budget policy and amount of central government
spending in the budget.
DG Budget has the important role of establishing the overall amount of central
government spending in the budget and of monitoring budget realization.
DGB and communicated through DG Treasury to the spending units and their
servicing Treasury branches. The ratification and management of DIPAs was
previously with DG Treasury but, since 2012, the Finance Minister has transferred
this responsibility from DG Treasury to DG Budget.31 The responsibility was
transferred so as to implement a “single” budget office that undertakes the full
cycle of the budget process from formulation and appropriation to allotment and
The State Finance Law requires that the DIPA be issued by end-December of the
previous year, which is generally adhered to, and it was even issued earlier for FY
Line Ministries
The Planning and Finance Bureau (PFB)34 within each spending ministry plays
the main role in harmonizing the budget with the procurement plan and the
cash disbursement plan. In the early stages of the budget preparation process,
the PFB conducts a “learning by doing” workshop for the major subordinate
Chapter 3 125
spending units,35 to train their staff in preparing budget submissions and the
annual cash plans. This is followed up by assistance from the administrative office
or secretary Directorate General of each Echelon I during the preparation phase.
The budget documents and the annual cash plans submitted by the spending
units are then reviewed by a team from the PFB, the procurement services unit,
the e-procurement unit, and the IT unit. One of the checks performed during the
review is to ensure that the annual procurement plans are consistent with the cash
disbursement plan. After the budget appropriations are approved by parliament in
October, the annual cash disbursement plan is finalized by November.
During the fiscal year the PFB conducts monthly expenditure reviews with
the major spending units and their respective DGs to compare the actual
procurements realized with the disbursements and timeliness of the procurement
packages included in the budget documentation. The review is used as the basis
to update each spending unit’s cash flow plan. Any deviation from the previous
cash realization performance and its original plan will be analyzed to improve the
quality of the next updated cash plan. The reviews become more frequent before
the finalization of the supplementary budget and the preparation of the annual
budget. Two months before the date for the presentation of the supplementary
budget, the PFB discusses with the spending unit which procurements are
unlikely to be implemented and looks for a possible reallocation of the budget to
other priority areas. The PFB in the MOF uses a budget disbursement tool36 to
monitor revenue, expenditure, and procurement progress.
Currently, there are three kinds of cash-flow projections: (i) the (bottom- up)
annual ‘rough’ cash-flow estimation made in the annual budget allotment
documents37 prepared by spending units; (ii) the (top-down) monthly cash-flow
prediction (Cash Planning Information Network—CPIN—report) developed by
an inter-directorate committee in the MOF; and (iii) a daily cash withdrawal plan
126 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
report developed on the basis of cash requested by Treasury branches to settle the
payments requested by spending units for the following day. The three types are
explained in the box below.
• Annually: Spending units roughly estimate their annual disbursement (on a monthly
basis) and send it to DG Treasury (Directorate of Budget Execution). This estimate is
basically a formality which provides rough figures as opposed to a disbursement plan
which the spending units are committed to (the rough figures at the beginning of the
fiscal year are normally derived from dividing the annual budget equally into twelve
month periods presented in the spending unit’s budget allotment document which
shall then be regularly updated throughout the year).
• Monthly: The CPIN holds periodic discussions to prepare a monthly cash forecasting
report for the Ministry of Finance. The committee uses historical data of revenues and
expenditures, as well as recent updated cash plan data (daily/weekly/monthly) from
the spending units and assumptions of key macroeconomic and monetary indicators.
• Daily: Twice a day (morning and afternoon), all local treasury branches prepare
an estimation of cash needed to settle potential payments on that particular day
(morning) or the next day (afternoon), based on requests for payments received from
the spending units
The updated bottom-up cash outflow projections from each spending unit are
regularly made for one budget year, broken down into outflows for each month,
week, and day. Every month, each spending unit is required to submit the updated
cash plan, in which for the immediate two months ahead, these projections are
broken down by weeks, while for the immediate week ahead, the projections are
broken down by days. DG Treasury utilizes three mechanisms to develop the
forward cash plans:
The low quality of cash forecasts and lack of compliance in the submission of
regular cash plan updates from the spending units does not lessen the importance
of this bottom-up information process. The spending units as budget owners
should decide, through the “bottom-up” process, when and how much cash they
will actually withdraw during the year. While DG Treasury uses time series models
to estimate (daily/ weekly/monthly) cash flow projections for each currency, the
model might not be effective unless underpinned by timely and accurate data
to factor in unexpected and irregular cash withdrawals. A further benefit of the
bottom up projections is to help identify the reasons for variations in the plan.
To improve the quality of the forecasts Treasury is proposing to give more attention
to the plans of the larger spending units. An analysis of the transaction volumes
and amounts pertaining to spending units based on the budget allotment for FY
2013 is shown in the table below.
It can be seen from the table above that 75% (18,298 out of 24,471) of the
spending units have a budget allotment of less than IDR 10 billion each, and yet
have received only 3.25% out of the total budget allotment for the country. Based
on these findings, the Directorate of Cash Management is planning to apply a
simpler procedure by using the “80/20” rule, in which only the few spending
units with large expenditure budget allocations will be required to submit their
regular updated cash flow projections. An incentive scheme is to be considered
rather than applying a sanction to defer disbursement, as that would cause delays
in budget execution.
The current cash flow projection suffers from inaccuracies due to significant
unexpected flows related to both revenues and expenditures. These stem from
uncertainty regarding the size and timing for which funds are drawn down from
the TSA sometime before final payment is due. The DG Treasury is planning
to improve the accuracy of cash flow projections from the spending units/
line ministries through the incentive and sanction mechanism (see chapter 1).
This should be supplemented by a more active follow-up by Treasury on major
variances in line with the plan to reinforce to the spending units the importance
of accurate projections.
Once SPAN and SAKTI are implemented, commitment management will be used
as the basis for controlling budget allocations and as an input for forward cash
planning. The proposed data flows pertaining to the recording of commitments
through SPAN are shown in the figure below:
Chapter 3 129
List of Suppliers
As can be seen from the figure above, commitments will be registered with the
LTBs by the spending units at the time they issue purchase orders. The approval
of the commitment by the LTB will result in the generation of a commitment
approval number. This number will be used to match and approve subsequent
payment requests made by the spending units for purchases related to the
particular commitment. With the completion of the roll-out of SPAN and SAKTI,
commitment control will be applied across all central government spending units.
This will significantly enhance the timeliness and accuracy of forward cash plans.
Indonesia follows a cash based budgeting system with a strict annual authority
to spend given to the budget users, which establishes a ceiling on their authority
to commit expenditures. Normally, any in-year payment arrears or delays in
settlement of government liabilities should be eliminated by the end of the fiscal
year unless there are delays in submitting claims for payment beyond the end of
a fiscal year.
during this period. On-going capital works also continue to create liabilities for
which payments cannot be made until the budget allocations are available for
disbursement. These on-going activities create interim cash outflow arrears, which
should be factored into the cash outflow plans for the latter part of the fiscal year.
The commitment management process provides a mechanism for estimating these
cash flow delays and for including them in subsequent disbursement projections.
As can be seen from the figure below, for the last six years the expenditures during
the last quarter of the fiscal year have been proportionately much higher than in
the first quarter.
23% 26%
50% 24% 24%
30% 23% 25%
41% 40%
20% 36% 38% 35% 38%
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
There are also instances when increased transaction costs deter suppliers from
presenting periodic invoices for work-in-progress upon completion of interim
stages of construction or maintenance projects. They prefer to submit one
consolidated invoice towards the end of the fiscal year. While these delays in
payments cannot be classified as arrears due to the fact that invoices have not been
presented, it is necessary to keep track of delayed invoices in order to factor the
potential cash outflows into the cash flow plans.
I. Budget
II. Procurement II. Implementation Other
The main responsibility for managing the assessment and collection of revenues
lies with DG Tax, which has around 32,000 staff deployed in 363 offices (including
the Head Office, regional offices, 4 Large Tax Payer Offices, 28 Medium Tax Payer
Offices and 299 Small Tax Payer Offices). This section describes the arrangements
made by the Treasury for the in-year concentration and management of
government revenue deposits.
2. Some taxes, revenue sharing, profits and dividends are deposited directly
by SOEs in the state treasury account at the BI. This includes the revenues
from revenue sharing (from oil, gas and natural resources), profits and
dividends from SOEs, and repayments of government loans.
Chapter 3 133
The government has enacted laws42 and issued regulations prescribing time
schedules for depositing advance taxes so as to smooth out revenue inflows during
the year. The State Finance Law and the State Treasury Law provide for the daily
sweeping of government revenues into the TSA. The agreement between the DG
Treasury and revenue collecting banks provides for the payment of fees for banking
services received; obligates the banks to transfer revenue collections to the TSA
within one day; and requires banks to provide appropriate information technology
to support the smooth collection of state receipts. It provides for penalties in the
event of delayed remittances to the TSA; delayed opening of receipt counters;
and for charging the depositors any fee for government collection services. Taxes
withheld by spending units from payments made to employees and suppliers are
recorded as government revenues through the e-pay point facility without the
physical transfer of funds.
The collecting bank network in Indonesia extends to more than 2,300 branches of
81 commercial banks and post offices located in all the regions of the country. The
collecting branch provides revenue collection data to the respective local treasury
branch, which inputs this data into a database. The collecting branch also reports
the collection data to its respective headquarters, which consolidates collection
data from all other branches nation-wide. The data from the headquarters of
collecting branches, combined with the withholding tax data from payments made
by local treasury branches, are sent to the IT department of DG Treasury to be
consolidated as total government collections. A reconciliation and consolidation
of all government collections/deposits is then conducted by both DG Treasury
and the local treasury branches.
The transaction flow diagram below shows the banking arrangements for revenue
134 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Daily report 5
End of day
transfer 2
Daily report
1 1 1 Regional
Over the last two decades, Indonesia has experimented with different systems of
revenue collection and concentration. Systems have evolved to keep pace with the
evolution of banking and payment systems. The MPN system has emerged as the
core system for the collection and transmittal of government revenue deposits from
collecting banks. State revenues handled through the MPN system significantly
increased from 2008 to 2013, as can be seen from the table below, which gives an
indication of the amounts and volumes of revenue transactions involved.43
Chapter 3 135
Table 3.5 State Revenue Handled through the MPN (Modul Penerimaan Negara)
During the earlier implementation of MPN44 from 2008 to 2011, the quality
of tax data entering into the system at the collection points was not adequately
controlled and reconciled. As a result, substantial numbers of revenue transactions
could not be posted in the ledger accounts of the tax payers even though the
collections were transmitted to the TSA. Consequently, up until 2010 the Supreme
Audit Agency45 issued a disclaimer in its audit report related to the inaccuracy
of data capture and the inadequate reconciliation of state revenue transactions
processed through MPN (G-1).
As a result of this effort to clean up the tax collection data, the discrepant entries
were almost fully reconciled. This has been confirmed by the Supreme Audit
Agency in their audit of FY2011 and 2012 with an unqualified opinion.
PI-15. Effectiveness D+ C+
in collection of tax
payments. (M1)
For the purpose of easy, safe, fast, accurate and efficient state revenue (tax and
non-tax) administration and in order to produce timely and comprehensive
revenue collection reports, in 2011 MOF developed the second generation of
MPN (MPN G-2), which was developed and implemented through four closely
related strategies, namely:
138 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The billing system is a new feature of MPN G-2. The tax payer is issued a billing
code by the system before the revenue payment can be deposited into the bank/
post office persepsi account. It is intended to minimize the data discrepancies
between the collected cash and the tax invoices; hence, it will reduce the time
for reconciliation. The MPN G-2 and the associated billing system have been
implemented on a pilot basis across the country. By the end of 2013, piloting
of MPN G-2 has been completed at eight revenue collecting banks48 and the
switching system development was jointly done with Bank BRI. To date, tax
payers from all over Java have been able to pay their taxes using the MPN G-2.
Full roll-out is planned for 2014.
The flow of revenue payment through the MPN G-2 is shown in the flow chart
Figure 3.10 Flow of Revenue Payment through the MPN G-2
2.a 4.a
4.c 3.a
(1) Tax payer accesses the billing system to create a billing code;
(2) The billing system will provide a billing code that will be used as the basis for payment; the billing code will also be passing to the MPN system (2.a);
(3) Based on the issued billing code, the tax payer pays their tax obligations at the Bank Persepsi through one of the available methods (Over the counter; ATM or E-banking). The Bank Persepsi then informs the core banking
system on the received payment information (3.a). This information will be passed to the MOF switcher system and MPN (3.b and 3.c) which is part of the settlement system;
(4) Once the payment information is received, the MPN will confirm to have received the payment by issuing the receipt code (NTPN-Nomor Transaksi Penerimaan Negara/ state revenue receipt number). This NTPN will be
sent to the Bank Persepsi for issuing the state revenue receipts as the evidence of payment for the tax payer (4.c and 4.d) and to the billing system to close the transaction. (4.a).
Note: Data on tax deducted at source from employees and suppliers is captured through an E-Pay-Point facility in the local treasury branches, and incorporated into MPN-G2.
Chapter 3
140 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The figure below brings out the process flows related to payments made by the
Treasury through the TSA.
DG Treasury
BO-I Head
3 Office (4 Banks)
- Estimate fund request 8 6
- Additional up to 14.00
1 Spending Vendor/
Unit Beneficiary
Each afternoon (at 4pm local time) the local treasury branch conveys its estimated fund needs based on the cash forecast
and payments requested (SPM) by spending units, to the DG Treasury for the following day’s needs. Then, during the
working day DG Treasury in each morning (at around 7am) asks the BI to transfer funds from the TSA to the government
expenditure account with the head offices of the disbursing commercial bank branch (BO I) to be used for disbursement of
expenditure requested by the spending unit on that day. The payment process during the day is described in the above
figure and explained as follow:
1. Spending unit submits the request for payment (SPM) document to LTB:
2. Local treasury branch sends disbursement order (SP2D) to its disbursing bank branch (BO I).
3. Local treasury branch sends fund requests to DG Treasury
4. DG Treasury sends transfer order to BI through Government electronic Banking (BIG eB)
5. BI transfers funds to 4 head offices of the disbursing banks (BO I)
6. Disbursing branches (BO I) overbook the funds from its head office
7. Disbursing banks disburse large payment directly to the vendor/beneficiary and or small amount of petty cash to the
spending unit treasurer accounts for payment of the small expenditure that might not be directly paid by the treasury
to the beneficiary accounts.
8. If there is an excess of funds, disbursing banks should transfer it back to their operational head office
9. Operational head office transfers the excess of funds back to the TSA in BI at the end of the day.
Chapter 3 141
The current process flows for payments facilitate the actual transfer of cash for
payments at the time when payments are due. Cash is transferred out of the TSA
in BI to the bank accounts of the local treasury branches by DG Treasury on the
basis of the payment requests approved by the treasury branches for the following
day. Residual balances remaining in the bank accounts of the local treasury
branches at the end of each day are returned to the TSA in BI. Payments from
the bank accounts of the local treasury branches to the beneficiaries are made
electronically either through the RTGS when the transaction involves different
banks or through intra-bank transfers whenever funds are transferred between
branches of the same bank.
Decentralized payments for urgent small value transactions are made from
the imprest accounts held by spending units of the line ministry in accredited
commercial banks approved by the MOF. The Treasury monitors the imprest
accounts by: (i) setting the cash limits, without controlling individual transactions;
(ii) consolidating the daily balances in a Notional Pooling Account for purposes
of determining the daily cash balances held in these bank accounts without
zero balancing them; and (iii) negotiating for a better remuneration of the idle
balances held in the imprest accounts with the commercial bank. The banking
arrangements for imprest accounts held by the spending units are explained in
Chapter 2.
142 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
This chapter focuses on how cash plans are dependent on the quality of processes at
different stages of the expenditure and revenue cycle, bringing out the importance
of the credibility of the annual budget, and procedures for identifying the timing
of cash flows during the year. It then discusses the mechanisms for consolidating
revenues and executing expenditures. Although there are procedures in place to
support cash planning in Indonesia, the current quality of cash plans is poor.
DG Treasury has decided on a number of strategies to improve the quality of the
cash projections coming from spending units. Making progress in this area will
be critical to the adoption of a more active approach to cash management. In
contrast, good progress has been made on mechanisms for consolidating revenues
and executing expenditures.
The starting point for the cash plans are the budget projections. In Indonesia, the
budget process provides for the approval of the budget by the end of October for
the financial year starting in January, although parliamentary review may continue
after appropriation. Line ministries have sufficient time to finalize their annual
cash flow plans for submission to the Treasury well before the start of the fiscal
year in January. However, parliament’s review sometimes goes beyond the end of
October, which needs to be taken into account in preparing annual cash plans.
One weakness in the current budget process that affects cash planning is the lack
of a mechanism for the quality assurance of forecasts used in the budget. The
actual revenues collected over the last four years have been consistently below
the target, while the budget outcome on subsidies is significantly higher than the
budget. A cash shortage has only been avoided because of under spending in some
other expenditure categories – especially capital. The credibility of the budget
could be improved if independent reviews were commissioned by the government
through think tanks (or possibly by establishing an independent fiscal council).
The improved quality of forecasts would provide a sounder base for in-year cash
planning, particularly with reference to the volatility of mineral revenues.
For in-year cash plans, the procedures provide for the preparation of quarterly,
monthly and daily cash flow projections. However, despite measures taken to
impose discipline on the spending units to update their cash flow projections
during the year, a review of the implementation by DG Treasury concluded that
the quality of the bottom-up cash plans was poor. This could be attributed, in part,
Chapter 3 143
to the onerous requirements of the new reporting procedures for in-year updates
to the cash plans. Based on these findings, the Directorate of Cash Management
is planning to apply a simpler procedure by using the “80/20” rule, in which
only spending units with a large expenditure budget allocation will be required to
submit their regular updated cash flow projections. Capacity building to improve
the ability of cash planners in spending units is also underway and is currently
scheduled to cover most of the major spending units. These efforts should be
supplemented by a more active follow-up on major variances in line with the plan
by Treasury to reinforce to spending units the importance of accurate projections.
Alongside measures to improve the quality of cash plans from spending units,
the coordination needs to be addressed. An option would be to interface the
Human Resources Planning system operated in GEAA with SPAN. Meanwhile,
the Treasury should consider setting up a task force to meet once a quarter and
review outstanding personnel payment issues with GEAA and the relevant line
ministries. The MOF should also consider ways in which more reliable data can
be gathered on the in-year cash flows related to natural resources. Between the
Treasury, line ministries and GEAA for synchronizing payroll data also With the
implementation of IFMIS (SPAN), SAKTI, and MPN-G2, the IT environment
for budget execution will be in line with international practices as mentioned in
chapter 1. The data entry and data validation of cash flow plans will be done at
source by the spending units using the application software SAKTI. Thereafter, the
data will be piped to the SPAN database through a portal. Further consolidation
and processing of cash flows will be done through the cash management module
of SPAN. The module will generate forward cash flow forecasts and automatically
update them with respect to the actual expenditure data already available in the
central database. These bottom up projections will be an input to the Treasury
cash planning process. The implementation of MPN G2, which is just being
launched, will ensure the ex-ante reconciliation of all revenue collections and their
straight-through posting in the tax ledgers maintained by the revenue collecting
144 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
While the reforms described in earlier chapters set the stage for efficient cash
management, this chapter looks at the way cash management needs to be
coordinated with budget deficit financing and the investment of surplus cash
The planning of cash flows related to debt and debt servicing is critical to ensure
the credibility of governments among investors, donors and rating agencies.
Defaults in debt servicing could have serious implications for future external
and domestic financing in terms of both the availability of financing sources and
the increased costs of financing. This chapter discusses international experiences
in planning and managing cash flows related to debt and describes the practical
solutions adopted by Indonesia.
Options for the investment of surplus cash balances and some international
practices are discussed. The challenges faced by Indonesia in investing their
surplus cash balances are examined in the context of international experiences.
The last part of this chapter concludes with a summary of the strengths of the
Indonesian practices related to budget financing and suggests some improvements.
debt servicing obligations are met at the lowest possible cost over the medium to
long term, consistent with a prudent degree of risk (IMF and World Bank,April
2014). Cash management has a short-term focus limited to the fiscal year, whereas
debt management has a medium- to long- term horizon.
Once the medium-term fiscal framework and the debt sustainability dynamic has
been analyzed1 and confirmed, the government can select its requisite medium-
term budget framework. This will lay out the budget balance—deficits and/or
surpluses—over the coming three or four years. Given this framework, the debt
managers will devise an optimal medium-term debt management strategy. This
strategy should comprise the currency breakdown and instruments to be used for
financing the budget, with a view to optimizing the associated cost-risk trade-off
in conjunction with the existing public debt portfolio. For example, it may appear
to be efficient to make all necessary borrowings externally where interest rates are
lower, but the extra currency risk must be taken into account in order to justify
such a rebalancing of the debt portfolio.
Whilst the strategy for the subsequent two or three years may only be based on the
aggregate portfolio parameters, the coming fiscal year strategy should give a fully
detailed Annual Borrowing Plan (ABP). This should specify the exact instruments
to be issued in the particular markets and the currencies. Where possible, it
should provide expected issuance dates and amounts. Clearly, the medium-term
debt strategy and the ABP will also take account of debt servicing requirements
such as redemptions; liability management operations such as buy-backs; and
loan amortization. Efficient debt market development procedures also affect the
borrowing plan and these can entail the need for large benchmark bond issues;
a smooth issuance calendar throughout the year – particularly for the domestic
market; and the possible need to pre-fund future maturities. These plans are a vital
input to cash planning for the fiscal year since they can cause tension between
debt management and cash management policies – for example, pre-funding can
create additional cash surpluses at a time when can plans predict an excess of cash.
Effective government cash management should ensure that budget execution can
take place efficiently within the fiscal year. It assumes that government ministries
and agencies have the best understanding of their services and how to provide
them and that they use this knowledge when procuring goods and services. If
this procurement conforms to budget commitment rules, payment should be
Chapter 4 151
While coordination between cash and debt management is necessary and discussed
further below, it is important that they are not considered as having the same
function. While the debt manager focuses on financing the budget deficit and
managing the public debt portfolio, the cash manager should only be concerned
with short-term in-year variations of the overall government cash position. This
will ensure that payments can be made and that any temporary cash surpluses are
handled efficiently. The cash manager operates on the premise that its operations
are a zero-sum game. That is: if the budget is credible and the debt manager has
financed any planned deficit through the year, the cash balance at year-end is the
same as at the start of the year. Supplementary budgets within the year are handled
in the same manner.
In many cases, budgets are not planned credibly and realistic supplementary
budgets are not produced during the year when the original budget and its planned
financing become unbalanced. In such cases, the cash and debt management roles
become confused. The cash manager may be expected to provide deficit financing
additional to that sourced by the debt manager. This blurring of respective roles
and objectives should be avoided if possible through formal in-year budget
planning revisions which explicitly provide the debt manager with projections of
the required extra deficit financing. This will allow such funding to be consistent
with the medium-term debt strategy—which the cash manager could not ensure.
Close coordination between the cash and debt managers is necessary on two
levels. Firstly, as described in the previous chapter, the cash manager must produce
accurate cash flow plans for the fiscal year. Major factors in any government cash
flow are inflows from borrowing and aid, and outflows related to the cost of
debt servicing. Secondly, active cash management operations required to meet
its principal goals of ensuring budget execution payments and managing cash
surpluses will have an impact on debt markets. Both of these levels affect the
152 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
operation of monetary policy and domestic financial markets, and thereby also
place an obligation on the cash manager and the central bank to coordinate
transactions and information flows.
At the operational level, there is a need to coordinate debt and cash management
with monetary policy objectives and the budget and planning functions. This is
to ensure that there is appropriate sharing of information on the government’s
liquidity flows between debt managers and fiscal and monetary policy authorities
and a common position of the government in dealing with financial markets.2
Budgets are financed through domestic and external borrowing. Domestic debt
includes direct loans and market securities in the domestic currency. External debt
includes loans from, and securities issued to, foreign governments, multilateral
institutions and other investors, denominated in foreign currency.
Cash inflows and outflows are also affected by other loan cycle events such as
cancellation of undisbursed loans, face value adjustments, restructuring, and debt
swaps. The effect on cash flows would depend on the option chosen to implement
the loan cycle event. For instance, cash outflows would depend on whether debt
swaps resulted in debt forgiveness, on the accumulation of arrears, and on the
staggering of the payment of arrears or penalty accumulation and payment.
The DMO is the main provider of information on cash flows related to debt.
Information registered from loan agreements includes cash flow parameters such
as the date of activation of the loan, the grace period of the loan, applicable
currency, date when principal payments begin, dates and amounts of principal
payments, dates and amounts of interest payments, date when principal payments
end, and date when the interest payments end.
Owing to the importance of ensuring that debt servicing payments are made
correctly and on time, a DMO will record all debt obligations in a database
specifically designed for this purpose. The software is installed in the ministry of
finance and/ or central bank and will provide the functions listed in the box below.
154 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
• Record bids on government securities auctions, as well as notes and bonds on a single
price or multi-price basis
• Maintain an inventory of all external and domestic instruments including: public debt
and grants; short-term and private sector debt; restructuring agreements including
• Record all information concerning loans, grants and debt securities including their
possible relationship to projects and to different national budget accounts
• Record other relevant debt related information such as exchange rates, interest rates,
and macro-economic data.
• Forecast debt-service payments, both by instrument and in aggregate terms with future
• Record actual transactions of debt service and disbursements on a transaction-by-
transaction basis.
• Identify loans in arrears and calculate penalty payments.
• Monitor loan and grant utilization and disbursements.
• Monitor government lending including on-lending.
The information recorded from loan agreements might include the types of credit,3
types of creditor,4 payment dates, payment amounts, and currency of payment.
Information on domestic debt includes outstanding government securities; loans
from local banks, arrears (pension payments, pending bills), and guarantees.
The debt database will be a vital source of debt servicing information for the cash
manager. Cash flow models will need regular access to this database to ensure that
cash requirements are updated as necessary. The cash manager must also maintain
a direct relationship with the debt manager in order to be able to include in the
cash flow model all information relating to planned debt issuance—both domestic
and external. Although the ABP will contain details about planned issuance, these
plans are strongly affected by market and investor conditions and can change
quickly. Such changes must be incorporated in the cash flow plans whenever they
Debt-related cash flows are often very large and have an undue influence on
the smoothing operations of active cash management operations. Following
the production of a cash flow model that describes the projected level of cash
resources available to the government over the current budget execution year, the
cash manager will use active cash management operations to smooth anticipated
Chapter 4 155
fluctuations in the TSA. An optimal cash buffer level in the TSA should be
determined from the expected volatility in cash flow projections and errors in
forecasts. Projected periods of cash shortage will be handled by short-term
borrowing, usually using T-bills. Periods of anticipated cash surpluses will entail
placing short-term deposits using the central bank, commercial banks, or the repo
market. If forecasts are accurate and the T-bill market is deep and liquid, this
buffer level can be very low5 and, therefore, less costly.
Coordination between the cash and debt managers can assist in smoothing the
TSA balance, thereby making the cash manager’s task more efficient and reducing
costs . It is clearly important for the debt manager to arrange for settlement of
government securities redemptions to coincide with new issuance and auction
payment dates, i.e. rollovers. In addition, the debt manager can coordinate issuance
with projected times of cash shortage if he knows the cash manager’s projections.
Conversely, where debt issuance is fixed in advance without the option to alter its
size, provision of this information by the debt manager as far ahead as possible
will allow any cash surpluses to be managed efficiently. The debt manager often
is tasked with monitoring contingent liabilities such as government guarantees.
It is vital that, if the debt manager considers that it is likely that any contingent
liability will materialize during the year, the cash manager is informed and can
adjust the cash buffer level accordingly.
A primary role of the debt manager is to develop the markets—both domestic and
external—in which the government borrows. This role can often be at odds with
the role of the cash manager. Tensions can be created between them when the debt
manager borrows in order to maintain a presence in a market, without the specific
need for funding, or when the market demands very large ‘benchmark’ issues to
enhance market liquidity and reduce funding costs. In the former case, the tension
156 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
is due to the fact that borrowing is occurring at the same time as the cash manager
is trying to place surplus resources on deposit, and almost by definition at a lower
return than the cost of borrowing. In the latter case, redemptions can be far larger
than necessary from a purely cash needs perspective and may create short-term
borrowing problems for the cash manager.
These tensions must be managed well since they can cause a breakdown in this
important relationship if allowed to get out of hand. Where cash surpluses would
clearly eventuate, it may be necessary for the debt manager to adopt a pragmatic
approach and avoid over-issuance for the purpose of market development. Careful
design of pre-funding plans for large redemptions within the cash flow plan can
allow benchmark issues to be redeemed without difficulty if prepared well in
advance. Resolution of such problems highlights the importance of maintaining
excellent coordination and relationships between the debt and cash managers.
The central bank and the cash manager can often provide mutual assistance in
performing their respective tasks. Since the government is often the largest operator
of cash flowing through the banking system at any one time, knowledge of its cash
flow projections can assist in the management of banking system liquidity for
monetary policy purposes. It should be incumbent on the cash manager to make
its forecasts known to the central bank on a regular and updated basis. Smoothing
the cash buffer level in the TSA also assists the central bank in implementing
monetary policy..
Surplus balances are those held in excess of the targeted cash buffer level. Countries
invest their surplus cash through various mechanisms related to the degree of risk
for the expected returns. Gardner and Olden suggest that “times of expected cash
surpluses (greater than the requisite buffer) are often more difficult for the cash
manager than shortages.”6 This can be due to the reluctance of the central bank to
pay deposit interest to the government; the problems of credit risk associated with
making deposits at commercial banks, the lack of liquid money and repo markets;
and lack of coordination with the DMO regarding prepayment or buy-backs of
existing debt instruments.
In many countries, the MOF negotiates with the central bank for interest to be
paid on deposits of its surplus cash resources. These negotiations consider: (i) the
Chapter 4 157
Point (i) above often provides the most effective argument for the central bank
to pay interest on surplus government cash balances. Governments can hold
excess cash either temporarily, due to large imbalances between in-year revenue
and expenditure flows, or continuously, due to structural budget factors such as
increasing natural resource revenues. In the latter case, specific long-term solutions
should be found to deal with structural surpluses including the formation and use
of offshore budget stabilization and inter-generational savings funds conforming
to legally-binding medium-term countercyclical fiscal rules. If these solutions are
not in place, or where cash surpluses are temporary, the cash manager will need
to manage the surpluses efficiently. This entails placing them on term deposit at
interest rates which are the highest available within prudent risk characteristics.
If the central bank does not pay market-related interest on government surplus
balances, the cash manager will need to place excess resources in the domestic
commercial banking system. This will often lead to the central bank needing to
drain this extra liquidity from the system in order to maintain its requisite stable
monetary policy. The cost of open market operations (OMOs) to drain liquidity
should be borne by the central bank and, where government surpluses are large,
these costs can be very significant - and have even been known to compromise the
capital structure of the central bank itself. In order to avoid such problems, the
government should negotiate with the central bank for it to pay market-related
term deposit rates – recognizing that by using the central bank commercial bank
credit risk is avoided – and thereby maintain its excess cash within the central
bank and outside the commercial banking system.
158 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
4.3.1. Background
to IDR 63.9 trillion. However, the major source of budget deficit financing
continues to be debts, which include Government securities (SBN), foreign loans
and domestic loans.
From 2007 to 2012, the actual budget deficit financing required was a little lower
than the target due to a combination of the revenue realization being above the
budget and the low absorption of the expenditure budget. In percentage terms,
the ratio of realization to target of budget financing during 2009 to 2012 was
86.7, 68.8, 86.8 and 81.1, respectively, as shown in the table below.
State 871.0 848.8 992.4 995.3 1,169.9 1,210.6 1,358.2 1,338.1 1,502.0 1436.9
State Ex- 1,000.8 937.4 1,126.1 1,042.1 1,320.8 1,295.0 1,548.3 1,491.4 1,726.2 1,638.0
Deficit to (2.4) (1.6) (2.1) (0.7) (2.1) (1.1) (1.5) (1.3) (2.0) (2.2)
GDP (%)
Financing 129.8 112.6 133.7 91.6 150.8 130.9 190.1 153.3 224.2 227.2
Budget (86.7%) (68.8%) (86.8%) (81.1%) (101%)
The table above illustrates the Indonesian practice of accumulating cash surpluses
by over-financing the budget deficit. The SAL is created because of the policy of
pursuing the borrowing amount set by the Parliament in the budget. The objective
of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the DG Debt Management is defined
as meeting the financing target through borrowing. Consequently, if DG DM
did not meet the financing target through debt as set in the law, its performance
would be considered weak. This behavior, coupled with deficits that are regularly
lower than the budget projections, led to an unnecessary buildup of cash in the
form of SAL that could not be used by the government without further approval
by the Parliament.
In terms of instruments, non-debt financing was closer to the targets set in the
budget than debt financing. This is consistent with the policy of optimizing the
use of the budget to meet financing needs from non-debt sources. Despite the
160 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
policy of optimizing the use of non-debt sources, the contribution of the non-
debt financing is still small compared to the SBN financing, as shown in the table
and graph below on the proportion of non-debt to debt financing.
Trillion IDR
224.2 231.8
99.5 91.1
100 85.9 88.6 84.4
46.8 38.1
25.5 28.3
16.6 8.8
4.1 4.6
-18.4 -17.2 -16.4
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Deficit (Surplus) Govt Securities, nett Loans, nett Non Debt, nett
Since 1998, the government budget has been in deficit with a peak of 2.5 per cent
of GDP in 1999.
Chapter 4 161
-0.5 -0.7
-1.07 -1.03
-1.0 -1.26
-1.6 -1.6
-1.5 -1.69 -1.72
-2.0 -2.15
-2.49 -2.45
1998 2001 2004 2008 2010
During the fiscal reforms in early 2000, the State Finance Law introduced a
conservative budget deficit policy aimed at stimulating economic growth, and
maintaining fiscal sustainability.
The actual budget deficit between 2007 and 2012 has always been lower than the
deficit set in the annual budget law. Some contributing factors were:
Budget deficit financing can be from either foreign or domestic sources consistent
with the Government’s financing capacity and the debt management policy. In
its implementation, the Government aims to prioritize financing from domestic
borrowing because of the relatively lower risks . In addition, domestic borrowing
supports financial market development.
162 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Box 4.2 General Strategies for the Management of Debt and Contingent Liabilities
for 2013 - 2016 are:
a. To optimize the potential debt funding from domestic sources, while complementing
this using foreign sources.
b. To develop debt instruments and widen the debt investor base to increase flexibility in
the selection of funding sources that are in line with the financing of budget needs and
can be obtained at minimal cost and tolerable risk.
c. To utilize flexibility in debt in order to ensure the fulfillment of state budget financing
with optimal cost and risk.
d. To maximize the utilization of debt for capital expenditures, especially for infrastructure
e. To perform active debt management within the Asset Liability Management
f. To discontinue the provision of blanket guarantees, such as the issuance of support
letters for Independent Power Producer projects of PT PLN.
g. To increase the capital of the companies established by the government to provide
infrastructure guarantees, in order to enable them to provide guarantees without
seeking government support.
h. To increase the transparency of the management of debt and contingent liabilities
through regular publication about debt information.
i. To improve coordination with related stakeholders in order to enhance the efficiency
of the State Budget, to support the development of financial markets, to upgrade the
sovereign credit rating, and to identify potential risks from guarantees and recommend
mitigation actions.
Chapter 4 163
Based on the selected strategy, the cost and risk targets of the government debt
portfolio at the end of each year from 2014 to 2016 are then determined, as
shown below.
Table 4.3 Cost and Risk Targets for Government Financing in 2014 – 2016
Sep- Target
Risk Indicator
12 2014 2015 2016 Notes
Interest Rate Refixing rate (% total) 23.3 21.5 19.5 17.6 Maximum
Fixed rate debt (% total) 83.9 86.8 88.2 89.2
Risk & Porfolio Medium Term
Performance Strategy
Annual State
Strategy Budget
Before the beginning of the fiscal year, DGDM prepares an ABP for financing the
projected government deficit, refinancing requirements, and planned investments.
Market participants are consulted during the preparation of the ABP, which
must be in line with the annual state budget approved by parliament. The ABP
determines the schedule for issuance of debt. The schedule is announced before
the beginning of the year and coordinated with DCM during the year. The ABP is
adjusted in response to the revised state budget (APBN-P), which is usually done
in the middle of the year to capture the difference between initial assumptions and
the on-going realization.
Chapter 4 165
The various inputs that are used while developing the ABP are shown in the chart
Government Securities
Market Development:
One year t Demand & Supply
Risk Limit t Market Infrastructure
The DCM of DG Treasury proposes to subsume the CPIN functions within the
ALMC. Once this happens, the focus of the in-year ALMC meetings will shift
more towards active cash management rather than limiting the discussions to the
macro-economic situation and fiscal policy issues. The annual strategic ALMC
meetings would continue to review the annual targets for cash balances, the annual
debt strategy, and the annual investment strategy; however, the CPIN data sharing
mechanism would continue to compile and circulate the cash position outlook for
the rest of the year. Hence, although the regular ALMC is in place, it would still
be worthwhile for CPIN to continue to meet provided the discussions focus on
cash management and short-term cash planning (daily and/or weekly forecasts).
Line Ministries
Monthly Cash Debt Issuance
Monthly Spending
Flow Forecast Calendar
Note: Green boxes refer to the information in DIPA documents managed by DGB, red boxes refer to
processes managed by DG Treasury, and blue boxes refer to processes managed by DGDM.
168 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
4.3.3. Planning and Managing Cash Flows for Financing the Budget
Financing Instruments
Law no. 24/2002 regulates SBN.11 Article 5, paragraph 1 of the law authorizes the
Finance Minister to issue SBN after receiving the parliament’s approval, which is
reflected in the annual state budget law. The types of SBN consist of:
The characteristics of the debt instruments currently used in Indonesia are shown
in the chart below:
Chapter 4 169
t-FOEFST8PSME#BOL "%# "'%+*$"
The DGDM usually tries to ensure the availability of cash by mobilizing funds
to cover the bulk of the budgeted deficit in the early part of the fiscal year (front
loading policy) soon after the Appropriation Act is passed. The expenditure
pattern, however, is invariably back-loaded, with as much as 40% of the budget
appropriations being expended in the last quarter of the year. Moreover, the
mobilization of debt at the beginning of the year has insulated government funds
from market risks such as exchange rate fluctuations. This was highlighted in 2013
when a departure from this strategy was tried and a lower IDR exchange rate from
the middle of the year reduced investor confidence and caused a sharp rise in the
yield on Government bonds. However, the conservative policy of front loading
has resulted in a high carrying cost of money for the government, because the
excess funds remained unutilized until the last quarter. The table below shows that
in FY 2014 more than one-third of the debt issuance target for the year has been
completed in less than two months (19 February 2014), as opposed to the slower
issuance in FY 2013 when only 10.7% of the debt was issued within the first two
months of the fiscal year.
The Government has issued a comprehensive regulation for dealing with any cash
surplus and deficit.13 The regulation defines the objectives of the management of
any surplus/deficit in state cash, the types of investment in case of a cash surplus,
the procedures for the selection of commercial banks to place state money, the
types of deposit in commercial banks, the mechanism to purchase bonds and
implement reverse repo, management of the cash deficit, and finally the provisions
for risk management and accountability.
The recently issued MOF regulation14 further elaborates the rules and procedures
for the placement of surplus government funds in commercial banks. The
regulation sets out the stringent requirements for commercial banks to be selected
as the government’s partner banks for the placement of state cash,15 the placement
procedures and types of deposit, the maximum amount that can be placed in one
particular bank, the minimum remuneration/interest rate, which is at least 70%
of the BI rate, and the conditions for withdrawal.
Currently, the minimum daily reserve balance target is set at IDR 2 trillion so
as to optimize the cash holding while ensuring liquidity for payments. There
is no overall calculated optimal cash buffer level. A cash excess consists of any
currency in excess of the cash balance target. Those funds can be used for short-
term investments (including placement in the commercial banks) by taking into
account the principles of safety and caution in the effective allocation of state
funds. The instruments available for placement of surplus funds comprise:
Should DG Treasury begin to place idle cash outside of BI, then accurate forecasts
of the daily cash balance are needed by DG Treasury to make informed decisions
regarding the term of placement for surplus cash, in order to maximize returns
with minimum risk. Investing state cash outside of BI would offer the potential for
higher returns to the government. Greater investment activity by the MOF could
also contribute to the development of the domestic money market, by providing a
catalyst for greater activity by other players. However, before the placement of the
state cash balance outside of central bank can be implemented, the MOF should
coordinate with BI since this proposal has significant implications for monetary
The Treasury is also in discussions with DG Debt Management to find ways to ensure that
financial markets see the financing operations of both organizations as complementary.
The table below describes the differences in the operations of the TDR and the DG DM
Dealing room.
With improved coordination and communication between cash and debt managers
through regular ALMC meetings, Indonesia is gradually becoming better placed
to move to active daily cash management. Information on idle cash balances that
could be used to fund the financing requirement are starting to be factored into
the government’s borrowing strategy. The Treasury continues to refine cash flow
projections to improve the accuracy of forecasts, the period of projections and the
exact timing of large-value transactions. However, coordination between the cash
manager, the government debt manager, and the monetary authorities needs to
be further strengthened by including central bank representatives in the ALMC
and CPIN.
The implementation of SPAN and the proposed interface of DMFAS with SPAN
will provide real-time access to both organizations on the status of government
cash requirements and the debt portfolio. As already mentioned, a number of
countries are now configuring their debt management systems to interface with
their IFMIS. Indonesia also proposes to interface its IFMIS (SPAN) with DMFAS,
which has already been configured to record both domestic and external debt. The
electronic interface between these two systems and giving BI on-line access to the
integrated database will greatly facilitate coordination between cash management,
debt management and monetary policy.
It would also be useful to provide greater certainty in the ABP for financing
the budget, especially with respect to the use of the Budget Surplus Balance
(SAL). The rigidities associated with the use of the SAL are an unusual feature of
Indonesia’s financing practices and are an impediment to good cash management.
The practice relates to requirements introduced by the parliament and it would
be useful to explore with the budget committee of the parliament, options for
relaxing the constraints to provide more flexibility in the financing.
the MOF decided to invest its balances in government owned commercial banks,
this proposal would have additional cost for BI in implementing monetary policy
that would reduce the overall beneficial effects of placement funds in the market.
The modalities for investment should also ensure that government balances held
outside the BI are fully securitized. While the proposal to invest government
balances at interest rates closer to those prevailing in the market is desirable for
the purpose of securing optimal returns on idle balances, it should be approached
with a prudent regard to the associated credit and liquidity risk.
176 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
¹ The IMF Guidance note indicates that “The speed at which cash management can be improved depends on: (1)
the starting point, especially the extent to which basic conditions for effective cash management are in place; (2)
the willingness of national authorities to reform cash management practices, to confront resistance to full treasury
oversight of all government bank accounts, and to enhance the transparency of government operations at transaction
level; (3) the infrastructure available for rapid transfer of funds by electronic means; (4) the degree to which financial
markets have developed, including end-of-day bank account “sweeping” and financial market instruments available
for daily cash management; and (5) human capacity and organizational arrangements.”
180 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Avoiding use of physical Done Applying direct payment using real time gross
cash. settlement transfer from the TSA account in the
central bank to the end beneficiary account in a
commercial bank
Limiting cash advances. Done Strict regulation to limit the petty cash amount
that can be held by each of the 24,000 spending
Modifying the legal Done Issuance of Law 1/2004 on State Treasury, GOI
framework. regulations No 39/2007 and 45/2013; and
Finance Minister regulation 192/2009
Developing cash projection Mostly Training of spending unit staff members that
skills. Done manage 70% of the budget to familiarize them
with Finance Minister regulation No. 192/2009.
The training must be regularly and continuously
held and supported by sufficient budget.
Maintaining minimum cash Done IDR 2 trillion and equivalent of USD 1 million for
balances. daily cash requirement
Remunerating idle cash Done MOU with central bank for remunerating cash
balances. above IDR 2 trillion and equivalent of USD 1
million kept in central bank
Extending TSA coverage. Partially TSA has covered expenditure accounts; revenue
Done accounts and petty cash at spending units.
However, there is a need to also consolidate the
other government owned accounts, such as
Public Service Agency accounts, and to report
on the government managed accounts, such as:
the bail-out funds; haj funds; endowment funds
Coordinating cash and debt Partially Through regular CPIN and ALMC meetings
management. Done
182 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Using banking facilities. Done Central Bank RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement)
system for fund transfer; Central Bank BIG-
eB (Bank Indonesia Government electronic
banking) for closed internet banking with
Becoming more active in Partially The preparation of Treasury Dealing Room (TDR)
daily management of cash Done is underway
Introducing daily bank Done Daily sweeping for tax revenue payment to TSA
account “sweeping”
4 Placement acc. in
Foreign Currency
II. MOF/Central Tresury’s Revenue Accounts held in Central Bank of Indonesia (BI)
FIRST : To stipulate the amount of average daily minimum cash balance including holidays
in State Treasury Account with Bank Indonesia at IDR 2,000,000,000,000.00 (two trillion
rupiah) for rupiah account and equivalence of USD1,000,000.00 (one million United States
dollars) for foreign exchange USD and non-USD accounts.
SECOND: The State Treasury may invest any excess balance of the State Treasury Account
in Investment Spending Account with Bank Indonesia comprising Rupiah Investment
Spending Account, USD Foreign Exchange Investment Spending Account, and Non-USD
Foreign Exchange Investment Spending Account.
THIRD : The interest rate on Government Cash (rupiah and foreign exchange) in the State
Treasury Account is 0.1% (zero point one per one hundred) per annum and the interest rate
on each Investment Spending Account per annum is : a. For Rupiah Investment Spending
Account, at 65% (sixty five per one hundred) of Bank Indonesia policy rate (BI Rate); b. For
Foreign Exchange USD Investment Spending Account, at 65% (sixty five per one hundred)
of Fed Fund Rate; c. For Non-USD Foreign Exchange Investment Spending Account, at 65%
(sixty five per one hundred) of the foreign exchange home currency policy rate.
FOURTH: Calculation of interest shall be based on end of day average balance in one
month for each account either State Treasury Account or Investment Spending Account.
FIFTH: By the enactment of this Joint Decree of Minister of Finance and Governor of
Bank Indonesia: a. Bank Indonesia shall conduct calculation and payment of interest on
Government Cash in the State Treasury Account and Investment Spending Account with
Bank Indonesia which the interest shall be calculated as of January 2009 and the payment
of interest on end of day average balance for the current one month shall be calculated at
the end of the current month. b. Especially for the interest for January 2009, the payment
shall be carried out together with the payment of the interest for March 2009 because the
interest for January 2009 shall be calculated manually while automatic calculation shall
be implemented as of February 2009. c. The Government shall implement a full Revenue
Treasury Single Account (TSA) no later than January 1, 2009, as the schedule agreed by the
Ministry of Finance and Bank Indonesia and becoming an inseparable Appendix of this
Joint Decree of Minister of Finance and Governor of Bank Indonesia.
186 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
SIXTH: Any other Government Account may be treated as Investment Spending Account
as far as it complies with provisions in Article 15 and Article 36 of Government Regulation
Number 39 of 2007 concerning Central/Regional Government Cash Management and after
the Government notifies Bank Indonesia that the other Government Account has been
categorized as Investment Spending Account.
SEVENTH: In the implementation of the full TSA the balance of any State Treasury Account
with commercial banks functioning as Revenue Account and Spending Account shall be
made null at end of day to be deposited to the State Treasury Account with Bank Indonesia.
EIGHTH : The minimum cash balance in the State Treasury Account and the interest rate
on Government Cash in Investment Spending Account with Bank Indonesia may be revised
every 6 (six) months and in the event of any disagreement with the interest rate, the
applicable interest rate shall be extended up to a new agreement is reached.
NINTH: The Minister of Finance may invest any excess balance in the State Treasury Account
in commercial banks under coordination with the Governor of Bank Indonesia in regard to
the investment amount and time.
TENTH: In case of any failure in the implementation of any matter agreed in this Joint
Decree of Minister of Finance and Governor of Bank Indonesia by any party, one of the
parties may request for a meeting between the Governor of Bank Indonesia and the
Minister of Finance to review the implementation of this Joint Decree of Minister of Finance
and Governor of Bank Indonesia.
TWELFTH: This Joint Decree of Minister of Finance and Governor of Bank Indonesia shall
come into force as of the date of its enactment and retroactively be effective since January
1, 2009.
Enacted in Jakarta
Dated January 30, 2009
Appendices 187
Extracted from:
The Agreement on State Budget Funds Disbursement Cooperative Agreement Through
Commercial Banks (Bank Operation) Between The Directorate General of Treasury and Bank
The agreement signed by the DG Treasury (as the first party) and the Management
(Director) of the commercial bank/Bank Operation (as the second party).
THE FIRST PARTY and THE SECOND PARTY, collectively referred to as THE PARTIES, agree to
enter into and sign a State Budget Funds Disbursement Cooperative Agreement through
Commercial Banks, with the following stipulations:
- Opening and management of MOF’s account upon the requests of the DG of Treasury;
- Receiving funds from the TSA at Bank Indonesia and entering it in the books at that time
for the benefit of MOF account;
- Distributing/disbursing funds based on the request of DG Treasury;
- Submitting the reports of bank statements of the MOF’s account to the Directorate of
- Zeroing out the balances of the MOF’s account at the end of the working day ;
- Cooperating with THE FIRST PARTY in building a data application and communication
- In implementing the work as referred to in this Cooperative Agreement, THE SECOND
PARTY is obliged to keep confidential all the existing data and information, and may not
use them for any other interest or purpose, or share them with any other parties outside
of the defined scope of work, except with a written consent of THE FIRST PARTY.
- Costs for the formulation of business processes upon the distribution of SP2D funds
become the burden of THE FIRST PARTY.
- Costs for the development of application and communication systems is become the
- Costs for the provision of application at the BO Is which conform to KPPN applications
become the burden of THE SECOND PARTY.
- Costs for the provision of the CMS network and system become the burden of THE
188 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
- KPPN are prohibited to submit SP2Ds to the BO after 3:00 PM local time in order to
transfer them to the authorized accounts on related working days.
- The BO are prohibited to:
a. Charge any service costs, including costs for BI RTGS /Local Clearance to any
authorized parties.
b. Perform any actions, both directly and indirectly, which may result in:
i. Delayed transfers to the authorized accounts
ii. Delayed crediting of Returned SP2D funds.
iii. Withdraw funds from the MOF’s account before such SP2Ds are received from the
iv. Withdraw funds from the MOF’s account in excess of the total funds listed in the
Warning Letters are submitted by THE FIRST PARTY to THE SECOND PARTY when:
1. The Central BO Is submit invalid reports to the Director of State Cash Management.
2. The Central BO Is are late to submit reports to the Directorate General of Treasury with
attention to the Directorate of State Cash Management.
3. The Central BO Is do not pay the penalty charged by the Directorate of State Cash
4. The Central BO Is do not perform other duties and obligations
The total amount of penalty is set at 1‰ (one per thousand) per day, including holidays/
days given off from the total amount of funds that were not zeroed out/late to be
distributed/late to be credited, calculated per day including the holiday.
The total amounts of penalties are set at 300% of the total charge cost imposed on any
party listed in the SP2Ds/R-SP2Ds.
Appendices 189
A. For Cash Receipts Persepsi Banks are appointed Persepsi Banks are appointed
by the Minister of Finance by the Ministry of Finance and
and are not paid for services are paid for services related
related to state receipts. to state receipts, based on a
working agreement/ contract
(at present IDR 5,000 per
1. Persepsi Banks State Receipts in Persepsi Each day the State cash
Banks are sent every Tuesday, Receipts in Persepsi Banks
Friday and last day of the must be sent to the RKUN in
month to BI (funds are idle BI (there are no idle funds in
in Persepsi Banks outside of Persepsi Banks)
those days/times).
B. For Cash Expenditures No payment is given for Payment is given for services
services related to state related to state expenditures,
expenditures the amount of which is
established based on open
2. Fund ceiling/balance • The fund ceiling amounts in • There is no ceiling set for BO
in BOs BO I have been set for both I. BO I funds are provided
salaries and non-salaries. BO based on the KPPN need for
II is given funds for payment each day. BO II, at present,
of salaries 6 days before the is given funds for payment
1st of the month. of salaries 3 calendar days
before the salary payment
• Each day BO I and II have date.
balances as reserves for • Balances in BO I must be
the payment of state zeroed out every day,
expenditures. while for BO II (at present)
balances must be zero after
payment of salaries.
C Others
DBH (Revenue DBH from income tax (PPh) Share of the region is 20 per cent: 12 per cent
Sharing Fund) Article 21 for district/city (in which 8.4 per cent shall be
distributed to producing region where the tax
payer registered location) and 8 per cent for
DBH from PPh Article Share of the region is 20 per cent: 12 per cent
25/29 Domestic Individual for district/city (in which 8.4 per cent shall be
Tax Payer distributed to producing region where the tax
payer registered location) and 8 per cent for
Excise on Tobacco The ratio of 30 per cent for the province and
Products (CHT). 70 per cent for the district/city (in which 40 per
cent for producing district/city and 30 per cent
for the other district/city within the province).
DBH Natural Resources 15.5 per cent for the gas mining and 30.5 per
(SDA) on natural oil mining cent from the oil mining revenue after tax
and natural gas mining component and other collection deduction
will be distributed to the regions.
General Allocation The amount of National According to Law Number 33 Year 2004, the
Fund (DAU) DAU extremely depends total amount of DAU is established no less
on the amount of Net than 26 per cent from PDN net stated in APBN.
Domestic Revenue (PDN)
stated in APBN. However, DAU to be distributed to each province and
in order to sharing the district/city was calculated based on: (1) basic
pain of APBN burden and allocation, calculated based on the amount
taking into consideration of PNSD salary, among others include basic
that some subsidy was salary plus family allowance and professional
also intended for the allowance according to the payroll regulation
region, PDN Net also of civil servants; and (2) fiscal gap, which was
taking into account among the difference between the fiscal need and
others the amount of fuel fiscal capacity. Fiscal needs is reflected by the
(BBM) subsidy, electricity variable of total inhabitants, area, construction
subsidy, fertilizer subsidy expense index, human development index,
and foodstuff subsidy as and PDRB per capita, while fiscal capacity is
reduction factor. represented by PAD variable, Tax DBH, and DBH
SDA, but not included DBH SDA Reforestation
192 Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
The World Bank has recently issued a technical note on the TSA rapid assessment
toolkit/ checklist2 which includes 65 questions/statements under five main
The use and application of this TSA assessment toolkit will require certain
conditions, including that it must be jointly performed by two dedicated teams
from the Ministry of Finance and Bank Indonesia. Other requirements are: an
understanding about the results/gaps on the current status and remaining challenges,
a site inspection, feedback from the relevant officials, and a rigorous assessment for
the rating/scoring of each aspect being reviewed.
This book is not intended to apply the toolkit’s methodology. The objective of this
attachment is solely to provide narrative information on the current status of TSA
operations in Indonesia, based on the questions/statements set in the TSA rapid
assessment toolkit. The information is purely descriptive, with no attempt being
made to draw conclusions and/or make recommendations from the findings. The
methodology used for this assessment was based solely on the self-assessment by
officials of the DG Treasury Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Indonesia on
the current situation. Other main sources of information were: (i) the responses to
the questionnaire completed by the DG Treasury and Bank Indonesia officials; (ii)
legislation and/or regulations governing the payment systems and TSA; and (iii)
rules and procedures relevant to the operations of payment systems and issued by
both the Ministry of Finance and Bank Indonesia.
¹ This toolkit was originally developed in response to a request from the Public Sector and Institutional Reform
Cluster (ECSP4) of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region for the assessment of Treasury Single Account (TSA)
operations in Kyrgyz Republic in October 2012. Its transformation into a generic TSA rapid assessment toolkit was
supported by the then Governance and Public Sector Management Practice (PRMPS) of the World Bank’s Poverty
Reduction and Economic Management (PREM) Network. The unit is now part of the World Bank Governance
Global Practice. The toolkit was shared with a number of government officials and project teams for field testing, and
has benefited from additional feedback for possible improvements since then.
² Mr. Cem Dener (GGODR, World Bank) is the author of this technical note in October 2013
Treasury Single Account (TSA) Rapid Assessment Toolkit: Indonesia
Clear legal and Q.1 Banking law and regulations are BI - Law of Republic of Indonesia (RI), No. 7 year 1992 on
regulatory framework for in place commercial bank; and
interbank systems has - Law of RI, No. 23 of 2009 on the Central Bank of Indonesia
been established with and its amendment of Law of RI, No. 3 year 2004
appropriate and effective
sanctions for non-
Q.2 Electronic Signature law / BI - Law of RI, No. 11/2008 on Electronic Transaction and
regulations are in place. Information (ITE); and the Government of Republic
of Indonesia Regulation No. 82 year 2012 on the
management of electronic systems and transactions.
Q.3 RTGS law / regulations are in place. BI - The central bank of Indonesia regulation (PBI) No. 10/2008
on Bank Indonesia Real Time Gross Settlement system;
the circular letter No. 12/1/2010 on the management
of Bank Indonesia Real Time Gross Settlement system;
and the Circular of the Deputy Governor of the Bank of
Indonesia dated 16 August 2007 Number 9/5/DG/DASP
regarding Exemptions from RTGS Costs for State Receipt
and Spending Transactions of Treasury Single Accounts
(TSAs) in KPPNs all over Indonesia.
Q.4 Automated Clearing House (ACH)/ BI - The central Bank of Indonesia regulation (PBI) No.
Bulk Clearing Small (BCS) retail and 7/2005 and its amendment of PBI No. 12/2010 on Bank
regular payments laws / regulations Indonesian National Clearing System (SKNBI); and the
are in place. central bank of Indonesia circular letter No. 12/8/2010
and its amendment No. 12/34/2010 on Bank Indonesia
national clearing system (SKNBI).
Q.5 Laws / regulations for oversight of BI - Law of RI, No. 3 year 2011 on transfer of funds; and the
payment & settlement system are central bank of Indonesia regulation (PBI) No. 14/2012 on
in place. transfer of funds.
Clear legal and regulatory Q.6 Legal and regulatory framework for MOF - The Government of Republic of Indonesia Regulation
framework for Treasury IFMIS (SPAN) operations is in place. No. 45 year 2013 on the State Revenue and Expenditure
Single Account operations Budget Implementation Guidelines; and the Government
has been established of Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 90/2010 on
with appropriate and the work plan and budget preparation of Ministries/
effective sanctions for Institution (RKA-KL)
non-compliance. - SPAN (IFMIS) related implementing regulations are
expected to be approved late 2013 before the piloting
phase of the system
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Ref. TSA Assessment Q Ref. Questions / Statements PIC Comments
Q.7 TSA protocol signed between MOF - Memorandum of Understanding (Joint Decree) between
the DG Treasury (CT) and Bank Finance Minister (No. 17/KMK.05/2009) and Governor of
Indonesia (BI)-legally binding. Bank Indonesia (No. 11/3/Kep.GBI/2009) on Coordination
of the Government Cash Management, January 30, 2009
Q.8 TSA instructions describing the MOF - Law Number 1 of 2004 regarding the State Treasury,
details of revenue / expenditure Article 12 Paragraph (2) and Article 22 Paragraphs (2) and
processing are in place. (3) “All state receipts and expenditures are made through
a Single Account –the State General Cash Account
- Regulation of the Minister of Finance No.98/PMK.05/2007
Regarding the Implementation of Zero-Balance
Expenditure Bank Accounts at Commercial Bank Working
Partners of KPPNs in the Context of TSA Application at
181 KPPNs
- Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 61/PMK.05/2009
Regarding the Application of Treasury Notional Pooling
for Expenditure Treasurer Accounts.
- Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 126/
PMK.05/2009 Regarding the Application of Treasury
Notional Pooling for Receivables Treasurer Accounts.
Clear legal and regulatory Q.9 Legal basis for the operations of MOF - The Government of Republic of Indonesia Regulation
framework for Treasury electronic payment center is in No. 45 year 2013 on the State Revenue and Expenditure
Single Account operations place. Budget Implementation Guideline;
has been established - The Finance Minister Regulation No.190/PMK.05/2012 on
with appropriate and the mechanism of conducting payments for the purpose
effective sanctions for of implementing the State Budget.
Q.10 Agreement with the BI to maintain CT/BI - Government Regulation Number 39 of 2007 Regarding
DG Treasury TSA bank accounts is the Management of State/Regional Funds, Article 14
in place. Paragraph (2) “All state receipts are deposited in the State
General Cash Account and all state expenditures are
made out of the State General Cash Account”.
Q.11 Agreement with the DG Treasury MOF - Signed Agreement between DG Treasury and 81
and Bank Operational(s) for TSA Commercial Banks and post office on Banking Services
operations is in place. as a Persepsi (collector) Bank/post office for the
implementation of TSA Receipts;
- Signed Agreement between DG Treasury and commercial
banks as a payment bank for the implementation of TSA
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Ref. TSA Assessment Q Ref. Questions / Statements PIC Comments
Segregation of key Q.12 Payment management functions MOF The payment management (PM) module of Oracle EBS
TSA duties (payment are executed by the DG Treasury (COTS) has full capability to manage payment transactions
management and through automated processes executed by DG Treasury local offices (KPPNs).
control, settlements, supported by IFMIS.
and accounting/
reconciliation) is enforced
through organizational
structures, user access
in the treasury/payment
systems and procedural
Q.13 Payment control functions to check MOF The commitment module of Oracle EBS (COTS) has full
compliance with approved budget capability to check compliance with the approved budget
limits are performed by CT through limit
automated processes supported by
Q.14 Payment control functions to check BI Bank Indonesia operates BI RTGS (real time gross settlement)
compliance with the banking system to provide real time on-line fund transfer of the
legislation are performed by BI government money to the appointed commercial banks as
through automated processes the government partner banks for revenue collection (bank
supported by BI information persepsi) and expenditure payment (bank operational).
Q.15 Accounting functions for TSA MOF SPAN will be capable of carrying out reconciliation and
operations (reconciliation and reporting of TSA operations in an automated process using
reporting) are performed by MOF the GL Module available in the Oracle EBS
through automated processes
supported by IFMIS.
Q.16 Accounting of the TSA operations BI Bank Indonesia operates BI SOSA application system (BI
(recording all daily flows and Centralized Automated Accounting System) to provide
providing daily bank statements) administration and accounting of the Government's
is performed by the BI through account managed by the central bank.
automated processes supported by
the BI information systems.
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Ref. TSA Assessment Q Ref. Questions / Statements PIC Comments
Segregation of key Q.17 Oversight functions for payment BI Bank Indonesia operates BIG-eB application system (Bank
TSA duties (payment and settlement systems (financial Indonesia Government Electronic Banking) to provide an
management and + information security controls) internet banking connection for the Government as the
control, settlements, are performed by the BI through financial and information security controls.
and accounting/ automated processes.
reconciliation) is enforced
through organizational
structures, user access
in the treasury/payment
systems and procedural
All TSA transactions Q.18 RTGS system is capable of BI RTGS records/reports TSA flows on a daily basis. MOF's
related with budget recording/reporting the details of Agent Bank for collecting revenue (Bank Persepsi) reports
revenues (receipts) and all TSA payments on a daily basis. via electronic docs (DBF format) sent as email attachments,
expenditures (payments) every day.
are recorded and reported
through BI payment and
settlement systems, as
well as the MOF’s IFMIS
solution on a daily basis.
Q.19 ACH (BCS) system is capable of BI BCS records/reports TSA flows on a daily basis. MOF's
recording/reporting the details of Agent Bank for collecting revenue (Bank Persepsi) reports
all TSA payments on a daily basis. via electronic docs (DBF format) sent as email attachments,
every day.
Q.20 Bank Indonesia GL captures all BI BI SOSA (accounting) system captures all RTGS/BCS flows
flows in TSA bank accounts through on a daily basis.
their accounting system/GL on a MOF has real time online access to its bank account
daily basis. statements through BIG-eB system.
All TSA transactions Q.21 Bank Operational (Agent Banks) BI Currently, Agent Banks (Bank Persepsi) transfer all MOF
related with budget transfer all revenues to the MOF's revenues to the TSA in the central bank on a daily basis
revenues (receipts) and designated TSA bank account at the at end of day. Revenue data from agent banks will be
expenditures (payments) BI on a daily basis through online reconciled with the MPN and discrepancies will be
are recorded and reported connections to RTGS/BCS. immediately resolved.
through BI payment and
settlement systems, as
well as the MOF’s IFMIS
solution on a daily basis
Q.22 DG Treasury submits all payment MOF/BI DG Treasury is a direct participant of RTGS through a
requests in required formats workstation to automate expenditure payments from
through MOF-BI TSA interface from Central Bank to the Bank Operational for expenditure.
a secure electronic payment center
through automated processes
supported by IFMIS on a daily basis.
Q.23 BI sends bank statements from the BI DG Treasury can download RTGS statements from central
RTGS and BCS about the details bank BIG-eB systems online.
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Q.24 BI sends bank statements from the BI Central Bank produces daily GL statements and reconciles
BI General Ledger about the flows Central Treasury account daily in an automated way
in TSA bank accounts through
automated processes on a daily
Q.25 Reconciliation of the BI (and Agent BI SPAN has capacity to reconcile bank statements
Bank/BO) bank statements is automatically on a daily basis
performed by the MOF through the
IFMIS General Ledger (GL) module
on a daily basis.
All TSA transactions Q.26 Each TSA transaction must contain MOF New generation of the State Receipt System (MPN G-2)
related with budget a unique identifier which can be provides a unique billing code (per payment made by tax
revenues (receipts) and used to link the payment or receipt payer) and these are captured in RTGS/BCS transaction ref
expenditures (payments) to the accounting entries in the numbers.
are recorded and reported MOF’s IFMIS GL.
through BI payment and
settlement systems, as
well as the MOF’s IFMIS
solution on a daily basis
Audit trails are enabled Q.27 "Audit trail" is enabled in BI RTGS BI Yes, the Central Bank of Indonesia system has enabled an
and effectively used in platform and effectively used. effective audit trail
BI and MOF information
Q.28 "Audit trail" is enabled in BI ACH BI Yes, the Central Bank of Indonesia system has enabled an
(BCS) platform and effectively used. effective audit trail
Q.29 "Audit trail" is enabled in BI BI Yes, the Central Bank of Indonesia system has enabled an
accounting/GL operations and effective audit trail
effectively used.
Q.30 "Audit trail" is enabled in MOF FMIS MOF - Existing system has limited capabilities to support an
databases and effectively used. “audit trail”.
- “Audit trail” will be enabled in SPAN once operational.
Q.31 "Audit trail" is enabled in MOF MOF MOF ICT center (Pusintek) as the unit to manage the MOF
EPC databases (in case of indirect databases center has enabled a quite effective audit trail in
participation) and effectively used. its system.
An inventory of existing Q.32 BI has an inventory of all Bank BI Central Bank's interbank system (RTGS) has an inventory of
Bank accounts to be accounts to be used in TSA all participant bank accounts. Beneficiary bank accounts are
used in TMIS and TSA operations. automatically checked before payment.
operations exist and
regularly updated
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Ref. TSA Assessment Q Ref. Questions / Statements PIC Comments
Q.33 MOF FMIS has an inventory of all MOF/BI - Existing treasury system has an inventory of bank
bank accounts to be used in TSA accounts.
operations and this is synchronized - SPAN will have further capability to maintain the
with the BI inventory. inventory not only of all relevant bank accounts but also
of suppliers (vendors/contractors/public employees)
All transaction level Q.34 BI has RTGS/BCS payment system BI BI interbank systems have the necessary automated
controls are performed checklists managed through payment controls. Results of operations are reported to
as a part of the oversight automated processes and reports participants automatically, based on an expanded version
role on payments and the results of all transactions in of the SWIFT format.
settlements well-defined formats (SWIFT).
Q.35 RTGS and BCS payment controls BI BI interbank systems have capabilities to check the bank
include checking the bank accounts against the "black list".
accounts against the "black list"
maintained by the BI.
Q.36 DG Treasury submits all payment MOF/BI DG Treasury submits all RTGS payment requests
orders electronically from FMIS to automatically through a secure channel
RTGS/BCS, without any manual
intervention. BI disables manual
entry mode for CT.
BI units (payment systems Q.37 For each interbank payment BI BI has the necessary instructions and training programs for
and IT) have adequate system related position, there is the interbank system users/managers.
number of trained staff a job description specifying the
to manage interbank duties of the position, reporting
payment systems lines, delegations of authority and
qualification requirements.
Q.38 Total number of authorized BI Yes, at present the BI staff that manage the payment systems
personnel to manage payment are adequate in terms of number and qualifications. The
systems is adequate compared to standard of services has also followed the ISO. All staff are
the volume of transactions and properly trained. However, in the future, with the increase
intensity of work. in the types and volume of transactions, more staff might
be needed.
DG Treasury units Q.39 For each TSA related position, there MOF DG Treasury has sufficient staff in Directorate Cash
(electronic payment is a job description specifying the Management, 181 KPPNs and Directorate Treasury system
system and IT) have duties of the position, reporting to manage TSA operations.
adequate number of lines, delegations of authority and
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
DG Treasury units Q.40 Total number of authorized MOF Yes, but continued and sustained training and capacity
(electronic payment personnel to manage TSA building programs will be required.
system and IT) have operations is adequate compared
adequate number of to the volume of transactions and
trained staff to manage intensity of work.
TSA operations
Q.41 The Treasury staff is experienced MOF Yes, DG Treasury staff is experienced and capable of making
in the operation of electronic secure use of the automated BIG-eB system provided by
payment system (EPS) and can BI to execute TSA transactions on the interbank payment
execute TSA transactions on systems.
the interbank payment systems
ICT infrastructure is Q.42 BI data center is well prepared to BI Bank Indonesia RTGS and BCS data centers are fully
capable of handling the handle all TSA transactions and operational and capable of handling the existing work load.
workload to support full store relevant details.
scale centralized TSA
Q.43 MOF data center is well prepared MOF MOF's new data center is ready to manage and store all TSA
to manage all TSA operations and transactions within the IFMIS/SPAN operations. COTS Oracle
store the details of all transactions. EBS application software has been substantially developed
(to be applied in FY 2014).
Information security Q.44 Authentication and authorization BI Bank Indonesia has a well-established user authentication
controls are actively used (type of digital signature used; solution based on smart cards. There is a dedicated unit
in the BI information storage of the digital certificates providing access rights and issuing digital signatures.
systems issued).
Q.45 Privileged access (who has BI Bank Indonesia information technology department
privileged access to TSA databases has dedicated specialists for system admin and network
and interbank system platforms). management functions. Access logs are monitored
Q.46 Data security and integrity BI Bank Indonesia has a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN)
(solutions for secure data transfer + established over dedicated fiber optic lines connecting all
encryption of data in transit). participants to the BI data center.
Q.47 Network and web application BI Bank Indonesia has a secure IT infrastructure and necessary
firewalls (solutions for reviewing monitoring tools.
logs, restricting access).
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Ref. TSA Assessment Q Ref. Questions / Statements PIC Comments
Q.48 Password for all user types. BI Bank Indonesia system users have clearly defined roles
and access rights, linked with individual user names and
Information security Q.49 Physical security (access control and BI All Bank Indonesia data centers have necessary access
controls are actively used data center security). control solutions (card readers, cameras, motion sensors,
in the BI information etc.). Fire alarm and extinguishing (gas), air conditioning,
systems UPS and generator backup are in place.
Q.50 Backup and storage (all transactions BI All Bank Indonesia data centers have data storage and
for the last 5 years stored actively automatic backup/restore units. Storage and server
in databases; older records are capacities need to be increased to support future TSA/FMIS.
archived; who maintains TSA
Information security Q.51 Authentication and authorization MOF DG Treasury has limited capabilities for the user
controls are actively used (type of digital signature used; authentication solution based on smart cards. SPAN
in the CT information storage of the digital certificates implementation is expected to improve the use of digital
systems issued) signatures.
Q.52 Privileged access (who has MOF DG Treasury has dedicated specialists for system admin and
privileged access to TSA databases network management functions. However, staff capacity
and interbank system platforms) may not be adequate for full-scale SPAN/IFMIS operations.
Also, access logs are not monitored regularly.
Q.53 Data security and integrity MOF MOF has a secured Virtual Private Network (VPN) established
(solutions for secure data transfer + over Indonesia Telkom backbone, connecting all treasury
encryption of data in transit) offices to the data center.
Q.54 Network and web application MOF DG Treasury has a secure IT infrastructure and necessary
firewalls (solutions for reviewing monitoring tool. SPAN implementation is expected to
logs, restricting access) improve the network monitoring capabilities.
Information security Q.55 Password for all user types MOF DG Treasury system users have passwords for access to
controls are actively used existing treasury system.
in the CT information SPAN/IFMIS is expected to improve the user roles and
systems access rights.
Q.56 Physical security (access control and MOF Necessary access control solutions are installed in MOF data
data center security) center (card readers, cameras, motion sensors, etc.). Fire
alarms and extinguishers (gas), air conditioning, UPS and
generator backup are in place.
Q.57 Backup and storage (all transactions MOF MOF data center (PUSINTEK) has modern data storage and
for the last 5 years stored actively automatic backup/restore units capable of supporting new
in databases; older records are IFMIS/SPAN and TSA operations.
archived; who maintains TSA
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder
Ref. TSA Assessment Q Ref. Questions / Statements PIC Comments
5 Oversight mechanisms
5.1 BI is subject to regular Q.58 Financial/compliance audit of the BI BI BI is regularly audited by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK)
review by internal audit, operations
external audit or by peer
Q.59 IT Audit of the BI information BI BI information systems are regularly audited by internal
systems (payment systems and audit (Department of Internal Audit, Division of Information
accounting) System Audit).
5.2 DG Treasury is subject to Q.60 Financial/compliance audit of the MOF MOF is regularly audited by the Supreme Audit Agency
regular review by internal DG Treasury operations (BPK); internal audit by IG-MOF
audit, external audit or by
peer auditors.
Q.61 IT Audit of the MOF information MOF IT Audit of the MOF information system (FMIS and electronic
systems (FMIS and electronic payment center) was rarely conducted by external and/
payment center) or internal auditors. However PUSINTEK (MOF IT Center)
maintains and updates the IT system on a regular basis.
5.3 IMF Safeguards Q.62 The BI governance framework is up BI An IMF safeguards assessment has never been performed.
Assessment is performed to the standards as evidenced by
regularly as a review the IMF's Safeguards Assessment
of the BI's governance
5.4 PEFA assessment is Q.63 The TSA operations and the CT/ MOF/BI - 2007 PEFA assessment (public)
performed as a core BI practices are reviewed during - 2011 repeated PEFA assessment (public)
diagnostic to review the PEFA assessment, and related
the overall PFM assessments are used to monitor
and accountability the progress.
5.5 Financial risks and controls Q.64 The risk and controls report is MOF/BI Bank Indonesia has oversight mechanisms and risk
are regularly reviewed and prepared annually, describing assessment procedures in place. A risk and control review
attached to the annual the overall assessment of the BI is performed annually.
financial system reviews of information systems, the controls
the BI and MOF. and any deficiencies.
Q.65 The risk and controls report is MOF A risk and control review is recognized as an important part
prepared annually, describing the of the oversight functions.
overall assessment of the MOF
information systems, the controls
and any deficiencies.
Cash Management Reform in Indonesia: Making the State Money Work Harder