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2019 04 20 Pashto English Language Course Text

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ESL for Pashto speakers - free course

‫– رایګان کورس‬ESL ‫د پښتنو ژبو لپاره‬

Da PashtanoZhaboLapara ESL – Rayagan Course

With contributions from:

Elaine L., Oakland, CA—volunteer concept, text, and English recording
Zora T., University of California, Berkeley—initial Pashto transliteration and recording
MalalaiMuska, translator, UpWork.com—final Pashto translation and recording
Pavel Kirpikau, audio editor, UpWork.com — sound editing and postproduction

،‫ د کالیفورنیا پوهنتون‬،‫ ابتداي ژباړه او تلفظ—زهره ي‬،‫ او انګلیس‬،‫ مت‬،‫مفهوم‬--‫ کالیفورنیا‬،‫ آکلند‬.‫ ال‬.‫ ايالین‬: ‫په مشارکت د‬
.UpWork.com ‫باړونک‬
‫ې‬ ‫ ژ‬،‫ل موسکا‬
‫ مال ۍ‬،‫وروسن ژباړه او ثبت‬
‫ۍ‬ —‫برکل‬
‫– د غږ ایډیټ او تولید څخه وروسته چارې‬Upwork.com ،‫ د غږ سمبالوونک‬،‫کیپیکاو‬ ‫پاویل ر‬

Pa Musharekat da:
Elaine L., Oakland, CA—mafhoom, matan aw englisee, ebtedayezhbara aw talafuz,
Zohra T., da California pohantoon, Berkeley, aw wrostaizhbara aw sabt,
MalalaiMuska, zhbaroonke, upwork.com

Please enjoy and share widely!

‫یوس او په پراخه توګه ېي رشیک کړئ‬

‫ئ‬ ‫لطفا لذت‬
LutfanLezatYo-say aw pa prakha toga ye shareekkray

Note to teachers: The Pashto transliterations are rough phonetic versions of the Pashto text. They may
be helpful to English-speaking tutors and teachers wishing to follow along with their students’
progress. Please use them only as a guide to sounds and not as an exact representation of Pashto

‫چ‬‫ژي له ښوونکو شه مرسته وکړي ې‬ ‫ شاید د انګرېزي ې‬.‫نسخ دي‬ ‫ې‬ ‫ د پښتو ژباړې د پښټو مت غږیزې‬:‫د ښوونکو لپاره یاددښت‬
‫یواچ د غږ د الرښوود په توګه وکاروئ نه د پښتو کلماتو د دقیق‬ ‫ لطفا دا‬.‫غواړي تر څو د خپلو زده کووکو پرمختګ تعقیب کړي‬
.‫وړاندې کولو لپاره‬

Da Showonkolaparayadasht: da Pashto zhbare da Pashto Matan ghageezenuskhe di. Shayad da AngreziZhabe

la showonkosaramrastawakricheghwari da khpalozdakawonkoparmakhtagtaqeebkri. Lutfan da yawazedag
hag da larshod pa toga wakarawaina da Pashto kalemato da daqeeqwrandaikawalolapara.
Pashto-English audio course: Introduction and lesson 1
‫ ژ‬:‫انګرېزۍ غږیز کورس‬-‫د پښتو‬
‫پېندنه او لومړی درس‬
Da Pashto-Angrezaighageez course : Pezhandana aw lomraidars

When you hear the Pashto, say the English word. Then you will hear a native speaker say the word
clearly. Repeat it with careful pronunciation. The native speaker will then repeat the word with faster,
more casual, natural pronunciation, the way you will hear it in conversation. Repeat the faster

‫ وروسته به تاسو یو انګرېزي ژي به واورئ ې‬.‫ انګرېزي کلمه ېي وواي‬،‫چ پښتو واورئ‬
‫چ کلمه‬ ‫کله ې‬
‫ عادي او طبیع توګه‬،‫ انګرېزي ژي به وروسته په ېتیه‬.‫ له سم تلفظ شه ېي تکرار کړئ‬.‫واضح واي‬
.‫ ېتیه نسخه ېي تکرار کړئ‬.‫چ په عادي خیو ېک اورئ‬‫ لکه تاسو ېي ې‬،‫ووواي‬
Kala che Pashto wawrai, Angrezikalema ye wawayay. Wroostabataso yaw
engliseezhabaiwawraichekalemawazehwayee. La samtalafuzsara ye tekrarkray. Engliseezhabaibawrosta pa
taiza, aadi aw tabeye toga wawayee. Lakataso ye che pa aadikhabarokeawray. Taizanuskha ye tekrar krai.

Lesson 1
‫اول درس‬

Hello. (Rasmi salam (Arabic) /Rasmi starayMashe (Male) StareeMashe (Female)

‫مس‬ ‫ر‬ ‫رسم ړ‬/‫رسم سالم‬
‫سیې ې‬
‫ ړ‬- ‫مس‬
‫سیی ې‬
Hi! Ghair e Rasmi salam (Arabic) /Ghair Rasmi starayMashe (Male) StareeMashe
‫مس‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ ر‬/‫غی رسم سالم‬
‫سیې ې‬
‫ ړ‬- ‫مس‬
‫سیی ې‬
‫غی رسم ړ‬ ‫ر‬
Welcome! Sha raghlast ‫ښه راغالست‬
Good morning. saharpahkhayer ‫خی‬
‫سهار په ر‬
Good afternoon. mazdigar pa khayer ‫خی‬‫مازدیګر په ر‬
Good evening. masham pa khayer ‫خی‬ ‫ماښام په ر‬
Goodnight. shpa pa khayer ‫خی‬ ‫شپه په ر‬
Goodbye! Da khodai pa man ‫د خدای پامان‬
See you tomorrow. sabababagoro ‫صبا به ګورو‬
please Lutfan ‫لطفا‬
Thank you. manana ‫مننه‬
You're welcome! Da manane war nada ‫منن وړ نده‬‫د ې‬
No problem! Haisstonzanada ‫هیڅ ستونزه نشته‬
Sorry. Wahbasha ‫چ په یوه کار پښېمانه یاست‬
‫کله ې‬-‫وبښه‬
Excuse me! Wahbasha ‫چ له چا په ادب شه څه غواړئ‬
‫کله ې‬-‫وبښه‬
yes ho ‫هو‬
no nah ‫نه‬
My name is... zma nom dee... ...‫زما نوم دی‬
husband mera ‫میه‬
wife shaza ‫ښځه‬
child mashoom ‫ماشوم‬
children mashooman ‫ماشومان‬
cousin da aka zoy, da aka lor ‫ د اکا لور‬،‫د اکا زوی‬
cousins da aka zaman, da aka lorane ‫اي‬
‫ د اکا لور ې‬،‫د اکا زامن‬
immigrant Muhajir ‫مهاجر‬
immigrants Muhajireen ‫مهاجرین‬
Lesson Two: Numbers 1-20

‫ ې‬:‫دویم درس‬
۱-۲۰ ‫شمیه‬
Dwayamdars: shmaira 1-20

one, two, three, four, five (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

yo, dwa, dree, tsalor, pinza

‫ پنځه‬،‫ څلور‬،‫ درې‬،‫ دوه‬،‫یو‬

six, seven, eight, nine, ten (6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

shpag, oowa, aata, nuha, las

‫ لس‬،‫ نهه‬،‫ اته‬،‫ اووه‬،‫شی‬


eleven (11) yawolas ‫یولس‬

twelve (12) dwo-las ‫دولس‬

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen (13, 14, 15)

Dyaar-las, tswar-las, pinza-las

،‫ څوارلس پنځلس‬،‫دیارلس‬

sixteen, seventeen, eighteen (16, 17, 18)

shpa-rus, owa-lus, aatalus

‫ اتلس‬،‫ اوولس‬،‫شپاړس‬

nineteen (19) no-las ‫نولس‬

twenty (20) shal ‫شل‬
Lesson Three: Pronouns
‫ر‬ :‫دریم درس‬
Dreymdars : Zameerona

I za ]‫زه [مفرد‬
You [singular] tuh ‫[مفرد]ته‬
You [plural] taso ]‫تاسو [جمع‬
you guys; you all [plural, informal] tasotol ]‫تاسو ټول [جمع‬
He day ]‫دی [نر‬
She[female] da ]‫دا [ښځینه‬
It[object or animal] hagha ‫هغه‬
We muzh ‫موږ‬
They duy ‫دوی‬
This[singular] (for things nearby) da )‫څیونو لپاره‬
‫دا [مفرد] (د نږدې ر‬

That[singular] (for things far) hagh ‫هغه‬

These[singular] (for things far) daa )‫څیونو لپاره‬
‫دا [مفرد] (د لرې ر‬
Those(plural) Hagha ]‫هغه [جمع‬
Sir [formal] shaghalai ]‫ښاغل [رسم‬

Ma'am [formal, for women over about age 40]


]‫ کلنو څخه هه خوا ښځو ته‬۴۰ ‫ له‬،‫اغل [رسم‬

Lesson Four: Basic phrases

‫ ابتداي عبارات‬:‫څلورم درس‬

Tsaloramdars: Ebtedayeeebaraat

I want... zaghwaram ‫زه غواړم‬

I don't want... zanaghwaram ‫زه نه غواړم‬
Where? cheri? ‫چیې؟‬
Where is it? Cheriday? ‫چیې دی؟‬
Where is the restroom? TashnabCheri day? ‫چیې دی؟‬
‫تشناب ې‬
How much? Tsomra? ‫څومره؟‬
How many? Tso Dane? ‫داي؟‬
‫څو ې‬
What? Tsashai? ‫څه رس؟‬
At what time? Pa tsobajo? ‫په څو بجو؟‬
When? kala? ‫کله؟‬
You have (Singular) Ta lare ]‫ته لرې [مفرد‬
(Plural) Taso Laray ]‫تاسو لرئ [جمع‬
Do you have...? (Single) ta Lare? ]‫اایا ته لرې؟ [مفرد‬
(Plural) ayatasolaray? ]‫ایا تاسو لرئ[جمع‬
I understand. zuhPohegam ‫پوهیم‬
‫ېږ‬ ‫زه‬
I don't understand. Zuhnapohegam ‫پوهیم‬
‫ېږ‬ ‫زه نه‬
Do you understand? (singular) Ayapohege? ‫پوهیې؟‬
‫ایا ې ږ‬
(Plural) ayapohegay? ‫پوهیئ؟‬
‫ایا ې ږ‬
It is... da ‫دا‬
Is it...? da day ‫دا دی‬
Lesson Five: Questions
‫ې‬ :‫پنځم درس‬
PenzamDars: Poshtane

Who? tsok? ‫څوک؟‬

Who is it? sokdi? ‫څوک دي؟‬
What? Tsashai? ‫څه رس؟‬
What is it? tsashai di ‫څه رس دي؟‬
What's this? da tsadi? ‫دا څه دي؟‬
What's that? haghatsadi? ‫هغه څه دي؟‬
What did you say? tsa de wawayal? ‫څه دې وویل؟‬
When? kala? ‫کله؟‬

When does the bus to downtown leave?

Bus tsawakht downtown ta zee?

‫بس څه وخت ډون ټون ته ئچ؟‬

Where? chi-ri? ‫چیې؟‬

Where is the subway? subway cheri da? ‫چیې ده؟‬
‫سبوې ې‬
Which? kom? ‫کوم؟‬

Which bus goes to San Francisco?

kom bus San Francisco ta zi?

‫کوم بس سانفرانسیسکو ته ئچ؟‬

Why? walee? ‫ول؟‬
Why not? Wuleena? ‫ول نه؟‬
How? Tsanga? ‫څنګه؟‬
How are you? Tsanga ye? ‫څنګه ېي؟‬
How much? tsomra di? ‫څومره دي؟‬
How many? tsodane? ‫داي؟‬
‫څو ې‬
How many miles? tsomramila? ‫څومره مایلونه؟‬
How far? tsomralare? ‫څومره لرې؟‬
Do you want...? ayaghware…? ‫ایا غواړې؟‬
What do you want? Tsaghware? ‫څه غواړې؟‬
What would you like? Tsa Mo khwashegi? (single+Plural YOU-WE) ‫خوښیي؟‬
‫ېږ‬ ‫څه مو‬
Tsa Ye khwashegi? (They, He, She, it) ‫خوښیي‬
‫ېږ‬ ‫څه ېي‬
Lesson Six: Numbers 20-100
‫ ې‬۱۰۰-۲۰ ‫ له‬:‫شیم درس‬
‫شمیې‬ ‫ږ‬
ShpagamDars: la 20-100 shmaireh

twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five (21,22,23,24,25)

yow-whisht, dwa-wisht, dar-wisht, tsalur-wisht, pinzi-wisht

‫پنځه ویشت‬-‫څلور ویشت‬-‫یو ویشت – دوه ویشت – دری ویشت‬

twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty (26,27,28,29,30)

shpag-whist, oowa-whist, aata-wisht, nuha-wisht, dersh

‫شی ویشت – اوه ویشت – اته ویشت – نهه ویشت – دېرش‬


thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five (31,32,33,34,35) __yaw-jesh, do-jesh, dri-

dersh, tsalor-dersh, pinza-dersh

‫ پنځه دېرش‬،‫ څلور دېرش‬،‫ دريدېرش‬،‫ دودېرش‬،‫یو دېرش‬

thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty (36,37,38,39,40)

shpag-dersh, oowa-dersh, ata-dersh, nah-dersh, salwaisht

‫ څلوېښت‬،‫ نهه دېرش‬،‫ اته دېرش‬،‫ اووه دېرش‬،‫شیدېرش‬


forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five (41,42,43,44,45)

yo-tsalwaisht, du-tsalwaisht, dri-tsalwaisht, salor-tsalwaisht, pinza-tsalwaisht

‫ پینځه څلوېښت‬،‫ څلور څلوېښت‬،‫ دري څلوېښت‬،‫ دو څلوېښت‬،‫یو څلوېښت‬

forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty (46,47,48,49,50)

shpag-tsalwaisht, oowa-tsalwaisht, aata-tsalwaisht, nuh-tsalwaisht, pinzos

‫ پنځوس‬،‫ نهه څلوېښت‬،‫ اته څلوېښت‬،‫ اووه څلوېښت‬،‫شی څلوېښت‬

fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five (51,52,53,54,55)
yo-pinzos, do-pinzos, dri-pinzos, tsalor-pinzos, pinza-pinzos

‫ پينځه پنځوس‬،‫ څلور پنځوس‬،‫ درې پنځوس‬،‫ دوه پنځوس‬،‫یو پنځوس‬

fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty (56,57,58,59,60)

shpag-pinzos, oowa-pinzos, aata, pinzos, nuh-pinzos, shpeta

‫ شپېته‬،‫ نهه پنځوس‬،‫ اته پنځوس‬،‫ اووه پنځوس‬،‫شی پنځوس‬


sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three, sixty-four, sixty-five (61,62,63,64,65)

yaw-shpeta, do-shpeta, dri-shpeta, tsalor-shpeta, pinza-shpeta

‫ پنځه شپېته‬،‫ څلور شپېته‬،‫ درې شپېته‬،‫ دو شپېته‬،‫یو شپېته‬

sixty-six, sixty-seven, sixty-eight, sixty-nine, seventy (66,67,68,69,70)

shpag-shpeta, oowa-shepta, aata-shpeta, nuh-shpeta, awya

‫ اویا‬،‫ نهه شپېته‬،‫ اته شپېته‬،‫ اووه شپېته‬،‫شی شپېته‬


seventy-one, seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five (71,72,73,74,75)

yaw-awya, du-awya, dri-awya, tsalor-awya, pinza-away

‫ پنځه اویا‬،‫ څلور اویا‬،‫ درې اویا‬،‫ دواویا‬،‫یو اویا‬

seventy-six, seventy-seven, seventy-eight, seventy-nine, eighty (76,77,78,79,80)

shpag-awaya, oowa-awaya, aata-awaya, nuh-awya, atya

‫ اتیا‬،‫ نهه اویا‬،‫ اته اویا‬،‫ اووه اویا‬،‫شی اویا‬


eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five (81,82,83,84,85)

yaw-atya, du-atya, dri-atya, tsalor-atya- pinza-atya

‫ پنځه اتیا‬،‫ څلور اتیا‬،‫ درې اتیا‬،‫ دواتیا‬،‫یو اتیا‬

eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety (86,87,88,89,90)

shpag-atya, oowa-atya, aata-atya, nuh-atya, nawi

‫ نوي‬،‫ نهه اتیا‬،‫ اته اتیا‬،‫ اوه اتیا‬،‫شی اتیا‬


ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five (91,92,93,94,95)

yoaw-nawi, dwa-newi, dri-newi, tsalor-newi, pinza-nawi

‫ پنځه نوي‬،‫ څلور نوي‬،‫ درې نوي‬،‫ دو نوي‬،‫یو نوي‬

ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred (96,97,98,99,100)

shpag-nawi, oowa-nawi, aata-nawi, nuh-nawi, sal

‫ سل‬،‫ نهه نوي‬،‫ اته نوي‬،‫ اووه نوي‬،‫شی نوي‬

Lesson Seven: Large numbers
‫شمیې‬ ‫ ې‬:‫اووم درس‬
‫لوي ې‬
Oowamdars: loyeshmaireeh

one hundred [-and-] one (101) yaw sal aw yaw ‫یو سل او یو‬
one hundred [-and-] two (102) yosal aw dwa ‫یو سل او دوه‬
one hundred [-and-] twelve (112) yosal aw dwoo-las ‫یو سل او دوولس‬
one hundred [-and-] twenty (120) yosalawshal ‫یو سل او شل‬
two hundred (200) dwasawa ‫دوه سوه‬
two hundred [-and-] twenty (220) dwasawaaw shal ‫دوه سوه او شل‬
three hundred (300) dre-sawa ‫درې سوه‬
one thousand/ a thousand (1000) zar ‫زر‬
one thousand one hundred (1100) yaw zar aw sal ‫یو زر او سل‬
one thousand two hundred (1200) yaw zar aw dwasawa ‫یو زر او دوه سوه‬
one thousand three hundred/ thirteen hundred (1300)
yaw zar aw dree sawa

‫یو زر او درې سوه‬

ten thousand (10,000) las zara ‫لس زره‬
one hundred thousand (100,000) salzara ‫سل زره‬
one million (1,000,000) yaw million ‫یو میلیون‬
one billion (1,000,000,000) yaw billion ‫یو بیلیون‬
Lesson Eight: Basic verbs- present tense
‫روان زمان‬-‫ ابتداي افعال‬:‫اتم درس‬
Atamdars: ebtedayeeAf’aal – rawan zaman

have laral ‫لرل‬

I have a child. zah yaw mashoomlaram‫ـ‬ ‫زه یو ماشوم لرم‬
want (singular) gwaram ‫غواړم‬
Want (plural-WE) ghwaroo ‫غواړو‬
Want (Plural+Singular-thirdparty,He, She, It, They[Ghwari ‫غواړي‬

I want to learn English.

zagwaram chi englis-eyzdakram

‫زه غواړم انګلیس زده کړم‬

My cousin wants to learn English too.

zma da aka loor ham ghwaricheenglis-se zdakri

‫چ انګلیس زده کړي‬

‫اي هم غواړي ې‬
‫زما د اکا لور ې‬
My cousins want to learn English too.
zma da aka loorane ham ghwari chi englis-e zdakri

‫چ انګلیس زده کړي‬

‫اي هم غواړي ې‬
‫زما د اکا لور ې‬
I go to the market every day.
Zaharawraz bazaar ta zam

‫زه هره ورځ بازار ته ځم‬

My sister goes to the market every day too.

Zmakhor ham hara wrazbazaar ta zi.
.‫زما خور هم هره ورځ پازار ته ئچ‬
My sisters go to the market every day too.
Zmakhwaynde ham hara wraz bazaar ta zi.

‫زما خویندې هم هره ورځ بازار ته ئچ‬

I eat bread every day.

Za hara wrazdodaykhwram

‫زه هره ورځ ډوډۍ خورم‬

My son eats bread every day.

Zmazoy hara wrazdodaykhowri

‫زما زوی هره ورځ ډوډۍ خوري‬

My sons eat bread every day.

Zma zaman hara wrazdodaykhowri

‫زما زامن هره ورځ ډوډۍ خوري‬

I need a new doctor.

zama yaw naway doctor pa kardai

‫زما یو نوی ړ‬
‫ډاکی په کار دی‬

My child needs a new doctor.

Zama da mashoom yaw naway doctor pa kardai

‫زما د ماشوم یو نوی ړ‬

‫ډاکی په کار دی‬

My children need a new doctor.

Zama da mashoomano yaw naway doctor pa kardai

‫زما د ماشومانو یو نوی ړ‬

‫ډاکی په کار دی‬
Lesson 9: Regular verbs - past, present, future
‫ روان او راتلونک‬،‫ معمول افعال – ېتی‬:‫نهم درس‬
NahamDars: mamoolAf’aal – Tair, Rawan, Ratloonkay



Every day I finish my homework.

Zahara wrazkhpalakoranaidandakhlasawam

‫کوري دنده خالصوم‬

‫ۍ‬ ‫زه هره ورځ خپله‬

I am finishing my homework now.


‫کوري دنده اوس خالصوم‬

‫ۍ‬ ‫زه خپله‬

I finished my homework yesterday.


‫کوري دنده پرون خالصه کړه‬

‫ۍ‬ ‫ما خپله‬

Tomorrow I will finish my homework again.

Zabakhpalakornaidandasaba ta khlasakram

‫کوري دنده صبا ته خالصه کړم‬

‫ۍ‬ ‫زه به خپله‬

Tomorrow I'm going to finish my homework again. / Tomorrow I'm gonna finish my homework again.
Zabasaba ta khpalakornaidandabyakhlasakram

‫کوري دنده بیا خالصه کړم‬

‫ۍ‬ ‫زه به صبا ته خپله‬

‫زده کول‬

I learned Pashto as a child.

Ma da mashoom pa toga Pashto zdakra

‫ما د ماشوم په توګه پښتو زده کړه‬

Every day I learn new words.

Hara wrazzanawekalemezdakawam

‫کلم زده کوم‬

‫هره ورځ زه نوې ې‬

I am learning English now.


‫زه اوس انګلیس زده کوم‬

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