Engineering Hydrology by EM Wilson
Engineering Hydrology by EM Wilson
Engineering Hydrology by EM Wilson
Macmillan Education
©E. M. Wilson 1969, 1974
Published by
London and Basingstoke
Associated companies in New York Dublin
Melbourne Johannesburg and Madras
SBN 333 17443 7
ISBN 978-0-333-17443-2 ISBN 978-1-349-02417-9 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-02417-9
The paperback edition of this book is sold subject to the condition that it shall
not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, or otherwise
circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or
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including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
1 Introduction 1
2 Meteorological Data 6
5 Groundwater 69
5.1 The occurrence of groundwater 69
5.2 Factors of influence 70
5.3 Groundwater flow 74
5.4 The abstraction of groundwater 81
5.5 The yield of wells 82
6 Surface Runoff 91
6.1 The engineering problem 91
6.2 Flow rating curves: their determination, ad-
justment and extension 92
6.3 Duration of runoff 105
6.4 Catchment characteristics and their effects on
runoff 109
6.5 Climatic factors 115
6.6 Rainfall/runoff correlation 117
Problems 199
General Bibliography 218
Answers to Problems 226
Index 228
Rijkoort's Nomogram of Penman's equation
facing page 232
Preface to the Second Edition
This book has been written for engineering students and junior
engineers who are learning about hydrology for the first time.
It is designed to introduce the reader to the elements of the subject
and to the underlying theories, to show how these are modified in
practice, and to describe the techniques which give answers in
particular cases.
Most texts of this nature are American in origin and tend to be
based exclusively on North American data and practice. This book
still relies heavily on the American development of hydrology but
also freely uses British and European data and references.
This edition has been revised and enlarged to provide more
readily available information about rainfall in the British Isles, and
in particular intensity-duration-frequency relationships. Recent
work in the United Kingdom on consumptive use and infiltration
has been incorporated and the section on stream gauging and flow
measurement expanded. The opportunity has been taken to improve
and update the references, to adopt SI units more uniformly through-
out (though still not completely) and to correct many of the errors of
the first edition. In this latter respect, I am particularly grateful to
correspondents from many parts of the world.
To improve the book when used as an undergraduate text, a
selection of problems has been given at the end of the main text, to
allow readers to use the techniques described in the text.
I must record my appreciation of the advice and help received
from many people during the book's preparation.
ground woler
Volume Percentage
Location 1000s ofkm3 total water
Fresh-water lakes
Rivers 12
i·25} 0·62
Soil moisture 65
Groundwater 8,250
Saline lakes and inland seas 105 0·008
Atmosphere 13 0·001
Polar ice-caps, glaciers and snow 29,200 2·1
Seas and oceans 1,320,000 97·25
2.2 Humidity
Air easily absorbs moisture in the form of water vapour. The
amount absorbed depends on the temperature of the air and of the
water. The greater the temperature the more water vapour the air
can contain. The water vapour exerts a partial pressure usually
measured in either bars (1 bar= 105 N/m2 ; 1 millibar= 102 N/m 2)
or mm height of a column of mercury (Hg). (1 mm Hg = 1·36 mbar)
Suppose an evaporating surface of water is in a closed system and
enveloped in air. If a source of heat energy is available to the system,
evaporation of the water into the air will take place until a state of
equilibrium is reached when the air is saturated with vapour and
can absorb no more. The molecules of water vapour will then exert
a pressure which is known as saturation vapour pressure or e8 , for the
particular temperature of the system.
The value of es changes with temperature as indicated in Table 2.1.
These values are also plotted as a curve connecting e8 and oc in
Fig. 2.1. Referring to Fig. 2.1 consider what can happen to a mass
of atmospheric air P, whose temperature is t and whose vapour
pressure is e.
Since P lies below the saturation vapour pressure curve, it is clear
that the air mass could absorb more water vapour and that if it did
so while its temperature remained constant, then the position of P
would move vertically up dashed line 1 until the air was saturated.
The corresponding vapour pressure of P in this new position would
be ea. The increase (e8 - e) is known as the saturation deficit.
Alternatively, if no change were to take place in the humidity of
the air while it was cooled, then P would move horizontally to the
8 Engineering Hydrology
TABLE 2.1. Saturation vapour pressure e. in mm Hg (mercury) as a
function of temperature t in °C (Negative values oft refer to co~
tions over ice)
1 mmHg = 1·36 mbar
0·0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7 0·8 0·9
-10 2·15 -10
-9 2·32 2·30 2·29 2·27 2·26 2·24 2·22 2·21 2·19 2·17 -9
- 8 2·51 2·49 2·47 2·45 2·43 2·41 2·40 2·38 2·36 2·34 - 8
- 7 2·71 2·69 2·67 2·65 2·63 2·61 2·59 2·57 2·5S 2·53 -7
-6 2·93 2·91 2·89 2·86 2·84 2·82 2·80 2·77 2·75 2·73 - 6
- 5 3·16 3-14 3·11 3·09 3·06 3·04 3·01 2·99 2·97 2·95 - s
-4 3·41 3·39 3·37 3·34 3·32 3·29 3·27 3·24 3·22 3-18 - 4
- 3 3·67 3·64 3·62 3·59 3·57 3·S4 3·S2 3·49 3·46 3·44 - 3
-2 3·97 3·94 3·91 3·88 3·8S 3·82 3·79 3·76 3·73 3·70 - 2
- I 4·26 4·23 4·20 4•17 4·14 4·11 4·08 4·0S 4·03 4·00 -I
-o 4·S8 4·5S 4·52 4·49 4·46 4·43 4·40 4·36 4·33 4·29 - 0
0 4·S8 4·62 4·65 4·69 4·71 4·75 4·78 4·82 4·86 --------0
I 4·92 4·96 S·OO S·03 5·07 S·11 S·14 5·18 5·21 5·25 1
2 S·29 5·33 S·37 S·40 5·44 S·48 S·S.3 S·S7 5·60 5·64 2
3 5·68 5·72 5·76 S·80 5·84 S·89 5·93 S·97 6·01 6·06 3
4 6·10 6·14 6·18 6·23 6·27 6·31 6·36 6·40 6·4S 6·49 4
s 6·54 6·S8 6·54 6·68 6·72 6·77 6·82 6·86 6·91 6·96 5
6 7·01 7·06 7·11 7·16 7·20 1·25 7·31 7·36 7·41 7·46 6
7 7·51 7·56 7·61 7·67 7·72 7·77 7·82 7·88 7·93 7·98 7
8 8·04 8·10 8·15 8·21 8·26 8·32 8·37 8·43 8·48 8·54 8
9 8·61 8·67 8·73 8·78 8·84 8·90 8·96 9·02 9·08 9·14 9
10 9·20 9·26 9·33 9·39 9·46 9·S2 9·58 9·65 9·71 9·77 10
11 9·84 9·90 9·97 10·03 10·10 10·17 10·24 10·31 10·38 10·45 11
12 10·52 10·58 10·66 10·72 10·79 10·86 10·93 11·00 11·08 11·15 12
13 11·23 11·30 11·38 11·75 11·S3 11·60 11·68 11·76 11·83 11·91 13
14 11·98 12·06 12·14 12·22 12·96 12·38 12·46 12·54 12·62 12·70 14
IS 12·78 12·86 12·95 13·03 13·11 13·20 13·28 13·37 13·45 13·54 IS
16 13·63 13·71 13·80 13·90 13·99 14·08 14·17 14·26 14·3S 14·44 16
17 14·53 14·62 14·71 14·80 14·90 14·99 15·09 15·17 15·27 15·38 17
18 15·46 15·56 15·66 15·76 15·96 15·96 16·06 16·16 16·26 16·36 18
19 16·46 16·57 16·68 16·79 16·90 17·00 17·10 17·21 17·32 17·43 19
20 17·53 17·64 17·75 17·86 17·97 18·08 18·20 18·31 18·43 18·54 20
21 18·65 18·77 18·88 19·00 19·11 19·23 19·35 19·46 19·58 19·70 21
22 19·82 19·94 20·06 20·19 20·31 20·43 20·58 20·69 20·80 20·93 22
23 21·05 21·t9 21·32 21·45 21·58 21·71 21·84 21·97 22·10 22·23 23
24 22·27 22·SO 22·63 22·76 22·91 23·05 23·19 23·31 23·45 23·60 24
25 23·75 23·90 24·03 24·20 24·35 24·49 24·64 24·79 24·94 25·08 25
26 2S·31 25·4S 25·60 25·74 25·89 26·03 26·18 26·32 26·46 26·60 26
27 26·74 26·90 27·0S 27·21 27·37 27·53 27·69 27·85 28·00 28·16 27
28 28·32 28·49 28·66 28·83 29·00 29·17 29·34 29·51 29·68 29·85 28
29 30·03 30·20 30·38 30·56 30·74 30·92 31·10 31·28 31·46 31·64 29
30 31•82 32·00 32·19 32·38 32·57 32·76 32·95 33·14 33·33 33·52 30
0·0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·6 0·7 0·8 0·9
left along line 2 until the saturation line was intersected again. At
this point P would be saturated, at a new temperature ta, the dew-
point. Cooling of the air beyond this point would result in condensa-
tion or mist being formed.
If water is allowed to evaporate freely into the air mass, neither
of the above two possibilities occurs. This is because the evaporation
requires heat which is withdrawn from the air itself. This heat,
called the latent heat of evaporation, hr is given by the equation
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Temperature in °C
water into it. This is the temperature found by a wet bulb thermo-
The relative humidity is now given as
2.3 Temperature
Air temperature is recorded by thermometers housed in open
louvred boxes, about four feet above ground. Protection is necessary
from precipitation and the direct rays of the sun.
Many temperature observations are made using maximum and
minimum thermometers. These record by indices, the maximum and
minimum temperatures experienced since the instrument was last set.
The daily variation in temperature varies from a minimum around
sunrise, to a maximum from ! to 3 hours after the sun has reached
its zenith, after which there is a continual fall through the night to
sunrise again. Accordingly, max. and min. observations are best
made in the period 8 a.m.-9 a.m. after the minimum has occurred.
The mean daily temperature is the average of the maximum and
minimum and is normally within a degree of the true average as
continuously recorded.
Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius, commonly, though
erroneously, called centigrade. The Fahrenheit scale is also still used
in Britain and almost exclusively in North America.
2.4 Radiation
Most meteorological recording stations are equipped with radiometers
to measure both incoming short-wave radiation from sun and sky and
nett radiation which is the algebraic sum of all incoming radiation
and the reflected short and long wave radiation from the earth's sur-
face. The nett radiation is of great importance in evaporation studies
as will be seen in Chapter 3.
2.5 Wind
Wind speed and direction are measured by anemometer and wind
vane respectively. The conventional anemometer is the cup anemo-
meter formed by a circlet of three (sometimes four) cups rotating
around a vertical axis. The speed of rotation measures the wind
speed and the total revolutions around the axis gives a measure of
wind run, the distance a particular parcel of air is moving through in
a specified time.
Because of the frictional effects of the ground or water surface
over which the wind is blowing it is important to specify in any ob-
servation of wind, the height above ground at which it was taken. An
empirical relationship between wind speed and height has been
commonly used
ufuo = (z/zo)0 "15 (2.4)
12 Engineering Hydrology
where uo = wind speed at anemometer at height z0
u = wind speed at some higher level z
In recent years there has been some effort to standardise observa-
tion heights and in Europe wind speed is usually observed 2 m above
the surface.
Fig. 2.2 shows an instrument array for making meteorological
observations at regular, short time-intervals. Instruments, which
record automatically on magnetic tape, include nett-radiation
radiometer, wet and dry bulb thermometers, wind vane, anemometer
and incident solar radiometer at the mast-top.
2.6 Precipitation
The source of almost all our rainfall is the sea. Evaporation takes
place from the oceans and water vapour is absorbed in the air
streams moving across the sea's surface. The moisture-laden air
keeps the water vapour absorbed until it cools to below dewpoint
temperature when the vapour is precipitated as rain, or if the temper-
ature is sufficiently low, as hail or snow.
The cause of the fall in temperature of an air mass may be due to
convection, the warm moist air rising and cooling to form cloud and
subsequently to precipitate rain. This is called convective precipita-
tion. This is typified by the late afternoon thunderstorms which
develop from day long heating of moist air, rising into towering
anvil-shaped clouds. Orographic precipitation results from ocean air
streams passing over land and being deflected upward by coastal
mountains, thus cooling below saturation temperature and spilling
moisture. Most orographic rain is deposited on the windward slopes.
The third general classification of rainfall is cyclonic and frontal
precipitation. When low pressure areas exist air tends to move into
them from surrounding areas and in so doing displaces low pressure
air upward, to cool and precipitate rain. Frontal rain is associated
with the boundaries of air masses where one mass is colder than the
other and so intrudes a cool wedge under it, raising the warm air to
form clouds and rain. The slope of these frontal wedges can be quite
flat and so rain areas associated with fronts may be very large.
Rain gauges
0·8 2 1 2 3
1·6 4 2 4 6
7·8 20 3 7 10
15·6 41 4 11 15
31·3 81 5 15 20
46·9 122 6 19 25
62·5 162 8 22 30
Source: Jot Comm. Met. Off., R. Met. Soc. "and Instn Wat. Engrs Rpt
on "The determination of the general rainfall over any area". Trans.
Instn Wat. Engrs, 42 (1937) p. 231.
16 Engineering Hydrology
FIG. 2.3 Automatic recording rain gauge set with rim at ground
level and with anti-splash screen
Meteorological Data 17
guidance embodied in this Table [2.3] it must be appreciated that any
large river basin will almost invariably have within it a number of sub-
basins for which the relatively dense networks would be recommended.
Moreover, the minimum densities suggested would often be substan-
tially increased in mountainous areas, and would be closely followed only
in areas of low or moderate elevation without complex topography.
Number of
mile 2 km2 rain gauges
10 26 2
100 260 6
500 1300 12
1000 2600 15
2000 5200 20
3000 7800 24
Snow and ice. Snow has the capacity to retain water and so acts as
a form of storage. Its density and, therefore, the quantity of water
contained, varies from as little as 0·005 for newly-fallen snow to as
much as 0·6 in old, highly compressed snow. Its density varies with
depth and so samples must be taken at various horizons in a snow
pack before the water equivalent can be computed. This is usually
done by sampling tube.
Snowfall may be measured directly by an ordinary rain gauge
fitted with a heating system, or by a simple snow stake, if there is no
drifting and density is determined simultaneously.
Snow traverses are made as field surveys along lines across catch-
ments, to determine snow thicknesses and densities at depth so that
water equivalents may be calculated for flood forecasts.
18 Engineering Hydrology
Fog. Estimates of amounts of moisture reaching the ground from
fog fQrmation have been made by installing fog collectors over
standard rain gauges. Collectors consist of wire gauge cylinders
on which moisture droplets form and run down into the rain gauge.
Comparison with standard rain gauge records at the same locality
shows differences which are a measure of fog precipitation. The
interpretation of such data requires experience and the use of
conversion factors, but can make substantial differences (of the order
of 50-100%) to precipitation in forest areas.
1111 I !
t i lI lI II II II
20 -1-- 1--
1-- ...... I
[....- Falls tao numerous for discussion
10 1-1-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (mins)
FIG. 2.5 Rain intensity frequency graph (after D. J. Holland: "British Rainfalll961", Crown Copyright).
Example: A rainfall of 20 mmfalling in a 30 min period may be expected, anywhere in Britain, on average .....,
once in 11.1 yr or 9 times a century.
22 Engineering Hydrology
respectively. The difference between coastal temperate and tropical
climates may be noted.
The data may also be presented in the form of maps of a region,
with isohyetal lines indicating total rainfall depth that may be ex-
pected in a time t, at a frequency of once in N years. A classic publi-
cation of this type by Yarnall [8] shows such maps for the United
States. Fig. 2.8 is a typical one, reproduced from Yarnall's paper and
showing the five minute rainfall that may be expected once in 50
e125 5
20 808
IllI! - - Kumasi, Ghana
----- Oxford
10 ~ t--... I I
8 203
....... :-..... ....... ~
-........... r---... ....... ~ I
............. [""'-. I"' I:'- ~'" ,...., I
4 ....... 1::',-to .a 102
r-.. ~"'r-.
-- -- "'"<tv I
3 t-..<'crto
..... r-. 'o-~~
t----- --
r'- $ ~~'".r)
~ '
---- ~,
'~ .....
j',h i',
-- --
I 25
.E >-
0·8 '... 20 ~
""enc:: 0·6 '' 0
... '>,. I5 £
0-4 r - - ·
' '
' ......
' ,l, "1'- 1\
~"' I0
:2c:: ! ' ~~
- l, 'r..; ~~
·e 03 ~
a:: I
' 5
I' ' ".....~~
-, I I ','"
... ' '~ 3
0·06 '
- 2
i '
I ' ...
0·04 I0
003 ·-··- ·-
0·02 0·5
6 12 18 24 36 48 60 2 34 6810 20 24
Minutes Hours
FIG. 2.7 Rainfall frequency-intensity-duration relationships
taken at Kumasi, Ghana (courtesy of Ghana Meteorological
Service) and Oxford
max. depth P
E ~
" '-.:
mean depth p
:g .................
·c; .......
. a::
.............. .._
Area : km2 - - - -
6 /
v ~
I 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 300
Time t (minutes)
From Fig. 2.5, the frequency line of once in 10 years just cuts the
25 mm depth at about I hour .·. P = 25 mm. Given t = 60 min
then from Fig. 2.10, t* = 5·6 then
26 Engineering Hydrology
Check from Oxford's figures: From Fig. 2. 7 the 10 year frequency for
60 min duration indicates 23 rom in I hour.
• • • • • ....'"'....t
• . .,
\ ..
• Rain gouges
...~...... County boundaries
I I I I I I 'mileS
FIG. 2.12 Rainfall over Dorset. July 18, 1955. (Reproduced from
British Rainfall 1955. HMSO 1957)
recorded mass
curve for stn. A a_//''..-----
___ :
Time - -
change of circumstances
in gauge or observer
Cumulative mean total annual rainfall at a number of nearby stat ions
Units of time -
FIG. 2.15 Trends from progressive averages
Rainfall maps for Great Brit~in and Ireland are printed on the
following two pages; by courtesy of the Meteorological Office and
the Irish Meteorological Service respectively. Using these maps, the
long-term average annual rainfall for any locality may be deter-
mined, for use with Fig. 2.6. Note that different units are used for the
two maps.
1916 - 1950
1931 - 1960
3 Evaporation and Transpiration
3.2 Transpiration
Growing vegetation of all kinds needs water to sustain life, though
different species have very different needs. Only a small fraction of
the water needed by a plant is retained in the plant structure. Most
of it passes through the roots to the stem or trunk and is transpired
into the atmosphere through the leafy part of the plant.
In field conditions it is practically impossible to differentiate be-
tween evaporation and transpiration if the ground is covered with
vegetation. The two processes are commonly linked together and
referred to as evapo-transpiration.
The amount of moisture which a land area loses by evapo-
transpiration depends primarily on the incidence of precipitation,
36 Engineering Hydrology
secondly on the climatic factors of temperature, humidity etc. and
thirdly on the type, manner of cultivation and extent of vegetation.
The amount may be increased, for example, by large trees whose
roots penetrate deeply into the soil, bringing up and transpiring
water which would otherwise be far beyond the influence of surface
Transpiration proceeds almost entirely by day under the influence
of solar radiation. At night the pores or stomata of plants close up
and very little moisture leaves the plant surfaces. Evapotation, on
the other hand, continues so long as a heat input is available, and
accordingly primarily during the day. The other factor of importance
is the availability of a plentiful water supply. If water is always avail-
able in abundance for the plant to use in transpiration, more will be
used than if at times less is available than could be used. Accordingly,
a distinction must be made between potential evapo-transpiration
and what may actually take place. Most of the methods of estima-
tion necessarily assume an abundant water supply and so give the
potential figure.
E=P+I±U-O±S (3.1)
Evaporation and Transpiration 37
where E = evapo-transpiration
P = total precipitation
I = surface inflow (if any)
U = underground outflow
0 = surface outflow
S =change in storage (both surface and subsurface)
If the observations are made over a sufficiently long time the signifi-
cance of S, which is not cumulative, will decrease and may be ignored,
if the starting and finishing points of the study are chosen to coincide
as nearly as possible with the same seasonal conditions. The signifi-
cance of U cannot be generalised but in many cases can be assigned
second order importance because of known geological conditions
which preclude large underground flows. In such cases a good esti-
mation of evapo-transpiration becomes possible and the method
provides a means of arriving at first approximations.
3.3.2 Energy budget method. This method, like the water budget
approach, involves solving an equation which lists all the sources and
sinks of thermal energy and leaves evaporation as the only unknown.
It involves a great deal of instrumentation and is still under active
development. It cannot readily be used without much data that is
not normally available and so it is a specialist approach.
Rc = RA(0·18 + 0·55n/D)
for southern England
TABLE 3.1. Angot's values of short-wave radiation flux RA. at the outer limit of the atmosphere in gramme-calories
per cm2 per day, as a Junction of the month of the year and the latitude
Latitude 0 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
From: Physical and Dy1111mica/ Meteorology by David Brunt, p. 112 (Cambridge University Press, 1944).
The SI unit for R.A. is joulesfm2fday. The table in gm cal/cm2fday is used so that it is compatible with Rijkoort's nomo-
gram. The conversion is
1 gm cal/cmz = 41·9 kJ/m2
Evaporation and Transpiration 41
and quotes Kimball
Rc = R..t(0·22 + 0•54nf D)
for Virginia, U.S.A.
and Prescott
Rc = R..t(0·25 + 0·54n/D)
for Canberra, Australia
from which it may be seen that even on days of complete cloud cover
(nf D = 0), about 20% of solar radiation reaches the earth's surface,
while on cloudless days about 75% of radiation gets through.
Part of Rc is reflected as short wave radiation; how much depends
on the reflectivity of the surface, or, the reflection coefficient r.
If Rr = the nett amount of radiation absorbed
Temperature - -
then by substituting in Eq. (3.9) the values of Eqs. (3.10) and (3.11)
Eo= ---=--.,..-------=
1 + !_[(e',- e)- (es- e)]
A e's- e
and Eo 1 (1 -
= + !.
E _ !l.H +yEa
from which (3.12)
o- A+ Y
!:!. has values obtained from the saturation vapour pressure curve,
typically as shown
t = ooc !:!. = 0·36
10 0·61
20 1·07
30 1·80
44 Engineering Hydrology
Referring to Eqs. (3.3) and (3.6) for Ea. and H respectively, it may be
seen that Eo is now computed from standard meteorological observa-
tions of mean air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity at a
standard height, and hours of sunshine. The formula has been
checked in many parts of the world and gives very good results.
Being based on physical principles it is of general application and
gives values ijlat should serve for most project studies until supple-
mented by actual evaporation measurements. (See Section 3.6).
To overcome the computational labour involved in solving the
Penman equation, a nomogram has been designed by P. J. Rijkoort
of the Royal Meteorological Institute, Netherlands, which enables
rapid evaluations to be made. It is reproduced at the back of this
book by permission of the designer. The nomogram has been drawn
for a slightly different value of Rc from that used by Penman
Rc = RA(0·20 + 0·48nf D)
instead of Penman's RA(0·18 + 0·55nfD) but any difference will be
smaller than the probable margin of error in cloud cover estimation,
so it may be ignored.
Values of RA may be derived for any latitude from Table 3.1, p. 40.
)1·514 (3.13)
and the yearly 'heat index', J is given by
J = j (for the 12 months) (3.14)
a = (675 X 1Q-9)J3 - (771 X 1Q-7)J2 + (179 X 1Q-4)J + 0·492
However PEx is a theoretical standard monthly value based on 30
days and 12 h sunshine per day. The actual PE for the particular
month with average temperature t 0 is given by
PE=PEx-mm (3. I 7)
where D = number of days in the month
T = average number of hours between sunrise and sunset in
the month.
46 Engineering Hydrology
The method has been tested by Serra, who suggested that Eqs.
(3.13) and (3.16) may be simplified as follows
j = 0·09t113/2 (3.18)
a = 0·0161 + 0·5 (3.19)
This method of estimating potential evapo-transpiration is
empirical and complicated and requires the use of a nomogram for
r point of convergence-
u ~ 27·5 143·7
:.. 20
vv 28·0
~ 15 29·0 155·4
e8. 10 - 29·5 158·9
/ 30·0 162·1
1- 70 31·5 170·7
>- 32·0 173·1
:E 1-
~~ 32·5 175·3
~ 5 33·0 177·2
E 4 k:;;' 33·5 179·0
~ 3
7 30
35·5 183·7
2 1-- 20 36·0 184·3
36·5 184·7
37·0 184·9
37·5 185·0
38·0 185·0
10 I I
8r--------------------- ---,
rate af potential
evapo-transpiration in
in./ month
soil moisture
uti Iisation
in in/month
soil moisture
-California Oranaes 0·53 0·56 0·56 0·58 O·S8 0·61 0·61 0·61 0·60
Alfalfa 0·70 0·80 0·80 0·90 0·90 0·90 0·80 0·70
Lemons 0·40 0·40 0·50 0·50 0·55 0·60 0·50 0·40
Oranaes O·SO 0·50 0·55 0·60 0·60 0·60 0·60 O·SO
Beets 0·30 0·60 0·85 0·95 0·90 0·40
Tomatoes 0·4S 0·80 0·70 0·80 0·70
~ 80~--~4-----~~---c~~~~------1
~ 406-~~~----~------+-----~------;
Annual values
mm %
(I) Mean rainfall from 3 rain gauges outside the
plantation 1492
(2) Estimated mean rainfall over lysimeter
(based on 3 tree-top gauges) 1363 100
(3) Throughfall 923 68
(4) Interception (2) - (3) 440 32
(5) Lysimeter runoff 535 39
(6) Gross losses (2) - (5) 828 61
(7) Net losses without interception (3) - (5) or
(6) - (4), i.e. transpiration 388 29
and as measured concurrently in a neighbouring
climatological station
(8) Evaporation from 1·83 m square tank (mean
of two neighbouring tanks) 507
(9) Losses from adjacent grass-covered plot
(measured by percolation gauge) 410
(10) Calculated evaporation by Penman equation
(mean of two calculations for two sites) 511
From his experiments Law drew certain general conclusions
(a) Trees transpire roughly the same quantities as grass.
(b) A third of rainfall is intercepted by coniferous trees and
subsequently lost through evaporation in addition to transpiration.
Evaporation and Transpiration 53
(c) Up to 3 mm rain can be intercepted by conifers at any one
time. (There are indications that deciduous trees do not differ
(d) The evaporation of intercepted rain in coniferous forests
does not differ markedly from summer to winter because the effect of
wind is more important than ambient temperature, when adequate
evaporating surface area is available.
(e) Stemftow on Sitka spruce is about 5% ofthroughfall.
Currently (1973) in the United Kingdom extensive experiments are
under way by the Institute of Hydrology in the Plynlimon catch-
ments which should add considerably to existing knowledge on the
consumptive use of forest.
4 Infiltration and Percolation
shown, then the governing factor is the head h over the smallest
cross section of a pore. This continues to increase with rainfall
intensity until a limiting value is reached where run-off prevents any
further increase. It seems unlikely that this limiting condition is often
reached in natural conditions.
Previous researchers [26] have found similar results but attributed
the increase in fc at higher rainfall intensities to lack of homogeneity
in their experimental catchment watershed. Others have also empha-
sised the over-riding importance of the superficial layer of a soil [27].
The infiltration rate of a soil is the sum of percolation and water
entering storage above the groundwater table. Generally the soil is
far from saturated and so storage goes on increasing for very long
periods. Accordingly, /c goes on decreasing under a steady rain
intensity for equally long periods.
fo fc K
Soil type mm/h mm/h
bare 280 6-220 1·6
agricultural turfed 900 20-290 0·8
peat 325 2-20 1·8
fine sandy bare 210 2-25 2·0
clay 1·4
turfed 670 10-30
Infiltration and Percolation 57
net rain =
quantity of
storm loss
time in hours -
FIG. 4.4 Infiltration loss by <1>-index
hours hours
(a) (b)
The ct>-index line is drawn so that the shaded area above it contri-
butes 33 mm of runoff. In this case the index is 8 mmfh.
Suppose, however, the same total rainfall had been distributed as
shown in Fig. 4.5(b). To obtain a runoff of 33 mm above the Cl>-
index line requires the line to be raised to give an index value of
9 mm/h. It may be seen therefore that one determination of the <!>-
index is of limited value and that many such determinations should be
made, and averaged, before the index is used.
assumed f 0 v period
'EE deduction for
Depth Indicator
Cable Clamp- --·~~~
0 0
...--Access Tube
s 0
)(Neutmn Sou<CE
I I ·$'I
~ I
i rn
Density. The density of fresh water varies only very slightly with
temperature and its effect may be ignored in groundwater flow. Of
greater importance is salinity, the effect of which is shown in Fig. 5.2.
Density of Fresh Water v. Temperature
temperature oc 0 4 10 15 20
p g/1 999·868 ]()()() 999·727 999·126 998·230
(grammes per litre)
Viscosity is a measure of the shear strength of a liquid; the lower
the viscosity, the more mobile or penetrating the liquid.
Absolute viscosity, denoted by p., has units Ns/m2 ; (the CGS unit, the
poise = 10- 1 Ns/m 2). Water at 20°C has a viscosity of 1 centipoise
(0·01 poise= 10-s Ns/m2 ).
72 Engineering Hydrology
Kinematic viscosity, denoted by v, is the ratio of absolute viscosity
to density, or v = ~ and has units m2 /s (the GCS unit, the stoke =
10- 4 m 2/s). Kinematic viscosity occurs in many applications, e.g.
Reynolds number, R = - .
v (water) ::::: w-l m2/day ::::: w-s m2/s ::::: I0- 2 stoke.
The kinematic viscosity of liquids is almost independent of pres-
sure and is substantially a function of temperature.
Kinematic Viscosity of Water v. Temperature
temperature oc 0 5 10 15 20
v m8/day 0·152 0·133 0·113 0·098 0·087
I /
"'0> I I 1/
:;; 40 I
~ /
"'0. v //
1- v
0·01 0·1 1·0 10
grain size in mm
B.s.-----"T----,-,si,..lt_ _...:..._-r----sa~n-:;d---.------
c lay 1-f,-in-e--rm-'e:.:.Od:..._,u_m-r-co-a-rs-e1---;-f,-ne--.,-m::.::ed,_.::,u::...m-r-co-a-rs~e grave 1
0·002 0·006 0·02 0·06 0·02 0·06 2·0mm
precisely defined limits, k is not 8'" 5
necessarily a constant for a parti- :>, IU "'
cular soil, as chemical erosion or -
0 do<
deposition may sometimes occur "'E 10-
with percolating groundwater. 0.
Some values of k as they occur
naturally are indicated on the
logarithmic scale of permeability pure clays
The specific velocity is not the true velocity, but is merely QfA.
The actual velocity of water in the pores is greater than the specific
velocity since the path the water follows through porous media is
always longer than a straight line between any two points.
If the average real, or pore, velocity is denoted by v then
_ discharge Q Av v
v= =-=-=-
area of water passage Ane Ane ne
:. pore velocity (average) = specific velocity-:- effective porosity
Since the velocity distribution across a pore is probably parabolic,
being highest in the centre and zero at the edges, the maximum pore
velocity v max = approx. 2 x v.
So in a typical case (say) ne = !
q= -kH-
dc/J (5.1)
dq =0
dq = -kHd~
dx dx2
and so
---Rdx -
ground surfoc
(ph real ic
assumed impervious
base. This case is illustrated in Fig. 5.6. Here the first equation from
Darcy's Law, would be
q = -kh- (5.3)
78 Engineering Hydrology
dq d 2(h2)*
=-tk -
. . . dq
an d smce by contmutty dx = 0, t hen
d2(h2) =0 (5.4)
dx 2
-- - ---
and here Eqs. (5.3) and (5.4) are the fundamental equations for
solving problems in the case of phreatic aquifers (except where
Dupuit's assumptions are no longer reasonable).
If the aquifer is being recharged by rain falling on the ground
surface, let the rainfall beN in suitable units (as Fig. 5.7).
. d(h2)- h dh
·· dx - 2 "dx
d(h2) dh . dh
.·.1 dx =h.~andsmceq = -khdx
d(h2 )
:. q = -lk dx
. dq d2(h2)
·· dx = -ik dx2
Groundwater 79
In this case dq = N . dx
dq d2(h2)
dx = -ik dx2 =N
d2(h2) 2N
dx 3 = -k (5.5)
k = 12 m/doy
h 20m
Example 5.1. Suppose there are two canals, at different levels, separ-
ated by a strip of land 1000 m wide, ofpermeability k = 12 m/day as
shown in Fig. 5.8. If one canal is 2 m higher than the other and the
depth of the aquifer is 20 m below the lower canal to an impermeable
base,find the inflow into, or abstraction from, each canal perm length.
Take annual rainfall as 1·20 m per annum and assume 60% infiltration.
when x = 0, h = 20
.. 400 = o + o + c2
. . c2 = 400
and when x = 1000, h = 22
0·72 X 106
.. 484 =- 365 X 12 + 1000Cl + 400
. . c1 = 0·084 + 0·164 = 0·248
Now using Eq. (5.3).
q = -kh-
and Eq. (5.6)
N 2x + 0·248)
dh = - 1 ( --
· -dx
·· 2ul k ·
atx = 0
q = -ku1 • - 1 (0·248)
= -6(0·248) = -1·49 m3fday/m
at x = 1000
= _ ~ (- 2000 0·72 . )
+ 0 248
q 2 365 X 12
- - ---:::.--
- - . =· gr~ut -- --~
.·">•: ·.
o "• ,_" ' . , : u.•". • : .-" :··•• •o I
~. ",~~ "' .J • o .. outer cosmg
,·_~\ ~._ ~~ ~ ,-, ~ --: i ,-'-
I ground surface
..,.._...... ~ ~ ~ ~··-
.. ·.... J.p ·
. )< p;e~ometric surface
before pumping
r • .. r
from the well and is denoted by r, since the flow is radial to the weJJ.
The steady state discharge from the well is called Q0 •
The equations governing flow may be written: from Darcy's Law
Q = vA = - k - . 21rrH
/_ground surface
-·~ .. - - . - -
r -----:.,-,- 10- r .
H2 - h2 == Qo In ~ (5.9)
1rk r
The value of R must satisfy the boundary conditions. Then the
drawdown at the well face (H - ho) may be deduced by introducing
the radius of the well ro since
H2- h2 == Q0 ln ~ (5.10)
1rk To
/C)• /
piezometric surface
before pumping
K= 50 It/day
, ,.,
. .
~ ~ .... ::-.~ :-: ~-~--·- ""'+-=-=
R '/.,.·I
Flo. 5.13 Central well in a circular island and
unconfined aquifer with rainfall
88 Engineering Hydrology
C2 being an integration constant that must satisfy the particular
boundary conditions. In the case of a central well in a circular
island of radius R when r = R, h = H and so
Qo 2k
C2 = H 2 - -In R
+ -R2
Rainfall P
r= 10m
--~---r 0 =0·3 m
Well diameter 0·6 m ---500m---
H2 - h2 = - !_ (R2 - r2)
1 2k
I 00 - hi = - ----;ro- (250000 - r 2)
IOO - hl 2= - 25 + ( IOO
r )2 (5.14)
2 Qo R
H2 - h2 = -ln-
TTk r
2 500
I 00 - h2 = 21 ·9 log - (5.I5)
Now applying the method of super position and combining Eqs.
(5.14) and (5.15)
and from Eq. (5.I4) h1 = ll·I9 and calling drawdown at the well
Sw :. Sw = 3·80 m below the phreatic surface before pumping.
If a water-divide exists, then all the output of the well is being con-
tributed by rainfall, since if the sea around the island were contribut-
ing, the hydraulic gradient would be sloping downwards and in-
wards at every point. So the area contributing is obtained from
25 = TTYx 2 X --
h = 10·61
90 Engineering Hydrology
and from Eq. (5.14) h1 = 10·97, and calling drawdown at the divide
Ss = 0·36 m
Suppose the simple formula ofEq. (5.8) had been used, thus assum-
ing constant aquifer thickness. In this case
Qo R 600 500
Sw = 2TTkH In-; = 2TT X 20 X 10 X 2 "3 log 0·3
= 1·01 X 0·36
= 0·364 (cf 0·36 m above)
It will be realised that the simple formula for the confined case is
adequate in this case except in the immediate neighbourhood of the
well. It would, of course, still be necessary to compute the 'no-
pumping' phreatic surface.
6 Surface Runoff
discharge Q -
FIG. 6.2 A modern helix current meter by Hilger and Watts Ltd
Surface Runoff 95
Alternatively, cableways are sometimes used to suspend the meter,
either from a manned cable-car or directly from the cable, the
instrument in this latter case being positioned by auxiliary cables
from the river bank.
Depths should always be measured at the time of velocity obser-
vation since a profile can change appreciably during flood discharges.
Observers should also remember such elementary rules as to observe
the stage before and after the discharge measurement, and to observe
the water slope by accurate levelling to pegs at the river level as far up
and downstream of the gauging site as is practicable, up to say
500 m in each direction.
As water velocities increase in high floods the ballasted current-
meter will be increasingly swept downstream on an inclined cable.
The position of a meter in these circumstances may be found reason-
ably accurately if the cable angle is measured. Ballast may be in-
creased but only within limits. Rods may be used to suspend the
meter but a rigid structure in the boat will then be required to handle
the rods, calling for a stable platform of the catamaran type. Rod
vibration and bending are common in deep rivers unless diameters
exceed 50 mm by which time the whole apparatus is getting very
heavy and unmanageable.
It will be appreciated that since each river is unique each will
require a careful assessment of its width, depth, likely flood veloci-
ties, cable support facilities, availability of bridges, boats, etc.
before a discharge measurement programme is started.
From many observations on many rivers it has been established
that the variation of velocity integrated over the full depth of a river
can be closely approximated by the mean of two observations made
at 0.2 and 0.8 of the depth. If time and circumstances preclude even
two observations at each horizontal intercept then one reading at
0·6 depth will approximate the average over the whole depth.
The discharge at the cross-section is best obtained by plotting each
velocity observation on a cross-section of the gauging site with an
exaggerated vertical scale. lsovels or contours of equal velocity are
then drawn and the included areas measured by planimeter. A
typical cross-section, so treated, is shown in Fig. 6.3. Alternatively
the river may be subdivided vertically into sections and the mean
velocity of each section applied to its area.
96 Engineering Hydrology
A check should always be made using the slope-area method of
Section 6.2.6(iii) and a value obtained for Manning's n. In this way a
knowledge of the n values of the river at various stages will be built
up which may prove most valuable in extending the discharge rating
curve subsequently.
10m 10m
m 3
FIG. 6.3 Isovel plotting of stream cross-section (points ringed are
those for 0·2 and 0·8 depth observations)
AR1S 1
and so two different discharges will occur in the two cases since s
changes while A, R and n remain constant.
Since the rising stage is associated with the greater slope dis-
charge, measurements taken on a rising stage will plot to the right
on the rating curve of Fig. 6.1 and those on a falling stage, to the
left. Depending on the 'peakiness' of the flood wave, it often happens
that maximum discharge occurs before the maximum stage is reached,
since the influence of the steeper slope on velocity may outweigh the
slight increase in cross-sectional area.
It is generally necessary to correct the discharge measurements
taken on either side of flood waves to the theoretical steady state
condition, because the great majority of gauge readings are taken by
unskilled observers once a day without any indication of whether
the stage is rising or falling. By using a corrected, or steady state,
curve, the rising and falling stage observations will balance in the
long run, and no value judgment or second daily visit to the gauge
will be required from the observer. The correction may be made as
Surface Runoff 101
From the Manning equation, the steady state discharge Q in a
channel of given roughness and cross-section, is given as
Q ex: ...;s (6.1)
where S = steady state slope.
When the slope is not equal to S, as is the case in conditions of
rising or falling stage, the actual discharge Qa is given by
Qa ex: v(S ± !:J.S) (6.2)
Referring now to Fig. 6.7, as may be expressed in terms of the rate
of change in stage and flood wave celerity, U.
102 Engineering Hydrology
If the discharge measurement is taken at a site with two gauges, one
upstream and one downstream, in the same reach, then all the terms
in Eq. (6.5) are measured except Q and U, Q being the steady state
discharge required and U, the flood wave celerity. There are now
several ways to proceed. The first is to take an empirical value for U.
Corbett [37] suggests that in a fairly uniform channel, in flood con-
ditions, the celerity U is approximately equal to 1·3 times the mean
water velocity, or
U= 1·3-
where A = cross-sectional area.
From which
Q = J( +
1 A . dh/dt)
- 3160 - 3160 - 3
Qcorr - J(1 + 1·67 X I0-5 ) - -yl{1·057) - 3080 m fs
2·054 X 1·43 X 10-4
and taking the mean gauge height, the corrected coordinates are
50·46 m and 3080 mBfs.
Surface Runoff 103
An alternative procedure, due to Boyer [38] is available, where
values for neither U, nor S, need be obtained. If a sufficient number
of observations are available, including measurements taken during
rising and falling stages and in steady states, then a rating curve may
be drawn as a median line through the uncorrected values. The
steady state discharge Q can now be estimated from the median
curve. Since Qa and dhfdt are measured quantities and therefore
known, Eq. (6.5) yields the term 1/US for each measurement of
The term 1/ US is now plotted against stage and an 'average' curve
fitted to the plotted points, as shown in Fig. 6.8. From the 1/ US
estimated 'normaJ' _~·
curve .&'"~corrected 'normal'
...P' curve
.."' ~·
o._ ljus
Q=-- (6.8)
~ 4000
E 3600 r-
·=., 3200 l
1:' 2800
A f\ I ~~~
) U_
~ 2400
i5 2000
1\ ! I\ rt
\IV IV"~
1200 - I~ ,. -- / f.:iroundwa ter ''~.\
.... ..,.>
800 contribuiion '
400 c. --) -~--·
~ ~
Feb March April May June July August September
v--- -
"'Q 18 f.-
"'E 16
c: 14 >--
E 12
> 10 -
0c: 8
a:: 6 >--
2 f-
Feb. March April May June July August September
0 A
Q 36
curve tends to be
, modified in this
'-, way if storage
........ .... _
-- ---
" is introduced7
0 100
I rain
woler divide
0 50 100
percentage greater than
(a) (b)
FIG. 6.14 (a) Rectilinear grid to evaluate catchment slope and orientation. (b) Frequency curves for
comparison of catchment steepness
112 Engineering Hydrology
pattern. The grid of Fig. 6.14(a) can be used for this feature also,
by the evaluation of the angle between slope direction and the N-S
meridian (say) at each grid point and the subsequent plotting of a
circular frequency diagram like that of Fig. 6.15, similar to a wind
y/ [/
at .....
..... I..-
~ v~ I /
v /
/ ~I al
~/ ...... /
0 5 10 15 hours
(a) of Fig. 6.16 will now have the form of curve a1 on that figure.
Alternatively if the storm were moving at the same rate downstream,
the flood contribution of time-segment 10 would arrive at the control
point only 5 h after that of segment 1, so that a rapid flood rise (a2 in
Fig. 6.16) would occur. The effect of changing the direction of storm
movement on the semicircular and fan-shaped catchments will be
less marked than this but still appreciable.
114 Engineering Hydrology
(e) Altitude of the catchment. Generally, precipitation increases
with altitude though individual catchments show wide variations
from the general rule. Fig. 6.17 shows the trend for S.W. Scotland.
More important however is the effect of reduced evaporation in
1000 I
.. I
.. 400
. I
.,0' 300
.,"'> .
.c 200
50 I
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Annual rainfall: inches
FIG. 6.17 Correlation between altitude and annual rainfall for
S. W. Scotland
The highest intensities recorded in the British Isles are given below:
lass curve
recession curve
.groundwater ' ,
depletion curve '
extrapolated ...--"
Groundwater contribution
to streamflow
time -->-
FIG. 7.2 Hydrograph of an ephemeral stream
natural rivers which cross desert areas do so. The negative contribu-
tion is taking place at the expense of contributing aquifers on other
parts of the stream, since there can be no baseflow from a wholly
influent stream. Such a stream, e.g. a Middle Eastern wadi, will dry
up completely in rainless periods and is called ephemeral, and has
a hydrograph of the form of Fig. 7.2.
An effluent stream on the other hand is fed by the groundwater
and acts as a drain for bordering aquifers. The great majority of
streams in Britain and Europe are in this category.
Intermittent streams are those which act as both influent and
effluent streams according to season, tending to dry up in the dry
Perennial streams are greatly in the majority, with a low dry-season
flow fed by baseflow and are mainly effluent streams, though many
perennial rivers crossing different geological formations of varying
permeability and subject to different climates are both influent
and effluent at different parts of their courses. A good example of
Hydrograph Analysis 123
this is the river Euphrates in Iraq. Fig. 6.9 shows a part-annual
hydrograph of the Euphrates and the slow seasonal variation of the
baseflow may be observed. This baseflow is derived principally
from the headwaters of the catchment in northern Iraq, Turkey and
Syria. At Hit, where the hydrograph was observed, the river for
much of the year is influent.
Bank storage describes the portion of runoff in a rising flood which
is absorbed by the permeable boundaries of a water course above the
Bonk storage
Flood level
normal out~f=lo..c.w_~
of ground water
.... increase in baseflow
after fload
/,. ....
11 baseflow
'\ I
""""v.--- ornegative baseflow
bank storage
depletion curve
-·~-1 .
···· .....~~---
basel low
Hydrograph Analysis 125
be much less than indicated in Fig. 7.5 and will only cause a slight
dip from the extrapolation of the depletion curve, followed by a
gradual rise to a higher-than-initial value as indicated in Fig. 7.6.
2"' (I)
plot of I he ----::::!; q h . .,~
master depletion curve 1 i .s::
lime units
- ~
time units
FIG. 7.7 Derivation of a master depletion curve. (a) Normal hydrocroph with recession curves selected.
(b) Log plot of recession curves. (c) Linear plot of master depletion curve
Flo. 7.8 Procedure to separate base flow
120 l'"uk- f:hange af slope-
<::!'- .,
......... 2 1·2
I ~-.....
90 I I
......... ~ 1
6h intervals
I \
70 I I
\ This vertical bisect s
eo 60 I I N' \ I the 6 h time interval
between Qand Q+& f or
u 50 I surface runoff /I\ I the point at change of slope
·c"' I \ll
- - --
-- v - -
30 ~
.... ['....
20 ~---
base flow
2 3 4 5 6 7
Day Hour Q Q+6
m3fs m3js Q
250 2
1250 3
5000 4
12500 5
25000 6
nett rain only
Flo. 7.11 Principle of superposition applied to unitgraphs
2 4 6 8 time in h
4 h unit hydrograph
2·78A (km 2 )
a.= ttlhl
0 time-
0 0 0 0 0
1 6 6 6 8
2 36 36 36 48
3 66 66 0 66 88
4 91 0 91 6 85 113
5 106 6 112 36 76 101
6 93 36 129 66 63 84
7 79 66 145 91 54 72
8 68 91 159 112 47 63
9 58 112 170 129 41 55
10 49 129 178 145 33 44
11 41 145 186 159 27 36
12 34 159 193 170 23 31
13 27 170 197 178 19 25
14 23 178 201 186 15 20
15 17 186 203 193 10 13·5·
16 13 193 206 197 9 12•
17 9 197 206 201 5 6·5·
18 6 201 207 203 4 5·5·
19 3 203 206 206 0 o•
20 1·5 206 207 206 1 1·5·
21 0 206 206 207 -1
• Slight adjustment is required to the tail of the 3 h unitgraph. This is most
easily done by eye (see Fig. 7.14). All figures except col. 1 in m 3 /s
Hydrograph Analysis 135
value. If the S-curve terminal value had fluctuated wildly and not
steadied to a minor variation it would have indicated an incorrect
rainfall-time for the unit graph.
Note also that it was not necessary in Table 7.3 to set out T/t1
columns of the 4 h unitgraphs, and add them laterally. The S-curve
additions are the S-curve ordinates shifted in time by 4 h. Since the
first 4 h of unitgraph and S-curve are the same, the S-curve additions
and S-curve columns are filled in, in alternate steps. The effect is the
110 1\
Ij "''\
I • \
~~h unitgraph derived from S- curve
if 4 h unitgraph given
., 70
o;;.. \~\
0 50
J/ '\\
u ~\
0 40 I
{• '.t.\
30 'l\.,.,
20 !I '\.
10 -~,
I r 'I 'f.:-_!:,_
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
unit periods
average unitgroph
sketched to fit and
to contain unit runoff
up into tributary catchments and the unit graphs for each of these
determined separately.
The first step is to separate the baseflow from surface runoff
(Sect. 7.3) and plot the runoff and the rain graph on the same time
base. The quantity of nett storm rain must then be estimated and its
intensity and duration established. A check is now made on the
quantity of nett rain on the catchment and the amount of runoff
under the hydrograph. These should be the same and one or the
other may require adjustment.
The unitgraph may now be obtained by dividing the runoff
138 Engineering Hydrology
hy<jrograph ordinates by the nett rain in em. The adjusted ordinates
represent the unit graph for the particular· duration established.
It is always advisable to determine several unit graphs, using
separate and distinct isolated uniform intensity storms, if available.
Natural events like rainstorms and runoff, are affected by a multi-
plicity :>f factors and no two are precisely the same. Frequently the
best natural data will be for different rain durations and the resulting
unit graphs will require to be altered to the same duration (Sect. 7.5).
Once a number of such hydrographs has been obtained for the same
duration, an 'average', or typical unitgraph may be determined as
shown in Fig. 7.16. The ordinates are not averaged since this would
produce an untypical peak. The peak values of the separate unit-
graphs are averaged, as are the values of the time from the
beginning of runoff to the peak. These values are assigned to the
average unitgraph which is then sketched in to a median form on
both rising and falling limbs, so that the total area under the curve is
equal to 1 em runoff.
Recorded hydrogroph
'' ~
' ·~
~ ' ' ....
., ~
~ .....
..... ~
·Statute miles
w ....---
1·4 I J I
Sultan rain recorder -----/;•
trace 1
·= 1·0
., j/
'0 /I
c 0·8 rainfall rates assumed
.~ 0·6
~ in the analysis
E 0·4
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0200 0400 0600 0800
- - - - - 14th May 15th M a y - -
·2 0·05 /~lilt rain =0·65in
·I ~ •i index 0·05 in/h
2000 r~
I ~/ Observed hydrograph
/Derived distribution graph
~ 1400
.5 ·1200
~ 1000
<> 800 1'
r)j Runoff volume=206·5xl0~- ~
060 0 = 0·65in on 136 mL2
2oc ~
- -- I
f . - - - ~----
Bose flow
I I I l I
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80
0·40 960 X 100 = 12·5%
The percentages total comes to 100·4 due to rounding off. The
bracketed figures have not been redistributed since the next trial
requires fairly substantial changes in any case.
13. If the differences between the trial coefficients and the adjusted
(after redistribution) coefficients are large, then a new trial
set must be adopted and steps 9-12 repeated, until the differ-
ences are sufficiently small to be ignored (say < 1 %). A weigh-
ted average of the previous trial and resulting adjusted coeffici-
ents should be used, as follows:
If P = the sum of residuals
Q =the sum of discharges of all the periods during which
the largest rainfall would have been contributing
cl = the trial coefficient
C2 = the calculated and adjusted coefficient
Cs = the proposed new trial coefficient
C _ QCt +PC2
then s- Q+P
280 0
260 0
240 0 ~
Distribution graph from the
I /accepted coefficients of Table 7·4
1800 V Derived unit hydrograph
....."' 1600 r ,_
.S 140 c I
"'~ 120 I
.<:: I
1000 I
Ci"' I
0 A ~
~ -......;..-
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68
FIG. 7.21 4-h unit hydrograph for River Rother at Woodhouse
Mill derived from the multi-period storm of Fig. 7.19
FIG. 7.22 The instantaneous unit hydrograph as the S-curve derivative
graph of any other period t, by drawing two t-h S-curves, T-h apart.
This is expressed in the equation
Instantaneous unitgroph
1. ~ :
basin lag (h)
synthetic unilgraph
them in a coefficient Ce. He dealt with the size and shape of catch-
ment by measuring the length of the main stream channel and he
proposed that
tp = Ce(Lca£)0 · 3 (7.3)
where = basin lag in h, i.e. the time between mass centre of unit
rain of tr h duration and runoff peak flow.
Lea = distance from gauging station to centroid of catchment
150 Engineering Hydrology
area, measured along the main stream channel to the
nearest point, in miles.
L = distance from station to catchment boundary measured
along the main stream channel, in miles.
Ct = a coefficient depending on units and drainage basin
characteristics and varying between 1·8 and 2·2 for the
Appalachian Highlands catchments studied.
The equation for peak flow (per square mile of area) of the t,
unitgraph was given by
qp= Cp.- (7.4)
where qp is in cubic feet per second.
Cp = a coefficient depending on units and basin characteristics
and varying between 0·56-0·69 for the Appalachian
catchments and generally approaching its largest value
as Ce approaches its lowest and vice versa,
and therefore the peak flow for the unitgraph
Qp= Cp.--
where A = catchment area in square miles.
The duration of surface runoff, or unit hydrograph baselength,
T was given by Snyder by the empirical expression
T= 3 + 3 G~) (7.5)
Basin lag
lpR = C'em'ta (7.11)
where tpR = lag in h from centroid of nett rain to hydrograph peak
t R = time in h from beginning to end of nett rain
e = 2·7183
m' = rate of change of lag with storm duration
C' = lag of instantaneous unit hydrograph
m' and C' are derived from the following equations
m' = 0·212/(LLca,)0·3& (7.12)
C' = 0·6/v(S,t) (7.13)
where L and Lea have the same definitions as previously and
Type of channel n
Rough-paved trapezoidal channel or canal without 0·021
obstructions or sharp curves
Natural stream channel, smoothly flowing in very clean 0·030
Standard natural stream or river in stable condition 0·035
Rivers with shallows and meanders and noticeable 0·045-Q·OSO
aquatic growth. Streams with gravel banks and
Slow flowing meandering rivers with pools and slight 0·060-Q·lOO
rapids and overgrown banks
8 Flood Routing
8.1 Introduction
Civilisation has always developed along rivers, whose presence
guaranteed access to and from the sea coast, irrigation for crops,
water supplies for urban communities and latterly power develop-
ment and industrial water supply. The many advantages have always
been counterbalanced by the dangers of floods and in the past levees
or flood banks were built along many major rivers to prevent inunda-
tion in the flood season. In more recent times storage reservoirs have
been built as the principles of dam construction became better under-
stood and other measures like relief channels, storage basins and
channel improvements are continually under construction in many
parts of the world. It is important for such works that estimates can
be made of how the measures proposed will affect the behaviour of
flood waves in rivers so that economic solutions may be found in
particular cases. Flood routing is the description applied to this
process. It is a procedure through which the variation of discharge
with time at a point on a stream channel, may be determined by con-
sideration of similar data for a point upstream. In other words it is a
process which shows how a flood wave may be reduced in magnitude
and lengthened in time (attenuated) by the use of storage in the reach
between the two points.
stream bed
records at the beginning and end of the reach and on any tributary
streams joining it, and rainfall records over any areas contributing
direct runoff to it.
Storage in the reach of a river is divided into two parts, prism and
wedge storage, which are illustrated in Fig. 8.1. This is simply
because during floods the slope of the surface is not uniform.
(See Section 6.2).
If the continuity of flow through the reach shown in Fig. 8.1 is
now considered, it is clear that what enters the reach at point A
must emerge at point B, or temporarily move into storage.
I= D + dt
where I = inflow to the reach
D = discharge from the reach
dt = rate of ch ange m
dS . reach storage wtt
"h respect to time.
Head Head
Elevation of over Discharge from over Spillway Total
water surface 54·0 gated ports 66·0 = H Ht discharge discharge
m m m 3 /s m m 3 /s m 3 /s
58·0 4·0 81·0 81
60·0 6·0 99·5 100
62·0 8·0 Il4·8 II5
64.0 10·0 128·0 128
66·0 12·0 140·7 0 0 0 141
66·1 12·1 141·2 0·1 0·032 5·1 148
66·2 12-2 141·8 0·2 0·089 14·2 156
66.3 12·3 142·6 0·3 0·164 26 169
66·4 12·4 143·0 0·4 0·252 40 183
66·5 12·5 143·7 0·5 0·353 56 200
66·7 12·7 144·8 0·7 0·58 93 238
66·9 12·9 146·0 0·9 0·85 136 282
67·0 13·0 146·4 1·0 1·0 160 306
67·5 13·5 149·3 1·5 1·84 294 443
68·0 14·0 152·0 2·0 2-83 453 605
4. From Fig. 8.2(b) and Table 8.1, the D-Storage curve of Fig. 8.3
may now be drawn, i.e. the central curve. The abscissa of Fig.
8.3 is graduated in "storage units". Each storage unit =
routing period x 1 m3js. Since the forecast hydrograph of
column 3, Table 8.2, is given at 6 hour intervals it is convenient
to make this the routing period. Then each storage unit =
6 x 3600 x 1 = 21·6 x 103 m3 = t m3fs day. The use of
158 Engineering Hydrology
v v
.5 6866 / v
~ / '/
.!!! 64
.,u 62 / v
1-- -
-; 60 (a} w.l. v. area
L{b}w.l. v. storage -
en 58
56 v /
54 I
4·0 4·2 4-4 4·6 48 50 5·2 0 20 40 60 80 100
Reservoir surface area: km 2 Live storage: m3 x 106
0 Q"
500 -1" C/) ' ·j
enI -!'!
400 ,....__. g)
Ui300 r-ID _g "'c: ~I
z u
.5 200 r--~~ 1/
, ,
Cl 150 "' I '/
"'E!' 130 ~ ~
c5"' 110
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Storage units (I unit =21·6 x 106 m3=J m3/s day}
j_ ~Inflow hydrograph
500 I
400 I
I I \~ / Discharge hydrograph
1/ I '\
I ~~
100 ...........
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
6 hour routing periods
Complete the table and plot the outflow hydrograph (Fig. 8.4).
The peak outflow should fall on the recession limb of the inflow
The time difference between the peaks of the inflow and dis-
charge hydrographs is termed reservoir lag and the reduction
in peak flows together with the spreading out of the recession
curve is referred to as attenuation.
8. The column 8 values of surface water level are derived from
the values of discharge and levels in Table 8.1. They are most
conveniently found by plotting a graph and reading off the
levels corresponding to the values of column 5.
The maximum water level in the case of this example is
67·5 m occurring about hour 40.
Flood Routing 161
8.4 Routing in a river channel
The solution of the storage equation in this case is more complicated
than for the simple reservoir, since wedge storage is involved. Stor-
age is no longer only a function of discharge as was the case in
Example 8. I. McCarthy [52], in what has become known as the
FIG. 8.5
Flo. 8.6
Fxo. 8.7
The following excerpt from Carter and Godfrey [53] concisely sums
up the choice of values for x and K:
The factor x is chosen so that the indicated storage volume is the
same whether the stage is rising or falling. For spillway discharges from
Flood Routing 163
a reservoir, x may be shown to be zero, because the reservoir stage, and
hence the storage, are uniquely defined by the outflow; hence, the rate
of inflow has a negligible influence on the storage in the reservoir at any
time. For uniformly progressive flow, x equals 0·50, and both the inflow
and the outflow are equal in weight. In this wave no change in shape
occurs and the peak discharge remains unaffected. Thus, the value of x
will range from 0 to 0· 50 with a value of 0·25 as average for river reaches.
The factor K has the dimension of time and is the slope of the storage-
weighted discharge relation, which in most flood problems approaches a
straight line. Analysis of many flood waves indicates that the time re-
quired for the centre of mass of the flooq wave to pass from the upstream
end of the reach to the downstream end is equal to the factor K. The
time between peaks only approximates the factor K. Ordinarily, the value
of K can be determined with much greater ease and certainty than
that of x.
/ I
/ I
/ /
I /
I /
I /
.:: 1/
..... /(
"' /I m
/ I
/ I Cbl (c) K= -'f- days
S: storage (m 3 /s doys)
S2 - S1 = K(x(h - h) + (1 - x) (D2 - D1)] (8.4)
164 Engineering Hydrology
(the latter being Eq. {8.3) for a discrete time interval) the equation,
D! = Col2 + C1lt + C2D1 (8.5)
is obtained, where
Kx- O·St
, Ct = Kx + O·St '
K- Kx+ O·St K- Kx +O·St
K-Kx- O·St
c2 = (8.6)
K- Kx + O·St
where t = routing period, which should be taken as between i and l
of the flood wave travel time through the reach (obtained
from the inflow hydrograph)
3 00
2 I l J
/1 jJJ J
1/ I
.g'200 iff I
1240-! m3 /s days
.. I
=60 m3/s days
E I60
-i~ I40
8.1 20
e x=0·2 !J x=0·25/ x=O·~~
.21 00
lf If__ I
A' fl-4o m•t;-1 [//V
/ .".K=~=I·5days
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 ro ao
xi+( 1-x) D: m3 /s
figure has ordinate and abscissa reversed compared with Fig. 8.8.
This is quite unimportant and is done only for convenience of fit.)
A second value of x = 0·25 is now tried (columns 10-12 refer)
and the resulting plot is the central one of Fig. 8.10. A third value,
x = 0·3, is also tabulated and plotted on the right of the figure. By
inspection, the central value of x = 0·25 approximates a straight
line most nearly, so this is chosen as the x value.
K is determined by measuring the slope of the median line as
shown on the figure, and is found to be 1·5 days. This confirms the
TABLE 8.3. StorQKe loops calculatiom
1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS
I D Mean Cumulative
Inflow Outflow 1-D storage storQKe x=0·2 X= 0·25 x=0·3
!Hour m3js m3js m 3/s (i m 3/sday) (i m 3/s day) 0·21 0·8D Total 0·251 0·1SD Total 0·31 0·1D Total
0 22 22 0 0 0 4 17 21 s 16 21 7 15 22
6 23 21 2 1 I s 17 22 6 16 22 7 15 22
12 35 21 14 8 9 7 17 24 9 16 25 10 15 25
18 71 26 45 29 38 14 21 35 18 19 37 21 18 39
24 103 34 69 57 95 20 27 47 26 25 51 31 24 ss
30 111 44 67 68 163 22 35 57 28 33 61 33 31 64
36 109 ss 54 60 223 22 44 66 27 41 68 33 38 68
...... 42 100 66 34 44 267 20 53 73 25 49 74 30 46 76
48 86 75 11 22 289 17 60 77 21 56 77 26 52 78
"'"' S4 71 82 -11 0 289 14 66 80 18 61 79 21 57 78
60 59 85 -26 - 18 271 12 68 80 15 64 79 18 59 77
66 47 84 -37 -31 240 9 67 76 12 63 75 14 59 73
72 39 80 -41 -39 201 8 64 72 10 60 70 11 56 67
78 32 73 -41 -41 160 6 58 64 8 ss 63 10 51 61
84 28 64 -36 -38 122 6 51 57 7 48 ss 8 45 53
90 24 54 -30 -33 89 5 43 48 6 40 46 7 38 45
96 22 44 -22 -26 63 4 35 39 s 33 38 7 31 38
102 21 36 - 15 -18 45 4 29 33 5 27 32 6 25 31
108 20 30 -10 -12 33 4 24 28 s 22 27 6 21 27
114 19 25 - 6 - 8 25 4 20 24 s 19 24 6 17 23
120 19 22 - 3 - 4 21 4 18 22 s 16 21 6 IS 21
126 18 19 - I - 2 19 4 15 19 4 14 18 s 13 18
--- ----- ----
Flood Routing 167
approximate peak to peak time of 33 h from Fig. 8.9. For this
reach, therefore, use
x = 0·25 and K = 1·5 days
Part 2
Using the x and K values derived from the hydrographs, route the flood
of column 2, Table 8.4, through the reach and derive the outflow hydro-
TABLE 8.4. Derivation of discharge
1 2 3 4 5 6
I - 0·2/s 0·41I 0·8 D1 Da
Hours m3/s m3js m3/s m3/s m3/s
0 31 31·0*
6 so -10·0 12·4 24·8 27·2
12 86 - 17·2 20·0 21·8 24·6
18 123 - 24·6 34·4 19·7 29·5
24 145 -29·0 49·2 23·6 53·8
30 150 - 30·0 58·0 43·0 71·0
36 144 - 28·8 60·0 56·8 88·0
42 128 - 25·6 57·6 70·4 102·4
48 113 -22·6 51·2 81·9 110·5
54 95 - 19·0 45·2 88·4 114·6
60 79 - 15·8 38·0 91·7 113·9
66 65 -13·0 31·6 90·8 109·4
72 55 - 11·0 26·0 87·5 102·5
78 46 - 9·2 22·0 82·0 94·8
84 40 - 8·0 18·4 75·8 86·2
90 35 -7·0 16·0 69·0 78·0
96 31 - 6·2 14·0 62·4 70·2
102 27 - 5·4 12·4 56·2 63·2
108 25 - 5·0 10·8 50·6 56·4
114 24 -4·8 10·0 45·1 50·3
120 23 -4·6 9·6 40·2 45·2
!26 22 - 4·4 9·2 36·2 41·0
• assumed value
First, compute Co, C1 and C2 from Eq. (8.6). Use a routing period
t = 6 h = t day as before.
(1·5 X 0·25) - (0·5 X 0·25) 0·25
Co= - = - - = -0·2
1·5 - (1·5 X 0·25) +
(0·5 X 0·25) 1·25
168 Engineering Hydrology
Similarly calculated, C1 = 0·4 and C2 == 0·8, check that -0·2 +
0·4 + 0·8 = 1·0 from Eq. (8.5)
~ = -0·2/2 + 0·4/t + 0·8D1
h, /2 etc. are known from the hypothetical flood hydrograph, but
D 1 is unknown. Assume a value for D 1 = /1 = 31 m3fs. This
will be very nearly correct since the river is at a low level and will be
near to a steady state. Then the first equation to be solved is
S=KD (8.7)
. d'fti . . dS dD
and smce, 1 erenttatmg, dt = K dt
I - D = dt (from Sect. 8.2)
1- D dD
J(=di (8.8)
FIG. 8.11 Graphical routing method
FIG. 8.12 Lag due to the constant x > 0
\ '
"" .
', "
.......... ,
(a) (b)
,_ T, and K
FIG. 8.13 Graphical routing with variable lag and K
I ----
r----"'"----- - - -
base flow
time -------
records exist. The method is not entirely synthetic since at least one
observation of a runoff hydrograph must be made.
Consider a catchment as a series of sub areas, each of which,
under a sudden burst of rain, contributes inflow into the system of
drainage channels, which have storage. The instantaneous unit
hydrograph is therefore in two parts, the first representing the inflow
of the rain, and the second the gradual withdrawal of the catchment
storage. The dividing line between these two parts may be conveni-
172 Engineering Hydrology
ently taken at the point of inflexion on the recession limb as shown
in Fig. 8.14.
The assumption is now made that the catchment discharge Q
and the storage S are directly proportional, so that
S = KQ (8.9)
(i.e. Eq. (8.3) with x = 0, and Q used instead of D)
and I- Q = dt (8.10)
Since the inflow ceases at the inflexion point at time T(say), then the
outflow at time t in terms of discharge QT at Tis given as
Qe = QTe-<t-Tl/K (8.12)
The determination of the storage coefficient K must be made
from an observed hydrograph on the catchment, as illustrated in
Fig. 8.15, by taking two values unit time apart at the point of inflex-
ion. The hydrograph should be of an isolated period of rain. It is
not necessary that the magnitude of the rain be measured but it is
necessary that it should be reasonably short, say of 1 or 2 hr only.
Then, Q1 = QT and from Eq. (8.12) Q2 = QTe-<t-TliK
the shaded area A= Jt=T QTe-<t-T)fK
= [ -KQTe-<t-T)/K J:
= [KQT - QTe-lfK]
Flood Routing 173
The second observation that must be made from the observed
hydrograph is the catchment lag (TL), i.e. the maximum travel time
through the catchment. This may be taken as the time from the mass
centre of the causative rain (hence the requirement that it should be
short-so that no large error is introduced here) to the inflexion
point on the recession limb.
The storage of the catchment is now thought of as a hypothetical
reservoir, situated at the point of outflow; the inflow is expressed
inflexion point
basel low
Flo. 8.15 Determination of K
Q~ K =7·5h
catchment areo = 250km2
Example 8.3. Given the catchment area of Fig. 8.16, of area 250 km2,
and the information derived from a short rain hydrograph that TL =
8 h and K = 7.5 h, derive the 2 h unit hydrograph
Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Area in km2 10 23 39 43 42 40 35 18
Flood Routing 175
3. Draw the distribution graph of the runoff using the sub-areas
as ordinates and 1 h intervals as abscissa. The result is the
Fig. 8.17-the time-area graph drawn in full lines.
4. This time-area graph is now treated as the inflow I due to unit
nett rain of 1 em on the catchment of a hypothetical reservoir,
50 r-
201-· ....
S1 = KQ1 and S2 = KQ2 (from Eq. (8.9))
From these equations
0·5t 0·5t K- 0·5t
mo - m1 = m2=---
- K + 0·5t
-::----c~ -----o-
K + 0·5t K+ 0·5t
176 Engineering Hydrology
and since a distribution graph is being used and It = /2, then
Q2 = m I I+ m2 Q1 where m I = K +t 0 .51
/ ........
/ 2 h1 unitgropn
50 I / •
I / " '\.
1 I
"'· r"
I /
20 I
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
0 0 0 0 0 0
I 10 3·5 0 3·5
2 23 8·0 3·1 11·1 5·5
3 39 13·5 9·7 23·2
4 43 14·9 20·3 35·2 23·1
s 42 14·6 30·8 45·4
6 40 13·9 39·6 53·5 44·3
7 35 12·1 46·8 58·9
8 18 6·2 51·4 57·6 55·5
9 0 0 50·5 50·5
10 0 0 44·1 44·1 50·8
II 0 0 39·6 39·6
12 0 0 34·6 34·6 39·3
13 0 0 30·2 30·2
14 0 0 26·4 26·4 30·5
IS 0 0 etc. etc. etc.
9.1 Introduction
In the previous chapters the various physical processes involved in
the hydrologic cycle have been enumerated and examined in detail.
Methods of evaluating each process have been suggested and often
explained, and techniques discussed which may be used to provide
quantitative answers to many questions.
The remaining problem which must now be tackled is how to use
this knowledge to predict from existing data, however meagre it
may be, what will happen in future. This is a fundamental problem
of all engineering design, since the engineer designs and constructs
work to provide for future needs, whether he be a structural engineer
designing an office block, an electrical engineer designing power
systems to meet future electrical demand, or a hydraulic engineer
designing reservoirs to meet future demand for water.
There is one major difference in these three cases. The struc-
tural designer is working with homogeneous materials whose
behaviour is known within narrow limits. His buildings will be
used by people, whose spacing, dimensions, weight and behaviour,
en masse, can be predicted quite accurately. He has to cope with
natural events only in the form of wind loads, which usually form a
small proportion of the total load, and earthquakes. For both
these eventualities there are codes of practice and recommendations
available to him.
The electrical system designer has to extrapolate the rising demand
curve of recent years, and to examine the trends of industry and
personal habits, to decide how much capacity should be available
in future years. While this is a complex and continuous task, it is
Hydrological Forecasting 179
almost completely immune from natural events other than disasters
for which he cannot be expected to provide.
The hydraulic engineer on the other hand is dealing, in reservoir
design, almost exclusively with natural events: in the incidence of
precipitation, evaporation and so on. These events are usually
random in nature and may have any of all the non-negative values. It
is true that if the rainfall at a place is measured daily for a
period of time, a knowledge about what is a probable daily rainfall
will be built up, but it will not, however long it goes on, lead to any
limiting possible value of daily rainfall, other than intuitively.
The hydrologist is frequently asked what the maximum possible
discharge of a particular river will be. There is simply no such value.
The only answer that can be given is that from the data available,
and making various assumptions, it would appear that a certain
value will not be exceeded on average more than once in a specific
number of years. On such estimates all hydrologic design must be
performed, and this chapter deals with methods whereby some of the
uncertainties may be removed or narrowed in range.
with Q in ft3fs and a in square miles; but since the formula takes
no account of soil moisture, rainfall, slope, altitude etc., it is clearly
of very little value in general application. This is true of all such
180 Engineering Hydrology
formulae although they are frequently used to obtain a quick first
estimate of the order of "maximum flood" that may be expected.
For such purposes Morgan [63] proposed the formula for a cata-
strophic flood in Scotland and Wales of
Q = 3000M0 · 5
where Q is in ft3js and M is catchment area in square miles, and
added the sophistication of a recurrence period T (in years) by
design flood = catastrophic flood X (T/SOO)l
for cases where the adoption of the catastrophic flood was not
justified by danger to human life or the safety of a dam. A similar
formula of the same type, due to Fuller, has been widely used in the
Qav = CAO·B
where A is catchment area in square miles
C is a coefficient often taken as 75
Qav is average value of annual flood discharge in ft 3/s
The value of Qav is then substituted in the formula
Qm = Qav(l + O·Slog T)
where T is a return period in years and Q711 is the 'most probable'
annual maximum flood. Such calculations, while simple to make,
are of limited value, in that they are 'envelope' expressions derived
to cover all recorded occurrences with indeterminate safety margins
and as such they take no account of the physical processes involved
in runoff, and are frequently very conservative.
calendar y e o r s
1-P(X~x)n = -1)"
(1-T,1)" = (T.T,
log (1 - P(X ~ x)n) = n log (Tr~ 1)
log 1 - P(X ~ x)n)
n = ----!::.....,.-~----=-..,..,......:.=
log (T,-1)
Example 9.1. How long may a cofferdam remain in a river, with an
even chance ofnot being overtopped, if it is designed to be secure against
a 10 year flood?
Here, the policy ruling is that there should be an even chance, so
P(X ~ x)n = 0·50 and T, = 10 then
n = log (1 - 0·5) = log 0·5 = I·699 = 0·301 = 6.5 r
log 19o log 0·9 I·954 0·046 y
and Hazen's formula [65]
T. _ 2n
Hydrological Forecasting 185
Table 9.2 shows a listing of the annual maximum daily mean flows
of the River Thames at Teddington Weir, for the years 1882-1967.
This is a true annual series of random events with return periods
TABLE 9.2. Maximum mean daily flows for water years 1882-1967,
for R. Thames at Teddington
Having obtained the Tr values, the question now arises, can the
listed values of discharge, Q and Tr be used to extrapolate the data
and infer the return periods of extreme floods? This may be attemp-
ted in various ways, which are discussed below.
(a) Q v. Tr may be plotted on simple plane co-ordinates. An
example of this is illustrated in Fig. 9.2 where the River
186 Engineering Hydrology
Thames data of Table 9.2 has been plotted. The extrapolation
of the curve to high Q and Tr values depends almost entirely
on the few highest existing points.
(b) Q linear and Tr logarithmically. The same data has now been
plotted in Fig. 9.3 and a straight line fitted to it. Since the
judgment required in this case is to fitting a line through all
the points rather than extrapolating from a few, it is simpler
700 r-
~ 500
0 300
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Return period T, in years
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 20 30 40 50 70 90 200
Return period 7;, in years 60 80100
..,~ 700
600 /
e. 500 /"
" 400
i5 ,.,-"
,• ·;?"" ~
- ~
99·8 99 98 95 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 2 I 0·5
Per cent probability
(d) A variation of this approach is to assume that the logarithm
of the variate (Q) is normally distributed and this leads to
the use of a logarithmic-normal distribution or log-normal
paper (first used by Whipple [67].) The same data as before
are presented in this way in Fig. 9.5 and again the abscissa
represents probability P.
800 I-'
600 /
...,.."' 500
E 400
"' 300
v v ... ..
..c. ;;.;~
l;l 200
Ci f/
98 95 90 80 70 60 5040 30 20 10 5 2 I 0·5
Per cent probability
T y T y T y
"'E 500
·= v.
e. 400
o., "
v /'
l;l "';;...
i5 300
... ·· /
1·01 1·05 1·1 1·2 1·4 2 2·5 3 4 5 6 78910 20 30 4050 100 200
1·3 1·5 7; :Recurrence interval, in years
9.6 Hydro-meteorology
Over the last 25 years there has been an increasing use of the science
of meteorology, in combination with hydrology, by engineers con-
cerned with water resources and flood control. The development of
this trend is due to the need to use large values of rainfall to apply to
the unit hydrograph, which is a powerful tool in the estimation of
extreme values of flood flows used in the design of water control
structures. Immediately, the problem is met of how large is 'large'?
The need to define the upper limits of possible precipitation more
precisely than can be done by statistical methods (based on what are
comparatively short records) led to the investigation of just how
much water is stored in a storm.
Hydro-meteorology, like many other hydrological techniques,
has been developed mainly in the U.S.A. and it seems reasonable,
therefore, to discuss it in the light of procedures used there. The
U.S. Corps of Engineers prepare flood estimates of three classes
under the headings:
(a) Statistical analyses of stream flow records. These are made
Hydrological Forecasting 195
generally on a regional basis along the lines discussed in Sect. 9.2.
They are used mainly in assessing mean annual benefit over the long-
term, as a result of implementing particular projects.
R = 16·6D0·475
Where R is rainfall in inches and D is duration in hours. Bleasdale
[88] has suggested that the simpler relationship
R = 15·5D*
is a reasonably good fit and is easier to calculate, and points out that
British maxima also lie very close to a straight line on the same
plotting, with values close to one quarter of the world's values.
It is probable, however, that the simple relationship quoted
represents a smoothing of several overlapping complex relationships
and naturally it would be unwise to use the straight line values in
areas or on catchments whose records show precipitation falling
well below those where the maxima have occurred.
Chapter 2-Problems
2.1 An air mass is at a temperature of 28°C with relative humidity
of 70%. Determine
(a) saturation vapour pressure
(b) saturation deficit
(c) actual vapour pressure in mbar and mm Hg
(d) dewpoint
(e) wet bulb temperature
2.3 The following are annual rainfall figures for four stations in
Derbyshire. The average values for Cubley and Biggin School have
not been established.
(a) Assume departures from normal are the same for all
stations. Forecast the Rodsley "annual average" from that at
Wirksworth and the two years of record. Compare the result with
the established value.
200 Engineering Hydrology
(b) Forecast annual averages for Cubley and Biggin School
using both Wirksworth and Rodsley data.
(c) Comment on the assumption in part (a). Is it reasonable?
45 8
-Catchment area
29 2
2.6 Discuss the setting of rain gauges on the ground and comment
on the effects of wind and rain falling non-vertically on the catch.
2.8 The data for the mean of the 20 stations in Question 2.7 should
be plotted as a time series. Then plot 5-year moving averages and
accumulated annual departures from the 36-year mean. Is there
evidence of cyclicity or particular trends?
Chapter 3-Problems
3.1 Determine the evaporation from a free water surface using the
Penman equation nomogram for the following cases
(a) at A for April (mean temp 10°C) and Nov. (mean temp =
(b) at B for June (mean temp 20°C) and Oct. (mean temp=
At A the average number of hours between sunrise and sunset is
13 for April and 9 for Nov. At B the figures are 14 for June and 10
for October. Use the Serra simplification for A and the nomogram
for B.
3.4 Water has maximum density at 4°C; above and below this
temperature its density is less. Consider a deep lake in a region where
the air temperature falls below 4°C in winter.
(a) Describe what will happen in the lake in spring and autumn
(b) What will be the effect of what happens on (i) the time lag
between air and water temperatures? (ii) the evaporation rate in the
various seasons ?
(c) Will there be a difference if the winter temperature does not
drop below 4°C and if so explain why.
Mean air Dew wind Cloud in Precipita-
temp. point speed tenths lion Runoff
oc oc m/s coverage mm mm
Chapter 4--Problems
4.3 The table below gives the hourly rainfall of three storms that
gave rise to runoff equivalent of 14, 23 and 18·5 mm respectively.
Determine the lP index for the catchment.
0 0 32 0·8 64 2·0
2 2·0 34 0·7 66 2·3
4 3·2 36 0·7 68 3·2
6 2·3 38 0·5 70 3·4
8 2·1 40 0·4 72 3·5
10 1·8 42 0·7 74 3·7
12 2·2 44 0·8 76 2·8
14 0·9 46 0·4 78 2·4
16 0·5 48 0·3 80 2·0
18 0·3 50 0·2
20 0·7 52 0·2
22 0·7 54 0·4
24 0·6 56 0·6
26 1·2 58 1·2
28 0·7 60 1·4
30 0·8 62 1·8
6.5 The average domestic per capita demand for water in an ex-
panding community is 0·20 m3fday. Industrial demand is 30% of
total domestic requirements. The town has I 00,000 inhabitants now
and is expected to double its population in future.
Water is supplied from a river system with existing storage capacity
of 107 m3 and whose mean daily discharges for each month of the
year are as follows (thousands of m3)
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
290 250 388 150 64·5 50 64·5 117 283 388 317 385
Compensation water of 1·5 m3fs is to be provided constantly.
Find, to a first approximation and for an average year, the addi-
tional storage capacity which will have to be provided if the popula-
tion doubles in size. Also determine the quantity of water spilled to
waste in such a year and compare it with the wastage now. Assume
the existing storage is half full on I January.
208 Engineering Hydrology
6.6 A community of 60,000 people is increasing in size at a rate of
10% per annum. Average demand per head (for all purposes) is
currently 0·20 m3jday and rising at a rate of 5% per annum. The
existing water supply has a safe yield of 0·5 m3fs. A river is to be
used as an additional source of supply. Its mean daily discharges for
each month of the water-year are listed below in thousands of m3.
Allowing for compensation water of 3 m3/s from October-March
inclusive and 5 m3Js from April-September inclusive, determine to a
first approximation the storage capacity required on the river to
ensure the community's water supply 20 years from now, assuming
present trends continue, and that the reservoir would be full at the
end of November
April 220 July 670 October 670 January 300
May 250 August 865 November 530 February 280
June 370 September 1630 December 270 March 280
Chapter 7-Problems
7.1 A catchment area is undergoing a prolonged rainless period.
The discharge of the stream draining it is 100 m3/s after 10 days
without rain, and 50 m3/s after 40 days without rain. Derive the
equation of the depletion curve and estimate the discharge after 120
days without rain.
0 0 0 0
1 165 37 25
2 547 187 87
3 750 537 260
4 585 697 505
5 465 608 660
6 352 457 600
7 262 330 427
8 195 255 322
9 143 195 248
10 97 135 183
11 60 90 135
12 33 52 90
13 15 30 53
14 7 12 24
15 0 0 0
All values in cubic feet per second.
Hours m3/s Hours m3fs
0 0 12 62
1 11 13 51
2 71 14 40
3 124 15 31
4 170 16 27
5 198 17 17
6 172 18 11
7 147 19 5
8 127 20 3
9 107 21 0
10 90
11 76
Problems 211
7.7 The 4-hour unit hydrograph for a river-gauging station draining
a catchment area of 554 km 2 , is given below. Make any checks
possible on the validity of the unit graph. Find the probable peak
discharge in the river, at the station from a storm covering the
catchment and consisting of two consecutive 3-hour periods of nett
rain of intensities 12 and 6 mmfh respectively. Assume baseflow
rises linearly during the period of runoff from 30 to 70 m3js.
Discharge Discharge
Hours m3fs Hours m3/s
0 3 24 25
3 3 27 21
6 10 30 17
9 25 33 13-5
12 39 36 10·5
15 43 39 8
18 37 42 5·5
21 30·5 45 4
48 3·9
212 Engineering Hydrology
7.9 Using the data and catchment of Question 7.7 find the probable
peak discharge in the river, at the station, from a storm covering the
catchment and consisting of three consecutive 2-hour periods of rain
producing 7, 14 and 12 mm runoff respectively. Assume base flow
rises from 10 m3jsec to 20 m3jsec during the total period of runoff.
Chapter 8-Problems
8.1 A catchment can be divided into ten sub-areas by isochrones in
the manner shown in the table below, the catchment lag TL being
10 hours.
Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Area in km2 14 30 84 107 121 95 70 55 35 20
A single flood recording is available from which the storage coefficient
K is found as 8 hours. Derive the 2-hour unit hydrograph for the
8.2 Tabulated below is the inflow I to a river reach where the storage
constants are K = 10 h and x = 0. Find graphically the outflow
peak in time and magnitude.
What would be the effect of making x > 0?
FIG. 2
bounded by
isochrone Area
h km2
1 15
2 30
3 50
4 75
5 80
6 60
7 45
8 25
9 20
2.14 Engineering Hydrology
8.5 Listed below is the storm inflow hydrograph for a full reservoir
that has an uncontrolled spillway for releasing flood waters. De-
termine the outflow hydrograph for the 48-hour period after the
start of the storm. Assume outflow is I m3fs at time 0. The inflow
hydrograph, and the storage and outflow characteristics of the
reservoir and spillway are tabulated below.
3-h 3-h
intervals m3/s intervals m3/s
0 1·5 12 54
1 156 13 45
2 255 14 40
3 212 15 34
4 184 16 28
5 158 17 23
6 136 18 17
7 116 19 11
8 99 20 8·5
9 85 21 5·5
10 74 22 3·0
11 62
9.2 The annual precipitation data for Edinburgh is given below for
the years 1948-1963 inclusive. From this data
(i) estimate the maximum annual rainfall that might be ex-
pected in a 20-year period and a 50-year period;
(ii) define the likelihood of the 20-year maximum being equalled
or exceeded in the 9 years since 1963.
9.3 Discuss the methods in common use for plotting the frequency
of flood discharge in rivers: List the separate steps to be taken to
predict, for a particular river, the flood discharge with a probability
of occurrence of 0·005 in any year. Assume 50 years of stage obser-
vations and a number of well-recorded discharge measurements with
simultaneous slope observations.
The mean of annual floods is 1502 m3fs and the standard deviation
of the annual series is 467 mBfs.
Compute return periods and probabilities for both partial and
annual series. Plot the partial series data on semi-log plotting paper
and the annual series on log-normal and Gumbel probability paper.
Estimate from each the discharge for a flood with a probability of
once in 200 years.
9.5 The annual rainfall in inches for Woodhead Reservoir for the
period of record 1921-1960 is listed below.
The mean and standard deviation for the period are 49·69 in. and
7.08 in. respectively.
Arrange the data in ranking order. Compute return periods and
probability. Plot the data on probability paper.
Problems 217
Year Rainfall Year Rainfall
(a) What are the 50-year and 100-year annual rainfalls? How
do these compare with predictions made using Gumbel's theory?
What qualification needs to be made if using the latter results?
(b) What is the probability that the 20-year rainfall will be
exceeded in a 10-, a 20- and a 40-year period?
(c) A certain waterworks plant is to be designed for a useful
life of 50 years. It can tolerate an occasional rainfall year of 70 in.
What is the probability that this amount may occur during the
project's life?
General Bibliography
Chapter 2
1. MAIDENS, A. L.: New Meteorological Office rain-gauges, The Me-
teorological Magazine, Vol. 94, No. 1114, p. 142, May 1965.
2. GooDISON, C. E. and BIRD, L. G.: Telephone interrogation of rain-
gauges, Ibid., p. 144.
3. GREEN, M. J.: Effects of exposure on the catch of rain gauges,
T.P. 67 Wat. Res. Assoc., July 1969.
4. BLEASDALE, A. : Rain gauge networks development and design with
special reference to the United Kingdom, lASH Symposium on
Design of Hydrological Networks, Quebec, 1965.
5. BILHAM, E. G.: The Classification of Heavy Falls of Rain in Short
Periods, H.M.S.O., London, 1962 (republished).
6. A guide for engineers to the design of storm-sewer systems. Road
Res. Lab., Road Note 35, H.M.S.O., 1963.
7. HOLLAND, D. J.: Rain intensity frequency relationships in Britain,
British Rainfall 1961, H.M.S.O., 1967.
8. YARNALL, D. L.: Rainfall intensity-frequency data, U.S. Dept. Agric.,
Misc. pub. 204, Washington D.C., 1935.
9. LINSLEY, R. K. and KoHLER, M. A.: Variations in storm rainfall over
small areas, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, Vol. 32, p. 245, April1951.
10. HoLLAND, D. J.: The Cardington rainfall experiment, The Meteoro-
logical Magazine, Vol. 96, No. 1140, pp. 193-202, July 1967.
11. YouNG, C. P.: Estimated rainfall for drainage calculations, LR
595, Road Res. Lab., H.M.S.O., 1973.
12. THmssEN, A. H.: Precipitation for large areas, Monthly Weather
Review, Vol. 39, pp. 1082, July 1911.
Further references
Standards for methods and records of hydrologic measurements, Flood
Control Series no. 6, United Nations 1954.
General Bibliography 219
LANGBEIN, W. B.: Hydrologic data networks and methods of extrapolat-
ing or extending available hydrologic data, Flood Control Series No. 15,
United Nations 1960.
Guide to Hydrometeorological Practices, U.N. World Met. Org., No. 168,
T.P. 82, Geneva 1965.
Chapter 3
13. PENMAN, H. L.: Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil and
grass, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A vol. 193, p. 120, April 1948.
14. THORNTHWAITE, C. W.: An approach towards a rational classification
of climate, Geographical Review, Vol. 38, p. 55, (1948).
I 5. British Rainfall 1939 (and subsequent years), H.M.S.O., London.
16. LAw, F.: The aims of the catchment studies at Stocks Reservoir,
Slaidburn, Yorkshire (unpublished comm. to Pennines Hydro-
logical Group, Inst. Civ. Eng., September 1970).
17. HouK, I. E.: Irrigation Engineering, Vol. 1, Wiley, New York, 1951.
18. OLIVIER, H.: Irrigation and climate, Arnold, London 1961.
19. THORNTHWAITE, C. W.: The moisture factor in climate, Trans. Am.
Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 41, Feb. 1946.
20. BLANEY, H. F. and CRIDDLE, W. D.: Determining water requirements
in irrigated areas from climatological and irrigation data, Div. Irr.
and Wat. Conserv., S.C.S. U.S. Dept. Agric., SCS-TP-96 Washing-
ton D.C., 1950.
21. BLANEY, H. F.: Definitions, methods and research data, A symposium
on the consumptive use of water, Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol.
117, p. 949, (1952).
22. HARRis, F. S.: The duty of water in Cache Valley, Utah, Utah Agr.
Exp. Sta. Bull., 173, 1920.
23. FoRTIER, SAMUEL: Irrigation requirements of the arid and semi-arid
lands of the Missouri and Arkansas River basins, U.S. Dept. Agr.
Tech. Bull. 26, 1928.
Further references
HoRSFALL, R. A.: Planning irrigation projects, J. Inst. Engrs. Aust., 22,
No. 6, June 1950.
WHITE, W. N.: A method of estimating ground water supplies based on
discharge by plants and evaporation from soil. Results of investigations
in Escalante Valley, Utah, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply, Paper
659-A, 1932.
HILL, R. A.: Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems, Paper
2980, Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 117, p. 77, 1952.
CRIDDLE, W. D.: Consumptive use of water and irrigation requirements,
J. Soil Wat. Conserv., 1953.
CRIDDLE, W. D.: Methods of computing consumptive use of water, Paper
1507, Proc. Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., 84, Jan. 1958.
ROHWER, CARL: Evaporation from different types of pans, Trans. Am. Soc.
Civ. Eng., Vol. 99, p. 673, 1934.
220 Engineering Hydrology
HicKOX, G. H.: Evaporation from a fr_ee water surface, Trans. Amer. Soc.
Civ. Eng., Vol. 111, Paper 2266, 1946, and discussion by C. Rohwer.
LoWRY, R. and JOHNSON, A. R.: Consumptive use of water for agriculture,
Trans. Amer. Soc. Civ. Engrs., Vol. 107, paper 2158, 1942, and discussion
by Rule, R. E., Foster, E. E., Blaney, H. F. and Davenport, R. W.
FoRTIER, S. and YoUNG, A. A.: Various articles in Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric.
Nos. 1340 (1925), 185 (1930), 200 (1930), 379 (1933).
PENMAN, H. L.: Estimating evaporation, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union,
Vol. 31, p. 43, Feb. 1956.
Chapter 4
24. NASSIF, S. and WILSON, E. M.: The influence of slope and rain
intensity on runoff and infiltration (to be published).
25. HoRTON, R. E.: The role of infiltration in the hydrologic cycle,
Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, Vol. 14, pp. 443-460, 1933.
26. BOUCHARDEAU, A. and RODIER, J.: Nouvelle methode de determina-
tion de Ia capacite d'absorption en terrains permeables, La Houille
Blanche, No. A, pp. 531-526, July/Aug. 1960.
27. SoR, K. and BERTRAND, A. R.: Effects of rainfall energy on the
permeability of soils, Proc. Am. Soc. Soil Sci., Vol26, No.3, 1962.
28. HORTON, R. E.: Determination of infiltration capacity for large
drainage basins, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, Vol. 18, p. 371, 1937.
29. SHERMAN, L. K.: Comparison ofF-curves derived by the methods of
Sharp and Holtan and of Sherman and Mayer, Trans. Am. Geophys.
Union, Vol. 24 (2), p. 465, 1943.
30. BUTLER, S. S.: Engineering Hydrology, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, 1957.
31. LINSLEY, R. K., KOHLER, M.A. and PAULHUS, J. L. H.: Hydrology
for Engineers, (p. 162), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1958.
32. Estimated Soil Moisture deficit over Gt. Britain: Explanatory Notes
Meteorological Office, Bracknell (issued twice monthly).
33. PENMAN, H. L.: The dependence of transpiration on weather and soil
conditions, Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 1, p. 74, 1949.
34. GRINDLEY, J.: Estimation of soil moisture deficits, Meteorological
Magazine, Vol. 96, p. 97, 1967.
Further references
BELL, J. P.: Neutron probe practice, Institute of Hydrology Report No.
19, Wallingford, U.K.
HoRTON, R. E.: Analyses of runoff-plot experiments with varying
infiltration capacity, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, Pt. IV, p. 693, 1939.
WILM, H. G.: Methods for the measurements of infiltration, Trans. A mer.
GeCJphys. Union, Pt. III, p. 678, 1941.
General Bibliography 221
Chapter 5
WENZEL, L. K.: Methods for determining permeability of water bearing
materials, U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply, Paper 887, 1942.
KIRKHAM, DoN: Measurement of the hydraulic conductivity of soil in
place, Symposium on Permeability of Soils, Am. Soc. Testing Materials,
special Tech. Publ. 163, p. 80, 1955.
CHILDS, E. C. and COLLIS-GEORGE, N.: The permeability of porous
materials, Proc. Roy. Soc., A201: p. 392, 1950.
ARONOVICI, V. S.: The mechanical analysis as an index of subsoil perme-
ability, Proc. Am. Soc. Soil Sci., Vol. 11, p. 137, 1947.
ToDD, DAVID K.: Ground Water Hydrology, John Wiley, New York,
HUISMAN, L.: Groundwater Recovery, Macmillan, London, 1972.
VERRUIJT, A.: Theory of Groundwater Flow, Macmillan, London, 1970.
CEDERGREEN, H. R.: Seepage, -Drainage and Flow Nets, John Wirey, New
York, 1967.
Chapter 6
35. HoswooD, P. H. and BRIDLE, M. K.: A feasibility study and de-
velopment programme for continuous dilution gauging, Institute
of Hydrology, Report No. 6, Wallingford, U.K.
36. ISO/R. 55, 1966, Liquid flow measurement in open channels;
dilution methods for measurement of steady flow, Part 1, constant
rate injection.
37. CoRBETT, DoN M. and others, Stream-Gaging Procedure, Water
Supply Paper 888, U.S. Geol. Survey, Washington D.C., 1943.
38. BoYER, M. C.: Determining Discharge at Gaging Stations affected
by variable slope, Civil Eng., Vol. 9, p. 556, 1939.
39. MITCHELL, W. D.: Stage-Fall-Discharge Relations for Steady flow
in prismatic channels, U.S. Geol. Survey, Water Supply Paper 1164,
Washington D.C., 1954.
40. STEVENS, J. C.: A method of estimating stream discharge from a
limited number of gagings, Eng. News, July 18, 1907.
41. KoELZER, V. A.: Reservoir Hydraulics, Sect. 3, Handbook of
Applied Hydraulics, ed. by Davis and Sorenson, 3rd Edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
42. JENNINGS, A. H.: World's greatest observed point rainfalls, Monthly
Weather Review, Vol. 78, p. 4, Jan. 1950.
Further references
B.S. 3680, Part 3, 1964; Part 4, 1965.
Logarithmic plotting of stage-discharge observations, Tech. Note 3.
Water Resources Board, Reading, 1966.
HoRTON, R. E.: Erosional development of streams and their drainage
basins, Bull. Geo/. Soc. Am., Vol. 56, p. 275, March 1945.
STRAHLER, Statistical analysis of geomorphic research, Journ. of Geol.,
Vol. 62, No. 1, 1964.
222 Engineering Hydrology
AcKERS, P. and HARRISON, A. J. M.: Critical depth flumes for flow
measurement in open channels, Hyd. Res. Paper No. 5, London,
H.M.S.O., 1963.
PARSHALL, R. L.: Measuring water in irrigation channels with Parshall
flumes and small weirs, U.S. Dept. Agric. Circ. 843, 1950.
AcKERS, P.: Flow measurement by weirs and flumes, Int. Conf on Mod.
Dev. in Flow Measurement, Harwell, 1971, Paper No. 3.
WHITE, W. R.: Flat-vee weirs in alluvial channels, Proc. A.S.C.E., 91
HY3, pp. 395-408, March 1971.
WHITE, W. R.: The performance of two dimensional and flat-V triangu-
lar profile weirs, Proc. I.C.E., Supplement (ii), pp. 21-48, 1971.
BuRGESS, J. S. and WHITE, W. R.: Triangular profile (Crump) weir:
two dimensional study of discharge characteristics, Rpt. No. INT 52,
H.R.S. Wallingford, 1952.
HARRISON, A. J. M. and OwEN, M. W.: A new type of structure for
flow measurement in steep streams, Proc. I.C.E., 36, pp. 273-296,
SMITH, C. D.: Open channel water measurement with the broad-crested
weir, Int. Comm. on Irrig. and Drainage Bull., 1958, pp. 46-51.
Chapter 7
43. SHERMAN, L. K.: Stream flow from rainfall by the unitgraph method,
Eng. News Record, Vol. 108, p. 501, 1932.
44. BERNARD, M.: An approach to determinate stream flow, Trans. Am.
Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 100, p. 347, 1935.
45. LINSLEY, R. K., KOHLER, M. A. and PAULHUS, J. L. H., Applied
Hydrology, pp. 448-49, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1949.
46. COLLINS, W. T.: Runoff distribution graphs from precipitation occur-
ring in more than one time unit, Civil Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 9,
p. 559, Sept. 1939.
47. SNYDER, F. F.: Synthetic unitgraphs, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union,
19th Ann. meeting 1938, Pt. 2, p. 447.
48. HURSH, C. R.: Discussion on Report of the committee on absorption
and transpiration, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 17th Ann. meeting,
1936, p. 296.
49. SNYDER, F. F.: Discussion on ref. 47.
50. LINSLEY, R. K.: Application of the synthetic unitgraph in the western
mountain States, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 24th Ann. Meeting,
1943, Pt. 2, p. 580.
51. TAYLOR, A. B. and ScHWARZ, H. E.: Unit hydrograph lag and peak
flow related to basin characteristics, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union,
Vol. 33, p. 235, 1952.
Further references
BARNES, B. S.: Consistency in unitgraphs, Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 85,
HY8, p. 39, Aug. 1959.
General Bibliography 223
MoRRIS, w. V : Conversion of storm rainfall to runoff, Proc. Symposium
No. 1, Spillway Design Floods, N.R.C., Ottawa, p. 172, 1961.
MoRGAN, P. E. and JoHNsoN, S. M.: Analysis of synthetic unitgraph
methods, Proc. Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., 88 HY5, p. 199, Sept. 1962.
BUIL, J. A.: Unitgraphs for non uniform rainfall distribution, Proc. Am.
Soc. Civ. Eng., 94, HY1, p. 235, Jan. 1968.
Chapter 8
52. McCARTHY, G. T.: The unit hydrograph and flood routing, un-
published paper presented at the Conference of the North Atlantic
Division, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, New London, Conn.
June 24, 1938. Printed by U.S. Engr. Office, Providence R.I.
53. CARTER, R. W. and GoDFREY, R. G.: Storage and Flood Routing,
U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply, Paper 1543-B, p. 93, (1960).
54. WILSON, W. T.: A graphical flood routing method, Trans. Am.
Geophys. Union, Vol. 21, part 3, p. 893, 1941.
55. KoHLER, M. A.: Mechanical analogs aid graphical flood routing,
J. Hydraulics Div., ASCE 84, April 1958.
56. LAWLER, E. A.: Flood routing, Sec. 25-11, Handbook of Applied
Hydrology, ed. VenTe Chow, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964.
57. CLARK, C. 0.: Storage and the unit hydrograph, Trans. A mer. Soc.
Civ. Engr., Vol. 110, p. 1419, (1945).
58. O'KELLY, J. J.: The employment of unit hydrographs to determine
the flows of Irish arterial drainage channels, Proc. lnstn. Civ.
Engrs., Pt. III, Vol. 4, p. 365, (1955).
59. NASH, J. E.: Determining runoff from rainfall, Proc. Instn. Civ.
Engrs., Vol. 10, p. 163, (1958).
60. NASH, J. E.: Systematic determination of unit hydrograph para-
meters, Journ. Geophys. Res., Vol. 64, p. 111, (1959).
61. NAsH, J. E.: A unit hydrograph study, with particular reference to
British catchments, Proc. lnstn. Civ. Engrs., Vol. 17, p. 249, (1960).
62. VEN TE CHow, Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Sect. 14, McGraw
Hill,\ New York, (1964).
Chapter 9
63. MORGAN, H. D.: Estimation of design floods in Scotland and Wales,
Paper No. 3, Symposium on River Flood Hydrology, lnstn. Civ.
Engrs., London, 1966.
64. Flow in California streams, Calif. Dept. Public Works, Bull. 5, 1923.
65. HAZEN, A.: Flood Flow, Wiley, New York, 1930.
66. HAZEN, A.: Storage to be provided in impounding reservoirs for
municipal water supply, Trans. A.S.C.E., Vol. 77, p. 1539, 1914.
67. WHIPPLE, G. C.: The element of chance in sanitation, J. Franklin Inst.,
Vol. 182, p. 37, et seq., 1916.
224 Engineering Hydrology
68. GuMBEL, E. J.: On the plotting of flood discharges, Trans. Am.
Geophys. Union, Vol. 24, Pt. 2, p. 699, 1943.
69. GUMBEL, E. J.: Statistical theory of extreme values and some practical
applications, Nat/. Bur. Standards (U.S.) Appl. Math. Ser., 33,
Feb. 1954.
70. PowELL, R. W.: A simple method of estimating flood frequency,
Civil Eng., Vol. 13, p. 105, 1943.
71. Ibid., discussion by E. J. Gumbel, p. 438.
72. YEN TE CHOW and YEVJEVICH, V. M.: Statistical and Probability
Applied Hydrology, ed. Yen Te Chow, McGraw-Hill, New York,
73. DALRYMPLE, TATE: Flood Frequency Analysis, U.S. Geol. Water
Supply, Paper 1543-A, (1960).
74. PAULHUS, J. L. H. and GILMAN, C. S.: Evaluation of probable maxi-
mum precipitation, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 34, p. 701, 1953.
75. Generalised estimates of probable maximum precipitation over the
U.S. east of the 105th meridian, Hydrometeorological Report No.
23, U.S. Weather Bureau, Washington, 1947.
76. Generalised estimates of probable maximum precipitation of the
United States west of the 105th meridian for areas to 400 square
miles and durations to 24 hours. Tech. Paper 38, U.S. Weather
Bureau, Washington, 1960.
77. Manual for depth duration area analysis of storm precipitation, U.S.
Weather Bureau Co-operative Studies Tech. Paper, No. 1, Washing-
ton, 1946.
78. HERSHFIELD, D. M.: Estimating the probable maximum precipitation,
Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 87, p. 99, September 1961.
79. Flood Study Report: Institute of Hydrology, 1974 (unpublished at
time of going to press).
80. BLEASDALE, A.: The distribution of exceptionally heavy daily falls of
rain in the United Kingdom, Journ. Inst. Wat. Eng., Vol. 17, p. 45,
Feb. 1963.
81. WIESNER, C. J.: Analysis of Australian storms for depth, duration,
area data, Rain Seminar, Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology,
Melbourne, 1960.
82. WoLF, P. 0.: Comparison of methods of flood estimation, Symposium
on River Flood Hydrology, Instn. Civ. Engrs., London, 1966 and
discussion by T. O'Donnell.
83. PETERSON, K. R.: A precipitable water nomogram, Bull. A mer. Met.
Soc., 42, p. 199, 1961.
84. SowT, S.: Computation of depth of precipitable water in a column
of air, Mon. Weath. Rev., 67, p. 100, 1939.
85. BINNIE, G. M. and MANSELL-MoULLIN, M.: The estimated probable
maximum storm and flood on the Jhelum River-a tributary of the
Indus, Paper No. 9 Symposium on River Flood Hydrology, Instn.
of Civ. Engrs., London, 1966.
86. Handbook of Meteorology, ed. by Berry, Bollay and Beers, p. 1024,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1949.
General Bibliography 225
87. PAULHUS, J. L. H.: Indian ocean and Taiwan rainfalls set new
records, Mon. Weather Rev., 93, p. 331, May 1965.
88. BLEASDALE, A.: Private communication to the author, Met. Office,
Bracknell, May 1968.
89. BROOKS, C. E. P. and CARRUTHERS, N.: Handbook of Statistical
methods in meteorology, H.M.S.O., p. 330, London, 1953.
90. CocHRANE, N. J.: Lake Nyasa and the River Shire, Proc. I.C.E.,
Vol. 8, p. 363, 1957.
91. CocHRANE, N. J. : Possible non-random aspects of the availability of
water for crops, Paper No. 3, Conf. Civ. Eng. Problems Overseas
Inst. C.E., London, June 1964.
Further references
LANGBEIN, W. B.: Annual floods and the partial duration flood series,
Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, Vol. 30, p. 879, Dec. 1949.
WIESNER, C. J.: Hydrometeorology and river flood estimation, Proc.
Instn. Civ. Engrs., Vol. 27, p. 153, 1964.
Symposium on Hydrology of Spillway Design by the Task Force on Spill-
way Design Floods of the Committee on Hydrology, Proc. Am. Soc.
Civ. Eng., Vol. 90, HY3, May 1964.
ALEXANDER, G. N.: Some aspects of time series in hydrology, J. Instn.
Engrs. Australia, Vol. 26, pp. 188-198, 1954.
ANDERSON, R. L. : Distribution of the serial correlation coefficient,
Ann. Math. Stat., Vol. 13, pp. 1-13, 1941.
BEARD, L. R.: Simulation of daily streamflow. Proc. Internal. Hydro/.
Symposium, Fort Collins, Colorado, 6-8 Sept. 1967, Vol. 1, pp. 624-
FIERING, M. B.: Streamflow Synthesis, Macmillan, London, 1967.
HANNAN, E. J.: Time Series Analysis, Methuen, London, 1960.
KISIEL, C. C. : Time series analysis of hydrologic data, in Advances in
Hydroscience, Vol. 5, pp. 1-119, ed. Yen Te Chow, Academic Press,
New York, 1969.
MATALAS, N. C.: Time series analysis, Water Resources Res., Vol. 3,
pp. 817-29, 1967.
MATALAs, N. C.: Mathematical assessment of synthetic hydrology,
Water Resources Res., Vol. 3, pp. 937-45, 1967.
MoRAN, P. A. P.: An Introduction to Probability Theory, Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1968.
O'DONNELL, T.: Computer evaluation of catchment behaviour and
parameters significant in flood hydrology, Symp. on River Flood
Hydrology, Inst. Civ. Eng., 1965.
QVIMPO, R. G.: Stochastic analysis of daily river flows, Proc. Am. Soc.
Civ. Engrs, J. Hydraul. Div., Vol. 94, HY1, pp. 43-57, 1968.
YEVJEVICH, V. M. and JENG, R. I.: Properties of non-homogeneous
hydrologic series, Colorado State University, Hydrology Paper
No. 32, 1969.
Answers to Problems
Chapter 2
2.1 (a) 28·32 mm Hg; (b) 8·50 mm Hg; (c) 19·82 mm Hg or 26·96 mb;
(d) 22·0 oc; (e) 23·7 oc
2.3 (a) 29·99 in; (b) Cubley 29·78 in; (c) Biggin 42·0 in
2.4 39 mm
2.5 29·8 in; 31·2 in; 27·0 in
2.7 (b) about 1951; (c) assuming earlier period correct, increases it from
279 to 330 mm/yr
2.9 (a) 0·136; (b) 7·34 m/s
2.10 (a) once in 4 years; (b) 21·5 x 103 m 3
2.11 at X, 75 mm; at Y, 92 mm
2.12 (a) 19 mm Oxford; (b) 59 mm Kumasi (if equation 2.12 derived
for United Kingdom applies in Ghana)
Chapter 3
3.1 Amsterdam 3·8 mm/day; Seattle 0·3 mmjday
3.2 2·5 mm/day
3.3 (a) April 5·24 em; Nov 1·01 em; (b) Jun 11·67 em; Oct 3·70 em
3.5 17·6 in
3.9 Annual Eo= 950 mm; pan coefficient 0·83; surface loss= 1·32 x
103 m3jkm 2 /day; change = 142 mm less
Chapter 4
4.3 4·1 mm
4.5 (a) 53 mm; (b) 9 mm
Chapter 6
6.1 4085 m3js; n = 0·032
6.3 2560 m 3 /s at 50·46 m
Answers to Problems 227
6.4 (b) 0·705, 1·85 and 0·1 million m3jday; (c) 20·5 x 106 m3; (d)
5·0 x 10 6 m 3
6.5 Additional storage 3·65 x 10 6 m 3; future spillage = 11·9 x 10 6
m 3; present spillage= 20·8 x 106m3
6.6 45 x 106 ma
Chapter 7
7.1 8 m 3 /s
7.3 Point N at hour 33
7.4 Point N at 36 h; 1·61 in/h; extremely severe; frequency probably
< once in 100 yr
1.5 peak of u.h. at 710 ft 3/s and 4·2 h
7.6 about 686m 3/sat 9 h
7.7 923 m 3/s at 6 h
7.8 76 m 3/s assuming same <I> index and baseflow of 4 m 3/s
7.9 614 m 3/s at 7 h
Chapter 8
8.1 At 2 h intervals: 0, 6·95, 42·1, 95·6, 126·6, 125·9, 106·3, etc.
8.2 146m3/sat 32 h
8.3 353 m 3/s
8.4 At 3 h intervals: 0, 19·8, 72·7, 100·2, 74·7, etc.
Chapter 9
9.1 7 060 m3js; probability 18·6%
9.2 (i) 37·0 in; 39·3 in; (ii) 37%
9.4 About 3 220 ma;s
9.5 (a) Gumbel P 50 = 68·04 in, P10o = 71·91 in; (b) 0·471; 0·642;
0·871; (c) 0·395