381DT OWeLearn QuickReview V400rev810
381DT OWeLearn QuickReview V400rev810
381DT OWeLearn QuickReview V400rev810
1. What is the most important rule in scuba diving? 8. The most important feature of my weight system is:
q Never dive alone. q how tight I can get the belt to fit on my waist.
q Always perform a predive safety check. q having enough weight to sink quickly.
q Establish positive buoyancy and relax when at the q a clip that prevents weights from accidentally dropping.
surface. q a quick release that allows me to drop enough weight to
q Breathe continuously and never hold your breath. float.
2. To keep my ears from hurting while descending, I should: 9. If I become separated from my buddy underwater, what
q equalize early and often. should I generally do?
q go down as quickly as possible. q Go up right away, wait a minute and then go back down
q blow air into my mask through my nose. underwater.
q always descend head first. q Search for a minute underwater and then go up to find
my buddy.
Open Water Diver Online
3. Diving when I have a cold or allergies may cause me to: q Go to the surface right away and get out of the water.
q become unconscious without warning. q Find my buddy’s bubbles and follow the bubbles to my
q become tired or seasick easily. buddy.
q have significant difficulty equalizing pressure in my body
air spaces. 10. My buddy and I observe a mild current at the dive site.
q use my air up too fast. Generally, how should we begin our dive?
q Dive with the current.
4. If I can’t equalize my ears while descending, I should: q Dive across the current.
q continue diving and deal with the pain. q Dive against or into the current.
q end the dive. q Dive at an angle to the current.
q swim just below the surface for the entire dive.
q continue to ascend slightly and attempt equalizing until I
11. My buddy and I can’t get back to the boat due to a current.
run low on air. What should we do?
q Make ourselves float, signal for help, rest and wait for
5. Holding my breath while scuba diving can: the boat to pick us up.
q cause serious, life-threatening lung injuries. q Descend and try to swim against the current near the
q make me float. bottom.
q help me conserve air. q Make ourselves float, signal for help, and try to swim
q lead to oxygen toxicity. against the current.
q Try to swim against the current by staying just below the
6. If I work too hard and find it difficult to breathe underwater,
I should:
q inflate my BCD and immediately go to the surface. 12. Most injuries caused by aquatic animals happen because:
q stop all activity and rest, hold onto something for q the animal is trying to protect itself.
support if possible. q the animal is aggressive.
q swim quickly to my buddy and signal for help. q the animal can’t see that you are a diver.
q do a controlled emergency swimming ascent (CESA – q the animal thinks you are food.
swimming up to the surface saying the ah-h-h-h sound).
13. If a diving-related problem occurs at the surface, I should:
7. During a dive, I can’t stop shivering. What should I do? q immediately establish positive buoyancy and stop, think,
q Continue the dive, but plan to wear more exposure then act to handle the problem.
protection on the next dive. q descend to solve the problem.
q Swim faster to warm up. q take my mask off.
q Exit the water immediately, dry off and seek warmth. q remove my weight belt and hand it to my buddy.
q Exit the water when planned, but cancel the next dive.
q breathe more slowly than normal. hour. The second dive is on a wreck in 18 metres/60 feet of
water, with a planned bottom time of 30 minutes. What will
q make a safety stop at 5 metres/15 feet at the end of
be the ending pressure group after the second dive?
each dive.
q ascend to a shallower depth if feeling dizzy. q K
q L
17. The first step in using your dive computer is q R
q setting the time and date. q S
q reading the manufacturer’s instructions.
24. After a dive to 18 metres/60 feet for 23 minutes, with a 40
q calibrating it for enriched air nitrox.
minute surface interval, what is the maximum allowable time
q setting it for fresh or salt water.
for the second dive to 18 metres/60 feet?
18. If I make two dives in one day and plan to fly home on a q 14 minutes
commercial plane. What is the minimum time I should wait q 15 minutes
before getting on the plane? q 41 minutes
q You do not have to wait. q 38 minutes
q 48 hours
25. A buddy team plans to make two dives. The first dive is to 18
q 24 hours
metres/60 feet for 49 minutes, and the second dive is to 18
q 18 hours
metres/60 feet for 24 minutes. How long do they have to stay
19. To plan a dive, I use my dive computer’s Dive Plan Mode (or on the surface (minimum surface interval) to do these two
other name the manufacturer uses) to determine dives safely?
q the maximum depth of the previous dive. q 26 minutes
q the no stop limits for each depths (typically in 3 q 32 minutes
metre/10 foot increments). q 54 minutes
q whether my computer is compatible with my buddy’s q 59 minutes
q the best settings for my backup computer.
20. If I accidentally exceed my computer’s no stop limits, I need to: eLearner Statement: Any questions I answered incorrectly I’ve
had explained to me and I understand what I missed.
q surface immediately, breathe oxygen and report my
condition to the divemaster. Signature _________________________________________
q ascend immediately and make a safety stop for three
minutes at 5 metres/15 feet. Date _____________________________________________
q decompress according to the computer’s instructions.
q make a safety stop for as long as possible before
running low on air.