Robotics Model Questions
Robotics Model Questions
Robotics Model Questions
Define the term ‘Robotics’? List the types of joints in robot
What is work volume & payload of robot?
Write any two benefits of industrial robots.
Define end effector of a robot.
What are the characteristics of servo motor?
What is an actuator. List the advantages of pneumatic actuators
Define control system, Open loop and closed loop control systems
How are sensors classified? Name two non-tactile sensors
What is the function of range sensor?
What is a “Robot vision system”? List the basic elements of robot vision system
Define forward kinematics
What is robot trajectory planning?
Name any two Robot programming languages? List the types of robot programming methods
What is a Jacobian?
Give two examples of robot centred work cell layout
What is robot cycle time? What are the applications of industrial robots?
Name the types of robot cell layouts. List two material transfer applications