Naskah Soal - Kelas 2
Naskah Soal - Kelas 2
Naskah Soal - Kelas 2
Kelas : II Nama :
Muatan Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nomor Peserta :
Hari dan Tanggal : UPT SD Negeri :
Waktu : Nilai :
3. My grandfather is a farmer .He has a large garden in the village. He likes plant
… a.pineapple b. mango c. watermelon
7. Vina is a student. She is in the second grade. Her friends are twenty. So, there are . . .
chairs for student .
a.12 b.15 c. 20
8. Dinda likes study about number .Look at these numbers !The number after thirteen is
fourteen. The number before sixteen is . . .
9. My Father likes reading. He likes science There are many books are . . .
the table.
a.on b. in c. under
10. ‘ Lisa has pencils. There are five pencils. She puts them . . . the pencil
case b.under c. on
11. Brother likes this fruit . It’s color is orange. It tastes sweet and fresh. It is an . . .
13. The chairs are in the classroom. There are twenty chairs . The chairs are for . . . .
14. Mother and Firda go to grocery store. Mother wants to buy oil and
Firda wants to buy candy . Look ! How many candies does she buy ?
15. Andre and her friend go to the library in the break time . They want to
read story book. The books are . . . the bookshelf
b. =....
Good luck