Lesson Plan - Introduction To C Programing
Lesson Plan - Introduction To C Programing
Lesson Plan - Introduction To C Programing
Estd: 1986
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 2
CO2 3 2 1
CO3 3 2 1
CO4 3 3 2 1 2
CO5 3 2 1
Note: Justification of CO-PO mapping
The strength of correlation is moderate because students are gaining the
CO1-PO1 2 fundamental knowledge needed to apply engineering principles to computer-
related problems.
The strength of correlation is low because students are preparing themselves to
engage in lifelong learning in the context of technological change. This
CO1-PO12 2 foundational knowledge is not just about understanding computers as they are
today, but also about being equipped to understand and adapt to future changes
in computer technology.
The strength of correlation is high because students can apply the programming
CO2-PO1 3
constructs of C language to solve real world problems.
The strength of correlation is moderate because students can analyze the given
CO2-PO2 2 problem using principles of engineering and mathematics, and also existing
algorithms, can develop a solution using learnt programming constructs.
The strength of correlation is low because students can learn how to utilize the
programming constructs of the C language. This includes concepts such as
CO2-PO3 1 variables, loops, conditionals, functions, and data structures to design solutions
for complex engineering problems and meet specific needs by considering
safety, health and environment.
The strength of correlation is high because students are introduced to
fundamental concepts of programming and data structures. They learn about
CO3-PO1 3 the mathematical and logical foundations that underpin these concepts. This
directly contributes to their ability to apply this knowledge to engineering
The strength of correlation is moderate because students can apply the learnt
functions and arrays concepts to analyze the problems. Example: usage of
CO3-PO2 2
arrays to store and manipulate data efficiently or how to design functions that
perform specific tasks within a larger program.
The strength of correlation is low because students often need to write reports
or documentation explaining the code they have written. So, This involves
CO3-PO10 1
communicating the purpose of the functions, how arrays are used, and the logic
behind their code.
The strength of correlation is high because provides a comprehensive
CO4-PO1 3 exploration of string concepts in C, covering a wide range of topics relevant to
engineering applications.
The strength of correlation is high because when students explore and work
CO4-PO2 3 with strings in C, they are essentially dealing with a fundamental aspect of
programming that is crucial for problem analysis.
The strength of correlation is moderate because a student can design solutions
related engineering problems that involve text processing, data manipulation,
and more by applying the learnt concepts on strings. By learning about strings,
CO4-PO3 2 students can develop algorithms and programs that meet specific requirements.
This could include tasks such as parsing data from sensors (important for
safety), generating reports (relevant for public health and safety), or processing
environmental data for sustainability purposes.
The strength of correlation is moderate because student develops a code using
CO4-PO5 1
strings in the software’s to solve particular problems.
The strength of correlation is moderate because students are not only learning
CO4-PO12 2 a specific technical skill but also developing a mindset of continuous learning
and adaptation to technological changes
The strength of correlation is high because designing solutions using user-
CO5-PO1 3 defined data structures like structures and pointers requires a solid
understanding of engineering fundamentals.
The strength of correlation is moderate because the ability to work with user-
defined data structures like structures and pointers is fundamental to designing
CO5-PO3 2 solutions for complex engineering problems. Understanding how to use these
data structures allows engineers to create efficient and effective solutions that
meet specified needs.
The strength of correlation is low because the ability to work with user-defined
CO5-PO5 1 data structures, such as structures and pointers, requires the application of
appropriate techniques and resources in engineering activities.
7 Variables
8 Constants
9 Input/output statements in C
Textbook : Computer fundamentals and programming in C, by Reema Thareja and chapter : 1,2, 8.1 -
Allotted Taken
Signatures HOURS
HOD: 6 hours 9 hours
Lecture Topic Mode of Date of COs
Delivery Delivery Covered
1 2 3 4
1 Operators in C
5 Iterative statements
6 Nested loops
8 goto statements
Lecture Topic Mode of Date of COs
Delivery Delivery Covered
1 2 3 4
Introduction to functions
Function definition, function declaration
Function call, return statements
Passing parameters to functions
Scope of variables
6 Storage classes
7 Recursive functions
8 Declaration of arrays
Textbook : Computer fundamentals and programming in C, by Reema Thareja and chapter : 10.1 –
10.10, 11.2-11.6
Allotted Taken
Signatures HOURS
HOD: 6 hours 11 hours
Lecture Topic Mode of Date of COs
Delivery Delivery Covered
1 2 3 4
1 Two dimensional arrays
4 Multidimensional arrays
5 Reading strings
6 Writing strings
Textbook: Computer fundamentals and programming in C, by Reema Thareja and chapter : 11.8 –
11.1, 12.1 – 12.2
Allotted Taken
Signatures HOURS
HOD: 6 hours 8 hours
Lecture Topic Mode of Date of COs
Delivery Delivery Covered
1 2 3 4
1 String taxonomy
2 Operations on strings
4 Arrays of strings
8 Introduction to structures
Textbook : Computer fundamentals and programming in C, by Reema Thareja and chapter : 12.3 –
12.6, 13.1 – 13.3, 14.1
Faculty: Allotted Taken
Signatures HOURS
HOD: 6 hours 8 hours
Text Books:
1. Computer fundamentals and programming in C, “Reema Thareja”, oxford university, second edition, 2017
Reference Books:
1. E. Balaguruswamy, programming in ANSI C, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, the C programming language, Prentice Hall of India.
TEST and QUIZ COs and Portions Covered ASSIGNMENT
Test and Quiz DATE CO Modules Assignment DATE
T1 & Q1 03/11/2023 CO1, CO2 1,2 A1
T2 & Q2 05/12/2023 CO2,CO3 2,3 A2
T3 & Q3 11/01/2024 CO3,CO4,CO5 4,5 A3
Allotted Taken
Total hours
With Date HOD:
40 hours 44 hours
1. Syllabus
2. CO Attainment
3. Gap Analysis
4. Special lectures/talks arranged if any
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