Millets are highly variable grasses believed to have originated from West African wild grasses
over 40,000 years ago (National Research Council, 2006). They are identified by their small
grain sizes and are considered as the fourth most important cereal after rice, maize, and sorghum
in terms of cultivation and production in the tropics. Statistics indicate that over 95 percent of
millet production areas are concentrated in African and Asian countries (Basavaraj et al., 2010).
Millets forms a staple diet for over 500 million households who are mainly small-scale farmers
living in arid and semi-arid lands of the poorest states of the world (National Research Council,
1996) The cover over 15 and 12 million hectares in Africa (Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso,
Mali, Sudan, Uganda and Nigeria) and Asia (China and India) respectively. Within the last 5
years, millet production in Africa has been on a downward trend partly due to high demand and
profitability of competing crops, although, Millet still accounts for almost 87 percent of the total
Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is the most commonly used all millets around the world. It
performs well under hot and dry climatic conditions with rainfall of between 200-600 mm
annually and highly saline soils where maize and potatoes would record poor yields. In
requires only 25 percent of rainfall demanded by sugarcane and banana (Nagarajan et al., 2007).
Therefore, Millet relieves Nigerian’s government of irrigation water or power demands making it
an excellent alternative for producers operating in harsh environmental conditions like arid and
semi-arid lands. In Nigeria, however, millet producers are classified as poor (with 2 limited cash
income alternatives), with no crop insurance and are wholly dependent on subsistence production
Millet has several merits it forms an excellent feed for livestock, both as grain and forage.
Studies have revealed that broilers fed on Millet are heavier with better feed conversion rate than
those fed on maize (Gulia et al., 2007). The crop is a major ingredient in fuel and ethanol
production with a fermentation estimated at 30 percent greater than that of maize. In addition,
Millet Distillers Dried Grains with Soluble (DDGS) co-products has higher protein and fat
content than that of maize (Gulia et al., 2007). In the rural household food baskets, millet grains
are important ingredients recommended for children, elderly and convalescents due to its high
levels of protein (up to 12 percent), energy (3600 K cal kg-1 ) and a balanced amino acid profile
making it a cheap source of grain iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) (Parthasarathy et al., 2006; ICRISAT,
2007). In addition, its stems area major source of raw material for hut construction, fencing,
Although, millet is nutritionally rich compared to other cereals, its consumption pattern has
reduced significantly in the past three decades. This has been linked to its lengthy cooking time,
change in consumers taste and preference, biased policies of supplying fix cereals at subsidized
prices to urban consumers and the free distribution of maize seeds to small scale farmers even
though they perform poorly in arid and semi-arid lands. This has discouraged small scale farmers
who have continuously allocated more land to maize despite its dismal performance in arid and
semi-arid lands (ASALs). As a result, the total area allocated to millet in Nigeria, has reduced
from 115,302.6 ha (2007) to 100,143.9 ha (2011) with per hectare yield declining from 1,610
kilograms in 1980 to an estimated 200-800 kilograms in 2008 against the potential of 1,500-
3,000 kg ha-1 (KARI, 2007; GoK, 2007; KARI, 2008; MoA, 2008; GoK, 2012). These negative
trends have resulted in imports from Tanzania and Uganda especially for industrial processing
estimated at 1,560 metric tons annually (United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), 2010).
In addition, small scale millet producers have identified several market constraining factors
limiting millet value addition and promotional attempts. Amongst these are poorly developed
and fragmented marketing channels with weak value chains, high assembly and processing costs,
uncompetitive grain prices which collapses during harvesting season, lack of market cleaning
costs, low access to credit, lags in legal and policy framework (FAO, 1996; Rohrbach, 2004). In
addition, Gulia et al., (2007) acknowledged that millet has no minimal set price and this has
limited farmers’ interest despite local communities’ preference for the crop. It is necessary
therefore to increase Millet marketing and value addition initiatives in order to increase its
consumer demand.
As part of intervention to promote millet marketing and value addition, the crop has received
increased attention within the Nigeria’s production structures. For instance, within the last three
years, the government of Nigeria has put more emphasis in promoting the usage of traditional
crops like Millet to improve their acceptability and consumption which will in turn increase
small holder incomes and reduce food insecurity (Gok, 2012). From 1994-2007, the government
of Nigeria and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD, 2017) initiated the
Eastern Province Horticulture and Traditional Food crops project to improve smallholders’
incomes and food security through increased production of traditional food crops covering
Millet. To further promote millet production, International Crops Research Institute for Semiarid
and Tropics (ICRISAT, 2005), International Sorghum and Millets (INTSORMIL) and Bill and
Melinda Gates Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement (HOPE) funded project
have developed interventions like breeding, distribution of improved varieties and the promotion
Despite the above external interventions, serious widening supply deficits are the norm within
the Millet growing zones, as very little of Millet reaches the final markets. In fact, it is estimated
that in Zimbabwe less than 3 percent of the Millet produced enters formal production channels
(Rohrbach, 2004). In the animal feeds sector, less than 2 million tons (9 percent) of Millet is fed
to animals in comparison to 30 million tons of sorghum (Léder, 2004). It is not clear to what
extent the above initiatives have been helpful in improving the competitiveness of Millet in
ASALs of Nigeria.
Despite the many efforts aimed at improving millet productivity and marketing in Funtua Local
Government, weak supply networks and independent working relationship between actors is a
major concern derailing this process. Yet, for successful achievement of improved market value
chain, efficient collaboration, networking and coordination are important. Past studies have
shown that efficient coordination has the potential of improving market demand and ultimate
producers’ output value thereby stimulating farmer adoption and production of targeted crops.
distribution and collaboration is limited or nonexistence at all. Therefore, this study is an attempt
to analyze the millet value chain operating in Funtua Local Government and its related markets
of Nigeria.
1.3 Justification of the study
Millet is a potential alternative food crop in arid and semi-arid land (ASALs) of Nigeria that can
offer immediate food and nutritional security to over 79 percent of food insecure rural population
if proper marketing channels are established. Therefore, knowledge of market efficiency will
provide valuable information to policy makers about the potential opportunities for improving
the welfare gain from Millet market related activities. In addition, analysis of millet value chain
will help policy makers in the identification of weak chains and entry points thereby guiding
marketing channel information will offer policy direction aimed at linking the producers and the
final markets. Furthermore, willingness to pay (WTP) information will provide support to
The main aim of this research project is to survey the production and marketing of millet in
Funtua Local Government Area of Katsina State. The specific objectives are:
iv. To evaluate the marketing channel efficiency of millet and the benefits accruing from
Government of Nigeria.
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the study
The study was limited to only millet production and marketing particularly among the farmers of
Funtua Local Government Area of Katsina State. Moreover, the use of snowball sampling might
have resulted in biased information as most interviewers were directed to similar actors. In
addition, snow ball sampling technique required longer completion time but due to the tight
2.1 Introduction
As far as millet production is concerned, works on this field in recent years become a matter of
concern. As such, a lot of researches which are directly or indirectly related to this research exist.
This chapter reviews the related academic works. In the course of the review, it will be indicated
how they are related and how they differed with this research.
Millets are a diverse group of cereal crops that produce small seeds with good nutritional
properties compared with more conventional staple grains. Millets are a major food source for
resource-poor farmers in the semi-arid tropics, due to their ability to grow in poor soils with
limited inputs (Kothari et al., 2005). There are many different millet species grown on nearly 20
million hectares in Africa (FAOSTAT, 2015). Four of the most commonly grown millets are:
Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum], Foxtail millet [Setaria italic P. Beauv.], Proso millet
The rest are referred to as minor millets and include Barnyard millet (Echinochloa spp.), Kodo
millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum), Little millet (Panicum sumatrense), Guinea millet (Paspalum
scrobiculatum) and Browntop millet (Urochloa ramose) (Amadou et al., 2013). Millet production
is distributed differentially among a large number of African countries; the largest being in West
Africa led by Nigeria (41%), Niger (16%), Burkina Faso (7%), Mali (6.4%) and Senegal (4.8%)
Millet productivity in the last five decades showed consistent increases in China, 132%, India,
182%, Nigeria 80% and Uganda, 40%. However, in African countries including Kenya,
Namibia, Rwanda, Burundi, and Zaire, productivity declined substantially by up to 71% in the
last decade (Dwivedi et al., 2012). This decline, both in production and consumption could be
attributed to the negative attitude and stigmatization of millets including Millet which is often
referred to as a ‘lost’ ‘minor’ poor man crop or birdseed (United States National Research
Council, 1996). Therefore, there is need to change the negative perspective of Millet especially
in Africa where it has great potential as a food and nutrition security crop.
Millet is one of the most important millets worldwide. It was domesticated and is mostly
produced in the eastern African sub-humid uplands (Hilu et al., 1979; United States National
Research Council 1996). It belongs to the grass family Poaceae in the sub-family Chloridoidae. It
is an allotetraploid (2n=4x=36), genome constitution AABB. Cultivated Millet resulted from the
selection and domestication of a large-grained mutant of the wild E. coracana subsp. africana
(Hilu et al., 1979, Babu et al., 2007; Dida et al., 2008). The common name “Millet” is derived
from the shape of the inflorescence which consists of a number of spikelets which resemble the
shape of human fingers. The spikelets produce seeds which are globose and smooth and may be
coloured brown, black, and purple, orange or white (Duke, 1983). The high variability of the
inflorescence may be consequence of farmers’ selection preferences for crop characteristics (de
Wet, 1995). Subsequently, the races and sub races of Millet can be differentiated from one
Millet is ranked fourth in importance among millets in the world after sorghum (Sorghum
bicolor), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and can be
cultivated under varied agro-climatic conditions (Upadhyaya et al., 2007; Dida et al., 2007). In
Zambia and Malawi (Mnyenyembe and Gupta, 1998; Obilana et al., 2002).
Millet is widely cultivated in India and Nepal (Upadhyaya et al., 2007). It is estimated Millet
accounts for 11% of production of all millets worldwide (Bennetzen et al., 2003). Under
irrigated conditions, yields of up to 5–6 metric tons ha- 1 have been obtained (United States
National Research Council, 1996). Millet has wider adaptability (Upadhyaya et al., 2007), higher
nutritional quality (Gopalan et al., 2002), and higher multiplication rate as compared with other
species of millet. Millet can also be stored for a long time without insect damage (Adekunle,
2012). Hence it is important during periods of famine. These qualities make Millet an ideal crop
for use as a staple food and for famine reserve. However, even though traditional Millet varieties
are adapted to current environmental conditions, it is predicted that they will be less suitable to
the changing climate. Research results indicate that Millet is sensitive to high temperature stress
during reproductive stages, and there is genotypic variability among Millet genotypes for number
of seeds per panicle and grain yield under high temperature stress, therefore the challenge will be
to accelerate its adaptation to climate change (Vermeulen et al., 2012, Opole et al., 2018).
Additionally, the projected food demand for 2025 will require the yield of millets to rise from 2.5
to 4.5 t ha-1 (Borlaug, 2002). This increase will largely come from improved varieties modified
for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses (Kothari et al., 2005). Millet is grown mainly by
subsistence farmers and serves as a food security crop because of its high nutritional value and
excellent storage qualities. Due to these desirable characteristics, it is now receiving increased
attention from food scientists, technologists, and nutritionists, especially as an ingredient with
the potential to prevent chronic disease (Kannan, 2010; Saleh, 2020). These health benefits are
attributed to its polyphenol content (Chethan and Malleshi, 2007) with antioxidant properties that
protect against degenerative diseases (Rhodes et al., 1997; Hooper and Cassidy, 2006). Every
100g of grain contains 72.6g of carbohydrates, 7.7g protein, 1.5g fat, and 3.6 g crude fiber. High
levels of calcium (350 mg), iron (3.9 mg) and amino acids thiamine 0.42 mg, riboflavin 0.19 mg,
and niacin 1.1mg have also been reported in Millet (Saleh, 2020).
Despite the desirable nutritional qualities of Millet, utilization of nutrients is limited by the
presence of phytates, phenols, tannins and enzyme inhibitors (Sripriya and Chandra, 1998).
These effects can be reduced through processing techniques that increase bioavailability of
minerals like calcium and iron. These techniques include grinding/milling, popping, roasting,
malting and fermentation (Singh and Raghuvanshi, 2012). Supplementary feeding programs in
Colombia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and Sri Lanka have effectively used nutrient-dense Millet
recipes with acceptance from participants (Singh and Raghuvanshi, 2012). Composite flours that
combine wheat, Millet and legume are a good option for providing a wider variety of nutrients
and consumers acceptable qualities (Lupien, 1990). One of the challenges to African scientists is
to enhance the productivity and utilization of Millet. In Eastern Africa, particularly in Kenya,
Uganda and Ethiopia, researchers are working to increase productivity, utilization and nutritional
2.2.3 Millet seed production and dissemination
However, this oversight typically does not apply to landraces or local varieties, which are
exchanged freely between neighboring farmers and sold in local markets. In Kenya, farmers can
acquire Millet seed from neighbors, local markets, agricultural input stores, and research
institutions including the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute (KALRO) and
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT, 2005). Millet is
self-pollinating, which limits chances of cross pollination (Dida et al., 2007). Therefore, on-farm
seed production is a viable option for increasing access to improved seed. Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University (TNAU) in India is implementing the seed village program to promote
quality seed production, a concept which could be adopted in Millet growing areas to facilitate
easy access to seed without compromising on quality. It is a program where trained groups of
farmers are involved in seed production to cater for their own needs, and those of other farmers
within the same or neighboring villages. The objective is to increase seed production to meet
local demand at the appropriate time of year and at a reasonable cost. In areas with marginal
rainfall, adoption of seed quality enhancement techniques such as on-farm seed priming for
direct sown Millet has the potential of reducing time to flowering and maturity by 6 days
resulting in significant yield increases and improved food security (Kumar et al., 2002).
Millet provides farmers with a reliable access to food and nutrition in environments with erratic
and scanty rainfall, and low soil fertility levels. This is attributed to its wide genetic adaptation
and ability to grow successfully in diverse soils, varying rainfall regimes, diverse photoperiods,
in marginal, arid and mountainous terrains where major cereals have low success (Padulosi et al.,
2009). Additionally, it is often the grain left in storage after the major cereal grains have been
destroyed by storage pests. Indeed, studies have determined that Millet stores for 10 years or
more without damage by storage pests (United States National Research Council, 1996;
Adekunle, 2012), a major limiting factor for food security in Africa. Despite these desirable
qualities, Millet yields in Africa have steadily declined in countries such as Uganda, Ethiopia and
Kenya (Kidoido et al., 2002; FAO, 2006; Dida et al., 2008; Oduori, 2008). Millet production
constraints in Eastern Africa include low soil fertility, environmental and nutrient stresses, pests
and diseases, including blast disease (Magnaporthe grisea), and Striga weed (Striga hermonthica
(Del.) Benth) (Dida, 2008; Oduori, 2007), among other constraints. Adoption of improved
varieties and management practices such as use of fertilizers could 11 improve Millet yields
(Oduori, 2008). Application of NPK along with micronutrients and FYM at the rate of 7.5 – 12.5
tha-1 increases yields of Millet (Rohrbach 2004). Millet is also known to benefit from residual
fertility from the previous crop. Therefore, recommendations should consider crop management
systems that include rotations with high residue producing crops. Maintenance of surface residue
cover combined with reduced tillage results in greater soil organic carbon and nitrogen, and has
Other soil fertility replenishment approaches have been developed based on naturally available
resources and cropping systems. Babu et al., (2007) recommended direct application of
indigenous rock phosphates which are potentially important locally available phosphorus (P)
sources for resource-poor farmers in extremely P deficient soils in Africa, Asia and Latin
America. Studies have also shown that incorporation of green manure including Lithonia divers
folia could increase the availability of N, P and K (Partey et al., 2011). Tens thousands of
farmers in East and Southern Africa who have adopted these technologies have become food
Intercropping Millet with leguminous crop species such as Desmodium (Desmodium intortum) is
also a strategy which is effective for the control of pest and increasing soil fertility thereby
contributing to higher yields and economic returns (Midega et al., 2010). The effect of
intercropping on soil fertility varies with management practice. Chu et al., (2007) determined
that N transferred from peanut (Arachis hypogea) in an intercropping system made a contribution
to the N utilization of rice (Oryza sativa), especially in low N soils. It is estimated that legumes
roots contribute between 5-15 kg N ha-1 to soil N under intercropping (Nnadi and Haque, 1988).
Benefit-cost ratios indicated that legume-millet rotations were profitable in eastern Uganda
(Ebanyat et al., 2010). Research is on-going in Kenya to determine the agronomic and economic
Collaborative Crops Research Program of the McKnight Foundation. Results of these studies
will enable farmers to make informed choices on their production strategies for improved soil
fertility, increased yields, improved nutrition and health of the farm families and increased
Nutrition plays an important role in the national development of any country therefore;
nutritional quality of food crops needs to be considered in addressing the problem of food
insecurity and malnutrition. Millets are nutritionally superior to most cereal crops grown and
utilized in Africa and provide much needed diet diversity (Kannan, 2010). Millet is well
recognized for its anti-diabetic, anti-tumorigenic, and anti-atherosclerosis effects, as well as anti-
oxidant and anti-microbial properties (Devi et al., 2014). Due to the growing public awareness of
potential health benefits of phytochemicals, polyphenols and dietary fiber, there is increased
need to identify new food sources with desirable functional characteristics to meet growing
demand. Millet is one of the crops that can fulfill these requirements (Devi et al., 2014) and
efforts should be made to increase awareness of the nutritive value, health benefits and variety of
food products that Millet can provide (Singh and Raghuvanshi, 2012).
Millet products are often made using composite flours, and have been well accepted in
Colombia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Sri Lanka and Sudan. They are nutritionally properties of
traditional cereal fermented products including Millet could also be enhanced by increasing their
nutrient and energy density. In India, East and West Africa, products made from fermented
Millet are popular across different demographics (Nout, 2009; Mugocha et al., 2000).
Fermentation increases the rate of availability of iron, manganese and calcium in Millet products
(Makokha et al., 2002) while mineral fortification combined with dephytinization increases the
Although maximum utilization of the nutrient potential of the Millet is limited by the presence of
phytates, phenols, tannins and enzyme inhibitors (Shobana et al., 2013), these effects can be
reduced by using processing techniques like popping, roasting, malting and fermentation
(Mugocha et al., 2000; Nout, 2009). The use of these techniques not only decreases the content
of phytates but increases the content of compounds that improve bioavailability of certain
minerals like calcium and iron which is significant especially among mothers and young children
(Hotz and Gibson, 2007). Processing techniques such as fermentation are also known to increase
the content of major organic acids including lactic and acetic acids (Sripriya and Chandra, 1996).
Composite flours made from Millet can be used for preparation of various nutrient dense recipes
which would effectively be used in supplementary feeding programs (Singh and Raghuvanshi,
Increasing millet productivity and value-added product development will depend on increased
and steaming to enhance the quality of the end-products. Diversification of end-use products
would also enhance commercialization of Millet. Its excellent malting quality makes it suitable
as a raw material for the brewing industry and local production and processing would save on
foreign exchange currently required to import malting products (Taylor et al., 2006). Better
presentation and packaging of ready-to-use Millet products such as noodles and cookies will
increase appeal to urban consumers. Indeed, marketing and presentation of Millet as a healthy
product with superior nutrient quality will increase its utilization among men, women and youth
who are increasingly conscious about their health and dietary well-being (Shobana et al., 2013).
Several studies have highlighted the contribution of neglected and underutilized crop species
such as Millet towards generating income in both domestic and international markets (Chadha
and Oluoch, 2007). In India, adding value to millet nearly tripled farmer incomes and generated
new employment opportunities, particularly for women (Vijayalakshmi et al., 2010). There is
increased interest internationally in new foods and products with the potential to contribute to
health and nutrition. This is an opportunity to develop markets for non-staple crops from which
poor communities would benefit. Promoting niche markets through denomination of origin
(DO), eco-labelling, fair trade, organic, and Slow Food Initiatives (Kahane et al., 2013) may be
2.3 Empirical Studies
A number of empirical studies related to this research work were reviewed, with a view to make
it clear as to the gap existing in literature for this study to fill. They include: Ahmed & Cho
(2019) carried out a study titled “an economic analysis of smallholder Millet production in
selected African countries”. The researcher drawn objectives to deals with the economics of
adoption, productivity, and food quality and safety. The study was a survey and questionnaires
were used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using t-test. The study shows the
important of Millet production in sub-Saharan African countries. He concluded that Millet would
normally perform better in the region with more farming improvising and practice. The previous
study is relevant to the present research as it was carried out on an economic analysis of
smallholder Millet production in selected African countries. Also, the study uses questionnaire
Prasad, (2015) carried out a study titled: Growth and production of Millets. The main thrust of
this study among others was to determine the production and growth of Millet. Four research
questions and four null hypotheses were formulated in line with the research objectives. A
researcher made test was used for data collection and data collected was statistically analyzed
using t-test. The relevance of this study to the present research is that, the study was carried out
to determine the growth and production of Millet while this study will try to survey on Millet
Happy (2018), conducted a research titled: millet production constraints, farming systems, and
farmer-preferred traits in Nigeria. The study was carried out with four research objectives, four
research questions and four null hypotheses were formulated for the study. Data was collected
with the use of questionnaire, while data collected were analyzed using ANOVA and Correlation
statistics. Result from the study revealed some major important points on Millet production
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the procedure adopted in the study. It is organized under the following
headlines; introduction, research design, study area, population of the study area, sample and
sampling techniques, instrumentation, procedure for data collection and procedure for data
The study was conducted in Funtua Local Governments. Katsina State is located in the North
Western Zone of Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Funtua, near the A9 highway
(Muhammad, 2018). It has an area of 452 km² and a population of 153,744 at the 2006 census.
The state lies on the latitude 12 o 59’N and longitude 7o 36’E. It has a total land area of about
23,920 km2, with an estimated human population of 5.2 million of which majority live in the
rural areas (NPC 2006). The state extends to two major savanna vegetation zones; Sudan
savanna zone in the north and Guinea savanna in the southern zone. The main languages spoken
are Hausa and Fulfulde. Islam is the main religion, with a handful of Christians. The main
occupation is farming. Industrially, Katsina State is making progress with its oil mill and steel
rolling mill. The main occupation is farming. The state is very rich in art and culture, and it is
3.3 Sampling Technique and Sampling Size
A multistage sampling approach was utilized for this study. The first stage involves the
purposive selection of Funtua LGA due to the bulk of millet farmers therein. The second stage
involves the random selection of 50 millet farmers across 5 villages in Funtua LGA, making a
total of 50 respondents for the study. In line with the assertion of Muhammad (2019), that simple
random sampling enables every individual element in the population, the chances of being
Data for the study was retrieved through the use of structured questionnaire administered in the
study sites. The farmers were asked questions on the size of their farms, farm resources, output,
and quantity of millet consumed, socio-economic characteristics and other production constraints
among others. The secondary data were obtained from journals, textbooks, projects thesis and
4.1 Gender
Male 35 70%
Female 15 30%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.1 shows 70% of the farmers are male and only 30% are female. With the high
percentage of the male over female, this shows that agriculture as the key to Nigeria can easily
be achieved because male has ability to spend more time on the farm than female.
4.2 Age
20-30 16 32%
31-40 17 34%
41-60 11 22%
60 above 6 12%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.2 shows that 34% of the respondents are 31-40 and 60 above are 12%. There is a lot
4.3 Educational Background
Qur’anic education 3 6%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.3 shows that 34% of millet farmers attended adult education. Therefore they provide
Gift 10 20%
Inheritance 10 20%
Purchase 20 40%
Rent 10 20%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.4 shows that 40% of the farmers acquired their land by purchasing it. This indicates
the millet production have been developing since many purchase their land.
4.5 Income
1000-10,000 6 12%
10,001-50,000 18 36%
50,001-100,000 20 40%
100,001-above 6 12%
Total 50 100%
It observed in table 4.5 that 40% of the respondent income is 1000-50,000. This shows that the
respondents have the ability to increase the farms size according to the research. It also shows
that the income of farmers influence has ability to accept and adopt new farm practice
20 above 10 20%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.6 shows that 40% of farmers have been in production between 11-20 years. This is a
relatively long period for them to have experience all it taken to improved millet production.
16 above 10 20%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.7 shows that 40% of the farmers have 11-15 hectares of land and 16 above are 20%.
Organic fertilizer 2 4%
In organic 8 16%
Both 40 80%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.8 shows that 80% of the farmers used both organic and in-organic fertilizer. These
refers to the agricultural developments in our society can be high speedy grown due to high
Market 20 40%
Store 15 30%
Both 15 30%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.9 shows that 40% of farmers purchase seed from market which indicates that farmers
most often do not get seeds at subsidize cost which in the end added up to total cost of
production. This refers to the way by which farmers get their seed for millet production.
Producers 20 40%
Retailers 8 16%
Consumers 12 24%
Total 50 100%
The table 4.10 shows that 40% of the farming production is used by the producers. This consists
of the people organization and activities necessary to transfer the ownership of goods from the
Total 50 100%
The table 4.11 shows that 50% of the farmers get their fertilizer source from open market. This
shows that governmental industries agencies are highly need to help the farmer’s to purchase
good fertilizer.
4.12 Mode of transportation
Animal 10 20%
Car 15 30%
Train 5 10%
Bicycle 10 20%
Total 50 100%
need good road through the entire village and low price of petroleum so that farmers will their
5.1 Summary
Millets are highly variable grasses believed to have originated from West African wild grasses
over 40,000 years ago. The main aim of this research project is to survey the production and
marketing of millet in Funtua Local Government Area of Katsina State. Millet is one of the most
important millets worldwide. It was domesticated and is mostly produced in the eastern African
sub-humid uplands. The study was conducted in Funtua Local Governments. Katsina State is
located in the North Western Zone of Nigeria. Its headquarters are in the town of Funtua, near
the A9. A multistage sampling approach was utilized for this study. This study revealed that
there is low level efficiency in the millet grain marketing system; the millet grain market is also
concentrated. There is need for efficient linkages of all classes of millet market traders. Such
policies might include formation of micro selling schemes, use of contract agreements and
setting up of online marketing system to sensitize processors on the annual domestic production
5.2 Conclusion
This study analyzed the economics of millet marketing at yan buhuna market in jibiri Funtua
Local Government Area of Katsina State, Nigeria. This study revealed that there is low level
efficiency in the millet grain marketing system; the millet grain market is also concentrated; the
(profit); and several factors have been identified as constraints in millet grain marketing. It has
been revealed from the study that marketing costs were relatively high, and there is a great need
5.2 Recommendations
Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made for policy actions
i. The study recommends formation of group cooperative to forestall the high cost of
ii. There is need for efficient linkages of all classes of millet market traders. Such policies might
include formation of micro selling schemes, use of contract agreements and setting up of online
marketing system to sensitize processors on the annual domestic production levels and supply
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Amadou I., Gounga M.E., Le G-W (2013) Millets: Nutritional composition, some health benefits
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