Institute For Ias/Ifos Examinations: K. Venkanna

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Coordinate Systems,The Planes

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

1. A variable plane is at a constant distance p from 10. Obtain the equation of the plane passing through
the origin and meets the axes in A, B and C. Show the points (2,3,1) and (4,–5,3) parallel to x-axis.
that the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron
OABC is x2  y 2  z 2  16 p 2 . 11. Find the locus of the point which moves so that
its distance from the plane x +y – z = 1 is twice
its distance from the line x = - y = z.
2. The plane x - 2y + 3z = 0 is rotated through a
right angle about its line of intersection with the
12. Find the volume of the tetrahedron formed by the
plane 2x + 3y - 4z - 5 = 0. Find the equation of the
four planes lx+my+nz=p , lx+my=0 , my+nz=0
plane in its new position.
and nz+lx=0.
3. A Variable plane, which remains at a constant
13. Find the equations of the planes bisecting the
distance p from the origin, cuts the cordinate axes
angles b/w the planes 2x- y-2z-3=0 and
at A, B and C. Show that the locus of the centroid
3x+4y+1=0 and specify the one which bisects
the acute angle.
ABC is x 2  y 2  z 2  9 p 2 .
14. Show that the plane ax + by + cz + d = 0 divides
4. Show that the plane 14 x  8 y  13  0 bisects the the join of P1 ( x1 , y1 , z1 ), P2 ( x2 , y2 , z 2 ) in the ratio
obtuse angle between angles 3 x  4 y  5 z  1  0 ax1  by1  cz1  d
 . Hence show that the
and 5 x  12 y  13 z  0. ax2  by2  cz2  d
5. Find the reflection of the plane x  y  z  1  0 U  ax  by  cz  d  0  ax  by  cz  d   V ,
in the plane 3 x  4 z  1  0. U  V  0 and U  V  0 divide any transversal
6. Find the bisector of the acute angle between the
planes 2 x  y  2 z  3  0, 15. Find the reflection of the plane x + y + z -1= 0 in
3x  2 y  6z  8  0 . the plane 3x + 4z +1=0.

7. Find the equations of the planes bisecting the 16. A variable plane is at a constant distance ‘P’ from
the origin and meets the axes in A, B,& C.
angles between the planes x  2 y  2 z  3  0,
Through A, B, C the planes are drawn parallel to
3 x  4 y  12 z  1  0 and specify the one which the co – ordinate planes. Show that the locus of
bisects the acute angle. their point of intersection is given by
x 2  y 2  z 2  P 2
8. If the three concurrent lines whose direction
cosines are  l1 , m1 , n1  ,  l2 , m2 , n2  ,  l3 , m3 , n3  are 17. A variable plane is at a constant distance P from
the origin O and meets the axes in A, B & C
l1 m1 n1 show that the locus of the centroid of the
coplanar, prove that l2 m2 n2  0
1 1 1 16
l3 m3 n3 tetrahedron OABC is 2
 2 2  2
x y z P

9. A variable plane is at a constant distance p from 18. The direction cosines (l, m, n) of a line are
the origin and meets the axes at A,B and C. connected by the relations
Through A , B and C, the planes are drawn
parallel to the coordinates planes. Find the locus 2l  2m  n  0, 3l 2  5m 2  5n 2 . show that two
of their point of intersection.
H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

such lines are possible and that they are position is

perpendicular to each other.
lx  my  z (l 2  m 2 ) tan   0
19. Prove that the perpendicular distance of the point 28. Through a point P  , ,   a plane is drawn at
( x1 , y1 , z1 ) from the plane ax  by  cz  d  0 is right angles to OP to meet the axes in
ax1  by1  cz1  e A, B, C. Prove that the area of the triangle ABC
a2  b2  c 2 p5
is , where OP = p.
 2 
20. The plane x – 2y + 3z = 0 is rotated through a
right angle about its line intersection with the plane
2x + 3y – 4z – 5 = 0. Find the equation of the
palne in its new position.

21. A Variable plane at a constant distance p from

the origin meets the axes is A, B and C. Through
A, B, C planes are drawn parallel to the co-
ordinate planes. Show that locus of their points
of intersection is
x–2 + y–2 + z–2 = p–2

22. The plane lx + my = 0 is rotated about its line of

intersection with the plane z = 0 through an angle
. Prove that the equation of the plane in its new
position is lx + my  z l 2  m2 tan   0 .

23. Find the shortest distance between the planes

2x + y – 2z = 12 and 4x + 2y – 4z + 15 = 0.

24. The plane x  2 y  3z  0 is rotated through a

right angle about its line of intersection with the
plane 2 x  3 y  4 z  5  0, find the equation of
the plane in its new position.
25. A Variable plane makes intercepts on the co-
ordinate axes the sum of whose squares is
constant and equal to k2. Show that locus of the
foot of the perpendicular from the origin to the
plane is (x–2 + y–2 + z–2) (x2 + y2 + z2)2 = k2

26. The plane x – 2y + 3z = 0 is rotated through a

right angle about its line of intersection with the
plane 2x + 3y –4z – 5 = 0. Find the equation of
the plane in its new position.

27. The plane lx  my  0 is rotated about the line of

intersection with the plane z = 0 through an angle
. Prove that the equation to the plane in its new

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

The Straight Lines & Sphere

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

1. Find the ruled surface generated by the line which 8. Find the equation of the sphere which cuts
moves parallel to the zx plane and meets the orthogonally each of the four spheres
curves. x2  y 2  z 2  2ax  a 2 ;
xy  c 2 , z  0; y 2  4cz , x  0.
x2  y 2  z 2  2by  b2 ;

2. Show that the centres of all sections of the sphere x2  y 2  z 2  2cz  c2 and
x2  y 2  z 2  r 2 by planes through a point x2  y 2  z 2  a 2  b 2  c2
( x, y , z ) lie on the sphere
9. Find the limiting points fo the co-axial system of
x( x  x)  y ( y  y )  z ( z  z )  0. spheres determined by
x2  y 2  z 2  20 x  30 y  40 z  29  0 and
3. Show that the equation to the plane containing
x2  y 2  z 2  18 x  27 y  36 z  29  0.
y z
the line   1, x  0; and parallel to line
b c 10. Find the equation of the sphere for which the circle
x z x y z
  1, y  0 is    1  0 and if 2d is x2  y 2  z 2  7 y  2 z  2  0,
a c a b c
1 1 1 1 2 x  3 y  4 z  8 is a great circle.
the S.D., prove that 2  2  2  2 .
d a b c
11. Show that the equation to the right circular cylinder
4. Show that the S. D. between any two opposite described on the circle through three points (1, 0,
edges of the tetrahedron formed by the planes y 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1) as thge guiding curve
+ z = 0, z + x = 0, x + y = 0, x + y + z = a is
x2  y 2  z 2  yz  zx  xy  1.
6 and the three lines of S. D. intersect at
12. Find the shortest distance between z-axis and the
the point x = y = z = –a.
line x  y  z  3  0  3x  y  2 z  2.
5. Find the equation of the sphere which passes
13. Find the equation of the sphere which touches
through the points
(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1) and has its radius as the plane 3 x  2 y  z  2  0 at the point
small as possible. (1,–2, 1) and cuts orthogonally the sphere
x2  y 2  z 2  4 x  6 y  4  0.
2 2 2
6. Prove that the circles x +y +z –2x + 3y + 4z –5
= 0, 5y + 6z + 1 =0 and x2 + y2 + z2 – 3x - 4y + 5z 14. A sphere of constant radius 2k passes through
- 6 = 0, x + 2y - 7z = 0 lies on the same sphere the origin and meets the axes in A, B, C. Find the
and find its equation. Also find the value of a for locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC.
which x + y + z = a 3 touches the sphere.
15. A sphere of constant radius r passes through the
7. A line with d.c.’s proportional to (2, 7, –5) is drawn origin O and cuts the axes in A, B, C. Find the
locus of the foot of the perpendicular from O to
x 5 y 7 z  2 the plane ABC.
to intersect the lines   and
3 1 1
x3 y3 z 6 16. A variable plane through a fixed point (a, b, c)
  cuts the co-ordinate axes in the point A, B, C.
3 2 4 Show that the locus of the centres of the sphere
Find the coordinates of the point of intersection
and the length intercepted on it. a b c
OABC is    2.
x y z

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

17. A square ABCD of diagonal 2a is folded along 26. Find the limiting points of the co-axial system
the diagonal AC, so that planes DAC, BAC are defined by the spheres
at right angles. Show that the shortest distance x2  y 2  z 2  2  2 y  4 z  2  0
between DC and AB is then 2a 3.
x2  y 2  z 2  x  y  2 z  2  0
18. Find the equation of the sphere inscribed in the
27. Find the locus of a point which moves so that the
tetrahedron whose faces are
distance from the line x  y  z is twice the
x  0, y  0, z  0, x  2 y  2 z  1.
distance from the plane x  y  z  1.
19. Find the ruled surface generated by the line which
moves parallel to the zx plane and meets the 28. Lines are drawn through the origin with direction
cosines proportional to (1, 2, 2), (2, 3, 6), (3, 4,
curves xy  c2 , z  0; y 2  4cz , x  0. 12). Show that the axis of the right circular cone
through them has direction cosines
20. Show that the equation of the sphere having its
1 1 1
centre on the plane 4 x  5 y  z  0. and passing  , , and that the semi-vertical angle
3 3 3
through the circle with equations
of the cone is cos1  1 . Obtain the equation of
x2  y 2  z 2  2x  3 y  4 z  8  0 , 3

teh cone also and show that it passes through the

x2  y 2  z 2  4 x  5 y  6 z  2  0 ; is co-ordinate axes.
x2  y 2  z 2  7 x  9 y  11z  1  0.
29. Find the distance of the point (3, -4, 5) from the
21. Two spheres of radii r1 and r2 cut orthogonally. lane 2 x  5 y  6 z  16 measured along al line with
Prove that the radius of the comon circles is direction cosines proportional to (2, 1, -2).

r1r2 r1
 r2 2  . 30. A sphere of constant radius 2k passes through
the origin and meets the axes in A, B, C. Find the
22. Find the ruled surface generated by the line which locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC.
intersect the three lines
y  b, z  c; z  c, x   a; x  a, y  b. x y z
31. The plane    1 meets the axes OX, OY,,
a b c
23. A sphere of constant radius 2k passes through OZ which are rectangular in A, B, C. Prove that
the origin and meets the axes in A, B, C. Find the the planes through the axes and the internal
locus of the centroid fo the tetrahedron OABC. bisector of the angles of the triangle ABC pass
through the line
24. A line with direction cosines proportional to 2, 1,
x y z
2 meets each of the lines given by the equations  
2 2 2 2
a b c b c a c a  b2
x  y  a  z; x  a  2 y  2 z; find the co-
ordinates of each of the points of intersection.
32. Find the distance of the point (-2, 3, -4) fromthe
25. Show that the centres of all sections of the sphere x  2 2 y  3 3z  4
line   measured parallel to
x2  y 2  z 2  r 2 by planes through a point 3 4 5
(x',y',z') lie on the sphere the plane 4 x  12 y  3z  1  0.
x( x  x)  y ( y  y)  z ( z  z )  0.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

33. Show that the general equation of a cone of second x2  y 2  2 fx  2 gy  2hz  0

degree which pass through the axes is
if af  bg  ch  0.
fyz  gzx  hxy  0 Where f, g, h are
41. Show that the equation of the sphere having in
34. Find the equation of the sphere that passes through centre on the plane 4 x  5 y  z  3 and passing
the points (0,3,0), (-2,-1,4) and cuts orthogonally through the circle with equations
two spheres x2  y 2  z 2  2 x  3 y  4 z  8  0,
x2  y 2  z 2  x  3z  2  0, x2  y 2  z 2  4 x  5 y  6 z  2  0;
2( x 2  y 2  z 2 )  x  3 y  4  0. is x2  y 2  z 2  7 x  9 y  11z  1  0.

35. Find the limiting points of the co-axial system

defined by the spheres 42. Two straight lines
x2  y 2  z 2  3x  3 y  6  0, x  1 y  1 z   1 x   2 y   2 z   2
  ;  
l1 m1 n1 l2 m2 n2
x2  y 2  z 2  6 y  6 z  6  0.
are cut by a third line whose direction consines
36. Find the equation of the plane containing the are  ,  and  . Show that the lenght d
straight line y + z = 1, x = 0 and parallel to the intercepted on the third line is given by.
straight line x  1 y  1 z   1
 
x – z = 1, y = 0. l1 m1 n1 ;
37. Find the magnitude and the equations of the line x  2 y  2 z   2
of shortest distance between the lines  
l2 m2 n2
x  8 y  9 z  10 Deduce the length of the shortest distance
 
3 16 7 between the first two lines.
x  15 y  29 z  10
 
3 8 5 43. Find the equation of the sphere for which the circle
x2  y 2  z 2  2 x  4 y  5  0 , x  2 y  3z  1  0
38. Prove that every sphere passing through the circle
is a great circle.
x2 + y2 – 2ax + r2 = 0, z = 0
cut orthogonally every sphere through the circle 44. Prove that the polar of one limiting point of a
x2 + z2 = r2, y = 0. coaxial system of circles with respect to any circle
of the system passes through the other limiting
39. A moving plane passes through a fixed point
(2, 2, 2) and meets the coordinate axes at the
points A,B,C, all away from the origin O. Find 45. A plane passes through a fixed point
the locus of the centre of the sphere passing
through the points O, A,B,C,.  2 p, 2q, 2r  and cuts the axes in A,B,C. Show that
the locus of the centre of the sphere OABC is
40. Show that all the spheres, that can be drawn p q r
through the origin and each set of points where    1.
x y z
x y z
planes parallel to the plane    0 cut the
a b c 46. A straight line AB of fixed length moves so that
co-ordinate axes, form a system of spheres which its extremities A,B lie on two fixed straight lines
are cut orthogonally by the sphere OP,OQ inclined to each other at an angle w. Prove
that the locus of the circumcentre of OAB is a

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

circle. Find the locus of the lines which move 55. Show that every sphere through the circle
parallel to the zx-plane and meet the curves. x2  y 2  2ax  r 2  0, z  0 cuts orthogonally
xy  c2 , z  0. every sphere through the circle
y 2  4cz , x  0. x2  z 2  r 2 , y  0.

47. Verify if the lines: 56. Show that the plane x+y-2z=3 cuts the sphere
xad y a z ad x2  y 2  z 2  x  y  2 in a circle of radius 1 and
  and find the equation of the sphere which has this
    
circle as a great circle.
x b c y b z b c
 
     57. A line is drawn through a variable point on the
are coplanar. If yes, then find the equation of the x2 y 2
plane in which they lie. ellipse   1, z  0 to meet two fixed lines
a 2 b2
48. For what positive value of a, the plane y = mx, z = c and y = -mx, z = -c. Find the locus
ax–2y+z+12=0 of the line.
touches the sphere x2+y2+z2–2x–4y+2z–3=0 and
hence find the point of contact. 58. Find the equation of the sphere having its centre
on the plane 4x – 5y – z = 3, and passing through
49. Find the co-ordinates of the points on the sphere the circle x2  y 2  z 2  12 x  3 y  4 z  8  0,
x2+y2+z2–4x+2y=4, the tangent planes at which 3x+4y-5z+3=0.
are parallel to the plane 2x–y+2z=1.
59. A sphere S has points (0,1,0),(3,-5,2) at opposite
50. A sphere S has points (0, 1, 0), (3, –5, 2) at opposite
ends of a diameter. Find the equation of the sphere
ends of a diameter. Find the equation of the sphere
having the intersection of the sphere S with the
having the intersection of the sphere S with the
plane 5x-2y+4z+7=0 as a great circle.
plane 5x – 2y + 4z + 7 = 0 as a great circle.
60. The plane x – 2y + 3z = 0 is rotated through a
51. Show that three mutually perpendicular tangent
lines can be drawn to the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = r2 right angle about its line of intersection with the
from any point on the sphere 2(x2+y2+z2)=3r2. plane 2x + 3y – 4z – 5 = 0 ; find the equation of
the plane in its new position.
52. Show that the cone yz+zx+xy=0 cuts the sphere
61. Find the equation of the sphere inscribed in the
x 2  y 2  z 2  a 2 in two equal circles, and find their
tetrahedron whose faces are x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0
area. and 2x + 3y + 6z = 6.

53. Find the equations of the straight line through 62. Show that the spheres
the point (3,1,2) to intersect the straight line
x+4=y+1=2(z-2) and parallel to the plane x2  y 2  z 2  x  z  2  0 and
4x+y+5z=0. 3 x 2  3 y 2  3 z 2  8 x  10 y  8 z  14  0
cut orthogonally. Find the centre and radius of
54. Show that the equation of the sphere which
their common circle.
touches the sphere
4( x 2  y 2  z 2 )  10 x  25 y  2 z  0 at the point 63. Find the equation of the sphere which touches
(1,2,-2) and passes through the point (-1,0,0) is the plane 3x +2y –z + 2 = 0 at the point (1, -2, 1)
x2  y 2  z 2  2 x  6 y  1  0. and cuts orthogonally the sphere
x2  y 2  z 2  4x  6 y  4  0

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

64. Show that the locus of the centres of spheres of 76. Find the smallest sphere (i. e, the sphere of
a co – axial system is a straight line. smallest radius) which touches the lines
x5 y  2 z 5 x4 y 5 z 4
65. A square ABCD having each diagonal AC and   and  
BD of length, 2a, is folded along the diagonal AC 2 1 1 3 6 4
so that the planes DAC and BAC are at right .
angle. Find the shortest distance between AB and 77. Find the equations of the spheres which pass
DC. through the circle
66. A variable plane remains at a constant distance x2  y 2  z 2  4 x  y  3 z  12  0,
unity from the point (1, 0, 0) and cuts the co –
2x + 3y – 7z = 10
ordinate axes at A, B, and C. Find the locus of
and touch the plane x – 2y +2z = 1.
the centre of the sphere passing through the origin
and the points A, B, and C.
78. Find the equation of the sphere which passes
67. Find the equation of the two straight lines through through the points (1, 0, 0,), (0, 1, 0),(0, 0, 1) and
the point (1, 1, 1) that intersect the line x – 4 = has the smallest possible radius.
2(y – 4)= 2(z-1) at an angle of 600
79. Two spheres of radii r1 cut r2 orthogonally. Prove
68. A sphere of constant radius r passes through the r12 r2 2
origin O and cuts the co – ordinates axes at A, B that the area of the common circle is
r12  r2 2
& C. Find the locus of the foot of the perpendicular
from O to the plane ABC. 80. Find the locus of a point which is equidistant from
the lines y  mx , z  c ; y   mx , z   c.
69. Find the equations of the line of shortest distance
between the lines x+z=1, x=0 and x-z=1, y=0 as 81. A sphere through the origin cuts the co – ordinate
the intersection of two planes. axes in the points A, B, C and the plane through
A, B, C contains the point (1, -2, -3). Show that
70. Find the equations of tangent planes to the sphere the locus of the centre of the sphere is
x2  y 2  z 2  4 x  2 y  6 z  5  0 which are 1 2 3
  2
parallel to the plane 2x+y-z=4. x y z

71. Find the co – ordinates of the centre of the sphere

82. A sphere of constant radius K passes through
inscribed in the tetrahedron formed by the planes
the origin and meets the axes in A, B, C. prove
x = 0, y=0, z = 0, and x+y+z=a.
that the centroid of the triangle ABC lies on the
sphere 9  x  y  z   4 K .
2 2 2 2
72. Find the S – D between the axis of z and the line
ax  by  cz  d  0, a x  by  c z  d   0.
83. Find the equation of the plane passing through
73. Find the equation of the circle circumscribing
triangle formed by the points (a, 0, 0), (0, b, 0), (0, x y z
the line   and perpendicular to the
0, c). Obtain also the co – ordinates of the centre 2 3 1
of the circle.
x y z
plane containing the lines   and
74. Find the equation of the sphere through the circle 3 1 2
x2  y2  z2  4, x  2 y  z  2 and the point (1, -1, 1). x y z
  .
1 2 3
75. A variable straight line always intersects the lines
x = c , y = 0 ; y = c , z = 0 ; z = c , x = 0. Find the
equations to its locus.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

84. Find the locus of the line which intersects the 93. A sphere S has points (0, 1, 0) (3, –5, 2) at opposite
three lines y – z =1, x = 0; z – x = 1, y = 0; ends of diameter. Find the equation of the sphere
x – y = 1, z = 0. having the intersection of the sphere S with the
plane 5x – 2y + 4z + 7 = 0 as a great circle.
85. Find the equation of the plane containing the
straight line y + z = 1, x = 0 and parallel to the 94. Find the equations of the line through the point
straight line x – z = 1, y = 0. (3, 1, 2) intersecting the line x + 3 = y + 1 = 2
(z –2) and parallel to the plane 4x + y + 5z = 0.
86. Find the equationof the sphere which touches the
sphere x2  y 2  z 2  x  3 y  2 z  3  0 at the 95. Prove that the spheres cutting two given spheres
point (1, 1, –1) and passes through the origin. along a great circle pass through two fixed points.

87. Find the equations of the two lines through the 96. A square ABCD of diagonal 2a is folded along
origin which intersect the line the diagonal AC so that the planes DAC, BAC
( x  3) 2  y  3  z at angles of 60 . are at right angles. Find the S.D. between DC
and AB.
88. Prove that the circles x2+y2+z2 – 2x + 3y + 4z –
97. Show that the centres of all sections of the sphere
5 = 0, 5y + 6z + 1 = 0 and x2 + y2 + z2 – 3x – 4y
+ 5z – 6 = 0, x + 2y – 7z = 0 lies on the same x2 + y2 + z2 = r2 by planes through a point (x, y, z)
sphere and find its equation. Also find the value lie on the sphere

of a for which x + y + z = a 3 touches the 98. Prove that the locus of a line which meets the
sphere. lines y = ± mx, z = ±c and the circle x2 + y2, z = 0
is c2 m3 (cy – mxz)2 + c2(yz – cm x)2 = a2 m2
89. Prove thatthe sum of the squares of the intercepts (z2 – c2)2.
by a given sphere on any three mutually
perpendicular lines through a fixed point is 99. Show that the equation of the plane containing
constant. y z
the line  1, x  0 and parallel to the line
90. Show that the S. D. between any two opposite b c
edges of the tetrahedron formed by the planes y x z x y z
+ z = 0, z + x = 0, x + y = 0,   1, y  0 is    1  0 and if 2d
a c a b c
x + y + z = a is 2 a 6 and the three lines of S.D.
is the S.D. show that d 2  a 2  b 2  c 2 .
intersect at the point x = y = z = –a.
100. Show that the circles.
91. Prove that the S. D. between the diagonals of
rectangular parallelopiped and the edges not x 2  y 2  z 2  y  2 z  0, x  y  z  2
meeting it are and
ab x 2  y 2  z 2  x  3 y  z  5, 2 x  y  4 z  1
 2
b c 2
  2
c a 2
 
a  b2
 lie on the same sphere. Find the equation of the
Where a, b, c are the lengths of the edges.
101. Find the equation of the sphere which touches
92. The plane (x/a) + (y/b) + (z/c) = 1 meets the
axes in A, B and C. Prove that the planes through the plane 3x+2y-z+2=0 at the point (1, -2, 1) and
the axes and the internal bisector of the angles of cuts orthogonally he sphere x2+y2+z2 -4x + 6y +
the triangle ABC pass through the line 4 = 0.
x y z
 
2 2 2 2
a (b  c ) b (c  a ) c (a  b2 )

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

102. Prove that the ploane x + y2 + z2 – x + z – 2 = 0

in a circle of radius unity and find the equations
of the sphere which has this circle for one of its
great circules.

103. Find the distance of the point (1, –2, 3) from the
plane x – y + z = 5 measured parallel to the line
1 1 1
x   z.
2 3 6

104. A point moves so that the sum of the squares of

its distances from the six faces of a cube is
constant, show that its locus is a sphere.

105. Prove that the locus of a variable line which

intersects the three given lines y = mx, z = f;
y = –c; y = z, mx = –c; is the surface y2 –m2 x2 =
z2 –c2 .

106. For what values of  do the planes

x – y + z + 1 = 0,  x +y + 2z – 3 = 0,
3x +  y + z –2 = 0
(i) Interesect in a point.
(ii) intersect along a line ;
(iii) Form a triangular prism ?

107. Find the equation of the sphere which cuts

orthogonally each of the four spheres x2 + y2 + z2
+ 2ax = a2 ; x2 + y2 + z2 + 2by = b2; x2 + y2 + z2 +
2cz = c2 and x2 + y2 + z2 = a2 + b2 + c2.

108. Find the equation of the tangent plane to the

3  x 2  y 2  z 2   2 x  3 y  4 z  22  0. at the
point (1, 2, 3).

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

Set-I & Set-II

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

1. Prove that the planes x  cy  bz , y  az  cx, 10. Find the magnitude and position of the line of
shortest distance between the lines
z  bx  ay pass through one line if
x y 1 z  2
a 2  b 2  c 2  2abc  1 and find its its equations.   ; 5 x  2 y  3 z  6  0,
4 3 2
x y z x  3 y  2 z  3  0.
2. the equation to AB are   . Through a
1 2 3
11. Find the surface generated by the straight line
point p(1, 2, 3). PN is drawn perpendicular to
which intersects the lines y = z = a and x + 3z =
AB, and PQ is drawn parallel to the plane
a = y + z and is parallel to the plane x + y = 0.
2 x  3 y  4 z  0 to meet AB in Q. Find the
equations of PN and PQ and the coordinates of 12. Find the equations of the tangent plane to the
N and Q. ellipsoid 2 x 2  6 y 2  3 z 2  27 which passes
through the line
3. If the volume of the tetrahedron whose vetices
are (a, 1, 2), (3, 0, 1), (4, 3, 6), (2, 3, 2) is 6. Find x  y  z  0  x  y  2 z  9.
the value of a.
13. Show that there are three real values of  for
4. Show that which the equations:
(i) The set of planes 2 x  y  z  4  0. (a   ) x  by  cz  0, bx  (c   ) y  az  0,
(ii) The set of planes cx  ay  (b   ) z  0 are simultaneously true and
x  z  1  0, x  y  2 z  3  0, that the product of these values of  is
x  2 y  z  3  0 from a triangular prism. ab c
D b c a
5. Find the volume of a tetratadron in terms of the
c ab
lengths of the three edges which meet in a point
and of the angles which these edges make with
each other in pairs. 14. If 2C is the shortest distance between the lines
x z
6. If the edges of a rectangular parallepiped be a, b,   1, y  0
l n
c show that the angles between the four diagonals
y z
2 2 2 and   1, x  0
1   a  b  c  m n
are given by cos  a2  b2  c2  .
  then show that
1 1 1 1
   .
7. Find the two tangent planes to the sphere l 2 m2 n 2 c 2

x2  y 2  z 2  4 x  2 y  6 z  5  0 which are
15. If a plane cuts the axes in A,B, C and  a, b, c  are
parallel to the plane 2 x  2 y  z.
the coordinates of the centroid of the triangle
ABC, then show that the equaiton of the plane is
8. Find the locus of a point the sum of squares of
x y z
whose distances from planes x  y  z  0,    3.
a b c
x  2 y  z  0 is equal of the square of the
distance from the plane x = z. 16. Find the equations of the spheres passing through
the circle x2  y2  z2  6x  2z  5  0, y  0
9. Find the locus of the point which moves so that
its distance from the line x = y = z is twice its and touching the plane 3 y  4 z  5  0.
distance from the plane x + y + z = 1.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

17. Show that the plane x  2 y  z  4 cuts the sphere 25. A line with direction ratios 2, 7, -5 is drawn to
X Y 1 Z  2
x2  y 2  z 2  x  z  2 in a circle of radius unity intersect the lines  
3 2 4
and find the equation of the sphere Which has X  11 Y  5 Z
this circle as one of its great circles. and   Find the coordinates of
3 1 1
the points of intersection and the length intercepted
18. Obtain the equations of the planes which pass on it.
through the point  3,0,3 , touch the sphere
26. Show that the length of the shortest distance
x2  y 2  z 2  9 and are parallel to the line between the line z  X tan  , y  0 and any
x  2 y  z tangent to the ellipse X 2 sin 2   Y 2  a 2 , Z=0 is
19. Find the equations of the three planes through
x 1 y  2 z  3 27. A plane is drawn through the line x+y=1 , z = 0 to
the line   parallel to the axes.
2 3 4  1
make angle sin   with the plane x + y + z =
20. Prove that the shortest distance between the line
5. Show the two such planes can be drawn. Find
z  x tan  , y  0 and any tangent to the ellipse
their equations and the angle between them.
x 2 sin 2   y 2  a 2 , z  0 is constant in ength.
28. Consider a rectangular parallelopiped with edges
21. A variable plane is at a constant distance p from a, b, c. Obtain shortest distance between one of
the origin and meets the axes in A, B and C. Show its diagonals and an edge which does not intersect
that the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron this diagonal.
29. Find so that the curve
1 1 1 16
   x  a cos  , y  a sin  , z  f ( )
x2 y 2 z 2 p 2
determines a plane curve
22. Find the equation of the sphere which touches
30. What is meant by the direction cosines of a line
the plane 3x  2 y  z  2  0 at the point (1,–2,1)
in 3 – space? Show that the equation of any line
and cuts orthogonally the shpere
x  y  z 
2 2 2 can be written in the form l  m  n
x  y  z  4 x  6 y  4  0.
explaining the meaning of the parameters
21. Find the equation of the sphere circumscribing involved.
the tetrahedron whose faces are x  y   z  
31. If   is another line which is
l m n
y z z x x y x y z
  0,   0,   0,    1. skew to (that in the above problem (1)) , find the
b c c a a b a b c length of their common perpendicular, without
knowing that the two lines are skew, how will
24. Find the equation of the plane which passes you determine whether they are coplanar?
through the points (0,1,1) and(2,0,–1) and is
parallel to the line joining the points (–1,1,–2), (3,– 32. A square ABCD of diagonal 2a is folded along
2,4). Find also the distance between the line and the diagonal AC, so that the planes DAC, BAC
the plane. are at right angles. Show that the shortess distance
between DC and AB is then .

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

33. Prove that the planes 39. Find the surface generated by the straight line
ny  mz   , lz  nx   , mx  ly   which intersects the lines y  z  a and
have a common line if l   m  n  0 . Show also x  3z  a  y  z and is parallel to the plane
that the distance of the line from the origin is x  y  0.
 2  2   2  2
 2 2 2 
 l m n 

34. A plane passes through a fixed point (a, b, c) and

cuts the axes in A, B, C. show that the locus of
the centre of the sphere OABC , where O is the
a b c
origin is    2.
x y z

35. Prove that the locus of points from which three

mutually perpendicular planes can be drawn to
x2 y2
touch the ellipse a2
 b2
 1, z  0 is the sphere

x 2  y 2  z 2  a 2  b2

36. Find the equations of the line through the point

(-4, 3, 1) parallel to the plane x  2 y  z  5 so
as to intersect the line
1 1
 ( x  1)  ( y  3)   ( z  2). Find also the
3 2
point of intersection.

37. Spheres are described to contain the circle

z  0., x 2  y 2  a 2 . Prove that the locus of the
extremities of their diameters which are parallel
to the x-axis is the rectangular hyperbola
x 2  z 2  a2 , y  0

x y z
38. A point P moves on the plane    1 which
a b c
is fixed, and the plane through P perpendicular to
OP meets the axes in A, B, C. If the planes
through A, B, C parallel to the co-ordinates planes
meet in a point Q, show that the locus of Q is
1 1 1 1 1 1
 2 2    .
x y z ax by cz

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

Cone & Cylinder

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

1. Find the equation of the enveloping cylinder of 10. Find the condition that the lines of intersection of
x 2
y z 2 2 the plane lx  my  nz  0 and cones
the ellipsoid    1 , whose axis is x = y
a 2 b 2 c2 fyz  gzx  hxy  0, ax2  by 2  cz 2  0
= z or whose generators are parallel to the line
should be wincident.
x= y = z.
11. Find the equation of the enveloping cylinder of
2. Find the equation of the right circular cylinder
whose axis is x–2=z, y=0 and passes through the the sphere x2  y 2  z 2  2 x  4 y  1, having its
point (3, 0, 0). generators parallel to the line x  y  z.

3. Enveloping cylinders of the quadric 12. P, Q are the points of intersection of the line
2 2 2
ax  by  cz  1 meet the plane z  0 in x  y   z 
  with the cone
rectangular hyperbola; show that the central l m n
perpendiculars to their planes of contract generate
the cone ax2  by 2  cz 2  0. Shwo that the sphere
described onthe segment PQ as diameter will pass
b 2cx 2  a 2 cy 2  ab( a  b) z 2  0. through the vertex of the cone, if

4. Find the equations of the lines of intersection of a   2  v2   b  v2   2   c   2   2   0

the plane x  3 y  2 z  0 and the cone where    n   l ,   b( l   n)v   m   l.
2 2 2
x  9 y  4z  0 .
13. The section of the enveloping cone of the ellipsoid
5. Show that the general equation of a cone which x2 y 2 z 2
   1 whose vertex is p by the plane
touches the three - coordinate planes is a 2 b2 c2
fx  gy  hz  0; f , g , h being parameters. z = 0 is a rectangular hyperbola, show that the
x2  y2 z2
6. Show that the locus of the pole of the plane locus of p is   1.
a 2  b2 c2
lx  my  nz  p with respect to the system of
14. Prove that the plane lx+my+nz=0 cuts the cone
conicoids   x  a 2 2
 k    1 is a straight line (b-c)x2+(c-a)y2+(a-b)z2+2fyz+2gzx+2hxy=0 in
perpendicular to the given plane, where k is a perpendicular lines if (b-c)l2+(c-a)m2+(a-b)n2
parameter. +2fmn + 2gnl + 2hlm = 0.

7. Show that the general equation of a cone which 15. If  is the semi-verticle angle of the right circular
touches the three co-ordinate planes is cone which passes through the lines OX, OY,
x=y=z, show that
fx  gy  hz  0; f , g , h being parameters.
 12

cos   9  4 3 
8. Obtain the equation of the right circular cylinder
whose guidling curve is the circle through the
16. Find the equation to the right circular cylinder
points (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1).
whose guiding curve is the circircle through the
point (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1).
9. Prove that the straight lines whose direction
cosines are given by relations
17. Prove that the plane ax+by+cz=0 cuts the cone
al+bm+cn=0 and fmn+gnl+hlm=0 are yz+zx+xy=0 in perpendicular lines if
f g h 1 1 1
perpendicular if   0    0.
a b c a b c

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

18. Find the equations to the lines in which the plane 27. Obtain the equation of a right circular cylinder on
2 x  y  z  0 cuts the cone the circle through the points (a, 0, 0) , (0, b, 0) and
(0, 0, c) as the guiding curve.
4 x 2  y 2  3 z 2  0.
28. Show that the locus of the equal conjugate semi-
19. Find the equation of the right circular cylinder of
x2 y2 2
radius 2 Whose axis is the line diameters of the ellipsoid a2
 b2
 cz  1 is

x 1 y  2 z  3 ( b 2  c2  2 a 2 ) 2
 a 2  2 b2 ) 2
b 2  2 c2 )


x2  (c b2
y 2  (a c2
z2  0

29. Find the equation of the cone whose vertex

20. Show that the equation fx  gy  hz  0
(1, 1, 1) and the base circle x 2  y 2  4, z = 2.
represents a cone that touches the co-ordinate
planes and that the equation to its reciprocal cone
30. Lines are drawn through the origin perpendicular
is fyz  gzx  hxy  0.
to normal planesof the cone ax2 + by2 + cz2 = 0.
Show that they generate the cone
x y z
21. If   represents one of the that mutually a (b – c) 2 b(c – a )2 c (a – b) 2
1 2 3   0
perpendicular generators of the cone x2 y2 z2
5 yz  8 zx  3xy  0, Find the equations of the other
two. 31. Find the equation of the right circular cylinder
whose axis is x – 2 = z, y = 0 and passes through
22. If 6x=3y=2z represents one of the three mutually the point (3, 0, 0).
perpendicular generators of the cone
5yz–8zx–3xy=0 then obtain the equations of the 32. Find the equation of the right circular cylinder
other two generators. which passes through the circle x2 + y2 + z2 = 9,
x – y + z = 3.
23. Prove that the equation
ax2+by2+cz2 +2ux+2vy+2wz+d=0, 33. The sections of the enveloping cone for the
surface x2 /a2 + y2/b2 + z2/c2 = 1 whose vertex is
u 2 v 2 w2 P (x1, y1, z1) by the plane z = 0 is a parabola. Find
represents a cone if    d.
a b c the locus of the vertex P.

x y z 34. Prove that the locus of the line of intersection of

24. If   represent one of a set of three
1 2 3 tangent planes to the cone ax 2  by 2  cz 2  0
mutually perpendicular generators of the cone which touch along perpendicular generators is the
5yz-8zx-3xy=0,find the equations of the other two. cone
a 2  b  c  x 2  b2  c  a  y 2  c 2  a  b  z 2  0
25. Show that the plane 2x – y + 2z = 0 cuts the cone
xy + yz + zx = 0 in perpendicular lines.
35. If the plane 2x – y + cz = 0 cuts the cone yz + zx
26. Show that the plane ax + by +cz = 0 cuts the + xy = 0 in perpendicular lines, find the value
cone xy + yz + zx = 0 in perpendicular lines, if of c.

1 1 1 36. Find the equation of the envelopoing cylinder of

   0.
a b c
x 2 y2 z2
the ellipsoid    1 , whose axis is
a 2 b 2 c2

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

x = y = z or whose generators are parallel to the

line x = y = z.

x y z
37. If   represents one of a set of three
1 2 3
mutually perpendicular genertors of the cone
5 yz  8 zx  3xy  0 find the equations of th other

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com


Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

1. POP' is a variable diameter of the ellipse 8. Show that the lines drawn from the origin parallel
x 2
y 2 to the normals to the central conicoid
z  0,  2  1,
a 2
b ax2  by 2  cz 2  1 at its points of intersection with
and a circle is described in the plane PP'ZZ' on the planes lx   my  nz  p generate the cone
PP' as diameter. Prove that as PP' varies, the 2
circle generates the surface,  x 2 y 2 z 2   lx my nz 
p        .
 x2 y2   a b c  a b c 
x 2
 y 2  z 2   2  2   x2  y 2 .
a b 
9. Two perpendicular tangent planes to the
2. Show that the feet of the normals from the point paraboloid x2+y2=2z intersect in a straight line in
( ,  ,  ) on the paraboloid x 2  y 2  2az lie on a the plane x=0. Obtain the curve to which this
sphere. straight line touches. 2

3. Show that the plane 2x - 4y - z + 3 = 0 touches 10. Three points P,Q,R are taken on the ellipsoid
the paraboloid x2– 2y2 = 3z and find the co- x2 y2 z2
   1 so that the lines joining P,Q,R
ordinates of the point of contact. a 2 b 2 c2
to the origin are mutually perpendicular. Prove
4. The sections of the enveloping cone to the surface that the plane PQR touches a fixed sphere.
x2 y 2 z 2
   1 whose vertex is p ( x1 , y1 , z1 ) by
a 2 b2 c2 5
11. Show that the plane 3 x  4 y  7 z   0 touches
the plane z = 0 is (i) rectangular hyperbola, (ii) a 2
parabola and (iii) a circle. Find the locus of the the paraboloid 3 x 2  4 y 2  10 z and find the point
vertex p. of contact.
5. Show that the feet of the normals from the point 12. Show that the enveloping cylinders of the ellipsoid
( ,  ,  ) to the paraboloid x2  y 2  2az lie on ax 2  by 2  cz 2  1 with generators perpendicular
the sphere to z-axis meet the plane z=0 in parabolas.
x 2  y 2  z 2  z (   ) 
2  2 0 13. Show that the feet of six normals drawn from
x2 y2 z2
any point (α, β, γ) to the ellipsoid   1
6. Prove that the locus of the poles of the tangent a2 b2 c2
lie on the cone
planes of the conicoid ax2  by 2  cz 2  1 with 
a2 b2  c2    
b2 c 2  a 2  
c2 a2  b2 
2 2 2
   0.
respect to the conicoid  x   y   z  1 is the x y z

 2 x2  2 y 2  2 z 2
conicoid    1. 14. Let P  x  , y , z   lie on the ellipsoid
a b c
x2 y2 z2
   1 . If the length of the normal chord
7. Prove that the enveloping cylinder of the ellipsoid a2 b2 c2
 x2   y2   z2  through P is equal to 4PG,where G is the
 a 2    b 2    c 2   1 whose generators are intersection of the normal with the z-plane, then
show that P lies on the cone
x y z x2 y2 z2
parallel to the line   meet the   
2c 2  a 2  6 2c 2  b 2  4  0 . 
0  a 2
 b2  c a 6
b c
plane z = 0 in circles.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

15. Show that the point of intersection of three 23. Find the locus of the points of intersection of
mutually perpendicular tangent planes to the perpendicular generators of the hyperboloid
x2 y2 z2 x2 y2 z2
ellipsoid    1 lies on the sphere    1.
a2 b2 c2 a 2 b2 c 2
x2  y 2  z 2  a 2  b2  c 2 .
24. The section of a cone with vertex at P and guiding
16. Find the equations to the generators of hyperboloid  x2   y 2 
x 2
y z 2 2 curve  2    2   1, z  0 by the plane x = 0
   1, through any point of the principal a  b 
a 2 b 2 c2
is a rectangular hyperbola. Show that the locus
2 2 2
x y z
elliptic section    1, z  0. x2 y 2  z 2
a 2 b2 c 2 of P is  1.
a2 b2
17. Find the locus of the point of intersection of
perpendicular generators of a hyperboloid of one 25. Find the condition that the plane lx  my  nz  p
sheet. should touch the conicoid ax 2  by 2  cz 2  1 .
Hence find locus of the point of intersection of
18. A line makes angels α, β, γ,  with the diagonals three mutually perpendicular tangent planes to a
of a cube. Prove that central conicoid.
cos 2   cos 2   cos 2   cos 2   .
3 26. Show that the locus of points from which three
mutually perpendicular tangents can be drawn to
19. Four generators of the hyperboloid the paraboloid ax2 + by2 = 2z is given by ab (x2 +
2 2 2
y2) – 2 (a + b) z – 1= 0
x y z
   1 form a skew quadrilateral whose
a2 b2 c2 27. Find the locus of the points from which three
vertices are the points mutually perpendicular tangents can be drawn to
 a cos sec  , b sin  sec  , c tan   ;
i i i i i i  1, 2,3, 4. the paraboloid
(x2/a2) – (y2/b2) = 2z
Prove that 1  3  2   4 , 1  3  2  4 .
28. Show that the plane 2x – 4y – z + 3 = 0 touches
20. A straight line , always parallel to the plane of yz, the paraboloid x2 – 2y2 = 3z and find the point of
passes through the curves x 2  y 2  a 2 , z  0 and contact.
x 2  az , y  0, prove that the equation of the
29. Prove that the locus of the point of intersection
surface generated is x 4 y 2   x 2  az   a 2  x 2  . of three tangent planes to x2 / a2 + y2 / b2 + z2 /
c2 = 1 which are parallel to conjugate diametral
planes of x 2 / 2 + y2 /  2 + z 2 /  2 = 1 is
21. Show that the locus of the point of intersection of
three mutually perpendicular tangent planes to the x 2 y 2 z2 x 2 b 2 c 2
    
a2 b2 c 2  2  2  2
paraboloid ax 2  by 2  2 z is a plane perpendicular
to the axis of the paraboloid.
30. Find the vertices of the skew quadrilateral formed
by the four generators of the hyperboloid
22. Find the locus of the perpendiculars from the origin
on the tangent planes to the ellipsoid x2
 y 2  z 2  49 passing through (10, 5, 1) and
 x2 y2 2 4
 b2
 cz  1 , which cut off from the axes
2 (14, 2, –2).
intercepts, the sum of whose reciprocals is equal
to a constant 1/K.
H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

31. Find the generators of the paraboloid (x2/a2) – 39. Find the locus of the points from which three
(y2/b2) = 4z drawn through the point (, 0 ) mutually perpendicular tangents can be drawn to
and prove that the angle between
 x2   y 2 
them is cos 1  a  b    /  a  b     . the paraboloid  2    2   2 z.
a  b 

32. Find the surface generated by (or find the locus

of) straight lines drawn through a fixed point
( ,  ,  ) at right angles to their polar with respect
to the conicoid ax2+by2+cz2=1.

33. Show that the plane x  y  z  0 cuts the

conicoid 4 x 2  2 y 2  z 2  3 yz  zx  1  0 in a
circle. Find also the radius of this circle.

34. Prove that the normals from ( ,  ,  ) to the

paraboloid  x 2 a 2    y 2 b 2   2 z lies on the cone

  a2  b2
  0.
x  y   z 

35. Show that the generators through any one of the

ends of an equiconjugate diameter of the principal
x2 y2 z2
elliptic section of the hyperboloid   1
a 2 b2 c 2
are inclined to each other at an angle of 60 if
a 2  b 2  6c 2 . Find also the condition for the
generators to be perpendicular to each other.

36. Prove that in general three normals can be drawn

from a given point to the paraboloid of revolution
x2  y 2  2az but if the point lies on the surface
27a( x 2  y 2 )  8(a  z )3  0, two of the three
normals coincide.

37. Show that the feet of normals from the point

 ,  ,   on the paraboloid x2  y 2  2az lie on a

38. Any plane whose normal lies on the cone

(b  c)x2  (c  a) y2  (a  b)z2  0
cuts the surface ax 2  by 2  cz 2  1 in a
rectangular hyperbola.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

Set-IV & Set-V

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

1. Find the equation of the enveloping cylinder of

x2 y 2 z 2
y 2
z 2    1,
the ellipsoid  2  2  1, whose axis is a 2 b2 c 2
a b c passes through the fixed point (0, 0, k).
x  y  z or whose generators are parallel to the Show that it lies on the cone
line x  y  z.
x2(b2  c2  k2)  y2 (c2  z2  k2)  (z  k)2(a2 b2)  0.
2. Find the equation of the cone with vertex at (2a,
b, c) and passing through the curve 9. Enveloping cylinders of the quadric
2 2 2
x 2  y 2  4 a 2 and z = 0. Find b and c if the cone ax  by  cz  1 meet the plane z = 0 in
also passes through the curve y2 = 4a (z + a), rectangular hyperbola; show that the central
x = 0. Also show that the cone is cut by the plane perpendiculars to their planes of contact generate
y = 0 in two straight lines and the angle  between the cone b 2cx2  a 2cy 2  ab(a  b) z 2  0.
them is given by tan  = 2.
10. Obtain the equations of the planes which pass
3. CP, CQ, CR are three central radii of an ellipsoid
through the point (3, 0, 3), touch thge sphere
which are mutually at right angles to one another,
show that the plane PQR touches a sphere. x2  y 2  z 2  9 and are parallel to the lines
x  2 z   z.
a b c
4. Show that    0 represents 11. Prove that the locus fo the poles of the tangent
yz zx x y
apair of planes find angle between them also. planes of the conicoid ax2  by 2  cz 2  1 with
respect to the conicoid  x2   y 2   z 2  1 is the
5. Find the radius and centre fo the circle, determined
by the equations  2 x2  2 y 2  2 z 2
conicoid   1.
x2  y 2  z 2  ax  by  cz , and a b c

 x  y  z 12. Any plane whose normal lies on the cone

         1.
a b c (b  c) x 2  (c  a) y 2  ( a  b) z 2  0 cuts the

6. Prove that the feet of the six normals from surface ax2  by 2  cz 2  1 in a rectangular
 x2 
( x1 , y1 , z1 ) to the ellipsoid   a 2

 1 lie on the
13. A sphere passes through the circle
curve of intersection of the ellipsoid and the cone z  0, x 2  y 2  a 2 prove that the locus of the
a 2 (b2  c2 ) b 2 (c2  a 2 ) y c 2 (a 2  b2 ) z1 extremities of its diameter parallel to x-axis is the
   0.
x y z rectangular hyperbola y  0, x2  z 2  a 2 .

7. Find the condition that the plane lx  my  nz  1 14. Find the equation of the right circular cylinder
may be a tangent plane to the paraboloid whose guiding circle is
x2  y 2  2 z. x3  y 2  z 2  9  0, x  y  z  3.

8. If the line of intersection of two perpendicular 15. Find the equation of the cylinder whose generators
tangent lines to the ellipsoid whose equation, intersect the curve
referred to rectangular axes, is

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

ax2  by 2  2 z, lx  my  nz  p 24. Find the equation of the cylinder generated by

and are parallel to the z-axis. x y z
the lines parallel to the line   the guiding
1 2 3
16. Find the locus of points from which three mutually curve being the conic z  2 , 3x2  4 xy  5 y 2  1.
perpendicular tagents can be drawn to the surface
ax 2 +by 2 +cz2 =1. 25. Find the condition that the plane
lx  my  nz  0 be a tangent plane to the cone
17. Find the locus of the centre of the sphere of
ax2  by 2  cz 2  2 fyz  2 gzx  2 hxy  0
constant radius which passes through a given point
and touches the given line.
26. Prove that the locus of the pole of the plane
18. Prove that the equation lx  my  nz  p with respect to system of
4 x 2  y 2  z 2  3 yz  2 xy  12 x  11 y  6 z  4  0 x2 y2 z2
represents a cone with vertex at (–1, –2, –3). conicoids 2    1. Where
a  k b2  k c 2  k
k is a parameter, is a straight line perpendicular
19. Tangent planes at two points P and Q or a
to the given plane.
paraboloid meet in the line RS. Show that the
plane through RS and middle point of PQ is parallel
to the axis of the paraboloid. 27. Planes are drawn through a fixed point  ,  ,  
so that their sections of the paraboloid
20. Find the tangent planes to the ellipsoid
ax 2  by 2  2 z are rectangular hyperbolas. Prove
2 2 2
x y z that they touch the cone
   1 Which are parallel to the plane
a 2 b 2 c2 2 2 2
x   
y 
z    0.
lx  my  nz  0.
b a a b

21. Prove that the second degree equation 28. Find the equation of the right circular cone
x2  2 y 2  3 z 2  5 yz  6 zx  4 xy  8 x  19 y  2 z  20  0 generated by straight lines drawn from the origin
to cut the circle through the three points
represents a cone whose vertex is 1, 2,3
1, 2, 2  ,  2,1, 2  and  2, 2,1 .
22. If the feet of three normals drawn from a point P
29. Show that the locus of a point from which three
x2 y 2 z 2
to the ellipsoid    1 lie in the plane mutually perpendicular tangent lines can be drawn
a 2 b 2 c2
to the paraboloid ax2  by 2  2 z  0 is
x y z
   1 , prove that the feet of the other
a b c  
ab x 2  y 2  2  a  b  z  1.
x y z
three normals lie in the plane   1  0 .
a b c 30. Find the equation of the enveloping cylinder of
the sphere x2  y 2  z 2 2 y  4 z  1 having its
x y z generator parallel to the line x  2 y  2 z.
23. The plane    1 cuts the axes in A, B, C .
a b c
Find the equation of the cone whose vertex is 31. Show that the feet of the normals from the point
origin and the guiding curve is the circle ABC.
P(α, β, γ) , β  0 on the paraboloid x 2  y 2  4 z
lie on the sphere
2 ( x 2  y 2  z 2 )  ( 2   2 ) y  2 (2  y ) z  0

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

32. If the plane lx + my + nz = p passes through the

extremities of three conjugate semidiameters of 40. Show that the plants which cut ax2 + by2 + cz2 =
0 in perpendicular generators, touch the cone
x2 y2 z2
the ellipsoid    1,
a 2 b 2 c2 [x2 /(b  c)]  0
Prove that a 2l 2  b 2 m 2  c 2 n 2  3 p 2 .
41. If the feet of the three normals from P to the
33. Show that the enveloping cylinders of the ellipsoid ellipsoid x2/a2 + y2/b2 + z2/c2 = 1 lie on the plane
x/a + y/b + z/c = 1 prove that the feet of the other
ax2  by 2  cz 2  1, with generators perpendicular three lie on the plane x/a + y/b + z/c + 1 = 0 and
to Z-axis meet the plane z = 0 in parabolas. P lies on the line a (b2 – c2) x = b (c2 – a2) y = c
(a2 – b2)z.
34. Find the equation of the cylinder whose generators
touch the sphere x 2  y 2  z 2  9 and are 42. The section of a cone with vertex at P and guiding
perpendicular to the plane x – y – 3z = 5. curve ( x 2 / a 2 )  ( y 2 / b 2 )  1, z  0 by the
plane x  0 is a rectangular hyperbola. Show
35. A curve is drawn on a right circular cone, semi
that the locus of P is
vertical angle α , so as to cut all the generators at
the same angle β. Show that its projection on a (x2 / a2 )   y 2
 
 z 2 / b 2  1.
plane at right angles to the axis is an equiangular
spiral. Find expressions for its curvature and 43. A cone has as base the circle x2+y2+2ax+2by=0,
torsion. z=0 and passes through the fixed point (0, 0, c).
If the section of the cone by zx - plane is a
36. Tangent planes are drawn to the ellipsoid rectangular hyperbola, prove that the vertex lies
x2 y2 z2 on a fixed circle.
   1 through the point   ,  ,   . Prove
a2 b2 c2
that the perpendiculars to them from the origin 44. Two cones pass through the curves y=0,
generate the cone z 2  4ax, x=0, z  4by and they have a common
 x   y   z 
 a 2 x 2  b2 y 2  c2 z 2 . vertex. The plane z  0 meets them in two conics
that intersect in four concyclic points. Show that
the vertex lies on the surface
37. Show that the locus of the foot of the
perpendicular from the centre to the plane through z 2 ( x a  y b )  4( x 2  y 2 ) .
the extremities of three conjugate semi –
x2 y2 z2 45. If the section of the enveloping cone of the
diameters of the ellipsoid    1 is
a2 b2 c2 x2 y2 z2
2 2 2 2 2 2
a x  b y  c z  3( x  y  z ). 2 2 2 ellipsoid    1, whose vertex is P by
a 2 b2 c 2
the plane z  0 is a rectangular hyperbola, show
38. Show that the enveloping cylinder of the conicoid
x2  y 2 z 2
ax2 + by2 + cz2 = 1 with generators perpendicular that the locus of P is   1.
to x-axis meets the plane z = 0 in parabolas. a 2  b 2 c2
46. Find the equation of the quadric cone which
39. The plane x/a + y/b + z/c = 1 meets the coordinate passes through the three co-ordinate axes and
axes in A, B, C. Prove that equation of the cone the three mutually perpendicular lines
generated by lines drawn from O to meet the 1 1 1 1 1 1
x  y   z , x  y  z, x   y  z.
circle ABC is 2 3 5 8 11 5
 b c  c a  a b
yz  +  +zx  +  +xy  +  =0
 c b  a c  b a

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

Generating Lines, General Equation of the
Second Degree

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

1. Reduce the equation 10. Show that the generators through any one of the
2 2 2
3x  5 y  3z  2 yz  2zx  2xy  4x8z  5  0 ends of an equiconjugate diameter of the principal
to the standard from. Find the nature of the x2 y2 z2
elliptic section of the hyperboloid   1
conicoid, its centre and equations of its axes. a 2 b 2 c2
are inclined to each other at an angle of 600 if
2. Reduce the equation a 2  b 2  6c 2 . Find also the condition for the
3z 2  6 yz  6 zx  7 x  5 y  6 z  3  0 generators to be perpendicular to each other.
to standard form and find its nature.
11. Reduce the following equation to canonical form
3. Show that and determine which surface is represented by it
2 x2  2 y 2  z 2  2 yz  2 zx  4 xy  x  y  0
2x2  7 y2  2z 2 10yz  8zx 10xy  6x 12 y  6z  2  0
represents a paraboloid. Obtain its reduced
12. Show that a plane through one member of the
4. Reduce the following equation to its canonical  – system and one member of  - system is
form and determine the nature of the conic tangent plane to the hyperboloid at the point of
4x2 + 4xy + y2 – 12x – 6y + 5 = 0. intersection of the two generators.

5. Find the locus of the point of intersection of 13. Prove that the shortest distance between
perpendicular generators of a hyperboloid of one generatorsof the same system drawn at the ends
sheet. of diameters of the principal elliptic section of the
hyperboloid (x2/a2) + (y2/b2) – (z2/c2) = 1 lie on
6. Find the equations of to the generators the the surfaces whose equations are

x2 y 2 z 2 cxy abz
hyperboloid    1 through any point 2 2
=± 2 2 .
a2 b2 c2 x +y a –b
of the principal elliptic section
14. Show that if two generators of the surface
2 2 2
x y z (x2/a2) + (y2/b2) – (z2/c2) = 1 through the ponits P
 2  2 1; z  0
a b c (a cos , b sin , 0) and Q (a cos , b sin , 0)
intersect at right angles, their projection on the
7. Show that any two generators belonging to the plane z = 0 intersect at an angle , where tan  =
different system of generating lines of a [ab sin ( – )] / c2
hyperboloid of one sheet intersect.
15. Prove that in general two generators of the
8. Find the equations of the two generating lines hyperboloid (x2/a2) + (y2/b2) – (z2/c2) = 1 can be
through any point (acos, bsin,0), of the principal drawn to cut a given generator at right angles.
Also show that if they meet the plane z = 0 in P
x2 y2
elliptic section   1, z  0, and Q, PQ touches the ellipse (x2/a6) + (y2/b6) =
a 2 b2
c4 /(a4 b4 ).
of the hyperboloid by the plane z=0.
16. Find the point of intersection P, Q of the generators
9. A variable generator meets two generators of the of opposite system drawn through the points A (a
system through the extremities B and B' of the cos , b sin , 0) and B (a cos  b sin , 0) of the
minor axis of the principal elliptic section of the principal elliptic section of the hyperboloid
x2 y2 (x2/a2) + (y2/b2) – (z2/c2) = 1.
hyperboloid   z 2c 2  1 in P and P'. Prove
a 2 b2
that BP.B'P'=a2+c2.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

Hence show that if A and B are extremities of

semi-conjugate diameters, the loci of the points P
and Q are the ellipses
(x2/a2) + (y2/b2) = 2, z =  c

17. Find the equations to the genreating lines of the

hyperboloid (x2/4) + (y2/9) – (z2/16) = 1 which
pass through the points (2, 3, –4) and (2, –1,

18. If A and A are the extremities of the major axis

of the principal elliptic section and any generator
meets two generators of the same system trhough
A and A in P and P respectively, then prove that
AP . A P = b2 + c2

18. Reduce the following equation to its canonical

form and determine the nature of the conic
4 x 2  4 xy  y 2  12 x  6 y  5  0.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

All Chapters

Scoring Maximum Marks in Main-2016
• Class Timings – 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM.
• Atleast one day one module to be discussed (Expected)
• A question based approach to be followed.
• Pin-pointed formulas to be provided.
• 15-20 problems to be provided on each formula set.
• Time-bound problem solving sessions.
• On board discussion sessions to be followed there after.
• Around 50-100 problems expected to be solved per session.
• Only problems to be discussed, no concept explanation.
• Sessions will be from Monday to Friday.

H.O. : 25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Ph. : 011-45629987, 9999197625
B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-09
B.O.: H.No. 1-10-237, 2nd Floor,
Room No. 202, R.L’S-Kancham’s Blue Supphire, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad-20.

1. Prove that the locus of the section of the ellipsoid 9. A, B, C are (3, 2, 1), (-2, 0, -3), (0, 0, -2). Find the
x 
locus of P if the volume PABC = 5.
 a 2 
 1 by the plane PQR is the ellipsoid
  10. The tangent at (a cos b sin) on the ellipse
x2 y2 z2 1 x2 y2
   .   1 meets the auxiliary circle in two
a 2 b2 c 2 3 a 2 b2
points. The chord joining them subtends a right
2. Find the condcondition that the section of the angle at the centre. Find the eccentricity of the
conicoid ellipse.
ax2  by 2  cz 2  2 fyz  2 gzx  2hxy  1
11. A plane makes equal intercepts on the positive
by the plane lx  my  nz  0 be a rectangular
parts of the axes and touches the ellipsoid
x 2  4 y 2  9 z 2  36. Find its equation.
3. Find the coordinates of the vertex and equation
to the axis fo the hyperbolic paraboloid 12. Prove that the semi-latus rectum of any conic is
a harmonic mean between the segments of any
4 x 2  y 2  z 2  2 yz  zx  4 y  8 z  2  0. focal chord.

4. Prove that the locus of the point of intersection 13. Derive the equations to the planes that touch the
of three tangent planes to the ellipsoid
surface 4 x 2  5 y 2  7 z 2  13  0 and are parallel to
2 2 2
x y z the plane 4 x  20 y  21z  0. Also determine the
 2  2  1, which are parallel to the
a b c coordinates of the points of contact.
conjugate diametral planes of the ellipsoid
x2 y 2 z 2 14. Find the equations of the tangent planes to the
  1
 2 2  2 ellipsoid 7 x2  5 y 2  3z 2  60 which pass through
the line 7 x  10 y  30  0. , 5 y  3 z  0.
x2 y 2 z 2 a 2 b 2 c2
is 2  2  2  2  2  2 .
     
15. Prove that two normals to the ellipsoid

5. Find the locus of the chords of a cone which are x2 y 2 z 2

   1, lie in the plane x  2 y  3 z  0,
bisected at a fixed point. 4 3 2
and the line joining their feet has direction consines
6. If r be the radius of the circle proportional to 12, –9,2.
x 2 +y 2 +z 2 + 2ux+2vy+2w z+d=0 , 16. Show that any two circular sections of an ellipsoid
prove that (r2 + d2) (l2+m2+n2) = (mw - nv)2 + of opposite systems lie on a sphere.
(nu-lw)2+(lv-mu)2 .
17. CP and CD are conjugate diameters of an ellipse
7. Find the volume of a tetrahedron in terms fo the
x2 y2
lengths of the three hedges which meet in a point   1. Prove that the locus of the
and of the angles which these edges makes with a2 b2
each other in pairs. orthocentre of the triangle CPD is the curve
3 2
2  b2 y2  a2 x2    a2  b2  b2 y2  a2 x2  .
8. Find the locus of the poles of chords which are
normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax.
18. Show that the lines drawn from the origin parallel
to the normals to the central conicoid

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

ax2+by2+cz2=1, at its points of intersection with 27. Find the locus of equal conjugate diameters of
the plane lx+my+nz = p generate the cone
x2 y2 z2
2 ellipsoid    1.
 x 2 y 2 z 2   lx my nz  a 2 b 2 c2
p2         
a b c  a b c 
28. Prove that
19. Show that the locus of a point from which the 5 x 2  5 y 2  8 z 2  8 yz  8 zx  2 xy  12 x  12 y  6  0
three mutually perpendicular tangent lines can be represents a cylinder whose cross – section is an
drawn to the paraboloid x 2  y 2  2 z  0 is 1
ellipse of eccentricity
2 2
x  y  4z  1 2

20. Prove that two of the straight lines represented 29. If TP, TQ and T' P' , T' Q' be the tangents to an
by the equation ellipse, then prove that the six points T, P, Q,
T',P',Q' all lie on a conic.
x 3  bx 2 y  cxy 2  y 3  0
will be at right angles, if b  c  2. 30. Show that the equation
9 x 2  16 y 2  18 x  32 y  151  0
21. Find the equations ( in Symmetric form ) of the
represents a hyperbola. Obtain its eccentricity
tangent line to the circle
and foci.
x 2  y 2  z 2  5 x  7 y  2 z  8  0,
3x – 2y + 4z + 3 = 0 at the point (-3,5,4). 31. Show that the equation
x 2  5 xy  y 2  8 x  20 y  15  0
22. If normals at the points of an ellipse whose
represents a hyperbola. Find the co – ordinates
ecentric angels are α, β, γ and  meet in a point,
of its centre and the length of its real semi axes.
then show that
sin(   )  sin(   )  sin(   )  0. 32. Find the equation to the common conjugate
diameters of the conics x 2  4 xy  6 y 2  1 and
23. Find the equations of the lines of intersection of
the plane x+7y-5z and the cone 3yz+14zx-30xy=0 6 x 2  6 xy  9 y 2  1

24. Prove that the locus of the foot of the 33. Find the co – ordinates of the point of intersection
perpendicular drawn from the vertex on a tangent x y x y z
2 2 3 of the generators   2  0    and
to the parabola y  4ax is ( x  a ) y  x  0. a b a b 
x y x y z
25. Find the locus of the middle points of the chords   2    of the surface
a b a b 
2 2 2
of the rectangular hyperbola x  y  a which
x2 y2
touch the parabola y 2  4ax.   2 z . Hence show that the locus of the
a 2 b2
points of intersection of perpendicular generators
26. Tangents are drawn from any point on the ellipse is the curve of intersection of the surface with
x2 y2 the plane 2 z  (a 2  b 2 )  0.
  1 to the circle x 2  y 2  r 2 . Show that
a 2 b2
chords of contact are tangents to the ellipse 34. The generators through a point P on the
2 2 2 2 4
a x b y  r . x2 y2 z2
hyperboloid    1 meet the principal
a2 b2 c2
elliptic section in two points such that the eccentric

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

angle of one of double that of the other. Show 42. Find the locus of the points from which three
that P lies on the curve mutually perpendicular tangents can be drawn to
the paraboloid
a (1  3t 2 ) bt (3  t 2 )
x 2
,y , z  ct. . (x2/a2) – (y2/b2) = 2z
1 t 1 t2

43. Find the equations to the tangent planes to the

35. Prove that the parallels through the origin to the
hyperbolid 2x2 – 6y2 + 3z2 = 5 which pass through
binormals of the helix
the line
x  a cos  , y  a sin  , z  k lie upon the right cone x + 9y – 3z = 0 = 3x – 3y + 6z – 5.
 
a 2 x2  y 2  k 2 z 2
44. Find the locus of the point of intersection of
perpendicular generators of the hyperbolic
36. Planes are drawn through a fixed point so that paraboloid.
their sections of the paraboloid ax 2  by 2  2 z are
rectangular hyperbolas. Prove that they touch 45. Show that the length of the shortest distance
2 2 2 between the line z  x tan  , y  0 and any
the cone
x  
 y   
z    0.
b a ab tangent to the ellipse
x2 sin 2   y 2  a 2 , z  0 is constant.
37. Prove that the centres of the spheres which touch
the lines y = mx , z = c ;y=-mx, z = -c lie upon the 46. Two perpendicular tangent planes to the
conicoid mxy  cz (1  m )  0 paraboloid x 2 / a  y 2 / b  2 z intersect in a line
lying on the plane x=0. Prove that the line touches
38. Show that if all the plane sections of a surface , the parabola
which has equation of second degree, are circles
, the surface must be a sphere. y 2  (a  b)(2 z  a), x  0.

39. Find an expression for the product of distances 47. CP, CQ are any two conjugate semi-diametrs of
from the origin to the points of intersection of the the ellipse (x2/a2) + (y2/b2) = 1, z=c, CP , CQ  are
quadric the conjugate diameters of the allipse (x2/a2) +
ax2  by2  cz2  2 fyz  2gzx  2hxy  2ux  2vy  2wz  d  0 (y2/b2) = 1,z = -c drawn in the same directions as
with the line through the origin with direction CP and CQ. Prove that the hyperboloid (2x2/a2)
cosines l, m, n. + (2y2/b2)-(z2/c2)=1 is generated by either PQ
or P Q .
40. Any three mutually orthogonal lines drawn through
a point C(0, 1, -1) meet the quadric
48. Find the angle between the lines given by x+y+z=0
2 x 2  3 y 2  5 z 2  1 in points and
( P1 , P2 ) , (Q1 , Q2 ) & ( R1 , R2 ) yz zx xy
respectively. Show that    0.
qr r  p pq
CP1 . CP2  CQ 1.CQ  CR 1.CR  cons tan t
1 2 1 2

49. Prove that the tangent planes to the hyperboloid

41. Any plane whose normal lies on the cone  x2   y 2   z2 
2 2
(b  c)x  (c  a) y  (a  b)z  0 2  a 2    b 2    c 2   1 which are parallel to

cuts the surface ax2  by2  cz2  1 in a rectangular tangent planes to the cone

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

b 2 c 2 x 2 c 2 a 2 y 2 a 2b 2 z 2
   0 cut the surface in
c 2  b 2 c 2  a 2 a 2  b2
perpendicular generators.
50. Prove that the shortest distance between the axis
of z and the line
x z  y x z 1  y
   1   ,   1  
a c  b a c  b
for varying, , generates the surface
   
abz x 2  y 2  a 2  b 2 cxy.

51. Find the equations to the tangent planes to the

surface 7 x2  3 y 2  z 2  21  0, which pass
through the line 7 x  6 y  9  0, z  3.

H.O. 25/8 Old Rajender Nagaer Market, Delhi-60

B.O.: 105-106, Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, delhi-9
Ph : 011-45629987, 09999197625 || Email :, www.ims4maths. com

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